Results for 'hybridization'

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    The argument for a.Hybrid Retaliation Law - unknown - Argument: Biannual Philosophical Journal 1:1-2005.
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  2. Teresa Marques, Logos / University of Barcelona.Hybrid Dispositionalism & the law - 2019 - In Toh Kevin, Plunkett David & Shapiro Scott (eds.), Dimensions of Normativity: New Essays on Metaethics and Jurisprudence. New York: Oxford University Press.
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    DAVIES, DAVID. Art as Performance. Blackwell Publishing. 2003. pp. 278. Hardback£ 55.00, paperback£ 19.99. ELDRIDGE, RICHARD. An Introduction to the Philosophy of Art. Cambridge UP 2003. pp. 285. [REVIEW]Richard Rorty & Hegemony Hybridity - 2004 - British Journal of Aesthetics 44 (2).
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  4. Characterization, Interpolation and Complexity, by Carlos Areces, Patrick Blackburn and Maarten Marx.Patrick Blackburn & Maarten Marx Hybrid Logic - 2001 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 66 (3):977-1010.
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  5. Solicitors as imagined masculine, family mediators as fictive feminine and the hybridization of divorce solicitors.Lisa Webley - 2011 - In Reid Mortensen, Francesca Bartlett & Kieran Tranter (eds.), Alternative perspectives on lawyers and legal ethics: reimagining the profession. New York: Routledge.
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    Old techniques in new ways: Clause weighting, unit propagation and hybridization for maximum satisfiability.Shaowei Cai & Zhendong Lei - 2020 - Artificial Intelligence 287 (C):103354.
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    In the Blind Spot: The Hybridization of Contracting.Gunther Teubner - 2007 - Theoretical Inquiries in Law 8 (1):51-71.
    What are the consequences of modernity for the institution of contracting? As the unity of the traditional contract is dissolved into a multiplicity of separate contracting worlds, the binding force of contracting needs to be reformulated from an interpersonal to an interdiscursive relation. The central thesis of this Article is that the unity of contracting is hidden in the blind spot of the distinction between contracting worlds. Contracting needs two diametrically contradictory but complementary theories which cannot be integrated into a (...)
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  8. Deconstructing a sovereign right : the hybridization of the anti-death penalty discourse in Europe.Jon Yorke - 2017 - In Rosa Freedman & Nicolas Lemay-Hébert (eds.), Hybridity: law, culture and development. New York, NY: Routledge.
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    Careful assistance? Personal assistance within the family as hybridization of modern welfare policy and traditional family care.Elisabeth Olin & Anna Dunér - 2019 - Alter - European Journal of Disability Research / Revue Européenne de Recherche Sur le Handicap 13 (2):113-125.
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    From Functional Differentiation to (Re-) Hybridization. The Challenges of Bio-Objects in Synthetic Biology.Peter Dabrock, Matthias Braun & Jens Ried - 2013 - In Martin G. Weiss & Hajo Greif (eds.), Ethics, society, politics: proceedings of the 35th International Ludwig Wittgenstein Symposium, Kirchberg am Wechsel, Austria, 2012. Boston: De Gruyter Ontos. pp. 453-482.
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    Mendel's Program for the Hybridization of Apple Trees.V. Orel & M. Vávra - 1968 - Journal of the History of Biology 1 (2):219 - 224.
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    Hybrid languages.Patrick Blackburn & Jerry Seligman - 1995 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 4 (3):251-272.
    Hybrid languages have both modal and first-order characteristics: a Kripke semantics, and explicit variable binding apparatus. This paper motivates the development of hybrid languages, sketches their history, and examines the expressive power of three hybrid binders. We show that all three binders give rise to languages strictly weaker than the corresponding first-order language, that full first-order expressivity can be gained by adding the universal modality, and that all three binders can force the existence of infinite models and have undecidable satisfiability (...)
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    Phylogeny and classification of birds based on the data of DNA-DNA hybridization.Charles G. Sibley & Jon E. Ahlquist - 1983 - In Richard Johnston (ed.), Current Ornithology. Plenum Press. pp. 245--292.
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    Intuitionistic hybrid logic.Torben Braüner & Valeria de Paiva - 2006 - Journal of Applied Logic 4 (3):231-255.
    Hybrid logics are a principled generalization of both modal logics and description logics, a standard formalism for knowledge representation. In this paper we give the first constructive version of hybrid logic, thereby showing that it is possible to hybridize constructive modal logics. Alternative systems are discussed, but we fix on a reasonable and well-motivated version of intuitionistic hybrid logic and prove essential proof-theoretical results for a natural deduction formulation of it. Our natural deduction system is also extended with additional inference (...)
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  15. Hybrid Logics: Characterization, Interpolation and Complexity.Carlos Areces, Patrick Blackburn & Maarten Marx - 2001 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 66 (3):977-1010.
    Hybrid languages are expansions of propositional modal languages which can refer to worlds. The use of strong hybrid languages dates back to at least [Pri67], but recent work has focussed on a more constrained system called $\mathscr{H}$. We show in detail that $\mathscr{H}$ is modally natural. We begin by studying its expressivity, and provide model theoretic characterizations and a syntactic characterization. The key result to emerge is that $\mathscr{H}$ corresponds to the fragment of first-order logic which is invariant for generated (...)
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    Hybrid-Logical Reasoning in the Smarties and Sally-Anne Tasks.Torben Braüner - 2014 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 23 (4):415-439.
    The main aim of the present paper is to use a proof system for hybrid modal logic to formalize what are called false-belief tasks in cognitive psychology, thereby investigating the interplay between cognition and logical reasoning about belief. We consider two different versions of the Smarties task, involving respectively a shift of perspective to another person and to another time. Our formalizations disclose that despite this difference, the two versions of the Smarties task have exactly the same underlying logical structure. (...)
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    Hybrid space: constituting the hospital as a home space for patients.Jean A. Gilmour - 2006 - Nursing Inquiry 13 (1):16-22.
    A growing body of nursing writing is engaged in reviewing the material and relational world of nursing using geographical concepts. This paper draws upon research undertaken in hospital settings where nurses constituted the hospital as a home space for patients. Nurses’ practices created an equitable and patient‐centred use of physical space in the hospital ward, along with the intimate, extended and personal relationships associated by patients with a caring and homely environment. It is suggested that this constitution of space resonates (...)
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  18. Hybrid Theory of Legal Statements and Disagreement on the Content of Law.M. Wieczorkowski - manuscript
    Disagreement is a pervasive feature of human discourse and a crucial force in shaping our social reality. From mundane squabbles about matters of taste to high-stakes disputes about law and public policy, the way we express and navigate disagreement plays a central role in both our personal and political lives. Legal discourse, in particular, is rife with disagreement - it is the very bread and butter of courtroom argument and legal scholarship alike. Consider a debate between two legal philosophers, Ronald (...)
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  19. A Hybrid Account of Harm.Charlotte Franziska Unruh - 2023 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 101 (4):890-903.
    ABSTRACT When does a state of affairs constitute a harm to someone? Comparative accounts say that being worse off constitutes harm. The temporal version of the comparative account is seldom taken seriously, due to apparently fatal counterexamples. I defend the temporal version against these counterexamples, and show that it is in fact more plausible than the prominent counterfactual version of the account. Non-comparative accounts say that being badly off constitutes harm. However, neither the temporal comparative account nor the non-comparative account (...)
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  20. Normativizing Hybridity/Neutralizing Culture.Nikolas Kompridis - 2005 - Political Theory 33 (3):318-343.
    This essay takes issue with the way the highly fashionable concept of hybridity has been used to skew our understanding of cultural identity, and render conceptually and normatively indefensible the political claims of culture. It also challenges the current ‘anti-essentialist’ orthodoxy about what culture ‘really is,’ and shows that neither ‘essentialism’ nor ‘anti-essentialism’ helps us get right the place of culture in politics, because both fail to recognize the identity and non-identity of culture with itself.
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    Hybrid logics of separation axioms.Dmitry Sustretov - 2009 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 18 (4):541-558.
    We study hybrid logics in topological semantics. We prove that hybrid logics of separation axioms are complete with respect to certain classes of finite topological models. This characterisation allows us to obtain several further results. We prove that aforementioned logics are decidable and PSPACE-complete, the logics of T 1 and T 2 coincide, the logic of T 1 is complete with respect to two concrete structures: the Cantor space and the rational numbers.
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    A Guide to Nucleic Acid Hybridization Nucleic acid hybridization: A practical approach, ed. by B. D. Hames and S. J. Higgins. Irl Press. 1985. pp. 245. £22, $40 hardback; £14. $25 paperback. [REVIEW]David A. Gillespie - 1986 - Bioessays 5 (4):187-188.
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  23. Hybrid counterfactual logics David Lewis meets Arthur prior again.Katsuhiko Sano - 2009 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 18 (4):515-539.
    The purpose of this paper is to argue that the hybrid formalism fits naturally in the context of David Lewis’s counterfactual logic and that its introduction into this framework is desirable. This hybridization enables us to regard the inference “The pig is Mary; Mary is pregnant; therefore the pig is pregnant” as a process of updating local information (which depends on the given situation) by using global information (independent of the situation). Our hybridization also has the following technical (...)
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    Hybrid art: Towards a new scepticism.Iro Laskari, Irene Mavrommati & Eleni Glinou - 2019 - Technoetic Arts 17 (1):33-47.
    In Hybrid artwork, whereby the digital and the real are mixed, the artist/creator has to additionally manage interaction. Interaction is seen as an added dimension to narration: the art piece turns from being a means towards a narration (or an understanding) to a path towards an experience. It is argued that strong metaphysical concepts give place to new more fragmented ones. This nihilism and fragmentation can be seen as a cause of concern but also as an opportunity.
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    Hybrid Texts and Uniform Law? The Multilingual Case Law of the Court of Justice of the European Union.Karen McAuliffe - 2011 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 24 (1):97-115.
    The case law of the Court of Justice of the European Union is shaped by the language in which it is drafted—i.e. French. However, because French is rarely the mother tongue of those drafting that case law, the texts produced are often stilted and awkward. In addition, those drafting such case law are constrained in their use of language and style of writing. These factors have led to the development of a ‘Court French’ which necessarily shapes the case law produced (...)
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    Hybrid logics with Sahlqvist axioms.Balder Cate, Maarten Marx & Petrúcio Viana - 2005 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 13 (3):293-300.
    We show that every extension of the basic hybrid logic with modal Sahlqvist axioms is complete. As a corollary of our approach, we also obtain the Beth property for a large class of hybrid logics. Finally, we show that the new completeness result cannot be combined with the existing general completeness result for pure axioms.
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    Hybrid Arguments.Mark Vorobej - 1995 - Informal Logic 17 (2).
    Sometimes logical support for a conclusion is provided exclusively by premises which are independently relevant to that conclusion. At other times, support is provided exclusively by independently irrelevant premises. On still other occasions, relevant and irrelevant premises may collectively offer a distinctive pattern of support. This paper provides a rigorous account of some of these differences in terms of a tripartite classification of convergent, linked and hybrid arguments. These various arguments are defined, diagrammed, and some of their logical properties are (...)
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  28. (1 other version)Hybrid Theories.Christopher Woodard - 2015 - In Guy Fletcher (ed.), The Routledge Handbook of Philosophy of Well-Being. New York,: Routledge. pp. 161-174.
    This chapter surveys hybrid theories of well-being. It also discusses some criticisms, and suggests some new directions that philosophical discussion of hybrid theories might take.
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    How Hybrids Manage Growth and Social–Business Tensions in Global Supply Chains: The Case of Impact Sourcing.Chacko G. Kannothra, Stephan Manning & Nardia Haigh - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 148 (2):271-290.
    This study contributes to the growing interest in how hybrid organizations manage paradoxical social–business tensions. Our empirical case is “impact sourcing”—hybrids in global supply chains that hire staff from disadvantaged communities to provide services to business clients. We identify two major growth orientations—“community-focused” and “client-focused” growth—their inherent tensions and ways that hybrids manage them. The former favors slow growth and manages tensions through highly integrated client and community relations; the latter promotes faster growth and manages client and community relations separately. (...)
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    Hybrid Identities and Hybrid Equational Logic.Klaus Denecke - 1995 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 41 (2):190-196.
    Hybrid identities are sentences in a special second order language with identity. The model classes of sets of hybrid identities are called hybrid solid varieties. We give a Birkhoff-type-characterization of hybrid solid varieties and develop a hybrid equational logic.
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    Hybrid Formulas and Elementarily Generated Modal Logics.Ian Hodkinson - 2006 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 47 (4):443-478.
    We characterize the modal logics of elementary classes of Kripke frames as precisely those modal logics that are axiomatized by modal axioms synthesized in a certain effective way from "quasi-positive" sentences of hybrid logic. These are pure positive hybrid sentences with arbitrary existential and relativized universal quantification over nominals. The proof has three steps. The first step is to use the known result that the modal logic of any elementary class of Kripke frames is also the modal logic of the (...)
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    Hybrids of the Romantic: Frankenstein, Olimpia, and Artificial Life.Silvia Micheletti - 2018 - Berichte Zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte 41 (2):146-155.
    Hybride der Romantik: Frankenstein, Olimpia und das künstliche Leben. Dieser Beitrag untersucht Vorstellungen über die Möglichkeit der Erzeugung künstlicher Lebewesen in der Zeit der Romantik und die damit verbundenen Ängste am Beispiel zweier fiktionaler Texte: Mary Shelleys Frankenstein und Ernst Theodor Amadeus Hoffmanns Sandmann. Dr. Franksteins Monster und Dr. Spalanzanis Automat verkörpern – auf unterschiedliche Weise – die Möglichkeit einer Wendung wissenschaftlicher Produkte und insbesondere künstlicher Hybride ins Monströse. Ihre Geschichten thematisieren das Grauen, das vom drohenden Kontrollverlust ausgeht und als (...)
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    Demonic Hybridity and Liminality: Pazuzu and Lamaštu.Marija Todorovska - 2023 - Годишен зборник на Филозофскиот факултет/The Annual of the Faculty of Philosophy in Skopje 76 (1):91-105.
    In this text an overview is offered of some of the most significant categories of the demonic from the Mesopotamian beliefs – of hybridity and liminality – through some examples of the conceptions of the demons Pazuzu and Lamaštu. Firstly, the logicaldialectical relations of the sphere of the demonic as external and foreign, opposed to the homely, familiar and close sphere are sketched; as well as the relation of the demonic as terrifying and potentially menacing, as opposed to the ordered (...)
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    The Hybrid Theory of Stories and Arguments Applied to the Simonshaven Case.Floris J. Bex - 2020 - Topics in Cognitive Science 12 (4):1152-1174.
    Bex analyzes the case with an informal version of his hybrid theory, which combines scenario construction and argumentation. Arguments based on evidence can be used to reason about alternative scenarios. Bex claims that his hybrid theory provides the best of both worlds by combining cognitively feasible story‐based reasoning with more detailed rational argumentation. However, like the argument‐based approach, the hybrid theory does not provide a systematic account of uncertainty.
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    Hybrid expressivism and epistemic justification.Martin Grajner - 2015 - Philosophical Studies 172 (9):2349-2369.
    Epistemic expressivists maintain, to a first approximation, that epistemic assertions express non-cognitive mental states, like endorsements, valuations, or pro-attitudes, rather than cognitive mental states such as beliefs. Proponents of epistemic expressivism include Chrisman, Gibbard, Field, Kappel, and Ridge, among others. In this paper, I argue for an alternative view to epistemic expressivism. The view I seek to advocate is inspired by hybrid expressivist theories about moral judgments, Copp Oxford studies in metaethics, 2009), Finlay, Strandberg ). According to these hybrid views, (...)
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    Why Hybrid Bicameralism Is Not Right for Sortition.Terrill Bouricius - 2018 - Politics and Society 46 (3):435-451.
    Structural problems are examined with pairing two chambers, one selected by election and the other by sortition, into a traditional bicameral system. It is argued that an all-purpose legislative chamber modeled on existing elected chambers is a mismatch for sortition and that purported benefits of maintaining partisan elections alongside sortition are illusory. Alleged benefits of a hybrid bicameral system are shown to be outweighed by a variety of harmful effects. Furthermore, even if those harms are not substantiated, the continued existence (...)
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    Not just “a clever way to detect whether DNA really made RNA”1: The invention of DNA–RNA hybridization and its outcome1Judson. [REVIEW]Susie Fisher - 2015 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 53:40-52.
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    Hybrid probabilistic logic programs as residuated logic programs.Carlos Damásio & Luís Pereira - 2002 - Studia Logica 72 (1):113 - 138.
    In this paper we show the embedding of Hybrid Probabilistic Logic Programs into the rather general framework of Residuated Logic Programs, where the main results of (definite) logic programming are validly extrapolated, namely the extension of the immediate consequences operator of van Emden and Kowalski. The importance of this result is that for the first time a framework encompassing several quite distinct logic programming semantics is described, namely Generalized Annotated Logic Programs, Fuzzy Logic Programming, Hybrid Probabilistic Logic Programs, and Possibilistic (...)
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  39. The Hybrid Nature of Promissory Obligation.Neal A. Tognazzini - 2007 - Philosophy and Public Affairs 35 (3):203–232.
    How do promissory obligations get created? Some have thought that the answer to this question must make reference to our social practice of promising. Recently, however, T.M. Scanlon has argued (in his book What We Owe to Each Other) for a pure ‘expectation view’ of promising, according to which promissory obligations arise as a result of our producing certain expectations in others. He formulates a principle of fidelity (Principle F) that tells us when one has gained an obligation due to (...)
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    Hybrid Knowledge and Research on the Efficacy of Alternative and Complementary Medicine Treatments.Yael Keshet - 2010 - Social Epistemology 24 (4):331-347.
    Analysis of the debate concerning the appropriate way of researching the effects of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) treatments highlights the controversial issue of the mind–body bond in medical research. The article examines a range of approaches, extending from outright opposition to CAM research, through the demand to employ only rigorous trials, to suggestions to use a hierarchy of evidence, up to practice‐based research proposals. These diverse approaches are analysed using theoretical concepts from the field of sociology of science and (...)
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  41. Hybrid Expressivism and the Analogy between Pejoratives and Moral Language.Ryan J. Hay - 2013 - European Journal of Philosophy 21 (3):450-474.
    : In recent literature supporting a hybrid view between metaethical cognitivism and noncognitivist expressivism, much has been made of an analogy between moral terms and pejoratives. The analogy is based on the plausible idea that pejorative slurs are used to express both a descriptive belief and a negative attitude. The analogy looks promising insofar as it encourages the kinds of features we should want from a hybrid expressivist view for moral language. But the analogy between moral terms and pejorative slurs (...)
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  42. Hybrid Theories of Moral Statements.Stephen Barker - 2013 - In Hugh LaFollette (ed.), The International Encyclopedia of Ethics. Hoboken, NJ: Blackwell.
    Hybrid theories are metaethical theories concerning the content of sentences about moral value. These theories claim that sentences with ethical content express two kinds of mental state. One state is an affect‐like state. The other is a belief‐like state. The expressed affect‐like state will involve a moral attitude of some kind, such as approval, but it is not part of the truth‐conditions of the sentence. We can divide hybridists into two kinds.
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    Hybrider ou permettre de relier?Marie Bluteau - 2022 - Revue Phronesis 11 (4):96-111.
    The health context obliges an accelerated mutation of the formations which meets an older process of transformation, that of hybridization. This article proposes to open up useful avenues for the engineering of capacitive hybrid devices. So we come back in turn to different research. First, we explore the articulation between device and dispositions in the processes of capabilities, then, the notion of hybridization by drawing on the experience of integrative alternating training and its reliances. Finally, for a perspective (...)
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  44. Frege's Theory of Hybrid Proper Names Developed and Defended.Mark Textor - 2007 - Mind 116 (464):947-982.
    Does the English demonstrative pronoun 'that' (including complex demonstratives of the form 'that F') have sense and reference? Unlike many other philosophers of language, Frege answers with a resounding 'No'. He held that the bearer of sense and reference is a so-called 'hybrid proper name' (Künne) that contains the demonstrative pronoun and specific circumstances of utterance such as glances and acts of pointing. In this paper I provide arguments for the thesis that demonstratives are hybrid proper names. After outlining why (...)
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    Hybrid Management: Boundary Organizations, Science Policy, and Environmental Governance in the Climate Regime.Clark Miller - 2001 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 26 (4):478-500.
    The theory of boundary organizations was developed to address an important group of institutions in American society neglected by scholarship in science studies and political science. The long-term stability of scientific and political institutions in the United States has enabled a new class of institutions to grow and thrive as mediators between the two. As originally developed, this structural feature of these new institutions—that is, their location on the boundary between science and politics—dominated theoretical frame-works for explaining their behavior. Applying (...)
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  46. Hybrid collective intentionality.Thomas Brouwer, Roberta Ferrario & Daniele Porello - 2020 - Synthese 199 (1-2):3367-3403.
    The theory of collective agency and intentionality is a flourishing field of research, and our understanding of these phenomena has arguably increased greatly in recent years. Extant theories, however, are still ill-equipped to explain certain aspects of collective intentionality. In this article we draw attention to two such underappreciated aspects: the failure of the intentional states of collectives to supervene on the intentional states of their members, and the role of non-human factors in collective agency and intentionality. We propose a (...)
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    Hybrid logic meets if modal logic.Tero Tulenheimo - 2009 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 18 (4):559-591.
    The hybrid logic and the independence friendly modal logic IFML are compared for their expressive powers. We introduce a logic IFML c having a non-standard syntax and a compositional semantics; in terms of this logic a syntactic fragment of IFML is singled out, denoted IFML c . (In the Appendix it is shown that the game-theoretic semantics of IFML c coincides with the compositional semantics of IFML c .) The hybrid logic is proven to be strictly more expressive than IFML (...)
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    Hybrid Constitution/Melez Anayasa: An artwork as a text as an artwork.Francesco Monico - 2014 - Technoetic Arts 12 (2):355-363.
    The Hybrid Constitution/Melez Anayasa defines the principles upon which a Hybrid Constitution between nature and technology is based. This is an artistic task, because nature and technology cannot inscribe their Magisteria as beings and rights inside a ‘Constitution’, but a beginning for a new utopic non-human-centred vision. The Hybrid Constitution is based on the assumption that best constitution is a mixed system, including human, nature, and low- and high-tech elements. This constitution distinguishes between human citizens, who had the right to (...)
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    Hybrid and pluralist accounts of concepts: Processing and long-term storage, two dimensions of agreement.Sabrina Haimovici - 2023 - Philosophical Psychology 36 (3):601-620.
    Hybrid and pluralist accounts of concepts agree that the class of concepts includes a multiplicity of heterogeneous representational structures, such as prototypes, sets of exemplars and theories. In this paper I argue that these accounts agree on two additional central claims related to the ways in which they articulate those structures: each type of representational structure can be used independently in psychological processes, and co-referential concepts are associated in a distinctive way as representations of the same category. Although they disagree (...)
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  50. Hybrid Models, Climate Models, and Inference to the Best Explanation.Joel Katzav - 2013 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 64 (1):107-129.
    I examine the warrants we have in light of the empirical successes of a kind of model I call ‘ hybrid models ’, a kind that includes climate models among its members. I argue that these warrants ’ strengths depend on inferential virtues that are not just explanatory virtues, contrary to what would be the case if inference to the best explanation provided the warrants. I also argue that the warrants in question, unlike those IBE provides, guide inferences only to (...)
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