Results for 'human, values, culture, education, European identity, democracy'

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  1.  11
    Проблеми утвердження європейської демократичної аксіології в українському суспільстві.Yevhenia Riabeka - 2019 - Multiversum. Philosophical Almanac 5:23-36.
    Зміцнення незалежності української держави пов’язане з необхідністю вирішення низки нагальних економічних, політичних, соціокультурних проблем. У царині політики ці проблеми концентруються навколо поняття «демократія». Зміцнення демократії неодмінно посилить відкритість українського суспільства, сприятиме звеличенню свободи. Автор статті обгрунтовує тезу, що коли йдеться про утвердження в Україні демократично-правового суспільства, інститутів, правил і процедур, одним з фундаментальних питань є повноцінне закріплення європейських демократично-гуманістичних цінностей у суспільній свідомості, ментальності українців. Відзначається, що історично українці є європейською нацією, однак протягом тривалого часу перебували у складі державного утворення, (...)
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    Problems with a Weakly Pluralist Approach to Democratic Education.Sheron Fraser-Burgess - 2009 - The Pluralist 4 (2):1 - 16.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Problems with a Weakly Pluralist Approach to Democratic EducationSheron Fraser-BurgessIntroductionPluralism embodies wide acknowledgement of various forms of difference. Appeals to pluralism involve arguments for the proliferating of differences as a social and moral ideal. Rather than being a formal political regime such as with democracy or social liberalism, in the extant political philosophy literature, pluralism brings considerations of diversity and equality to bear in philosophical analysis of traditional (...)
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    The Concept of European Values.Sanja Ivic - 2019 - Cultura 16 (1):103-117.
    This inquiry investigates the concept of European values and cultural, philosophical, legal and political presuppositions on which the idea of European values is based. There are two approaches to the idea of European values. The first one is substantive approach. The substantive approach defines European values as based on the European heritage. This conception of European values is fixed. Another understanding of European values is represented by legal/political approach. Legal and political definition of (...)
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    (1 other version)Universal human rights as a shared political identity impossible? Necessary? Sufficient?Andreas Føllesdal - 2009 - Metaphilosophy 40 (1):77-91.
    Abstract: Would a global commitment to international human rights norms provide enough of a sense of community to sustain a legitimate and sufficiently democratic global order? Sceptics worry that human rights cannot help maintain the mutual trust among citizens required for a legitimate political order, since such rights are now too broadly shared. Thus prominent contributors to democratic theory insist that the members of the citizenry must share some features unique to them, to the exclusion of others—be it a (...) identity ( Habermas and Derrida 2003 ) or a national public culture generally shared only by the members ( Miller 1995, 2000 ). This essay considers and rejects these arguments. While stable, democratic redistributive arrangements do require trust and institutionalised means of trustworthiness; they need not rely on norms or values that distinguish members from non-members: such exclusion is not required. Thus human rights may be part of a common political identity. (shrink)
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    Theatre as a Transcultural Event: Notes on European Identity.Heinz-Uwe Haus - 2024 - The European Legacy 29 (5):524-532.
    The subject of intercultural exchange is complex and demands that we keep the basic issues that shape our views of the world in mind. And one of these basic issues is what we mean by “European identity.” The ideological concerns over the norms of identity became necessarily entangled in the post-1989 interests and agendas of Europe’s various nations. So the great challenge for us as academics as well as for the policymakers in Brussels and Strasburg is to focus on (...)
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  6.  21
    Educational Values in Human Rights Treaties: UN, European, and African International Law.Pablo Meix-Cereceda - 2020 - Human Rights Review 21 (4):437-461.
    While human rights treaties provide a formidable set of principles on education and values, domestic Courts often tend to adjudicate claims in terms of local arguments for or against each particular educational practice. This article explores how international human rights law could inspire the interpretation of domestic law and educational practice, without neglecting specific cultural aspects. Firstly, the article reviews the sociological debate on values in education and shows its importance for the legal discussion. Secondly, some critical contestations of international (...)
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  7.  36
    Julian Johnson, Who Needs Classical Music? Cultural Choice and Musical Value. Oxford University Press, 2002.William M. Perrine - 2014 - Philosophy of Music Education Review 22 (1):96.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Who Needs Classical Music? Cultural Choice and Musical Value by Julian JohnsonWilliam M. PerrineJulian Johnson, Who Needs Classical Music? Cultural Choice and Musical Value. Oxford University Press, 2002.In Who Needs Classical Music? Cultural Choice and Musical Value, British musicologist and composer Julian Johnson defends the value of classical music in a commercialized culture fixated on the immediate gratification of popular music. At 130 pages divided into six chapters, (...)
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  8.  14
    Conceptual Positions of the Value-Cultural Approach to the Explanation of the Political Activity of Persons.Георгій Гурамович УДЖМАДЖУРІДЗЕ - 2023 - Epistemological studies in Philosophy, Social and Political Sciences 6 (1):138-144.
    The article is devoted to the study of the phenomenon of political activity of persons. The purpose of the article is to study the positions of the value-cultural approach to explaining the factors of actualization and activation of the political activity of persons. The methods of analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, generalization and abstraction, historical, structural functionalism are used. Factors of modernization, material well-being, high education level, presence of social connections, political culture, national identities, membership in voluntary associations, and (...)
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  9.  2
    The Preservation and Revitalization of Local Ethnic Music Culture in School Music Education Philosophical Identity and Cultural Heritage.Guozhong Zhang, Jian Sun, Songkai He & Chengsui Zhou - 2024 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 16 (4):240-259.
    The development of local ethnic music culture is affected by the impact of foreign music culture, the establishment of the teaching system of music culture knowledge, understanding of history, culture, social background to mobilise the sensory mechanism, based on the popular elements of ethnic music innovation, as well as enrichment of the regional ethnic music and cultural activities, and active promotion of the protection of the local ethnic music culture of the five factors. The five factors relationship value are 0.440, (...)
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  10.  14
    Education in the Context of European Culture: Rationalism, Pragmatism, and the Outlines of Future Ethics.Marina A. Mojeiko - 2020 - Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences 63 (10):108-123.
    The article discusses education as a phenomenon of European culture. The author argues that education becomes inalienable component of European culture and largely determines its development trends. Thus, education traditionally was an important component of religious culture, despite that the methodological rationalism of scholasticism came into conflict with the postulation of the fundamental non-objectivity of God. Teaching theology as an academic discipline considered as a form of the comprehension of God. Since education turns out to be one of (...)
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  11.  11
    Youth policy development in Ukraine - experience of the European Union.Hanna Ortina & Liudmyla Yefimenko - 2019 - Гуманітарний Вісник Запорізької Державної Інженерної Академії:129-130.
    «Youth policy» as an independent term is defined in the scientific literature in the 1960s., which in many ways «was associated with the formation of youth as an independent social force and its self-determination in the socio-political space». By the 1970s XX century youth policy in the vast majority of developed countries is transforming an independent direction of national policy. Youth is a complex, multidimensional and rather controversial social phenomenon. Modern youth acts as the most active and mobile social group, (...)
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  12.  26
    Europe at a Crossroads and the Political Relevance of Intellectual Dialogue.Patrice Canivez - 2024 - The European Legacy 29 (5):459-470.
    Europe is in the midst of a double crisis: the rise of illiberal democracies and the reshaping of the so-called “world order.” Illiberal and autocratic regimes are on the rise and the “illiberal temptation” is present even in countries with strong democratic traditions, such as in Europe. The conflict between constitutional democracies and autocratic regimes is at the heart of the current struggle for a new international order. In this context, the confidence we have in our shared democratic and humanist (...)
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  13.  17
    Should a European project be universalistic? The case of Jürgen Habermas’ conception of European identity.Michala Lysoňková - 2017 - Human Affairs 27 (1):3-14.
    The emergence of the European Union as an autonomous actor, to some degree independent of its member states, raises the issue of a common European identity. Nowadays, this identity is predominantly understood in universalistic terms. This is evident in Jürgen Habermas’ constitutional patriotism, which represents an attempt to integrate the EU on the basis of universal legal-political norms. This universalism is, however, problematic because identity is a relational notion and requires the constitution of a particular boundary. Although Habermas (...)
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  14.  25
    Behind the Limes: On the Quest for an Eastern Dimension of European Identity.Juraj Hocman - 2008 - Human Affairs 18 (1):107-114.
    Behind the Limes: On the Quest for an Eastern Dimension of European Identity Although the integration processes in Western Europe have been studied for decades, the idea of European identity as a specific area of scholarship is relatively new. This interest coincides with fundamental changes that have occurred in Europe since 1989 and that may impact the internal coherence of the enlarged European Union. Over the past decades, the East-West dichotomy has been magnified due to the impact (...)
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  15.  16
    Democracy, culture and human development in John Dewey and Martha Nussbaum.Chinedu Vincent Ezeanochie - 2021 - Roma: G&BPress.
    This work is an attempt to contribute on the perennial question, how community life should be organized for human beings to achieve their basic aspirations of development? Drawing from the thoughts of Dewey and Nussbaum, this work offers democracy as a superior form of social organization. Democracy is superior not because it serves the interest of the majority but because of the values promoted by democracy which include but not limited to freedom, equality, interaction and deliberation. However, (...)
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  16.  16
    The University and Democracy: A Response to “Dewey, Implementation, and Creating a Democratic Civic University”.I. I. I. Lee A. McBride - 2023 - The Pluralist 18 (1):76-80.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The University and Democracy: A Response to “Dewey, Implementation, and Creating a Democratic Civic University”Lee A. McBride IIIira harkavy has given us much to consider. His paper, “Dewey, Implementation, and Creating a Democratic Civic University,” invites us to critically assess our democracy and the role of colleges and universities in the propagation of our democratic way of life. Harkavy suggests that universities are failing to fulfill their (...)
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  17.  39
    Values, cultural identity, and European integration: Towards a theoretical model.Chairperson Richard H. Roberts - 1996 - The European Legacy 1 (2):619-626.
    (1996). Values, cultural identity, and European integration: Towards a theoretical model. The European Legacy: Vol. 1, Fourth International Conference of the International Society for the study of European Ideas, pp. 619-626.
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  18. Moral problems of educated citizenship in the context of philosophy of education.Andriy Shevchuk - 2025 - Filosofiya osvity Philosophy of Education 30 (2):162-172.
    The moral and ethical issues of forming an educated citizenry are quite rel­evant for Ukrainian society. The formation of civic consciousness on the basis of European values is in the problematic field of the philosophy of education, which is a methodological guideline for the formation of an individual’s worldview. In the article, an attempt is made to outline the conceptual and categorical appara­tus of educated citizenship; in particular, the meaning of the term “citizenship” is clarified. Citizenship is defined as (...)
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  19.  63
    Tradizioni morali. Greci, ebrei, cristiani, islamici.Sergio Cremaschi - 2015 - Roma, Italy: Edizioni di storia e letteratura.
    Ex interiore ipso exeas. Preface. This book reconstructs the history of a still open dialectics between several ethoi, that is, shared codes of unwritten rules, moral traditions, or self-aware attempts at reforming such codes, and ethical theories discussing the nature and justification of such codes and doctrines. Its main claim is that this history neither amounts to a triumphal march of reason dispelling the mist of myth and bigotry nor to some other one-way process heading to some pre-established goal, but (...)
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  20.  30
    Response to Alexandra Kertz-Welzel's “Two Souls, Alas, Reside within My Breast”: Reflections on German and American Music Education Regarding the Internationalization of Music Education.Leonard Tan - 2015 - Philosophy of Music Education Review 23 (1):113.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Response to Alexandra Kertz-Welzel’s “Two Souls, Alas, Reside within My Breast”: Reflections on German and American Music Education Regarding the Internationalization of Music EducationPhilosophy of Music Education Review, 21, no.1 (Spring 2013): 52–65Leonard TanAs a Singaporean who, like Kertz-Welzel, spent four years residing in the United States, I read the article with great interest. Born to traditional Chinese parents, I was raised steeped in Confucian values, savored Chinese operas, (...)
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    The Dichotomy of Civilization and Barbarism: Its Origins and Evolution.Valeria I. Spiridonova - 2020 - Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences 63 (2):27-45.
    The article researches the historical transformation the dichotomy of civilization and barbarism, which was originally in ancient Greece without pejorative meaning. This dichotomy has become relevant today to justify the classification of states according to their degree of acceptance of “civilization standards,” which are understood as the standards of the European model of development. The main features of the stereotype of the divide between civilization and barbarism, which took shape in the Roman era, have survived to the present. The (...)
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    The Dichotomy of Civilization and Barbarism: Its Origins and Evolution.Валерия Игоревна Спиридонова - 2020 - Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences 63 (2):27-45.
    The article researches the historical transformation of the dichotomy of civilization and barbarism, which originally in ancient Greece did not have a pejorative connotation. This dichotomy has become relevant today to justify the classification of states according to their degree of acceptance of “civilization standards,” which are understood as the standards of the European model of development. The main features of the stereotype of the divide between civilization and barbarism, which took shape in the Roman era, have survived to (...)
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  23.  8
    Educating about, through and for human rights and democracy in uncertain times: The promise of the pedagogy of the community of philosophical inquiry.Vachararutai Boontinand & Joshua Forstenzer - forthcoming - Educational Philosophy and Theory.
    In a climate of growing intolerance and violence, marked by various forms of injustice across the democratic world, human rights and democratic citizenship education have the potential to help cultivate knowledge, values and skills or competences in the young that are necessary to foster a culture of human rights and democracy. However, education about, through and for human rights and democracy needs to be critical and transformative by going beyond delivering content knowledge and prescribing values to practically developing (...)
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  24.  15
    The Role of Heritage Education and Cultural Mediation in Students’ Identity Assertion.Anass Benichou, Saad Boulahnane & Hiba Benichou - 2022 - European Journal of Theology and Philosophy 2 (6):48-56.
    This article attempts to define, beyond the normative aspects, what heritage education exemplifies today. It seeks to understand how heritage education and cultural mediation can contribute to the affirmation of identity and individualization among young people and, by analogy, reduce inequalities of access to cultural practices, otherwise called cultural democracy, in which the school plays a pivotal role. It is, therefore, necessary to discuss the interest of this educational practice not only within the framework of schools, but also outside (...)
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  25.  39
    Liberalism and Communitarianism: a response to two recent attempts to reconcile individual autonomy with group identity.Neil Burtonwood - 1998 - Educational Studies 24 (3):295-304.
    Summary This article is concerned with recent attempts to balance the claims for political citizenship in a liberal democracy (liberalism) with competing claims for cultural identity within traditional non?liberal communities (communitarianism). Claims of the first kind are usually seen as universal in that they are based on what it is to be human, while claims of the second kind are seen as particular in so far as they relate to membership of a specific culture. Singh (1997) argues for discussion (...)
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  26.  80
    Music, spirituality, and education.David Carr - 2008 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 42 (1):16-29.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Music, Spirituality, and EducationDavid Carr (bio)Recent Interest in Spiritual EducationFew concerned with educational theory and policy could have failed to notice the recent upsurge of interest—not least in such economically developed democracies as the United Kingdom and the United States—in the notion of spiritual development as a possible aim or goal of public or common schooling. Indeed, in addition to the enormous growth of academic literature on this topic—including (...)
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  27.  53
    Values, cultural identity, and European integration: Towards a theoretical model.Richard H. Roberts - 1996 - The European Legacy 1 (2):619-626.
  28.  28
    Human nature and the feasibility of inclusivist moral progress.Andrés Segovia-Cuéllar - 2022 - Dissertation, Ludwig Maximilians Universität, München
    The study of social, ethical, and political issues from a naturalistic perspective has been pervasive in social sciences and the humanities in the last decades. This articulation of empirical research with philosophical and normative reflection is increasingly getting attention in academic circles and the public spheres, given the prevalence of urgent needs and challenges that society is facing on a global scale. The contemporary world is full of challenges or what some philosophers have called ‘existential risks’ to humanity. Nuclear wars, (...)
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    Education for European citizenship: a philosophical critique.Kevin Williams - 1996 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 15 (1):209-219.
    The European dimension of civic education can allow educators to promote many positive elements of internationalism. These include the promotion of general respect for the rule of law and for human rights and of commitment to democratic and egalitarian principles. This paper accepts these aspects of the European dimension in civic education. What it objects to is the attempt, through education, to change the focus of the political allegiance of young people by promoting the notion of ‘European (...)
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  30. (Abstract) Self-Identity and Its Social Metaphysical Underpinnings in the field of Education.Jr-Jiun Lian - 2024 - The International Academic Conference on Education Policy and Philosophy of Education, National Pingtung University.
    Education fundamentally focuses on 'individuals', whose human value is rooted in the expression of 'self-identity'. This process is influenced by their social rank and linguistic culture, and within varied discourses and ideological communities, different 'self-identity values' emerge. This applies to all individuals, whether they are citizens or women, and encompasses complex social metaphysical questions. For instance, how do we define social identities such as poverty, disability, privilege, or femininity? 'Intuition' and 'common sense' often fail in such definitions, especially in recognizing (...)
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  31.  40
    Cultural diversity, liberal pluralism and schools: Isaiah Berlin and education.Neil Burtonwood - 2006 - London ;: Routledge.
    Culturally diverse liberal democracies on both sides of the Atlantic are currently faced with serious questions about the education of their future citizens. What is the balance between the need for social cohesion, and at the same time dealing justly with the demands for exemptions and accommodations from cultural and religious minorities? In contemporary Britain, the importance of this question has been recently highlighted by the concern to develop political and educational strategies capable of countering the influence of extremist voices, (...)
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  32.  39
    Pax Americana and the World of Music Education.Estelle Ruth Jorgensen - 2004 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 38 (3):1.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Pax Americana and the World of Music EducationEstelle R. Jorgensen (bio)It may seem ironic to speak of a Pax Americana at a time when the United States is prosecuting a war and its aftermath.1 Still, imperialism, or the desire to keep the peace on one's own terms, has led other nations into war when their will and power was frustrated and thwarted. My purpose in this essay is to (...)
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  33.  86
    Educating Beyond Cultural Diversity: Redrawing the Boundaries of a Democratic Plurality.Sharon Todd - 2010 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 30 (2):101-111.
    In this paper I draw some distinctions between the terms “cultural diversity” and “plurality” and argue that a radical conception of plurality is needed in order both to re-imagine the boundaries of democratic education and to address more fully the political aspects of conflict that plurality gives rise to. This paper begins with a brief exploration of the usages of the term diversity in European documents that promote intercultural education as a democratic vehicle for overcoming social conflict between different (...)
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  34.  24
    A Hermeneutic Approach to the Formation of a Secular Culture in Modern Israel.Ruvik Rosenthal - 2024 - The European Legacy 29 (5):533-542.
    The creation of the state of Israel was the outcome of the Zionist movement, which originated in Europe and was itself inspired by fundamental European ideas—Enlightenment, national self-determination, democracy and socialism. From its earliest days Zionism was primarily a secular movement that rejected the religious establishment and religious way of life of the Jews in the Diaspora. In many respects, however, the founders of the state and the principles on which they founded its institutions—the political, judicial, economic, social, (...)
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    Naturalness as an Educational Value.Sune Frølund - 2016 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 50 (4):655-668.
    Existentialism and postmodernism have both abandoned the idea of a human nature. Also, the idea of naturalness as a value for education has been targeted as a blind for conservative ideology. There are, however, good reasons to re-establish a sound concept of human naturalness. First of all, the concept does not seem to have disappeared from common usage, despite all criticism. Secondly, the idea of naturalness seems essential to our sense of ourselves and for the formation of our identities. And (...)
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    Empty Words: Buddhist Philosophy and Cross-Cultural Interpretation (review).Edward R. Falls - 2005 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 25 (1):196-200.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Empty Words: Buddhist Philosophy and Cross-Cultural InterpretationEdward R. FallsEmpty Words: Buddhist Philosophy and Cross-Cultural Interpretation. By Jay L. Garfield. Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 2002. 306 + xi pp.Jay L. Garfield's Empty Words is a collection of (mostly) previously published essays bearing on the interpretation of Buddhist thought. Emphasizing the Indo-Tibetan tradition while indebted to Euro-American philosophy, Empty Words belongs in a class with books such (...)
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    The role of spiritual formation in the education of modern human beings: A European Christian perspective.Constantin V. Necula - 2021 - HTS Theological Studies 77 (4):1-6.
    One of the most considerable changes in the contemporary European educational mentality is a person's disconnection from spiritual life. Christian formation has been replaced with religious pluralism, in terms of syncretism influenced by global economic ideologies. Some consequences are low resilience and low spiritual resistance to contemporary challenges, associated with mental traumas or social behaviour deficits. Is it possible to restore the modern person's spiritual education? There is no evolution in the modern individual's social life without a horizon of (...)
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    American Memory in Henry James: Void and Value (review).Martin Warner - 2004 - Philosophy and Literature 28 (2):447-449.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:American Memory in Henry James: Void and ValueMartin WarnerAmerican Memory in Henry James: Void and Value, by William Righter, edited by Rosemary Righter ; xi & 220 pp. Burlington, Vermont: Ashgate, 2004. $79.95.The perennial debate about what Arnold termed "culture and anarchy" was both enriched and rendered more subtle by the work of Henry James. The late William Righter's fine and discriminating intelligence helps us to think this (...)
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    Національне та загальнолюдське як домінантні цінності сучасної освітньої політики (європейський контекст).Tetyana Andrushchenko - 2015 - Multiversum. Philosophical Almanac:117-134.
    Process of formation of a new paradigm of development of education in European space was analyzed; one of the central issues is the relationship between national and universal in education; author asserts the thought about the fact that these existences at the level of national education systems should be optimally combined; at the same time, European tradition^ historically crystallized values – anthropocentrism and democracy, human rights, peacefulness, solidarity, ecological safety, tolerance, etc., which should be included (and on (...)
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    Ukrainian Fundamental Science – an Intellectual Factor in Shaping the Traditions and Values of European Civilization.Anatolii Pavko - 2024 - Bulletin of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv Philosophy 1 (10):26-31.
    B a c k g r o u n d. This scientific investigation conducts a constructive-critical, comprehensive, and systematic analysis of the state, paradigms, and trends in the development of Ukrainian and European fundamental science. It highlights, at a synthetic level, the epistemological and social functions, historical mission, and vision of domestic science in shaping the traditions and values of European culture. The article draws attention to the significant contributions made by domestic scientists to the research of theoretical-methodological, (...)
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  41. Human Rights, Cultural Identity, and Democracy.Sharon Anderson-Gold - 2007 - Social Philosophy Today 23:57-68.
    This paper traces the evolution of the international concept of a human right to culture from a general and individual right of participation in the public life of a state (1966, Article 27 of the IC of Civil and Political Rights), to a group right to a cultural identity (1992 Declaration on the rights of persons belonging to national or ethnic, religious or linguistic minorities). I argue that the original generic formulation of the human right to culture reflected the nineteenth-century (...)
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    Not for Profit: Why Democracy Needs the Humanities by Martha Nussbaum. [REVIEW]Paul Russell - 2010 - Globe and Mail.
    Nussbaum's analysis of our predicament turns on a contrast between two rival models of education. The "old model," concerned with education for profit and economic growth, places heavy emphasis on the skills associated with science and technology. From this perspective, the study of literature, history, philosophy, languages and the arts make no real or significant contribution to our basic economic needs and concerns - they may even be obstacles. In contrast, Nussbaum defends "the human development mode," which regards the humanities (...)
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    Technological Cultures and Liberal Democracy in the United States.Richard M. Merelman - 2000 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 25 (2):167-194.
    This article argues that “technologies of culture” influence citizens’ conceptions of the American state. The technology of modernism educated citizens to manipulate machines and control nature. This influenced citizens’ views of government’s tasks and capacities. Postmodern technology focuses attention on the self and alters people’s conceptions of the tasks and capacities of government. The article discusses the political implications of postmodern citizenship and suggests possible remedies for postmodernism’s effects on democratic citizenship in the United States.
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    Environmental Ethics and Cultural Values: Philosophical Approaches to Eco-Axiology.Leila Ahmed - 2023 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 15 (4):371-387.
    The paper "Environmental Ethics and Cultural Values related to the Philosophical Approaches to Eco-Axiology" examines the complex interplay of ethical concerns about the environment, cultural viewpoints, and human values. This research explores eco-axiology, the philosophical study of values in connection to the natural world, observing at how moral precepts influence how people interact with the natural world. For measuring, the research study used SPSS software and generated results, including descriptive statistics and one-way ANOVA test analysis, which also explains the pair (...)
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    South African traditional values and beliefs regarding informed consent and limitations of the principle of respect for autonomy in African communities: a cross-cultural qualitative study.Sylvester C. Chima & Francis Akpa-Inyang - 2021 - BMC Medical Ethics 22 (1):1-17.
    BackgroundThe Western-European concept of libertarian rights-based autonomy, which advocates respect for individual rights, may conflict with African cultural values and norms. African communitarian ethics focuses on the interests of the collective whole or community, rather than rugged individualism. Hence collective decision-making processes take precedence over individual autonomy or consent. This apparent conflict may impact informed consent practice during biomedical research in African communities and may hinder ethical principlism in African bioethics. This study explored African biomedical researchers' perspectives regarding informed (...)
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  46. MEDIA EDUCATION AND THE FORMATION OF THE LEGAL CULTURE OF SOCIETY.Anna Shutaleva - 2020 - Perspektivy Nauki I Obrazovania – Perspectives of Science and Education 45:10-22.
    Introduction. The development of legal culture and a culture of human rights in the modern world through media technologies, is acquiring special significance in connection with the processes of globalization and the spread of media in recent decades. The purpose of the article is to study the prospects for the use of media education in the formation of the legal social culture and a culture of human rights. Materials and methods. Based on a study of domestic and foreign sources, issues (...)
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    Education for Technological Threats to Democracy.Eric Thomas Weber - 2023 - Contemporary Pragmatism 20 (1-2):38-52.
    This paper examines Larry A. Hickman’s warnings about the dangers of algorithmic technologies for democracy and then considers educational policy initiatives that are important for combatting such threats over the long term. John Dewey’s philosophy is considered both in Hickman’s work and in this paper’s review of what Dewey called the “Supreme Intellectual Obligation.” Dewey’s insights highlight crucial tasks necessary and called for with respect to education to value and appreciate the sciences and what they can do to serve (...)
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  48. Democracy Beyond Nationalism.John J. Davenport - unknown
    National Identity: Some Reflections on the Future of Europe,"(1) Habermas's specific theme is the `legitimation crisis' arising from the current situation within the European Community.(2) But the deeper philosophical point of the article is to develop a fundamental implication of Habermas's analysis of democracy in his new work, Between Facts and Norms (in which the article is included as an appendix):(3) Habermas argues that the normative content of democratic citizenship can be institutionalized without identity-formation in by a `national (...)
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    Citizenship as a Learning Process: Democratic education without foundationalism.Gilbert Burgh - 2010 - In Macer Darryl R. J. & Saad-Zoy Souria, Asian-Arab Philosophical Dialogues on Globalization, Democracy and Human Rights. pp. 59-69.
    Reprinted with permission and previously published in: Farhang: Quarterly Journal of the Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies (Tehran, Iran), 22(69), pp. 117-138. -/- One of the aims of this paper is to explore the relationship between democracy and epistemology. This inevitably raises questions about the purpose and aims of education consistent with conceptions of democracy. These ultimately rest on the practical applicability and outcomes of competing visions of democracy without appeal to pre-political or prior goods, nor (...)
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    Reimagining Ethiopia: philosophy education as a tool for overcoming ethnic divisions.Fasil Merawi - forthcoming - Journal of Philosophy of Education.
    This article explores the role that can be played by philosophy education in Ethiopia as a means to develop a shared meaning that is able to go beyond the ethnic polarization that is currently haunting the nation. It shows that through the introduction of a philosophy education that fosters a culture of critical reflection, dialogue, and reflection on the nature of human existence, human values, and a moral fabric that is able to bestow a sense of a common purpose on (...)
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