Results for 'homonyms'

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  1.  37
    Homonyms and synonyms as retrieval cues.Leah L. Light - 1972 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 96 (2):255.
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    Visible homonyms are ambiguous, subliminal homonyms are not: A close look at priming.Doris Eckstein, Matthias Kubat & Walter J. Perrig - 2011 - Consciousness and Cognition 20 (4):1327-1343.
    Homonyms, i.e. ambiguous words like ‘score’, have different meanings in different contexts. Previous research indicates that all potential meanings of a homonym are first accessed in parallel before one of the meanings is selected in a competitive race. If these processes are automatic, these processes of selection should even be observed when homonyms are shown subliminally. This study measured the time course of subliminal and supraliminal priming by homonyms with a frequent and a rare meaning in a (...)
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    Homonyms as items in verbal discrimination learning and transfer.Donald H. Kausler & Richard D. Olson - 1969 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 82 (1p1):136.
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    Suppressing Synonymy with a Homonym: The Emergence of the Nomenclatural Type Concept in Nineteenth Century Natural History.Joeri Witteveen - 2016 - Journal of the History of Biology 49 (1):135-189.
    ‘Type’ in biology is a polysemous term. In a landmark article, Paul Farber (Journal of the History of Biology 9(1): 93–119, 1976) argued that this deceptively plain term had acquired three different meanings in early nineteenth century natural history alone. ‘Type’ was used in relation to three distinct type concepts, each of them associated with a different set of practices. Important as Farber’s analysis has been for the historiography of natural history, his account conceals an important dimension of early nineteenth (...)
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    Comparisons with Homonymous Predicates in Aristotle.Ronja Hildebrandt - 2024 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 62 (3):341-365.
    abstract: Aristotle claims that cross-sense comparisons—that is, comparisons with respect to homonymous predicates—are impossible. At the same time, he uses such comparisons in arguments that are fundamental to his philosophical project, such as when he claims that happiness is better than instrumental goods. In this paper, I discuss how this tension arises, and I explain why the cross-sense comparisons Aristotle uses are nevertheless possible. Using evidence from the Protrepticus, I claim Aristotle distinguishes two kinds of comparisons: comparisons of degrees of (...)
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  6. Primary Substances and Their Homonyms in Aristotle’s Teleology.Mikolaj Domaradzki - 2018 - Diametros (58):2-17.
    The purpose of this article is to reconstruct Aristotle’s distinction between primary substances and their homonyms. It is shown that the Stagirite regards both body parts and artefacts as mere homonyms of primary substances when they are no longer capable of performing their function (ergon) and actualizing their end (telos). In the course of the present discussion, Aristotle’s approach is confronted with his famous doctrine of the four causes, whilst an analysis of the examples given by the Stagirite (...)
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    Recognition of words and homonyms as a function of amount of preexposure.Donald Keller & Murray Glanzer - 1969 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 80 (1):160.
  8. Rechoreographing Homonymous Partners: Rancière's Dance Education from Loïe Fuller.Joshua M. Hall - 2022 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 56 (3):44-62.
    Contemporary philosopher Jacques Rancière has been criticized for a conception of “politics” that is insensitive to the diminished agency of the corporeally oppressed. In a recent article, Dana Mills locates a solution to this alleged problem in Rancière most recent book translated into English, Aisthesis, in its chapter on Mallarmé’s writings on modern dancer Loïe Fuller. My first section argues that Mills’ reading exacerbates an “homonymy” (Rancière’s term) in Rancière’s use of the word “inscription,” which means for him either a (...)
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    La distinction des fabricants homonymes sur les timbres amphoriques grecs.Yvon Garlan - 2012 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 136 (1):319-338.
    Distinguishing homonymous producers on Greek amphora stamps. Among the producers associated on Greek amphora stamps with an eponymous magistrate (and having thus been in office together during a specific year) there appear rather often (up to 15% of the cases) homonyms. One may thus be surprised that the specialists have never studied the ways that the different production centres distinguished them, in a system of stamping which — whatever its ultimate purpose — must have exercised a certain control (of (...)
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  10. Homonymous mistakes with ontological aspirations: The persisting problem with the word 'consciousness'.Rodrigo Becerra - 2004 - Sorites 15 (December):11-23.
    In order to understand consciousness one would benefit from developing a more eclectic intellectual style. Consciousness is, as proposed by almost everyone except the stubborn reductionists, a truly mysterious concept. Its study and dissection merits a multidisciplinary approach. Waving this multidisciplinary flag has positively enlarged the discussion and neurologists, psychiatrists, mathematicians, and so on, have moved to the philosophy of mind arena, first with caution and now with a more powerful voice. Identifying what we mean by consciousness is a first (...)
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  11.  22
    The synonymy of homonyms.Kevin L. Flannery - 1999 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 81 (3):268-289.
  12.  10
    Mechanisms of homonym transformations: on Catholic variants of Stalinist discourse in Poland.Jakub Sadowski - 2022 - Semiotica 2022 (247):115-138.
    Despite its anti-religious character, totalitarian discourse, in the years 1949–1956 filling the entire space of Polish official culture, had its Catholic segment. Within this segment, there occurred a transformation of the religious net of concepts into semantic units of totalitarian language, a transformation of Catholic worldview narratives into Stalinist ones. This text aims to describe the semiotic mechanisms of such transformation. The relations between the initial semiosphere of language and the sub-semiosphere of its totalitarian variant are described. Presented here is (...)
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  13. Antiphasis as Homonym in Aristotle.Robert Laurence Gallagher - 2014 - History and Philosophy of Logic 35 (4):317-331.
    Antiphasis is a case of core-dependent homonymy, and has three significations in Aristotle's philosophy: antiphasis as an opposition between propositions ; antiphasis as the opposition between ‘subject’ and ‘not a subject’ in coming-to-be and perishing ; and antiphasis as the opposition between possession and privation . Argument based on the fifth type of priority described in Cat. 12 shows that, for Aristotle, the ontological significations are prior to the propositional.
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    Is Human a Homonym for Aristotle?Julie K. Ward - 2008 - Apeiron 41 (3):75-98.
  15.  27
    Apparent movement in relation to homonymous and heteronymous stimulation of the cerebral hemispheres.J. A. Gengerelli - 1948 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 38 (5):592.
  16. Aristotle's "is said in many ways" and its relationship to his homonyms.Jurgis Brakas - 2011 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 49 (2):135-159.
    Being, Aristotle tells us, "is said in many ways ". So are the good and many other fundamental things. Fair enough, but what on earth does this mean? What, to narrow the focus to the basic question, does Aristotle mean by in phrases such as and other constructions where is used in the same sense? While scholars have presented us with an array of different translations for this difficult term, not all of them are compatible and none seem adequate. Yet (...)
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    Word-meaning priming extends beyond homonyms.Adam J. Curtis, Matthew H. C. Mak, Shuang Chen, Jennifer M. Rodd & M. Gareth Gaskell - 2022 - Cognition 226 (C):105175.
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    How can striate vision contribute to the detection of objects within a homonymous visual field defect?Otmar Meienberg - 1983 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 6 (3):455.
  19.  46
    Action dynamics reveal two types of cognitive flexibility in a homonym relatedness judgment task.Maja Dshemuchadse, Tobias Grage & Stefan Scherbaum - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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  20. Slur Reclamation and the polysemy/homonymy distinction.Tomasz Zyglewicz - forthcoming - Australasian Journal of Philosophy.
    Reclamation of a slur involves the creation of a new, positively-valenced meaning that gradually replaces the old pejorative meaning. This means that at a critical stage, the slur is ambiguous. It has been claimed that this ambiguity is polysemy. However, it is far from clear whether the view can explain why the introduction of the new meaning forces the old one out of existence. I argue that this datapoint can be explained by invoking the mechanism of homonymic conflict, and, therefore, (...)
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  21. Aristotle’s semiotic triangles and pyramids.John Corcoran - 2015 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 21 (1):198-9.
    Imagine an equilateral triangle “pointing upward”—its horizontal base under its apex angle. A semiotic triangle has the following three “vertexes”: (apex) an expression, (lower-left) one of the expression’s conceptual meanings or senses, and (lower-right) the referent or denotation determined by the sense [1, pp. 88ff]. One example: the eight-letter string ‘coleslaw’ (apex), the concept “coleslaw” (lower-left), and the salad coleslaw (lower-right) [1, p. 84f]. Using Church’s terminology [2, pp. 6, 41]—modifying Frege’s—the word ‘coleslaw’ expresses the concept “coleslaw”, the word ‘coleslaw’ (...)
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  22. What is Conceptual Engineering and What Should it Be?David Chalmers - 2020 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 63.
    Conceptual engineering is the design, implementation, and evaluation of concepts. Conceptual engineering includes or should include de novo conceptual engineering (designing a new concept) as well as conceptual re-engineering (fixing an old concept). It should also include heteronymous (different-word) as well as homonymous (same-word) conceptual engineering. I discuss the importance and the difficulty of these sorts of conceptual engineering in philosophy and elsewhere.
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    Omonimii︠a︡: aspektolohii︠a︡, problematyka: filolohichna rozvidka z leksykolohiï ta stylistyky.Hanna Ivanivna Kuzʹmenko - 2000 - Kyïv: Vydavnychyĭ t︠s︡entr "Kyïvsʹkyĭ universytet".
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    Rechevye vozmozhnosti tekstovoĭ omonimii.Olʹga Alekseevna Lapteva - 1999 - Moskva: IKAR.
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  25. Deflationary representation, inference, and practice.Mauricio Suárez - 2015 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 49 (C):36-47.
    This paper defends the deflationary character of two recent views regarding scientific representation, namely RIG Hughes’ DDI model and the inferential conception. It is first argued that these views’ deflationism is akin to the homonymous position in discussions regarding the nature of truth. There, we are invited to consider the platitudes that the predicate “true” obeys at the level of practice, disregarding any deeper, or more substantive, account of its nature. More generally, for any concept X, a deflationary approach is (...)
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  26. Aristotle on Homonymy: Dialectic and Science.Julie K. Ward - 2007 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Julie K. Ward examines Aristotle's thought regarding how language informs our views of what is real. First she places Aristotle's theory in its historical and philosophical contexts in relation to Plato and Speusippus. Ward then explores Aristotle's theory of language as it is deployed in several works, including Ethics, Topics, Physics, and Metaphysics, so as to consider its relation to dialectical practice and scientific explanation as Aristotle conceived it.
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    Probing Lexical Ambiguity: Word Vectors Encode Number and Relatedness of Senses.Barend Beekhuizen, Blair C. Armstrong & Suzanne Stevenson - 2021 - Cognitive Science 45 (5):e12943.
    Lexical ambiguity—the phenomenon of a single word having multiple, distinguishable senses—is pervasive in language. Both the degree of ambiguity of a word (roughly, its number of senses) and the relatedness of those senses have been found to have widespread effects on language acquisition and processing. Recently, distributional approaches to semantics, in which a word's meaning is determined by its contexts, have led to successful research quantifying the degree of ambiguity, but these measures have not distinguished between the ambiguity of words (...)
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    Wokół homonimii międzyjęzykowej.Małgorzata Majewska (ed.) - 2017 - Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego.
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    Plotinus’ Unaffectable Soul.Christopher Noble - 2016 - Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy 51:231-281.
    In Ennead 3.6, Plotinus maintains that the soul is unaffectable. This thesis is widely taken to imply that his soul is exempt from change and free from emotional ‘affections’. Yet these claims are difficult to reconcile with evidence that Plotinian souls acquire dispositional states, such as virtues, and are subjects of emotional ‘affections’, such as anger. This paper offers an alternative account that aims to address these difficulties. In denying affections to soul, Plotinus is offering a distinction between the soul’s (...)
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    Contextualism and Polysemy.François Recanati - 2017 - Dialectica 71 (3):379-397.
    In this paper, I argue that that polysemy is a two-sided phenomenon. It can be reduced neither to pragmatic modulation nor to ambiguity, for it is a mixture of both. The senses of a polysemous expression result from pragmatic modulation but they are stored in memory, as the senses of an ambiguous expression are. The difference with straightforward ambiguity is that the modulation relations between the senses are transparent to the language users: the senses are felt as related – they (...)
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    Exhortation à la philosophie: le dossier grec, Aristote.Sophie van der Meeren, Aristotle & Iamblichus (eds.) - 2011 - Paris: Belles lettres.
    " Il faut philosopher " : cette formule se rencontre en diverses oeuvres de l'Antiquité destinées à exhorter un public à pratiquer la sagesse ou la philosophie, et, en particulier, dans certains des rares témoignages sur le Protreptique d'Aristote désormais perdu. Plusieurs philologues, à partir de la fin du me siècle, crurent retrouver un vaste ensemble de " fragments " de celui-ci dans l'ouvrage homonyme du néoplatonicien Jamblique. Cette " découverte " déboucha sur de nombreux travaux autour de l'authenticité aristotélicienne (...)
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  32. How to Think about Zeugmatic Oddness.Michelle Liu - 2024 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 15 (4):1109-1132.
    Zeugmatic oddness is a linguistic intuition of oddness with respect to an instance of zeugma, i.e. a sentence containing an instance of a homonymous or polysemous word being used in different meanings or senses simultaneously. Zeugmatic oddness is important for philosophical debates as philosophers often use it to argue that a particular philosophically interesting expression is ambiguous and that the phenomenon referred to by the expression is disunified. This paper takes a closer look at zeugmatic oddness. Focusing on relevant psycholinguistic (...)
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  33. Clauberg en Thuringe.Andrea Strazzoni - forthcoming - Les Etudes Philosophiques.
    In this paper I provide an analysis of an anonymous text which appeared at Sondershausen and Mühlhausen in 1687: Initiatio philosophi sive Dubitatio Cartesiana, ad indubiam philosophiam viam monstrans, iuxta mentem Renati des Cartes, Nobilis Galli, utraque methodo explicata, titled after Johannes Clauberg’s homonymous 1655 treatise. It consisted of (1) an abridgement of his Paraphrasis in Renati Des Cartes Meditationes (1658), and (2) a demonstration more geometrico of the necessity of methodical doubt as the beginning of philosophy, partially based on (...)
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  34. Homonymy in Aristotle.Terrence Irwin - 1981 - Review of Metaphysics 34 (3):523 - 544.
    ARISTOTLE often claims that words are "homonymous" or "multivocal". He claims this about some of the crucial words and concepts of his own philosophy—"cause," "being," "one," "good," "justice," "friendship." Often he claims it with a polemical aim; other philosophers have wrongly overlooked homonymy and supposed that the same word is always said in the same way. Plato made this mistake; his accounts of being, good, and friendship are rejected because they neglect homonymy and multivocity. In Aristotle’s view Plato shared the (...)
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    Complex Pleasure: Forms of Feeling in German Literature.Stanley Corngold - 1998 - Stanford University Press.
    Complex Pleasure deals with questions of literary feeling in eight major German writers—Lessing, Kant, Hölderlin, Nietzsche, Musil, Kafka, Trakl, and Benjamin. On the basis of close readings of these authors Stanley Corngold makes vivid the following ideas: that where there is literature there is complex pleasure; that this pleasure is complex because it involves the impression of a disclosure; that this thought is foremost in the minds of a number of canonical writers; that important literary works in the German tradition—fiction, (...)
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  36. Propoziční postoje, homonymie, synonymie a ekvivalence výrazů.Marie Duží - 1996 - Organon F: Medzinárodný Časopis Pre Analytickú Filozofiu 3 (2):101-112.
    The problem of the meaning of a reasonable natural language expression is solved. First, traditional ”denotational” approach is criticized. The meaning of a sentence is not its truth value, similarly the meaning of, eg, ”The president of U.S.A.” is not Bill Clinton, etc. Frege met this problem when analyzing the so called propositional attitudes in which ”denotational” approach has lead to the paradox of analysis. His well-known solution consists in splitting the meaning into sense and reference. But this is rejected (...)
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  37. A contribution to the study of byzantine prosopography: The byzantine family of opoi.Stavros G. Georgiou - 2008 - Byzantion 78:224-238.
    In this study we examine the information in the sources concerning the Byzantine family of Opoi in the eleventh and twelfth centuries. According to the sources, the Opoi were an important family in that period. Although they did not belong to the major aristocratic families, many of them were distinguished in the military administration of the Empire, such as Constantine Opos during the reign of Romanos III Argyros and Michael IV Paphlagon , the homonymous officer of Alexios I Komnenos , (...)
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    From classification to indexing: How automation transforms the way we think.F. Allan Hanson - 2004 - Social Epistemology 18 (4):333-356.
    To classify is to organize the particulars in a body of information according to some meaningful scheme. Difficulty recognizing metaphor, synonyms and homonyms, and levels of generalization renders those applications of artificial intelligence that are currently in widespread use at a loss to deal effectively with classification. Indexing conveys nothing about relationships; it pinpoints information on particular topics without reference to anything else. Keyword searching is a form of indexing, and here artificial intelligence excels. Growing reliance on automated means (...)
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    Understanding of personality: Averintsev, Bybler, Gefter, Bibikhin.Svetlana Neretina - forthcoming - Vox Philosophical journal.
    The problem of personality in philosophy has been significant since the emergence of Christianity. In Soviet Russia, this problem has been actualized since the 2nd half of the twentieth century, since the Thaw, when the books of Russian religious philosophers became known. We were the original heirs of Christian ontology and ethics, which assumed that a personal appeal to God on You (Tu) testified to a change of places in the interior of being itself, which becomes intimate, close, because the (...)
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    Réflexions sur l'indisponibilité de la paix.Daniel Schulthess - 2002 - In Walter Tega (ed.), La Philosophie et la Paix - Actes du XXVIIIe Congrès de l'ASPLF, Bologne, 29 août-2 septembre 2000. Vrin. pp. p. 643-648.
    Starting from the recognition of the difficulty of establishing peace and the observation that several attempts to terminate conflicts end in failure, the author puts forward the argument that peace is a state that is essentially a by-product, according to the definition given by Jon Elster in his homonymous paper of 1981. Such states are characterized by the fact that they can only be brought about by actions aimed at other ends, i.e. non-intentionally. According to the author it is in (...)
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  41.  72
    A deflationary account of information in biology.John S. Wilkins - unknown
    An oft-repeated claim is that there is information in some biological entity or process, most especially in genes. Some of these claims derive from the Central Dogma, population genetics, and the neo-Darwinian program. Others derive from attacks upon evolution, in an attempt to show that “information cannot be created” by natural selection. In this paper I will try to show that the term “information” is a homonym for a range of distinct notions, and that these notions are either of concrete (...)
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    Ma in che modo si dice il bene? Sull'omonimia- analogia del bene in EN I, 4.Ignacio Yarza - 2017 - Acta Philosophica 26 (1):123-145.
    The article attempts to answer the question raised by Aristotle in NE I, 4 1096 b 26 by presenting, in a synthetic way, the meaning and scope of homonymy in Aristotle’s thought. The categorial argument deployed by Aristotle to criticize Plato’s position regarding the good is subsequently analyzed. However, that argument does not lead to affirm conclusively the real homonymy of the good, as Aristotle himself seems to admit. The fact that the good appears in diverse domains of reality does (...)
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  43. The dialectic of life.Christopher Shields - 2012 - Synthese 185 (1):103-124.
    In the dialectic of debates about the extension of life, one witnesses a predictably repeating pattern: one side appeals to a motley of variegated criteria for something’s qualifying as a living system, only to find an opposite side taking issue with the individual necessity or collective sufficiency of the proposed criteria. Some of these criteria tend to cluster with one another, while others do not: metabolism, growth and reproduction; self-organization and homeostasis; an ability to decrease internal entropy by the appropriation (...)
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    Sitting at the Kantian Table of Nothingness.M. Simionato - 2024 - JOLMA 5 (2):439-458.
    This article appeals to the table of nothingness (Nichts) occurring within Kant's Critique of Pure Reason to assess three recent accounts of nothingness - by Graham Priest, Filippo Costantini, and Filippo Casati & Naoya Fujikawa - under the light of folk preconceptions about nothingness. After defining the two strongest preconceptions as the absence of unrestrictedly everything (nihil absolutum) and the idea of nothingness as a self-contradictory item (nihil negativum), I argue that both might be read as two Aristotelian connected (...), rather than conflating them into a single item (as Priest's and Casati and Fujikawa's accounts seem to do), or dropping the idea of the nihil absolutum, as Costantini's account does. (shrink)
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  45. Conscious Unity from the Top Down: A Brentanian Approach.Anna Giustina - 2017 - The Monist 100 (1):16-37.
    The question of the unity of consciousness is often treated as the question of how different conscious experiences are related to each other in order to be unified. Many contemporary views on the unity of consciousness are based on this bottom-up approach. In this paper I explore an alternative, top-down approach, according to which (to a first approximation) a subject undergoes one single conscious experience at a time. From this perspective, the problem of unity of consciousness becomes rather the problem (...)
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  46. Words on Kripke’s Puzzle.Maciej Tarnowski & Maciej Głowacki - 2022 - Synthese 200 (4):1-21.
    In this paper we present a solution to Saul Kripke’s Puzzle About Belief Meaning and use, Dordrecht, 1979) based on Kaplan’s metaphysical picture of words. Although it is widely accepted that providing such a solution was one of the main incentives for the development of Kaplan’s theory, it was never presented by Kaplan in a systematic manner and was regarded by many as unsatisfactory. We agree with these critiques, and develop an extension of Kaplan’s theory by introducing the notion of (...)
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    Platon, Pythagore et les pythagoriciens.Luc Brisson - 2007 - Eikasia Revista de Filosofía 12:39-66.
    Il faut aborder avec scepticisme les quelques références à Pythagore et aux Pythagoriciens contenues dans les dialogues de Platon, car il est difficile de prendre la mesure effective d'une influence pythagoricienne sur l'Athénien. En fait, les seules références explicites à Pythagore (Rép. X 600a-b) et aux Pythagoriciens (Rép. VII 530c-531a) ne nous disent pas grand-chose et, concernant les personnages traditionnellement considérés comme pythagoriciens, nos informations sont peu fiables, incertaines et temps contradictoires. Une telle prudence est particulièrement utile dans le cas (...)
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    Predication.Walter Kintsch - 2001 - Cognitive Science 25 (2):173-202.
    In Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA) the meaning of a word is represented as a vector in a high‐dimensional semantic space. Different meanings of a word or different senses of a word are not distinguished. Instead, word senses are appropriately modified as the word is used in different contexts. In N‐VP sentences, the precise meaning of the verb phrase depends on the noun it is combined with. An algorithm is described to adjust the meaning of a predicate as it is applied (...)
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    Metaphor Is Between Metonymy and Homonymy: Evidence From Event-Related Potentials.Anna Yurchenko, Anastasiya Lopukhina & Olga Dragoy - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:487745.
    The goal of the present study was to investigate the interaction between different senses of polysemous nouns (metonymies and metaphors) and different meanings of homonyms using the method of event-related potentials (ERPs) and a priming paradigm. Participants read two-word phrases containing ambiguous words and made a sensicality judgment. Phrases with polysemes highlighted their literal sense and were preceded by primes with either the same or different – metonymic or metaphorical – sense. Similarly, phrases with homonyms were primed by (...)
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    Pour une histoire de la logique: un héritage platonicien.Claude Imbert - 1999 - Paris: Presses Universitaires de France - PUF.
    Kant prit pour pivot de la révolution copernicienne l'immutabilité d'une table qui portait toute l'autorité du classicisme et révélait les opérations secrètes d'un sensus communis logicus. La logique n'avait pas d'histoire. Après la rupture introduite par la logique mathématique et pour la conjurer, on s'est intéressé à son histoire comme présentant autant de variétés d'une même forme. Mais la forme, terme homonyme entre l'eidos platonicien et la syntaxe moderne, gardait l'écorce sans le fruit, oubliant que l'héritage grec avait fructifié ailleurs, (...)
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