Results for 'higher-order derivability'

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  1.  17
    Higher-order derivative constraints in qualitative simulation.Benjamin J. Kuipers, Charles Chiu, David T. Dalle Molle & D. R. Throop - 1991 - Artificial Intelligence 51 (1-3):343-379.
  2.  68
    Differentials, higher-order differentials and the derivative in the Leibnizian calculus.H. J. M. Bos - 1974 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 14 (1):1-90.
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  3. Higher-order free logic and the Prior-Kaplan paradox.Andrew Bacon, John Hawthorne & Gabriel Uzquiano - 2016 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 46 (4-5):493-541.
    The principle of universal instantiation plays a pivotal role both in the derivation of intensional paradoxes such as Prior’s paradox and Kaplan’s paradox and the debate between necessitism and contingentism. We outline a distinctively free logical approach to the intensional paradoxes and note how the free logical outlook allows one to distinguish two different, though allied themes in higher-order necessitism. We examine the costs of this solution and compare it with the more familiar ramificationist approaches to higher- (...) logic. Our assessment of both approaches is largely pessimistic, and we remain reluctantly inclined to take Prior’s and Kaplan’s derivations at face value. (shrink)
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  4. Multivariate Higher-Order IRT Model and MCMC Algorithm for Linking Individual Participant Data From Multiple Studies.Eun-Young Mun, Yan Huo, Helene R. White, Sumihiro Suzuki & Jimmy de la Torre - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
    Many clinical and psychological constructs are conceptualized to have multivariate higher-order constructs that give rise to multidimensional lower-order traits. Although recent measurement models and computing algorithms can accommodate item response data with a higher-order structure, there are few measurement models and computing techniques that can be employed in the context of complex research synthesis, such as meta-analysis of individual participant data or integrative data analysis. The current study was aimed at modeling complex item responses that (...)
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    Dual systems for all: Higher-order, role-based relational reasoning as a uniquely derived feature of human cognition.Daniel J. Povinelli, Gabrielle C. Glorioso, Shannon L. Kuznar & Mateja Pavlic - 2019 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 42.
    Hoerl and McCormack demonstrate that although animals possess a sophisticated temporal updating system, there is no evidence that they also possess a temporal reasoning system. This important case study is directly related to the broader claim that although animals are manifestly capable of first-order relational reasoning, they lack the capacity for higher-order, role-based relational reasoning. We argue this distinction applies to all domains of cognition.
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    Axiomatizing higher-order Kleene realizability.Jaap van Oosten - 1994 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 70 (1):87-111.
    Kleene's realizability interpretation for first-order arithmetic was shown by Hyland to fit into the internal logic of an elementary topos, the “Effective topos” . In this paper it is shown, that there is an internal realizability definition in , i.e. a syntactical translation of the internal language of into itself of form “n realizes ” , which extends Kleene's definition, and such that for sentences , the equivalence [harr]n is true in . The internal realizability definition depends on finding (...)
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  7. Self-Intimation, Infallibility, and Higher-Order Evidence.Eyal Tal - 2020 - Erkenntnis 85 (3):665-672.
    The Self-Intimation thesis has it that whatever justificatory status a proposition has, i.e., whether or not we are justified in believing it, we are justified in believing that it has that status. The Infallibility thesis has it that whatever justificatory status we are justified in believing that a proposition has, the proposition in fact has that status. Jointly, Self-Intimation and Infallibility imply that the justificatory status of a proposition closely aligns with the justification we have about that justificatory status. Self-Intimation (...)
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    Higher-Order Kinetic Term for Controlling Photon Mass in Off-Shell Electrodynamics.Martin Land - 2003 - Foundations of Physics 33 (8):1157-1175.
    In relativistic classical and quantum mechanics with Poincaré-invariant parameter, particle worldlines are traced out by the evolution of spacetime events. The formulation of a covariant canonical framework for the evolving events leads to a dynamical theory in which mass conservation is demoted from a priori constraint to the status of conserved Noether current for a certain class of interactions. In pre-Maxwell electrodynamics—the local gauge theory associated with this framework —events induce five local off-shell fields, which mediate interactions between instantaneous events, (...)
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    Higher-order readings of wh -questions.Yimei Xiang - 2021 - Natural Language Semantics 29 (1):1-45.
    In most cases, a wh-question calls for an answer that names an entity in the set denoted by the extension of the wh-complement. However, evidence from questions with necessity modals and questions with collective predicates argues that sometimes a wh-question must be interpreted with a higher-order reading, in which this question calls for an answer that names a generalized quantifier. This paper investigates the distribution and compositional derivation of higher-order readings of wh-questions. First, I argue that (...)
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  10. ‘Vague’ at Higher Orders.Ivan Hu - 2017 - Mind 126 (504):1189-1216.
    Sorensen has argued that one can exploit the vagueness of an ordinary predicate like ‘small’ to induce a sort of vagueness in ‘vague’, by constructing a series of predicates of the form ‘n-small’, where x is n- small if and only if x is small or x n. The resulting ‘Sorensen’ed’ predicates present a Sorites case for ‘vague’ ; hence the vagueness of ‘vague’. Hyde argues that this demonstrates that all vague predicates are higher-order vague. Others doubt whether (...)
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    Preference among preferences as a method for obtaining a higher ordered metric scale.Nils-Eric Sahlin - unknown
    A method is presented for collecting data which yield a scale on which the entities are ranked in preference and all combinations of value distances are ranked. The method is based on the concept of secondary preference, i.e. preference among preferences. This method is compared with a classical method based on 50–50 game comparison. Two empirical studies are presented. The first examines whether both methods yield the same ordering of value distances. The second involves empirical derivation of a higher-ordered (...)
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  12. Some relativistic and higher order supertasks.Jon Pérez Laraudogoitia - 1998 - Philosophy of Science 65 (3):502-517.
    The first aim of this paper is to introduce a new way of looking at supertasks in the light of special relativity which makes use of the elementary dynamics of relativistic point particles subjected to elastic binary collisions and constrained to move unidimensionally. In addition, this will enable us to draw new physical consequences from the possibility of supertasks whose ordinal type is higher than the usual ω or ω * considered so far in the literature. Thus, the paper (...)
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  13. The eliminability of higher order vagueness.Gerald Hull - manuscript
    It is generally supposed that borderline cases account for the tolerance of vague terms, yet cannot themselves be sharply bounded, leading to infinite levels of higher order vagueness. This higher order vagueness subverts any formal effort to make language precise. However, it is possible to show that tolerance must diminish at higher orders. The attempt to derive it from indiscriminability founders on a simple empirical test, and we learn instead that there is no limit to (...)
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    Extension of Lifschitz' realizability to higher order arithmetic, and a solution to a problem of F. Richman.Jaap van Oosten - 1991 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 56 (3):964-973.
    F. Richman raised the question of whether the following principle of second order arithmetic is valid in intuitionistic higher order arithmetic $\mathbf{HAH}$: $\forall X\lbrack\forall x(x \in X \vee \neg x \in X) \wedge \forall Y(\forall x(x \in Y \vee \neg x \in Y) \rightarrow \forall x(x \in X \rightarrow x \in Y) \vee \forall x \neg(x \in X \wedge x \in Y)) \rightarrow \exists n\forall x(x \in X \rightarrow x = n)\rbrack$, and if not, whether assuming Church's (...)
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  15. Ellipsis and higher-order unification.Mary Dalrymple, Stuart M. Shieber & Fernando C. N. Pereira - 1991 - Linguistics and Philosophy 14 (4):399 - 452.
    We present a new method for characterizing the interpretive possibilities generated by elliptical constructions in natural language. Unlike previous analyses, which postulate ambiguity of interpretation or derivation in the full clause source of the ellipsis, our analysis requires no such hidden ambiguity. Further, the analysis follows relatively directly from an abstract statement of the ellipsis interpretation problem. It predicts correctly a wide range of interactions between ellipsis and other semantic phenomena such as quantifier scope and bound anaphora. Finally, although the (...)
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  16.  23
    Implementation of an Ethics Committee in a University Mental Health Clinic.M. Azcárraga & S. Derive - 2024 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 21 (1):177-184.
    Mental disorders in university students are very frequent, therefore higher education institutions have established in-campus mental healthcare centres. These clinics have particular characteristics that differ from other mental health centres, as they report to and represent an educational institution, while at the same time looking after the interests and well-being of patients requesting assistance, thus generating unique bioethical conflicts. Ethics Committees are useful tools to offer support to mental health professionals in making ethical decisions. In order to respond (...)
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    Solution to the Ghost Problem in Fourth Order Derivative Theories.Philip D. Mannheim - 2007 - Foundations of Physics 37 (4-5):532-571.
    We present a solution to the ghost problem in fourth order derivative theories. In particular we study the Pais–Uhlenbeck fourth order oscillator model, a model which serves as a prototype for theories which are based on second plus fourth order derivative actions. Via a Dirac constraint method quantization we construct the appropriate quantum-mechanical Hamiltonian and Hilbert space for the system. We find that while the second-quantized Fock space of the general Pais–Uhlenbeck model does indeed contain the negative (...)
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  18.  8
    Estimation of optical flow based on higher-order spatiotemporal derivatives in interlaced and non-interlaced image sequences.Michael Otte & Hans-Hellmut Nagel - 1995 - Artificial Intelligence 78 (1-2):5-43.
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  19. Vagueness at every order: the prospects of denying B.Andrew Bacon - manuscript
    A number of arguments purport to show that vague properties determine sharp boundaries at higher orders. That is, although we may countenance vagueness concerning the location of boundaries for vague predicates, every predicate can instead be associated with precise knowable cut-off points deriving from precision in their higher order boundaries. I argue that this conclusion is indeed paradoxical, and identify the assumption responsible for the paradox as the Brouwerian principle B for vagueness: that if p then it's (...)
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  20. Gap Principles, Penumbral Consequence, and Infinitely.Higher-Order Vagueness - 2003 - In J. C. Beall (ed.), Liars and Heaps: New Essays on Paradox. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press UK. pp. 195.
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  21. Deriving Ethics from Action: A Nietzschean Version of Constitutivism.Paul Katsafanas - 2011 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 83 (3):620-660.
    This paper has two goals. First, I offer an interpretation of Nietzsche’s puzzling claims about will to power. I argue that the will to power thesis is a version of constitutivism. Constitutivism is the view that we can derive substantive normative conclusions from an account of the nature of agency; in particular, constitutivism rests on the idea that all actions are motivated by a common, higher-order aim, whose presence generates a standard of assessment for actions. Nietzsche’s version of (...)
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  22. Deriving the Manifestly Qualitative World from a Pure-Power Base: Light-like Networks.Sharon R. Ford - 2011 - Philosophia Scientiae 15 (3):155-175.
    Seeking to derive the manifestly qualitative world of objects and entities without recourse to fundamental categoricity or qualitativity, I offer an account of how higher-order categorical properties and objects may emerge from a pure-power base. I explore the possibility of ‘fields’ whose fluctuations are force-carrying entities, differentiated with respect to a micro-topology of curled-up spatial dimensions. Since the spacetime paths of gauge bosons have zero ‘spacetime interval’ and no time-like extension, I argue that according them the status of (...)
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    Notions of Proof and Refutation in ‘Gentzensemantik’: Franz von Kutschera as an Early Proponent of (Bilateralist) Proof-Theoretic Semantics.Sara Ayhan - forthcoming - History and Philosophy of Logic:1-7.
    This is a comment on a translation of Franz von Kutschera's paper ‘Ein verallgemeinerter Widerlegungsbegriff für Gentzenkalküle’, which was published in German in 1969. The paper is an important predecessor of what is nowadays called ‘proof-theoretic semantics’, which describes the view that the meaning of logical connectives is determined by the rules governing their use in a proof system. Von Kutschera adopts this view in this paper, and more specifically, a bilateralist view on this subject in that his aim is (...)
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  24. David Bostock.On Motivating Higher-Order Logic - 2004 - In Thomas Baldwin & Timothy Smiley (eds.), Studies in the Philosophy of Logic and Knowledge. New York: Oup/British Academy.
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    A normal form for logical derivations implying one for arithmetic derivations.G. Mints - 1993 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 62 (1):65-79.
    We describe a short model-theoretic proof of an extended normal form theorem for derivations in predicate logic which implies in PRA a normal form theorem for the arithmetic derivations . Consider the Gentzen-type formulation of predicate logic with invertible rules. A derivation with proper variables is one where a variable b can occur in the premiss of an inference L but not below this premiss only in the case when L is () or () and b is its eigenvariable. Free (...)
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  26.  21
    High-Order Mean-Field Approximations for Adaptive Susceptible-Infected-Susceptible Model in Finite-Size Networks.Kai Wang, Xiao Fan Liu & Dongchao Guo - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-8.
    Exact solutions of epidemic models are critical for identifying the severity and mitigation possibility for epidemics. However, solving complex models can be difficult when interfering conditions from the real-world are incorporated into the models. In this paper, we focus on the generally unsolvable adaptive susceptible-infected-susceptible epidemic model, a typical example of a class of epidemic models that characterize the complex interplays between the virus spread and network structural evolution. We propose two methods based on mean-field approximation, i.e., the first-order (...)
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    Maps of surface distributions of electrical activity in spectrally derived receptive fields of the rat's somatosensory cortex.S. King Joseph, Xie Mix, Zheng Bibo & H. Pribram Karl - 2000 - Brain and Mind 1 (3):327-349.
    This study describes the results of experiments motivated by an attempt to understand spectral processing in the cerebral cortex (DeValois and DeValois, 1988; Pribram, 1971, 1991). This level of inquiry concerns processing within a restricted cortical area rather than that by which spatially separate circuits become synchronized during certain behavioral and experiential processes. We recorded neural responses for 55 locations in the somatosensory (barrel) cortex of the rat to various combinations of spatial frequency (texture) and temporal frequency stimulation of their (...)
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  28. Agnostic hyperintensional semantics.Carl Pollard - 2015 - Synthese 192 (3):535-562.
    A hyperintensional semantics for natural language is proposed which is agnostic about the question of whether propositions are sets of worlds or worlds are sets of propositions. Montague’s theory of intensional senses is replaced by a weaker theory, written in standard classical higher-order logic, of fine-grained senses which are in a many-to-one correspondence with intensions; Montague’s theory can then be recovered from the proposed theory by identifying the type of propositions with the type of sets of worlds and (...)
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  29. "I'm, Like, a Very Smart Person" On Self-Licensing and Perils of Reflection.Joshua DiPaolo - forthcoming - Oxford Studies in Epistemology.
    Epistemic trespassing, science denial, refusal to guard against bias, mishandling higher-order evidence, and the development of vice are troubling intellectual behaviors. In this paper, I advance work done by psychologists on moral self-licensing to show how all of these behaviors can be explained in terms of a parallel phenomenon of epistemic self-licensing. The paper situates this discussion at the intersection of three major epistemological projects: epistemic explanation and intervention (the project of explaining troubling intellectual phenomena in the hopes (...)
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  30. Probabilities on Sentences in an Expressive Logic.Marcus Hutter, John W. Lloyd, Kee Siong Ng & William T. B. Uther - 2013 - Journal of Applied Logic 11 (4):386-420.
    Automated reasoning about uncertain knowledge has many applications. One difficulty when developing such systems is the lack of a completely satisfactory integration of logic and probability. We address this problem directly. Expressive languages like higher-order logic are ideally suited for representing and reasoning about structured knowledge. Uncertain knowledge can be modeled by using graded probabilities rather than binary truth-values. The main technical problem studied in this paper is the following: Given a set of sentences, each having some probability (...)
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  31.  9
    Melchizedek, the Priest Who Derived His Pattern from the Preexistent Christ.Adrian Giorgiov - 2023 - Perichoresis 21 (s1):67-79.
    Melchizedek is one of the most mysterious characters of the book of Genesis. As priest of God Almighty he blessed Abraham, the patriarch returning from war, and received tithes from him. The Epistle to the Hebrews presents Jesus Christ as high priest according to Melchizedek’s priestly order, based on God’s oath found in Psalm 110:4. While Christ’s priestly order according to Melchizedek is higher than Aaron’s priestly order, it is important to remember that Christ is greater (...)
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    Notions of Proof and Refutation in ‘Gentzensemantik’: Franz von Kutschera as an Early Proponent of (Bilateralist) Proof-Theoretic Semantics.Germany Bochum - forthcoming - History and Philosophy of Logic:1-7.
    This is a comment on a translation of Franz von Kutschera's paper ‘Ein verallgemeinerter Widerlegungsbegriff für Gentzenkalküle’, which was published in German in 1969. The paper is an important predecessor of what is nowadays called ‘proof-theoretic semantics’, which describes the view that the meaning of logical connectives is determined by the rules governing their use in a proof system. Von Kutschera adopts this view in this paper, and more specifically, a bilateralist view on this subject in that his aim is (...)
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  33.  12
    A Generalized Notion of Refutation for Gentzen Calculi.Sara Ayhan - forthcoming - History and Philosophy of Logic:1-14.
    In von Kutschera 1968 a propositional semantics was outlined which takes valid inferences to be defined by derivability relations in calculi.1 It was pointed out that from this approach it is desir...
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    Adaptive Backstepping Fuzzy Neural Network Fractional-Order Control of Microgyroscope Using a Nonsingular Terminal Sliding Mode Controller.Juntao Fei & Xiao Liang - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-12.
    An adaptive fractional-order nonsingular terminal sliding mode controller for a microgyroscope is presented with uncertainties and external disturbances using a fuzzy neural network compensator based on a backstepping technique. First, the dynamic of the microgyroscope is transformed into an analogical cascade system to guarantee the application of a backstepping design. Then, a fractional-order nonsingular terminal sliding mode surface is designed which provides an additional degree of freedom, higher precision, and finite convergence without a singularity problem. The proposed (...)
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  35.  24
    Is the Adulation of the Rich-and-Powerful Derived from Benevolence? Adam Smith and the Distinction Between Aspiration and Interests.Elias L. Khalil - 2019 - Critical Horizons 20 (4):285-304.
    ABSTRACTWhat is the source of the adulation of the rich-and-powerful? It cannot be benevolence. But then what is the criterion that delineates adulation from benevolence? This paper argues that the criterion resides in the set of inputs of the utility function: Does the set includes only interests, i.e. bundles of goods and resources? If so, the product is benevolence. But if the set includes aspiration, i.e. the desire to attain some imagined higher station, the product is adulation. Relying on (...)
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  36. The Metaphysics in Counterfactual Logic.Samuel Elgin - manuscript
    This paper investigates the metaphysics in higher-order counterfactual logic. I establish the necessity of identity and distinctness and show that the logic is committed to vacuism, which entails that all counteridenticals are true. I prove the Barcan, Converse Barcan, Being Constraint and Necessitism. I then show how to derive the Identity of Indiscernibles in counterfactual logic. I study a form of maximalist ontology which has been claimed to be so expansive as to be inconsistent. I show that it (...)
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  37. Vagueness, tolerance and contextual logic.Haim Gaifman - 2010 - Synthese 174 (1):5 - 46.
    The goal of this paper is a comprehensive analysis of basic reasoning patterns that are characteristic of vague predicates. The analysis leads to rigorous reconstructions of the phenomena within formal systems. Two basic features are dealt with. One is tolerance: the insensitivity of predicates to small changes in the objects of predication (a one-increment of a walking distance is a walking distance). The other is the existence of borderline cases. The paper shows why these should be treated as different, though (...)
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    Perceptual retouch theory derived modeling of interactions in the processing of successive visual objects for consciousness: Two-stage synchronization of neuronal oscillators.Toomas Kirt & Talis Bachmann - 2013 - Consciousness and Cognition 22 (1):330-347.
    We introduce a new version of the perceptual retouch model. This model was used for explaining properties of temporal interaction of successive objects in reaching conscious representation. The new model incorporates two interactive binding operations – binding features for objects and binding the bound feature-objects with a large scale oscillatory system that corresponds to perceptual consciousness. Here, the typical result of masking experiments – second object advantage in conscious perception – is achieved by applying the effects of a common synchronizing (...)
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  39. Formal differential variables and an abstract chain rule.Samuel Alexander - 2023 - Proceedings of the ACMS 23.
    One shortcoming of the chain rule is that it does not iterate: it gives the derivative of f(g(x)), but not (directly) the second or higher-order derivatives. We present iterated differentials and a version of the multivariable chain rule which iterates to any desired level of derivative. We first present this material informally, and later discuss how to make it rigorous (a discussion which touches on formal foundations of calculus). We also suggest a finite calculus chain rule (contrary to (...)
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  40. The Fragile Epistemology of Fanaticism.Joshua DiPaolo - 2019 - In Michael Klenk (ed.), Higher Order Evidence and Moral Epistemology. New York: Routledge. pp. 217-235.
    Are fanatical beliefs rational? This paper examines this question. After outlining two arguments for the rationality of fanatical beliefs, based respectively on what I call the "crippled epistemology" explanation and the "echo chambers" explanation, the paper rejects these arguments by appeal to considerations related to higher-order evidence. Then it explains what defending the rationality of fanatical beliefs actually requires. From this, it derives the practical conclusion that radicalization can be prevented and the growth of fanaticism stalled by preventing (...)
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    Evaluation of the Potential of Higher Education Institutions in the Context of Achieving Sustainability.Alina Suslenco - 2022 - Postmodern Openings 13 (2):118-142.
    This paper represents a theoretical-methodological incursion on the requirements of higher education institutions to achieve sustainability. The relevance of the topic derives from the need to assess the potential of higher education institutions in order to achieve sustainability. The aim of the research is to assess the potential of universities in the context of sustainability. The paper focuses on making an approach to achieving educational performance, in terms of assessing the human, innovative potential of higher education (...)
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  42. Against Second-Order Primitivism.Bryan Pickel - 2024 - In Peter Fritz & Nicholas K. Jones (eds.), Higher-Order Metaphysics. Oxford University Press.
    In the language of second-order logic, first- and second-order variables are distinguished syntactically and cannot be grammatically substituted. According to a prominent argument for the deployment of these languages, these substitution failures are necessary to block the derivation of paradoxes that result from attempts to generalize over predicate interpretations. I first examine previous approaches which interpret second-order sentences using expressions of natural language and argue that these approaches undermine these syntactic restrictions. I then examine Williamson’s primitivist approach (...)
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  43. Contribution à la Théorie de la Conscience, Conçue comme Activite du Cerveau.Gilberto Gomes - 1998 - Dissertation, Université Paris 7
    This thesis explores the possibility of theoretically conceiving consciousness as an activity of the brain. Objections, based on the concept of qualia, to the identification of consciousness with a brain activity are refuted. Phenomenal consciousness is identified with access-consciousness. Consciousness is conceived as a higher order processing of informational states of the brain. The state of consciousness represents an integration of prior nonconscious states. Libet’s research on the timing of conscious experience is reviewed and analyzed. His hypothesis of (...)
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  44. A Higher-Order Solution to the Problem of the Concept Horse.Nicholas K. Jones - 2016 - Ergo: An Open Access Journal of Philosophy 3.
    This paper uses the resources of higher-order logic to articulate a Fregean conception of predicate reference, and of word-world relations more generally, that is immune to the concept horse problem. The paper then addresses a prominent style of expressibility problem for views of broadly this kind, versions of which are due to Linnebo, Hale, and Wright.
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  45. On the Epistemic Significance of Evidence You Should Have Had.Sanford C. Goldberg - 2016 - Episteme 13 (4):449-470.
    Elsewhere I and others have argued that evidence one should have had can bear on the justification of one's belief, in the form of defeating one's justification. In this paper, I am interested in knowing how evidence one should have had (on the one hand) and one's higher-order evidence (on the other) interact in determinations of the justification of belief. In doing so I aim to address two types of scenario that previous discussions have left open. In one (...)
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  46. Higherorder evidence and losing one's conviction.Leah Henderson - 2022 - Noûs 56 (3):513-529.
    There has been considerable puzzlement over how to respond to higher-order evidence. The existing dilemmas can be defused by adopting a ‘two-dimensional’ representation of doxastic attitudes which incorporates not only substantive uncertainty about which first-order state of affairs obtains but also the degree of conviction with which we hold the attitude. This makes it possible that in cases of higher-order evidence the evidence sometimes impacts primarily on our conviction, rather than our substantive uncertainty. I argue (...)
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  47. A Generalized Notion of Refutation for Gentzen Calculi.Franz von Kutschera & Edited and Translated by Sara Ayhan - forthcoming - History and Philosophy of Logic:1-14.
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    (1 other version)Higher-order theories of consciousness.Peter Carruthers - 2007 - In Max Velmans & Susan Schneider (eds.), The Blackwell Companion to Consciousness. New York: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 288–297.
    Higherorder theories purport to account for the conscious character of such states in terms of higherorder representations. This chapter focuses on three classes of higherorder theory of phenomenal consciousness, including inner‐sense theory, actualist higherorder thought theory, and dispositionalist higherorder thought theory. All three of these higherorder theories purport to offer reductive explanations of phenomenal consciousness. Inner‐sense theory has important positive virtues, but faces problems; whereas actualist higherorder (...)
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  49. Higher-Order Thoughts, Neural Realization, and the Metaphysics of Consciousness.Rocco J. Gennaro - 2016 - In Consciousness. New York: Routledge. pp. 83-102.
    The higher-order thought (HOT) theory of consciousness is a reductive representational theory of consciousness which says that what makes a mental state conscious is that there is a suitable HOT directed at that mental state. Although it seems that any neural realization of the theory must be somewhat widely distributed in the brain, it remains unclear just how widely distributed it needs to be. In section I, I provide some background and define some key terms. In section II, (...)
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    Anatomy of a proposition.Bjørn Jespersen - 2019 - Synthese 196 (4):1285-1324.
    This paper addresses the mereological problem of the unity of structured propositions. The problem is how to make multiple parts interact such that they form a whole that is ultimately related to truth and falsity. The solution I propose is based on a Platonist variant of procedural semantics. I think of procedures as abstract entities that detail a logical path from input to output. Procedures are modeled on a function/argument logic, but are not functions. Instead they are higher-order, (...)
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