Results for 'gene flow'

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  1. Cohesion, Gene flow, and the Nature of Species.Matthew J. Barker & Robert A. Wilson - 2010 - Journal of Philosophy 107 (2):59-77.
    A far-reaching and influential view in evolutionary biology claims that species are cohesive units held together by gene flow. Biologists have recognized empirical problems facing this view; after sharpening the expression of the view, we present novel conceptual problems for it. At the heart of these problems is a distinction between two importantly different concepts of cohesion, what we call integrative and response cohesion. Acknowledging the distinction problematizes both the explanandum of species cohesion and the explanans of (...) flow that are central to the view we discuss. We conclude by tracing four broader implications for the study and conceptualization of species. (shrink)
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    Divergence and gene flow among Darwin's finches: A genome‐wide view of adaptive radiation driven by interspecies allele sharing.Daniela H. Palmer & Marcus R. Kronforst - 2015 - Bioessays 37 (9):968-974.
    A recent analysis of the genomes of Darwin's finches revealed extensive interspecies allele sharing throughout the history of the radiation and identified a key locus responsible for morphological evolution in this group. The radiation of Darwin's finches on the Galápagos archipelago has long been regarded as an iconic study system for field ecology and evolutionary biology. Coupled with an extensive history of field work, these latest findings affirm the increasing acceptance of introgressive hybridization, or gene flow between species, (...)
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  3. The empirical inadequacy of species cohesion by Gene flow.Matthew J. Barker - 2007 - Philosophy of Science 74 (5):654-665.
    This paper brings needed clarity to the influential view that species are cohesive entities held together by gene flow, and then develops an empirical argument against that view: Neglected data suggest gene flow is neither necessary nor sufficient for species cohesion. Implications are discussed. ‡I'm grateful to Rob Wilson, Alex Rueger and Lindley Darden for important comments on earlier drafts, and to Joseph Nagel, Heather Proctor, Ken Bond, members of the DC History and Philosophy of Biology (...)
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    Broken barriers: Human-induced changes to gene flow and introgression in animals.Erika Crispo, Jean-Sébastien Moore, Julie A. Lee-Yaw, Suzanne M. Gray & Benjamin C. Haller - 2011 - Bioessays 33 (7):508-518.
    We identify two processes by which humans increase genetic exchange among groups of individuals: by affecting the distribution of groups and dispersal patterns across a landscape, and by affecting interbreeding among sympatric or parapatric groups. Each of these processes might then have two different effects on biodiversity: changes in the number of taxa through merging or splitting of groups, and the extinction/extirpation of taxa through effects on fitness. We review the various ways in which humans are affecting genetic exchange, and (...)
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    Ghost Introgression: Spooky Gene Flow in the Distant Past.Jente Ottenburghs - 2020 - Bioessays 42 (6):2000012.
    Evolution is a continuous trial and error process in which most lineages go extinct without leaving fossil remains. Many of these lineages would be closely related and occasionally hybridized with lineages that gave rise to extant species. Hence, it is likely that one can find genetic signatures of these ancient introgression events in present‐day genomes, so‐called ghost introgression. The increasing availability of high‐quality genome assemblies for non‐model organisms and the development of more sophisticated methods for detecting introgression will undoubtedly reveal (...)
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    Oakeshott on Rome and America.Gene Callahan - 2012 - Imprint Academic.
    The political systems of the Roman Republic were based almost entirely on tradition, “the way of the ancestors”, rather than on a written constitution. While the founders of the American Republic looked to ancient Rome as a primary model for their enterprise, nevertheless, in line with the rationalist spirit of their age, the American founders attempted to create a rational set of rules that would guide the conduct of American politics, namely, the US Constitution.These two examples offer a striking case (...)
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    A Typology of Public Engagement Mechanisms.Lynn J. Frewer & Gene Rowe - 2005 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 30 (2):251-290.
    Imprecise definition of key terms in the “public participation” domain have hindered the conduct of good research and militated against the development and implementation of effective participation practices. In this article, we define key concepts in the domain: public communication, public consultation, and public participation. These concepts are differentiated according to the nature and flow of information between exercise sponsors and participants. According to such an information flow perspective, an exercise’s effectiveness may be ascertained by the efficiency with (...)
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  8. The biological species as a Gene-flow community. Species essentialism does not imply species universalism.Werner Kunz & Markus Werning - unknown
    We defend a realistic attitude towards biological species. We argue that two species are not different species because they differ in intrinsic features, be they phenotypic or genomic, but because they are separated with regard to gene flow. There are no intrinsic species essences. However, there are relational ones. We argue that bearing a gene flow relation to conspecifics may serve as the essence of a species. Our view of the species as a Gene-Flow (...)
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    Species as Gene Flow Communities. [REVIEW]Thomas A. C. Reydon - 2013 - Acta Biotheoretica 61 (4):525-534.
  10.  64
    Genes, structuring powers and the flow of information in living systems.Frode Kjosavik - 2014 - Biology and Philosophy 29 (3):379-394.
    Minimal genetic pre-formationism is defended, in that primacy is ascribed to DNA in the structuring of molecules through molecular codes. This together with the importance of such codes for stability and variation in living systems makes DNA categorically different from other causal factors. It is argued that post-transcriptional and post-translational processing in protein synthesis does not rob DNA of this structuring role. Notions of structuring causal powers that may vary in degree, of arbitrary molecular codes that are more or less (...)
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    Individual differences in flow proneness are linked to a dopamine D2 receptor gene variant.Mate Gyurkovics, Eszter Kotyuk, Eniko Rozsa Katonai, Erzsebet Zsofia Horvath, Andrea Vereczkei & Anna Szekely - 2016 - Consciousness and Cognition 42:1-8.
  12.  30
    Reticulate Evolution: Symbiogenesis, Lateral Gene Transfer, Hybridization and Infectious heredity.Nathalie Gontier (ed.) - 2015 - Springer.
    Written for non-experts, this volume introduces the mechanisms that underlie reticulate evolution. Chapters are either accompanied with glossaries that explain new terminology or timelines that position pioneering scholars and their major discoveries in their historical contexts. The contributing authors outline the history and original context of discovery of symbiosis, symbiogenesis, lateral gene transfer, hybridization or divergence with gene flow, and infectious heredity. By applying key insights from the areas of molecular (phylo)genetics, microbiology, virology, ecology, systematics, immunology, epidemiology (...)
  13. In Genes We Trust: Germline Engineering, Eugenics, and the Future of the Human Genome.Russell Powell - 2015 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 40 (6):669-695.
    Liberal proponents of genetic engineering maintain that developing human germline modification technologies is morally desirable because it will result in a net improvement in human health and well-being. Skeptics of germline modification, in contrast, fear evolutionary harms that could flow from intervening in the human germline, and worry that such programs, even if well intentioned, could lead to a recapitulation of the scientifically and morally discredited projects of the old eugenics. Some bioconservatives have appealed as well to the value (...)
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    The Science of Genes.David Koepsell & Vanessa Gonzalez - 2015-03-19 - In Michael Boylan (ed.), Who Owns You? Wiley. pp. 30–51.
    The universally recognized backbone of molecular biology describes the flow of genetic information from deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) to ribonucleic acid (RNA) to protein or gene product, that is, DNA is transcribed into another nucleic acid (RNA), which is single stranded, next some types of RNA are in turn translated into proteins. Translation of nucleic acids to proteins is literally a translation from the genomic language to the metabolic language. Codons formed of a sequence of three nucleic acids summon (...)
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    From DNA- to NA-centrism and the conditions for gene-centrism revisited.Alexis De Tiège, Koen Tanghe, Johan Braeckman & Yves Van de Peer - 2014 - Biology and Philosophy 29 (1):55-69.
    First the ‘Weismann barrier’ and later on Francis Crick’s ‘central dogma’ of molecular biology nourished the gene-centric paradigm of life, i.e., the conception of the gene/genome as a ‘central source’ from which hereditary specificity unidirectionally flows or radiates into cellular biochemistry and development. Today, due to advances in molecular genetics and epigenetics, such as the discovery of complex post-genomic and epigenetic processes in which genes are causally integrated, many theorists argue that a gene-centric conception of the organism (...)
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    Does Flo flow? Cell layer interactions during floral development.Eugene J. Szymkowiak - 1995 - Bioessays 17 (5):387-390.
    Higher plant shoot meristems are multicellular structures that are the site of postembryonic organogenesis. Analysis of chimeric plants has indicated that cells in different regions of the meristem can interact with each other so that their activities are coordinated during developmental processes. Correlations have not been demonstrated between events at a molecular level and the interactions observed at a phenotypic level in chimeras. Two recent papers(1,2) address this problem by reporting that expression of the floricaula gene in one region (...)
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    Admixture in Mammals and How to Understand Its Functional Implications.Claudia Fontsere, Marc de Manuel, Tomas Marques-Bonet & Martin Kuhlwilm - 2019 - Bioessays 41 (12):1900123.
    Admixture, the genetic exchange between differentiated populations appears to be common in the history of species, but has not yet been comparatively studied across mammals. This limits the understanding of its mechanisms and potential role in mammalian evolution. The authors want to summarize the current knowledge on admixture in non‐human primates, and suggest that it is important to establish a comparative framework for this phenomenon in humans. Genetic observations in domesticated mammals and their wild counterparts are discussed, and a brief (...)
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    Searching for Sympatric Speciation in the Genomic Era.Emilie J. Richards, Maria R. Servedio & Christopher H. Martin - 2019 - Bioessays 41 (7):1900047.
    Sympatric speciation illustrates how natural and sexual selection may create new species in isolation without geographic barriers. However, recent genomic reanalyses of classic examples of sympatric speciation reveal complex histories of secondary gene flow from outgroups into the radiation. In contrast, the rich theoretical literature on this process distinguishes among a diverse range of models based on simple genetic histories and different types of reproductive isolating barriers. Thus, there is a need to revisit how to connect theoretical models (...)
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    Admixture in Mammals and How to Understand Its Functional Implications.Claudia Fontsere, Marc Manuel, Tomas Marques‐Bonet & Martin Kuhlwilm - 2019 - Bioessays 41 (12):1900123.
    Admixture, the genetic exchange between differentiated populations appears to be common in the history of species, but has not yet been comparatively studied across mammals. This limits the understanding of its mechanisms and potential role in mammalian evolution. The authors want to summarize the current knowledge on admixture in non‐human primates, and suggest that it is important to establish a comparative framework for this phenomenon in humans. Genetic observations in domesticated mammals and their wild counterparts are discussed, and a brief (...)
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    From the selfish gene to selfish metabolism: Revisiting the central dogma.Víctor de Lorenzo - 2014 - Bioessays 36 (3):226-235.
    The standard representation of the Central Dogma (CD) of Molecular Biology conspicuously ignores metabolism. However, both the metabolites and the biochemical fluxes behind any biological phenomenon are encrypted in the DNA sequence. Metabolism constrains and even changes the information flow when the DNA‐encoded instructions conflict with the homeostasis of the biochemical network. Inspection of adaptive virulence programs and emergence of xenobiotic‐biodegradation pathways in environmental bacteria suggest that their main evolutionary drive is the expansion of their metabolic networks towards new (...)
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  21.  19
    Could There Have Been Human Families Where Parents Came from Different Populations: Denisovans, Neanderthals or Sapiens?Marcin Edward Uhlik - 2020 - Scientia et Fides 8 (2):193-221.
    No later than ~500kya the population of Homo sapiens split into three lin¬eages of independently evolving human populations: Sapiens, Neanderthals and Den¬isovans. After several hundred thousands years, they met several times and interbred with low frequency. Evidence of coupling between them is found in fossil records of Neanderthal – Sapiens offspring and Neanderthal – Denisovans offspring. Moreover, the analysis of ancient and present-day population DNA shows that there were several significant gene flows between populations. Many introgressed sequences from Denisovans (...)
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    Problems and paradigms: Redundancies, development and the flow of information.Diethard Tautz - 1992 - Bioessays 14 (4):263-266.
    There is increasing evidence for the wide‐spread existence of functionally redundant genetic pathways in developmental processes. However, both their significance and manner of evolution are still matters of debate. I will argue here that redundancy of gene actions may, in fact, be a necessary requirement for the development and evolution of complex life forms. One can view development as a process that transmits information from the egg to the adult organism. Transmission of information is, however, always an error‐prone process, (...)
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  23.  74
    How is a species kept together?Peter J. Beurton - 1995 - Biology and Philosophy 10 (2):181-196.
    Over the decades, there has been substantial empirical evidence showing that the unity of species cannot be maintained by gene flow. The biological species concept is inconclusive on this point. The suggestion is made that the unity of species is maintained rather by selection constantly spreading new alleles throughout the species, or bygene circulation. There is a lack in conceptual distinction between gene flow and gene circulation which lies at the heart of the problem. The (...)
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    The Microbial Models of Molecular Biology: From Genes to Genomes.Rowland H. Davis - 2003 - Oxford University Press USA.
    This book explains the role of simple biological model systems in the growth of molecular biology. Essentially the whole history of molecular biology is presented here, tracing the work in bacteriophages in E. coli, the role of other prokaryotic systems, and also the protozoan and algal models—Paramecium and Chlamydomonas, primarily—and the move into eukaryotes with the fungal systems Neurospora, Aspergillus and yeast. Each model was selected for its appropriateness for asking a given class of questions, and each spawned its own (...)
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    Psychology and groups at the junction of genes and culture.R. Caporael Linnda - 2005 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 28 (6):819-821.
    Replacements for the self-interest axiom may posit weak to strong theories of sociality. Strong sociality may be useful for positing social cognitive mechanisms and their evolution, but weak sociality may work better for identifying interesting group-level outcomes by focusing on deviations from self-interested psychological assumptions. Such theoretical differences are likely to be based on disciplinary expertise, and the challenge for Darwinian integration is to keep the conversation flowing.
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    The Myth of Coexistence: Why Transgenic Crops Are Not Compatible With Agroecologically Based Systems of Production.Miguel A. Altieri - 2005 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 25 (4):361-371.
    The coexistence of genetically modified (GM) crops and non-GM crops is a myth because the movement of transgenes beyond their intended destinations is a certainty, and this leads to genetic contamination of organic farms and other systems. It is unlikely that transgenes can be retracted once they have escaped, thus the damage to the purity of non-GM seeds is permanent. The dominant GM crops have the potential to reduce biodiversity further by increasing agricultural intensification. There are also potential risks to (...)
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    Cultural Challenges to Biotechnology: Native American Genetic Resources and the Concept of Cultural Harm.Rebecca Tsosie - 2007 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 35 (3):396-411.
    Our society currently faces many complex and perplexing issues related to biotechnology, including the need to define the outer boundaries of genetic research on human beings and the need to protect individual and group rights to human tissue and the knowledge gained from the study of that tissue. Scientists have increasingly become interested in studying so-called “population isolates” to discover the nature and location of genes that are unique to particular groups. Indigenous peoples are often targeted by scientists because “the (...)
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  28. Browse papers.Giovanni Boniolo - manuscript
    Recent discussion of mechanism has suggested new approaches to several issues in the philosophy of science, including theory structure, causal explanation, and reductionism. Here, I apply what I take to be the fruits of the 'new mechanical philosophy' to an analysis of a contemporary debate in evolutionary biology about the role of natural selection in speciation. Traditional accounts of that debate focus on the geographic context of genetic divergence--namely, whether divergence in the absence of geographic isolation is possible (or significant). (...)
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    Persistence of Matrilocal Postmarital Residence Across Multiple Generations in Southern Africa.Austin W. Reynolds, Mark N. Grote, Justin W. Myrick, Dana R. Al-Hindi, Rebecca L. Siford, Mira Mastoras, Marlo Möller & Brenna M. Henn - 2023 - Human Nature 34 (2):295-323.
    Factors such as subsistence turnover, warfare, or interaction between different groups can be major sources of cultural change in human populations. Global demographic shifts such as the transition to agriculture during the Neolithic and more recently the urbanization and globalization of the twentieth century have been major catalysts for cultural change. Here, we test whether cultural traits such as patri/matrilocality and postmarital migration persist in the face of social upheaval and gene flow during the past 150 years in (...)
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    Species and Other Evolving Lineages as Feedback Systems.Matthew J. Barker - 2019 - Philosophy, Theory, and Practice in Biology 11.
    This paper proposes a new and testable view about the nature of species and other evolving lineages, according to which they are feedback systems. On this view, it is a mistake to think gene flow, niche sharing, and trait frequency similarities between populations are among variables that interact to cause some further downstream variable that distinguishes evolving lineages from each other, some sort of “species cohesion” for example. Instead, gene flow, niche sharing, similarities between populations, and (...)
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    Behavioral innovation and phylogeography.Pierre Deleporte - 2007 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 30 (4):408-409.
    Indirect identification of innovations in wild populations involves inferring past, unobserved behavioral events. Such historical inference can make simple use of present distribution patterns of differently behaving individuals, but population genetic studies are a potential source of complementary relevant information. Methodological lessons can be taken from phylogeography, that is, molecular approaches to the history of population spatial distribution patterns and gene flows. Opportunities for such studies in primates should increase with the developing population genetic studies used for management and (...)
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    Cultural selection and genetic diversity in humans.Peter Richerson - manuscript
    Recent research into human origins has largely focused on deducing past events and processes from current patterns of genetic variation. Some human genes possess unexpectedly low diversity, seemingly resulting from events of the late Pleistocene. Such anomalies have previously been ascribed to population bottlenecks or selection on genes. For four species of matrilineal whale, evidence suggests that cultural evolution may have reduced the diversity of genes which have similar transmission characteristics to selective cultural traits, through a process called cultural hitchhiking. (...)
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    Molecules versus morphology? Not for the human cranium.Charles C. Roseman & Timothy D. Weaver - 2007 - Bioessays 29 (12):1185-1188.
    Evolutionary investigations of human crania typically take a limited view of cranial diversity as they discount the possibility that human cranial variation could simply be due to the effects of random genetic drift, gene flow and mutation in favor of natural selection and developmental changes. Natural selection alone cannot explain similarities between patterns of cranial and molecular diversity observed in humans. It appears that the amount of phenotypic variance in the human cranium decreases at the population level as (...)
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    Using mitochondrial and nuclear DNA markers to reconstruct human evolution.Lynn B. Jorde, Michael Bamshad & Alan R. Rogers - 1998 - Bioessays 20 (2):126-136.
    Molecular genetic data have greatly improved our ability to test hypotheses about human evolution. During the past decade, a large amount of nuclear and mitochondrial data have been collected from diverse human populations. Taken together, these data indicate that modern humans are a relatively young species. African populations show the largest amount of genetic diversity, and they are the most genetically divergent population. Modern human populations expanded in size first on the African continent. These findings support a recent African origin (...)
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    Contamination, crop trials, and compatibility.Donald Bruce - 2003 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 16 (6):595-604.
    This paper examines the ethical andsocial questions that underlie the present UKdiscussion whether GM crops and organicagriculture can co-exist within a given regionor are mutually exclusive. A EuropeanCommission report predicted practicaldifficulties in achieving sufficientseparation distances to guarantee lowerthreshold levels proposed for GM material inorganic produce. Evidence of gene flow betweensome crops and their wild relatives has beena key issue in the recent Government consultation toconsult on whether or not to authorizecommercial planting of GM crops, following theresults of the (...)
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    Speciation and inversions: Chimps and humans.Jody Hey - 2003 - Bioessays 25 (9):825-828.
    A new set of models has resurrected a role for chromosomal inversions in the formation of new species.1-3 Traditional models, which are generally considered to be unlikely in most cases, had imagined that inversions might aid speciation by directly causing low hybrid fitness. In contrast, the newer models focus on the effect that inversions have on local recombination rates. A test of these models found a strikingly high rate of amino-acid substitution within regions where humans and chimpanzees differ by inversions, (...)
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    Natural history of ashkenazi intelligence.Gregory Cochran, Jason Hardy & Henry Harpending - 2006 - Journal of Biosocial Science 38 (5):659-693.
    This paper elaborates the hypothesis that the unique demography and sociology of Ashkenazim in medieval Europe selected for intelligence. Ashkenazi literacy, economic specialization, and closure to inward gene flow led to a social environment in which there was high fitness payoff to intelligence, specifically verbal and mathematical intelligence but not spatial ability. As with any regime of strong directional selection on a quantitative trait, genetic variants that were otherwise fitness reducing rose in frequency. In particular we propose that (...)
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    Dissecting post‐mating prezygotic speciation phenotypes.Kerry L. Shaw & Jonathan M. Lambert - 2014 - Bioessays 36 (11):1050-1053.
    Darwin's “mystery of mysteries,” the origin of species, is caused by the evolution of speciation phenotypes, i.e. phenotypic differences that depress gene flow between daughter species during speciation. Postmating, prezygotic (PMPZ) differentiation characterizes many closely related species causing conspecific sperm precedence (CSP), wherein a female preferentially utilizes conspecific over heterospecific sperm in fertilization. Until recently, the components of CSP have been difficult to observe and study in internally fertilizing organisms. Research into the mechanisms of CSP is now progressing (...)
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  39. The dimensions, modes and definitions of species and speciation.John Wilkins - 2007 - Biology and Philosophy 22 (2):247-266.
    Speciation is an aspect of evolutionary biology that has received little philosophical attention apart from articles mainly by biologists such as Mayr (1988). The role of speciation as a terminus a quo for the individuality of species or in the context of punctuated equilibrium theory has been discussed, but not the nature of speciation events themselves. It is the task of this paper to attempt to bring speciation events into some kind of general scheme, based primarily upon the work of (...)
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    The Sociocultural and Food Security Impacts of Genetic Pollution via Transgenic Crops of Traditional Varieties in Latin American Centers of Peasant Agriculture.Miguel A. Altieri - 2003 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 23 (5):350-359.
    The introduction of transgenic crops into centers of diversity or areas dominated by traditional agriculture threatens genetic diversity as well as indigenous knowledge and culture. It is further argued that the impacts go beyond genetic changes in heterogeneous native crop varieties to embrace effects on evolutionary processes such as gene flow between native crops and wild relatives, and erosion of local knowledge systems such as folk taxonomies and selection of varieties that thrive in marginal environments in which resourcepoor (...)
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    Race: a stereotype.Charles Susanne & Esther Rebato - 2003 - Global Bioethics 16 (1):111-115.
    In a typological and racial classification, the hypothesis is to suppose that races have existed at a “pure” level, before migrations would result in a large mixing. In this way of thinking, one forgets that migrations have always existed and thus gene flow too. When groups meet, they may or may not bleed, but they always breed.
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    Dualism and conflicts in understanding speciation.Menno Schilthuizen - 2000 - Bioessays 22 (12):1134-1141.
    Speciation is a central but elusive issue in evolutionary biology. Over the past sixty years, the subject has been studied within a framework conceived by Ernst Mayr and Theodosius Dobzhansky and subsequently developed further by numerous other workers. In this “isolation” theory, the evolution of reproductive isolation is a key element of speciation; natural selection is given only secondary importance while gene flow is considered prohibitive to the process. In this paper, I argue that certain elements in this (...)
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  43. Adaptive speciation: The role of natural selection in mechanisms of geographic and non-geographic speciation.Jason M. Byron - 2005 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 36 (2):303-326.
    Recent discussion of mechanism has suggested new approaches to several issues in the philosophy of science, including theory structure, causal explanation, and reductionism. Here, I apply what I take to be the fruits of the 'new mechanical philosophy' to an analysis of a contemporary debate in evolutionary biology about the role of natural selection in speciation. Traditional accounts of that debate focus on the geographic context of genetic divergence--namely, whether divergence in the absence of geographic isolation is possible (or significant). (...)
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  44. On the possible role of egg mimics in speciation.Tijs Goldschmidt & Jaap Visser - 1990 - Acta Biotheoretica 38 (2).
    Sexually active male haplochromine cichlid fishes possess pronounced yellow ovoid spots on the anal fm, which mimic eggs of the female and have therefore been called egg dummies (Wickler, 1962b).It is thought that divergence in egg dummy characteristics can considerably reduce gene flow and in this way may trigger off reproductive isolation. Two ways in which egg dummy divergence can develop are described. Both mechanisms may have been operating, at the same time and in the same area, in (...)
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    Why Disease Persists: An Evolutionary Nosology. [REVIEW]Robert L. Perlman - 2005 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 8 (3):343-350.
    Although natural selection might be expected to reduce the incidence and severity of disease, disease persists. Natural selection leads to increases in the mean fitness of populations and so will reduce the frequency of disease-associated alleles, but other evolutionary processes, such as mutation and gene flow, may introduce or increase the frequency of these deleterious alleles. The pleiotropic actions of genes and the epistatic interactions between them complicate the relationship between genotype and phenotype, and may result in the (...)
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    The social construction of production externalities in contemporary agriculture: Process versus product standards as the basis for defining “organic”. [REVIEW]B. James Deaton & John P. Hoehn - 2005 - Agriculture and Human Values 22 (1):31-38.
    The analysis distinguishes two types of standards for defining organic produce; process standards and product standards. Process standards define organic products by the method and means of production. Product standards define organic by the physical quality of the end product. The National Organic Program (NOP) uses process standards as the basis for defining organic. However, the situation is complicated by agricultural production practices, which sometimes result in the migration of NOP prohibited substances from conventional to organic fields. When this interaction (...)
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  47. GMOs: Non-Health Issues.Daniel Hicks & Roberta L. Millstein - 2016 - In B. Thompson Paul & Kaplan David (eds.), Encyclopedia of Food and Agricultural Ethics (Second Edition). Springer. pp. 1-11.
    The controversy over genetically modified [GM] organisms is often framed in terms of possible hazards for human health. Articles in a previous volume of this *Encyclopedia* give a general overview of GM crops [@Mulvaney2014] and specifically examine human health [@Nordgard2014] and labeling [@Bruton2014] issues surrounding GM organisms. This article explores several other aspects of the controversy: environmental concerns, political and legal disputes, and the aim of "feeding the world" and promoting food security. Rather than discussing abstract, hypothetical GM organisms, this (...)
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    Challenging the dogma: the hidden layer of non-protein-coding RNAs in complex organisms.John S. Mattick - 2003 - Bioessays 25 (10):930-939.
    The central dogma of biology holds that genetic information normally flows from DNA to RNA to protein. As a consequence it has been generally assumed that genes generally code for proteins, and that proteins fulfil not only most structural and catalytic but also most regulatory functions, in all cells, from microbes to mammals. However, the latter may not be the case in complex organisms. A number of startling observations about the extent of non-protein-coding RNA (ncRNA) transcription in the higher eukaryotes (...)
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    Abundant nature's long-term openness to humane biocultural designs.Robert B. Glassman - 2009 - Zygon 44 (2):355-388.
    Not by Genes Alone excellently explains Peter J. Richerson and Robert Boyd's important ideas about human gene-culture co-evolution to a broader audience but remains short of a larger vision of civilization. Several decades ago Ralph Burhoe had seen that fertile possibility in Richerson and Boyd's work. I suggest getting past present reductionistic customs to a scientific perspective having an integral place for virtue. Subsystem agency is part of this view, as is the driving role of abundance, whose ultimate origins (...)
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  50. Brain Data in Context: Are New Rights the Way to Mental and Brain Privacy?Daniel Susser & Laura Y. Cabrera - 2023 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 15 (2):122-133.
    The potential to collect brain data more directly, with higher resolution, and in greater amounts has heightened worries about mental and brain privacy. In order to manage the risks to individuals posed by these privacy challenges, some have suggested codifying new privacy rights, including a right to “mental privacy.” In this paper, we consider these arguments and conclude that while neurotechnologies do raise significant privacy concerns, such concerns are—at least for now—no different from those raised by other well-understood data collection (...)
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