Results for 'fl Buck'

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  1.  21
    The origin of negative dialectics: Theodor W. Adorno, Walter Benjamin and the Frankfurt Institute.Susan Buck-Morss - 1977 - Hassocks, Eng.: Harvester Press.
  2.  14
    Contemporary philosophy, a new survey.Guttorm Fløistad & G. H. von Wright (eds.) - 1981 - Hingham, MA: Distributors for the U.S. and Canada, Kluwer Boston.
    "A continuation of two earlier series of chronicles, Philosophy in the mid-century (Frienze 1958/59) and Contemporary philosophy (Frienze 1968)"--Preface.
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  3. The sideways look.Buck Hello - 1971 - In Amedeo Giorgi, William Frank Fischer & Rolf Von Eckartsberg (eds.), Duquesne Studies in Phenomenological Psychology. Pittsburgh: Duquesne University Press. pp. 1--164.
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    The Logical Structure of the Linnaen Hierarchy.Roger C. Buck & David L. Hull - 1966 - Systematic Zoology 15 (2):97-111.
  5. A psychologist's reply Ross Buck LeDoux and I clearly agree that psychologists studying emotion must be aware of the work of neuroscientists to provide a framework for their ideas, and that psychological theory and research may provide leads for neuroscientists.Ross Buck - 1986 - In David A. Oakley (ed.), Mind and Brain. Methuen. pp. 359.
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  6. Die humanistische Tradition in der Romania.August Buck - 1968 - Bad Homburg v. d. H.,: Gehlen.
  7. Naturgemässe Erziehung bei Pestalozzi ung Montessori. Zur Kritik der psychologischen Pädagogik.A. Buck - 1955 - In Theodor Litt, Josef Derbolav & Friedhelm Nicolin (eds.), Geist und Erziehung: aus dem Gespräch zwischen Philosophie und Pädagogik: kleine Bonner Festgabe für Theodor Litt. Bonn: H. Bouvier.
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  8. Non-other minds.R. Buck - 1962 - In Ronald Joseph Butler (ed.), Analytic Philosophy. Oxford, England: Blackwell.
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  9. Vitenskap og historie. En presentasjon og drøfting av den filosofiske hermeneutikk.G. Fløistad - 1983 - Norsk Filosofisk Tidsskrift 2:69-104.
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  10. Filozofie și medicină: [studii].Fl Georgescu (ed.) - 1978 - București: Editura Medicală.
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    The Dialectics of Seeing: Walter Benjamin and the Arcades Project.Susan Buck-Morss - 1989 - MIT Press.
  12. Gaudium et Spes and marriage: A conjugal covenant.Therese Buck - 2012 - The Australasian Catholic Record 89 (4):444.
    Buck, Therese This article explores some of the factors that led to Vatican II's teaching that marriage is a covenant [foedus] in Gaudium et spes when, in the 1917 Code of Canon Law marriage is referred to as a contract [contractus]. As a background to the developments in Gaudium et spes, I will first outline the teaching on marriage in the 1917 Code and in Pius XI's 1930 encyclical Casti connubii. This will be followed by the inclusion of marriage (...)
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  13. What is this thing called subjective experience? Reflections on the neuropsychology of qualia.R. Buck - 1993 - Neuropsychology 7:490-99.
  14.  11
    Contemporary Philosophy: A New Survey - Vol. 4: Philosophy of Mind.Guttorm Fløistad (ed.) - 1983 - The Hague: M. Nijhoff.
  15.  7
    Heidegger.Guttorm Fløistad - 1968 - Oslo,: Pax.
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  16. The Concept of World in Existentialism.Guttorm FlØistad - 1981 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 35 (1):28.
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  17.  26
    Freewill and Determinism: A Study in Rival Concepts of Man.Roger C. Buck - 1971 - Philosophical Review 80 (1):113-117.
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    Hegel, Haiti and Universal History.Susan Buck-Morss - 2009 - University of Pittsburgh Press. Edited by Susan Buck-Morss.
    In this path-breaking work, Susan Buck-Morss draws new connections between history, inequality, social conflict, and human emancipation. _Hegel, Haiti, and Universal History_ offers a fundamental reinterpretation of Hegel's master-slave dialectic and points to a way forward to free critical theoretical practice from the prison-house of its own debates. Historicizing the thought of Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel and the actions taken in the Haitian Revolution, Buck-Morss examines the startling connections between the two and challenges us to widen the boundaries (...)
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  19.  15
    Hermeneutik und Bildung: Elemente einer verstehenden Bildungslehre.Günther Buck - 1981 - München: Fink.
  20.  13
    Ruinen-Ästhetik: Über die Spuren der Zeit im Raum der Gegenwart.Kevin Bücking - 2023 - transcript Verlag.
    Die Ästhetik der Ruinen kennzeichnet eine Lust am Paradoxen. Zwischen Natur und Kultur, Erbauung und Zerstörung, Melancholie und Hoffnung, Vergangenheit und Zukunft erscheinen die Ruinen als Spuren der Zeit im Raum der Gegenwart ihrer ästhetischen Begegnung. Kevin Bücking zeigt, inwiefern die Ästhetik der Ruinen und des Ruinösen in einem besonderen Zusammenspiel aus leiblich-sinnlichen Erfahrungen und begrifflichen Reflexionen besteht. In Auseinandersetzung mit unterschiedlichen ästhetischen Medien wie Malerei, Fotografie, Film, Computerspiel und Virtual Reality wird ersichtlich: Die Faszination an Ruinen und Ruinösem ist (...)
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    Alain Locke: faith and philosophy.Christopher Buck - 2005 - Los Angeles, Calif.: Kalimat Press.
    Self-portrait -- The early Washington, D.C. Baha'i community -- Conversion -- Race amity -- Pilgrimage -- Harlem Renaissance and Baha'i service -- Estrangement and rededication -- Baha'i essays -- Alain Locke's philosophy of democracy : America, race, and world peace.
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  22. Comments on Buchwald's" verbal utterances as data.".R. Buck - 1961 - In Herbert Feigl & Grover Maxwell (eds.), Current Issues in the Philosophy of Science. New York. pp. 468--472.
  23. Ch. Trinkaus, In our image and likeness.August Buck - 1974 - Philosophische Rundschau 20:17.
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  24. Eunapius' lives of the Sophists.David F. Buck - 1992 - Byzantion 62:141.
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  25.  7
    Index of ancient, medieval and renaissance authors.Adam Buckfield - 2009 - In Christophe Grellard & Aurâelien Robert (eds.), Atomism in late medieval philosophy and theology. Boston: Brill. pp. 9--247.
  26.  10
    14 Seventy years of coercion in psychiatric institutions, experienced and witnessed.Dorothea S. Buck-Zerchin - 2011 - In Thomas W. Kallert, Juan E. Mezzich & John Monahan (eds.), Coercive treatment in psychiatry: clinical, legal and ethical aspects. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 235.
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  27. The Logic of Political Constructivism.Richard Michael Buck - 2000 - Dissertation, University of Kansas
    My project in the dissertation is to develop a constructivist account of the normative structure of political or civil obligations. The first part of the dissertation focuses on Kant's moral and political constructivism respectively. In chapter two I argue that Kant's account of the normativity of moral obligations is rooted in the idea of moral community which is an objective end that is built into the structure of our practical reasoning. Moral obligations are justified for Kant because they reflect our (...)
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  28. im Denken der Vorsokratiker. Ein Beitrag zum Lexikon der Vorsokratiker.Beeretz Fl - 1975 - Filosofia 5:157-176.
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    Kritiske forståelsesformer.Guttorm Fløistad - 1969 - Oslo,: Elingaard (Bokcentralen).
  30.  7
    Philosophical Problems Today, Volume 1.Guttorm Fløistad (ed.) - 1994 - Dordrecht, Netherland: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
    Volume 1 in the new series, Philosophical Problems Today, contains articles on standard problems in European and American philosophy. Quine writes on truth and discusses various difficulties connected with the clear definition of the correspondence theory of truth. Strawson, in his articles on individuals, disputes the empiricist test for the status of entity of object. Sufficient identity-conditions are satisfied by a much wider range of objects. The concept of meaning is further extended and differentiated in the article by Habermas on (...)
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    Philosophical Problems Today, Volume 2: Language, Meaning, Interpretation.Guttorm Fløistad (ed.) - 2004 - Dordrecht, Netherland: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
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  32. Minding Sciacca's Suggestion on the Platonic One and the dialettica dell'eterno.Peccorini Fl - 1976 - Giornale di Metafisica 31 (4-6):611-638.
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  33.  10
    Philosophie et science au Moyen Age / Philosophy and Science in the Middle Ages.Guttorm Fløstad & Raymond Klibansky - 1990 - Springer.
  34. Semantiske relasjoner i reformulering1.Kjersti Fløttum - 1995 - Hermes 14:145-66.
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  35.  10
    Relational identities and other-than-human agency in archaeology.Eleanor Harrison-Buck & Julia Ann Hendon (eds.) - 2018 - Louisville: University Press of Colorado.
    Explores the benefits and consequences of archaeological theorizing on and interpretation of the social agency of nonhumans as relational beings capable of producing change in the world. Cross-examines traditional understanding of agency and personhood, presenting a globally diverse set of case studies that cover a range of cultural, geographical, and historical contexts"--Provided by publisher.
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    1. The intentional object constraint.Dancy On Buck—Passing - 2013 - In David Bakhurst, Margaret Olivia Little & Brad Hooker (eds.), Thinking about reasons: themes from the philosophy of Jonathan Dancy. Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.
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    Das Geschichtsdenken der Renaissance.August Buck - 1957 - Krefeld: Scherpe.
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  38. Man's Moral Nature. An Essay.Richard Maurice Bucke - 1880 - Mind 5 (20):559-562.
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  39. Psa 1970 in Memory of Rudolf Carnap : Proceedings of the 1970 Biennial Meeting, Philosophy of Science Association.Roger C. Buck, Rudolf Carnap & R. S. Cohen - 1971
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    Year 1: a philosophical recounting.Susan Buck-Morss - 2021 - Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press.
    A reconsideration of the first century, before there were chronological centuries, and how it troubles our contemporary boundaries between religion, philosophy, and law.
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    Emotion is an Entity at Both Biological and Ecological Levels: The Ghost in the Machine is Language.Ross Buck - 2010 - Emotion Review 2 (3):286-287.
    In “Emergent Ghosts of the Emotion Machine,” James Coan neglects emotion displays involved in social communication and activity in central neurochemical systems associated with drug-induced changes in feelings and desires. Also, he fails to recognize that emotions are not rigidly bound to action tendencies, but rather have evolved internal signals to afford flexibility of response. Emotion indices naturally lack close coordination because different aspects—physiological arousal, expressive display, subjective experience—are differentially accessible to the responder and interaction partner, and therefore undergo different (...)
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  42.  74
    Gender and Geoengineering.Holly Jean Buck, Andrea R. Gammon & Christopher J. Preston - 2014 - Hypatia 29 (3):651-669.
    Geoengineering has been broadly and helpfully defined as “the intentional manipulation of the earth's climate to counteract anthropogenic climate change or its warming effects” (Corner and Pidgeon , 26). Although there exists a rapidly growing literature on the ethics of geoengineering, very little has been written about its gender dimensions. The authors consider four contexts in which geoengineering appears to have important gender dimensions: (1) the demographics of those pushing the current agenda, (2) the overall vision of control it involves, (...)
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  43.  39
    Music In The Moment.M. Buck - 2002 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 80 (1):133-133.
    Book Information Music In The Moment. By Jerrold Levinson. Cornell University Press. Ithaca. 1997. Pp. 175. Hardback.
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    Musical Worlds: New Directions in the Philosophy of Music.M. Buck - 2001 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 79 (4):593-593.
    Book Information Musical Worlds: New Directions in the\nPhilosophy of Music. Edited by Philip Alperson.\nPennsylvania State University Press. University Park. 1998.\nPp. 188. Paperback.
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    Piaget, Adorno, and the Possibilities of Dialectical Operations.Susan Buck-Morss - 1980 - In Hugh J. Silverman (ed.), Piaget, philosophy, and the human sciences. Evanston, IL.: Northwestern University Press. pp. 103--136.
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  46.  39
    Prime theory: An integrated view of motivation and emotion.Ross Buck - 1985 - Psychological Review 92 (3):389-413.
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  47.  11
    A musicology for landscape.David N. Buck - 2017 - New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
    Drawing conceptually and directly on music notation, this book investigates landscape architecture's inherent temporality. It argues that the rich history of notating time in music provides a critical model for this under-researched and under-theorised aspect of landscape architecture, while also ennobling sound in the sensory appreciation of landscape. It makes available to a wider landscape architecture and urban design audience the works of three influential composers - Morton Feldman, Gyorgy Ligeti and Michael Finnissy - presenting a critical evaluation of their (...)
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    Überlegungen zum gegenwärtigen Stand der Renaissanceforschung.August Buck - 1981 - Bibliothèque d'Humanisme Et Renaissance 43 (1):7-38.
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  49. Die « Studia Humanitatis » Und Ihre Methode.August Buck - 1959 - Bibliothèque d'Humanisme Et Renaissance 21 (2):273-290.
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  50. Het existentialisme.J. De Buck - 1952 - Antwerpen,: De Vlijt.
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