Results for 'facilitator's roles and positions.'

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  1.  19
    The Paratexts of Cpi: Emergent Findings of an Inquiry in Iran.Soudabeh Shokrollahzadeh & Morteza Khosronejad - 2023 - Childhood and Philosophy 19:01-24.
    This article presents the emergent findings of research conducted in Iran. It’s main objective was to investigate whether adolescents' thinking could turn polyphonic in CPI and what processes, thinking would go through to achieve this objective. Seventeen adolescents, ten girls, and seven boys participated in fourteen sessions with three iranian and three foreign novels as the materials of inquiry. The sessions were videotaped and analyzed by the researchers. The findings discovered out of pre-determined objectives revealed that CPI was effective in (...)
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    The responsibility of sports federations to facilitate and fund concussion research and the role of active participant involvement and engagement.Søren Holm - 2024 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 18 (3):282-292.
    It is generally accepted that we need more research into concussions and other injuries with potential long-term effects in sport because such research underpins effective, evidence-based prevention, management, support, and treatment. This paper provides an analysis of the obligations of sports federations to support and facilitate such research, as well as an analysis of the role active participants in the sport should have in the research process. The paper focuses on concussion and concussion research, though very similar arguments apply to (...)
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    The Moderating Role of the Hostile-World Scenario in the Connections Between COVID-19 Worries, Loneliness, and Anxiety.Yoav S. Bergman, Amit Shrira, Yuval Palgi & Dov Shmotkin - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The COVID-19 pandemic has had pronounced effects on individuals' psychological well-being around the world. Concerns regarding the consequences of infection, as well as the general uncertainty and governmental regulations have resulted in increased psychological distress among many populations and cultures. In this regard, research has shown that the manner by which individuals perceive such large-scale threats and appraise them significantly contributes to the psychological consequences of such events. According to the Hostile-World Scenario model, negative engagement with such threats weakens one's (...)
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    Empathy’s Role in Engineering Ethics: Empathizing with One’s Self to Others Across the Globe.Justin L. Hess - 2024 - Science and Engineering Ethics 30 (6):1-23.
    Engineers make decisions with global impacts and empathy can motivate ethical reasoning and behavior that is sensitive to the needs and perspectives of stakeholders across the globe. Microethics and macroethics offer two frames of reference for engineering ethics education, but different dimensions of empathy play distinct roles in micro- and macroethics. Microethics emphasizes individual responsibility and interpersonal relationships whereas macroethics emphasizes societal obligations and impacts. While empathy can support ethical reasoning and behavior for each, in this paper I argue (...)
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    Bodily feedback: expansive and upward posture facilitates the experience of positive affect.Patty Van Cappellen, Kevin L. Ladd, Stephanie Cassidy, Megan E. Edwards & Barbara L. Fredrickson - 2022 - Cognition and Emotion 36 (7):1327-1342.
    Most emotion theories recognise the importance of the body in expressing and constructing emotions. Focusing beyond the face, the present research adds needed empirical data on the effect of static full body postures on positive/negative affect. In Studies 1 (N = 110) and 2 (N = 79), using a bodily feedback paradigm, we manipulated postures to test causal effects on affective and physiological responses to emotionally ambiguous music. Across both studies among U.S. participants, we find the strongest support for an (...)
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    Mental recovery, citizenship roles, and the Mental After-Care Association, 1879–1928.Hannah Blythe - forthcoming - History of the Human Sciences.
    This article argues for the importance of studying life after mental illness. A significant proportion of people who experience mental illness recover, but the experience continues to affect their lives. Historical examination of the birth of mental after-care through the Mental After-Care Association (MACA) highlights the challenges faced by those who were discharged recovered from English and Welsh lunatic asylums between 1879 and 1928. This research demonstrates the relationship between ideas regarding psychiatric recovery and citizenship. Throughout the period, certification of (...)
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    How Do University Students’ Perceptions of the Instructor’s Role Influence Their Learning Outcomes and Satisfaction in Cloud-Based Virtual Classrooms During the COVID-19 Pandemic?Rong Wang, Jiying Han, Chuanyong Liu & Hongji Xu - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    This study examined the relationships between the role of the instructor and university students’ learning outcomes in cloud-based classrooms during the COVID-19 pandemic. The results of an online survey of 7,210 university students in mainland China revealed that the students’ perceived learning outcomes and learning satisfaction were positively related to instructor innovation and negatively related to instructor performance. Instructional support was positively related to the students’ perceived learning outcomes but not directly related to their learning satisfaction. The students’ academic self-efficacy (...)
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  8.  42
    Going Fossil Free: A Lesson in Climate Activism and Collective Responsibility.Eric S. Godoy - 2017 - In Filho Walter Leal (ed.), Handbook of Climate Change Research at Universities: Addressing the Mitigation and Adaptation Challenges. Spring International. pp. 55-67.
    Colleges and universities already contribute significantly to the fight against climate change, but the UN has recently called upon them to do even more. The purpose of this article is to demonstrate that institutions of higher education play a unique role in combatting climate change and other structural injustices, not only by conducting research and disseminating knowledge, but also by fostering a form of collective political responsibility. A philosophical analysis of different forms of collective responsibility, with specific attention to the (...)
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  9. The 'patient's physician one-step removed': the evolving roles of medical tourism facilitators.J. Snyder, V. A. Crooks, K. Adams, P. Kingsbury & R. Johnston - 2011 - Journal of Medical Ethics 37 (9):530-534.
    Background: Medical tourism involves patients travelling internationally to receive medical services. This practice raises a range of ethical issues, including potential harms to the patient's home and destination country and risks to the patient's own health. Medical tourists often engage the services of a facilitator who may book travel and accommodation and link the patient with a hospital abroad. Facilitators have the potential to exacerbate or mitigate the ethical concerns associated with medical tourism, but their roles are poorly understood. (...)
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  10.  28
    Structural Power, Hegemony, and State Capitalism: Limits to China’s Global Economic Power.Kellee S. Tsai & Mingtang Liu - 2021 - Politics and Society 49 (2):235-267.
    A comparative historical perspective shows how globalization and the specificities of China’s rapid growth era limit its hegemonic potential in the twenty-first century global economy. Although state capitalism and openness to foreign capital facilitated China’s economic transformation, interactions among three forms of capital—state, private, and foreign—have produced developmental dynamics that constrain China’s capacity to assume the position of the world’s economic hegemon. These include the compromised competitiveness of China’s corporate sector due to the domination of state-owned enterprises, limits on the (...)
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    I am one of you! Team prototypicality as a facilitator for female leaders.Alina S. Hernandez Bark, Lucas Monzani & Rolf van Dick - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    In the present study, we complement role congruity theory with insights from the Social Identity Model of Leadership. We propose that especially female leaders benefit from team prototypicality, i.e., being representative of the group they are leading. We assume that team prototypicality shifts the comparative frame away from higher-order categories like gender and leader roles to more concrete team-related properties and thereby reduces disadvantages for female leader that stem from the incongruity between the leader role and the female gender (...)
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    Leibniz’s Binary Algebra and its Role in the Expression and Classification of Numbers.Mattia Brancato - 2021 - Philosophia Scientiae 25:71-94.
    Leibniz’s binary numeral system is generally studied for its arithmetical relevance, but the analysis of several unpublished manuscripts shows that from the very beginning Leibniz also envisaged a new form of algebra in the context of dyadics based on the idea that its letters can only express numbers that are either 1 or 0. In this paper, I shall present the most notable results of this binary algebra: the determination of the algorithm for the expansion of squares and the development (...)
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    Perceived Effort in Football Athletes: The Role of Achievement Goal Theory and Self-Determination Theory.Diogo Monteiro, Diogo S. Teixeira, Bruno Travassos, Pedro Duarte-Mendes, João Moutão, Sérgio Machado & Luís Cid - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:393291.
    The main goals of this study were, to test the motivational determinants of athletes perceived effort in football considering the four-stage motivational sequence at the contextual level proposed by Hierarchical Model of Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation: task-involving, basic psychological needs, self-determined motivation and perceived effort. The multi-group analysis across different age-groups (U15, U17, U19, U21 years) and mediation role of basic psychological needs and self-determined motivation on the task-involving climate and the perceived effort were also analysed. Two independent samples of (...)
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  14.  48
    Elizabeth Mackinlay.Disturbances and Dislocations: Understanding Teaching and Learning Experiences in Indigenous Australian Women's Music and Dance(Bern: Peter Lang, 2007).Sarah H. Watts - 2009 - Philosophy of Music Education Review 17 (1):90-94.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Disturbances and Dislocations: Understanding Teaching and Learning Experiences in Indigenous Australian Women’s Music and DanceSarah H. WattsElizabeth Mackinlay. Disturbances and Dislocations: Understanding Teaching and Learning Experiences in Indigenous Australian Women’s Music and Dance (Bern: Peter Lang, 2007).Elizabeth Mackinlay, a lecturer in the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies Unit at the University of Queensland, documents her unique pedagogical approaches and ways of thinking about the teaching and learning (...)
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    The Role of Animacy in Children's Interpretation of Relative Clauses in English: Evidence From Sentence–Picture Matching and Eye Movements.Ross Macdonald, Silke Brandt, Anna Theakston, Elena Lieven & Ludovica Serratrice - 2020 - Cognitive Science 44 (8):e12874.
    Subject relative clauses (SRCs) are typically processed more easily than object relative clauses (ORCs), but this difference is diminished by an inanimate head‐noun in semantically non‐reversible ORCs (“The book that the boy is reading”). In two eye‐tracking experiments, we investigated the influence of animacy on online processing of semantically reversible SRCs and ORCs using lexically inanimate items that were perceptually animate due to motion (e.g., “Where is the tractor that the cow is chasing”). In Experiment 1, 48 children (aged 4;5–6;4) (...)
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    Role and Position of Scientific Voices: Reported Speech in the Media.Carmen López Ferrero & Helena Calsamiglia - 2003 - Discourse Studies 5 (2):147-173.
    The aim of this study is twofold: one, to determine the presence and function of scientific knowledge when it is required by such cases as `mad cow' disease, when the crisis breaks in the press; and two, to explore the role of scientific information through the analysis of quoted speech used by journalists in their discourse. Citation is the most explicit form of inclusion of other-discourse in one's-discourse. Within the framework of the theory of énonciation, in combination with a critical (...)
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    Two Routes to Face Perception: Evidence From Psychophysics and Computational Modeling.Adrian Schwaninger, Janek S. Lobmaier, Christian Wallraven & Stephan Collishaw - 2009 - Cognitive Science 33 (8):1413-1440.
    The aim of this study was to separately analyze the role of featural and configural face representations. Stimuli containing only featural information were created by cutting the faces into their parts and scrambling them. Stimuli only containing configural information were created by blurring the faces. Employing an old‐new recognition task, the aim of Experiments 1 and 2 was to investigate whether unfamiliar faces (Exp. 1) or familiar faces (Exp. 2) can be recognized if only featural or configural information is provided. (...)
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  18.  45
    Plato's Phaedo on Disagreement and Its Role in Epistemic Improvement.Tonguc Seferoglu - 2020 - Ancient Philosophy Today 2 (1):24-44.
    Recent studies suggest that the form and style of Plato's dialogues have significant associations with their philosophical contents. Few scholars, however, have focused on the role of disagreements in epistemic improvement within the context of Plato's Phaedo. This paper seeks to unearth a ‘theory of disagreement’ underpinning the Phaedo by examining the conversation between Socrates and his interlocutors. In doing so, I will highlight the epistemic importance of recognizing disagreements. It is shown that there is a positive relationship between the (...)
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  19. Private education, positional goods, and the arms race problem.Daniel Halliday - 2016 - Politics, Philosophy and Economics 15 (2):150-169.
    This article defends the view that markets in education need to be restricted, in light of the problem posed by what I call the ‘educational arms race’. Markets in education have a tendency to distort an important balance between education’s role as a gatekeeper – its ‘screening’ function – and its role in helping children develop as part of a preparation for adult life. This tendency is not merely a contingent fact about markets: It can be traced to ways in (...)
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    Responsible Management Education as Socialization: Business Students’ Values, Attitudes and Intentions.Debbie Haski-Leventhal, Mehrdokht Pournader & Jennifer S. A. Leigh - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 176 (1):17-35.
    The growing interest in sustainable development in all sectors of the economy has fostered a noteworthy shift toward responsible management education. This emerging view underscores that business schools provide students with more than just managerial knowledge as they also develop students toward responsible management. Based on socialization theory, we show how this development occurs by studying RME as a process that relates to students’ values, attitudes and behavioral intentions. With data from a large international survey of business students from 21 (...)
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    Reach For What You Like: The Body's Role in Shaping Preferences.Raedy M. Ping, Sonica Dhillon & Sian L. Beilock - 2009 - Emotion Review 1 (2):140-150.
    The position of individuals' bodies (e.g., holding a pencil in the mouth in a way that either facilitates or inhibits smiling musculature) can influence their emotional reactions to the stimuli they encounter, and can even impact their explicit preferences for one item over another. In this article we begin by reviewing the literature demonstrating these effects, explore mechanisms to explain this body-preference link, and introduce new work from our lab that asks whether one's bodily or motor experiences might also shape (...)
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  22.  51
    John Dewey and the Role of the Teacher in a Globalized World: Imagination, empathy, and ‘third voice’.Andrea R. English - 2016 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 48 (10):1046-1064.
    Reforms surrounding the teacher’s role in fostering students’ social competences, especially those associated with empathy, have moved to the forefront of global higher education policy discourse. In this context, reform in higher education teaching has been focused on shifting teachers’ practices away from traditional lecture-style teaching—historically associated with higher education teaching—towards student-centred pedagogical approaches, largely because of how the latter facilitate students’ social learning, including the development of students’ abilities connected to empathy, such as intercultural understanding. These developments towards learner-oriented (...)
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    Theoretical Development and Empirical Examination of a Three-Roles Model of Responsible Leadership.Christian Voegtlin, Colina Frisch, Andreas Walther & Pascale Schwab - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 167 (3):411-431.
    This article develops theory on responsible leadership based on a model involving three leadership roles: an expert who displays organizational expertise, a facilitator who cares for and motivates employees and a citizen who considers the consequences of her or his decisions for society. It draws on previous responsible leadership research, stakeholder theory and theories of behavioral complexity to conceptualize the roles model of responsible leadership. Responsible leadership is positioned as a concept that requires leaders to show behavioral complexity (...)
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  24.  17
    Cognitive and Motor Learning in Internally-Guided Motor Skills.Krishn Bera, Anuj Shukla & Raju S. Bapi - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:604323.
    Several canonical experimental paradigms (e.g., serial reaction time task, discrete sequence production task,m×ntask) have been proposed to study the typical behavioral phenomenon and the nature of learning in sequential keypress tasks. A characteristic feature of most paradigms is that they are representative ofexternally-specifiedsequencing—motor tasks where the environment or task paradigm extrinsically provides the sequence of stimuli, i.e., the responses are stimulus-driven. Previous studies utilizing such canonical paradigms have largely overlooked the learning behaviors in a more realistic class of motor tasks (...)
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    Emotional-based pedagogy and facilitating EFL learners' perceived flow in online education.Parisa Abdolrezapour & Nasim Ghanbari - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Given the fundamental role of emotional intelligence in learning, especially in virtual learning contexts where individuals experience more stress and anxiety, the need to understand and recognize one's own feelings and the mutual feelings of peers has gained more importance. Flow as the ultimate state in harnessing emotions in the service of performance and learning has been introduced as the main reason for one's willingness to perform activities which are connected to no external motivation. In this regard, the present study (...)
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    How to facilitate employees’ green behavior? The joint role of green human resource management practice and green transformational leadership.Tingting Chen & Zhanyong Wu - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Given the severity of today’s environmental issues, companies are increasingly making green concepts a key component of their operational strategies. As an essential complement to corporate environmental strategy, employees’ green behavior has received attention from all sectors of society. Based on resource conservation theory, this study explores the formation mechanism of employees’ green behaviors in enterprises starting from two green management tools: green human resource management practices and green transformational leadership. Through two-stage questionnaire research, 296 sample data points were obtained, (...)
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  27.  35
    “Help! I Need Somebody”: Music as a Global Resource for Obtaining Wellbeing Goals in Times of Crisis.Roni Granot, Daniel H. Spitz, Boaz R. Cherki, Psyche Loui, Renee Timmers, Rebecca S. Schaefer, Jonna K. Vuoskoski, Ruth-Nayibe Cárdenas-Soler, João F. Soares-Quadros, Shen Li, Carlotta Lega, Stefania La Rocca, Isabel Cecilia Martínez, Matías Tanco, María Marchiano, Pastora Martínez-Castilla, Gabriela Pérez-Acosta, José Darío Martínez-Ezquerro, Isabel M. Gutiérrez-Blasco, Lily Jiménez-Dabdoub, Marijn Coers, John Melvin Treider, David M. Greenberg & Salomon Israel - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Music can reduce stress and anxiety, enhance positive mood, and facilitate social bonding. However, little is known about the role of music and related personal or cultural variables in maintaining wellbeing during times of stress and social isolation as imposed by the COVID-19 crisis. In an online questionnaire, administered in 11 countries, participants rated the relevance of wellbeing goals during the pandemic, and the effectiveness of different activities in obtaining these goals. Music was found to be the most effective activity (...)
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    The role of play activities in facilitating child participation in psychotherapy.Frida van Doorn & Carolus van Nijnatten - 2013 - Discourse Studies 15 (6):761-775.
    In this double case study of child psychotherapy, we demonstrate the positive effect of children’s involvement in play activities on their verbal expression of inner emotions and cognitions. Discourse analysis of therapy sessions complemented with the therapist’s reflections show that children who have difficulty in verbalizing hard feelings and cognitions gain control of the communicative situation by getting involved in playful activities. Therapists’ verbal entrance into play can be used to negotiate the therapist–child relationship in terms of power and solidarity.
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  29.  19
    Give Up Flights? Psychological Predictors of Intentions and Policy Support to Reduce Air Travel.Jessica M. Berneiser, Annalena C. Becker & Laura S. Loy - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Concerted, timely action for mitigating climate change is of uttermost importance to keep global warming as close to 1.5°C as possible. Air traffic already plays a strong role in driving climate change and is projected to grow—with only limited technical potential for decarbonizing this means of transport. Therefore, it is desirable to minimize the expansion of air traffic or even facilitate a reduction in affluent countries. Effective policies and behavioral change, especially among frequent flyers, can help to lower greenhouse gas (...)
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    Relationship Between Proactive Personality and Job Performance of Chinese Nurses: The Mediating Role of Competency and Work Engagement.Xuehui Hu, Rong Zhao, Jing Gao, Jianzhen Li, Pei Yan, Xiaofei Yan, Shuai Shao, Jingkuan Su & Xiaokang Li - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Background: As one of the main participants in health care, nurses are esteemed an important driving force for the vigorous health care development. Studies report that nurses’ proactive personality has positive effects on their job performance; however, this relationship acquires further understanding.Objective: A cross-sectional study was performed to explore the relationship between nurses’ proactive personality and job performance; the mediating role of nurses’ competency and work engagement in this relationship was also evaluated.Methods: The study was performed in a large third-degree (...)
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    Beyond Academics: A Model for Simultaneously Advancing Campus-Based Supports for Learning Disabilities, STEM Students’ Skills for Self-Regulation, and Mentors’ Knowledge for Co-regulating and Guiding.Consuelo M. Kreider, Sharon Medina, Mei-Fang Lan, Chang-Yu Wu, Susan S. Percival, Charles E. Byrd, Anthony Delislie, Donna Schoenfelder & William C. Mann - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:391113.
    Learning disabilities are highly prevalent on college campuses, yet students with learning disabilities graduate at lower rates than those without disabilities. Academic and psychosocial supports are essential for overcoming challenges and for improving postsecondary educational opportunities for students with learning disabilities. A holistic, multi-level model of campus-based supports was established to facilitate culture and practice changes at the institutional level, while concurrently bolstering mentors’ abilities to provide learning disability-knowledgeable support, and simultaneously creating opportunities for students’ personal and interpersonal development. Mixed (...)
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  32. Making Peace Education Everyone’s Business.Gilbert Burgh & Simone Thornton - 2017 - In Lin Ching-Ching & Sequeira Levina (eds.), Inclusion, Diversity and Intercultural Dialogue in Young People's Philosophical Inquiry. Springer. pp. 55-65.
    We argue for peace education as a process of improving the quality of everyday relationships. This is vital, as children bring their habits formed largely by social and political institutions such as the family, religion, law, cultural mores, to the classroom (Splitter, 1993; Furlong & Morrison, 2000) and vice versa. It is inevitable that the classroom habitat, as a microcosm of the community in which it is situated, will perpetuate the epistemic practices and injustices of that community, manifested in attitudes, (...)
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    Airborne Acoustic Perception by a Jumping Spider.Paul S. Shamble, Gil Menda, James R. Golden, Eyal I. Nitzany, Katherine Walden, Tsevi Beatus, Damian O. Elias, Itai Cohen, Ronald N. Miles & Ronald R. Hoy - unknown
    © 2016 Elsevier LtdJumping spiders are famous for their visually driven behaviors [1]. Here, however, we present behavioral and neurophysiological evidence that these animals also perceive and respond to airborne acoustic stimuli, even when the distance between the animal and the sound source is relatively large and with stimulus amplitudes at the position of the spider of ∼65 dB sound pressure level. Behavioral experiments with the jumping spider Phidippus audax reveal that these animals respond to low-frequency sounds by freezing—a common (...)
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    (1 other version)So, what’s your story? – The role of storytelling in nurturing inclusive congregational identity.Marilyn Naidoo - 2019 - HTS Theological Studies 75 (4):7.
    South African churches are struggling to form cohesive communities and strategies are needed to bring people together. Because of a deficiency in trust, people are reluctant to get to know each other, impacting on the quality of relationships and a positive sense of belonging and community. Congregations need to find ways to nurture an inclusive identity instead of the current norm of all-white or all-black churches, which can be perceived as being inaccessible or exclusive. Innovative strategies like storytelling can unlock (...)
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  35. Do Role Models Matter? An Investigation of Role Modeling as an Antecedent of Perceived Ethical Leadership.Michael E. Brown & Linda K. Treviño - 2014 - Journal of Business Ethics 122 (4):587-598.
    Thus far, we know much more about the significant outcomes of perceived ethical leadership than we do about its antecedents. In this study, we focus on multiple types of ethical role models as antecedents of perceived ethical leadership. According to social learning theory, role models facilitate the acquisition of moral and other types of behavior. Yet, we do not know whether having had ethical role models influences follower perceptions of one’s ethical leadership and, if so, what kinds of role models (...)
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    Cultural styles of participation in farmers' discussions of seasonal climate forecasts in Uganda.Carla Roncoli, Benjamin S. Orlove, Merit R. Kabugo & Milton M. Waiswa - 2011 - Agriculture and Human Values 28 (1):123-138.
    Climate change is confronting African farmers with growing uncertainties. Advances in seasonal climate predictions offer potential for assisting farmers in dealing with climate risk. Experimental cases of forecast dissemination to African rural communities suggest that participatory approaches can facilitate understanding and use of uncertain climate information. But few of these studies integrate critical reflections on participation that have emerged in the last decade which reveal how participatory approaches can miss social dynamics of power at the community level and in the (...)
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    The Role of Values and Leadership in Organizational Transformation.Drumm McNaughton - 2003 - Journal of Human Values 9 (2):131-140.
    This is an analytical study of organizational transformation, values that must be present and operationalized for organizations to successfully change, and the role that leadership has in facilitat ing that change. Specifically, using De Geus' model of living and economic companies and taking input from key theorists such as Senge, Quinn, Bolman and Deal, and others, this study examines and analyzes the values and guiding principles that facilitate an organization's ability to transform, quali ties the leadership must possess and how (...)
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    A pedagogical framework for facilitating parents’ learning in nurse–parent partnership.Nick Hopwood, Teena Clerke & Anne Nguyen - 2018 - Nursing Inquiry 25 (2):e12220.
    Nursing work increasingly demands forms of expertise that complement specialist knowledge. In child and family nursing, this need arises when nurses work in partnership with parents of young children at risk. Partnership means working with parents in respectful, negotiated and empowering ways. Existing partnership literature emphasises communicative and relational skills, but this paper focuses on nurses’ capacities to facilitate parents’ learning. Referring to data from home visiting, day‐stay and specialist toddler clinic services in Sydney, a pedagogical framework is presented. Analysis (...)
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  39. Creating Investors, Not Tourists: How to Care for the Linguistic Ecosystem.Daniel John Anderson - 2015 - Childhood and Philosophy 11 (22):283-297.
    The role of the facilitator within Communities of Philosophical Inquiry has often been allocated to structuring group interactions and/or affirming participants' contributions. In this paper, however, it will be argued that facilitators must take a far more active role in dialogue than has hereto been recognized. This is the case because, when left to its own devices, CPI dialogue often devolves into mere opinion tourism, becomes obscure, and/or is drowned by an excess of irrelevant content. It will be argued that (...)
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  40. Inhibitors and facilitators of peer interaction that supports conceptual learning: The role of achievement goal orientations.C. S. C. Asterhan, B. B. Schwarz & R. Butler - 2009 - In N. A. Taatgen & H. van Rijn (eds.), Proceedings of the 31st Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society.
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    Why bad feelings predict good behaviours: The role of positive and negative anticipated emotions on consumer ethical decision making.Marco Escadas, Marjan S. Jalali & Minoo Farhangmehr - 2019 - Business Ethics: A European Review 28 (4):529-545.
    Business Ethics: A European Review, EarlyView.
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    The Influence of Various Role Models on Children’s Pro-environmental Behaviours.Mingyue Liang, Qianying Chen & Yanyan Zhou - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Although most schoolchildren can dispose of their own litter, they are typically not sensitive to environmental issues in the school’s public areas. How do we improve children’s sensitivity to public environments and cultivate pro-environmental behaviours? Based on Bandura’s social learning theory, this study explored the effects of various role models on the pro-environmental behaviours of children aged 7–13. A field study was conducted in which examples of postprandial garbage disposal behaviours were provided using role models and the subsequent behaviours of (...)
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    Medicaid's Role in Health Reform and Closing the Coverage Gap.Diane Rowland & Barbara Lyons - 2016 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 44 (4):580-584.
    Medicaid coverage matters for millions of low-income Americans, and especially for those with ongoing and serious health challenges. A source of comprehensive and affordable coverage, Medicaid has long been a cornerstone of federal and state efforts to improve access and health outcomes for very poor and medically vulnerable populations. The Affordable Care Act leveraged Medicaid's role in serving the poor to broaden the program's reach to millions of low-income uninsured adults, and positioned the program as a fundamental component of the (...)
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    Games and the Good Life.Michael Ridge - 2021 - Journal of Ethics and Social Philosophy 19 (1).
    It is widely agreed that play and games contribute to the good life. One might naturally wonder how games in particular so contribute? Granted, games can be very good, what exactly is so good about them when they are good? Although a natural starting point, this question is perhaps naive. Games come in all shapes and sizes, and different games are often good in very different ways. Chess, Bridge, Bingo, Chutes and Ladders, Football, Spin the Bottle, Dungeons & Dragons, Pac-Man, (...)
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    Eventful Conversations and the Positive Virtues of a Listener.Josué Piñeiro & Justin Simpson - 2020 - Acta Analytica 35 (3):373-388.
    Political solutions to problems like global warming and social justice are often stymied by an inability to productively communicate in everyday conversations. Motivated by these communication problems, the paper considers the role of the virtuous listener in conversations. Rather than the scripted exchanges of information between individuals, we focus on lively, intra-active conversations that are mediating events. In such conversations, the listener plays a participatory role by contributing to the content and form of the conversation. Unlike Miranda Fricker’s negative virtue (...)
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    “Doing Things Together Is What It’s About”: An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis of the Experience of Group Therapeutic Songwriting From the Perspectives of People With Dementia and Their Family Caregivers.Imogen N. Clark, Felicity A. Baker, Jeanette Tamplin, Young-Eun C. Lee, Alice Cotton & Phoebe A. Stretton-Smith - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    BackgroundThe wellbeing of people living with dementia and their family caregivers may be impacted by stigma, changing roles, and limited access to meaningful opportunities as a dyad. Group therapeutic songwriting and qualitative interviews have been utilized in music therapy research to promote the voices of people with dementia and family caregivers participating in separate songwriting groups but not together as dyads.ProceduresThis study aimed to explore how ten people with dementia/family caregiver dyads experienced a 6-week group TSW program. Dyads participated (...)
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    Understanding and Interpretation: Defending Gadamer in Light of Shusterman's "Beneath Interpretation".Scott R. Stroud - 2002 - Auslegung 25 (2):151-160.
    This essay will argue that this position advanced by Shusterman rests ultimately on a misconception of Gadamer's notion of interpretation, and as such, is not a strong challenge to Gadamer's insights concerning the process of human understanding. Shusterman's emphasis on understanding being pre-reflective and interpretation being conscious disavows Gadamer's analysis that they are identical in so far as they both refer to an individual's situatedness in tradition and its concurrent impacts on the production of meaning. In order to demonstrate how (...)
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  48. May Sinclair in her time: reappraising May Sinclair's role in early-twentieth-century literature and philosophy.Leslie de Bont, Isabelle Brasme & Florence Marie (eds.) - 2024 - Montpellier: Presses universitaires de la Méditerranée.
    May Sinclair has been typically considered as a liminal author, positioned between two eras: the 19th and the 20th centuries, Victorian culture and modernism, traditional and avant-garde writing and thinking. As a result, traditional criticism has confined her to the margins of 20th-century literature and philosophy. Re-examining Sinclair's involvement in the literary and philosophical debates of her time, this collaborative volume seeks to challenge this liminal status and to reassert Sinclair's role as an author, critic and thinker firmly established within (...)
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    Matching Ethical Work Climate to In-role and Extra-role Behaviors in a Collectivist Work Setting.Alicia S. M. Leung - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 79 (1-2):43-55.
    This paper studies the relationship between organizational ethical climate and the forms of organizational citizenship behavior (OCB), including in-role and extra-role behaviors, and examines the mediating effect of employee loyalty. A sample of employees from a traditional Hong Kong-based company was used as a study group. The purpose of this study was to examine the causes and implications of how various ethical work climates affect employee performance. Based on a model proposed by Victor and Cullen, ethical climate is arranged from (...)
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  50. Reichenbach’s Common Cause Principle.Christopher Hitchcock & Miklós Rédei - 2012 - In Ed Zalta (ed.), Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Stanford, CA: Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    The Common Cause Principle was introduced by HansReichenbach, in The Direction of Time, which was publishedposthumously in 1956. Suppose that two events A and Bare positively correlated: p(A∩B)>p(A)p(B)p(A∩B)>p(A)p(B)p(A\textbackslashcap B)>p(A)p(B). Suppose,moreover, that neither event is a cause of the other. Then,Reichenbach’s Common Cause Principle (RCCP) states that Aand B will have a common cause that renders them conditionallyindependent. Reichenbach incorporated his RCCP into a new probablistictheory of causation, and used it to describe a (purported)macrostatistical temporal asymmetry in analogy with the second (...)
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