Results for 'discipline-based power'

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  1.  30
    Four Puzzles of Reputation-Based Cooperation.Francesca Giardini, Daniel Balliet, Eleanor A. Power, Szabolcs Számadó & Károly Takács - 2022 - Human Nature 33 (1):43-61.
    Research in various disciplines has highlighted that humans are uniquely able to solve the problem of cooperation through the informal mechanisms of reputation and gossip. Reputation coordinates the evaluative judgments of individuals about one another. Direct observation of actions and communication are the essential routes that are used to establish and update reputations. In large groups, where opportunities for direct observation are limited, gossip becomes an important channel to share individual perceptions and evaluations of others that can be used to (...)
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    Opening Black Boxes Is Not Enough- Data-based Surveillance in Discipline and Punish And Today.Tobias Matzner - 2017 - Foucault Studies 23:27-45.
    Discipline and Punish analyzes the role of collecting, managing, and operationalizing data in disciplinary institutions. Foucault’s discussion is compared to contemporary forms of surveillance and security practices using algorithmic data processing. The article highlights important similarities and differences regarding the way data processing plays a part in subjectivation. This is also compared to Deleuzian accounts and Foucault’s later discussion in Security, Territory, Population. Using these results, the article argues that the prevailing focus on transparency and accountability in the discussion (...)
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    Rethinking the theoretical base of Peter L. Berger’s sociology of religion: Social construction, power, and discourse.Titus Hjelm - 2019 - Critical Research on Religion 7 (3):223-236.
    Peter L. Berger was one of the most influential sociologists of the last sixty years. In the sociology of religion, his publications are among the key works of the discipline. This paper is a “positive critique” of three aspects of Berger’s theoretical work in the sociology of religion: an inconsistent application of the idea of social construction, a lack of focus on power and ideology, and an insufficient operationalization of language as a vehicle of world-construction. Augmenting Berger’s field-defining (...)
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    Intelligent terminal security technology of power grid sensing layer based upon information entropy data mining.Zhibin Yang, Gang Wang, Shuheng Xu, Yaodong Tao, Defeng Chen & Shuai Ren - 2022 - Journal of Intelligent Systems 31 (1):817-834.
    The power grid is an important connection between power sources and users, responsible for supplying and distributing electric energy to users. Modern power grids are widely distributed and large in scale, and their security faces new problems and challenges. Information entropy theory is an objective weighting method that compares the information order of each evaluation index to judge the weight value. With the wide application of entropy theory in various disciplines, the subject of introducing entropy into the (...)
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  5. Powerful Pedagogy in the Science‐and‐Religion Classroom.William Grassie - 1997 - Zygon 32 (3):415-421.
    This essay is a discussion of effective teaching in the science‐and‐religion classroom. I begin by introducing Alfred North Whitehead's three stages of learning—romance, discipline, and generalization—and consider their implications for powerful pedagogy in science and religion. Following Whitehead's three principles, I develop a number of additional heuristics that deal with active, visual, narrative, cooperative, and dialogical learning styles. Finally, I present twelve guidelines for how to use e‐mail and class‐based listserves to achieve some of these outcomes.
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    Evidence-Based Medicine and Modernism: Still Better Than the Alternatives.Tim Thornton - 2012 - Philosophy Psychiatry and Psychology 19 (4):313-316.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Evidence-Based Medicine and EvaluativismTim Thornton (bio)KeywordsPhilosophy, psychiatry, values, causalThe rise of evidence-based medicine (EBM) in psychiatry has brought, in its train, a concentration on the validity of psychiatric taxonomy to augment the previous focus on reliability (in the medical sense of inter-subject agreement). This is not surprising. If EBM is to be a trustworthy guide to future events, such as patient recovery, it must be based (...)
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    Why evidence‐based practice now?: a polemic 1.Kim Walker - 2003 - Nursing Inquiry 10 (3):145-155.
    Evidence‐based practice (EBP) first appeared on the healthcare horizon just over a decade ago. In 2003 its presence has intensified and extended beyond its initial relation to medicine embracing as it does now, nursing and the allied health disciplines. In this paper, I contend that its appearance and subsequent growth and development are the effects of potent ‘regimes of truth’, four of which bear the names: positivism, empiricism, pragmatism and economic rationalism. My aim is to show how EBP generates (...)
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    Problematizing Knowledge–Power Relationships: A Rancièrian Provocation for Music Education.Panagiotis A. Kanellopoulos - 2016 - Philosophy of Music Education Review 24 (1):24.
    This paper suggests a framework for re-thinking the relationships between power and knowledge in music education. Informed by Jacques Rancière’s notion of equality it explores how a dialectic between knowledge/mastery and ignorance/equality effects a rupture in the canonical relationships between knowledge and authority. Further, and based on a commentary of Alain Badiou, the paper explores the sense in which the Rancièrian perspective induces an understanding of equality as both a condition and a productive process: as a condition ignorance (...)
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    Mapping the Power of Law Professors: The Role of Scientific and Social Capital.Felix Bühlmann, Pierre Benz, André Mach & Thierry Rossier - 2017 - Minerva 55 (4):509-531.
    As a scientific discipline and profession, law has been for centuries at the heart of social and political power of many Western societies. Professors of law, as influential representatives of the profession, are important powerbrokers between academia, politics and the corporate world. Their influence is based on scientific reputation, institutional mandates inside and outside academia or privileged network connections with people in powerful positions. In this study, based on a full sample of all Swiss law professors (...)
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  10.  37
    Understanding the Power of China’s National Social Credit System: A Structural/Mechanism Explanation.William Zhengdong Hu - 2024 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 54 (3):203-225.
    As a promising Social Science Methodology, Structural/Mechanism Explanation (SME) retains the advantages of mechanism-based explanation (ME), particularly its focus on “identifying causal patterns from micro-level social phenomena.” It also acknowledging the role of “structure”—seen as “macro-level conditions”—in incentivizing or disincentivizing key mechanisms, thus proving valuable for forecasting their emergence and decline. This article explores the theory of SME and applies it to examine how a revitalized “Legalist political structure coupled with a Confucianist ideological structure” can forecast the mechanisms by (...)
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    Disciplining virtue: investigating the discourses of opioid addiction in nursing.Diane Kunyk, Margaret Milner & Alissa Overend - 2016 - Nursing Inquiry 23 (4):315-326.
    Two nurses diagnosed with opioid addiction launched legal action after being found guilty of unprofessional conduct due to addiction‐related behaviors. When covered by the media, their cases sparked both public and legal controversies. We are curious about the broader discursive framings that led to these strong reactions, and analyze the underlying structures of knowledge and power that shape the issue of opioid addiction in the profession of nursing through a critical discourse analysis of popular media, legal blogs and hearing (...)
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    Biological and cultural bases of human inference.Riccardo Viale, Daniel Andler & Lawrence A. Hirschfeld (eds.) - 2006 - Mahwah, N.J.: Lawerence Erlbaum.
    Biological and Cultural Bases of Human Inference addresses the interface between social science and cognitive science. In this volume, Viale and colleagues explore which human social cognitive powers evolve naturally and which are influenced by culture. Updating the debate between innatism and culturalism regarding human cognitive abilities, this book represents a much-needed articulation of these diverse bases of cognition. Chapters throughout the book provide social science and philosophical reflections, in addition to the perspective of evolutionary theory and the central assumptions (...)
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    The disciplinary power of predictive algorithms: a Foucauldian perspective.Paul B. de Laat - 2019 - Ethics and Information Technology 21 (4):319-329.
    Big Data are increasingly used in machine learning in order to create predictive models. How are predictive practices that use such models to be situated? In the field of surveillance studies many of its practitioners assert that “governance by discipline” has given way to “governance by risk”. The individual is dissolved into his/her constituent data and no longer addressed. I argue that, on the contrary, in most of the contexts where predictive modelling is used, it constitutes Foucauldian discipline. (...)
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    The role of legislation in K-12 school discipline: The silence of action.Mengmeng Bo & Gift Chinemerem Onwubuya - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Researchers have consistently identified the disparity between teachers’ practical and legal knowledge regarding teachers’ right to discipline students. However, few studies have investigated teachers’ construction processes that form construction outcomes, which would help navigate the role of legislation in school discipline. This study contributes to a holistic picture of the neglected disciplinary rights that teachers construct in teaching practice and their underexplored attitude toward the law, using an interview-based constructionist method on twelve teachers of Lvliang city in (...)
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    Dharmic Management: A Concept-Based Paper on Inner Truth at Work.Jack Hawley - 1995 - Journal of Human Values 1 (2):239-248.
    This paper is an inspired address by the author to engage in a momentous battle for character and human values in life and worklife. The keynote of the author's exposition on values-centred manage ment is the concept of dharma. Here the Indian ideal of dharma is compared to and contrasted with the Western notion of integrity. While integrity is based on the human virtues of wholeness, goodness and having the courage and self-discipline to live by the inner truth, (...)
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    Evidence-Based Medicine and Evaluativism.Tim Thornton - 2008 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 15 (2):175-178.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Evidence-Based Medicine and EvaluativismTim Thornton (bio)KeywordsPhilosophy, psychiatry, values, causalThe rise of evidence-based medicine (EBM) in psychiatry has brought, in its train, a concentration on the validity of psychiatric taxonomy to augment the previous focus on reliability (in the medical sense of inter-subject agreement). This is not surprising. If EBM is to be a trustworthy guide to future events, such as patient recovery, it must be based (...)
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  17. Constructivism and the "Great Divides".M. Larochelle & J. Désautels - 2009 - Constructivist Foundations 4 (2):91 - 99.
    Context: To speak of constructivism -- and in particular of radical constructivism -- in education is to place oneself on a field which, like any other academic field, is the scene of tensions, debates, and indeed battles. While such controversies are, predictably enough, fought out between the partisans of constructivism and those defending other theses, they are also fought out between the constructivists themselves, as a number of group works have brought out (e.g., Steffe & Gale 1995; SRED 2001). In (...)
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    The entanglement of power and validity : Foucault and critical theory.Amy Allen - 2010 - In Christopher Falzon (ed.), Foucault and Philosophy. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 78--98.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Subjection and Autonomy: Foucault contra Habermas What Is Fallacious About the Genetic Fallacy? Conclusion References.
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    Transformative and Educative Power of Critical Thinking.Jean Toner & Michele Rountree - 2003 - Inquiry: Critical Thinking Across the Disciplines 23 (1-2):81-85.
    Critical theory and critical thinking emphasize the power of self-reflection and educative analysis where students in higher education become motivated to change their present societal reality by being strategic and action orientated. Central to these theories is the enlistment of strategies that utilize educational vehicles infused with critical thinking to engage students in the process of intensive evaluation of the theory, values, knowledge and skiIls of their respective fields with the often transformative impact upon a student’s worldviews. This article (...)
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  20.  41
    Paranoid investments in nursing: a schizoanalysis of the evidence-based discourse.Dave Holmes, Denise Gastaldo & Amélie Perron - 2007 - Nursing Philosophy 8 (2):85-91.
    There are those who would argue that, recently, the profession of nursing has made a radical shift, while others believe that a schism has been created among both scholars and clinicians as a result of the emerging dominance of the evidence‐based nursing movement. This paper offers a philosophical critique of this movement using Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari’s concept of schizoanalysis. As a conclusion, the authors posit that nursing professionals maintain a stance of academic freedom of thought and scientific (...)
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    The Ambivalent Relationship of Japan's Soft Power Diplomacy and Princess Mononoke : Tosaka Jun's philosophy of culture as moral reflection.Kosuke Shimizu - 2014 - Japanese Journal of Political Science 15 (4):683-698.
    Culture is a demanding word, particularly when it is used in the context of the contemporary academic discipline of international relations . It is often employed in order to distinguish one identity from another, allegedly illuminating idiosyncrasies embedded in a particular society or group of people. The essentialized understanding of culture is also detectable in the case of the current debate on the non-Western international relations theories . Non-Western politicians and scholars often employ the term culture in order to (...)
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  22. A Revolutionary New Metaphysics, Based on Consciousness, and a Call to All Philosophers.Lorna Green - manuscript
    June 2022 A Revolutionary New Metaphysics, Based on Consciousness, and a Call to All Philosophers We are in a unique moment of our history unlike any previous moment ever. Virtually all human economies are based on the destruction of the Earth, and we are now at a place in our history where we can foresee if we continue on as we are, our own extinction. As I write, the planet is in deep trouble, heat, fires, great storms, and (...)
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    Andrew Abbott. Department and Discipline: Chicago Sociology at One Hundred. xii + 249 pp., tables, apps., bibl., index.Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1999. $45, £31.50 ; $17, £12. [REVIEW]Alice O'connor - 2002 - Isis 93 (1):169-170.
    Andrew Abbott's Department and Discipline calls to mind an exchange I once had with an economist—prompted by my characterization of a recent work of urban sociology as part of the “Chicago‐school tradition”—who reminded me that in his profession “Chicago school” was associated with Milton Friedman, free market ideology, and a world made up of rational, self‐interest‐maximizing actors. What I had in mind could hardly be further from that: the highly contextual, neighborhood‐based mode of analysis that became a hallmark (...)
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    The Quality of Business Ethics Journals: An Assessment Based on Application.Holly H. Brower, Bruce R. Lewis & S. Douglas Beets - 2016 - Business and Society 55 (2):188-213.
    With growth in the quantity of business ethics journals in recent years, assessments of journal quality are helpful to ethics researchers and administrators, as researchers consider available publication venues, and administrators consider the value of faculty research. The few published evaluations of business ethics journals have predominantly utilized two methods of journal quality determination: citation analysis and surveys of active researchers. This study employs a novel method to assess business ethics journals: 83 Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business business (...)
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  25.  13
    The Influence of Science Technology Engineering Arts Mathematics-Based Psychological Capital Combined With Ideological and Political Education on the Entrepreneurial Performance and Sports Morality of College Teachers and Students.Ying Jin - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    This study aims to alleviate the current tense employment situation and study the entrepreneurial situation of teachers and students in colleges and universities. Firstly, based on the educational concept of Science Technology Engineering Arts Mathematics, Ideological and Political Education is added to psychological capital to explore the effect of the combination of the two on entrepreneurial performance. An entrepreneurial performance impact model is constructed, and the questionnaire is set. Secondly, the influence of psychological capital combined with IPE on sports (...)
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    Zhuangzi’s Ecological Politics.Liu Yongmou & Wang Hao - 2018 - Environmental Ethics 40 (1):21-39.
    There is a problematic dichotomy of nature/power in Western ecological politics. In this article, we try to argue for a new type of ecological politics, based on Chinese Taoism, especially the idea of Zhuangzi, that can integrate humanity, nature, and power. Zhuangzi’s idea of “play with nature” constitutes a new kind of play-style view of nature. This view not only emphasizes the freedom and pleasure in everyday human practices with nature, but also proposes a way to deconstruct (...)
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  27. Postmodern storytelling versus pragmatic truth-seeking: The discursive bases of social theory.Robert J. Antonio - 1991 - Sociological Theory 9 (2):154-163.
    The task of speaking the truth is an infinite labor: to respect it in its complexity is an obligation that no power can afford to shortchange, unless it would impose the silence of slavery (Foucault 1989, p. 308).... the attainment of truth is the outcome of the development of complex and elaborate methods of searching, methods that... in many respects go against the human grain, so they are adopted only after long discipline in a school of hard knocks (...)
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    The Murder of Professor Schlick: The Rise and Fall of the Vienna Circle.Allan Janik - 2023 - Common Knowledge 29 (1):103-104.
    It is not unusual to speculate on the contrary-to-fact implications of political assassinations. Lincoln's is the classic case in point, but we need only think of Julius Caesar, Gandhi, or John Kennedy, if we require further examples. One totally neglected case in this context is that of Moritz Schlick. One of the remote consequences of his murder, on June 22, 1936, which was most definitely a political assassination, is that today's academic world may well have been an entirely different one (...)
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    Iot-based power detection equipment management and control system.Binruo Zhu, Jianfeng Jiang & Jintao Chen - 2022 - Journal of Intelligent Systems 31 (1):1229-1245.
    The development and application scope of the Internet of Things is also becoming more and more extensive. Especially in the application of power testing improved systems, great progress has been made. This article aims to study how to analyze the system detection equipment based on the Internet of Things. This article describes the basic theoretical knowledge of the Internet of Things and power detection improved systems. A clustering analysis algorithm and a support vector machine algorithm based (...)
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  30.  18
    Discipline-Based Art Education and Art Criticism.John A. Stinespring - 1992 - The Journal of Aesthetic Education 26 (3):106.
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  31. Discipline-Based Art Education: Becoming Students of Art.Gilbert A. Clark - 1987 - The Journal of Aesthetic Education 21 (2):129.
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    Discipline-Based Art Education and Teacher Education.Maurice J. Sevigny - 1987 - The Journal of Aesthetic Education 21 (2):95.
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    Discipline-Based Art Education and the New Aesthetics.M. M. Van De Pitte - 1994 - The Journal of Aesthetic Education 28 (2):1.
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    Discipline and Power in the Digital Age. Critical Reflections from Foucault’s Thought.Silvia Capodivacca & Gabriele Giacomini - forthcoming - Foucault Studies:227-251.
    In the ever-evolving landscape of the digital age, the theories posited by Michel Foucault four decades ago provide an insightful lens through which to view our contemporary technological society. This article underscores the shift from modern reference disciplines, such as biology, political economy, and linguistics, to the emergent domains of cognitive and computer sciences. By exploring the personalization of online user experiences via data collection and behavioral microtargeting, the study highlights the nuances of modern surveillance. This new era of monitoring (...)
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    Towards a semiotic model of interlingual translation.Anna M. Rędzioch-Korkuz - 2020 - Semiotica 2020 (236-237):215-230.
    The discipline of translation studies has been recently challenged with powerful incentives from other sciences. This tendency has become visible especially in the context of more and more interdisciplinary or multidisciplinary methodologies, which have changed the profile of translation research to a considerable degree. It has also shifted the perspective with which scholars perceive key concepts of the discipline, many of which have become rather unpopular if not completely outdated. However, it seems true that instead of rejecting old (...)
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    Ethics in Community-University-Artist Partnered Research: Tensions, Contradictions and Gaps Identified in an ‘Arts for Social Change’ Project.Annalee Yassi, Jennifer Beth Spiegel, Karen Lockhart, Lynn Fels, Katherine Boydell & Judith Marcuse - 2016 - Journal of Academic Ethics 14 (3):199-220.
    Academics from diverse disciplines are recognizing not only the procedural ethical issues involved in research, but also the complexity of everyday “micro” ethical issues that arise. While ethical guidelines are being developed for research in aboriginal populations and low-and-middle-income countries, multi-partnered research initiatives examining arts-based interventions to promote social change pose a unique set of ethical dilemmas not yet fully explored. Our research team, comprising health, education, and social scientists, critical theorists, artists and community-activists launched a five-year research partnership (...)
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    Discipline-based approaches to teaching ethics: A book review by Kelly Ward. [REVIEW]Kelly Ward - 1997 - Journal of Mass Media Ethics 12 (1):63-64.
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    Art Production in Discipline-Based Art Education.Frederick Spratt - 1987 - The Journal of Aesthetic Education 21 (2):197.
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    Aesthetic Case Studies and Discipline-Based Art Education.Ronald Moore - 1993 - The Journal of Aesthetic Education 27 (3):51.
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    Harry Broudy and Discipline-Based Art Education (DBAE).W. Dwaine Greer - 1992 - The Journal of Aesthetic Education 26 (4):49.
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    ‘You are not Young Anymore!’: Gender, Age and the Politics of Reproduction in Post-reform China.Xiaorong Gu - 2021 - Asian Bioethics Review 13 (1):57-76.
    Based on in-depth interview data and popular culture texts, the current study has explored the politics of reproduction revolving around women’s age in contemporary China. Conceptualizing reproduction as a site of contestation and politics between different, and often contradictory, sets of discourses and power structures, I pursue a feminist and social constructivist analysis of the politics of reproduction in the lives of a group of urban professional women who are yet to enter motherhood at their late 20s and (...)
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    The Disciplines of Power, the Weight of Love, and the Politics of Necessity: Reading Augustine with Foucault.Jeffrey Morgan - 2020 - Heythrop Journal 61 (1):15-23.
  43.  23
    What is Authority Made Of?Martin Powers - 2021 - Journal of World Philosophies 6 (1):73-98.
    In a letter to M. Coray, Thomas Jefferson distinguished two distinct notions of political authority. The first was that of ancient Greece, which was characterized by “slavery” and the subjection of the population. Jefferson’s characterization was astute insofar as Aristotle regarded some groups as privileged to rule “by nature,” while all other hereditary groups were fit only to be ruled. The second type, referring to governments of “the present age,” rejected that standard in favor of equality and the promotion of (...)
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    Neurophysiological and neurocognitive mechanisms underlying the effects of yoga-based practices: towards a comprehensive theoretical framework.Laura Schmalzl, Chivon Powers & Eva Henje Blom - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
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    Art Criticism in Discipline-Based Art Education.Howard Risatti - 1987 - The Journal of Aesthetic Education 21 (2):217.
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    Mutual intention.Richard Power - 1984 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 14 (1):85–102.
    This paper takes as its starting point the problem of characterizing, in a precise way, situations in which two people collaborate to achieve a common goal. It is suggested that collaboration is normally based on an apparently paradoxical state of mind which I call “mutual intention”. Mutual intention is a concept belonging to the same family as Lewis's and Schiffer's “mutual knowledge”. These concepts have the paradoxical feature that they require, for their definition, an infinite series of propositions of (...)
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    Curriculum Antecedents of Discipline-Based Art Education.Arthur D. Efland - 1987 - The Journal of Aesthetic Education 21 (2):57.
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    Art History in Discipline-Based Art Education.W. Eugene Kleinbauer - 1987 - The Journal of Aesthetic Education 21 (2):205.
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    Reading Transdisciplinarily: Sartre and Althusser.Nina Power - 2015 - Theory, Culture and Society 32 (5-6):109-124.
    This article considers transdisciplinarity from the standpoint of reading and readers, rather than as a collection of texts, concepts or proper names. It argues that the humanism and anti-humanism debates of the 1950s and 1960s, particularly understood through the work of Jean-Paul Sartre and Louis Althusser, was above all a debate about the politics of reading. Understanding transdisciplinarity to relate to a projected model of post-disciplinarity, the article suggests that transdisciplinarity needs to supplement its conceptual and political remit with a (...)
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    Antecedents of Discipline-Based Art Education: State Departments of Education Curriculum Documents.Evan J. Kern - 1987 - The Journal of Aesthetic Education 21 (2):35.
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