Results for 'desirism'

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  1. Factory Farming and the Interests of Animals.Desires Are Possible - 1991 - In Charles V. Blatz, Ethics and agriculture: an anthology on current issues in world context. Moscow, Idaho: University of Idaho Press.
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    Semiclassical and High-Temperature Expansions for Systems with Magnetic Field.Désiré Bollé & D. Roekaerts - 1984 - In Heinrich Mitter & Ludwig Pittner, Stochastic methods and computer techniques in quantum dynamics. New York: Springer Verlag. pp. 371--380.
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    Exploring the Effects of Personality Traits on the Perception of Emotions From Prosody.Desire Furnes, Hege Berg, Rachel M. Mitchell & Silke Paulmann - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Vers l'Unité.Désiré Mercier - 1913 - Revue Néo-Scolastique de Philosophie 20 (79):253-278.
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    Music Education at School: Too Little and Too Late? Evidence From a Longitudinal Study on Music Training in Preadolescents.Desiré Carioti, Laura Danelli, Maria T. Guasti, Marcello Gallucci, Marco Perugini, Patrizia Steca, Natale Adolfo Stucchi, Angelo Maffezzoli, Maria Majno, Manuela Berlingeri & Eraldo Paulesu - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    The Just Price and the Costs of Production According to St. Thoxnas Aquinas.Desire Barath - 1960 - New Scholasticism 34 (4):413-430.
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    Le rôle des infiniment petits dans l'univers.Désiré Charnay - 1911 - Paris,: Imprimerie générale Lahure.
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    American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 364.Argument From Desire - 2013 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 87 (2):363 - 364.
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    Post-partum events and fertility control in Kinshasa, Zaire.Naissances Desirables - 1990 - Journal of Biosocial Science 22:197-211.
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    Pour une édition de Malebranche.Désiré Roustan - 1916 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 23 (1):163 - 175.
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    Physical exercise and fibrinolysis.Roger Lijnen & Desire Collen - 1990 - Hermes 21:201-213.
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  12. La Raison et la Vie.Désiré Roustan & Armand Cuvillier - 1946 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 51 (4):371-372.
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  13. Australasian Journal of Philosophy Contents of Volume 91.Present Desire Satisfaction, Past Well-Being, Volatile Reasons, Epistemic Focal Bias, Some Evidence is False, Counting Stages, Vague Entailment, What Russell Couldn'T. Describe, Liberal Thinking & Intentional Action First - 2013 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 91 (4).
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    Wetenschapsbeoefening.Eugène Antoine Désiré Émile Carp - 1978 - Utrecht: Spectrum.
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    Teilhard, Jung en Sartre over evolutie.Eugène Antoine Désiré Émile Carp - 1969 - Utrecht,: Het Spectrum.
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    (1 other version)Déduction et induction.Désiré Roustan - 1911 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 19 (4):579 - 592.
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    (1 other version)La science comme instrument vital.Désiré Roustan - 1914 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 22 (5):612 - 643.
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    Rapid Automatized Naming as a Universal Marker of Developmental Dyslexia in Italian Monolingual and Minority-Language Children.Desiré Carioti, Natale Stucchi, Carlo Toneatto, Marta Franca Masia, Martina Broccoli, Sara Carbonari, Simona Travellini, Milena Del Monte, Roberta Riccioni, Antonella Marcelli, Mirta Vernice, Maria Teresa Guasti & Manuela Berlingeri - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:783775.
    Rapid Automatized Naming (RAN) is considered a universal marker of developmental dyslexia (DD) and could also be helpful to identify a reading deficit in minority-language children (MLC), in which it may be hard to disentangle whether the reading difficulties are due to a learning disorder or a lower proficiency in the language of instruction. We tested reading and rapid naming skills in monolingual Good Readers (mGR), monolingual Poor Readers (mPR), and MLC, by using our new version of RAN, the RAN-Shapes, (...)
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    De la recherche de la verité.Nicolas Malebranche, Désiré Roustan & Paul Schrecker - 1762 - Boivin Et Cie.
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    Convergence and divergence: An analysis of mechanical restraints.Jean Daniel Jacob, Dave Holmes, Désiré Rioux, Pascale Corneau & Colleen MacPhee - 2019 - Nursing Ethics 26 (4):1009-1026.
    Background: Psychiatric nurses are regularly confronted with the uses and effects of control interventions such as mechanical restraints. Although there are evident tensions in the literature regarding the use of mechanical restraints, very little research has focused on the lived and embodied experience of their use, whether from the patient’s perspective or the perspective of nursing staff responsible for their application. Research aims: (1) to gain access to the bodily phenomenon of being placed in mechanical restraints; (2) to give voice (...)
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  21. INDEX for volume 80, 2002.Eric Barnes, Neither Truth Nor Empirical Adequacy Explain, Matti Eklund, Deep Inconsistency, Barbara Montero, Harold Langsam, Self-Knowledge Externalism, Christine McKinnon Desire-Frustration, Moral Sympathy & Josh Parsons - 2002 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 80 (4):545-548.
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  22. Desire as Belief: A Study of Desire, Motivation, and Rationality.Alex Gregory - 2021 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    What is it to want something? Or, as philosophers might ask, what is a desire? This book defends “desire-as-belief”, the view that desires are just a special subset of our beliefs: normative beliefs. This view entitles us to accept orthodox models of human motivation and rationality that explain those things with reference to desire, but nonetheless to also make room for our normative beliefs to play a role in those domains. And this view tells us to diverge from the orthodox (...)
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  23. Active desire.Uku Tooming - 2019 - Philosophical Psychology 32 (6):945-968.
    Desire is commonly understood as a mental state in relation to which we are passive. Since it seems to arise in us spontaneously, without antecedent deliberation, it also seems to constitute a paradigmatic type of mental state which is not up to us. In this paper, I will contest this idea. I will defend a view according to which we can actively shape our desires by controlling the way in which we imagine their contents. This view is supported both by (...)
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  24. Discounting Desirable Gambles.Gregory Wheeler - 2021 - Proceedings of Machine Learning Research 147:331-341.
    The desirable gambles framework offers the most comprehensive foundations for the theory of lower pre- visions, which in turn affords the most general ac- count of imprecise probabilities. Nevertheless, for all its generality, the theory of lower previsions rests on the notion of linear utility. This commitment to linearity is clearest in the coherence axioms for sets of desirable gambles. This paper considers two routes to relaxing this commitment. The first preserves the additive structure of the desirable gambles framework and (...)
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  25. Desire and Satisfaction.Ashley Shaw - 2020 - Philosophical Quarterly 71 (4):pqz071.
    Desire satisfaction has not received detailed philosophical examination. Yet intuitive judgments about the satisfaction of desires have been used as data points guiding theories of desire, desire content, and the semantics of ‘desire’. This paper examines desire satisfaction and the standard propositional view of desire. Firstly, I argue that there are several distinct concepts of satisfaction. Secondly, I argue that separating them defuses a difficulty for the standard view in accommodating desires that Derek Parfit described as ‘implicitly conditional on their (...)
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  26. Desire and What It’s Rational to Do.Ashley Shaw - 2021 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 99 (4):761-775.
    It is often taken for granted that our desires can contribute to what it is rational for us to do. This paper examines an account of desire—the ‘guise of the good’— that promises an explanation of this datum. I argue that extant guise-of-the-good accounts fail to provide an adequate explanation of how a class of desires—basic desires—contributes to practical rationality. I develop an alternative guise-of-the-good account on which basic desires attune us to our reasons for action in virtue of their (...)
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  27. The Desire of Merleau-Ponty.Michel Dalissier - 2017 - Merleau-Ponty Studies, Merleau-Ponty Circle of Japan 21:113-137.
    Le désir se présente comme une sorte de point aveugle de la phénoménologie merleau-pontienne. Mais est-ce là la trace d’une carence ou d’un déplacement de la problématique en direction d’autres domaines de cette philosophie ? Dans cet article, nous tenterons de dégager trois régions d’investigation principales, qui s’entremêlent les unes avec les autres. Tout d’abord, demandons-nous, quelle est cette signification explicitement « métaphysique » que Merleau-Ponty prête au désir, et en quels sens variés convient-il de l’entendre au beau milieu d’une (...)
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  28. Imagination, Desire, and Rationality.Shannon Spaulding - 2015 - Journal of Philosophy 112 (9):457-476.
    We often have affective responses to fictional events. We feel afraid for Desdemona when Othello approaches her in a murderous rage. We feel disgust toward Iago for orchestrating this tragic event. What mental architecture could explain these affective responses? In this paper I consider the claim that the best explanation of our affective responses to fiction involves imaginative desires. Some theorists argue that accounts that do not invoke imaginative desires imply that consumers of fiction have irrational desires. I argue that (...)
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  29. Desires, beliefs and conditional desirability.H. Orri Stefánsson - 2014 - Synthese 191 (16):4019-4035.
    Does the desirability of a proposition depend on whether it is true? Not according to the Invariance assumption, held by several notable philosophers. The Invariance assumption plays an important role in David Lewis’ famous arguments against the so-called Desire-as-Belief thesis (DAB), an anti-Humean thesis according to which a rational agent desires a proposition exactly to the degree that she believes the proposition to be desirable. But the assumption is of interest independently of Lewis’ arguments, for instance since both Richard Jeffrey (...)
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  30. Habitual Desire: On Kant’s Concept of Inclination.Eric Entrican Wilson - 2016 - Kantian Review 21 (2):211-235.
    Tamar Schapiro has offered an important new ‘Kantian’ account of inclination and motivation, one that expands and refines Christine Korsgaard’s view. In this article I argue that Kant’s own view differs significantly from Schapiro’s. Above all, Kant thinks of inclinations as dispositions, not occurrent desires; and he does not believe that they stem directly from a non-rational source, as she argues. Schapiro’s ‘Kantian’ view rests on a much sharper distinction between the rational and non-rational parts of the soul. In the (...)
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  31. Desire: Its Role in Practical Reason and the Explanation of Action.G. F. Schueler - 1995 - MIT Press.
    Does action always arise out of desire? G. F. Schueler examines this hotly debated topic in philosophy of action and moral philosophy, arguing that once two senses of "desire" are distinguished - roughly, genuine desires and pro attitudes - apparently plausible explanations of action in terms of the agent's desires can be seen to be mistaken. Desire probes a fundamental issue in philosophy of mind, the nature of desires and how, if at all, they motivate and justify our actions. At (...)
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  32. Hidden Desires: A Unified Strategy for Defending the Desire-Satisfaction Theory.Xiang Yu - 2022 - Utilitas 34 (4):445-460.
    According to the desire-satisfaction theory of well-being, your life goes well to the extent that your desires are satisfied. This theory faces the problem of prudential neutrality: it apparently cannot avoid saying that, from the point of view of prudence or self-interest, you ought to be neutral between satisfying an existing desire of yours and replacing it with an equally strong desire and satisfying the new desire. It also faces the problem of remote desires: it regards as directly relevant to (...)
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  33. Desire as belief, Lewis notwithstanding.Ruth Weintraub - 2007 - Analysis 67 (2):116-122.
    In two curiously neglected papers, David Lewis claims to reduce to absurdity the supposition (commonly labeled DAB) that (some) desires are belief-like. My aim in this paper is to explain the significance of this claim and rebut the proof.
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  34. Desires as additional reasons? The case of tie-breaking.Attila Tanyi - 2011 - Philosophical Studies 152 (2):209-227.
    According to the Desire-Based Reasons Model reasons for action are provided by desires. Many, however, are critical about the Model holding an alternative view of practical reason, which is often called valued-based. In this paper I consider one particular attempt to refute the Model, which advocates of the valued-based view often appeal to: the idea of reason-based desires. The argument is built up from two premises. The first claims that desires are states that we have reason to have. The second (...)
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    Imagination, Desire, and Irrationality: A Defense of i-desire Account.Yuchen Guo - 2021 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 29 (1):77-89.
    There are three competing theories (imagination + i-desire, imagination + desire, and desire + desire) to account for our affective responses to fictional events. The proponents of imagination + i-desire argue that the alternative accounts imply that consumers of fiction are irrational. In Imagination, Desire and Rationality, Spaulding challenges this claim and argues that the imagination + desire and desire + desire accounts do not imply that consumers of fiction are irrational. In this paper, I attempt to rebut Spaulding’s arguments.
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    Desiring productivity: nary a wasted moment, never a missed step!Trudy Rudge - 2013 - Nursing Philosophy 14 (3):201-211.
    The purpose of this paper is to explore how nurses are enrolled into and take part in programmes of efficiency and effectiveness. Using the philosophical theorizing about desire as a force or power, I focus specifically on what is understood as relations between desire and productivity in current Westernized health‐care systems. Use is made of the idea from Spinoza that human emotions consist only of pleasure, pain, and desire as these act as a motive force. This is then linked with (...)
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  37. Which Desires Are Relevant to Well‐Being?Chris Heathwood - 2017 - Noûs 53 (3):664-688.
    The desire-satisfaction theory of well-being says, in its simplest form, that a person’s level of welfare is determined by the extent to which their desires are satisfied. A question faced by anyone attracted to such a view is, *Which desires*? This paper proposes a new answer to this question by characterizing a distinction among desires that isn’t much discussed in the well-being literature. This is the distinction between what a person wants in a merely behavioral sense, in that the person (...)
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    Desire and motivation in Indian philosophy.Christopher G. Framarin - 2009 - New York: Routledge.
    They conclude that desireless action is action performed without certain desires; other desires are permissible.In this book, the author surveys the ...
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  39. Desire, Aversion, and Welfare.James Fanciullo - forthcoming - Analysis.
    According to desire satisfactionism, well-being consists in getting what you desire. Recently, several theorists have suggested that this view should be extended to claim that ill-being consists in getting what you are averse to. I argue that both of these paradigmatic claims are false. As I show, desire and aversion are indeed both relevant to well-being and ill-being—in fact, perhaps surprisingly, each attitude has unique effects on both our well-being and ill-being. However, these effects are a matter of the unique (...)
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  40. Why Desire Reasoning is Developmentally Prior to Belief Reasoning.Asbjørn Steglich-Petersen & John Michael - 2015 - Mind and Language 30 (5):526-549.
    The predominant view in developmental psychology is that young children are able to reason with the concept of desire prior to being able to reason with the concept of belief. We propose an explanation of this phenomenon that focuses on the cognitive tasks that competence with the belief and desire concepts enable young children to perform. We show that cognitive tasks that are typically considered fundamental to our competence with the belief and desire concepts can be performed with the concept (...)
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    Desires, right and wrong: the ethics of enough.Mortimer Jerome Adler - 1991 - Mount Jackson, VA: Axios Press.
    Prologue: retrospective and prospective -- The ethics of enough -- Real and apparent goods -- Wrong desires: pleasure, money, fame, and power -- Right desires: the totum bonum and its constituents -- Fundamental errors in moral philosophy -- Necessary but not sufficient -- Epilogue: transcultural ethics.
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    Le désir de Dieu pour l’homme. Une réponse au problème de l’indifférence.Jean-Baptiste Lecuit - 2017 - Paris: Éditions du Cerf.
    Si l’on peut parler d’un désir de Dieu inscrit dans le coeur de l’homme, qu’en est-il du côté de Dieu ? Dieu désire-t-il entrer en communion avec chacun de nous ? Y aurait-il du désir dans la Trinité sainte ? Après avoir élaboré une nouvelle conception du désir, Jean-Baptiste Lecuit s’interroge sur le désir de l’homme pour Dieu : en quoi consiste-t-il ? Quel exaucement lui est-il offert ? Par quelles voies ? Est-il naturel à tout être humain ? En (...)
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  43. Pleasure, Desire and Practical Reason.James Lenman - 2011 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 14 (2):143-149.
    This paper examines the role of stability in the constitution of pleasure and desire, its relevance to the intimate ways the two are related and to their role in the constitution of practical reason.
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  44. Three Faces of Desire.Timothy Schroeder - 2004 - New York, US: Oxford University Press.
    To desire something is a condition familiar to everyone. It is uncontroversial that desiring has something to do with motivation, something to do with pleasure, and something to do with reward. Call these "the three faces of desire." The standard philosophical theory at present holds that the motivational face of desire presents its unique essence--to desire a state of affairs is to be disposed to act so as to bring it about. A familiar but less standard account holds the hedonic (...)
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    Desire and Subcritical Life: An Attempted Rapprochement between Renaud Barbaras and Contemporary Systems Science.Zachary Simpson - 2011 - Research in Phenomenology 41 (1):90-108.
    Recent work by Renaud Barbaras on the definition of life has shown the fecundity of a phenomenological approach that sees absence as having a positive status. This phenomenon allows Barbaras to identify life with “desire,” the indefinite exploration of the exterior world. It also allows Barbaras to defeat competing definitions of life in the sciences, particularly biology. In this paper, I propose a mutual complementarity between the work of Barbaras and that in contemporary systems science, namely by Stuart Kauffman, suggesting (...)
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  46. Desire satisfactionism and hedonism.Chris Heathwood - 2006 - Philosophical Studies 128 (3):539-563.
    Hedonism and the desire-satisfaction theory of welfare are typically seen as archrivals in the contest over identifying what makes one's life go best. It is surprising, then, that the most plausible form of hedonism just is the most plausible form of desire satisfactionism. How can a single theory of welfare be a version of both hedonism and desire satisfactionism? The answer lies in what pleasure is: pleasure is, in my view, the subjective satisfaction of desire. This thesis about pleasure is (...)
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    Desires, descriptivism, and reference failure.Alexander Hughes - 2013 - Philosophical Studies 165 (1):279-296.
    I argue that mental descriptivism cannot be reasonably thought superior to rival theories on the grounds that it can (while they cannot) provide an elegant account of reference failure. Descriptivism about the particular-directed intentionality of our mental states fails when applied to desires. Consider, for an example, the desire that Satan not tempt me. On the descriptivist account, it looks like my desire would be fulfilled in conditions in which there exists exactly one thing satisfying some description only Satan satisfies (...)
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  48. (1 other version)On desires and practical reasons.John J. Tilley - 2004 - Acta Analytica 19 (32):5-18.
    A common and plausible assumption about the relation between desires and practical reasons—namely, that if øing is an optimal way (or even just a way) for a person, P, to satisfy one of his or her desires, then P has a (normative) reason to ø. This paper discusses that assumption. Although it does not deny that desires are a source of practical reasons, it shows that in some situations, rare though not impossible, P can lack a reason to ø despite (...)
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  49. Metaphysical Desire in Girard and Plato.Sherwood Belangia - 2010 - Comparative and Continental Philosophy 2 (2):197-209.
    In Deceit, Desire, and the Novel, René Girard interprets a phenomenon he dubs “metaphysical desire” in which “metaphysical” signifies objects of attraction that are not physical things but rather intangible bi-products of mimetic entanglement—such as prestige or fame or social status. These “metaphysical objects” fuel the sometimes frenzied rivalry between the actors in their grip. Desire in the mimetic theory is always subject to mediation, and Girard distinguishes two modes of mediation: external and internal. In external mediation, the model stands (...)
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    Somatic Desire: Recovering Corporeality in Contemporary Thought.Sarah Horton, Stephen Mendelsohn, Christine Rojcewicz & Richard Kearney (eds.) - 2019 - Lanham, MD: Lexington Books.
    The essays in this volume all ask what it means for human beings to be embodied as desiring creatures—and perhaps still more piercingly, what it means for a philosopher to be embodied. In taking up this challenge via phenomenology, psychoanalysis, hermeneutics, and the philosophy of literature, the volume questions the orthodoxies not only of Western metaphysics but even of the phenomenological tradition itself. We miss much that has philosophical import when we exclude the somatic aspects of human life, and it (...)
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