Results for 'desacuerdo verbal'

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  1.  19
    Caracterizando el desacuerdo lógico.Diego Tajer - 2015 - Praxis Filosófica 40:137-152.
    En este artículo, ofrezco una caracterización del desacuerdo lógico. Segúnmi noción, los desacuerdos meramente verbales en lógica son inusuales.La mayoría de los desacuerdos lógicos son simplemente desacuerdosdescriptivos sobre el mundo o sobre el significado de los conectivos, mientrasque otros son desacuerdos evaluativos sobre la noción de validez.
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    ¿Desacuerdo sin acuerdo? Una crítica a la propuesta metalingüística de Plunkett Y sundell.Lorena Ramírez Ludeña - 2016 - Isonomía. Revista de Teoría y Filosofía Del Derecho 44:39-62.
    El problema de los desacuerdos jurídicos puede ser planteado de diferentes modos. En una de sus versiones, el problema viene dado porque el positivismo asume que los conceptos jurídicos son criteriológicos, por lo que el desacuerdo entre juristas carece de sentido al ser una disputa meramente verbal. Plunkett y Sundell han ofrecido una respuesta novedosa a esta crítica que sostiene que no hace falta compartir un concepto para discrepar con sentido. En este trabajo analizaré esa respuesta y ofreceré (...)
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  3. 10 Richard J. Westley.Gratuitous Verbal Pledge Of My Person - forthcoming - Humanitas.
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  4. Epistemic Injustice in Late-Stage Dementia: A Case for Non-Verbal Testimonial Injustice.Lucienne Spencer - 2022 - Social Epistemology 1 (1):62-79.
    The literature on epistemic injustice has thus far confined the concept of testimonial injustice to speech expressions such as inquiring, discussing, deliberating, and, above all, telling. I propose that it is time to broaden the horizons of testimonial injustice to include a wider range of expressions. Controversially, the form of communication I have in mind is non-verbal expression. Non-verbal expression is a vital, though often overlooked, form of communication, particularly for people who have certain neurocognitive disorders. Dependency upon (...)
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  5. Short-term retention of individual verbal items.Lloyd Peterson & Margaret Jean Peterson - 1959 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 58 (3):193.
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    El desacuerdo razonable en un horizonte de paridad.Rodrigo Laera - 2023 - Logos Revista de Filosofía 140 (140):141-157.
    Los objetivos de este trabajo son dos: primero, integrar al debate de la racionalidad de las posiciones en desacuerdo la noción de paridad epistémica en términos de “horizonte de paridad”; segundo, argumentar que tanto el punto de vista firme como el conciliador o el escéptico son eficaces en el manejo de nuestrasatribuciones de conocimiento. La alternancia de estas posiciones es una actitud racional y estas dependen de si el desacuerdo es en primera, segunda o tercera persona. Se concluye (...)
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    Desacuerdo lógico y agregación.Diego Tajer - 2017 - Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 32 (1):63-87.
    En este artículo, exploro la posibilidad de aplicar los métodos y resultados de la Agregación de Juicios al problema del desacuerdo lógico. Es decir, desarrollo y evalúo maneras en que individuos que desacuerdan lógicamente pueden generar una lógica colectiva. Pruebo una versión de la paradoja discursiva, donde el voto por mayoría en un grupo de lógicos estructurales puede generar lógicas subestructurales, y luego elaboro un resultado de imposibilidad más general. Más adelante, analizo diferentes maneras de evitar la paradoja, en (...)
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  8. On the prediction of occurrence of particular verbal intrusions in immediate recall.James Deese - 1959 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 58 (1):17.
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    Tell Us What You Really Think: A think aloud protocol analysis of the verbal cognitive reflection test.Nick Byrd, Brianna Joseph, Gabriela Gongora & Miroslav Sirota - 2023 - Journal of Intelligence 11 (4).
    The standard interpretation of cognitive reflection tests assumes that correct responses are reflective and lured responses are unreflective. However, prior process-tracing of mathematical reflection tests has cast doubt on this interpretation. In two studies (N = 201), we deployed a validated think-aloud protocol in-person and online to test how this assumption is satisfied by the new, validated, less familiar, and less mathematical verbal Cognitive Reflection Test (vCRT). Importantly, thinking aloud did not disrupt test performance compared to a control group. (...)
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    Put, set, lay, and place: a cognitve linguistic approach to verbal meaning.P. Pauwels - 2000 - Muenchen: Lincom Europa.
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    Desacuerdos, deliberación y razones públicas. Resumen de Tesis de Doctorado en Filosofía de Daniel Busdygan.Daniel Busdygan - 2022 - Revista de Filosofía (La Plata) 52 (1):e047.
    Desacuerdos, deliberación y razones públicas. Resumen de Tesis de Doctorado en Filosofía de Daniel Busdygan.
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  12. False recognition produced by implicit verbal responses.Benton J. Underwood - 1965 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 70 (1):122.
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    Distinct influences of affective and cognitive factors on children’s non-verbal and verbal mathematical abilities.Sarah S. Wu, Lang Chen, Christian Battista, Ashley K. Smith Watts, Erik G. Willcutt & Vinod Menon - 2017 - Cognition 166 (C):118-129.
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    Time-Dependent Negative Effects of Verbal and Non-verbal Suggestions in Surgical Patients—A Study on Arm Muscle Strength.Nina Zech, Matthias Schrödinger, Milena Seemann, Florian Zeman, Timo F. Seyfried & Ernil Hansen - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  15. Verbal Disputes.David J. Chalmers - 2011 - Philosophical Review 120 (4):515-566.
    The philosophical interest of verbal disputes is twofold. First, they play a key role in philosophical method. Many philosophical disagreements are at least partly verbal, and almost every philosophical dispute has been diagnosed as verbal at some point. Here we can see the diagnosis of verbal disputes as a tool for philosophical progress. Second, they are interesting as a subject matter for first-order philosophy. Reflection on the existence and nature of verbal disputes can reveal something (...)
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  16. Computational models of short-term memory: Modelling serial recall of verbal material.Mike Page & Richard Henson - 2001 - In Jackie Andrade (ed.), Working Memory in Perspective. Psychology Press. pp. 177--198.
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  17. El pronombre directo la como satélite verbal en italiano: Un análisis semántico y sintáctico de su función.Aranzazu Pascual Ortíz - 2007 - Episteme 3 (10).
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    The effect of verbal context on olfactory perception.Rachel S. Herz - 2003 - Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 132 (4):595.
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    Desacuerdos cuidados.Manuel Almagro & Neftalí Villanueva - 2022 - SCIO Revista de Filosofía 22:67-97.
    El pensamiento crítico parece ser la piedra de toque de la relevancia de la filosofía, aquello que nos permite mejorar nuestro modo de razonar. El propósito de este artículo es desarrollar una opinión extraordinariamente poco popular que nos parece, sin embargo, obviamente verdadera: El pensamiento crítico no es patrimonio exclusivo de la filosofía; probablemente ni siquiera es la filosofía la disciplina de la que cabe esperarse la contribución más crucial al desarrollo del pensamiento crítico. Sin embargo, la tesis principal de (...)
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    A closed-loop theory of paired-associate verbal learning.Jack A. Adams & Norman W. Bray - 1970 - Psychological Review 77 (5):385-405.
  21. Measurement of hope and associated neuropsychiatric dimensions by the computerized content analysis of speech and verbal texts.L. Gottschalk, R. Bechtel, T. Buchman & S. Ray - 2005 - In J. Elliot (ed.), Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Hope. Nova Science Publishers.
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  22. Serial effects in recall of unorganized and sequentially organized verbal material.James Deese & Roger A. Kaufman - 1957 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 54 (3):180.
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    Still no solution to non-verbal measures of analogical reasoning: Reply to Walker and Gopnik (2017).G. C. Glorioso, S. L. Kuznar, M. Pavlic & D. J. Povinelli - 2021 - Cognition 214 (C):104288.
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  24. Desacuerdo moral y estabilidad en la teoría de Martha Nussbaum.Facundo Valverde - 2009 - Revista de Filosofía y Teoría Política 40:63-90.
    Los últimos textos de Martha Nussbaum representan un esfuerzo por presentar una versión del enfoque de las capacidades que se enmarque dentro del liberalismo político rawlsiano. El objetivo de este artículo es mostrar que esta vinculación es defectuosa porque, en primer lugar, los desacuerdos morales profundos entre los ciudadanos son disueltos por medio de una petición de principio y porque, en segundo término, la estabilidad política no se halla suficientemente garantizada.Martha Nussbaum's latest works attempt to give a version of the (...)
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    Egyptian mothers’ preferences regarding how physicians break bad news about their child’s disability: A structured verbal questionnaire.Khalil A. Abd Elhamed & Ahmed Mahmoud Abdelmoktader - 2012 - BMC Medical Ethics 13 (1).
    BackgroundBreaking bad news to mothers whose children has disability is an important role of physicians. There has been considerable speculation about the inevitability of parental dissatisfaction with how they are informed of their child’s disability. Egyptian mothers’ preferences for how to be told the bad news about their child’s disability has not been investigated adequately. The objective of this study was to elicit Egyptian mothers’ preferences for how to be told the bad news about their child’s disability.MethodsMothers of 100 infants (...)
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  26. Context availability and the processing of abstract and concrete verbal materials.P. J. Schwanenflugel & R. W. Stowe - 1989 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 9:82-102.
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    The Cognitive Advantages of Counting Specifically: A Representational Analysis of Verbal Numeration Systems in Oceanic Languages.Andrea Bender, Dirk Schlimm & Sieghard Beller - 2015 - Topics in Cognitive Science 7 (4):552-569.
    The domain of numbers provides a paradigmatic case for investigating interactions of culture, language, and cognition: Numerical competencies are considered a core domain of knowledge, and yet the development of specifically human abilities presupposes cultural and linguistic input by way of counting sequences. These sequences constitute systems with distinct structural properties, the cross-linguistic variability of which has implications for number representation and processing. Such representational effects are scrutinized for two types of verbal numeration systems—general and object-specific ones—that were in (...)
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  28. Why metaphysical debates are not merely verbal.Mark Balaguer - 2020 - Synthese 197 (3):1181-1201.
    A number of philosophers have argued in recent years that certain kinds of metaphysical debates—e.g., debates over the existence of past and future objects, mereological sums, and coincident objects—are merely verbal. It is argued in this paper that metaphysical debates are not merely verbal. The paper proceeds by uncovering and describing a pattern that can be found in a very wide range of philosophical problems and then explaining how, in connection with any problem of this general kind, there (...)
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    Desacuerdo y malentendido.Julder Gómez Posada - 2013 - Praxis Filosófica 34:165-186.
    Este artículo hace parte de un proyecto de investigación que, en general, busca determinar si algunos desacuerdos pueden ser comprendidos como un campo de argumentación en el que los disensos no se resuelven a pesar de que no necesariamente hay malentendidos lingüísticos o conceptuales y en virtud de la naturaleza de la constitución de algunos fenómenos sociales humanos. En este artículo se arguye que para comprender en qué sentido hablan de lo mismo dos personas que discrepan, para comprender un sentido (...)
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    Probability learning: Response proportions and verbal estimates.Lee Roy Beach, Richard M. Rose, Yutaka Sayeki, James A. Wise & William B. Carter - 1970 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 86 (2):165.
  31. Status of Akamksa (Expectancy), as a Condition of Verbal Knowledge.B. Sen - 1997 - Indian Philosophical Quarterly 24 (1):17-24.
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    Transfer of differential eyelid conditioning: Effects of semantic and formal features of verbal stimuli.Michael J. Zajano, David A. Grant & Marian Schwartz - 1974 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 103 (6):1147.
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    Desacuerdos estratégicos y dinámicas de conflicto antagónicas.David Bordonaba-Plou - 2022 - Isegoría 66:25-25.
    The aim of this paper is twofold. First, to study strategic disagreements, i.e., those situations in which one of the parties uses an expression that allows it to restructure the debate and, in this way, obtain some strategic advantage to advance its political agenda. The paper examines this type of disagreement in a specific context: the parliamentary debates in the Spanish Congress of Deputies during the VIII Legislature. Second, to show that strategic disagreements constitute antagonistic conflict dynamics, i.e., situations in (...)
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  34. Aberrant prefrontal functional connectivity during verbal fluency test is associated with reading comprehension deficits in autism spectrum disorder: An fNIRS study.Melody M. Y. Chan, Ming-Chung Chan, Michael K. Yeung, Shu-Mei Wang, Duo Liu & Yvonne M. Y. Han - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Children with autism spectrum disorder show marked difficulties in reading comprehension, a complex cognitive skill fundamental to successful daily functioning that is associated with core executive functions. However, the neurophysiological mechanisms underlying reading comprehension deficits in these children remain elusive. Twenty-one right-handed males with high-functioning ASD and 23 age-, IQ-, educational level-, sex- and handedness-matched typically developing individuals underwent a reading comprehension test and the semantic verbal fluency test that tapped core executive functions underlying reading comprehension during concurrent prefrontal (...)
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  35. Desacuerdos Profundos: Precisiones y Exploraciones.Victoria Lavorerio - 2022 - Cuadernos de Filosofía: Universidad de Concepción 2022 (40):7-20.
    En este artículo introductorio al número especial “Desacuerdos Profundos: Precisiones y Exploraciones”, se presentan los artículos que comprenden este número brindando contexto a sus distintas temáticas, las cuales van desde la naturaleza de los desacuerdos profundos y su resolución, hasta sus conexiones con debates filosóficos y fenómenos sociales.
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  36. Réflexions sur l'emploi des temps du passé en français et en anglais à la lumière de deux évolutions récentes du système verbal de l'anglais in Projet contrastif français-anglais.Pierre Cotte - 1987 - Contrastes 14:89-161.
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    Derogation without words: On the power of non-verbal pejoratives.Ralph DiFranco - 2017 - Philosophical Psychology 30 (6):784-808.
    While a large body of literature on pejorative language has emerged recently, derogatory communication is a broader phenomenon that need not constitutively involve the use of words. This paper delineates the class of non-verbal pejoratives and sketches an account of the derogatory power of a subset of NVPs, namely those whose effectiveness crucially relies on iconicity. Along the way, I point out some ways in which iconic NVPs differ from wholly arbitrary NVPs and ritualized threat signals in the animal (...)
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  38. How do you know when you have understood? Psycholinguistic criteria for understanding verbal communication.Raymond W. Gibbs - 1988 - Communication and Cognition: An Interdisciplinary Quarterly Journal 21 (2):201-225.
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    Deconstructing a verbal illusion: The 'No X is too Y to Z' construction and the rhetoric of negation.Egbert Fortuin - 2014 - Cognitive Linguistics 25 (2):249-292.
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    An Active Inference Account of Touch and Verbal Communication in Therapy.Joohan Kim, Jorge E. Esteves, Francesco Cerritelli & Karl Friston - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    This paper offers theoretical explanations for why “guided touch” or manual touch with verbal communication can be an effective way of treating the body and the mind. The active inference theory suggests that chronic pain and emotional disorders can be attributed to distorted and exaggerated patterns of interoceptive and proprioceptive inference. We propose that the nature of active inference is abductive. As such, to rectify aberrant active inference processes, we should change the “Rule” of abduction, or the “prior beliefs” (...)
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    More's usage of Latin verbal predicates: the particular case of fio.Concepción Cabrillana - 2019 - Moreana 56 (1):97-120.
    This article addresses Thomas More's use of an especially complex Latin predicate, fio, as a means of examining the degree of classicism in this aspect of his writing. To this end, the main lexical-semantic and syntactic features of the verb in Classical Latin are presented, and a comparative review is made of More's use of the predicate—and also its use in texts contemporaneous to More, as well as in Late and Medieval Latin—in both prose and poetry. The analysis shows that (...)
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    Is the Processing of Chinese Verbal Metaphors Simulated or Abstracted? Evidence From an ERP Study.Ying Li, Xiaoxiao Lu, Yizhen Wang, Hanlin Wang & Yue Wang - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The theory of embodied semantics holds that verbal metaphors are strongly grounded in sensorimotor experience. Many studies have proven that besides sensorimotor simulation, the comprehension of verbal metaphors also requires semantic abstraction. But the interaction between simulation and abstraction, as well as the time course of metaphorical meaning integration, is not well understood. In the present study, we aimed to investigate whether embodiment or abstraction, or both, is employed in the processing of Chinese verbal metaphor. Participants were (...)
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    Desacuerdos Básicos entre Pares Epistémicos.Nicolás Lo Guercio - 2018 - Ideas Y Valores 67 (168):81-99.
    En primer lugar, se presenta el fenómeno de los desacuerdos básicos entre pares epistémicos (esto es, desacuerdos acerca de la naturaleza de la evidencia o el método apropiado para evaluarla) y se argumenta que son relevantes y merecen atención. En segundo lugar, se discute el argumento estándar a favor del conciliacionismo. Finalmente, se defiende que las razones típicas para conciliar no se aplican en los desacuerdos básicos entre pares, de manera que en estos casos está permitido ser obstinado.
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    Can membership-functions capture the directionality of verbal probabilities?Marie Juanchich, Miroslav Sirota, Tzur M. Karelitz & Gaëlle Villejoubert - 2013 - Thinking and Reasoning 19 (2):231-247.
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    Azuzadores y desacuerdos morales.Pyro Suarez - 2023 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 21:196-210.
    En las protestas realizadas durante el 2022 y el 2023 en Perú, la prensa mayoritaria señaló la presencia de azuzadores jugando un rol causal significativo en la participación de los otros protestantes. Por otro lado, evidencia empírica sobre nuestras intuiciones acerca de desacuerdos morales (Khoo y Knobe 2018), parece señalar que la diferencia en el trasfondo cultural de los participantes en un desacuerdo moral influye en nuestra percepción sobre si ambas partes podrían estar defendiendo, en sus propios términos, algo (...)
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  46. Verbal Reports and ‘Real’ Reasons: Confabulation and Conflation.Constantine Sandis - 2015 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 18 (2):267-280.
    This paper examines the relation between the various forces which underlie human action and verbal reports about our reasons for acting as we did. I maintain that much of the psychological literature on confabulations rests on a dangerous conflation of the reasons for which people act with a variety of distinct motivational factors. In particular, I argue that subjects frequently give correct answers to questions about the considerations they acted upon while remaining largely unaware of why they take themselves (...)
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    An examination of the effects of a short course aimed at enabling teachers in infant, junior and secondary schools to alter the verbal feedback given to their pupils.Jeremy Swinson & Alex Harrop - 2005 - Educational Studies 31 (2):115-129.
    Nineteen teachers took part in a brief, one session, in?service course in which they were trained in behavioural techniques with the main aim of helping them increase their rates of approval contingent upon required behaviours from their pupils and to decrease their rates of disapproval. Subsidiary aims were that the teachers would be enabled to alter the balance of approval/disapproval given to academic and social behaviours, to increase the rate of approval given to group behaviours, to increase the rate of (...)
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    A Lexical Representational Mechanism Underlying Verbal Satiation: An Empirical Study With Rarely Used Chinese Characters.Kang Cao, Jie Li, Baizhou Wu, Hong Zhang & Hu He - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Reading Habits Among Older Adults in Relation to Level and 15-Year Changes in Verbal Fluency and Episodic Recall.Daniel Eriksson Sörman, Jessica Körning Ljungberg & Michael Rönnlund - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    The effects of language habits on the acquisition and retention of verbal associations.Leo Postman - 1962 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 64 (1):7.
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