Results for 'democratizing organizations'

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  1.  23
    Reflections on Leadership: Responsibility and Power in Democratic Organizations.Rebecca Martusewicz - 2010 - Educational Studies: A Jrnl of the American Educ. Studies Assoc 46 (4):371-375.
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  2. Enabling democratic deliberation: how managed care organizations ought to make decisions about coverage for new technologies.Norman Daniels - 1999 - In Stephen Macedo (ed.), Deliberative politics: essays on democracy and disagreement. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 198--210.
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    Holding Up a Democratic Facade: How ‘New Work Organizations’ Avoid Resistance and Litigation When Dismissing Their Managers.Johanna L. Degen & Massih Zekavat - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    New work is used as a general term to summarize professional developments in contemporary work style, structure and modus of organizations and society—this means collaborative work and flexible working hours on individual levels, and flat hierarchies and participatory decision-making on organizational levels. Contemporary corporations strive to orient toward the concept of new work to keep up with stakeholder demands, for instance in their branding strategies as an employer. However, studies on organizational practices indicate that alongside explicit values and agendas, (...)
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    Legal Problems of Religious Organizations in the Context of Becoming a Democratic Society.O. P. Ananieva - 2000 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 15:77-85.
    Evaluating the role and opportunities of state correction of the functions of religious organizations, it must be recognized that the state is not able to administratively change those trends and forms of activity that express the social purpose of religious associations and organizations.
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    Church under leviathan: On the Democratic Participation of Religious Organizations in an Authoritarian Society.Baldwin Wong - 2021 - Journal of Religious Ethics 49 (1):68-89.
    Political philosophers have long disagreed on the issue of whether churches should exercise restraint in the appeal to religious reasons in public discussion and political mobilization. Exclusivists defend the restraint, whereas inclusivists reject it. Both sides, however, assume the existence of a democratic government. In this essay, I discuss whether churches should exercise restraint in a non-democratic, authoritarian society. I defend inclusivism and believe that churches should not restrain themselves, especially when doing so can promote democracy and prevent severe injustices. (...)
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    Workplace Democracy and Democratic Worker Organizations: Notes on Worker Centers.Catherine L. Fisk - 2016 - Theoretical Inquiries in Law 17 (1):101-130.
    Worker organizing outside the traditional union framework in the United States has lately focused on worker centers, which provide the benefits of collective action and participatory workplace democracy without the legal obstacles faced by unions. This Article offers thoughts on legal regulation of worker organizations’ internal governance to facilitate collective power with appropriate protection for the rights of individuals within the collective. Federal law extensively regulates the internal governance of unions so as to protect minorities in an organization that (...)
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    From responsible management to responsible organizations; the democratic principle for managing organizational ethics.Maarten J. Verkerk, Jan Leede & André H. J. Nijhof - 2001 - Business and Society Review 4 (106):353-379.
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    From Responsible Management to Responsible Organizations: The Democratic Principle for Managing Organizational Ethics.Maarten J. Verkerk, Jan De Leede & Andre H. J. Nijhof - 2001 - Business and Society Review 106 (4):353-378.
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    (1 other version)Organs without bodies: Deleuze and consequences.Slavoj Žižek - 2004 - New York: Routledge.
    The latest book by the Slovenian critic Slavoj Zizek takes the work of French philosopher Gilles Deleuze as the beginning of a dazzling inquiry into the realms of radical politics, philosophy, film (Hitchcock, Fight Club ), and psychoanalysis. Of Organs without Bodies Joan Copjec ( Imagine There's No Woman ) has written: "With all his ususal humor and invention, Zizek -- the acknowledged master of the 180 degree turn -- here takes a trip into "enemy" territory to deliver Deleuze of (...)
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    Democratizing ownership and participation in the 4th Industrial Revolution: challenges and opportunities in cellular agriculture.Robert M. Chiles, Garrett Broad, Mark Gagnon, Nicole Negowetti, Leland Glenna, Megan A. M. Griffin, Lina Tami-Barrera, Siena Baker & Kelly Beck - 2021 - Agriculture and Human Values 38 (4):943-961.
    The emergence of the “4th Industrial Revolution,” i.e. the convergence of artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things, advanced materials, and bioengineering technologies, could accelerate socioeconomic insecurities and anxieties or provide beneficial alternatives to the status quo. In the post-Covid-19 era, the entities that are best positioned to capitalize on these innovations are large firms, which use digital platforms and big data to orchestrate vast ecosystems of users and extract market share across industry sectors. Nonetheless, these technologies also have the potential (...)
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    Ethnic Struggle, Coexistence, and Democratization in Eastern Europe.Sherrill Stroschein - 2012 - Cambridge University Press.
    In societies divided on ethnic and religious lines, problems of democracy are magnified – particularly where groups are mobilized into parties. With the principle of majority rule, minorities should be less willing to endorse democratic institutions where their parties persistently lose elections. While such problems should also hamper transitions to democracy, several diverse Eastern European states have formed democracies even under these conditions. In this book, Sherrill Stroschein argues that sustained protest and contention by ethnic Hungarians in Romania and Slovakia (...)
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  12. Reclaiming Democratic Classical Liberalism.David Ellerman - 2020 - In Reclaiming Democratic Classical Liberalism. pp. 1-39.
    Classical liberalism is skeptical about governmental organizations "doing good" for people. Instead governments should create the conditions so that people individually (Adam Smith) and in associations (Tocqueville) are empowered to do good for themselves. The market implications of classical liberalism are well-known, but the implications for organizations are controversial. We will take James Buchanan as our guide (with assists from Mill and Dewey). Unpacking the implications of classical liberalism for the "science of associations" (Tocqueville) requires a tour through (...)
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    Worldly Ethics: Democratic Politics and Care for the World.Ella Myers - 2013 - Duke University Press.
    What is the spirit that animates collective action? What is the ethos of democracy? _Worldly Ethics _offers a powerful and original response to these questions, arguing that associative democratic politics, in which citizens join together and struggle to shape shared conditions, requires a world-centered ethos. This distinctive ethos, Ella Myers shows, involves care for "worldly things," which are the common and contentious objects of concern around which democratic actors mobilize. In articulating the meaning of worldly ethics, she reveals the limits (...)
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  14.  10
    A democratic program for healing: The Raspail domestic medicine method in 1840s France.Hervé Guillemain - 2020 - Science in Context 33 (4):385-403.
    ArgumentRaspail’s domestic medicine method, popularized in 1840s France, has similarities with the practices of nineteenth century non-academic healers. His mass marketing of camphor as a universal treatment echoes the practices of “charlatans” and their circles. But Raspail is also very original in this history of popular care. As a scientist, a popularizer of encyclopedic knowledge and a political activist, he managed to blur traditional distinctions between science and politics and between popular and learned medicine. Raspail was a constant thorn in (...)
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  15.  20
    New Democratic Sciences, Ethics, and Proper Publics.Sara Giordano - 2018 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 43 (3):401-430.
    In this article, I examine the rhetoric of democratic science within the field of synthetic biology. The still emerging field of synthetic biology claims to be a new kind of science based on the promises of affordable medicines, environmental bioremediation, and democratic, do-it-yourself science practices. I argue that the formation of a more democratic, DIY portion of this field represents an intervention into ethics debates by becoming “the proper informed public.” Through an analysis of twelve DIY and community-based synthetic biology (...)
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    Envisioning a Democratic Culture of Difference: Feminist Ethics and the Politics of Dissent in Social Movements.Sheena J. Vachhani - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 164 (4):745-757.
    Using two contemporary cases of the global #MeToo movement and UK-based collective Sisters Uncut, this paper argues that a more in-depth and critical concern with gendered difference is necessary for understanding radical democratic ethics, one that advances and develops current understandings of business ethics. It draws on practices of social activism and dissent through the context of Irigaray’s later writing on democratic politics and Ziarek’s analysis of dissensus and democracy that proceeds from an emphasis on alterity as the capacity to (...)
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    Should International Organizations Include Beneficiaries in Decision-making? Arguments for Mediated Inclusion.Chris Tenove - 2017 - Global Justice: Theory Practice Rhetoric 10 (2).
    There are longstanding calls for international organizations to be more inclusive of the voices and interests of people whose lives they affect. There is nevertheless widespread disagreement among practitioners and political theorists over who ought to be included in IO decision-making and by what means. This paper focuses on the inclusion of IOs’ ‘intended beneficiaries,’ both in principle and practice. It argues that IOs’ intended beneficiaries have particularly strong normative claims for inclusion because IOs can affect their vital interests (...)
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    An experiment in digital government at the United States National Organic Program.Stuart W. Shulman - 2003 - Agriculture and Human Values 20 (3):253-265.
    Digital communications technology isreconfiguring democratic governance. Federalagencies increasingly rely on Internet-basedapplications to improve citizen-governmentinteraction. Early efforts in the area ofdigital government have created newparticipatory opportunities as well asformidable governance challenges. Federalagencies are working within and across theirboundaries to find an e-rulemaking format thatis cost-effective, legally appropriate,user-friendly, and well suited to diverse modesof rulemaking activities. One of the overridingissues emerging from this process is thedefinition of meaningful public participationin rulemaking. An examination of an early caseinvolving the USDA's National Organic Programproposed rule (...)
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  19. Organic social change.James Abordo Ong - 2017 - Distinktion 18 (1):59-81.
    The distinctness of each person’s life and experience is an important consideration in dominant accounts of how democratic institutions should distribute basic rights and liberties. Drawing on recent social movements, philosophers like Iris Marion Young, Miranda Fricker, and Axel Honneth have nonetheless drawn attention to the distinctive claims and challenges that plurality and difference entrain in democratic societies by analysing how the dominant discourses on rights and justice tend to elide, obscure, or reify the lived experiences of individuals belonging to (...)
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  20.  55
    Inverted founding: Emperor organ theory, constitutionalism, and koku-min.Chungjae Lee & Stacey Liou - 2022 - European Journal of Political Theory 21 (2).
    This article presents Minobe Tatsukichi’s emperor organ theory as a novel understanding of the temporality of founding. In contrast to a conventional framework of founding which legitimizes the constitution by postulating the pre-constitutional power of “the people,” emperor organ theory invents “the people” out of the Meiji Constitution as a democratically empowered subject to-come. In so doing, emperor organ theory calls upon the transformation of shin-min (臣民), the presumed subject of the emperor, into koku-min (国民), the people of this constitutional (...)
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  21.  33
    Solidarity in Conflict: A Democratic Theory.Rochelle DuFord - 2022 - Stanford University Press.
    Democracy has become disentangled from our ordinary lives. Mere cooperation or ethical consumption now often stands in for a robust concept of solidarity that structures the entirety of sociality and forms the basis of democratic culture. How did democracy become something that is done only at ballot boxes and what role can solidarity play in reviving it? In Solidarity in Conflict, Rochelle DuFord presents a theory of solidarity fit for developing democratic life and a complementary theory of democracy that emerges (...)
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  22.  11
    The Democratic Teacher as Political Organizer.Itay Snir - 2024 - In Steffen Wittig, Ralf Mayer & Julia Sperschneider (eds.), Ernesto Laclau: Pädagogische Lektüren. Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden. pp. 225-241.
    In this paper, I discuss the teacher’s role in Laclaudian democratic education in light of the notion of the organic intellectual as proposed by Antonio Gramsci. Unlike common readings of the figure of the organic intellectual, where it is understood as developing organically from within the ranks of the oppressed, I argue that the term “organic” also refers to organization, and that the role of the organic intellectual is to be a political organizer. In contrast to the figure of the (...)
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    Democratic Moral Education and the Gifts of the Holy Spirit.Mark D. Jordan - 2016 - Journal of Religious Ethics 44 (2):246-259.
    How far is Thomas Aquinas available for current discussions in political philosophy? While there are certainly things to be learned from him about our political preoccupations, the pedagogy of his moral teaching typically resists our familiar questions. This holds even when the question is put in terms that Thomas should recognize—say, as a question about the virtues appropriate for a democracy. Thomas not only gives different meanings to these terms, he moves political topics away from the center of theological attention (...)
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    Prussian Polis: Kant's democratic republicanism.Reidar Maliks - 2009 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 35 (4):427-445.
    This article argues that Kant's republicanism provides a foundation for democratic procedures. The conclusion is reached through an investigation of Critique of the Power of Judgment, which allows us to interpret Kant's notion of the state as a self-determining organic community, and not merely an aggregate of individuals. The article rejects Isaiah Berlin's interpretation of Kant as an authoritarian thinker, and reveals a republican theory centered on liberal freedom expressed within a self-organizing political community.
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    Reimagining democratic theory for social individuals.Steven L. Winter - 2011 - Zygon 46 (1):224-245.
    Abstract. The Western conception of the individual as a rational, self-directing agent is a mythology that organizes and distorts religion, science, economics, and politics. It produces an abstracted and atomized form of engagement that is fatal to collective self-governance. And it turns democracy into the enemy of equality. Considering the meaning of democracy and autonomy from a perspective that takes the subject as truly social would refocus our attention on the constitutive contexts and practices necessary for the production of citizens (...)
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  26.  21
    Lenin on democratic theory.Artemy Magun - 2018 - Studies in East European Thought 70 (2-3):141-152.
    Lenin’s State and Revolution is not only a project for imminent revolutionary policy and not only a legitimization argument for a revolutionary dictatorship, but also a theory of state and theory of democracy. Lenin points at the reduplication of state organs that is inherent in a democratic state. While the Russian revolutionary thinks of this reduplication as something transitory, we today increasingly see it as a durable condition coterminous with the late-modern democratic state. I use Lenin’s treatise as a point (...)
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    Infotopia: Unleashing the Democratic Power of Transparency.Archon Fung - 2013 - Politics and Society 41 (2):183-212.
    In Infotopia, citizens enjoy a wide range of information about the organizations upon which they rely for the satisfaction of their vital interests. The provision of that information is governed by principles of democratic transparency. Democratic transparency both extends and critiques current enthusiasms about transparency. It urges us to conceptualize information politically, as a resource to turn the behavior of large organizations in socially beneficial ways. Transparency efforts have targets, and we should think of those targets as large (...)
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    Allegory and Democratic Public Culture in the Postmodern Era.Robert Hariman - 2002 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 35 (4):267-296.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy and Rhetoric 35.4 (2002) 267-296 [Access article in PDF] Allegory and Democratic Public Culture in the Postmodern Era Robert Hariman The man lies on the hotel bed, clad only in his underwear, as he watches the TV screen just beyond his feet. His right hand holds the remote control, which he uses to scan through the cable channels. To his left sits Abraham Lincoln, clothed in long-sleeved white (...)
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  29. Public sociology and democratic theory.Stephen P. Turner - 2009 - In Jeroen Van Bouwel (ed.), The Social Sciences and Democracy. New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    Sociology, as conceived by Comte, was to put an end to the anarchy of opinions characteristic of liberal democracy by replacing opinion with the truths of sociology, imposed through indoctrination. Later sociologists backed away from this, making sociology acceptable to liberal democracy by being politically neutral. The critics of this solution asked 'whose side are we on?' Burawoy provides a novel justification for advocacy scholarship in sociology. Public sociology is intended to have political effects, but also to be funded by (...)
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    Toward a Democratic Rule of Law.Stephen L. Esquith - 1999 - Political Theory 27 (3):334-356.
    Article 2: The Republic of Poland shall be a democratic state ruled by law and implementing the principles of social justice....Article 7: The organs of public authority shall function on the basis of, and within the limits of, the law. Constitution of the Republic of Poland, April 2, 1997Chapter 1, Article 1: The Slovak Republic is a democratic and sovereign state ruled by the law. It is bound neither to an ideology, or to a religion. Constitution of Slovakia, September 1, (...)
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    Civil societies and democratization: Assumptions, dilemmas and the south african experience.Lorenzo Fioramonti - 2005 - Theoria 44 (107):65-88.
    The argument put forward by this article is not that democratization does not benefit from the activity of a vibrant civil society, but rather that academic research should address this relationship in a critical way. This article maintains that one should take care to distinguish between 'civil society' as an ideal-type concept that embodies the qualities of separation, autonomy and civil association in its pure form, and the factual world of 'civil societies' composed of associations that embody these principles to (...)
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    Standardization and the democratic design of information and communication technology.Eric J. Iversen, Thierry Vedel & Raymund Werle - 2004 - Knowledge, Technology & Policy 17 (2):104-126.
    The way information and communication technology (ICT) develops can promote or hinder the democratic potential of this critical societal infrastructure. Concerns about the role standards development organizations (SDOs) play in this context predate the “digital age” but are reemerging amid substantial changes in the institutional landscape of standardization. This article explores the increasingly critical link between the institutional design of SDOs and the democratic design of ICT. We review some principles of democracy in terms of the design of technology, (...)
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    Taking Science Seriously in the Debate on Death and Organ Transplantation.Michael Nair-Collins - 2015 - Hastings Center Report 45 (6):38-48.
    The concept of death and its relationship to organ transplantation continue to be sources of debate and confusion among academics, clinicians, and the public. Recently, an international group of scholars and clinicians, in collaboration with the World Health Organization, met in the first phase of an effort to develop international guidelines for determination of death. The goal of this first phase was to focus on the biology of death and the dying process while bracketing legal, ethical, cultural, and religious perspectives. (...)
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  34.  13
    What the Democratic Party Has Become.Stephen M. Krason - 2022 - Catholic Social Science Review 27:189-192.
    This was one of SCSS President Stephen M. Krason’s “Neither Left nor Right, but Catholic” columns in The Wanderer in 2021. In it, he writes that the Democratic party has increasingly embraced the agenda of the left, been tolerant of violence by radical organizations, been willing to compromise the principle of the rule of law, and shown increasing intolerance of opposing perspectives and a tendency to political repression. This article is reprinted with permission.
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    A Toolkit for Democratizing Science and Technology Policy: The Practical Mechanics of Organizing a Consensus Conference.Carol Lobes, Judith Adrian, Joshua Grice, Maria Powell & Daniel Lee Kleinman - 2007 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 27 (2):154-169.
    A widely touted approach to involving laypeople in science and technology policy-related decisions is the consensus conference. Virtually nothing written on the topic provides detailed discussion of the many steps from citizen recruitment to citizen report. Little attention is paid to how and why the mechanics of the consensus conference process might influence the diversity of the participants in theses fora, the quality of the deliberation in the citizen sessions, the experiences of the participants and organizers, and other outcomes that (...)
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    International non-governmental development organizations and their northern constituencies: Development education, dialogue and democracy.Matt Baillie Smith - 2008 - Journal of Global Ethics 4 (1):5 – 18.
    The ways in which international non-governmental development organizations (INGDOs) engage with northern constituencies have important implications for their promotion of principles of global justice and equity, their legitimacy as global actors and their capacity to shape a democratic global civil society. This paper focuses on the diverse forms of engagement currently being sought by international development NGOs. Using development education as a case study the paper explores some of the processes of mediation and negotiation that shape NGOs' articulation of (...)
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  37. From Altruistic Donation to Conditional Societal Organ Appropriation After Death.Caroline Guibet Lafaye & Henri Kreis - 2013 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 16 (2):355-368.
    Since we have learned that human organs can be used to treat severe health problems, only donation has been considered for organ procurement. Among the other possibilities that can be used after a person’s death, purchase or systematic removal have been a priori rejected. However, we will show that the appeal to individual altruism have resulted in some of the aporias of the present situation. Subsequently, we will consider how systematic organ removal from deceased persons can be made acceptable in (...)
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    Dewey, Implementation, and Creating a Democratic Civic University.Ira Harkavy - 2023 - The Pluralist 18 (1):49-75.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Dewey, Implementation, and Creating a Democratic Civic UniversityIra HarkavyThinking begins in... a forked-road situation, a situation that is ambiguous, that presents a dilemma, that poses alternatives.—John Dewey (How We Think 122)The social philosopher, dwelling in the region of his concepts, “solves” problems by showing the relationship of ideas, instead of helping men solve problems in the concrete by supplying them hypotheses to be used and tested in projects of (...)
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    Deficits of Public Deliberation in U.S. Oversight for Gene Edited Organisms.Jennifer Kuzma - 2021 - Hastings Center Report 51 (S2):25-33.
    Environmental releases of gene edited (GEdOs) and gene drive organisms (GDOs) will likely occur under conditions of high uncertainty and in complex socioecological systems. Therefore, public deliberation is especially important to account for diverse interpretations of safety, risks, and benefits; to draw on experiential and public wisdom in areas of proposed release; to ameliorate dangers of technological optimism; and to increase the public legitimacy of decisions. Yet there is a “democratic deficit” in the United States' oversight system for GEdOs and (...)
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    Agents of Representation: The Organic Connection between Society and Leftist Parties in Bolivia and Uruguay.Fernando Rosenblatt, Rafael Piñeiro Rodríguez, Verónica Pérez Bentancur & Santiago Anria - 2022 - Politics and Society 50 (3):384-412.
    Parties are central agents of democratic representation. The literature assumes that this function is an automatic consequence of social structure and/or a product of incentives derived from electoral competition. However, representation is contingent upon the organizational structure of parties. The connection between a party and an organized constituency is not limited to electoral strategy; it includes an organic connection through permanent formal or informal linkages that bind party programmatic positions to social groups’ preferences, regardless of the electoral returns. This article (...)
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    Corporate power and democracy: A business ethical reflection and research agenda.Christian Martin Kroll & Laura Marie Edinger-Schons - 2024 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 33 (3):349-362.
    Corporations significantly influence the public and political spheres. In light of this corporate power in society, academics have criticized the lack of legitimization (i.e., the legitimacy gap) and highlighted a potential divergence between corporate resource allocation and the needs and preferences of the public (i.e., the social issues gap). To address these problems, democratizing organizations has been proposed as a potential solution. In line with this, the authors argue that an increase in corporate power outside the economic realm (...)
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    Responsible Leaders for Inclusive Globalization: Cases in Nicaragua and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. [REVIEW]Josep F. Mària & Josep M. Lozano - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 93 (S1):93 - 111.
    The current globalization process excludes a significant part of humanity, but organizations can contribute to a more inclusive form by means of dialogue with other organizations to create economic and social value. This article explores the main leadership traits (visions, roles and virtues) necessary for this dialogue. This exploration consists of a comparison between two theoretical approaches and their illustration with two cases. The theoretical approaches compared are Responsible Leadership, a management theory focused on the contribution of business (...)
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    Organizational and psychological features of successful democratic enterprises: A systematic review of qualitative research.Christine Unterrainer, Wolfgang G. Weber, Thomas Höge & Severin Hornung - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    In organizational psychology the positive effects of democratically structured enterprises on their employees are well documented. However, the longstanding viability as well as economic success of democratic enterprises in a capitalistic market environment has long been contested. For instance, this has given rise to widespread endorsement of the “degeneration thesis” and the so-called “iron law of oligarchy”. By reviewing 77 qualitative studies that examined 83 democratic enterprises within the last 50 years, the present systematic review provides evidence that such enterprises (...)
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    Fixing Technology with Society: The Coproduction of Democratic Deficits and Responsible Innovation at the OECD and the European Commission.Sebastian Pfotenhauer, Tess Doezema & Nina Frahm - 2022 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 47 (1):174-216.
    Long presented as a universal policy-recipe for social prosperity and economic growth, the promise of innovation seems to be increasingly in question, giving way to a new vision of progress in which society is advanced as a central enabler of technoeconomic development. Frameworks such as “Responsible” or “Mission-oriented” Innovation, for example, have become commonplace parlance and practice in the governance of the innovation–society nexus. In this paper, we study the dynamics by which this “social fix” to technoscience has gained legitimacy (...)
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    A very tangled knot: Official state socialist women’s organizations, women’s agency and feminism in Eastern European state socialism.Nanette Funk - 2014 - European Journal of Women's Studies 21 (4):344-360.
    This article discusses some current research claims on gender and state socialism in Eastern Europe from 1945 to 1989. It raises questions about claims by Revisionist Feminist Scholars that official state socialist women’s organizations were ‘agents’ on behalf of women, or women’s movements, perhaps feminist, and not ‘transmission belts’ of communist parties. State socialist policies are described as ‘friendly towards women’ and ‘pro-women’. In contrast, the author claims that these organizations both were and were not agents on behalf (...)
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    Democratizing technology: Interests, codes, rights. [REVIEW]Andrew Feenberg - 2001 - The Journal of Ethics 5 (2):177-195.
    This reply to criticism of Questioning Technology by Gerald Doppeltaddresses differences between political philosophy and philosophy oftechnology. While political philosophers such as Doppelt emphasize procedural aspects of democracy and equal rights, many philosophers of technologyimplicitly assume a substantive criterion of the good centered on thedevelopment of human capacities. Questioning Technology alsoemphasizes the diminishing agency of individuals in technologically advanced societies dominated by large scale organizations and themass media. These themes of social critique complement the main focusof political philosophy. Political (...)
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    Legislating Patient Representation: A Comparison Between Austrian and German Regulations on Self-Help Organizations as Patient Representatives.Hester Bovenkamp, Julia Fischer & Daniela Rojatz - 2018 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 15 (3):351-358.
    Governments are increasingly inviting patient organizations to participate in healthcare policymaking. By inviting POs that claim to represent patients, representation comes into being. However, little is known about the circumstances under which governments accept POs as patient representatives. Based on the analysis of relevant legislation, this article investigates the criteria that self-help organizations, a special type of PO, must fulfil in order to be accepted as patient representatives by governments in Austria and Germany. Thereby, it aims to contribute (...)
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  48. Buddhism and measure h: Banning the growing and raising of genetically modified organisms in mendocino county.Ron Epstein - manuscript
    I would like to thank the Sangha for inviting me to speak with you tonight. Some of you may be wondering what Measure H has to do with the Buddhadharma and why we are taking time during the period for sutra lectures to discuss it. I think it's very important to remember that all dharmas are Buddhadharmas, and that the Venerable Master Hua taught us that we have a responsibility towards the country in which we are living. This is one (...)
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    Denaturalizing the Environment: Dissensus and the Possibility of Radically Democratizing Discourses of Environmental Sustainability.Charles Barthold & Peter Bloom - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 164 (4):671-681.
    The aim of this article is to introduce the concept of dissensus as an important perspective for making current organizational discourses of environmental sustainability more radically democratic. It presents the Anthropocene as a force for social naturalization—one that paradoxically acknowledges humanity’s role in negatively impacting the environment while restricting their agency to address this problem to those compatible with a market ideology. Radical democratic theories of agonism help to denaturalize the relation of organizations to the environment yet risk reproducing (...)
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    Courts and COVID-19: an Assessment of Countries Dealing with Democratic Erosion.Emilio Peluso Neder Meyer, Ulisses Levy Silvério dos Reis & Bruno Braga de Castro - 2023 - Jus Cogens 5 (1):85-110.
    This article aims to present four case studies of the different responses to governmental measures to fight the COVID-19 pandemic by supreme and constitutional courts, especially in cases of jurisdictions that have been facing democratic erosion. The spread of the COVID-19 pandemic demanded immediate public policies and other political decisions from the branches of government. Executive authorities were the main actors in effecting constitutional public health norms. The expectation was that they will abide by the rule of law in fulfilling (...)
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