Results for 'de re essences'

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  1.  63
    De re modality, generic essences, and science.Bryan G. Norton - 1980 - Philosophia 9 (2):167-186.
    I have taken the traditional problem of the seeming interdependence of identity concepts and essentialistic concepts and the attendant difficulties with circularity as a starting point in my consideration of recent attempts to provide accounts ofde re essences. Having distinguished between theories of individual and generic essences, I have shown how a linguistic device based upon a new approach to referring expressions has, perhaps, provided some advance in the understanding of individualde re essences. I have argued that, (...)
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    Le symbolique, le sacré et l'homme: émergence de la transcendance.Henry de Lumley, Thérèse Garestier-Hélène & Renée Menez (eds.) - 2019 - Paris: Collège des Bernardins.
    L'Homme, cet être vivant doué de raison, fabricant d'objets élaborés, doté d'un langage articulé, chez lequel a émergé la pensée conceptuelle et symbolique, se caractérise par une aptitude à l'émerveillement, et une capacité d'espérance accompagnée d'un refus de l'absurde. Avec l'invention de l'outil manufacturé et les premiers témoignages d'une pensée symbolique, comment la fabuleuse aventure culturelle et spirituelle de l'Homme a-t-elle débuté? Pourquoi à travers les temps, même les plus anciens, et dans toutes les cultures, l'émergence du sens de la (...)
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    De re language, de re eliminability, and the essential limits of both.Thomas Schwartz - 1997 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 26 (5):521-544.
    De re modality is eliminable if there is an effective translation of all wffs into non-de re equivalents. We cannot have logical equivalence unless 'logic' has odd theses, but we can have material equivalence by banning all essences, something the nonde re facts let us do, or by giving everything such humdrum essences as self-identity and banning the more interesting ones. Eliminability cannot be got from weaker assumptions, nor independent ones of even modest generality. The net philosophical import (...)
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    Essais de réalisme minimal: relations, formes, singuliers.Pierre-André Huglo - 2017 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
    Faire valoir un réalisme minimal c'est faire tenir ensemble deux exigences : celle d'un réalisme qui cherche à montrer que les relations exprimées par le langage n'existent pas seulement dans le langage, ni seulement dans l'esprit, mais qu'elles nous font connaître quelque chose du monde ; celle d'un nominalisme qui applique le rasoir d'Occam avec vigilance et refuse, non seulement de poser l'existence d'universels qui seraient des essences ou des propriétés, mais même de concevoir les relations elles-mêmes comme des (...)
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    Théorèmes sur l'être et l'essence. Giles & Gilles de Rome - 2011 - Paris: Les Belles Lettres. Edited by Stéphane Mercier.
    Les Theoremata d'esse et essentia (ca 1278-1285), qui, en depit d'une edition critique deja ancienne (Hocedez, 1930), n'avaient pas encore ete traduits integralement en francais a ce jour, apparaissent comme l'uvre majeure pour bien saisir la genese doctrinale et conceptuelle de la theorie de la distinction reelle. Peu de temps avant les Questions disputees sur l'etre et l'essence (1286-1287), qui sont au cur du debat entre Gilles de Rome (ca 1245-1316), partisan d'une distinction reelle entre l'etre et l'essence, et Henri (...)
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    La foi chrétienne et le destin de la raison.Jean Ladrière - 2004 - Paris: Cerf.
    La foi chrétienne propose une interprétation de la condition humaine selon laquelle le sens de la vie présente est son inscription dans une perspective eschatologique, c'est-à-dire son rapport à une réalité qui est à la fois encore à venir mais qui cependant, en même temps, est déjà présente parmi nous. Cette réalité est annoncée, dans les textes fondateurs de la foi chrétienne, par l'expression " le Royaume de Dieu ". La foi chrétienne se comprend elle-même comme adhésion, dans la pratique (...)
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    L'ordre juridique et le discours du droit: essai sur les limites de la connaissance du droit.Rémy Libchaber - 2013 - Paris: LGDJ-Lextenso éditions.
    Le projet dont cet ouvrage est l'aboutissement n'a pas été d'établir une théorie du droit, mais d'en rechercher la signification au plus près de la pratique quotidienne des juristes. Chaque fois que l'un d'eux emploie le mot droit, il le fait sans s'expliquer comme s'il s'agissait là d'une chose commune qu'il suffirait de désigner pour être compris. Pourtant, dans sa brièveté même, il renvoie à des contenus divers qui ne font sens qu'à un haut degré d'élaboration. C'est à la recherche (...)
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    Borges, Second Edition: The Passion of an Endless Quotation.Lisa Block de Behar - 2014 - SUNY Press.
    Expanded edition with new chapters and updates to the translation and bibliography. Borges cites innumerable authors in the pages making up his life’s work, and innumerable authors have cited and continue to cite him. More than a figure, then, the quotation is an integral part of the fabric of his writing, a fabric made anew by each reading and each re-citation it undergoes, in the never-ending throes of a work-in-progress. Block de Behar makes of this reading a plea for the (...)
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    Zéro: révolution et critique de la raison: de Sade et Kierkegaard à Adorno et Cavell.Alessia J. Magliacane - 2017 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
    Les quinze sections de cet ouvrage proposent un parcours de réflexion à partir du démantèlement sadien de la normativité et de la déconstruction kierkegaardienne de la vie "bonne", qui engage des auteurs tels qu'Adorno, Arendt, Otto Gross, Agnes Heller, Kalivoda, Lacan, Cavell, Nussbaum, parmi d'autres, dans une analyse inusitée de la subjectivité révolutionnaire et des individualités révoltées. Ces critiques de l'aliénation comme "métaphysique de l'essence humaine" relancent, d'après l'autrice, la continuité artistique et l'aspiration politique du romantisme révolutionnaire, réinstallant ainsi la (...)
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    Souffrir dans la vie: réflexions sur l'essence humaine de Michel Henry.N'Dré Sam Beugré - 2021 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
    Cet ouvrage n'est autre qu'une étude a-méthodique sur l'essence phénoménologique humaine appuyée sur la philosophie de Michel Henry. Elle gravite autour de la notion de douleur basée sur la passivité précoce de l'être par rapport à lui-même et dans le cadre révélateur de l'affectivité. En d'autres termes, la révélation de l'être tel qu'il est dépeint dans sa passion. Une nouvelle conception de la corporéité, du temps et du langage vient de la tonalité affective de base de la douleur. Comprendre ces (...)
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  11.  29
    Des crises sémantiques comme crises politiques : à propos de Res publica de Claudia Moatti.Jean-Louis Fournel - 2023 - Astérion 29 (29).
    The term Republic is a word whose obviousness and presence in our contemporary political culture are matched only by its long-term indeterminacies. The first of these indeterminacies, moreover, has to do with the origin of “republic” in the Latin syntagm res publica with the immediately complex and polysemous meaning of a notion that we find frequently used under the Roman Republic itself but also under the Empire. Questioning res publica also obviously means questioning a crucial part of Roman political history, (...)
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    Edmund Husserl and Eugen Fink: Beginnings and Ends in Phenomenology, 1928-1938 (review).Nicolas De Warren - 2005 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 43 (4):496-497.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Edmund Husserl and Eugen Fink: Beginnings and Ends in Phenomenology, 1928–1938Nicolas de WarrenRonald Bruzina. Edmund Husserl and Eugen Fink: Beginnings and Ends in Phenomenology, 1928–1938. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2004. Pp. xxvii + 627. Cloth, $45.00.Edmund Husserl defined a new field and method of philosophical research that required the employment of students in the pursuit of a rigorous and elusive science called transcendental phenomenology. Husserl's most famous (...)
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  13. The Essence of Spinoza's God.Sherry Lynn Deveaux & Sherry Deveaux - 2000 - Dissertation, University of California, Davis
    In my dissertation I approach the subject of the attributes of God in Spinoza's metaphysics by considering three pivotal and closely linked problems. I discuss the problem of the relation of God to the attributes, the problem of the essence of God, and the problem of the true conception of God. ;I examine three interpretations of God and the attributes in Spinoza: that of Jonathan Bennett, according to which God is the thing that has the attributes and modes as properties, (...)
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    Bien commun et démocratie pluraliste: intérêt général et subsidiarité.Étienne Bakissi - 2019 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
    Etienne Bakissi cherche à trouver une "clef" explicative de l'essence du politique. Il évoque la finalité de celui-ci comme étant celle du Bien commun et s'interroge sur les manières d'y parvenir. Pour lui, c'est la subsidiarité dans sa double forme : ascendante et descendante, qui permet d'atteindre cet objectif. Ce moyen encouragé par l'Eglise de Rome permettrait de sortir de la "malédiction du politique" telle qu'elle s'exprime dans certains pays de l'Afrique francophone.
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  15. Essence, modality, and intrinsicality.Gaétan Bovey - 2021 - Synthese 198 (8):7715-7737.
    Kit Fine famously objected against the idea that essence can be successfully analyzed in terms of de re necessity. In response, I want to explore a novel, interesting, but controversial modal account of essence in terms of intrinsicality and grounding. In the first section, I will single out two theoretical requirements that any essentialist theory should meet—the essentialist desideratum and the essentialist challenge—in order to clarify Fine’s objections. In the second section, I will assess Denby’s improved modal account, which appeals (...)
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  16. Essence and Identity.Kathrin Koslicki - 2020 - In Mircea Dumitru, Metaphysics, Meaning, and Modality: Themes From Kit Fine. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press. pp. 113-140.
    This paper evaluates six contenders which might be invoked by essentialists in order to meet Quine’s challenge, viz., to provide necessary and sufficient conditions for the crossworld identity of individuals: (i) an object’s qualitative character; (ii) matter; (iii) origins; (iv) haecceities or primitive non-qualitative thisness properties; (v) “world-indexed properties”; and (iv) individual forms. The first three candidates, I argue, fail to provide conditions that are both necessary and sufficient for the crossworld identity of individuals; the fourth and fifth criteria are (...)
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  17. A Racial Theory of Labour: Racial Capitalism from Colonial Slavery to Postcolonial Migration.Nicholas De Genova - 2023 - Historical Materialism 31 (3):219-251.
    A reconsideration of the crucial historical role of slavery in the consolidation of the global regime of capital accumulation provides a vital source of Marxian critique for our postcolonial present. The Atlantic slave trade literally transformed African men and women into human commodities. The reduction of human beings into human commodities, or ‘human capital’ – indeed, into labour and nothing but labour – which was the very essence of modern slavery, served as a necessary prerequisite for the consolidation and perfecting (...)
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  18. (1 other version)Essence and Mere Necessity.Jessica Leech - 2018 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 82:309-332.
    Recently, a debate has developed between those who claim that essence can be explained in terms of de re modality (modalists), and those who claim that de re modality can be explained in terms of essence (essentialists). The aim of this paper is to suggest that we should reassess. It is assumed that either necessity is to be accounted for in terms of essence, or that essence is to be accounted for in terms of necessity. I will argue that we (...)
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  19.  49
    De la res pública a la res privada ¿realmente no hay alternativa?Oscar Diego - 2009 - Dilemata 1 (1).
    During the last decade of the XXth and the early years of the new millennium, public and/or governmental institutions have undergone a process of adjustment and change with the introduction of the management techniques stem from the private sector known as New Public Management. These techniques have generated, on the one hand, a substantive change in the way to organize, build and operate public services and, on the other hand, some changes in the behaviour of public servants but deviating from (...)
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    Scepticism About Neo-Aristotelian Essences.Benjamin Curtis & Harold Noonan - 2024 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 80 (4):885-904.
    Many philosophers today accept the broadly Aristotelian view that one can explain de re necessary properties by invoking essence. These ‘Neo-Aristotelian essentialists’ hold that a property F is an essential property of x iff specifying F gives a correct answer to the Aristotelian ‘what is x?’ question. We are sceptical. According to neo-Aristotelian essentialists, essential properties are not themselves de re modal properties, but they are supposed to explain why things have their de re modal properties. Neo-Aristotelian essentialists accept the (...)
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    Histoire de la philosophie en Angleterre depuis Bacon jusqu'à Locke.Charles de Rémusat - 1875 - [New York,: AMS Press.
  22. A counterfactual account of essence.Berit Brogaard & Joe Salerno - 2007 - The Reasoner.
    Kit Fine (1994. “Essence and Modality”, Philosophical Perspectives 8: 1-16) argues that the standard modal account of essence as de re modality is ‘fundamentally misguided’ (p. 3). We agree with his critique and suggest an alternative counterfactual analysis of essence. As a corollary, our counterfactual account lends support to non-vacuism the thesis that counterpossibles (i.e., counterfactual conditionals with impossible antecedents) are not always vacuously true.
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  23.  80
    From Essence to Metaphysical Modality?Harold W. Noonan - 2020 - Axiomathes 32 (2):345-354.
    How can we acquire knowledge of metaphysical modality? How can someone come to know that he could have been elsewhere right now, or an accountant rather than a philosophy teacher, but could not have been a turnip? Jago proposes an account of a route to knowledge of the way things could have been and must be. He argues that we can move to knowledge of metaphysical modality from knowledge about essence. Curtis rejects Jago’s explanation. It cannot, he argues, explain our (...)
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  24. Explanation and Individual Essence.Márta Ujvári - 2017 - European Journal of Analytic Philosophy 13 (2):23-42.
    In this paper I show that a novel ontic reading of explanation, intending to capture the de re essential features of individuals, can support the qualitative view of individual essences. It is argued further that the putative harmful consequences of the Leibniz Principle and its converse for the qualitative view can be avoided, provided that individual essences are not construed in the style of the naïve bundle theory with set-theoretical identity- conditions. Adopting either the more sophisticated two-tier BT (...)
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  25.  58
    Descriptions, essences and quantified modal logic.John Woods - 1973 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 2 (2):304 - 321.
    Could one give expression to a doctrine of essentialism without running afoul of semantical problems that are alleged to beggar systems of quantified modal logic? An affirmative answer is, I believe, called for at least in the case of individual essentialism. Individual essentialism is an ontological thesis concerning a kind of necessary connection between objects and their (essential) properties. It is not or anyhow not primarily a semantic thesis, a thesis about meanings, for example. And thus we are implicitly counselled (...)
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  26.  74
    Inessential Aristotle: Powers without essences.Anjan Chakravartty - 2008 - In Ruth Groff, Revitalizing causality: realism about causality in philosophy and social science. New York: Routledge. pp. 153-162.
    A groundswell of recent work in philosophy has sought to revitalize the analysis of causation by appealing to "active principles" such as powers, dispositions, capacities, tendencies, and propensities. These principles are described in a realist and rather Aristotelian fashion, in stark contrast to the deflationary and linguistic accounts of such principles characteristic of Humean thought and empiricist thinking more generally. Natures, essences, powers, and de re necessity are back in the analysis of causation. I do not argue in this (...)
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  27. The Epistemology of Essence.Antonella Mallozzi - 2024 - In Kathrin Koslicki & Michael J. Raven, The Routledge Handbook of Essence in Philosophy. New York, NY: Routledge.
    The chapter discusses the issue of how we may achieve knowledge of essence. It offers a critical survey of the main theories of knowledge of essence that have been proposed within contemporary debates, particularly by Lowe, Hale, Oderberg, Elder, and Kment.
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  28. Essence and Modality: Continued Debate.Andrew Dennis Bassford - 2024 - Organon F: Medzinárodný Časopis Pre Analytickú Filozofiu 31 (3):309-336.
    Here I offer a critical evaluation of modalism about essential properties. To that effect, I begin by rehearsing Fine’s now infamous counterexamples to pure modalism. I then consider two recent defenses of it, offered by Livingstone-Banks and Cowling, respectively. I argue that both defenses fail. Next I consider the most plausible variety of impure modalism – sparse modalism – which has recently been defended by Wildman and de Melo. Skiles has argued that sparse modalism fails too. I argue that Skiles’s (...)
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  29.  6
    Inessential Aristotle : Powers Without Essences.Anjan Chakravartty - 2008 - In Ruth Groff, Revitalizing causality: realism about causality in philosophy and social science. New York: Routledge. pp. 153-162.
    A groundswell of recent work in philosophy has sought to revitalize the analysis of causation by appealing to "active principles" such as powers, dispositions, capacities, tendencies, and propensities. These principles are described in a realist and rather Aristotelian fashion, in stark contrast to the deflationary and linguistic accounts of such principles characteristic of Humean thought and empiricist thinking more generally. Natures, essences, powers, and de re necessity are back in the analysis of causation. I do not argue in this (...)
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  30.  70
    The Aristotelian Context of the Existence-Essence Distinction in De Ente Et Essentia.Angus Brook - 2019 - Metaphysica 20 (2):151-173.
    This paper explores the Aristotelian context of the real distinction between existence and essence thought to be posited in Thomas Aquinas’ early workDe Ente Et Essentia. In doing so, the paper situates its own position in the context of contemporary scholarship and in relation to the contemporary trend to downplay Aristotle’s influence in Thomas Aquinas’ philosophy. The paper argues that re-readingDe Ente Et Essentiain this way sheds new light on some of the crucial debates in contemporary Thomist scholarship, particularly with (...)
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  31.  29
    Metaphysics and Essence. [REVIEW]H. F. J. - 1977 - Review of Metaphysics 31 (2):331-332.
    A number of recent books and articles have defended the concept of de re modality. Although Slote makes some contributions toward its defense, he is mainly concerned with using de re modality to provide analyses of key concepts in metaphysics, including "process", "event", "change", "physical body", "self", "future", "past", "fact", and "state of affairs". Each concept is defined by essence and accident, that is, by specifying what is either accidental or essential to the entities covered by the concept. Such definitions (...)
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  32.  15
    Reference, Essence, and Identity.Kit Fine - 2005 - In Modality and Tense: Philosophical Papers. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press.
    An attempt is made to distinguish three problems which are often confused: the problem of making sense of de re modal discourse; the problem of individuating objects across possible worlds; and the problem of whether any term can refer to its bearer independently of how it is described.
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    La femme, l'esclave et le génie: traité pour une réhabilitation philosophique des natures humaines.Patrice Guillamaud - 2016 - Paris: Éditions Kimé.
    Ce livre propose de penser ce qui ne l'a encore jamais été. Il étudie d'abord avec rigueur et précision la genèse philosophique de la théorie du genre. Il montre que, par-delà Beauvoir, Sartre, Foucault et Derrida, la théorie dont Judith Butler est la plus célèbre représentante plonge ses toutes premières racines chez Platon lui-même. Tout se passe comme si la confusion des natures était une menace à l'oeuvre dès la naissance de la philosophie. Contre cette menace originaire et contre l'opinion (...)
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  34.  8
    Psychanalyse et relation pastorale: études de théologie morale autour du frère Albert Plé de 1950 à 1980.Laurent Lemoine - 2010 - Paris: Cerf.
    Ecouter est une tâche d'humanité. C'est ce que tout homme doit pouvoir offrir à l'autre en proie à une détresse dont il a envie de parler. Mais écouter peut devenir, dans certains cas, affaire de spécialistes. Les Eglises chrétiennes ont une longue, très longue expérience de ce qui s'appelait jadis la direction spirituelle et que l'on nomme plus volontiers de nos jours l'accompagnement spirituel. Les modalités et le but de ces accompagnements visent à faire grandir la relation avec Celui que (...)
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    Readings of scipio's dictatorship in.Publica Cicero’S. De Re - 2005 - Classical Quarterly 55:140-152.
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  36. Individual Essence: gibt es solche? [REVIEW]Márta Ujvári - 2013 - Metaphysica 14 (1):17-30.
    Two arguments are offered here for postulating individual essences of concrete individuals on top of their sortal essences. One is the explanatory gap argument, the other draws on the analogy with the individual essences of events presupposed in single causal explanations. These arguments support qualitative individual essences with explanatory goals as opposed to hybrid impure relational essences accounting for origin and numerical identity. It is highlighted why origin properties as parts of impure relational essences (...)
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    Esthétique et herméneutique: la fin des grands récits.Jean-Claude Gens & Pierre Rodrigo (eds.) - 2004 - Dijon: Editions universitaires de Dijon.
    Le XXe siècle a été celui d'un éclatement sans précédent des formes traditionnelles de l'art, et donc aussi de son essence ou de son "idée". Est-ce à dire qu'un héritage entier de sens et de culture a été dilapidé en cet âge qu'on a dit être celui de la "fin de l'art"? Doit-on au contraire penser qu'héritage il y a bel et bien eu, sur un mode critique et selon des logiques qui ne firent peut-être pas sans raison? Loin d'être (...)
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  38. Meta-Ontology, Epistemology & Essence: On the Empirical Deduction of the Categories.Fraser MacBride & Frederique Janssen-Lauret - 2015 - The Monist 98 (3):290-302.
    A priori reflection, common sense and intuition have proved unreliable sources of information about the world outside of us. So the justification for a theory of the categories must derive from the empirical support of the scientific theories whose descriptions it unifies and clarifies. We don’t have reliable information about the de re modal profiles of external things either because the overwhelming proportion of our knowledge of the external world is theoretical—knowledge by description rather than knowledge by acquaintance. This undermines (...)
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  39. Secci ón investigativa.Y. Estrategias de Re & Habilitación Auditiva Y. Comunicativa - forthcoming - Areté. Revista de Filosofía.
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    Heidegger’s Relative Essentialism.Timothy J. Nulty - 2022 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 53 (1):40-60.
    There is relatively little comprehensive treatment of Heidegger’s theory of essences despite his ubiquitous use of essences. It is commonplace in contemporary analytic philosophy to view essences as the ground for true de re modal claims. I argue that Heidegger offers an account of essences that can best be understood as a type of relative essentialism. Relative essentialism is the view that more than one being can occupy the same space at the same time and those (...)
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  41. How to reconcile essence with contingent existence.Stephen K. McLeod - 2008 - Ratio 21 (3):314-328.
    To reconcile true claims of de re necessity with the supposedly contingent existence of the concrete objects those claims are typically about, Kripkean essentialists invoke weak necessity. The claim that a is necessarily F is held to be equivalent to the claim that necessarily, if a exists then a is F. This strategy faces a barrage of serious objections a proper subset of which shows that the strategy fails to achieve its intended purpose. Relief can be provided via recourse to (...)
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    Tu ne tueras point: réflexions sur l'actualité de l'interdit du meurtre.Corine Pelluchon - 2013 - Paris: Les éditions du Cerf.
    L'interdiction du meurtre a un sens même en l'absence de toute référence à un Dieu transcendant et à l'idée selon laquelle la vie humaine serait sacrée. Bien plus, la justification de cette norme par des valeurs morales et l'effort pour la fonder rationnellement l'affaiblissent. Malgré l'apport majeur de Kant à la morale, son analyse consistant à rapprocher les devoirs envers soi-même des devoirs envers autrui passe à côté de la violence propre au meurtre et criminalise le suicide. Au contraire, en (...)
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  43. The Context of Essence.L. A. Paul - 2004 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 82 (1):170-184.
    I address two related questions: first, what is the best theory of how objects have de re modal properties? Second, what is the best defence of essentialism given the variability of our modal intuitions? I critically discuss several theories of how objects have their de re modal properties and address the most threatening antiessentialist objection to essentialism: the variability of our modal intuitions. Drawing on linguistic treatments of vagueness and ambiguity, I show how essentialists can accommodate the variability of modal (...)
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    Counterparts, Essences and Quantified Modal Logic.Tomasz Bigaj - 2023 - Logic and Logical Philosophy 32 (1):39-52.
    It is commonplace to formalize propositions involving essential properties of objects in a language containing modal operators and quantifiers. Assuming David Lewis’s counterpart theory as a semantic framework for quantified modal logic, I will show that certain statements discussed in the metaphysics of modality de re, such as the sufficiency condition for essential properties, cannot be faithfully formalized. A natural modification of Lewis’s translation scheme seems to be an obvious solution but is not acceptable for various reasons. Consequently, the only (...)
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    Walter Benjamin et l'esprit de la modernité.Stéphane Mosès - 2015 - Paris: Les Éditions du Cerf. Edited by Heinz Wismann.
    De l'essence du judaïsme aux figures de l'exil, de l'idée d'origine au destin de l'art, du concept romantique de critique aux interprétations de Nietzsche et de Kafka, c'est l'esprit d'une époque, celui de la modernité d'avant la catastrophe, qui se trouve ici restitué. Composé de textes représentatifs de la pensée de Stéphane Mosès, cet ouvrage, qui est bien plus qu'un recueil d'articles épars, reflète à la manière d'un kaléidoscope toute une série d'interrogations, étroitement reliées entre elles, s'inscrivant dans la perspective (...)
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    Motivation et intentionnalité: sur un présupposé de la phénoménologie d'Edmund Husserl.Bernard Barsotti - 2018 - Paris: Classiques Garnier. Edited by László Tengelyi.
    Qu'est-ce que la motivation en phénoménologie? Concept aux multiples visages, la motivation traverse la totalité des analyses d'Edmund Husserl, sans que jamais il ne soit parvenu à poser la question de son essence, de son unité et de sa fonction. La question sera restée, de son aveu même, une énigme. C'est à explorer cette béance que s'emploie le présent ouvrage. Dans chaque région de l'expérience : signe, corps, autrui, histoire..., l'enquête révèle que, loin d'être un concept subsidiaire, la motivation est (...)
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  47. Conceptual progress and word/world relations: In search of the essence of natural kinds.Paul M. Churchland - 1985 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 15 (1):1-17.
    The problem of natural kinds forms the busy crossroads where a number of larger problems meet: the problem of universals, the problem of induction and projectibility, the problem of natural laws and de re modalities, the problem of meaning and reference, the problem of intertheoretic reduction, the question of the aim of science, and the problem of scientific realism in general. Nor do these exhaust the list. Not surprisingly then, different writers confront a different ‘problem of natural kinds,’ depending on (...)
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  48. The New Aristotelian Essentialists.Harold W. Noonan - 2018 - Metaphysica 19 (1):87-93.
    In recent years largely due to the seminal work of Kit Fine and that of Jonathan Lowe there has been a resurgence of interest in the concept of essence and the project of explaining de re necessity in terms of it. Of course, Quine rejected what he called Aristotelian essentialism in his battle against quantified modal logic. But what he and Kripke debated was a notion of essence defined in terms of de re necessity. The new Aristotelian essentialists regard essence (...)
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    L'éthique du réel: Kant avec Lacan.Alenka Zupančič - 2009 - Caen: Nous.
    Aucune notion déterminée de bien ne peut constituer le point de départ de l'éthique, le bien ne peut être que ce qui résulte de l'éthique. Car l'éthique diffère dans son essence du légal, elle est une production du bien et non pas son application. " Agis de telle sorte que la maxime de ta volonté puisse en même temps toujours valoir comme principe d'une législation universelle. " Quel est le réel que nomme cette foi, quel est le désir qu'elle peut (...)
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    Descartes’ Sum-Res-Cogitans-Argument in der Zweiten Meditation.Simon Dierig - 2022 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 104 (1):74-107.
    Two major interpretations have been advanced for the sum res cogitans passage in Descartes’s Second Meditation. According to the first interpretation, he argues in this passage that only thinking belongs to his essence. According to the second interpretation, due to Anthony Kenny, Harry Frankfurt and others, no such claim is defended by Descartes. Rather, it is his aim to argue that only thinking can be ascribed to him with certainty. In this essay, it will be shown that the “naive”, essentialist (...)
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