Results for 'critique of economics'

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  1.  59
    A Critique of Economic Theory and Modeling: A Meta-epistemological General-system Model of Islamic Economics.Masudul Alam Choudhury - 2011 - Social Epistemology 25 (4):423 - 446.
    The scientific methodology underlying model-building is critically investigated. The modeling views of Popper and Samuelson and their prototypes are critically examined in the light of the theme of the moral law of unity of knowledge and unity of the world-system configured by the meta-epistemology of organic unity of knowledge. Upon such critical examination of received methodology of model-building in economics, the extended perspective?namely of integrating the moral law derived from the divine roots as the meta-epistemology?is rigorously studied. The example (...)
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    Deductive Irrationality: A Commonsense Critique of Economic Rationalism.Stephen McCarthy & David Kehl (eds.) - 2008 - Lexington Books.
    Deductive Irrationality examines and critiques economic rationalism by assessing the work of influential political philosophers and economic theorists such as Thomas Hobbes, John Locke, Adam Smith, Friedrich Hayek, Gunnar Myrdal, and John F. Muth. It is one of the first serious attempts to investigate the dominant sub-fields in economic theory through the lens of political philosophy.
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    Negative dialectics and the critique of economic objectivity.Werner Bonefeld - 2016 - History of the Human Sciences 29 (2):60-76.
    This article explores Adorno’s negative dialectics as a critical social theory of economic objectivity. It rejects the conventional view that Adorno does not offer a critique of the economic forms of capitalist society. The article holds that negative dialectics is a dialectics of the social world in the form of the economic object, one that is governed by the movement of economic quantities, that is, real economic abstractions. Negative dialectics refuses to accept the constituted economic categories as categories of (...)
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    Deductive Irrationality: A Commonsense Critique of Economic Rationalism.James E. Alvey, Ian McKirdy, Paul McMahon, Richard W. Staveley & Thea Vinnicombe (eds.) - 2008 - Lexington Books.
    Deductive Irrationality examines and critiques economic rationalism by assessing the work of influential political philosophers and economic theorists such as Thomas Hobbes, John Locke, Adam Smith, Friedrich Hayek, Gunnar Myrdal, and John F. Muth. It is one of the first serious attempts to investigate the dominant sub-fields in economic theory through the lens of political philosophy.
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  5. A Christian Critique of Economics.Carol Johnston - 2002 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 22 (1):17-29.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Buddhist-Christian Studies 22 (2002) 17-29 [Access article in PDF] A Christian Critique of Economics Carol Johnston Christian Theological Seminary Introduction: A Word About History Contrary to the assertions of many contemporary economists, no economic model is "value-free." Both of the major models in the world today, capitalism (or neoclassical economic theory) and Marxism (or Marxian economics), have a long history in which basic assumptions and value (...)
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    Toward a New Critique of Economic Discourse.Frédéric Lebaron - 2001 - Theory, Culture and Society 18 (5):123-129.
  7.  48
    Marx's Critique of Economics. On Lebowitz.Werner Bonefeld - 2006 - Historical Materialism 14 (2):83-94.
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    Marx's Critique of Economic Reason.Gideon Freudenthal - 1997 - Science in Context 10 (1):171-198.
    The ArgumentIn this paper I argue first that Marx's Critique of Political Economy employs “critique” in the Kantian meaning of the term—i.e., determining the domain of legitimate application of the categories involved and maintaining that outside these borders understanding is led into error and entangled in metaphysics.According to Marx, his predecessors in political economy transgressed these boundaries of application, and therefore conceived of all different modes of production as being essentially similar to commodity production, and thus implied that (...)
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  9. Epistemics and Economics: A Critique of Economic Doctrines.G. L. S. Shackle - 1975 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 26 (2):151-163.
  10. Rousseau's Critique of Economic Inequality.Frederick Neuhouser - 2013 - Philosophy and Public Affairs 41 (3):193-225.
  11. Marx's Critique of Economic Categories: Reflections on the Problem of Validity in the Dialectical Method of Presentation in Capital.Helmut Reichelt - 2007 - Historical Materialism 15 (4):3-52.
    It has often been pointed out that the Marxian theory of value contains some inconsistencies, usually in relation to the concept of abstract labour. However, the contradiction between the concept of labour and the concept of validity with which Marx operates in Capital has never been discussed. A detailed analysis shows that this concept of validity refers to the process of abstraction which is carried out by the participants of the exchange process. Only the rigorous comprehension of this process of (...)
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  12. Behind the Model: A Constructive Critique of Economic Modeling.Peter Spiegler - 2015 - Cambridge University Press.
    This ambitious book looks 'behind the model' to reveal how economists use formal models to generate insights into the economy. Drawing on recent work in the philosophy of science and economic methodology, the book presents a novel framework for understanding the logic of economic modeling. It also reveals the ways in which economic models can mislead rather than illuminate. Importantly, the book goes beyond purely negative critique, proposing a concrete program of methodological reform to better equip economists to detect (...)
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  13.  99
    Epistemics & Economics: A Critique of Economic Doctrines. G. L. S. Shackle.L. A. Boland - 1974 - Philosophy of Science 41 (4):424-426.
  14.  67
    The Market, the Multitude and Metaphysics: Ronald Preston's Middle Way and the Theological Critique of Economic Reason.Michael S. Northcott - 2004 - Studies in Christian Ethics 17 (2):104-117.
    The European post-Marxist work Empire by Hardt and Negri points to the theological/metaphysical underpinnings of modernity and global capitalism in the medieval shift from Trinitarian orthodoxy to nominalism. Though Hardt and Negri reject religious or transcendental approaches to the social, their work shows remarkable resemblances with the ontological critique of modernity and economism mounted by John Milbank and Stephen Long among others. By contrast the considerable oeuvre of Ronald Preston on capitalism lacks a deep ontological critique. The return (...)
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    The critique of equilibrium theory in economic methodology: A constructive empiricist perspective.Thomas A. Boylan & Pascal F. O'Gorman - 1991 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 5 (2):131 – 142.
    Abstract Kaldor, one of the leading figures of the post?war ?Cambridge School?, has produced a large volume of methodological writings since the mid?1960s, which we will argue represents one of the major critiques of orthodox equilibrium economic theory produced this century. While Kaldor's position represents a fundamental and radical rejection of the methodological basis of equilibrium economics, he did not provide a systematically formulated alternative methodology for economics. Recent attempts at providing such a reconstruction has argued that scientific (...)
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    10. A Critique of Economic Reason: Between Tradition and Postcoloniality.Purushottama Bilimoria - 2015 - In Roger T. Ames Peter D. Hershock, Value and Values: Economics and Justice in an Age of Global Interdependence. University of Hawaii Press. pp. 198-213.
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    (1 other version)A Critique of Human Capital Formation in the U.S. and The Economic Returns to Sub-Baccalaureate Credentials.Josh M. Beach - 2009 - Educational Studies 45 (1):24-38.
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    A virtue ethics critique of ethical dimensions of behavioral economics: Comments from a behavioral economist.Jeffrey A. Livingston - 2020 - Business and Society Review 125 (2):261-268.
    In “A Virtue Ethics Critique of Ethical Dimensions of Behavioral Economics,” Professor Daryl Koehn criticizes the field of behavioral economics. She argues that behavioral economists ignore many important factors that affect how people make decisions, that their results are derived from experiments where subjects make choices in overly restrictive, artificial, and thin contexts that do not capture the richness of reality, and that the approach brings up psychological motivations that affect behavior in a piecemeal, ad hoc way (...)
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    A Critique of Instrumental Reason in Economics.Hamish Stewart - 1994 - Economics and Philosophy 11 (1):57.
    There are, broadly speaking, two ways to think about rationality, as defined in the following passage: ‘Reason’ for a long time meant the activity of understanding and assimilating the eternal ideas which were to function as goals for men. Today, on the contrary, it is not only the business but the essential work of reason to find means for the goals one adopts at any given time. To use what Horkheimer called objective reason, and what others have called expressive or (...)
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  20. A moral and economic critique of the new property-owning democrats: on behalf of a Rawlsian welfare state.Kevin Vallier - 2015 - Philosophical Studies 172 (2):283-304.
    Property-owning democracies combine the regulative and redistributive functions of the welfare state with the governmental aim of ensuring that wealth and capital are widely dispersed. John Rawls, political philosophy’s most famous property-owning democrat, argued that property-owning democracy was one of two regime types that best realized his two principles of justice, though he was notoriously vague about how a property-owning democracy’s institutions are meant to realize his principles. To compensate for this deficiency, a number of Rawlsian political philosophers have tried (...)
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  21. A Critique Of Sen's Ethical Economics.W. Norman - unknown - Eidos: The Canadian Graduate Journal of Philosophy 7.
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  22. An Ethical Critique Of Milton Friedman's Doctrine On Economics And Freedom.Nico Vorster - 2010 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 9 (26):163-188.
    Milton Friedman was one of the most influential economists of the twentieth century. Many of the neo-liberal views that he advocated were adopted in the 1980’s by Western countries such as Britain and the United States. This essay focuses on Friedman’s views on politics, economics and freedom. The first section discusses his perspectives on the relation between capitalism and freedom, the nature of markets, his understanding of equality and of the social responsibility of business. The second section attempts to (...)
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  23. Critical Realism’s Critique of Methodological Individualism in Neoclassical Economics.S. M. Reza Amiri Tehrani - forthcoming - Persian Journal for the Methodology of Social Sciences and Humanities:1-24.
    The critique of philosophical foundations of neoclassical economics is significant, because of its hegemony on economic education and research programs in Iran and worldwide academies. Due to an epistemological fallacy, methodological individualism plays a prominent role in the philosophy of economic; since the ontological aspects of economy are reduced to methodological considerations. Accordingly, critique of methodological individualism is regarded as the main entry for philosophical analysis of neoclassical economics. This article aims to analyze and appraise the (...)
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  24.  22
    Capitalism and global experience: A critique of economic development.E. J. John - 2011 - Sophia: An African Journal of Philosophy 11 (1).
  25.  20
    Taking philosophy of science to economics: Marcel Boumans: Science outside the laboratory: Measurement in field sciences and economics. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2015, 216pp, $ 59.95 HB; Peter Spiegler: Behind the model: A constructive critique of economic modeling. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2015, 230pp, $ 34.99 PB.Harold Kincaid - 2016 - Metascience 26 (1):67-70.
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    Economics and the environment: A "land ethic" critique of economic policy. [REVIEW]Bill Shaw - 2001 - Journal of Business Ethics 33 (1):51 - 57.
    This paper is a twenty-five year retrospective on the development of environmental consciousness in the US The Clean Air Act is taken as proxy for companion measures in water and other areas of the environment, and the emphasis on "efficiency" and "market compatibility" is noted with a mixture of caution and hope. The work of an eminent pragmatic ethicist, Ado Leopard, is re-visited. From the pages of A Sand County Almanac, his notion that right and wrong, good and bad, be (...)
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  27. Society as real abstraction : Adorno's critique of economic nature.Charles Prusik - 2022 - In Werner Bonefeld & Chris O’Kane, Adorno and Marx: negative dialectics and the critique of political economy. New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
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    A virtue ethics critique of ethical dimensions of behavioral economics.Daryl Koehn - 2020 - Business and Society Review 125 (2):241-260.
    Behavioral economics is the latest trendy form of economics. Increasingly theorists are advocating using behavioral economics to do normative ethics or claiming that the behavioralists’ findings render normative claims otiose. I argue in this paper that we should be extremely wary when it comes to accepting any such normative pronouncements. I argue that behavioral economics: (a) minimizes and/or misunderstands the role that character and architectonic life goals play in accounting for the why of ethical behavior, (b) (...)
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  29.  53
    Polanyi in the United States: Peter Drucker, Karl Polanyi, and the Midcentury Critique of Economic Society.Daniel Immerwahr - 2009 - Journal of the History of Ideas 70 (3):445-466.
    This essay explores the connections between Karl Polanyi's The Great Transformation (1944) and midcentury social theory in the United States. It argues that Polanyi shared with his U.S. colleagues a critique of market society. In particular, Polanyi's work bears close resemblance to the early thought of management theorist Peter Drucker, with whom Polanyi lived while writing his celebrated book. By comparing Polanyi to his contemporaries who advanced similar ideas, one gains a clearer sense of the particularities of Polanyi's project (...)
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  30.  9
    Philosophy of Economics: A Critique of Demarcation.Raphael Sassower - 1985 - Upa.
    To find more information on Rowman & Littlefield titles, please visit us at
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    A critique of Metz’s relational economics in Africa through Marxist political economy.Peter Mwipikeni - 2024 - Filosofia Theoretica: Journal of African Philosophy, Culture and Religions 13 (3):35-48.
    Underdevelopment and poverty are some of the ongoing problems afflicting Africa. Metz diagnoses excessive individualism as one of the main problems that undermines development globally. He does not regard capitalism as the main problem. Metz’s reformist relational economics provides remedies that seek to eliminate excessive individualism by incorporating communal values into the global capitalistic system. On the other hand, Marxist scholars regard underdevelopment and poverty as effects of the intrinsic structural faults of the global capitalist system. These faults include (...)
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  32.  43
    The Moral Dynamics of Economic Life: An Extension and Critique of Caritas in Veritate ed. by Daniel K. Finn, and: Rethinking Poverty: Income, Assets, and the Catholic Social Justice Tradition by James P. Bailey. [REVIEW]Brian Hamilton - 2014 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 34 (2):205-207.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:The Moral Dynamics of Economic Life: An Extension and Critique of Caritas in Veritate ed. by Daniel K. Finn, and: Rethinking Poverty: Income, Assets, and the Catholic Social Justice Tradition by James P. BaileyBrian HamiltonReview of The Moral Dynamics of Economic Life: An Extension and Critique of Caritas in Veritate EDITED BY DANIEL K. FINN New York: Oxford University Press, 2012. 166 pp. $85.35Review of Rethinking (...)
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    Bernard Hodgson’s Trojan Horse Critique of Neoclassical Economics and the Second Phase of the Empiricist Level of Analysis.Dennis Badeen - 2012 - Journal of Business Ethics 108 (1):15-25.
    This article examines and assesses Bernard Hodgson’s critique of the Neoclassical concept of rationality and its place in the literature. It is argued that Hodgson’s Trojan horse critique is superior to the others because it addresses the role of empiricist epistemology in reducing reason to instrumental rationality and consequent disappearance of the human subject of political economy. The second phase of the empiricist level of analysis reintroduces the capacities for ethical deliberation, self-determination, and the socio-historical conditions and institutional (...)
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  34.  33
    Alienation Between the Critique of Dialectical Reason and the Critique of Economic Reason: Sketch of a Materialist Ethics.Chiara Collamati - 2016 - Sartre Studies International 22 (1).
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    The Moral Dynamics of Economic Life: An Extension and Critique of Caritas in Veritate.Daniel K. Finn (ed.) - 2012 - Oup Usa.
    Caritas in veritate (Charity in Truth) is the ''social'' encyclical of Pope Benedict XVI, one of many papal encyclicals over the last 120 years that address economic life. This volume, based on discussions at a symposium co-sponsored by the Institute for Advanced Catholic Studies and the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace, analyzes the situation of the Church and the theological basis for Benedict's thinking about the person, community, and the globalized economy.
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    A critique of the new comparative economics.Barkley Rosser - manuscript
    We examine the “new comparative economics” as proposed by Djankov et al. (2003) and their use of the concept of an institutional possibilities frontier. While we agree with their general argument that one must consider a variety of institutions and their respective social costs, including legal systems and cultural characteristics, when comparing the performance of different economic systems, we find various complications and difficulties with the framework they propose. We propose that a broader study of clusters of institutions and (...)
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  37. Rational fools: A critique of the behavioral foundations of economic theory.Amartya Sen - 1977 - Philosophy and Public Affairs 6 (4):317-344.
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    The Complementarity of Means and Ends: Putnam, pragmatism and the critique of economic rationality.Brendan Hogan & Lawrence Marcelle - 2017 - Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 38 (2):401-428.
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    (1 other version)A critique of the Engels-soviet version of Marxian economic determinism.James P. Scanlan - 1973 - Studies in East European Thought 13 (1-2):11-19.
    In softening Marx' economic determinism, Engels appears to have rescued it from absurdity. In fact, he has condemned it to vacuity: it seems to explain everything, while in fact explaining nothing.
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    A Critique of Cornel West’s Christo-Marxian Prescription for Social Justice.Clarence Sholé Johnson - 2000 - Social Philosophy Today 16:95-112.
    This essay examines Cornel West's position that social justice for the socially marginalized, especially African Americans, can only be obtained through, among other things, a synthesis of Marxian critique of capitalistic culture and hegemony, and Black prophetic theological outlook. I bring out certain limitations in West's position, in particular, what I construe as his tendency to reduce all forms of oppression to the economic. Furthermore, even as I agree with West that capitalism needs to be examined, I argue, on (...)
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    Critique of Mainstream Austrian Economics in the Spirit of Carl Menger, Antal Fekete.Antoine Gentier - 2021 - Revue de Philosophie Économique 21 (1):163-176.
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  42.  11
    A Critique of Pandemic Reason: Towards a Syndemic Noso-Politics.Jorge Vélez Vega & Ricardo Noguera-Solano - 2023 - Foucault Studies 35:122-147.
    The main objective of this article is to provide a critique of the pandemic strategy suggested by the World Health Organization (WHO) and implemented by various countries from March 2020 onwards in the wake of the coronavirus outbreak in Wuhan, China. Based on the theories of Michel Foucault, this critique aims to show that, in the first instance, the pandemic may be understood in terms of the art of governing human beings at the point of interaction between politics (...)
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    Critiques of the globalization process: The examples of Russia and Serbia.Milan Subotic - 2003 - Filozofija I Društvo 2003 (21):295-312.
    The paper is devoted to outlining the research topic to be dealt with by the author in the incoming period within the project of the Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory. Starting from "globalization" as the keyword of current debates on political, economic and cultural destiny of contemporary world, the author delineates the subject matter of his research as the critiques of the globalization process formulated in Russia and Serbia. In terms of contents, the research will be devoted to analyzing (...)
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    Review of Peter Spiegler's Behind the model: a constructive critique of economic modelling. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 2015. 201pp. [REVIEW]Nicolas Wüthrich - 2017 - Erasmus Journal for Philosophy and Economics 10 (1):124-132.
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    Book Reviews : Epistemics and Economics: A critique of economic doctrines. By G. L. S. SHACKLE. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, I973. Pp. 482. $25.25. [REVIEW]Geoffrey Newman - 1974 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 4 (3):409-412.
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    The Insufficiency of Economic Critique for Political Struggle.Patricia S. Mann - 1995 - Radical Philosophy Review of Books 11 (11):36-40.
  47.  24
    Utility, the good and civic happiness: A catholic critique of law and economics.Mark Sargent - manuscript
    This paper contrasts the value maximization norm of welfare economics that is central to law and economics in its prescriptive mode to the Aristotelian/Aquinian principles of Catholic social thought. The reluctance (or inability) of welfare economics and law and economics to make judgments about about utilities (or preferences) differs profoundly from the Catholic tradition (rooted in Aristotle as well as religious faith) of contemplation of the nature of the good. This paper also critiques the interesting argument (...)
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  48.  32
    The Justice of Economics.Jeffrie G. Murphy - 1986 - Philosophical Topics 14 (2):195-210.
    A critique of Richard Posner's suggestion that notions of economic efficiency can serve as ethical foundations.
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    Marx’s Critique of Capital Power—On the Basis of Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts of 1844. 王一衣 - 2023 - Advances in Philosophy 12 (3):610.
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  50.  93
    Preference purification and the inner rational agent: a critique of the conventional wisdom of behavioural welfare economics.Gerardo Infante, Guilhem Lecouteux & Robert Sugden - 2016 - Journal of Economic Methodology 23 (1):1-25.
    Neoclassical economics assumes that individuals have stable and context-independent preferences, and uses preference satisfaction as a normative criterion. By calling this assumption into question, behavioural findings cause fundamental problems for normative economics. A common response to these problems is to treat deviations from conventional rational choice theory as mistakes, and to try to reconstruct the preferences that individuals would have acted on, had they reasoned correctly. We argue that this preference purification approach implicitly uses a dualistic model of (...)
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