Results for 'convergent technologies'

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  1. Converging technologies, shifting boundaries.Tsjalling Swierstra, Marianne Boenink, B. Walhout & R. Van Est - 2009 - NanoEthics 3 (3):213-216.
    Converging Technologies, Shifting Boundaries Content Type Journal Article Pages 213-216 DOI 10.1007/s11569-009-0075-x Authors Tsjalling Swierstra, University of Twente Enschede Netherlands Marianne Boenink, University of Twente Enschede Netherlands B. Walhout, Rathenau Institute The Hague Netherlands R. Van Est, Rathenau Institute The Hague Netherlands Journal NanoEthics Online ISSN 1871-4765 Print ISSN 1871-4757 Journal Volume Volume 3 Journal Issue Volume 3, Number 3.
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    Converging technologies and human destiny.William Sims Bainbridge - 2007 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 32 (3):197 – 216.
    The rapid fertility decline in most advanced industrial nations, coupled with secularization and the disintegration of the family, is a sign that Western Civilization is beginning to collapse, even while radical religious movements pose challenges to Western dominance. Under such dire circumstances, it is pointless to be cautious about developing new Converging Technologies. Historical events are undermining the entire basis of ethical decision-making, so it is necessary to seek a new basis for ethics in the intellectual unification of science (...)
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    Converging technologies and a modern man: emergence of a new type of thinking.Anna Gorbacheva & Sergei Smirnov - 2017 - AI and Society 32 (3):465-473.
    The processes of changing the way of thinking, typical for modern people, and subsequently shaping a new “Homo clicking” individual are analyzed. The authors consider a specific mindset of “Homo clicking” illustrating it with some patterns and modes of action that characterize individuals in the human–machine interface. Under this frame, the influence of modern converging technologies upon human conduct is examined and functional redistribution between human beings and technical devices is outlined. In the literature, the latter phenomenon is referred (...)
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    Convergent technologies in science and innovations in Kazakhstan.Gulmira Kuzdeualiyevna Issayeva, Elmira Yelbergenovna Zhussipova, Alma Shorayevna Kuralbayeva, Madina Unaibekovna Beisenova, Gulbana Erzhigitovna Maulenkulova & Dinara Saparovna Zhakipbekova - 2020 - Business and Society Review 125 (4):411-424.
    As soon as the economy of Kazakhstan is highly resource‐oriented despite numerous efforts to change the structure of the national economy, constant assessment of the scientific and innovation sphere of the country is actual and important. By way of qualitative, quantitative, comparative, and descriptive analysis 13 indicators related to science and innovations were investigated to define the level of scientific and innovative development in Kazakhstan. Science and innovation in Kazakhstan are under‐financed and state‐based financing of innovative activities seems to be (...)
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    Converging Technologies.William Sims Bainbridge - 2012 - In Jan Kyrre Berg Olsen Friis, Stig Andur Pedersen & Vincent F. Hendricks (eds.), A Companion to the Philosophy of Technology. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 508–510.
    This chapter contains sections titled: The NBIC Fields Philosophical Implications of Convergence Conclusion References and Further Reading.
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    »Converging Technologies« - Technikethik vor neuen Herausforderungen.Ulrich H. J. Körtner - 2005 - Zeitschrift Für Evangelische Ethik 49 (1):163-168.
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    Why converging technologies need converging international regulation.Dirk Helbing & Marcello Ienca - 2024 - Ethics and Information Technology 26 (1):1-11.
    Emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence, gene editing, nanotechnology, neurotechnology and robotics, which were originally unrelated or separated, are becoming more closely integrated. Consequently, the boundaries between the physical-biological and the cyber-digital worlds are no longer well defined. We argue that this technological convergence has fundamental implications for individuals and societies. Conventional domain-specific governance mechanisms have become ineffective. In this paper we provide an overview of the ethical, societal and policy challenges of technological convergence. Particularly, we scrutinize the adequacy (...)
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    Converging Technologies: A Critical Analysis of Cognitive Enhancement for Public Policy Application. [REVIEW]Christos Makridis - 2013 - Science and Engineering Ethics 19 (3):1017-1038.
    This paper investigates cognitive enhancement, specifically biological cognitive enhancement (BCE), as a converging technology, and its implications for public policy. With an increasing rate of technological advancements, the legal, social, and economic frameworks lag behind the scientific advancements that they support. This lag poses significant challenges for policymakers if it is not dealt with sufficiently within the right analytical context. Therefore, the driving question behind this paper is, “What contingencies inform the advancement of biological cognitive enhancement, and what would society (...)
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    12. converging technologies.Christopher Coenen - 2013 - In Gabriele Gramelsberger, Werner Kogge & Peter Bexte (eds.), Synthesis: Zur Konjunktur Eines Philosophischen Begriffs in Wissenschaft Und Technik. Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag. pp. 209-230.
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    Taking care of the symbolic order. How converging technologies challenge our concepts.Tsjalling Swierstra, Rinie van Est & Marianne Boenink - 2009 - NanoEthics 3 (3):269-280.
    In this article we briefly summarize how converging technologies challenge elements of the existing symbolic order, as shown in the contributions to this special issue. We then identify the vision of ‘life as a do it yourself kit’ as a common denominator in the various forms of convergence and proceed to show how this vision provokes unrest and debate about existing moral frameworks and taboos. We conclude that, just as the problems of the industrial revolution sparked off the now (...)
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    Converging technologies: multimedia and gaming simulation.Paul Langley & Erik Larsen - 1995 - Journal of Intelligent Systems 5 (2-4):151-178.
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    A Framework for Future-Oriented Assessment of Converging Technologies at National Level.Sepehr Ghazinoory, Mehdi Fatemi, Fatemeh Saghafi, Abbas Ali Ahmadian & Shiva Tatina - 2023 - NanoEthics 17 (2):1-28.
    Converging technologies require intelligent policy-making as they have significant capabilities to develop disruptive innovations. In this regard, future-oriented technology assessment is vital given the great uncertainty about the consequences of and barriers to accessing these technologies. However, few frameworks have been developed to evaluate converging technologies, and most of those have neglected the unique dimensions of these technologies. Therefore, this study aims to provide a policymaking framework for converging technology development. Accordingly, the proposed framework is designed (...)
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    Erratum to: Converging Technologies: A Critical Analysis of Cognitive Enhancement for Public Policy Application.Christos Makridis & Aubrey Wigner - 2016 - Science and Engineering Ethics 22 (1):301-301.
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    Tensions and convergences. Technological and aesthetic transformations of society.Heil Reinhard, Stippak Marcus, Unger Alexander, Ziegler Marc & Andreas Kaminski - 2007 - Bielefeld: Transcript, Transaction Publishers (USA).
    This book presents results of an international conference which addressed the interaction of aesthetical and technological dimensions within the formation of contemporary society. The contributions discuss the production of time and space, self and nature, individual and society in the image of technology. They focus on the productive tensions and convergences between aesthetic and technological concepts when implemented in everyday life. The volume contains - among others - texts about technologies of visualisation, the aesthetics of warfare and the design (...)
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  15. Nanotechnology as Ideology: Towards a Critical Theory of ‘Converging Technologies’.Axel Gelfert - 2011 - Science, Technology and Society 17 (1):143-164.
    The present paper contributes to a growing body of philosophical, sociological, and historical analyses of recent nanoscale science and technology. Through a close examination of the origins of contemporary nanotech efforts, their ambitions, and strategic uses, it also aims to provide the basis for a critical theory of emerging technologies more generally, in particular in relation to their alleged convergence in terms of goals and outcomes. The emergence, allure, and implications of nanotechnology, it is argued, can only be fully (...)
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    An Ethical Analysis of Converging Technologies. 추병완 - 2017 - Journal of Ethics: The Korean Association of Ethics 1 (112):17-46.
    융합 기술 시대에서 윤리학은 이전의 기술에 대한 사후 평가에 그치는 소극적인 기능에서 벗어나 바람직한 미래 기술의 방향을 권장하고 자극하는 더욱 적극적인 기능을 수행해야 한다. 또한 윤리학자로서 우리는 연구ㆍ개발 중인 기술에 대해 더 많은 지식을 근거로 하여, 그런 기술의 향후 있음직한 인공 산물과 응용이 가져올 사회적 영향을 신뢰성 있게 예상하는 윤리적 분석 활동을 활발하게 전개해야 한다. 그렇다면 윤리학자가 융합 기술에 관한 윤리적 분석을 시도할 수 있는 구체적인 방법은 무엇인가? 이 논문에서는 융합 기술이 제기하는 윤리적 도전을 기술하고, 융합 기술에 관한 윤리적 분석 (...)
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  17. Innovation and Nanotechnology: Converging Technologies and the End of Intellectual Property.David Koepsell - 2011 - London, UK: Bloomsbury Academic.
    This book defines 'nanowares' as the ideas and products arising out of nanotechnology. Koepsell argues that these rapidly developing new technologies demand a new approach to scientific discovery and innovation in our society. He takes established ideas from social philosophy and applies them to the nanoparticle world. In doing so he breaks down the subject into its elemental form and from there we are better able to understand how these elements fit into the construction of a more complex system (...)
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    Nanotechnology and Bioartificial Liver Engineering. Two Rival Paths for “Converging Technology”.Xavier Guchet & Cécile Legallais - 2019 - Philosophia Scientiae 23:121-135.
    La conception américaine de la convergence technologique, promue par le programme NBIC (Nano-Bio-Info-Cogno), est orientée vers la recherche d’une intégration de tous les domaines du réel (la nature, la vie, l’esprit, la société) dans la représentation unitaire d’un monde constitué de systèmes hiérarchiques complexes et couplés entre eux. Il s’agit par conséquent d’une vision totalisante, témoignant d’un idéal de contrôle et de maîtrise que rien ne paraît devoir limiter. Les Grecs avaient un...
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    Converging NBIC Technologies for Improving Human Performance: A Critical Assessment of the Novelty and the Prospects of the Project.Bert Gordijn - 2006 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 34 (4):726-732.
    This contribution focuses on two claims advanced by the proponents of the project of “Converging Technologies for Improving Human Performance.” Firstly, it is maintained that this project represents something genuinely new and quite unique. Secondly, it is argued that the future prospects of the project are extraordinarily positive. In order to critically assess both claims this paper first focuses on the question of whether there is actually anything genuinely new about the project of improving human performance by means of (...)
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  20. Tecnociencias y transformación social: las nanotecnologías y los programas Converging Technologies.Javier Echevarría - 2008 - In Diego Bermejo (ed.), En las fronteras de la ciencia. Rubi, Barcelona: Anthropos Editorial. pp. 101--128.
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    Governance Challenges of Technological Systems Convergence.Jim Whitman - 2006 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 26 (5):398-409.
    The convergence of several technological systems (especially nanotechnology, biotechnology, information technology, and robotics) has now been adopted as a strategic goal by several countries, most notably the United States and those of the European Union. The anticipated benefits and related fears of competitive disadvantage have brought together a wide range of interested parties, governmental and nongovernmental. In the rush to enter and/or dominate this arena, the benign promise of converging technologies (CT) are highlighted, although a range of risks and (...)
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    Cybernetic governance: implications of technology convergence on governance convergence.Andrej Zwitter - 2024 - Ethics and Information Technology 26 (2):1-13.
    Governance theory in political science and international relations has to adapt to the onset of an increasingly digital society. However, until now, technological advancements and the increasing convergence of technologies outpace regulatory efforts and frustrate any efforts to apply ethical and legal frameworks to these domains. This is due to the convergence of multiple, sometimes incompatible governance frameworks that accompany the integration of technologies on different platforms. This theoretical claim will be illustrated by examples such as the integration (...)
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  23. (1 other version)Citation, please cite the printed work: Miah, A. (2006) rethinking enhancement in sport, in Bainbridge, W.s. & Roco, M.c. 'Progress in convergence: Technologies for human wellbeing.' Annals of the. [REVIEW]Andy Miah - unknown
    This chapter explores the arguments surrounding the use of human enhancement technologies in sport, arguing for a reconceptualization of the doping debate. First, it develops an overview and critique of the legislative structures on enhancement. Subsequently, a conceptual framework for understanding the role of technological effects in sport is advanced. Finally, two case studies (hypoxic chambers and gene transfer) receive specific attention, through which it is argued that human enhancement technologies can enrich the practice of elite sports rather (...)
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    Convergence of Diverse Expertise: A Multidisciplinary Training on the Ethics of Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare Technology and Research.Russell Franco D’Souza, Krishna Mohan Surapaneni, Sathyanarayanan P., Annamalai Regupathy, Mary Mathew, Vedprakash Mishra, Ani Grace Kalaimathi, Geethalakshmi Sekkizhar, Rajiv Tandon, Princy Louis Palatty & Vivek Mady - forthcoming - Journal of Academic Ethics:1-15.
    The integration of artificial intelligence (AI) into healthcare and research introduces sophisticated diagnostic and treatment capabilities but also raises significant ethical challenges from development to deployment and evaluation, requiring comprehensive ethical training and interdisciplinary collaboration to ensure the responsible use of AI technologies. The “CONNECT with AI”- Collaborative Opportunity to Navigate and Negotiate Ethical Challenges and Trials with Artificial Intelligence) workshop was a three-day event, engaging multi-institutional interdisciplinary and interprofessional participants (both industry professionals and academicians) from diverse fields such (...)
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    Biodigital philosophy, supercomputing and technological convergence in the Quantum Age.Michael A. Peters - 2023 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 55 (14):1628-1641.
    In the first phase, information technology revolutionizes biology. In the next phase, biology will revolutionize information technology. And that will totally, once again, revolutionize economies....
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  26. The Great Convergence: Information Technology and the New Globalization.Richard Baldwin - 2016
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    Information and Communication Technologies, Organisations and Skills: Convergence and Persistence. [REVIEW]Francesco Garibaldo - 2002 - AI and Society 16 (4):305-331.
    This article, first of all, supports the idea that the undeniable process of ICT-based technological convergence implies the social, cultural and business unification of the world of media and culture. The poor performance of the megamerger is a clear indicator of the unstable ground of the convergence hypothesis. Secondly, it argues in favour of cooperation between different expertise, skills and cultures to make multimedia products or to supply multimedia services, instead of creating from scratch a brand new class of hybrid (...)
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    Would the Convergence of Nanotechnology, Biotechnology, Information Technology and Cognitive Science Be a Springboard for Transhumanism and Posthumanism?Joseph Sawadogo & Jacques Simpore - 2023 - Open Journal of Philosophy 13 (4):681-695.
    Nanotechnologies, biotechnologies, information technologies and cognitive sciences (NBIC) have gradually gained traction in the United States of America (USA), subsequently expanding to Europe, and are now proliferating worldwide. Scientists are trying with more success to remove the causes of death by “repairing” humans, or even by “increasing” their physical and cognitive capacities. NBICs not only can help researchers promote “one health” by improving environmental conditions, human and animal health, but also, they can lead humanity towards transhumanism through eugenics. Thanks (...)
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    Converging Institutions: Shaping Relationships Between Nanotechnologies, Economy, and Society.Christian Papilloud & Ingrid Ott - 2007 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 27 (6):455-466.
    Nanotechnologies are technologies applied to a molecular level, which can be embedded in materials including human cells and atoms of mineral, chemical, or physical substrates. Nanotechnologies have been used in attempts to foster interactions between a multitude of products, production processes, and social actors. Just like bio, info, and cognitive science, nanotechnologies belong to the so-called converging technologies, which are expected to change main societal paths toward a more functional and coarser mesh. However, research, development, and di fusion (...)
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    Interdisciplinarity and innovation dynamics. On convergence of research, technology, economy, and society.Klaus Mainzer - 2011 - Poiesis and Praxis 7 (4):275-289.
    In the age of globalization, economic growth and the welfare of nations decisively depend on basic innovations. Therefore, education and knowledge is an important advantage of competition in highly developed countries with high standards of salaries, but raw material shortage. In the twenty-first century, innovations will arise from problem-oriented research, crossing over traditional faculties and disciplines. Therefore, we need platforms of interdisciplinary dialogue to choose transdisciplinary problems and to cluster new portfolios of technologies. The clusters of research during the (...)
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    Do we need a specific kind of technoscience assessment? Taking the convergence of science and technology seriously.Karen Kastenhofer - 2010 - Poiesis and Praxis 7 (1-2):37-54.
    The presented paper addresses the concept of technoscience and its possible implications for technology assessment. Drawing on the discourse about converging technologies, it formulates the assumption that a general shift within science from epistemic cultures to techno-epistemic cultures lies at the heart of the propagated convergence between nano-, bio-, info- and cogno-sciences and technologies. This shift is adequately captured—so the main thesis—by the technoscience label. The paper elaborates on the shared characteristics of the new technosciences, especially their hybrid (...)
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    What Exactly Is It All About? Puzzled Comments from a French Legal Scholar on the NBIC Convergence.Sonia Desmoulin-Canselier - 2012 - NanoEthics 6 (3):243-255.
    The techno-scientific development has no frontier, but the legal systems still take roots in local and cultural references. French Law is built on a continental model and conveys values and preferences of the French population, including an essential role given to the State and to textual requirements. Until now, French law has been modified to cope with new and emerging technologies issues with the idea that they can be taken one after the other, on the fringes of the classic (...)
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  33. Towards an Ethic of Technology? Nanotechnology and the Convergence of Applied Ethics.Marie-Hélène Parizeau - 2012 - Journal of Philosophical Research 37 (9999):293-302.
    The hypothesis I develop involves that we have been witnessing, during the last ten years or so, an interpenetration in the area of applied ethics of certain concepts originally belonging to different areas of ethics, namely bioethics, environmental ethics, and also business ethics. Certain concepts such as “future generations,” “consent,” “precautionary principle,” “intrinsic value,” “global governance,” “sustainable development,” or “scientific uncertainty” are becoming “thick ethical concepts,” in the terminology of metaethics; or in the terminology of American pragmatism: “living beliefs.” They (...)
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  34. The Convergence of Virtual Reality and Social Networks: Threats to Privacy and Autonomy.Fiachra O’Brolcháin, Tim Jacquemard, David Monaghan, Noel O’Connor, Peter Novitzky & Bert Gordijn - 2016 - Science and Engineering Ethics 22 (1):1-29.
    The rapid evolution of information, communication and entertainment technologies will transform the lives of citizens and ultimately transform society. This paper focuses on ethical issues associated with the likely convergence of virtual realities and social networks, hereafter VRSNs. We examine a scenario in which a significant segment of the world’s population has a presence in a VRSN. Given the pace of technological development and the popularity of these new forms of social interaction, this scenario is plausible. However, it brings (...)
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  35. Converging cognitive enhancements.Nick Bostrom & Anders Sandberg - manuscript
    Cognitive enhancements in the context of converging technologies. [Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, Vol. 1093, pp. 201-207] [with Anders Sandberg] [pdf].
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    Research Objects in Their Technological Setting.Alfred Nordmann & Bernadette Bensaude Vincent (eds.) - 2017 - New York: Routledge.
    What kind of stuff is the world made of? What is the nature or substance of things? These are ontological questions, and they are usually answered with respect to the objects of science. The objects of technoscience tell a different story that concerns the power, promise and potential of things - not what they are but what they can be. Seventeen scholars from history and philosophy of science, epistemology, social anthropology, cultural studies and ethics each explore a research object in (...)
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    Mediation and Convergent Sociality: Toward a Theory of Social Dialogue.Алексей Платонович Давыдов - 2024 - Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences 67 (2):135-159.
    The article investigates the mechanisms shaping a new quality of social development in contemporary Russia amidst growing societal challenges. Four key mechanisms are explored: mediation, social dialogue, polysubjectivity, and convergence. These are analyzed for their role in fostering novel forms of social integration and development. The mechanisms serve as tools for studying and shaping the current interplay between tradition and innovation, cultural stasis and social dynamics across various sociocultural contexts and transitional processes. The paper draws upon works presented at the (...)
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    Anomaly Detection of Highway Vehicle Trajectory under the Internet of Things Converged with 5G Technology.Ketao Deng - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-12.
    The gradual increase in the density of highway vehicles and traffic flow makes the abnormal driving state of vehicles an indispensable tool for assisting traffic dispatch. Intelligent transportation systems can detect and track vehicles in real time, acquire characteristics such as vehicle traffic, vehicle speed, vehicle flow density, and vehicle trajectory, and further perform advanced tasks such as vehicle trajectory. The detection of abnormal vehicle trajectory is an important content of vehicle trajectory understanding. And the development of the Internet of (...)
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    Social Technologies and Man.Vladislav A. Lektorsky - 2013 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 52 (1):70-81.
    The author considers the social consequences of "converging technologies" and also of the internet and other new social technologies.
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    Is Technology Uniquely Placed to Solve Our Problems? An Examination Into Technosolutionism, What It Entails and What It Predicts.Mahak Nagpal, David De Cremer & Alain Van Hiel - forthcoming - Business and Society.
    Technology plays an important role in business and society. This has resulted in the belief that technology is in a unique position to solve organizational and societal problems. However, technology is not regarded as equally impactful by all. To explore these differences, we designed a technosolutionism scale to measure the extent to which individuals deem technological solutions to be better-suited to address organizational and societal problems. In Studies 1a and 1b, exploratory and confirmatory analyses indicated two reliable factors: (1) near-term (...)
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    Tensions and opportunities in convergence: Shifting concepts of disease in emerging molecular medicine. [REVIEW]Marianne Boenink - 2009 - NanoEthics 3 (3):243-255.
    The convergence of biomedical sciences with nanotechnology as well as ICT has created a new wave of biomedical technologies, resulting in visions of a ‘molecular medicine’. Since novel technologies tend to shift concepts of disease and health, this paper investigates how the emerging field of molecular medicine may shift the meaning of ‘disease’ as well as the boundary between health and disease. It gives a brief overview of the development towards and the often very speculative visions of molecular (...)
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    Luciana Caenazzo, Lucia Mariani, and Renzo Pegoraro : Convergence of new emerging technologies: ethical challenges and new responsibilities: Piccin, Padova, Italy, 2017, xi + 108 pp, €15,00, ISBN: 978-88-299-2830-9.Pamela Tozzo - 2018 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 39 (5):403-405.
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    Technoscience and Convergence: A Tranmutation of values?Bernadette Bensaude-Vincent - unknown
    Technoscience is often perceived as an expression of the primacy of utilitarian values that would take over the field of pure and disinterested science. A number of scientists deplore that the age of science for its own sake is coming to an end, that technologyhas overtaken science. This common view expressed by active scientists is shared by cultural historians. In a paper describing technoscience as a cultural phenomenon, Paul Forman comes to a similar conclusion. He argues that technoscience is a (...)
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  44. Explaining historical moral convergence: the empirical case against realist intuitionism.Jeroen Hopster - 2020 - Philosophical Studies 177 (5):1255-1273.
    Over the course of human history there appears to have been a global shift in moral values towards a broadly ‘liberal’ orientation. Huemer argues that this shift better accords with a realist than an antirealist metaethics: it is best explained by the discovery of mind-independent truths through intuition. In this article I argue, contra Huemer, that the historical data are better explained assuming the truth of moral antirealism. Realism does not fit the data as well as Huemer suggests, whereas antirealists (...)
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    Understanding the Interaction Between the Divergence of Science and the Convergence of Technology Based on Polanyi’s Thoughts on Science.Jianzhong Li - forthcoming - Foundations of Science:1-13.
    The increasing interplay of science and technology is often portrayed with an air of inevitability, but few studies explicitly discuss the source and nature of their interaction. Based on Polanyi’s thoughts on science, technology and personal research activity, in this paper, we consider the relationship between the (relative) divergence of science and the (relative) convergence of technology, and use it to analyse the interaction between science and technology. In particular, we consider the inter-confinement between science and technology that can be (...)
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    A hierarchical architecture for nano-scale science and technology: taking stock of the claims about science made by advocates of NBIC convergence.George Khushf - 2004 - In Baird D. (ed.), Discovering the Nanoscale. IOS. pp. 21--33.
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    “Nanoselves”: NBIC and the Culture of Convergence.Priya Venkatesan - 2010 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 30 (2):119-129.
    The subject of this essay is NBIC convergence (nanotechnology, biotechnology, information technology and cognitive science convergence). NBIC convergence is a recurring trope that is dominated by the paradigm of integration of the sciences. It is largely influenced by the considerations of social and economic impact, and it assumes positivism in the name of technological progress. The culture of NBIC convergence, including NBIC discourses, is ensconced on the borders between modernity/ postmodernity, ambition/restraint, unity/fragmentation, and rational intellect/creativity. Both the rhetoric of ambition (...)
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    Teaching Ethics (and Metaphysics) in an Age of Rapid Technological Convergence.Stephan Millett - 2002 - Teaching Ethics 2 (2):53-69.
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    Convergence or Divergence: Practice of Science by Migrant Faculty in India and the United States.Roli Varma & Meghna Sabharwal - 2017 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 42 (5):775-794.
    Do immigrant faculty trained in American higher education institutions adopt the outlook and practices of native US scientists and engineers, or do they diverge from such practices? The modern science paradigm holds that location will not matter significantly and that immigrants in either place will converge to a common standard of scientific practice. Drawing upon 134 in-depth interviews, this paper compares the scientific practices of two groups of Indian immigrant faculty in science and engineering: those who studied and worked in (...)
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    Democratizing cognitive technology: a proactive approach.Marcello Ienca - 2019 - Ethics and Information Technology 21 (4):267-280.
    Cognitive technology is an umbrella term sometimes used to designate the realm of technologies that assist, augment or simulate cognitive processes or that can be used for the achievement of cognitive aims. This technological macro-domain encompasses both devices that directly interface the human brain as well as external systems that use artificial intelligence to simulate or assist (aspects of) human cognition. As they hold the promise of assisting and augmenting human cognitive capabilities both individually and collectively, cognitive technologies (...)
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