Results for 'continuism'

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  1. Emergent Materialism Implies Continuism/Emergent Materialism Does Not Imply Continuism.Javier Pérez-Jara & Íñigo Ongay de Felipe - 2022 - In Javier Pérez-Jara, Lino Camprubí & Gustavo E. Romero (eds.), Contemporary Materialism: Its Ontology and Epistemology. New York, NY, USA: Springer Synthese. pp. 333-347.
    This discussion focuses on whether Mario Bunge’s emergent materialism implies continuism or not. Íñigo Ongay defends that Bunge’s emergent materialism implies continuism. In his response, Javier Pérez-Jara argues that Bunge’s emergent materialism explicitly assumes structural ontological and epistemological discontinuities in the universe. The question is more than a Scholastic one, concerning only a particular system of philosophy, however relevant for current philosophical materialism. Rather, what is at stake is the ability of non-reductionist ontologies to explain (non-miraculous) novelty and (...)
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  2. Just simulating? Linguistic support for continuism about remembering and imagining.Kristina Liefke - forthcoming - Review of Philosophy and Psychology:1-37.
    Much recent work in philosophy of memory discusses the question whether episodic remembering is continuous with imagining. This paper contributes to the debate between continuists and discontinuists by considering a previously neglected source of evidence for continuism: the linguistic properties of overt memory and imagination reports (e.g. sentences of the form 'x remembers/imagines p'). I argue that the distribution and truth-conditional contribution of episodic uses of the English verb 'remember' is surprisingly similar to that of the verb 'imagine' – (...)
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    Mind-body continuism: Dualities without dualism.Edward W. James - 1991 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 233 (4):233-255.
  4. Ronsard, polemic, and palinode.Continuation du Discours la Royne & Remonstrance Au Peuple de France - 1999 - Mediaevalia 22 (1999-2000):75.
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    Law Society Seminars/Events.Continuing Legal Education - forthcoming - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology.
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    When inspiration strikes, don't bottle it up! Write to me at: Philosophy Now 43a Jerningham Road• London• SE14 5NQ, UK or email rick. lewis@ philosophynow. org Keep them short and keep them coming! [REVIEW]God Correspondents, Debate Will Continue & No Doubt - forthcoming - Philosophy Now.
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    The continuity of Peirce's thought.Kelly A. Parker - 1998 - Nashville: Vanderbilt University Press.
    A comprehensive and systematic reconstruction of the philosophy of Charles S. Peirce, perhaps America's most far-ranging and original philosopher, which reveals the unity of his complex and influential body of thought. We are still in the early stages of understanding the thought of C. S. Peirce (1839-1914). Although much good work has been done in isolated areas, relatively little considers the Peircean system as a whole. Peirce made it his life's work to construct a scientifically sophisticated and logically rigorous philosophical (...)
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    Continuity and nondiscontinuity in constructive mathematics.Hajime Ishihara - 1991 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 56 (4):1349-1354.
    The purpose of this paper is an axiomatic study of the interrelations between certain continuity properties. We show that every mapping is sequentially continuous if and only if it is sequentially nondiscontinuous and strongly extensional, and that "every mapping is strongly extensional", "every sequentially nondiscontinuous mapping is sequentially continuous", and a weak version of Markov's principle are equivalent. Also, assuming a consequence of Church's thesis, we prove a version of the Kreisel-Lacombe-Shoenfield-Tsĕitin theorem.
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    Continuity in nature and in mathematics: Boltzmann and Poincaré.Marij van Strien - 2015 - Synthese 192 (10):3275-3295.
    The development of rigorous foundations of differential calculus in the course of the nineteenth century led to concerns among physicists about its applicability in physics. Through this development, differential calculus was made independent of empirical and intuitive notions of continuity, and based instead on strictly mathematical conditions of continuity. However, for Boltzmann and Poincaré, the applicability of mathematics in physics depended on whether there is a basis in physics, intuition or experience for the fundamental axioms of mathematics—and this meant that (...)
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    Continuous perspective transformations and the perception of rigid motion.James J. Gibson & Eleanor J. Gibson - 1957 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 54 (2):129.
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    Continuities and Discontinuities Between Humans, Intelligent Machines, and Other Entities.Johnny Hartz Søraker - 2014 - Philosophy and Technology 27 (1):31-46.
    When it comes to the question of what kind of moral claim an intelligent or autonomous machine might have, one way to answer this is by way of comparison with humans: Is there a fundamental difference between humans and other entities? If so, on what basis, and what are the implications for science and ethics? This question is inherently imprecise, however, because it presupposes that we can readily determine what it means for two types of entities to be sufficiently different—what (...)
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    Continuous deep sedation and the doctrine of double effect: Do physicians not intend to make the patient unconscious until death if they gradually increase the sedatives?Hitoshi Arima - 2020 - Bioethics 34 (9):977-983.
    Continuous deep sedation (CDS) has the effect of making the patient unconscious until death, and that it has this effect is clearly an undesirable aspect of CDS. However, some authors have recently maintained that many physicians do not intend this effect when practicing CDS. According to these authors, CDS is differentiated into two types; in what is called “gradual” CDS (or CDS as a result of proportionate palliative sedation), physicians start with low doses of sedatives and increase them only gradually, (...)
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    Continuous Logic and Borel Equivalence Relations.Andreas Hallbäck, Maciej Malicki & Todor Tsankov - 2023 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 88 (4):1725-1752.
    We study the complexity of isomorphism of classes of metric structures using methods from infinitary continuous logic. For Borel classes of locally compact structures, we prove that if the equivalence relation of isomorphism is potentially $\mathbf {\Sigma }^0_2$, then it is essentially countable. We also provide an equivalent model-theoretic condition that is easy to check in practice. This theorem is a common generalization of a result of Hjorth about pseudo-connected metric spaces and a result of Hjorth–Kechris about discrete structures. As (...)
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  14. Topic Continuity in Conceptual Engineering and Beyond.Tristram McPherson & David Plunkett - 2024 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 67 (9):2847-2873.
    One important activity in conceptual ethics and conceptual engineering involves proposing to associate a new semantics with an existing word. Many philosophers think that one important way to evaluate such a proposal concerns whether it preserves the “topic” picked out by the existing word, and several have offered competing proposals concerning what is required to preserve topic. Our paper is focused on the conceptual ethics question of how conceptual engineers should use the term ‘topic continuity’. We provide and defend a (...)
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    Continuous Sedation at the End of Life: Ethical, Clinical and Legal Perspectives.Sigrid Sterckx, Kasper Raus & Freddy Mortier (eds.) - 2013 - Cambridge University Press.
    Continuous sedation until death is an increasingly common practice in end-of-life care. However, it raises numerous medical, ethical, emotional and legal concerns, such as the reducing or removing of consciousness, the withholding of artificial nutrition and hydration, the proportionality of the sedation to the symptoms, its adequacy in actually relieving symptoms rather than simply giving onlookers the impression that the patient is undergoing a painless 'natural' death, and the perception that it may be functionally equivalent to euthanasia. This book brings (...)
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    Against Continuity: Gilles Deleuze's Speculative Realism.Arjen Kleinherenbrink - 2018 - Edinburgh University Press.
    Against Continuity is the first book to demonstrate that the beating heart of Gilles Deleuze's philosophy is a systematic ontology of irreducible, singular entities. This requires a radical break with decades of Deleuzian orthodoxy, according to which Deleuze's metaphysics revolves around the dissolution of discrete entities into a continuous world of flows and events.With reference to all of Deleuze's work, including published and untranslated seminars, as well as the recently published 'Lettres et autres textes', Arjen Kleinherenbrink critically compares Deleuze's ontology (...)
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    Continuity, limits, and quantity in Al-Fārābī’s paraphrase of Aristotle’s Categories.Yehuda Halper - forthcoming - British Journal for the History of Philosophy:1-15.
    Despite its position in an introductory work to logic, the account of continuity presented by Abū Naṣr Al-Fārābī in his paraphrase of Aristotle’s Categories is apparently even less accessible to the beginner than Aristotle’s original. This is in part because Al-Fārābī integrated elements of the accounts of continuity in Aristotle’s Physics and Metaphysics into an account mainly derived from Aristotle’s Categories. While Al-Fārābī’s account chiefly follows Aristotle’s Categories 6 in describing a continuous object that can be divided into parts with (...)
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  18. Continuity and the logic of perception.John L. Bell - 2000 - Transcendent Philosophy 1 (2):1-7.
    If we imagine a chess-board with alternate blue and red squares, then this is something in which the individual red and blue areas allow themselves to be distinguished from each other in juxtaposition, and something similar holds also if we imagine each of the squares divided into four smaller squares also alternating between these two colours. If, however, we were to continue with such divisions until we had exceeded the boundary of noticeability for the individual small squares which result, then (...)
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    Absolute continuity under time shift of trajectories and related stochastic calculus.Jörg-Uwe Löbus - 2017 - Providence, Rhode Island: American Mathematical Society.
    The text is concerned with a class of two-sided stochastic processes of the form. Here is a two-sided Brownian motion with random initial data at time zero and is a function of. Elements of the related stochastic calculus are introduced. In particular, the calculus is adjusted to the case when is a jump process. Absolute continuity of under time shift of trajectories is investigated. For example under various conditions on the initial density with respect to the Lebesgue measure,, and on (...)
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  20. Processes, Continuants, and Individuals.Helen Steward - 2013 - Mind 122 (487):fzt080.
    The paper considers and opposes the view that processes are best thought of as continuants, to be differentiated from events mainly by way of the fact that the latter, but not the former, are entities with temporal parts. The motivation for the investigation, though, is not so much the defeat of what is, in any case, a rather implausible claim, as the vindication of some of the ideas and intuitions that the claim is made in order to defend — and (...)
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    Continuous culture techniques as simulators for standard cells: Jacques Monod’s, Aron Novick’s and Leo Szilard’s quantitative approach to microbiology.Gabriele Gramelsberger - 2018 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 40 (1):23.
    Continuous culture techniques were developed in the early twentieth century to replace cumbersome studies of cell growth in batch cultures. In contrast to batch cultures, they constituted an open concept, as cells are forced to proliferate by adding new medium while cell suspension is constantly removed. During the 1940s and 1950s new devices have been designed—called “automatic syringe mechanism,” “turbidostat,” “chemostat,” “bactogen,” and “microbial auxanometer”—which allowed increasingly accurate quantitative measurements of bacterial growth. With these devices cell growth came under the (...)
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    Continuity in Logic of Sense: Deleuze, Leibniz, Dedekind.Hamed Movahedi - 2024 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 55 (4):378-393.
    This essay explores the possibility of a metaphysical concept of continuity, which seems to have an implicit though decisive presence in Deleuze’s thought. It exposes a peculiar continuity that animates the indiscernibility of borders without making its constitutive elements homogenous or convergent, a zone of indiscernibility, wherein the borders vanish between the virtual and actual, expressed and expression, incorporeals and corporeals, sense in the proposition and event in states of affairs. Continuity conditions a fundamental indiscernibility but a heterogeneous one, a (...)
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    From Continuous to Discrete via V&V Bar.Thomas Vougiouklis - 2018 - Science and Philosophy 6 (2):37-44.
    The ‘continuous’ and the ‘discrete’ in nature and in science live and fight forever. The questionnaires and the Lickert scales are indispensable and widely used tools in social sciences research. Vougiouklis & Vougiouklis bar is a new tool introduced as an alternative to Lickert scales. We believe that such an alternative might offer some solutions to problems that crop up during the fight between continuous and discrete. Nevertheless, the greatest contribution of the V&V bar is that it offers the researchers (...)
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    Continuations and Natural Language.Chris Barker & Chung-Chieh Shan - 2014 - Oxford University Press.
    This book takes concepts developed by researchers in theoretical computer science and adapts and applies them to the study of natural language meaning. Summarizing over a decade of research, Chris Barker and Chung-chieh Shan put forward the Continuation Hypothesis: that the meaning of a natural language expression can depend on its own continuation.
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    Continuity in Logic of Sense: Deleuze, Leibniz, Dedekind.Hamed Movahedi - 2024 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 55 (4):378-393.
    This essay explores the possibility of a metaphysical concept of continuity, which seems to have an implicit though decisive presence in Deleuze’s thought. It exposes a peculiar continuity that animates the indiscernibility of borders without making its constitutive elements homogenous or convergent, a zone of indiscernibility, wherein the borders vanish between the virtual and actual, expressed and expression, incorporeals and corporeals, sense in the proposition and event in states of affairs. Continuity conditions a fundamental indiscernibility but a heterogeneous one, a (...)
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    The Continuity of Wittgenstein's Thought.John Koethe - 1996 - Ithaca: Cornell University Press.
    Ludwig Wittgenstein's philosophical work is informed throughout by a particular broad theme: that the semantic and mentalistic attributes of language and human life are shown by verbal and nonverbal conduct, but that they resist incorporation into the domain of the straightforwardly factual. So argues John Koethe, in contrast to the standard view that Wittgenstein's earlier and later philosophical positions are sharply opposed. According to the received view, Wittgenstein's thinking underwent a radical transformation after the Tractatus, leading him to abandon classical (...)
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    Continuity or Discontinuity? Scientific Governance in the Pre-History of the 1977 Law of Higher Education and Research in Sweden.Fredrik Bragesjö, Aant Elzinga & Dick Kasperowski - 2012 - Minerva 50 (1):65-96.
    The objective of this paper is to balance two major conceptual tendencies in science policy studies, continuity and discontinuity theory. While the latter argue for fundamental and distinct changes in science policy in the late 20th century, continuity theorists show how changes do occur but not as abrupt and fundamental as discontinuity theorists suggests. As a point of departure, we will elaborate a typology of scientific governance developed by Hagendijk and Irwin ( 2006 ) and apply it to new empirical (...)
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    Continuous model theory.Chen Chung Chang - 1966 - Princeton,: Princeton University Press. Edited by H. Jerome Keisler.
    CONTINUOUS MODEL THEORY CHAPTER I TOPOLOGICAL PRELIMINARIES. Notation Throughout the monograph our mathematical notation does not differ drastically from ...
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    Continuity of nursing and the time of sickness.Ingunn Elstad & Kirsti Torjuul - 2009 - Nursing Philosophy 10 (2):91-102.
    This paper explores the relationship between temporal continuity in nursing and temporal features of sickness. It is based on phenomenological and hermeneutical philosophy, empirical studies of sickness time, and the nursing theories of Nightingale, of Benner and of Benner and Wrubel. In the first part, temporal continuity is defined as distinct from interpersonal continuity. Tensions between temporal continuity and discontinuity are discussed in the contexts of care management, of conceptualisations of disease and of time itself. Temporal limitations to the methodological (...)
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    Continuity in Leibniz and Deleuze: A Reading of Difference and Repetition and The Fold.Hamed Movahedi - 2024 - Continental Philosophy Review 57 (2):225-243.
    The status of continuity in Deleuze’s metaphysics is a subject of debate. Deleuze calls the virtual, in Difference and Repetition, an Ideal continuum, and the differential relations that constitute the Ideal imply the continuity of this field. But, Deleuze does not hesitate to formulate the same field by the affirmation of divergence (incompossibility) that can be regarded as a form of discontinuity. It is, hence, unclear how these two ostensibly contradictory accounts might reconcile. This article attempts to reconstitute a Deleuzian (...)
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  31. On Continuity: Aristotle versus Topology?Michael J. White - 1988 - History and Philosophy of Logic 9 (1):1-12.
    This paper begins by pointing out that the Aristotelian conception of continuity (synecheia) and the contemporary topological account share the same intuitive, proto-topological basis: the conception of a ?natural whole? or unity without joints or seams. An argument of Aristotle to the effect that what is continuous cannot be constituted of ?indivisibles? (e.g., points) is examined from a topological perspective. From that perspective, the argument fails because Aristotle does not recognize a collective as well as a distributive concept of a (...)
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    Continuity in nature and in mathematics: Du Châtelet and Boscovich.Marij Van Strien - 2017 - In Michela Massimi, Jan-Willem Romeijn & Gerhard Schurz (eds.), EPSA15 Selected Papers: The 5th conference of the European Philosophy of Science Association in Düsseldorf. Cham: Springer. pp. 71-82.
    In the mid-eighteenth century, it was usually taken for granted that all curves described by a single mathematical function were continuous, which meant that they had a shape without bends and a well-defined derivative. In this paper I discuss arguments for this claim made by two authors, Emilie du Châtelet and Roger Boscovich. I show that according to them, the claim follows from the law of continuity, which also applies to natural processes, so that natural processes and mathematical functions have (...)
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    Continuity, stability and community in teaching.J. F. Donnelly - 2006 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 38 (3):311–325.
    This article is concerned with understanding continuity and stability in teaching, and their significance. It looks particularly at the work of Anthony Giddens on structure and agency, that of Martin Heidegger on the limits of discursive and theoretical analysis, and the communitarian strand within ethics. It applies this discussion to understandings of teachers’ work in the context especially of policy and agendas for change, arguing that continuity and the notion of a community of practitioners is critical to maintaining the distinctive (...)
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    Continuous Bodies, Impenetrability, and Contact Interactions: The View from the Applied Mathematics of Continuum Mechanics.Sheldon R. Smith - 2007 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 58 (3):503-538.
    Many philosophers have claimed that there is a tension between the impenetrability of matter and the possibility of contact between continuous bodies. This tension has led some to claim that impenetrable continuous bodies could not ever be in contact, and it has led others to posit certain structural features to continuous bodies that they believe would resolve the tension. Unfortunately, such philosophical discussions rarely borrow much from the investigation of actual matter. This is probably largely because actual matter is not (...)
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  35. Continuous Utility Functions Through Scales.J. C. R. Alcantud, G. Bosi, M. J. Campión, J. C. Candeal, E. Induráin & C. Rodríguez-Palmero - 2007 - Theory and Decision 64 (4):479-494.
    We present here a direct elementary construction of continuous utility functions on perfectly separable totally preordered sets that does not make use of the well-known Debreu’s open gap lemma. This new construction leans on the concept of a separating countable decreasing scale. Starting from a perfectly separable totally ordered structure, we give an explicit construction of a separating countable decreasing scale, from which we show how to get a continuous utility map.
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  36. The Continuing Usefulness Account of Proper Function.Peter H. Schwartz - 2002 - In André Ariew, Robert Cummins & Mark Perlman (eds.), Functions: New Essays in the Philosophy of Psychology and Biology. New York: Oxford University Press.
    'Modern History' views claim that in order for a trait X to have the proper function F, X must have been recently favored by natural selection for doing F (Griffiths 1992, 1993; Godfrey-Smith 1994). For many traits with prototypical proper functions, however, such recent selection may not have occurred, since traits may have been maintained owing to lack of variation or selection for other effects. I explore this flaw in Modern History accounts and offer an alternative etiological theory, which I (...)
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  37. Is Continuous Sedation at the End of Life an Ethically Preferable Alternative to Physician-Assisted Suicide?Kasper Raus, Sigrid Sterckx & Freddy Mortier - 2011 - American Journal of Bioethics 11 (6):32 - 40.
    The relatively new practice of continuous sedation at the end of life (CS) is increasingly being debated in the clinical and ethical literature. This practice received much attention when a U.S. Supreme Court ruling noted that the availability of CS made legalization of physician-assisted suicide (PAS) unnecessary, as CS could alleviate even the most severe suffering. This view has been widely adopted. In this article, we perform an in-depth analysis of four versions of this ?argument of preferable alternative.? Our goal (...)
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  38. Verbal disputes and topic continuity.Viktoria Knoll - forthcoming - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy.
    Changing concepts comes with a risk of creating merely verbal disputes. Accounts of topic continuity (such as Herman Cappelen’s) are supposed to solve this problem. As this paper shows, however, no existing solution avoids the danger of mere verbalness. On the contrary, accounts of topic continuity in fact increase the danger of overlooking merely verbal disputes between pre- and post-ameliorators. Ultimately, this paper suggests accepting the danger of mere verbalness resulting from a change in topic as a downside of conceptual (...)
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  39. Psychological Continuity: A Discussion of Marc Slors’s Account, Traumatic Experience, and the Significance of Our Relations to Others.Pieranna Garavaso - 2014 - Journal of Philosophical Research 39:101-125.
    This paper addresses a question concerning psycho­logical continuity, i.e., which features preserve the same psychological subject over time; this is not the same question as the one concerning the necessary and sufficient conditions for personal identity. Marc Slors defends an account of psychological continuity that adds two features to Derek Parfit’s Relation R, namely narrativity and embodiment. Slors’s account is a significant improvement on Parfit’s, but still lacks an explicit acknowledgment of a third feature that I call relationality. Because they (...)
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    Continued Confinement of Those Most Vulnerable to COVID-19.Samia Hurst, Eva Maria Belser, Claudine Burton-Jeangros, Pascal Mahon, Cornelia Hummel, Settimio Monteverde, Tanja Krones, Stéphanie Dagron, Cécile Bensimon, Bianca Schaffert, Alexander Trechsel, Luca Chiapperino, Laure Kloetzer, Tania Zittoun, Ralf Jox, Marion Fischer, Anne Dalle Ave, Peter G. Kirchschlaeger & Suerie Moon - 2020 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 30 (3):401-418.
    Continued confinement of those most vulnerable to COVID-19—e.g., the elderly, those with chronic diseases and other risk factors—is presented as an uncontroversial measure when planning exit strategies from lockdown measures. Policies for deconfinement assume that these persons will remain confined even when others will not. This, however, could last quite a long time, and for some this could mean that they will remain in confinement for the rest of their lives.In a policy brief on ethical, legal, and social issues of (...)
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    Temporally Continuous Probability Kinematics.Kevin Blackwell - 2021 - Dissertation, University of Michigan
    The heart of my dissertation project is the proposal of a new updating rule for responding to learning experiences consisting of continuous streams of evidence. I suggest characterizing this kind of learning experience as a continuous stream of stipulated credal derivatives, and show that Continuous Probability Kinematics is the uniquely coherent response to such a stream which satisfies a continuous analogue of Rigidity – the core property of both Bayesian and Jeffrey conditionalization. In the first chapter, I define neighborhood norms (...)
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    Continuous deep sedation at the end of life and the 'natural death' hypothesis.Kasper Raus, Sigrid Sterckx & Freddy Mortier - 2012 - Bioethics 26 (6):329-336.
    Surveys in different countries (e.g. the UK, Belgium and The Netherlands) show a marked recent increase in the incidence of continuous deep sedation at the end of life (CDS). Several hypotheses can be formulated to explain the increasing performance of this practice. In this paper we focus on what we call the ‘natural death’ hypothesis, i.e. the hypothesis that acceptance of CDS has spread rapidly because death after CDS can be perceived as a ‘natural’ death by medical practitioners, patients' relatives (...)
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    Continuous Deep Sedation and Euthanasia in Pediatrics: Does One Really Exclude the Other for Terminally Ill Patients?Domnita O. Badarau, Eva De Clercq & Bernice S. Elger - 2019 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 44 (1):50-70.
    Debates on morally acceptable and lawful end-of-life practices in pediatrics were reignited by the recent amendment in Belgian law to allow euthanasia for minors of any age who meet the criteria for capacity. Euthanasia and its legalization in pediatrics are often opposed based on the availability of aggressive palliative sedation. For terminally ill patients, this type of sedation is often identified as continuous and deep sedation until death. We demonstrate that this reasoning is based on flawed assumptions: CDS is a (...)
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  44. Continuity and discontinuity of definite properties in the modal interpretation.Matthew Donald - unknown
    Technical results about the time dependence of eigenvectors of reduced density operators are considered, and the relevance of these results is discussed for modal interpretations of quantum mechanics which take the corresponding eigenprojections to represent definite properties. Continuous eigenvectors can be found if degeneracies are avoided. We show that, in finite dimensions, the space of degenerate operators has co-dimension 3 in the space of all reduced operators, suggesting that continuous eigenvectors almost surely exist. In any dimension, even when degeneracies are (...)
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    Continuous Ramsey theory on polish spaces and covering the plane by functions.Stefan Geschke, Martin Goldstern & Menachem Kojman - 2004 - Journal of Mathematical Logic 4 (2):109-145.
    We investigate the Ramsey theory of continuous graph-structures on complete, separable metric spaces and apply the results to the problem of covering a plane by functions. Let the homogeneity number[Formula: see text] of a pair-coloring c:[X]2→2 be the number of c-homogeneous subsets of X needed to cover X. We isolate two continuous pair-colorings on the Cantor space 2ω, c min and c max, which satisfy [Formula: see text] and prove: Theorem. For every Polish space X and every continuous pair-coloringc:[X]2→2with[Formula: see (...)
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    Continuing the Social Contract Tradition.Michael Keeley - 1995 - Business Ethics Quarterly 5 (2):241-255.
    Abstract:Social contract theory has a rich history. It originated among the ancients with recognition that social arrangements were not products of nature but convention. It developed through the centuries as theorists sought ethical criteria for distinguishing good conventions from bad. The search for such ethical criteria continues in recent attempts to apply social contract theory to organizations. In this paper, I question the concept of consent as a viable ethical criterion, and I argue for an alternate principle of impartiality as (...)
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    On the continuity points of left-continuous t-norms.S. Jenei & F. Montagna - 2003 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 42 (8):797-810.
    Left-continuous t-norms are much more complicated than the continuous ones, and obtaining a complete classification of them seems to be a very hard task. In this paper we investigate some aspects of left-continuous t-norms, with emphasis on their continuity points. In particular, we are interested in left-continuous t-norms which are isomorphic to t-norms which are continuous in the rationals. We characterize such a class, and we prove that it contains the class of all weakly cancellative left-continuous t-norms.
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    Historical continuities and constraints in the professionalization of nursing.Sue Forsyth - 1995 - Nursing Inquiry 2 (3):164-171.
    Historical continuities and constraints in the professionalization of nursingThe support of medicine and the state may be crucial to nursing's current professional aspirations for legitimation and implementation of nursing reforms and for new roles for nurses in health care. As such, medicine and the state are in the invidious position of influencing nursing's occupational future. This situation is not new. An historical analysis of the establishment of nursing at Prince Alfred Hospital, Sydney, Australia, at the end of the nineteenth century (...)
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    Sortal continuity of material things.Edmund Runggaldier - 1998 - Erkenntnis 48 (2-3):359-369.
    Spatiotemporal and qualitative continuity are not sufficient to trace the career or path of one and the same object through its history. One needs sortal continuity, guaranteed by the form-token of the object. In this paper I concentrate on the question of sortal continuity linked to the problem of the cohabitation of objects. I intend to test whether it is possible to stick to the belief in continuants or endurers as well as the sortal dependence of identity and at the (...)
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    Continuity, freeness, and filtrations.Silvio Ghilardi - 2010 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 20 (3):193-217.
    The role played by continuous morphisms in propositional modal logic is investigated: it turns out that they are strictly related to filtrations and to suitable variants of the notion of a free algebra. We also employ continuous morphisms in incremental constructions of (standard) finitely generated free ????4-algebras.
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