Results for 'contestatory democracy'

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  1. Digital Domination: Social Media and Contestatory Democracy.Ugur Aytac - 2024 - Political Studies 72 (1):6-25.
    This paper argues that social media companies’ power to regulate communication in the public sphere illustrates a novel type of domination. The idea is that, since social media companies can partially dictate the terms of citizens’ political participation in the public sphere, they can arbitrarily interfere with the choices individuals make qua citizens. I contend that social media companies dominate citizens in two different ways. First, I focus on the cases in which social media companies exercise direct control over political (...)
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  2. Democracy, Electoral and Contestatory.Philip Pettit - 2000 - In Ian Shapiro & Stephen Macedo (eds.), Designing Democratic Institutions. New York University Press. pp. 105-144.
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    E-democracy, e-contestation and the monitorial citizen.Jeroen van den Hoven - 2005 - Ethics and Information Technology 7 (2):51-59.
    It is argued that Pettit’s conception of “contestatory democracy” is superior to deliberative, direct and epistemic democracy. The strong and weak points of these conceptions are discussed drawing upon the work of a.o Bruce Bimber. It is further argued that ‘contestation’ and ‘information’ are highly relevant notions in thinking about, just, viable and sustainable design for E-democracy.
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    Contestatory Cosmopolitanism.Tom Bailey (ed.) - 2017 - Routledge.
    Contemporary global politics poses urgent challenges – from humanitarian, migratory and environmental problems to economic, religious and military conflicts – that strain not only existing political systems and resources, but also the frameworks and concepts of political thinking. The standard cosmopolitan response is to invoke a sense of global community, governed by such principles as human rights or humanitarianism, free or fair trade, global equality, multiculturalism, or extra-national democracy. Yet, the contours, grounds and implications of such a global community (...)
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    E-democracy, E-Contestation and the Monitorial Citizen.Jeroen Hoven - 2005 - Ethics and Information Technology 7 (2):51-59.
    It is argued that Pettit’s conception of “contestatory democracy” is superior to deliberative, direct and epistemic democracy. The strong and weak points of these conceptions are discussed drawing upon the work of a.o Bruce Bimber. It is further argued that ‘contestation’ and ‘information’ are highly relevant notions in thinking about, just, viable and sustainable design for E-democracy.
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    Civic Republicanism and Contestatory Deliberation: Framing Pupil Discourse Within Citizenship Education.Andrew Peterson - 2009 - British Journal of Educational Studies 57 (1):55-69.
    Discourse between pupils represents a core element of citizenship education in England. However, as it is currently presented within the curriculum, discourse adopts the form of the rather broad terms of 'discussion' and 'debate'. These terms are diffuse, and in themselves offer little pedagogical guidance for teachers implementing the curriculum in schools. Moreover, there has been little academic reflection in England as to how theoretical ideas on civic dialogue may usefully inform approaches to pupil discourse. For this reason, how pupils (...)
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  7. Republican Freedom and Contestatory Democratization.Philip Pettit - 1999 - In Sterling Professor of Political Science and Henry R. Luce Director of the MacMillan Center for International and Area Studies Ian Shapiro, Ian Shapiro, Casiano Hacker-Cordón & Russell Hardin (eds.), Democracy's Value. Cambridge University Press. pp. 163-190.
  8. Democracy Before, In, and After Schumpeter.Pettit Philip - 2017 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 29 (4):492-504.
    The classical model of democracy that Schumpeter criticizes is manufactured out of a variety of earlier ideas, not those of any one thinker or even one school of thought. His critique of the central ideals by which he defines the model--those of the common will and the common good--remains persuasive. People's preferences are too messy and too manipulable to allow us to think that mass democracy can promote those ideals, as he defines them. Should we endorse his purely (...)
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    Instituer l’espace de la contestation : la compétence du peuple et la régulation des médias.Charles Girard - 2013 - Philosophiques 40 (2):399-432.
    If democracy is to be understood as government by and for the people, popular judgment has to be competent : decision-making procedures need to be both inclusive and effective. In this paper I consider a condition for the competence of the people : the existence of a public sphere propitious to the public contestation of political decisions. By comparing the contestatory (Pettit) and epistemic (Cohen, Estlund) models of democracy, I first show that contestability can only ground democratic (...)
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    Benjamin Constant, political power, and democracy.Nora Timmermans - 2022 - History of European Ideas 48 (3):246-262.
    ABSTRACT For several decades now, a steady flow of scholarly contributions from both intellectual history and political theory has been reasserting Benjamin Constant as a theorist of liberal democracy. Constant’s visionary understanding of liberal democracy is usually conflated with his understanding of limited popular sovereignty. In this article, I reconstruct Constant’s positive conception of popular sovereignty, i.e. his conception of what popular sovereignty means within its limits and take it as the starting point of an analysis of Constant’s (...)
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    Popular Sovereignty, Populism and Deliberative Democracy.Kolja Möller - 2018 - Philosophical Inquiry 42 (1-2):14-36.
    This article investigates the relationship between popular sovereignty, populism, and deliberative democracy. My main thesis is that populisms resurrect the polemical dimension of popular sovereignty by turning “the people” against the “powerbloc” or the “elite”, and that it is crucial thatthis terrain not be ceded to authoritarian distortions of this basic contestatory grammar. Furthermore, I contend that populist forms of politics are compatible with a procedural and deliberative conception of democracy. Ifirst engage with the assumption that populism (...)
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  12. Disability and Domination: Lessons from Republican Political Philosophy.Tom O'Shea - 2018 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 35 (1):133-148.
    The republican ideal of non-domination identifies the capacity for arbitrary interference as a fundamental threat to liberty that can generate fearful uncertainty and servility in those dominated. I argue that republican accounts of domination can provide a powerful analysis of the nature of legal and institutional power that is encountered by people with mental disorders or cognitive disabilities. In doing so, I demonstrate that non-domination is an ideal which is pertinent, distinctive, and desirable in thinking through psychological disability. Finally, I (...)
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    The cosmopolitan scope of republican citizenship.Ryoa Chung - 2003 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 6 (1):135-154.
    This essay aims to show that republicanism does not necessarily preclude the notion of cosmopolitan citizenship. The first part challenges the belief that republican citizenship must be tied to a nationalist reading, therefore reducing its cosmopolitan extension to a mere metaphor. Having argued that the political attributes and philosophical account of the notion of citizenship evolve according to the historical transformation of political communities, our contemporary era renders the notion of cosmopolitan citizenship plausible. Far from being irreconcilable, liberal cosmopolitanism has (...)
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  14. Civic Republican Disability Justice.Tom O'Shea - 2018 - Oxford Handbook of Philosophy and Disability.
    This chapter develops a civic republican approach to disability justice. It begins by articulating a republican account of liberty as nondomination before showing how such domination can shape the relationships of people with disabilities. This leads to a consideration of whether disability justice can be defined in terms of maximizing or sufficient nondomination. Instead, the chapter provides a civic framework within which republican disability justice can be understood, encompassing both the absence of oppressive relationships and the presence of capabilities of (...)
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    Démocratie contestataire ou contestation de la démocratie?Juliette Roussin - 2013 - Philosophiques 40 (2):369.
    Juliette Roussin | : Cet article a pour objet d’interroger la tendance actuelle des démocraties à s’entourer d’institutions indépendantes au fort degré de compétence en vue de limiter et de corriger les défaillances éventuelles des corps démocratiques élus et représentatifs. La légitimité démocratique de ces institutions contre-majoritaires leur viendrait, selon certains théoriciens de la démocratie, de ce qu’elles offrent la possibilité de contester les décisions collectives lorsque celles-ci sont mauvaises ou injustes, contribuant ainsi à l’amélioration globale des performances du régime (...)
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    Autorité démocratique et contestation. L’apport d’une approche épistémique.Alice Le Goff & Christian Nadeau - 2013 - Philosophiques 40 (2):255.
    Alice Le Goff ,Christian Nadeau | : Ce texte constitue une introduction au dossier. Il introduit les différentes contributions en mettant en relief leurs principales orientations. Ce faisant, il propose donc une cartographie conceptuelle, forcément partielle, des enjeux associés à la notion de démocratie épistémique et des enjeux du croisement de cette notion avec celle de démocratie de contestation. En un premier temps, nous revenons sur l’apport du procéduralisme épistémique et sur les questions qu’il soulève. Ensuite, nous revenons sur le (...)
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  17. Consensuar y disentir en un modelo de democracia contestataria.María G. Navarro - 2016 - Revista de Filosofía Conceptos 8:110-127.
    The relationship between the necessity to ensure that information is shared in the stages of deliberation and the overcoming of what Dryzek (2001) called constriction of deliberative economy is directly related to the proponents and opponents’ propensity to submit and add information differently, in a plural manner. This article describes the salient features of the deliberative turn in order to defend that this propensity is not individual. The evolution of the public space in science and in politics are both paradigmatic (...)
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    Republican Constitutionalism.Camila Vergara - 2022 - Theoria 69 (171):25-48.
    The article presents a plebeian strand of republican constitutional thought that recognises the influence of inequality on political power, embraces conflict as the effective cause of free government, and channels its anti-oligarchic energy through the constitutional structure. First it engages with two modern plebeian thinkers – Niccolò Machiavelli and Nicolas de Condorcet - focusing on the institutional role of the common people to resist oppression through ordinary and extraordinary political action. Then it discusses the work of two contemporary republican thinkers (...)
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    Contestation in Multi-Stakeholder Initiatives: Enhancing the Democratic Quality of Transnational Governance.Daniel Arenas, Laura Albareda & Jennifer Goodman - 2020 - Business Ethics Quarterly 30 (2):169-199.
    ABSTRACTThis article studies multi-stakeholder initiatives as spaces for both deliberation and contestation between constituencies with competing discourses and disputed values, beliefs, and preferences. We review different theoretical perspectives on MSIs, which see them mainly as spaces to find solutions to market problems, as spaces of conflict and bargaining, or as spaces of consensus. In contrast, we build on a contestatory deliberative perspective, which gives equal value to both contestation and consensus. We identify four types of internal contestation which can (...)
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    Republikanizm, ustrój mieszany, kultura sprzeciwu obywatelskiego. Wokół odczytania myśli Jeana-Jacques’a Rousseau przez Philipa Pettita.Rafał Lis - 2023 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 71 (1):125-137.
    W artykule proponuje się dyskusję z tezami Philipa Pettita zawartymi w książce On the People’s Terms: A Republican Theory and Model of Democracy i artykule „Two Republican Traditions”. Skupiając się na tzw. tradycji włosko-atlantyckiej, Pettit wskazywał na kluczowe dla republikanizmu powiązania etosów sprzeciwu obywatelskiego (contestatory citizenry) i ustroju mieszanego (mixed constitution). Nie jest przypadkiem, że do tak pojętej tradycji republikańskiej Pettit nie zaliczył Jeana-Jacques’a Rousseau, uznanego raczej za prekursora komunitaryzmu. Trudno się jednak zgodzić z prezentowaną przez Pettita klasyfikacją (...)
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    Cosmopolitanism and the Modern Revolutionary Tradition: Reflections on Arendt's Politics.Robert Fine - 2016 - Critical Horizons 17 (1):8-23.
    This paper reviews the contribution of Hannah Arendt's 1963 monograph, On Revolution, to the theme of this collection: “contestatory cosmopolitanism.” I am critical of normative interpretations of the text that treat it as a wholesale rejection of the French revolutionary tradition and as a tribute either to American constitutionalism, in more liberal readings, or to the council system of direct democracy, in more radical readings. I read it against this doctrinal grain as a dialectical analysis of the modern (...)
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    Two Republican Traditions.Philip Pettit - 2013 - In Andreas Niederberger & Philipp Schink (eds.), Republican democracy: liberty, law and politics. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
    The early nineteenth century saw the demise of the Italian-Atlantic tradition of republicanism and the rise of classical liberalism. A distinct Franco-German tradition of republicanism emerged from the time of Jean-Jacques Rousseau and Immanuel Kant, which differs from the older way of thinking associated with neo-republicanism. This chapter examines the key differences between the Italian-Atlantic and Franco-German traditions of republicanism and places them in a historical context. It first considers classical republicanism and how the ideological ideal of equal freedom as (...)
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    Part One Property-Owning Democracy.Property-Owning Democracy - 2012 - In Martin O'Neill & Thad Williamson (eds.), Property-Owning Democracy: Rawls and Beyond. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 15.
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  24. Toward a Practical Politics of Property-Owning Democracy: Program and Politics.Property-Owning Democracy - 2012 - In Martin O'Neill & Thad Williamson (eds.), Property-Owning Democracy: Rawls and Beyond. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 223.
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    Philosophy and Democracy.Does Globalization Threaten Democracy - 2008 - Bioethics and New Epoch 46 (2).
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  26. Colin Wringe.Multicultural Democracies - 1995 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 29 (2-3):285.
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    Laurence Whitehead (ed.), Emerging Market Democracies: East Asia and Latin America Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2002, 216 pp. ISBN 0801872197. [REVIEW]Emerging Market Democracies - 2004 - Japanese Journal of Political Science 5 (1):213-228.
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  28. Donald L. Martin.Democracy Analogy Falters - forthcoming - Contemporary Issues in Business Ethics.
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    Part III Sites of Struggle.Weakening Democracy - 2005 - In Noretta Koertge (ed.), Scientific Values and Civic Virtues. New York, US: OUP Usa. pp. 155.
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  30. Ideal proportional representation 87.Constitutional Democracy - 1995 - Journal of Political Philosophy 3 (1):86-109.
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    John S. Dryzek.A. Plethora Of Democracies - 2004 - In Gerald F. Gaus & Chandran Kukathas (eds.), Handbook of political theory. Thousand Oaks, Calif.: SAGE.
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    Where Democracy Should Be: On the Site(s) of the All-Subjected Principle.Andreas Bengtson - 2021 - Res Publica 28 (1):69-84.
    In this paper, I set out to defend the claim that a central principle in democratic theory, the all-subjected principle, applies not only when one is subject to a rule by a state but also when one is subject to a rule by a ‘non-state’ unit. I argue that self-government is the value underlying the all-subjected principle that explains why a subjected individual should be included because she is subjected. Given this, it is unfounded to limit the principle to the (...)
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  33. trans. David Ames Curtis.Cornelius Castoriadis, Democracy as Procedure & Democracy as Regime - 1997 - Constellations 4 (1):2-3.
    In the intellectual confusion prevailing since the demise of Marxism and “marxism”, the attempt is made to define democracy as a matter of pure procedure, explicitly avoiding and condemning any reference to substantive objectives. It can easily be shown, however, that the idea of a purely procedural “democracy” is incoherent and self-contradictory. No legal system whatsoever and no government can exist in the absence of substantive conditions which cannot be left to chance or to the workings of the (...)
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    American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 358.Democracy Against Its Modern Enemies & Immoderate Friends - 2011 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 85 (2):357-359.
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    Editorial preface, Herbert Hrachovec.Could Democracy be A. Unicorn - 1997 - The Monist 80 (3).
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  36. Nancy Fraser.Antiessentialism Multiculturalism & Radical Democracy - 2006 - In Elizabeth Hackett & Sally Anne Haslanger (eds.), Theorizing feminisms: a reader. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 459.
  37. Fake News and Democracy.Merten Reglitz - 2022 - Journal of Ethics and Social Philosophy 22 (2): 162-187.
    Since the Brexit Referendum in the United Kingdom and the election of Donald Trump as US President in 2016, the term ‘fake news’ has become a significant source of concern. Recently, the European Commission and the British House of Commons have condemned the phenomenon as a threat to their institutions’ democratic processes and values. However, political disinformation is nothing new, and empirical studies suggest that fake news has not decided crucial elections, that most readers do not believe the online fake (...)
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    Association of ideas.Democracy An Anthology ofPolitical & Clare Jackson - 2010 - In S. J. Savonius-Wroth Paul Schuurman & Jonathen Walmsley (eds.), The Continuum Companion to Locke. Continuum. pp. 127.
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  39. Athenian Democracy: Something to Celebrate?Robin Osborne - 2010 - In Athens and Athenian Democracy. Cambridge University Press. pp. 48-58.
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    Rationalizing Capitalist Democracy: Cold War Origins of Rational Choice Liberalism.S. M. Amadae - 2003 - Chicago, IL, USA: University of Chicago Press.
    This book discusses how rational choice theory grew out of RAND's work for the US Air Force. It concentrates on the work of William J. Riker, Kenneth J. Arrow, James M. Buchanan, Russel Hardin, and John Rawls. It argues that within the context of the US Cold War with its intensive anti-communist and anti-collectivist sentiment, the foundations of capitalist democracy were grounded in the hyper individualist theory of non-cooperative games.
  41. Democracy, socialism, and the working classes.C. L. Ten - 1998 - In John Skorupski (ed.), The Cambridge Companion to Mill. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 372--95.
  42. Democracy.John Dewey - 2000 - In Steven M. Cahn (ed.), Exploring Philosophy: An Introductory Anthology. New York, NY, United States of America: Oxford University Press USA.
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    Democracy in contested territory: on the legitimacy of global legal pluralism.Anna Jurkevics - 2022 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 25 (2):187-210.
  44. TVA—Democracy on the March.David E. Lilienthal, Joseph W. Eaton, Frank A. Pearson & Don Paarlberg - 1945 - Science and Society 9 (1):94-96.
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  45. Should democracy come? : Ethics and politics in Derrida.Jacques Ranciåre - 2009 - In Pheng Cheah & Suzanne Guerlac (eds.), Derrida and the time of the political. Durham: Duke University Press.
  46. Liberalism, democracy, and empire : Tocqueville on Algeria.Jennifer Pitts - 2007 - In Raf Geenens & Annelien de Dijn (eds.), Reading Tocqueville: from oracle to actor. New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
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    Employee Involvement and Workplace Democracy.Roberto Frega - 2021 - Business Ethics Quarterly 31 (3):360-385.
    The article aims to bridge divides between political theory and management and organization studies in theorizing workplace democracy. To achieve this aim, the article begins by introducing a new definition of democracy which, it is contended, is better suited than mainstream accounts to highlight the democratizing potential of employee involvement. It then defines employee involvement as an offshoot of early twentieth-century humanistic psychologies, from which it inherits an emancipatory ambition. In a third step, the article presents employee involvement (...)
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  48. Global Democracy: For and Against. Ethical Theory, Institutional Design and Social Struggles.[author unknown] - 2008
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    Democracy, children, and the environment: a case for commons trusts.Alex Zakaras - 2016 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 19 (2):141-162.
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  50. Democracy as a Philosophical Concept.Katja Kolsek - 2010 - Filozofski Vestnik 31 (3):165 - +.
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