Results for 'constructive analysis'

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  1. Constructive Analysis: A Study in Epistemological Methodology.Kristoffer Ahlström - 2008 - Dissertation, University of Gothenburg
    The present study is concerned the viability of the primary method in contemporary philosophy, i.e., conceptual analysis. Starting out by tracing the roots of this methodology to Platonic philosophy, the study questions whether such a methodology makes sense when divorced from Platonic philosophy, and develops a framework for a kind of analysis that is more in keeping with recent psychological research on categorization. Finally, it is shown that this kind of analysis can be applied to the concept (...)
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    A constructive analysis of learning in Peano Arithmetic.Federico Aschieri - 2012 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 163 (11):1448-1470.
    We give a constructive analysis of learning as it arises in various computational interpretations of classical Peano Arithmetic, such as Aschieri and Berardi learning based realizability, Avigad’s update procedures and epsilon substitution method. In particular, we show how to compute in Gödel’s system T upper bounds on the length of learning processes, which are themselves represented in T through learning based realizability. The result is achieved by the introduction of a new non standard model of Gödel’s T, whose (...)
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    Constructive Analysis.Errett Bishop & Douglas Bridges - 1987 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 52 (4):1047-1048.
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    Constructive Analysis.Errett Bishop & Douglas S. Bridges - 1985 - Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, and Tokyo: Springer.
  5. Some axioms for constructive analysis.Joan Rand Moschovakis & Garyfallia Vafeiadou - 2012 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 51 (5-6):443-459.
    This note explores the common core of constructive, intuitionistic, recursive and classical analysis from an axiomatic standpoint. In addition to clarifying the relation between Kleene’s and Troelstra’s minimal formal theories of numbers and number-theoretic sequences, we propose some modified choice principles and other function existence axioms which may be of use in reverse constructive analysis. Specifically, we consider the function comprehension principles assumed by the two minimal theories EL and M, introduce an axiom schema CFd asserting (...)
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    Lebesgue integral in constructive analysis.Oswald Demuth - 1969 - In A. O. Slisenko (ed.), Studies in constructive mathematics and mathematical logic. New York,: Consultants Bureau. pp. 9--14.
  7. A constructive analysis of RM.Arnon Avron - 1987 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 52 (4):939 - 951.
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    Genre and constructional analysis.Kiki Nikiforidou - 2018 - Pragmatics and Cognition 25 (3):543-575.
    Constructional approaches to genre model genre knowledge in terms of genre-based constructions. Like all constructions, these represent conventionalized pairings of meaning and form, of varying degrees of length and schematicity, whose pragmatic specifications include their association with a particular socio-cultural context. In this state-of-the-art article I review genre-related constructional work, discussing grammatical patterns that are licensed only in particular contexts, including conversational genres, as well as expressions that qualify as constructions simply on the basis of socio-cultural currency. The appropriateness of (...)
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    A constructional analysis of English un-participle constructions.Doris Schönefeld - 2015 - Cognitive Linguistics 26 (3):423-466.
    Journal Name: Cognitive Linguistics Issue: Ahead of print.
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    Unavoidable sequences in constructive analysis.Joan Rand Moschovakis - 2010 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 56 (2):205-215.
    Five recursively axiomatizable theories extending Kleene's intuitionistic theory FIM of numbers and numbertheoretic sequences are introduced and shown to be consistent, by a modified relative realizability interpretation which verifies that every sequence classically defined by a Π11 formula is unavoidable and that no sequence can fail to be classically Δ11. The analytical form of Markov's Principle fails under the interpretation. The notion of strongly inadmissible rule of inference is introduced, with examples.
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    Brouwer's fan theorem and unique existence in constructive analysis.Josef Berger & Hajime Ishihara - 2005 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 51 (4):360-364.
    Many existence propositions in constructive analysis are implied by the lesser limited principle of omniscience LLPO; sometimes one can even show equivalence. It was discovered recently that some existence propositions are equivalent to Bouwer's fan theorem FAN if one additionally assumes that there exists at most one object with the desired property. We are providing a list of conditions being equivalent to FAN, such as a unique version of weak König's lemma. This illuminates the relation between FAN and (...)
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    On the connection between Nonstandard Analysis and Constructive Analysis.Sam Sanders - forthcoming - Logique Et Analyse.
    Constructive Analysis and Nonstandard Analysis are often characterized as completely antipodal approaches to analysis. We discuss the possibility of capturing the central notion of Constructive Analysis (i.e. algorithm, finite procedure or explicit construction) by a simple concept inside Nonstandard Analysis. To this end, we introduce Omega-invariance and argue that it partially satisfies our goal. Our results provide a dual approach to Erik Palmgren's development of Nonstandard Analysis inside constructive mathematics.
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    Weak continuity properties in constructive analysis.D. Bridges & L. Dediu - 1999 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 7 (3):277-281.
    Within Bishop's constructive mathematics we provide conditions that ensure weak continuity properties of mappings between metric and normed spaces.
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    Sequential Continuity of Functions in Constructive Analysis.Douglas Bridges & Ayan Mahalanobis - 2000 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 46 (1):139-143.
    It is shown that in any model of constructive mathematics in which a certain omniscience principle is false, for strongly extensional functions on an interval the distinction between sequentially continuous and regulated disappears. It follows, without the use of Markov's Principle, that any recursive function of bounded variation on a bounded closed interval is recursively sequentially continuous.
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  15. Errett Bishop. Foundations of constructive analysis. McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York, San Francisco, St. Louis, Toronto, London, and Sydney, 1967, xiii + 370 pp. - Errett Bishop. Mathematics as a numerical language. Intuitionism and proof theory, Proceedings of the summer conference at Buffalo N.Y. 1968, edited by A. Kino, J. Myhill, and R. E. Vesley, Studies in logic and the foundations of mathematics, North-Holland Publishing Company, Amsterdam and London1970, pp. 53–71. [REVIEW]John Myhill - 1972 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 37 (4):744-747.
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    Geometric Intuition and Elementary Constructive Analysis.Douglas S. Bridges - 1979 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 25 (33):521-523.
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    Compactness in constructive analysis revisited.Christoph Kreitz & Klaus Weihrauch - 1987 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 36:29-38.
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    Putting analysis and construction of concepts into its righteous position.Ewelina Grądzka - 2021 - Philosophical Problems in Science 71:155-173.
    Analytic description, according to members of the Lvov-Warsaw School like Czeżowski, Ajdukiewicz, Ossowska, Tarski is a powerful and an indispensable tool, not only in philosophy but also in any natural science – in psychology especially. It should be equally respected together with empirical analysis and even it is recommended that it should precede any further research. Therefore the book Analiza i konstrukcja: o metodach badania pojęć w Szkole Lwowsko-Warszawskiej [Analysis and construction: on the methods of researching concepts in (...)
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    Resolution of the uniform lower bound problem in constructive analysis.Erik Palmgren - 2008 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 54 (1):65-69.
    In a previous paper we constructed a full and faithful functor ℳ from the category of locally compact metric spaces to the category of formal topologies . Here we show that for a real-valued continuous function f, ℳ factors through the localic positive reals if, and only if, f has a uniform positive lower bound on each ball in the locally compact space. We work within the framework of Bishop constructive mathematics, where the latter notion is strictly stronger than (...)
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  20. Ahlström, Kristoffer. Constructive Analysis: A Study in Epistemological Methodology. Göteborg: Acta Universitatis Gothenburgensis, 2007. Bourdieu, Pierre. The Bachelors' Ball: The Crisis of Peasant Society in Béarn. Trans. by Richard Nice. University of Chicago Press, 2008. Bourdieu, Pierre. Sketch for a Self-Analysis. Trans. by Richard Nice. University of. [REVIEW]Outer Worlds - 2008 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 38 (4):0021-8308.
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    The Social Problem: A Constructive Analysis[REVIEW]Dickinson S. Miller - 1916 - Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods 13 (3):81-82.
  22. Review: G. S. Cejtin, On Cauchy's Theorem in Constructive Analysis[REVIEW]F. J. Cogan - 1956 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 21 (4):408-409.
  23. Review: I. D. Zaspavskij, Disproof of Some Theorems of Classical Analysis in Constructive Analysis[REVIEW]F. J. Cogan - 1956 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 21 (4):409-409.
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    Is the Hegemonic Position of American Culture able to Subjugate Local Cultures of Importing Countries? A Constructive Analysis on the Phenomenon of Cultural Localization.Tien-Hui Chiang - 2014 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 46 (13):1412-1426.
    It has been argued that globalization assists the USA to gain a hegemonic position, allowing it to export its culture. Because this exportation leads to the domination by American culture of the local cultures of importing countries, which are the key element in sustaining their citizens’ national identity, citizens of these countries are unable to protect state sovereignty from this cultural invasion. In order to prevent a political crisis arising from such an invasion, these countries will adopt the strategy of (...)
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    To Make a Scholar Black: A Constructive Analysis of the Discursive Orientation Toward Blackness.Amir Jaima - 2023 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 56 (1):76-91.
    Africana scholars often address their texts to a reader who is implicitly white. This tendency, which this article characterizes as the “discursive orientation toward whiteness,” has the pernicious effect of limiting the range and rigor of scholars’ research questions and proposal. This analysis examines the other discursive “face,” following J. Saunders Redding’s observation from almost eighty years ago, which remains unnervingly insightful: “Negro [sic] writers have been obliged to have two faces... to satisfy two different (and opposed when not (...)
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  26. Self-construction through consumption activities: an analysis and review of alternatives.David J. Burns - 2006 - In Paul C. Vitz & Susan M. Felch (eds.), The self: beyond the postmodern crisis. Wilmington, De.: ISI Books. pp. 149--167.
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    Relationships between constructive, predicative and classical systems of analysis.Solomon Feferman - unknown
    Both the constructive and predicative approaches to mathematics arose during the period of what was felt to be a foundational crisis in the early part of this century. Each critiqued an essential logical aspect of classical mathematics, namely concerning the unrestricted use of the law of excluded middle on the one hand, and of apparently circular \impredicative" de nitions on the other. But the positive redevelopment of mathematics along constructive, resp. predicative grounds did not emerge as really viable (...)
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    Constructing the Legitimate, Responsible Corporation: A Rhetorical Analysis.Colin Higgins & Robyn Walker - 2008 - Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society 19:217-228.
    This paper utilises rhetorical analysis to explore how persuasive appeals in company social/environmental reports shape understandings about corporate responsibility.
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    Sequentially continuous linear mappings in constructive analysis.Douglas Bridges & Ray Mines - 1998 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 63 (2):579-583.
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    A constructive approach to nonstandard analysis.Erik Palmgren - 1995 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 73 (3):297-325.
    In the present paper we introduce a constructive theory of nonstandard arithmetic in higher types. The theory is intended as a framework for developing elementary nonstandard analysis constructively. More specifically, the theory introduced is a conservative extension of HAω + AC. A predicate for distinguishing standard objects is added as in Nelson's internal set theory. Weak transfer and idealisation principles are proved from the axioms. Finally, the use of the theory is illustrated by extending Bishop's constructive (...) with infinitesimals. (shrink)
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    A construction based analysis of child directed speech.Thea Cameron-Faulkner, Elena Lieven & Michael Tomasello - 2003 - Cognitive Science 27 (6):843-873.
    The child directed speech of twelve English‐speaking motherswas analyzed in terms of utterance‐level constructions. First, the mothers' utterances were categorized in terms of general constructional categories such as Wh‐questions, copulas and transitives. Second, mothers' utterances within these categories were further specified in terms of the initial words that framed the utterance, item‐based phrases such as Are you …, I'll …, It's …, Let's …, What did … The findings were: (i) overall, only about 15% of all maternal utterances had SVO (...)
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  32. Logical analysis and logical construction.Bernard Linsky - 2007 - In Micahel Beaney (ed.), The Analytic Turn. Routledge. pp. 107--122.
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    Discovering constructions by means of collostruction analysis: The English Denominative Construction.Beate Hampe - 2011 - Cognitive Linguistics 22 (2):211-245.
    Complex-transitive argument structures have received a large amount of attention from syntacticians of both formalist and cognitive-functional orientations. To account for expressions with causative resultative meanings, construction grammar has postulated a family of argument-structure constructions whose core is constituted by the Caused-Motion Construction and the Resultative Construction, exhibiting a locative complement and a predicative complement in the form of an AjP, respectively. Argument structures with NP complements, however, have been largely neglected. The present study investigates these patterns in the International (...)
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  34. Developments in constructive nonstandard analysis.Erik Palmgren - 1998 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 4 (3):233-272.
    We develop a constructive version of nonstandard analysis, extending Bishop's constructive analysis with infinitesimal methods. A full transfer principle and a strong idealisation principle are obtained by using a sheaf-theoretic construction due to I. Moerdijk. The construction is, in a precise sense, a reduced power with variable filter structure. We avoid the nonconstructive standard part map by the use of nonstandard hulls. This leads to an infinitesimal analysis which includes nonconstructive theorems such as the Heine-Borel (...)
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  35. Conceptual analysis, theory construction, and philosophical elucidation in the philosophy of mind.Julia Tanney - unknown
    The more empirical, ‘naturalistic’ turn in the approach of many contemporary philosophers, their search for ‘theories’ and their appeal to general ‘theoretical’ considerations apparently continuous with natural science...puts [contemporary] philosophy...farther from the spirit as well as the letter of Wittgenstein’s conception of philosophical problems. He thought that ‘philosophers constantly see the method of science before their eyes, and are irresistibly tempted to ask and answer questions in the way science does. This tendency is the real source of metaphysics, and leads (...)
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    Constructions of partially efficiency-balanced designs and their analysis.P. D. Puri & Sanpei Kageyama - 1985 - History and Philosophy of Logic 14 (6).
  37. Network Analysis Formalism and the Construction of a Traceability System for Payments. A Sketch of its Legal and Sociological Aspects.Guglielmo Feis - 2013 - Informatica E Diritto 22 (1):281--298.
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    Constructing Quaternions: On the Analysis of Conceptual Practice Andrew Pickering and Adam Stephanides.Ludwig Wittgenstein & Simone Weil - 1992 - In Andrew Pickering (ed.), Science as practice and culture. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. pp. 139.
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  39. Constructing local knowledge: The analysis of self in everyday life.Susan Smith - 1988 - In John Eyles & David Marshall Smith (eds.), Qualitative methods in human geography. Totowa, N.J.: Barnes & Noble. pp. 17--38.
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    Constructing Achievement in the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia : A Corpus-Based Critical Discourse Analysis.Amanda Potts & Anne Lise Kjær - 2016 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 29 (3):525-555.
    The International Criminal Tribunal for Yugoslavia was established by the UN Security Council in 1993 to prosecute persons responsible for war crimes committed in the former Yugoslavia during the Balkan wars. As the first international war crimes tribunal since the Nuremburg and Tokyo tribunals set up after WWII, the ICTY has attracted immense interest among legal scholars since its inception, but has failed to garner the same level of attention from researchers in other disciplines, notably linguistics. This represents a significant (...)
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    Systems of explicit mathematics with non-constructive μ-operator. Part II.Solomon Feferman & Gerhard Jäger - 1996 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 79 (1):37-52.
    This paper is mainly concerned with proof-theoretic analysis of some second-order systems of explicit mathematics with a non-constructive minimum operator. By introducing axioms for variable types we extend our first-order theory BON to the elementary explicit type theory EET and add several forms of induction as well as axioms for μ. The principal results then state: EET plus set induction is proof-theoretically equivalent to Peano arithmetic PA <0).
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    Re-constructing Babel: Discourse analysis, hermeneutics and the Interpretive Arc.Allan Bell - 2011 - Discourse Studies 13 (5):519-568.
    This article questions the aptness of ‘discourse analysis’ as a label for our field, and prefers the less reductionist concept of ‘Discourse Interpretation’. It does this through drawing on ideas from the field of philosophical hermeneutics – the theory and practice of interpreting texts. It operationalizes and adapts the construct of the Interpretive Arc from the philosophy of Paul Ricoeur in order to address issues that are central to discourse work, including that of how we warrant the validity of (...)
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    Analysis of Complexity of Unsafe Behavior in Construction Teams and a Multiagent Simulation.Zhen Li, Xiaofei Lv, Hongming Zhu & Zhaohan Sheng - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-15.
    The processes in construction are more likely than others to breed unsafe behaviors, and the consequences of these actions can be serious. This paper first reviews the research status on unsafe behavior in construction teams. It then analyzes the complex mechanisms that lead to unsafe behavior and constructs a three-layer structural model based on agent-based modeling technology. This modeling deals with complexity and elaborates on key points and potential research ideas in the study of unsafe behavior in construction teams. Using (...)
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    Analysis, constructions and diagrams in classical geometry.Panza Marco - 2021 - Metodo. International Studies in Phenomenology and Philosophy 9 (1):181-220.
    Greek ancient and early modern geometry necessarily uses diagrams. Among other things, these enter geometrical analysis. The paper distinguishes two sorts of geometrical analysis and shows that in one of them, dubbed “intra-confgurational” analysis, some diagrams necessarily enter as outcomes of a purely material gesture, namely not as result of a codifed constructive procedure, but as result of a free-hand drawing.
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    Constructional morphology: The analysis of constraints in evolution dedicated to A. seilacher in honour of his 60. birthday.Wolf-Ernst Reify, Roger D. K. Thomas & Martin S. Fischer - 1985 - Acta Biotheoretica 34 (2-4):233-248.
    Evolutionary change is opportunistic, but its course is strongly constrained in several fundamental ways. These constraints (historical/phylogenetic, functional/adaptive, constructional/morphogenetic) and their dynamic relationships are discussed here and shown to constitute the conceptual framework of Constructional Morphology. Notwithstanding recent published opinions which claim that the discovery of constraints renders Neodarwinian selection theory obsolete, we regard the insights of Constructional Morphology as being entirely consistent with this theory. As is shown here in the case of the Hyracoidea, formal analysis of the (...)
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    (1 other version)Meta-Analysis of the Associations Among Constructs of Intrapersonal Emotion Knowledge.Juhyun Park, Xinyi Zhan & Kristin Naragon- Gainey - 2022 - Emotion Review 14 (1):66-83.
    Emotion Review, Volume 14, Issue 1, Page 66-83, January 2022. To better define the boundaries of conceptually overlapping constructs of intrapersonal emotion knowledge, we examined meta-analytic correlations among five intrapersonal EK-related constructs and attention to emotion. Affect labelling, alexithymia, and emotional clarity were strongly associated, and they were moderately associated with attention to emotion. Alexithymia and emotional awareness were weakly associated, and emotion differentiation was unrelated with emotional clarity. Sample characteristics and measures moderated some of the associations. Publication bias was (...)
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    Constructing undesirables: A critical discourse analysis of othering of Fulani nomads in the Ghanaian news media.Hans J. Ladegaard & Mark Nartey - 2021 - Discourse and Communication 15 (2):184-199.
    The activities of Fulani nomads in Ghana have gained considerable media attention and engendered continuing public debate. In this paper, we analyze the prejudiced portrayals of the nomads in the Ghanaian news media, and how these contribute to an exclusionist and a discriminatory discourse that puts the nomads at the margins of Ghanaian society. The study employs a critical discourse analysis framework and draws on a dataset of 160 articles, including news stories, editorials and op-ed pieces. The analysis (...)
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    The Construction of Intelligent Emotional Analysis and Marketing Model of B&B Tourism Consumption Under the Perspective of Behavioral Psychology.Wenru Guo & Daijian Tang - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    This manuscript constructs an intelligent sentiment analysis and marketing model for bed and breakfast consumption based on a behavioral psychology perspective. Based on the LDA theme model, the theme features and keywords of the reviews covering user feedback are explored from the text data, and the theme framework of user sentiment perception is constructed by combining previous literature on user perception in the B&B market, and the themes of user online reviews are summarized in four dimensions: practical, sensory, cognitive, (...)
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    Construction of an IoT customer operation analysis system based on big data analysis and human-centered artificial intelligence for web 4.0.Wei Li, Chenye Han, Baojing Liu & Xinxin Liu - 2022 - Journal of Intelligent Systems 31 (1):927-943.
    Internet of thing building sensors can capture several types of building operations, performances, and conditions and send them to a central dashboard to analyze data to support decision-making. Traditionally, laptops and cell phones are the majority of Internet-connected devices. IoT tracking allows customers to close the distance between devices and enterprises by collecting and analyzing various IoT data through connected devices, customers, and applications on the network. There is a lack of requirements for IoT edge applications security and approval. There (...)
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    Errett Bishop and Douglas Bridges. Constructive analysis. Grundlehren der mathematischen Wissenschaften, no. 279. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, and Tokyo, 1985, xii + 477 pp. [REVIEW]Nicolas D. Goodman - 1987 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 52 (4):1047-1048.
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