Results for 'conflicts of obligation'

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  1.  24
    Conflicts of Obligation.James Forrester - 1995 - American Philosophical Quarterly 32 (1):31 - 44.
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  2. A Dispositional Account of Conflicts of Obligation.Luke Robinson - 2012 - Noûs 47 (2):203-228.
    I address a question in moral metaphysics: How are conflicts between moral obligations possible? I begin by explaining why we cannot give a satisfactory answer to this question simply by positing that such conflicts are conflicts between rules, principles, or reasons. I then develop and defend the “Dispositional Account,” which posits that conflicts between moral obligations are conflicts between the manifestations of obligating dispositions (obligating powers, capacities, etc.), just as conflicts between physical forces are (...)
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  3.  77
    Remarks on the conflict of obligations.John Ladd - 1958 - Journal of Philosophy 55 (19):811-819.
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    Financial Conflicts of Interest and the Ethical Obligations of Medical School Faculty and the Profession.Kirsten Austad, David H. Brendel & Rebecca W. Brendel - 2010 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 53 (4):534-544.
    Interactions between medicine and the pharmaceutical and device industries have become widespread in medicine. Despite their promise for improving patient care through innovation, there are ways in which these relationships may compromise patient care by creating conflicts of interest for physicians—both actual and perceived—that may result in delivery of poorly justified treatment, mistrust of doctors by the public, and an undermining of the integrity of the medical profession (IOM 2009). Conflicts of interest can arise in all arenas of (...)
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    Conflict of interest in croatia: Doctors with dual obligations.Bozidar Vrhovac - 2002 - Science and Engineering Ethics 8 (3):309-316.
    There is an emerging awareness of the possibility of conflicts of interest in the practice of medicine in Croatia. The paper examines areas within the medical profession where conflicts of interest can and have occurred, probably not only in Croatia. Particularly addressed are situations when a doctor may have dual obligations and how independent ethics committees can help in decreasing the influence of a conflict of interest. The paper also presents extracts from the Croatian Code of Ethics for (...)
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    Conflict of interest in Croatia: Doctors with dual obligations. [REVIEW]Professor Bozidar Vrhovac - 2002 - Science and Engineering Ethics 8 (3):309-316.
    There is an emerging awareness of the possibility of conflicts of interest in the practice of medicine in Croatia. The paper examines areas within the medical profession where conflicts of interest can and have occurred, probably not only in Croatia. Particularly addressed are situations when a doctor may have dual obligations and how independent ethics committees can help in decreasing the influence of a conflict of interest. The paper also presents extracts from the Croatian Code of Ethics for (...)
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    (1 other version)Conflicting Social Obligations.G. D. H. Cole - 1915 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 15:140-159.
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    A radical rupture in the paradigm of modern medicine: Conflicts of interest, fiduciary obligations, and the scientific ideal.George Khushf - 1998 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 23 (1):98 – 122.
    Conflicts of interest serve as a cipher for a radical rupture in the Flexnerian paradigm of medicine, and they can only be addressed if we recognize that health care is now practiced by institutions, not just individual physicians. By showing how "appropriate utilization of services" or "that which is medically indicated" is a function of socioeconomic factors related to institutional responsibilities, I point toward an administrative and organizational ethic as a needed component for addressing conflicts of interest. The (...)
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    Compound Conflicts of Interest in the US Proxy System.Cynthia E. Clark & Harry J. Van Buren - 2013 - Journal of Business Ethics 116 (2):355-371.
    The current proxy voting system in the United States has become the subject of considerable controversy. Because institutional investment managers have the authority to vote their clients’ proxies, they have a fiduciary obligation to those clients. Frequently, in an attempt to fulfill that obligation, these institutional investors employ proxy advisory services to manage the thousands of votes they must cast. However, many proxy advisory services have conflicts of interest that inhibit their utility to those seeking to discharge (...)
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  10.  10
    A Conflict of Duties.H. A. Prichard - 2002 - In H. A. Prichard, Moral writings. New York: Oxford University Press.
    In his general account of moral thought, Prichard holds that to regard a given action as right, we must imagine ourselves to be in a certain set of circumstances. In doing so, we conceive of ourselves as bound by those circumstances to perform that action. Since we have various general convictions about moral obligation, no single characteristic leads us to regard right acts as right. When two general convictions conflict, we are not in a position to know what our (...)
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    Dazed and Confused: Sports Medicine, Conflicts of Interest, and Concussion Management.Brad Partridge - 2014 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 11 (1):65-74.
    Professional sports with high rates of concussion have become increasingly concerned about the long-term effects of multiple head injuries. In this context, return-to-play decisions about concussion generate considerable ethical tensions for sports physicians. Team doctors clearly have an obligation to the welfare of their patient (the injured athlete) but they also have an obligation to their employer (the team), whose primary interest is typically success through winning. At times, a team’s interest in winning may not accord with the (...)
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    Crossing the Boundaries of Obligation: Are Corporate Salaries a Form of Bribery?John Douglas Bishop - 2004 - Journal of Business Ethics 55 (1):1-11.
    . Trans-National Corporations (TNCs) pay relatively high salaries to local people in host countries. TNCs assume that such employees will accept an employeeÇôemployer relationship similar to that which exists in North America, but the obligations and personal interests that such a relationship create often directly conflict with systems of obligation already established in the host country. When TNCs do business across the boundaries of systems of obligation, corporate salaries can be seen as a form of unethical bribery. In (...)
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    Intervening in clinical research to prevent the onset of psychoses: conflicts and obligations.Tamra Lysaght, Benjimen James Capps, Alastair Vincent Campbell, Mythily Subramaniam & Siow-Ann Chong - 2012 - Journal of Medical Ethics 38 (5):319-321.
    A prevailing issue in clinical research is the duty clinicians have to treat or prevent the progression of disease during a study that they are conducting. While all clinical researchers have a duty of care for the patients who participate in clinical research, intervening at the onset or progression of disease may skew results and have a negative impact on the scientific validity of a study. Extreme examples of failures to intervene can be found in the Tuskegee syphilis study and (...)
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  14.  82
    Guanxi and Conflicts of Interest.Chris Provis - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 79 (1-2):57-68.
    "Guanxi" involves interpersonal obligations, which may conflict with other obligations people have that are based on general or abstract moral considerations. In the West, the latter have been widely accepted as the general source of obligations, which is perhaps tied to social changes associated with the rise of capitalism. Recently, Western ethicists have started to reconsider the extent to which personal relationships may form a distinct basis for obligation. In administration and management, salient bases for decision-Making include deontological, consequentialist (...)
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  15.  9
    Conflict of Laws and Arbitral Discretion: The Closest Connection Test.Benjamin Hayward - 2017 - Oxford University Press UK.
    Arbitration is the dispute resolution method of choice in international commerce, but it rests on a complex legal foundation. In many international commercial contracts, the parties will choose the law governing any future disputes. However, where the parties do not choose a governing law, the prevailing approach in arbitration is to afford arbitrators broad and largely unfettered discretion to choose the law considered most appropriate or most applicable. The uncertainty resulting from this discretion potentially affects the parties' rights and obligations, (...)
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  16.  85
    Conflicts of law and morality.Kent Greenawalt (ed.) - 1987 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Powerful emotion and pursuit of self-interest have many times led people to break the law with the belief that they are doing so with sound moral reasons. This study is a comprehensive philosophical and legal analysis of the gray area in which the foundations of law and morality clash. This objective book views these oblique circumstances from two perspectives: that of the person who faces a possible conflict between the claims of morality and law and must choose whether or not (...)
  17.  23
    Managing conflicts of interest and commitment: academic medicine and the physician's progress.Norman J. Kachuck - 2011 - Journal of Medical Ethics 37 (1):2-5.
    The policy changes governing the relations between the pharmaceutical, medical device and service industries and academic clinical research physicians, recommended by the Institute of Medicine,1 the American Academy of Medical Colleges,2 and much discussed in the media and on our campuses, aim to create some protective ethical firewalls. However, some potentially critical consequences of these steps are missed if we do not acknowledge what else is on the table, and who is sitting at it. By only reacting defensively to the (...)
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  18.  15
    The Obligation of Judges to Uphold Rules of Positive Law and Possibly Conflicting Ethical Values in Context.Petra Gyöngyi - 2020 - Netherlands Journal of Legal Philosophy 49 (2):196-217.
    The obligation of judges to uphold rules of positive law and possibly conflicting ethical values in context: The case of criminalization of homelessness in Hungary This article examines the tension between the constitutional obligation of judges to uphold rules of positive law and possibly conflicting standards of conduct arising from professional-ethical values. The theoretical analysis will be illustrated by the case of Hungary, an EU member state experiencing rule of law challenges since 2010 and where the 2018-2019 criminalization (...)
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    Conflict of roles and duties – why military doctors are doctors.Daniel Messelken - 2015 - Ethics and Armed Forces 2015 (1):43–46.
    This article briefly outlines what the medical duty is, and its special role in international law, before discussing the problems resulting from the dual role as doctor and soldier, which military doctors can expect to meet conceptually, and unfortunately in reality as well. With arguments based on international humanitarian law and ethics, this article shows that greater weight should be given to the medical role.
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  20.  34
    Conflicts—and Consensus—about Conflicts of Interest in Medicine.Matthew K. Wynia & Bette–Jane Crigger - 2011 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 1 (2):101-105.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Conflicts—and Consensus—about Conflicts of Interest in MedicineMatthew K. Wynia and Bette–Jane Crigger*This fascinating collection of essays about individual experiences of conflict of interest leaves little doubt that physicians remain divided about the importance, impact and meaning of conflicts of interest in their work. These essays offer differing views about what conflicts of interest look and feel like “on the ground” and about whether specific (...) of interest are bad, just a fact of life, or maybe even good.Conflict, Conflict EverywhereThese essays situate conflict of interest in a variety of contexts: the treatment recommendations a physician makes for an individual patient; the relationship between teaching physician and medical student or practicing physician and health care organization; the interaction between academic researchers and industry collaborators or professional bodies and industry supporters. In this, the narratives taken together reflect the scope of concern about conflict of interest in medicine familiar in the literature. In his classic 1993 essay, Dennis Thompson noted that concerns about conflict of interest encompass issues of physician self–referral, risk sharing between physicians and health care institutions, gifts from industry, hospital purchasing practices, as well as sponsored research and research with patients (Thompson 1993). To that list have subsequently been added relationships with industry in medical education at all levels, physicians’ service as consultants to industry or members of industry speakers bureau, and development of clinical practice guidelines (Lo & Fields 2009).That almost none of these essays draw attention to some widely publicized situations of conflict of interest—for example, gifts to physicians or the provision of drug samples—should, we think, be seen more as an artifact of the authors’ varied individual experiences than as a failure by the authors to engage key concerns in the ongoing professional and public debate. It could also be that the authors, asked to submit personal stories, assumed that yet another essay about the ‘traditional’ issues in the conflicts of interest literature would be seen as redundant, routine or even boring. Or, there is the tantalizing possibility that the absence of some of the more familiar conflicts from these narratives is the early fruit of efforts to address these traditional issues through policies governing interactions between physicians and industry promulgated by academic medical centers and health systems, medical specialty societies, and industry.One significant area of concern that has emerged in recent years is conflict of interest in the development of clinical practice guidelines. E.g., Choudry et al. 2002; Sniderrman & Furberg 2009; Guyatt et al. 2010. Although none of the essays in this [End Page 101] collection address it head on, Perlmutter touches on several key issues. His depiction of how an FDA committee process limited the input he was able to provide as an expert, undermined his potential to contribute to the professional dialogue, and raised concerns about the objectivity of the drug approval process echoes concerns about objectivity, the role of expert opinion, and the presence on guideline development panels of individuals with financial interests in the recommendations to be developed that have been explored at some length in the literature, most recently by the Institute of Medicine in reports on evidentiary standards (Eden et al 2011) and principles for guideline development (Graham et al. 2011).Conflict of Interest or Dual Agency?Several essays set out physicians’ experience in navigating situations of diverging expectations. Bierut, for example, reflects on the disjunction between the goals and products of academic researchers and commercial sponsors. She saw herself advancing basic knowledge and was forced to grapple with the reality of sponsors’ goals to advance commercial ends as well. Nagldinne and Mikulec each recall struggles to reconcile their obligation to exercise professional judgment on behalf of patients with the demands of health care organizations focussed also on the bottom line. Cruz–Flores attests to the challenge of making recommendations for care when one is both a practicing clinician and a clinical investigator engaged in research that might offer benefit to a patient for whom there are limited options.Thompson defined conflicts of interest as “a set of conditions in which professional judgment concerning a primary interest (such as a patient’s welfare or the validity of... (shrink)
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    Who are “we”? Dealing with conflicting moral obligations.Alex Shaw & Shoham Choshen-Hillel - 2020 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 43.
    Satisfying one's obligations is an important part of being human. However, people's obligations can often prescribe contradictory behaviors. Moral obligations conflict, and so do obligations to different groups. We propose that a broader framework is needed to account for how people balance different social and moral obligations.
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  22. Consequences of Reasoning with Conflicting Obligations.Shyam Nair - 2014 - Mind 123 (491):753-790.
    Since at least the 1960s, deontic logicians and ethicists have worried about whether there can be normative systems that allow conflicting obligations. Surprisingly, however, little direct attention has been paid to questions about how we may reason with conflicting obligations. In this paper, I present a problem for making sense of reasoning with conflicting obligations and argue that no deontic logic can solve this problem. I then develop an account of reasoning based on the popular idea in ethics that reasons (...)
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    Rating the Raters: Conflicts of Interest in the Credit Rating Firms.Franklin Strier - 2008 - Business and Society Review 113 (4):533-553.
    ABSTRACTThe major credit rating agencies contributed substantially to the sub‐prime mortgage crisis by giving their highest rating to most of the collateralized debt obligations securities that were backed by these sub‐prime mortgages. Because the rating agencies are compensated by the issuers whose CDO bonds they rate, this relationship creates a prima facie conflict of interest, one that is compounded when the rating agency also consults for the issuers on designing the CDOs. While Congress and the Securities Exchange Commission investigate possible (...)
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  24.  33
    Beyond Money: Conscientious Objection in Medicine as a Conflict of Interests.Alberto Giubilini & Julian Savulescu - 2020 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 17 (2):229-243.
    Conflict of interests in medicine are typically taken to be financial in nature: it is often assumed that a COI occurs when a healthcare practitioner’s financial interest conflicts with patients’ interests, public health interests, or professional obligations more generally. Even when non-financial COIs are acknowledged, ethical concerns are almost exclusively reserved for financial COIs. However, the notion of “interests” cannot be reduced to its financial component. Individuals in general, and medical professionals in particular, have different types of interests, many (...)
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  25.  73
    (1 other version)Conflicting obligations, moral dilemmas and the development of judgement through business ethics education.Patrick Maclagan - 2012 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 21 (2):183-197.
    Learning to address moral dilemmas is important for participants on courses in business ethics and corporate social responsibility (CSR). While modern, rule-based ethical theory often provides the normative input here, this has faced criticism in its application. In response, post-modern and Aristotelian perspectives have found favour. This paper follows a similar line, presenting an approach based initially on a critical interpretation of Ross's theory of prima facie duties, which emphasises moral judgement in actual situations. However, the retention of a modern (...)
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  26.  52
    A Proposal to Address NFL Club Doctors’ Conflicts of Interest and to Promote Player Trust.I. Glenn Cohen, Holly Fernandez Lynch & Christopher R. Deubert - 2016 - Hastings Center Report 46 (S2):2-24.
    How can we ensure that players in the National Football League receive excellent health care they can trust from providers who are as free from conflicts of interest as realistically possible? NFL players typically receive care from the club's own medical staff. Club doctors are clearly important stakeholders in player health. They diagnose and treat players for a variety of ailments, physical and mental, while making recommendations to the player concerning those ailments. At the same time, club doctors have (...)
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  27.  19
    When Obligations Conflict: Necessary Violations of Trauma Informed Care in Ethics Consultation?Paul J. Ford, Georgina Morley & Lauren R. Sankary - 2022 - American Journal of Bioethics 22 (5):60-62.
    Complex clinical ethics cases require a blend of compassion, sensitivity, and tenacity in order to navigate the hard work required of stakeholders. Each person comes to the table with rich historie...
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    Covering antigone: Reporting on conflict of interest.Lee Wilkins - 1995 - Journal of Mass Media Ethics 10 (1):23 – 36.
    Coverage of conflicts of interests for elected officials, political candidates, and political appointees is receiving increasing media attention. Based on an informal content analysis of the ethics codes of several professions, this article outlines current definitions of conflict of interest and links those concepts to philiosophical thinking about professional obligation. An extended definition of conflict of interest is provided, which is particularly appropriate to politicians, and a typology of how to think through and cover potential conflict-of-interest stories is (...)
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  29. University, Republic, and Morality: On the Reversed Order of Progress in ‘The Conflict of the Faculties’.Roberta Pasquarè - manuscript
    It is commonly held that Kant, with his 1798 essay The Conflict of the Faculties, relinquishes some progressive stances and retreats to conservative positions. According to several interpreters, this is especially evident from Kant’s discussion of moral progress and public use of reason. Kant avers that moral progress can only occur through state-sanctioned education “from top to bottom” and entrusts the emergence of a state endowed with the relevant resolution and ability to “a wisdom from above” (7:92-93). According to numerous (...)
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  30.  50
    Competing interests: The need to control conflict of interests in biomedical research.Daniel Steiner - 1996 - Science and Engineering Ethics 2 (4):457-468.
    Individual and institutional conflict of interests in biomedical research have becomes matters of increasing concern in recent years. In the United States, the growth in relationships — sponsored research agreements, consultancies, memberships on boards, licensing agreements, and equity ownership — between for-profit corporations and research universities and their scientists has made the problem of conflicts, particularly financial conflicts, more acute. Conflicts can interfere with or compromise important principles and obligations of researchers and their institutions, e.g., adherence to (...)
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  31. Le devoir m'appelle? Reinach et Williams sur les limites (éthiques) de l'obligation.Basil Vassilicos - 2015 - Philosophie 128 (1):50-63.
    In this paper, I show where Adolf Reinach comes down on the question of conflicts of obligation. The aim is to look at whether Reinach’s phenomenological realism of obligation holds its own against positions developed by Bernard Williams concerning the nature and import of obligations, and their capacity or incapacity to impinge upon each other and other moral and non-moral concerns. It is shown that even if Reinach turns out to succumb to pitfalls Williams identifies, he nonetheless (...)
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  32.  21
    Ethics of humanitarian action: on aid-recipients’ vulnerability and humanitarian agencies’ distinct obligation.Chin Ruamps - 2022 - Ethics and Behavior 32 (8):647-657.
    Humanitarian assistance in conflicts sometimes undermines local coping strategies, reinforces wartime economies, and strengthens the existing power structures. This article argues that some victims of conflicts are made extremely vulnerable and uniquely dependent on humanitarian agencies. In this case, humanitarian agencies have a distinct obligation to assist them. This article considers one novel account that justifies the continued provision of aid to victims of conflicts and rejects the widespread view that aid should be withdrawn to avoid (...)
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  33. Agential Obligation as Non-Agential Personal Obligation plus Agency.Paul McNamara - 2004 - Journal of Applied Logic 2 (1):117-152.
    I explore various ways of integrating the framework for predeterminism, agency, and ability in[P.McNamara, Nordic J. Philos. Logic 5 (2)(2000) 135] with a framework for obligations. However,the agential obligation operator explored here is defined in terms of a non-agential yet personal obligation operator and a non-deontic (and non-normal) agency operator. This is contrary to the main current trend, which assumes statements of personal obligation always take agential complements. Instead, I take the basic form to be an agent’s (...)
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  34.  14
    The power of allies: Infants' expectations of social obligations during intergroup conflict.Anthea Pun, Susan A. J. Birch & Andrew Scott Baron - 2021 - Cognition 211 (C):104630.
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    Models of occupational medicine practice: an approach to understanding moral conflict in “dual obligation” doctors. [REVIEW]Jacques Tamin - 2013 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 16 (3):499-506.
    In the United Kingdom (UK), ethical guidance for doctors assumes a therapeutic setting and a normal doctor–patient relationship. However, doctors with dual obligations may not always operate on the basis of these assumptions in all aspects of their role. In this paper, the situation of UK occupational physicians is described, and a set of models to characterise their different practices is proposed. The interaction between doctor and worker in each of these models is compared with the normal doctor–patient relationship, focusing (...)
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    A Conflict Between Some Semantic Conditions of Carmo and Jones for Contrary-to-Duty Obligations.Bjørn Kjos-Hanssen - 2017 - Studia Logica 105 (1):173-178.
    We show that Carmo and Jones’ condition 5 conflicts with the other conditions on their models for contrary-to-duty obligations. We then propose a resolution to the conflict.
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    Patriotism and Justice in the Global Dimension. A Conflict of Virtues?Marta Soniewicka - 2011 - Eidos: Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad Del Norte 14:50-71.
    This paper is concerned with the problem of particularistic and objective approach to morals in the debate on global justice. The former one is usually defended by the communitarian philosophy and moderate liberal nationalism that claim for moral significance of national borders. Within this approach, patriotism is a fundamental virtue. The latter approach is presented by the cosmopolitans who apply the Rawlsian justice as fairness to the world at large. They reject moral significance of national borders and claim for equal (...)
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  38.  21
    The moral obligations of conflict and resistance.Melanie Killen & Audun Dahl - 2020 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 43:e75.
    Morality has two key features: (1) moral judgments are not solely determined by what your group thinks, and (2) moral judgments are often applied to members of other groups as well as your own group. Cooperative motives do not explain how young children reject unfairness, and assert moral obligations, both inside and outside their groups. Resistance and experience with conflicts, alongside cooperation, is key to the emergence and development of moral obligation.
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    Conflicting obligations: Pufendorf, Leibniz and Barbeyrac on civil authority.Ian Hunter - 2004 - History of Political Thought 25 (4):670-699.
    Barbeyrac's republication of and commentary on Leibniz' attack on Pufendorf's natural-law doctrine is often seen as symptomatic of the failure of all three early moderns to solve a particular moral-philosophical problem: that of the relationship between civil authority and morality. Making use of the first English translation of Barbeyrac's work, this article departs from the usual view by arguing that here we are confronted by three conflicting constructions of civil obligation, arising not from the common intellectual terrain of moral (...)
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  40. Collective action problems and conflicting obligations.Brian Talbot - 2018 - Philosophical Studies 175 (9):2239-2261.
    Enormous harms, such as climate change, often occur as the result of large numbers of individuals acting separately. In collective action problems, an individual has so little chance of making a difference to these harms that changing their behavior has insignificant expected utility. Even so, it is intuitive that individuals in many collective action problems should not be parts of groups that cause these great harms. This paper gives an account of when we do and do not have obligations to (...)
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    Conflicting obligations in human social life.Jacob B. Hirsh, Garriy Shteynberg & Michele J. Gelfand - 2020 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 43:e72.
    Tomasello describes how the sense of moral obligation emerges from a shared perspective with collaborative partners and in-group members. Our commentary expands this framework to accommodate multiple social identities, where the normative standards associated with diverse group memberships can often conflict with one another. Reconciling these conflicting obligations is argued to be a central part of human morality.
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    Tolerating Inconsistencies: A Study of Logic of Moral Conflicts.Meha Mishra & A. V. Ravishankar Sarma - 2022 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 51 (2):177-195.
    Moral conflicts are the situations which emerge as a response to deal with conflicting obligations or duties. An interesting case arises when an agent thinks that two obligations A and B are equally important, but yet fails to choose one obligation over the other. Despite the fact that the systematic study and the resolution of moral conflicts finds prominence in our linguistic discourse, standard deontic logic when used to represent moral conflicts, implies the impossibility of moral (...)
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    What are the limits to the obligations of the nurse?S. D. Edwards - 1996 - Journal of Medical Ethics 22 (2):90-94.
    This paper enquires into the nature and the extent of the obligations of nurses. It is argued that nurses appear to be obliged to undertake supererogatory acts if they take clause one of the United Kingdom Central Council for Nursing, Midwifery and Health Visiting (UKCC) Code of Professional Conduct seriously (as, indeed, they are required to do). In the first part of the paper, the nature of nursing obligations is outlined, and then the groups and individuals to whom nurses have (...)
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    Exit out of Athens? Migration and Obligation in Plato’s Crito.Jennet Kirkpatrick - 2015 - Political Theory 43 (3):356-379.
    A prevailing theme of the scholarship on Plato’s Crito has been civil disobedience, with many scholars agreeing that the Athenian Laws do not demand a slavish, authoritarian kind of obedience. While this focus on civil disobedience has yielded consensus, it has left another issue in the text relatively unexplored—that is, the challenges and attractions of leaving one’s homeland or of “exit.” Reading for exit reveals two fundamental, yet contradictory, desires in the Crito: a yearning to escape the injustice of the (...)
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    Professional obligations and the demandingness of acting against one’s conscience.Alberto Giubilini - forthcoming - Journal of Medical Ethics.
    Conscience is typically invoked in healthcare to defend a right to conscientious objection, that is, the refusal by healthcare professionals to perform certain activities in the name of personal moral or religious views. On this approach, freedom of conscience should be respected when the individual is operating in a professional capacity. Others would argue, however, that a conscientious professional is one who can set aside one’s own moral or religious views when they conflict with professional obligations. The debate on conscientious (...)
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    The Cost of Coronavirus Obligations: Respecting the Letter and Spirit of Lockdown Regulations.David M. Shaw - 2021 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 30 (2):255-261.
    We all now know that the novel coronavirus is anything but a common cold. The pandemic has created many new obligations for all of us, several of which come with serious costs to our quality of life. But in some cases, the guidance and the law are open to a degree of interpretation, leaving us to decide what is the ethical course of action. Because of the high cost of some of the obligations, a conflict of interest can arise between (...)
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  47.  80
    The conflict between randomized clinical trials and the therapeutic obligation.Fred Gifford - 1986 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 11 (4):347-366.
    The central dilemma concerning randomized clinical trials (RCTs) arises out of some simple facts about causal methodology (RCTs are the best way to generate the reliable causal knowledge necessary for optimally-informed action) and a prima facie plausible principle concerning how physicians should treat their patients (always do what it is most reasonable to believe will be best for the patient). A number of arguments related to this in the literature are considered. Attempts to avoid the dilemma fail. Appeals to informed (...)
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    The Guilt of Whistling-blowing: Conflicts in Action Research and Educational Ethnography.Mike McNamee - 2001 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 35 (3):423-441.
    This chapter discusses the role conflict of the educational researcher who comes upon an unprofessional relationship between teacher and pupil. It is argued that the whistleblowing literature in related professions, with its focus on standard conditions and solutions framed as obligations, is inadequate. Reference is made to the idea of ‘guilty knowledge’: the feelings of guilt that attach when one comes to know of harm visited on innocent others, and has no unqualified sense of which way to act. Distinguishing moral (...)
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    Conflicting codes: Professional, ethical, and legal obligations in archaeology.Joe Watkins - 1999 - Science and Engineering Ethics 5 (3):337-345.
    Archaeologists employed in governmental positions often deal with issues that produce conflicts between their professional duties to their employer, their ethical responsibilities to the resource, and their obligations as established by legislation. The paper examines some of the conflicts imposed on governmental archaeologists by each of these systems but focuses on the conflicts imposed by federal legislation and regulations on governmental archaeologists, using “Kennewick Man” as an example.
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  50. Conflicted Medical Journals and the Failure of Trust.Leemon McHenry & Jon Jureidini - 2011 - Accountability in Research 18:45-54.
    Journals are failing in their obligation to ensure that research is fairly represented to their readers, and must act decisively to retract fraudulent publications. Recent case reports have exposed how marketing objectives usurped scientific testing and compromised the credibility of academic medicine. But scant attention has been given to the role that journals play in this process, especially when evidence of research fraud fails to elicit corrective measures. Our experience with The Journal of the American Academy of Child and (...)
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