Results for 'colonial matrix of power'

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  1.  26
    Artificial Intelligence in the Colonial Matrix of Power.James Muldoon & Boxi A. Wu - 2023 - Philosophy and Technology 36 (4):1-24.
    Drawing on the analytic of the “colonial matrix of power” developed by Aníbal Quijano within the Latin American modernity/coloniality research program, this article theorises how a system of coloniality underpins the structuring logic of artificial intelligence (AI) systems. We develop a framework for critiquing the regimes of global labour exploitation and knowledge extraction that are rendered invisible through discourses of the purported universality and objectivity of AI. ​​Through bringing the political economy literature on AI production into conversation (...)
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    Agriculture, knowledge and the ‘colonial matrix of power’: approaching sustainabilities from the Global South.Johannes M. Waldmueller - 2015 - Journal of Global Ethics 11 (3):294-302.
    The proposed list of 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals sets out to reframe development according to a more holistic perspective. Yet, drawing on the example of the need for sustainable, resilient and biodiverse agriculture, it is argued here that the SDGs remain essentially grounded within one cultural understanding of how to address poverty. At least with regard to agriculture, the SDGs thus remain mono-cultural, one-dimensional, overly technocratic, and are far from universal as they fail to acknowledge the stipulated alternative pluriverse, (...)
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  3.  13
    Hierarchies among intertextual references: reading Reggaeton Ilustrado’s digital humour through the colonial matrix of power.Beatriz Carbajal-Carrera - 2024 - Critical Discourse Studies 21 (3):341-360.
    This article examines intertextuality in digital humour through a combination of tools from pragmatics and decoloniality. The study draws on a dataset of Spanish image macros that intertwine highbrow and lowbrow intertextual references. The analysis is framed by key theoretical concepts at the discursive and hierarchical levels. Specifically, three domains of the colonial matrix of power (knowledge, humanity and governance) are used as analytical categories to identify specific intertextual strategies and hierarchies present in the data. The visual (...)
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    Emancipating from (Colonial) Genealogies of the Techno-social Networks or Reversing Power Relations by Turning the Predator into Prey in Jordan Peele’s Nope.Nina Cvar - 2023 - Filozofski Vestnik 44 (2):161-80.
    The article aims to map the contemporary techno-social networks, together with delineation of the algorithmic governmentality, computational unconscious, the epistemic structure of the Eurocentric matrix of power haunted by its own repetition of the constant abyss of horrors, only to search for gestures of resistance. Gestures of resistance, contrary to the false conviction of capitalist realism, can be found everywhere, including in Jordan Peele's Nope (2022). Through a variety of motifs, themes, and cultural and cinematic references, Peele creates (...)
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    Aníbal Quijano: Foundational Essays on the Coloniality of Power.Walter D. Mignolo, Rita Segato & Catherine E. Walsh (eds.) - 2024 - Durham: Duke University Press.
    The Peruvian sociologist Aníbal Quijano is widely considered to be a foundational figure of the decolonial perspective grounded on three basic concepts: coloniality, coloniality of power, and colonial matrix of power. His decolonial theorizations of these three concepts have transformed the principles and assumptions of the very idea of knowledge, impacted the social sciences and humanities, and questioned the myth of rationality in natural sciences. The essays in this volume encompass nearly thirty years of Quijano’s work, (...)
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    Manifest injustice from the (de)colonial matrix.Ricardo Sanín-Restrepo & Gabriel Méndez-Hincapié - 2015 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 41 (1):29-36.
    Amartya Sen’s theory of enhancement of justice bears an insurmountable blind side that impairs and makes it incomplete, if not parochial. It dismisses coloniality as the veiled face of modernity (and of capitalism) without which any understanding of a theory of justice in a globalized world is impossible. Constructing a theory outside the complex frame of coloniality makes the theory vulnerable to severe hindrances. The duality (coloniality/modernity) produces a twofold but interdependent reality: for the western world it means the achievement (...)
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    The Logic of the In-Visible: Decolonial Reflections on the Change of Epoch.Walter D. Mignolo - 2020 - Theory, Culture and Society 37 (7-8):205-218.
    I argue that the lived experience we, the human species, are going through in 2020 is no longer an epoch of changes but a change of epoch. Post-pandemic is becoming meaningless in a change of epoch. My argument is based on the history of the colonial matrix of power rather than in particular thematic histories which, in this case, will be the history of pandemics and the history of the economy. Both are working together, globally now, and (...)
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  8.  20
    Entonces, ¿qué es un dispositivo? De la matriz colonial de poder a los dispositivos contemporáneos.Facundo Giuliano - 2019 - Voces de la Educación 4 (8):28-68.
    The desire that hosts this essay tries to investigate the notion of device, with regard to its modern/colonial configuration and that also affects the evaluative reason in different ways. As this notion does not seem to have a greater genealogical scope than the modernity of Hegel or Schiller, here we propose a search that allows not only to identify the main characteristics of this notion addressed by different contemporary authors, but also to see a certain archaeological scope that implies (...)
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  9.  17
    The 19th-century missionary literature: Biculturality and bi-religiosity, a reflection from the perspective of the wretched.Itumeleng D. Mothoagae & Themba Shingange - 2024 - HTS Theological Studies 80 (1):8.
    The 19th-century missionary literary genre provides us with a window into how the missionaries viewed African cultural systems, such as polygamy. In their minds, polygamy was one of the obstacles to converting Africans to Christianity. Baptism functioned as a theatre of power and submission. To access baptism, a convert had to abandon and strip themselves of that which made them Africans and adopt Western colonial Christian norms and principles. In this article, we argue that the condemnation of polygamy (...)
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  10.  8
    The colonisation of Setswana: A decolonial rereading of the 1840 Gospel of Luke.Itumeleng D. Mothoagae - 2023 - HTS Theological Studies 80 (2):7.
    In his 1840 translation of the Gospel of Luke from English into Setswana, Robert Moffat transfers Western numerals, geographic words and biblical names to Setswana. In this article, it is argued that in this translation, we see the beginning of the colonisation of Setswana. Furthermore, it is argued that in this translation, Moffat used epistemic privilege and the performance of power to facilitate the process of epistemicide on the linguistic heritage of Batswana and its indigenous knowledge system through an (...)
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  11.  7
    Decolonialidade como dádiva: o mito do pretérito mais que perfeito.Marcelo Lira Silva - 2024 - Educação E Filosofia 38:1-49.
    Resumo: Objetiva-se analisar e cotejar a teoria da decolonialidade, a partir das elaborações teóricas heterogêneas de dois de seus principais representantes na América Latina: Enrique Dussel (1934-2023) e Anibal Quijano (1928-2018). Tais elaborações teóricas apresentam-se sob a forma e conteúdo de duas chaves de leitura: o conceito de transmodernidade de Dussel e de matriz colonial de poder de Quijano; a partir das quais desenvolveram críticas à modernidade e à razão, com o propósito de forjar um novo tipo de conhecimento, (...)
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  12.  37
    La decolonización del saber y el ser mapuche: un caso de estudio al celebrarse el bicentenario de la construcción de la República de Chile.Jorge Calbucura - 2013 - Polis: Revista Latinoamericana 35.
    En el marco de la conmemoración del bicentenario se destaca una tendencia generalizada por la exaltación del bolivarismo, el nacionalismo y el indigenismo. Los tres temas evidencian una conmemoración que se caracteriza por la necesidad de recuperar la identidad o nacionalidad como instrumento de pertenencia y cohesión social. En particular en el marco de la llamada “exaltación del indigenismo” emerge la confrontación histórica entre pueblos originarios y el Estado republicano en América; esto a la luz de tres nociones, la identidad (...)
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  13.  21
    Después del COVID 19 seremos como siempre, pero de otra forma. Trazar continuidades para erigir un hito.Jimena Carrasco Madariaga - 2020 - Hybris, Revista de Filosofí­A 11 (2):55-73.
    The milestone category that is frequently used to refer to the COVID 19 pandemic is called into question to propose that the use of this category is rather what generates a distinction between a past time or a before and a future time or an after. It is proposed that the possibility that this has been erected as a milestone is given by processes that are maintained both globally and locally, even though what allows the appearance of unprecedented events for (...)
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  14. Burqas in Back Alleys: Street Art, hijab, and the Reterritorialization of Public Space.John A. Sweeney - 2011 - Continent 1 (4):253-278.
    continent. 1.4 (2011): 253—278. A Sense of French Politics Politics itself is not the exercise of power or struggle for power. Politics is first of all the configuration of a space as political, the framing of a specific sphere of experience, the setting of objects posed as "common" and of subjects to whom the capacity is recognized to designate these objects and discuss about them.(1) On April 14, 2011, France implemented its controversial ban of the niqab and burqa (...)
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    Coloniality of Power and Coloniality of Gender: Sentipensar the Struggles of Indigenous Women in Abya Yala from Worlds in Relation.Carmen Cariño & Alejandro Montelongo González - 2022 - Hypatia 37 (3):544-558.
    In this work I reflect, from the concepts of coloniality of power (Quijano 2007a) and coloniality of gender (Lugones 2008), key elements to sentipensar,2 the struggles of Indigenous women on the continent in defense of life in their territories. It is not new for Indigenous women to mobilize together with their peoples to defend the land-territory-life, but in recent years their participation has become more visible to the extent that the threat to the territories also involves fundamental elements for (...)
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  16.  6
    Josephe Maria Asteron. Kleist’s colonial salvation history.Jana Schuster - 2022 - Deutsche Vierteljahrsschrift für Literaturwissenschaft Und Geistesgeschichte 96 (4):361-409.
    Considering biblical, political, and literary intertexts (Las Casas, Shakespeare, Marino/Brockes, Schiller) with regard to the ideological correlation of sex, rule, and salvation, the paper reads Kleist’s Erdbeben in Chili as a subversive Passion narrative and salvation history following the Marian matrix of Chile’s colonial toponymy: St. Jago after the first visionary of Mary, St. Jacob, La Concepción according to the immaculate conception of Mary, and Valparaíso, Kleist’s »Tal von Eden« in the illusive utopian spirit of the Holy and (...)
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  17.  8
    Coloniality of Power and Progressive Politics in Latin America: Development, Indigenous Politics and Buen Vivir.Ronaldo Munck - 2024 - Springer Nature Switzerland.
    This book makes the powerful argument that Latin America needs to be a more central part of the discourse on emerging globalities and in the pursuit of an inter-civilizational focus to avoid West-centric perspectives. It deploys a cultural political economy approach that sees the global political economy as inescapably cultural and allows us to avoid the hyper-rational analysis of economics. It explores various aspects of contemporary Latin America from the revival of dependency theory, the ‘pink tide’ governments since 2000 and, (...)
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  18.  30
    Coloniality of Power and International Students Experience: What are the Ethical Responsibilities of Social Work and Human Service Educators?Hyacinth Udah - 2021 - Ethics and Social Welfare 15 (1):84-99.
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    Epistemic injustice and coloniality of power. Contributions to thinking about decoloniality in Latin America.Diana María López Cardona - 2022 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 66:79-96.
    What relationship can be established between the theory of epistemic injustices and the theory of the coloniality of power to think Latin America? This article proposes a dialogue between both theories to think about the actions of subaltern groups in Latin America that, by generating processes of struggle and organization, make epistemic injustices visible as part of their demands. This inquiry is presented in three moments: in the first, the conceptual field of epistemic injustices is defined —from Fricker, Medina (...)
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  20.  21
    Women of Latin America: Disencounters, Traffic of Ideas and Tr.Mariana Alvarado - 2014 - Estudios de Filosofía Práctica E Historia de Las Ideas 16 (1):13-22.
    La pregunta por la sujeto de enunciación emerge de una experiencia académica y nutre la visibilización de las diferencias que nos atraviesan como mujeres. Revisar las heridas abiertas que la invasión-conquista-colonización-evangelización europea provocó con la implantación de la matriz moderna, colonial, capitalista, patriarcal, occidental permite localizar la doble subalternidad de las mujeres latinoamericanas. Un desencuentro con el humanismo académico permite traducir las raíces que nos atraviesan a nosotras, las mujeres de América Latina. El constructo delimita en la designación un (...)
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  21.  14
    The Digital Coloniality of Power: Epistemic Disobedience in the Social Sciences and the Legitimacy of the Digital Age.Alexander I. Stingl - 2015 - Lexington Books.
    This book makes trouble: it explores the reality that digital culture is largely an extension of an older coloniality of power of the global north. It suggests a line of inquiry for the social sciences to reflect on their own imperial role and develop a contemporary critical and pragmatic scope, shifting their gaze from problems to opportunities.
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    The Matrix of Gendered Islamophobia: Muslim Women’s Repression and Resistance.Sabrina Alimahomed-Wilson - 2020 - Gender and Society 34 (4):648-678.
    Drawing on 75 semi-structured qualitative interviews with Arab, South Asian, and Black Muslim women social justice activists, ages 18–30 years, organizing in the United States and the United Kingdom, I theorize their experiences as the basis of the matrix of gendered Islamophobia. Building upon Jasmine Zine’s concept of gendered Islamophobia, I synthesize this concept with Patricia Hill Collins’s theory of the matrix of domination to give a more in-depth and nuanced structure of how gendered Islamophobia operates and is (...)
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  23.  22
    The coloniality of power from Gloria anzaldua to Arundhati Roy.Franco Moretti & Modern Epic - 2006 - In Linda Alcoff (ed.), Identity politics reconsidered. New York: Palgrave-Macmillan. pp. 152.
  24.  55
    A Contribution toward the Decolonization of Philosophy: Asserting the Coloniality of Power in the Study of Non-Western Philosophical Traditions.Gabriel Soldatenko - 2015 - Comparative and Continental Philosophy 7 (2):138-156.
    This article proposes that the study of non-Western philosophical traditions ought to include a critical awareness of the experience, impact, and legacy of colonialism. In this regard, Latin American philosophy offers us a key concept—the coloniality of power. It will be shown that coloniality enriches and complicates our understanding of both the history of Western and non-Western philosophies. More specifically, coloniality helps to clarify and answer the following questions: First, how was it that the discipline of philosophy came to (...)
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  25.  43
    Questioning the Role of Anti-Blackness in Quijano’s Theory of Coloniality of Power.Rosa O’Connor Acevedo - 2023 - Radical Philosophy Review 26 (2):205-233.
    The author argues that Quijano’s conceptualization of race within the theory of coloniality of power is limited and theoretically insufficient given its lack of elaboration regarding the role of anti-Blackness in Spanish colonization. This article contrasts the idea of coloniality of power with Cedric Robinson’s elaboration of racial capitalism to demonstrates how Robinson has a more complex and historically rich analysis of race that centers the expansion of racial capitalism with the invention of the Negro subject. The article (...)
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  26. Border Thinking, minoritized Studies, and realist Interpellations: the Coloniality of Power from Gloria Anzaldúa to Arundhati roy.José David Saldívar - 2006 - In Linda Alcoff (ed.), Identity politics reconsidered. New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
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  27.  11
    Caribbean society was forged in a colonial context of brutal encounters between various European powers, the indigenous peoples of the region, and the Africans who were kidnapped, shipped across the Atlantic, and enslaved on plantations in the New World. Later arrivals were the East Indians, Chi-nese, and Portuguese who came as indentured servants and a Jewish, Syrian.English Caribbean - 2011 - In Godfrey Baldacchino (ed.), Island songs: a global repertoire. Lanham, Md.: Scarecrow Press. pp. 1.
  28. Heidegger’s Early Nietzsche Lecture Courses and the Question of Resistance.Tracy Colony - 2004 - Studia Phaenomenologica 4 (1-2):151-172.
    It is well known that Heidegger described his Nietzsche lecture courses as confrontations with National Socialism. Traditionally, this sense of resistance was seen firstly in the fact that Heidegger read Nietzsche at the level of metaphysics and explicitly rejected those ideological appropriations which attempted to reduce Nietzsche’s philosophy to the level of biologism or mere Weltanschauung. This essay argues that the way in which Heidegger framed his interpretation of will to power in his first and second Nietzsche lecture courses (...)
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  29.  26
    Race and the Education of Desire: Foucault’s History of Sexuality and the Colonial Order of Things.Ann Laura Stoler - 1995 - Duke University Press.
    Michel Foucault’s _History of Sexuality_ has been one of the most influential books of the last two decades. It has had an enormous impact on cultural studies and work across many disciplines on gender, sexuality, and the body. Bringing a new set of questions to this key work, Ann Laura Stoler examines volume one of _History of Sexuality_ in an unexplored light. She asks why there has been such a muted engagement with this work among students of colonialism for whom (...)
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  30.  26
    The Anti-coloniality of Power and the Coloniality of Diasporas. [REVIEW]Paget Henry - 2015 - CLR James Journal 21 (1-2):184-190.
  31.  89
    Telling Silence.Tracy Colony - 2004 - Epoché: A Journal for the History of Philosophy 9 (1):117-136.
    In this article, I argue that the question of divinity provides an important context for reading Heidegger’s initial two Nietzsche lecture courses (1936–37). First,I demonstrate how this often overlooked background can shed light upon the way in which Heidegger understood the meanings of will to power and eternal recurrence in this period. Second, I argue that the related themes of need (Not) and necessity (Notwendigkeit) in these lectures can be seen as an important framework for understanding the relation between (...)
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    Foucault's politics and bellicosity as a matrix for power relations.Marcelo Hoffman - 2007 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 33 (6):756-778.
    From the early to mid-1970s, Michel Foucault posited that power consists of a relation rather than a substance and that this relation is comprised of unequal forces engaged in a warlike struggle against each other, resulting invariably in the domination of some forces over others. This understanding of power, which he retrospectively dubbed `Nietzsche's hypothesis' and `the model of war', underpinned his well-known analyses of disciplinary power. Yet, Foucault in his Collège de France course from the academic (...)
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  33.  13
    Domination without Hegemony – the Concept of Power in Post-colonial Studies at the school of Subaltern Studies.Eliasz Robakiewicz - 2018 - Nowa Krytyka 40:149-166.
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  34. The power of power—questions to Michel Foucault.Norbert Ricken - 2006 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 38 (4):541–560.
    To question power means also to ask what makes us governable and enables us to govern. This paper addresses this issue by rephrasing the question ‘what is power?’ into the question: ‘to what problem can power be seen as a response?’. This transformation allows us to keep the ‘power of power’ in sight. It then elucidates the ‘how’ of power through some conceptual explorations and theoretical clarifications as well as through an explicitly anthropological problematisation (...)
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  35.  8
    Semantics of Power: Written Communication, Formal Documentation and Codified Law in British Malabar.Thapasya Jayaraj & K. C. Navas - 2024 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 37 (7):2151-2174.
    Linguistic choices have different attributions beyond their literal meaning according to their contexts. This paper looks at the variations in the discourses seen in the written colonial agreements and treaties during the Malabar conquest. The study employs the archived documents of various discourses during this period as a part of power shifting from the local elites to the colonial power. It explores how power is intertwined in the linguistic choices of different communication files. The study (...)
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    The Bethel Colony: Intersections of Culture and Built Form in a Bible Communist Utopia.Janet R. White - 2017 - Utopian Studies 28 (1):1-44.
    In fall 1844, a party of colonists led by William Keil arrived at what was to become their new home, a gentle slope rising from the bank of the North River in Shelby County, Missouri, about forty-five miles west of Hannibal. One year later the utopian Bethel Colony had been laid out, houses were being added as fast as they could be built, and construction of a steam-powered gristmill was under way.The Bethel colonists were Bible Communists who found the inspiration (...)
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    Sovereignty and constituent power: reimagining the process of constituent power through the politico-legal matrix of sovereignty.Ayesha Wijayalath - 2023 - Australian Journal of Legal Philosophy 48 (1):61-76.
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    Knowledge and racial violence: the shine and shadow of ‘powerful knowledge’.Sophie Rudolph, Arathi Sriprakash & Jessica Gerrard - 2018 - Ethics and Education 13 (1):22-38.
    This paper offers a critique of ‘powerful knowledge’ – a concept in Education Studies that has been presented as a just basis for school curricula. Powerful knowledge is disciplinary knowledge produced and refined through a process of ‘specialisation’ that usually occurs in universities. Drawing on postcolonial, decolonial and Indigenous studies, we show how powerful knowledge seems to focus on the progressive impulse of modernity while overlooking the ruination of colonial racism. We call on scholars and practitioners working with the (...)
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  39.  28
    Book Review: Women who Live Evil Lives: Gender, Religion, and the Politics of Power in Colonial Guatemala. [REVIEW]Sarah C. Chambers - 2006 - Feminist Review 83 (1):171-173.
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    A festschrift for A. J. Graham V. B. Gorman, E. W. Robinson (edd.): Oikistes. Studies in constitutions, colonies, and military power in the ancient world offered in honor of A. J. Graham (mnemosyne suppl. 234.) pp. XVII + 396, maps, ills. Leiden, boston, and cologne: Brill, 2002. Cased, €89/us$104. Isbn: 90-04-12579-. [REVIEW]P. J. Rhodes - 2004 - The Classical Review 54 (01):148-.
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    The Economics of Ecstasy: Tantra, Secrecy, and Power in Colonial BengalSongs of Ecstasy: Tantric and Devotional Songs from Colonial Bengal.Rachel Fell McDermott & Hugh B. Urban - 2003 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 123 (4):904.
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    Theorizing untranslatability: Temporalities and ambivalence in colonial literature of Taiwan and Korea.Pei Jean Chen - 2021 - Thesis Eleven 162 (1):62-74.
    This paper theorizes and historicizes the ideas of modern language and translation and challenges the imperialist and nationalistic mode of worlding with the notion of ‘untranslatability’ that is embedded in the linguistic and cultural practices of colonial Taiwan and Korea. I redefine the notion of translation as a bordering system – the knowledge-production of boundaries, discrimination, and classification – that simultaneously creates the translatable and the untranslatable (i.e. the equivalence and incommensurability) in asymmetrical power relations. With this, I (...)
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    The Paradox of Power.Franck Chouraqui - 2017 - Chiasmi International 19:69-86.
    L’analyse du pouvoir que propose Merleau-Ponty dans sa confrontation avec le Marxisme et le bolchévisme tente de penser ce paradoxe : le phénomène du pouvoir contient deux sous-phénomènes: premièrement, le pouvoir d’une entité politique (Prince, Etat, Parti etc.) est reconnu s’il est perçu comme donné (moment de reconnaissance) ; deuxièmement, le pouvoir de cette entité dépend de ladite reconnaissance (moment d’institution). Le premier moment constate le donné alors que l’autre le conteste. L’article se propose de comprendre, premièrement, dans quelle mesure (...)
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    Filipinising colonial gender values: A history of gender formation in Philippine higher education.A. M. Leal R. Rodriguez - 2025 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 57 (1):79-90.
    The complicated colonial history of the Philippines impacts notions of gender in the Islands. Specifically, institutions with strong foreign roots, such as universities, maintain and challenge gender relations. The Philippines sees multiple gender issues in universities despite government-mandated gender mainstreaming policies for education (CMO-1), yet the influence of colonial values remains overlooked. This article contributes to philosophising Philippine education by providing the history of the country’s universities and their role in shaping gender relations. A threefold model of gender (...)
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    Violence as an Expression of Power: A Habermasian Reconfiguration of the Arendtian Relationship Between Violence and Power.Kyu-Hyun Jo - 2021 - Arendt Studies 5:161-183.
    Hannah Arendt’s conception of violence in On Violence ignores cases in which violence becomes an expression of power. Through my discussion of a government’s use of violence to control criminal violence and the Algerian Revolution, I argue that an Arendtian communicative relationship between power and violence is unrealistic; a decision to use violence can arise within a government bureaucracy or between an anti-colonial group and their supporters, but not between a colonial oppressor and the oppressed. The (...)
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    For the Decolonization of the Researcher's Self: An Encounter with Brazilian Quilombola Women and Reflections about the Coloniality of Rurality.Fernanda Silva, Paula Martins & Alexandre Carrieri - 2020 - Hypatia 35 (3):490-508.
    This article presents reflections on our experience with quilombola women, through the lens of the coloniality of power-knowledge. The text aims to challenge the contradictions we face as researchers and as women. We describe the workshop we presented over four days with the participation of the quilombola women, as well as the quilombo community where the activities were held. We discuss the performance of coloniality during the time we spent together and how it was present in the organization of (...)
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    Facing the sexual demon of colonial power:1 Decolonising sexual violence in South Africa.Louise du Toit & Azille Coetzee - 2018 - European Journal of Women's Studies 25 (2):214-227.
    In this article the authors discuss in broad strokes the work of two theorists, namely Nigerian sociologist Oyèrónkẹ́ Oyěwùmí and Argentinian philosopher Maria Lugones to argue that a specific logic of sexualisation accompanied, permeated and coloured the colonial project of racialising the ‘native’. The sexual wound which to a great extent explains the abjection of the racialised body, is a key aspect of the colony and should therefore also be a central theme in any properly critical discourse on decolonisation (...)
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  48.  9
    Discerning the Powers in Post-Colonial Africa and Asia: A Treatise on Christian Statecraft.Pak Nung Wong - 2016 - Singapore: Imprint: Springer.
    Qualifying post-Westphalian sovereign statehood as a 'power' as argued for in Hendrik Berkhoff's political theology, this book addresses the decades-long theological-spiritual debate between Christian realism and Christian pacifism in U.S. foreign policy and global Christian circles. It approaches the debate by delving into the pacifist Anabaptist political theology and delineates empirically how sovereign statehood in post-colonial Africa and Asia has fallen into the hands of the devil Satan, as a 'fallen power' in the Foucaultian terms of (...) structures, techniques and episteme. While the book offers intervention schemes and options, it holds that Christian statecraft remains the source of hope to effectively address a number of serious global issues. By extension, the book is thus an invitation to ignite debates on the suitability of Christian statecraft and the nexus between spirituality and world politics, making it especially interesting for scholars and students in the fields of International Politics, Politics of Asian and African States, Post-colonial Studies and Political Theology.. (shrink)
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    An Alternative Solution to Lifting the Ban on Doping: Breaking the Payoff Matrix of Professional Sport by Shifting Liability Away from Athletes.Silvia Camporesi - 2017 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 11 (1):109-118.
    The persistence of doping in professional sports—either by individuals on an isolated basis and by whole teams as part of a systematic doping programme—means that professional sport today is rarely if ever untainted. There are financial incentives in place that incentivise doping and there are data that show that doping is often a systematic, organised enterprise. The main question to be answered today in professional sports is whether doping’s repressive anti-doping policies do not have greater negative consequences for society. Whilst (...)
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    Veiled Resistance: Algerian Women And The Resignification Of Patriarchal And Colonial Discourses Of Embodiment.Penelope Ingram - 2009 - Journal for Peace and Justice Studies 19 (1):50-65.
    “Veiled Resistance” explores the relationship between discourse and power through the figure of the veiled woman. Ingram argues that while veiled women historically have been produced as Other in Orientalist discourse, they also have subverted these dominant representations by manipulating the significations of the veil. Using the example of veiling practices employed by Algerian womenduring the Algerian Revolution , as well as the recent actions of Muslim women in Europe who are choosing to defy the law by veiling and, (...)
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