Results for 'co-evolution'

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  1.  24
    Modeling Co‐evolution of Speech and Biology.Bart de Boer - 2016 - Topics in Cognitive Science 8 (2):459-468.
    Two computer simulations are investigated that model interaction of cultural evolution of language and biological evolution of adaptations to language. Both are agent‐based models in which a population of agents imitates each other using realistic vowels. The agents evolve under selective pressure for good imitation. In one model, the evolution of the vocal tract is modeled; in the other, a cognitive mechanism for perceiving speech accurately is modeled. In both cases, biological adaptations to using and learning speech (...)
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    The Co‐evolution of Speech and the Lexicon: The Interaction of Functional Pressures, Redundancy, and Category Variation.Bodo Winter & Andrew Wedel - 2016 - Topics in Cognitive Science 8 (2):503-513.
    The sound system of a language must be able to support a perceptual contrast between different words in order to signal communicatively relevant meaning distinctions. In this paper, we use a simple agent-based exemplar model in which the evolution of sound-category systems is understood as a co-evolutionary process, where the range of variation within sound categories is constrained by functional pressure to keep different words perceptually distinct. We show that this model can reproduce several observed effects on the range (...)
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  3.  68
    Co-Evolution: Law and Institutions in International Ethics Research.Carla C. J. M. Millar, Chong-Ju Choi & Philip Y. K. Cheng - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 87 (4):455-462.
    Despite the importance of the co-evolution approach in various branches of research, such as strategy, organisation theory, complexity, population ecology, technology and innovation (Lewin et al., 1999; March, 1991), co-evolution has been relatively neglected in international business and ethics research (Madhok and Phene, 2001). The purpose of this article is to show how co-evolution theory provides a theoretical framework within which some issues of ethics research are addressed. Our analysis is in the context of the contrasts between (...)
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    The Co-evolution of Leaders’ Cognitive Complexity and Corporate Sustainability: The Case of the CEO of Puma.Tobias Hahn, Patricia Gabaldón & Stefan Gröschl - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 155 (3):741-762.
    In this longitudinal study, we explore the co-evolution of the cognitive complexity of the CEO of Puma, Jochen Zeitz, and his view and initiatives on sustainability. Our purpose was to explore how the changes in a leader’s mindset relate to his/her views and actions on sustainability. In contrast to previous studies, we adopt an in-depth longitudinal case study approach to capture the role of leaders’ cognitive complexity in the context of corporate sustainability. By understanding the cognitive development of Zeitz (...)
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    Co-Evolution in Relation to Small Cars and Sustainability in China: Interactions Between Central and Local Governments, and With Business.Stephen Tsang & Ans Kolk - 2017 - Business and Society 56 (4):576-616.
    This article explores how the institutional context, including central and local governments, has co-evolved with business in relation to small cars and sustainability. This issue is very relevant for business and society in view of the environmental implications of the rapidly growing vehicle fleet in China, the economic importance attached to this pillar industry by the government, and citizen interest in owning and driving increasingly larger cars. The interactions between different levels of government, and with business in countries with a (...)
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  6.  44
    Co-evolution of language-size and the critical period.James R. Hurford & Simon Kirby - 1998 - In James R. Hurford & Simon Kirby (eds.), [Book Chapter] (Unpublished).
    Species evolve, very slowly, through selection of genes which give rise to phenotypes well adapted to their environments. The cultures, including the languages, of human communities evolve, much faster, maintaining at least a minimum level of adaptedness to the external, non- cultural environment. In the phylogenetic evolution of species, the transmission of information across generations is via copying of molecules, and innovation is by mutation and sexual recombination. In cultural evolution, the transmission of information across generations is by (...)
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    The co-evolution of intersubjectivity and bodily mimesis.Jordan Zlatev - 2008 - In J. Zlatev, T. Racine, C. Sinha & E. Itkonen (eds.), The Shared Mind: Perspectives on Intersubjectivity. John Benjamins. pp. 215--244.
  8.  57
    Modeling Co‐evolution of Speech and Biology.Bart Boer - 2016 - Topics in Cognitive Science 8 (2):459-468.
    Two computer simulations are investigated that model interaction of cultural evolution of language and biological evolution of adaptations to language. Both are agent-based models in which a population of agents imitates each other using realistic vowels. The agents evolve under selective pressure for good imitation. In one model, the evolution of the vocal tract is modeled; in the other, a cognitive mechanism for perceiving speech accurately is modeled. In both cases, biological adaptations to using and learning speech (...)
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  9.  62
    Co-evolution of phylogeny and glossogeny: There is no “logical problem of language evolution”.W. Tecumseh Fitch - 2008 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 31 (5):521-522.
    Historical language change (), like evolution itself, is a fact; and its implications for the biological evolution of the human capacity for language acquisition () have been ably explored by many contemporary theorists. However, Christiansen & Chater's (C&C's) revolutionary call for a replacement of phylogenetic models with glossogenetic cultural models is based on an inadequate understanding of either. The solution to their lies before their eyes, but they mistakenly reject it due to a supposed Gene/;culture co-evolution poses (...)
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  10. The co-evolution of tools and minds: cognition and material culture in the hominin lineage.Ben Jeffares - 2010 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 9 (4):503-520.
    The structuring of our environment to provide cues and reminders for ourselves is common: We leave notes on the fridge, we have a particular place for our keys where we deposit them, making them easy to find. We alter our world to streamline our cognitive tasks. But how did hominins gain this capacity? What pushed our ancestors to structure their physical environment in ways that buffered thinking and began the process of using the world cognitively? I argue that the capacity (...)
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  11.  36
    On the Neurocognitive Co‐Evolution of Tool Behavior and Language: Insights from the Massive Redeployment Framework.François Osiurak, Caroline Crétel, Natalie Uomini, Chloé Bryche, Mathieu Lesourd & Emanuelle Reynaud - 2021 - Topics in Cognitive Science 13 (4):684-707.
    Understanding the link between brain evolution and the evolution of distinctive features of modern human cognition is a fundamental challenge. A still unresolved question concerns the co-evolution of tool behavior (i.e., tool use or tool making) and language. The shared neurocognitive processes hypothesis suggests that the emergence of the combinatorial component of language skills within the frontal lobe/Broca's area made possible the complexification of tool-making skills. The importance of the frontal lobe/Broca's area in tool behavior is somewhat (...)
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  12.  31
    Co-evolution, Knowledge and Education: Adding Value to Learners’ Options.Stephen Gough - 2009 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 28 (1):27-38.
    The paper adopts the co-evolutionary perspective on the human society/natural environment relationship developed, particularly, by the economist Richard Norgaard. This implies that human environmental knowledge is necessarily dynamic and incomplete. By extension, it is also fragmentary, in the sense that what may hold true when considering particular spatial and/or temporal scales may otherwise be false. The paper briefly explores the implications for rationality and belief, focusing particularly on the powerful role of metaphor in our collective and individual sense-making. The implications (...)
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  13.  39
    The Co‐evolution of cooperation and complexity in a multi‐player, local‐interaction prisoners' dilemma.Peter S. Albin & Duncan K. Foley - 2001 - Complexity 6 (3):54-63.
  14. La co-évolution de la matière et de la conscience.Max Velmans - 2007 - Synthesis Philosophica 22 (2):273-282.
    Les théories de l’évolution de la conscience sont étroitement liées aux théories de la distribution de la conscience qui vont des approches considérant que seulement l’homme a une conscience jusqu’aux approches considérant que toute matière possède une conscience en quelque sorte. De manière générale, on peut distinguer les théories de la discontinuité des théories de la continuité. Les théories de la discontinuité considèrent que la conscience est apparue seulement une fois que les formes matérielles ont atteint un certain degré d’évolution (...)
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  15.  51
    The (Co)Evolution of Language and Music Under Human Self-Domestication.Antonio Benítez-Burraco & Aleksey Nikolsky - 2023 - Human Nature 34 (2):229-275.
    Together with language, music is perhaps the most distinctive behavioral trait of the human species. Different hypotheses have been proposed to explain why only humans perform music and how this ability might have evolved in our species. In this paper, we advance a new model of music evolution that builds on the self-domestication view of human evolution, according to which the human phenotype is, at least in part, the outcome of a process similar to domestication in other mammals, (...)
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    The co-evolution of knowledge and event memory.Angela B. Nelson & Richard M. Shiffrin - 2013 - Psychological Review 120 (2):356-394.
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  17. The co-evolution of cosmopolitan and national statehood : preliminary theoretical considerations on the historical evolution of constitutionalism.Hauke Brunkhorst - 2015 - In Anastasia Marinopoulou (ed.), Cosmopolitan modernity. New York: Peter Lang.
  18. Co-evolution between humans and domesticates: the cultural selection of animal coat-colour diversity among the Bodi.Katsuyoshi Fukui - 1996 - In R. F. Ellen & Katsuyoshi Fukui (eds.), Redefining nature: ecology, culture, and domestication. Washington, D.C.: Berg. pp. 319--386.
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    When is it co-evolution? A reply to Steen and co-authors.Mark Sagoff - 2019 - Biology and Philosophy 34 (1):10.
    David Steen and co-authors in this journal offer a philosophical argument to support an “Evolutionary Community Concept” to identify what they call “evolutionary communities.” They describe these as “unique collections of species that interact and have co-evolved in a given geographic area” and that include “co-evolved dependencies between different parts of a community.” Steen et al. refer to the coevolution of assemblages, collections, communities, dependencies, interspecific and abiotic interactions, and traits, but they do not define “co-evolution” or provide an (...)
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  20.  34
    Co-evolution of internalization and externalization in the emergence of the human lexicon.Haruka Fujita - 2020 - Evolutionary Linguistic Theory 2 (2):195-215.
    There has been a long-standing controversy in the context of language evolution on whether the original function of human language was internal thought or external communication. However, given the fact that language clearly serves both functions, internalization and externalization must have been co-evolutionarily acted in the emergence of human language. This article proposes a theoretical hypothesis about this co-evolutionary relationship of internalization and externalization, which especially explains the emergence of the human lexicon. To discuss the evolution of language (...)
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  21.  17
    Co-evolution of Information Society and Information Ethical Consciousness. 최문기 - 2008 - Journal of Ethics: The Korean Association of Ethics 1 (69):215-241.
    정보사회에서 새로운 정보통신 테크놀로지의 도입과 적용은 급격한 사회변동을 유발하고, 여기에 사회의 제도와 환경 정비, 개인의 문화적 적응이 제대로 뒤따르지 못할 경우, 정보윤리에서 염려하는 많은 문제점들이 발생한다. 예컨대, 전자상거래, 전자정보, 원격교육, 원격의료, 텔레뱅킹, 텔레워킹 등의 정보통신 테크놀로지가 새로운 사회 변동을 추동하지만, 여기에 필요한 법적 및 사회적 제도, 그리고 문화적 규범들이 갖추어지지 않는다면, 심각한 문화적 갭이나 지체가 나타난다.최근 세계적 수준에서의 지식 확장, 테크놀로지 진보, 경제 성장 등에 의해 유발된 사회변동은 인간 의식의 변화보다 훨씬 더 빠른 비율로 이루어진다. 변화율에서의 이러한 불일치는 오늘날 ‘세계적인 (...)
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  22.  26
    The co-evolution of cooperation and communication: Alternative accounts.Nima Mussavifard & Gergely Csibra - 2023 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 46:e11.
    We challenge the proposal that partner-choice ecology explains the evolutionary emergence of ostensive communication in humans. The good fit between these domains might be because of the opposite relation (ostensive communication promotes the evolution of cooperation) or because of the dependence of both these human-specific traits on a more ancient contributor to human cognitive evolution: the use of technology.
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  23.  20
    The co-evolution of nativist beliefs and tolerant attitudes.Olivier Lemeire & Andreas De Block - 2016 - ASEBL Journal 12 (1):27-29.
    Commentary on Lesly Newson and Peter Richerson, Moral Beliefs about Homosexuality: Testing a Cultural Evolutionary Hypothesis.
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    The Co-evolution of Honesty and Strategic Vigilance.Christophe Heintz, Mia Karabegovic & Andras Molnar - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7:186680.
    We hypothesize that when honesty is not motivated by selfish goals, it reveals social preferences that have evolved for convincing strategically vigilant partners that one is a person worth cooperating with. In particular, we explain how the patterns of dishonest behavior observed in recent experiments can be motivated by preferences for social and self-esteem. These preferences have evolved because they are adaptive in an environment where it is advantageous to be selected as a partner by others and where these others (...)
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  25.  7
    Creativity, co-evolution and co-production.Renzo Filinich & Christo Doherty - 2024 - Technophany 2 (1).
    With the understanding that art and technology continue to experience a (rapidly escalating) historical rapprochement, but also with the understanding that our comprehension of art and technology has tended to be constrained by scientific rigour and calculative thinking by one side, or have tended to change to the extreme from the lyrical: the objective of this article is to provide a reflective look for artists, humanists, scientists and engineers to consider these developments from the broader perspective it deserves, while maintaining (...)
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  26.  26
    Innovator or Troublemaker? The Co-evolution of Ethical Controversies, Legitimation and Institutionalisation of the Ridesharing Firms in China.Xiao-Xiao Liu, Feng Xiong & Xingqiang Du - 2023 - Journal of Business Ethics 186 (4):723-737.
    The ethical controversies of firms in the sharing economy (SE) have recently drawn attention and caused debates. Ridesharing firms violate laws in many countries, but how they become legitimised remains underexplored. We apply the co-evolutionary perspective to examine how ethical controversies, legitimation and institutionalisation co-evolve in the ridesharing segment in the dynamic and changing institutional environment of China. We conducted a case study on Didi using firm-institution dual-level analysis based on stakeholder salience theory (SST) and the Orders of Worth framework. (...)
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  27.  41
    Co‐evolution of departmental research collaboration and scholarly outcomes.David Katerndahl - 2012 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 18 (6):1241-1247.
  28.  49
    Niche-construction, co-evolution, and domain-specificity.James R. Hurford - 2008 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 31 (5):526-526.
    That language is shaped to fit the human brain is close to the Chomskyan position. The target article by Christiansen & Chater (C&C) assumes an entity, outside individual heads. What is the nature of this entity? Linguistic niche-construction and co-evolution of language and genes are possible, with some of what evolved being language-specific. Recent generative theory postulates much less than the old Universal Grammar (UG).
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  29. Co-evolution of human consciousness and language.Michael A. Arbib - 2001 - Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 929:195-220.
  30.  28
    On Co-Evolution.John Rensenbrink - 2016 - Dialogue and Universalism 26 (4):21-24.
    The theory and practice of co-evolution offers a way forward for humanity that goes well beyond the deterministic confines of an outmoded mechanistic science that still inhabits much academic thought and research; and also goes well beyond postdeterministic efforts to exempt the human mind and will from its presumed inexorable embeddedness in the mechanistically perceived life and motions of the body. Coevolution rejects both and goes to the root of the matter regarding nature. It decisively affirms the post-mechanistic understandings (...)
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  31. Nonlinear synthesis and co‐evolution of complex systems.Helena Knyazeva & Sergei P. Kurdyumov - 2001 - World Futures 57 (3):239-261.
    Today a change is imperative in approaching global problems: what is needed is not arm-twisting and power politics, but searching for ways of co-evolution in the complex social and geopolitical systems of the world. The modern theory of self-organization of complex systems provides us with an understanding of the possible forms of coexistence of heterogeneous social and geopolitical structures at different stages of development regarding the different paths of their sustainable co-evolutionary development. The theory argues that the evolutionary channel (...)
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  32.  13
    Stages of Thought:The Co-Evolution of Religious Thought and Science: The Co-Evolution of Religious Thought and Science.Michael Horace Barnes - 2000 - Oxford University Press USA.
    In Stages of Thought, Michael Barnes examines a pattern of cognitive development that has evolved over thousands of years--a pattern manifest in both science and religion. He describes how the major world cultures built upon our natural human language skills to add literacy, logic, and, now, a highly critical self-awareness. In tracing the histories of both scientific and religious thought, Barnes shows why we think the way that we do today. Although religious and scientific modes of thought are often portrayed (...)
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  33. Anthropomorphism in Human–Robot Co-evolution.Luisa Damiano & Paul Dumouchel - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:468.
    Social robotics entertains a particular relationship with anthropomorphism, which it neither sees as a cognitive error, nor as a sign of immaturity. Rather it considers that this common human tendency, which is hypothesized to have evolved because it favored cooperation among early humans, can be used today to facilitate social interactions between humans and a new type of cooperative and interactive agents - social robots. This approach leads social robotics to focus research on the engineering of robots that activate anthropomorphic (...)
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  34. The co-evolution of virtue and desert: debunking intuitions about intrinsic value.Isaac Wiegman & Michael T. Dale - 2024 - Synthese 204 (4):1-18.
    Thomas Hurka’s recursive account of value appeals to certain intuitions to expand the class of intrinsic values, placing concepts of virtue and desert within the realm of second and third order intrinsic goods, respectively. This is a formalization of a tradition of thought extending back to Aristotle and Kant via the British moralists, G. E. Moore, and W. D. Ross. However, the evidential status of such intuitions vis a vis the real, intrinsic value of virtue and desert is hostage to (...)
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  35. Universal parasitism and the co-evolution of extended.Richard Dawkins - 1989 - Whole Earth Review.
    IN MANY RELIGIOUS CULTS AROUND THE world, ancestors Features are worshipped. And well they may be, for ancestors, not gods, hold..
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  36.  71
    Cows desiring to be milked? Milking robots and the co-evolution of ethics and technology on Dutch dairy farms.Clemens Driessen & Leonie F. M. Heutinck - 2015 - Agriculture and Human Values 32 (1):3-20.
    Ethical concerns regarding agricultural practices can be found to co-evolve with technological developments. This paper aims to create an understanding of ethics that is helpful in debating technological innovation by studying such a co-evolution process in detail: the development and adoption of the milking robot. Over the last decade an increasing number of milking robots, or automatic milking systems (AMS), has been adopted, especially in the Netherlands and a few other Western European countries. The appraisal of this new technology (...)
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  37.  70
    Forever united: the co-evolution of language and normativity.Ehud Lamm - 2014 - In Daniel Dor, Christopher Knight & Jerome Lewis (eds.), The social origins of language: Studies in the evolution of language. Oxford University Press. pp. 267-283.
    Language and norms are both fundamental to human society. A social account of language evolution must take into account the normative context in which language acquisition, use, and change occur. However, at the same time, norms in human society are directly affected by language and the linguistic skills of individuals. My aim in this chapter is to explore the evolutionary consequences of this bi-directional interaction. I discuss how it can help explain central linguistic notions including imperatives, questions, possessives, modal (...)
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  38.  49
    When does the co-evolution of technology and science overturn into technoscience?Ulrich Fiedeler - 2011 - Poiesis and Praxis 8 (2-3):83-101.
    In this paper, the relations between science and technology, intervention and representation, the natural and the artificial are analysed on the background of the formation of modern science in the sixteenth century. Due to the fact that technique has been essential for modern science from its early beginning, modern science is characterised by a hybridisation of knowledge and intervention. The manipulation of nature in order to measure its properties has steadily increased until artificial things have been produced, such as laser (...)
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    The Co-evolution of Mind and Machine.Jerome C. Glenn - 1989 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 9 (3):222-225.
    The Post-Information Age will see the merger of humans and their technologies, perhaps creating an entirely new species.
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    The Co-evolution of Mind and Machine: The Post-Information Age will see the merger of humans and their technologies, perhaps creating an entirely new species.Jerome C. Glenn - 1989 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 9 (4):222-227.
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    Exaptation in the Co-evolution of Technology and Mind: New Perspectives from Some Old Literature.Oliver Schlaudt - 2022 - Philosophy and Technology 35 (2):1-26.
    The term exaptation, describing the phenomenon that an existing trait or tool proves to be of new adaptive value in a new context, is flourishing in recent literature from cultural evolution and cognitive archaeology. Yet there also exists an older literature from the nineteenth and twentieth centuries which studied more or less systematically the phenomenon of “change of function” in culture and tool use. Michel Foucault and Ludwig Noiré, who devoted themselves to the history of social institutions and material (...)
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  42.  70
    A system of innovation? Integrated water resources management complemented with co-evolution: Examples from palestinian and israeli joint water management.Urooj Quezon Amjad - 2006 - World Futures 62 (3):157 – 170.
    A concept of co-evolution is argued to complement Integrated Water Resource Management's gap in administrative integration. Co-evolution's complement to Integrated Water Resource Management is explored through issues surrounding joint water management arrangements between the Israelis and Palestinians in the late 1990s and early 21st century. How co-evolution contributes to such a water management approach highlights how we might think about what it means to encourage innovation. Conclusions of the article suggest co-evolution provides the language and description (...)
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  43.  25
    Industry Reputation Crisis and Firm Certification: A Co-evolution Perspective.Yanying Chen, Liang Ping & Feng Helen Liang - 2023 - Journal of Business Ethics 186 (4):761-780.
    Industry reputation crises trigger producers and consumers to switch to certification as a signal of quality, especially in a weak institutional environment. In this paper, we posit that firm certification as a signaling mechanism involves the co-evolution of firms and consumers. We investigate the impact of industry reputation crises on firm certification as a response strategy. Feedback between producers and consumers causes producers to seek more certifications over time to differentiate themselves from competitors. However, the proliferation of certifications may (...)
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  44.  31
    Tuning a ménage à trois: Co-evolution and co-adaptation of nuclear and organellar genomes in plants.Stephan Greiner & Ralph Bock - 2013 - Bioessays 35 (4):354-365.
    Plastids and mitochondria arose through endosymbiotic acquisition of formerly free-living bacteria. During more than a billion years of subsequent concerted evolution, the three genomes of plant cells have undergone dramatic structural changes to optimize the expression of the compartmentalized genetic material and to fine-tune the communication between the nucleus and the organelles. The chimeric composition of many multiprotein complexes in plastids and mitochondria (one part of the subunits being nuclear encoded and another one being encoded in the organellar genome) (...)
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    The Co-evolution of the Way of the Sage and the Ceremonial Sacrifice to Sage Confucius. 유은주 - 2014 - THE JOURNAL OF ASIAN PHILOSOPHY IN KOREA 42 (42):185-211.
    한당 역사 속에서 유학의 성인지도(聖人之道)가 점했던 상징적 지위의 변화는 공자 석전례를 형성하고 발전시키는 원동력이었으며 이러한 공변(共變) 관계는 다음과 같이 세 단계를 거쳐 전개되었다. 먼저, 한대에서 ‘독존유술’ 정책 아래 성인지도에 대한 지속적인 담론과 태학 교육을 통한 제도화는 공자를 도통의 계승자로서 점차 국가 의례의 중요한 인물로 부상시켰고 궐리의 공자 제사를 국가사전화의 단계로 이끌었다. 다음으로 위진남북조 시기에 성인지도와 도통 관념은 각 왕조의 왕권을 강화하고 그 정통성을 정당화하는 근거로서의 역할을 수행하였으며 이를 보다 구체화하고 확장하기 위한 과정에서 공자 사제(私祭)가 공자 석전례(釋奠禮)의 형태로 발전한다. 마지막으로, 당대에 (...)
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    Introduction: Beyond nature/culture dualism: Let's try co-evolution instead of "control".Ronnie Zoe Hawkins - 2006 - Ethics and the Environment 11 (2):1-11.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Introduction:Beyond Nature/Culture Dualism: Let's Try Co-Evolution Instead of "Control"Ronnie Hawkins (bio)In the original call for papers for this special issue, nature/culture dualism was characterized as a way of thinking that holds human culture and nonhuman nature to be radically different ontological spheres, hyperseparated and oppositional, or, as Val Plumwood maintains in her essay, an orientation that assumes "separate casts of characters in separate dramas." In the human sphere, (...)
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    5. From Linearity to Co-Evolution: On the Architecture of Nicolai Hartmann’s Levels of Reality.Michael Kleineberg - 2016 - In Keith Peterson & Roberto Poli (eds.), New Research on the Philosophy of Nicolai Hartmann. Berlin, Germany: De Gruyter. pp. 81-108.
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    Stages of Thought: The Co-Evolution of Religious Thought and Science. Michael Horace Barnes.John Brooke - 2001 - Isis 92 (2):380-381.
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    External diagrammatization and iconic brain co-evolution.Lorenzo Magnani - 2011 - Semiotica 2011 (186):213-238.
    Our brains make up a series of signs and are engaged in making or manifesting or reacting to a series of signs: through this semiotic activity they are at the same time engaged in “being minds.” An important effect of this semiotic activity of brains is a continuous process of “externalization of the mind” that exhibits a new cognitive perspective on the mechanisms underlying the semiotic emergence of abductive processes of meaning formation. I consider this process of externalization interplay critical (...)
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  50. Enaction-based artificial intelligence: Toward co-evolution with humans in the loop. [REVIEW]Pierre De Loor, Kristen Manac’H. & Jacques Tisseau - 2009 - Minds and Machines 19 (3):319-343.
    This article deals with the links between the enaction paradigm and artificial intelligence. Enaction is considered a metaphor for artificial intelligence, as a number of the notions which it deals with are deemed incompatible with the phenomenal field of the virtual. After explaining this stance, we shall review previous works regarding this issue in terms of artificial life and robotics. We shall focus on the lack of recognition of co-evolution at the heart of these approaches. We propose to explicitly (...)
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