Results for 'closed world assumption'

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  1.  25
    Saturation, nonmonotonic reasoning and the closed-world assumption.Genevieve Bossu & Pierre Siegel - 1985 - Artificial Intelligence 25 (1):13-63.
  2. Closeness of worlds.Michael McDermott - 2003 - Acta Analytica 18 (1-2):227-230.
    An objection is presented to Lewis’s analysis of counterfactual conditionals in terms of relative closeness of possible worlds. The objection depends on no special assumptions about the ‘closer-than’ relation. The argument also casts doubt on Lewis’s claim that Antecedent Strengthening fails for counterfactuals.
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    The epistemic basis of defeasible reasoning.Robert L. Causey - 1991 - Minds and Machines 1 (4):437-458.
    This article argues that: (i) Defeasible reasoning is the use of distinctive procedures for belief revision when new evidence or new authoritative judgment is interpolated into a system of beliefs about an application domain. (ii) These procedures can be explicated and implemented using standard higher-order logic combined with epistemic assumptions about the system of beliefs. The procedures mentioned in (i) depend on the explication in (ii), which is largely described in terms of a Prolog program, EVID, which implements a system (...)
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    CWA Extensions to Multi-Valued Logics.Jinzhao Wu - 2003 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 13 (2):133-164.
    The closed world assumption plays a fundamental role in the theory of deductive databases. On the other hand, multi-valued logics occupy a vast field in non-classical logics. Some questions are better explained and expressed in terms of such logics. To enhance the expressive power and the declarative ability of a deductive database, we extend various CWA formalizations, including the naive CWA, the generalized CWA and the careful CWA, to multi-valued logics. The basic idea is to embed logic (...)
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    The Poverty of Secularism: An Open World Governed by the Creator Versus a Closed, Imaginary World That Develops on its Own.Benjamin Fain - 2013 - Urim.
    In this book, the author presents two worldviews. The first is the theocentric view of divine providence: God governs and is involved in the development of the world, including that of the animal kingdom. The second worldview is atheistic-materialistic and secular. It regards the abundance of different life forms, human society, economics, beliefs, and emotions as the products of one factor: matter and its movement. Through an analysis of the foundations and assumptions of the secular worldview, the author demonstrates (...)
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    Assertion, Assumption, and Deduction.Peter Pagin - 2024 - In Antonio Piccolomini D'Aragona (ed.), Perspectives on Deduction: Contemporary Studies in the Philosophy, History and Formal Theories of Deduction. Springer Verlag. pp. 211-232.
    This paper concerns the connection between speech act theory, especially the theory of assertion, and deduction, especially Natural Deduction.From a very abstract point of view, an assertion of a content p can be described as the ascription of the property of being p to the actual index, or point of evaluation. This is the abstract characterization of assertoric force. Let’s assume that the actual index is a possible world, namely the actual world. Thus, the conclusion of a (...) argument, as an act, is an assertion, and thereby characterized as the ascription of the conclusion content as a property to the actual world.The question that will concern us in this talk is how this idea extends to the status of other acts in the practice of Natural Deduction. In these terms, what is the force of an inference that depends on one or more open assumptions? What is the force of the assumption itself? What is the force of an assertion that depends on an entire derivation? Do we need to ascribe a force to the derivation as a whole? Is there a coherent complete theory of act forces of Natural Deduction along these lines? What is the relation of such a theory to the theory of validity of an argument? (shrink)
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  7. Language and the World (in Czechoslovakian).Jaroslav Peregrin - forthcoming - Filosoficky Casopis.
    Analytic philosophy is based on the assumption that our world is a world grasped in terms of (this or another) language and that the question of the character of any entity is closely connected with the question of the linguistic grasp of that entity. The father of this philosophical trend was Gottlob Frege: he showed the way to capture the semantic aspect of language in a systematic way without resorting into psychologism; he also showed that logical analysis (...)
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  8. The metaphysics of D-CTCs: On the underlying assumptions of Deutsch׳s quantum solution to the paradoxes of time travel.Lucas Dunlap - 2016 - Studies in the History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 56:39-47.
    I argue that Deutsch’s model for the behavior of systems traveling around closed timelike curves relies implicitly on a substantive metaphysical assumption. Deutsch is employing a version of quantum theory with a significantly supplemented ontology of parallel existent worlds, which differ in kind from the many worlds of the Everett interpretation. Standard Everett does not support the existence of multiple identical copies of the world, which the D-CTC model requires. This has been obscured because he often refers (...)
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    Closing the Door on Limited-Risk Open Theism.Johannes Grössl & Leigh Vicens - 2014 - Faith and Philosophy 31 (4):475-485.
    This paper argues against a version of open theism defended by Gregory Boyd, which we call “limited risk,” according to which God could guarantee at creation at least the fulfillment of His most central purpose for the world: that of having a “people for himself.” We show that such a view depends on the assumption that free human decisions can be “statistically determined” within certain percentage ranges, and that this assumption is inconsistent with open theists’ commitment to (...)
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  10. Assumptive Care and Futurebound Care in Trans Literature (Author Preprint).Amy Marvin - 2019 - Apa Studies on Lgbtq Philosophy 19 (1):2-10.
    In this essay, I depart from the historical exclusion of trans women’s ethical insights from care ethics by focusing on trans literature as a source of knowledge expressed by trans women about care. I open up with the systematic denial of trans women as ethical knowers by analyzing Marilyn Frye's characterization of trans women as mindless servile robots under patriarchy. I then turn to trans literature to counter this portrayal. Specifically, I discuss short stories by Casey Plett and Ryka Aoki (...)
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  11.  11
    Emerging World Order? From Multipolarity to Multilateralism in the G20, the World Bank, and the IMF.Robert H. Wade - 2011 - Politics and Society 39 (3):347-378.
    Many developing and transitional countries have grown faster than advanced countries in the past decade, resulting in a shift in the distribution of world income in their favor. China is now the second largest economy in the world, behind the United States and ahead of Japan. As the relative economic weight of China and several others has come to match or exceed that of the middle-ranking G7 economies, the world economy has shifted from “unipolar” toward “multipolar,” less (...)
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  12.  4
    Through the river: understanding your assumptions about truth.Jon Hirst - 2009 - Colorado Springs: Authentic. Edited by Mindy Hirst & Paul G. Hiebert.
    Tired of all the confusion about truth? Join us on a journey to discover your truth lens. Through the River is a challenging and fascinating book that takes the reader on a poignant journey through River Town, providing an eye-opening view on how people can live in close proximity while having radically contrasting perspectives. River Town 's three communities live and act so differently because each group is using a distinct set of assumptions about truth (truth lens). This journey exposes (...)
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  13. The Idea of the World: A multi-disciplinary argument for the mental nature of reality.Bernardo Kastrup - 2019 - Winchester, UK: Iff Books.
    The Idea of the World offers a grounded alternative to the frenzy of unrestrained abstractions and unexamined assumptions in philosophy and science today. This book examines what can be learned about the nature of reality based on conceptual parsimony, straightforward logic and empirical evidence from fields as diverse as physics and neuroscience. It compiles an overarching case for idealism - the notion that reality is essentially mental - from ten original articles the author has previously published in leading academic (...)
  14.  24
    Nonmonotonicity in the Framework of Parametric Logic.Éric Martin - 2019 - Studia Logica 107 (5):1025-1077.
    Parametric logic is a framework that generalises classical first-order logic. A generalised notion of logical consequence—a form of preferential entailment based on a closed world assumption—is defined as a function of some parameters. A concept of possible knowledge base—the counterpart to the consistent theories of first-order logic—is introduced. The notion of compactness is weakened. The degree of weakening is quantified by a nonnull ordinal—the larger the ordinal, the more significant the weakening. For every possible knowledge base T, (...)
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  15. Logic in knowledge representation and reasoning: Central topics via readings.Luis M. Augusto - manuscript
    Logic has been a—disputed—ingredient in the emergence and development of the now very large field known as knowledge representation and reasoning. In this book (in progress), I select some central topics in this highly fruitful, albeit controversial, association (e.g., non-monotonic reasoning, implicit belief, logical omniscience, closed world assumption), identifying their sources and analyzing/explaining their elaboration in highly influential published work.
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  16. The weirdest people in the world?Joseph Henrich, Steven J. Heine & Ara Norenzayan - 2010 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 33 (2-3):61-83.
    Behavioral scientists routinely publish broad claims about human psychology and behavior in the world's top journals based on samples drawn entirely from Western, Educated, Industrialized, Rich, and Democratic (WEIRD) societies. Researchers – often implicitly – assume that either there is little variation across human populations, or that these “standard subjects” are as representative of the species as any other population. Are these assumptions justified? Here, our review of the comparative database from across the behavioral sciences suggests both that there (...)
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  17. Merleau-Ponty, World-Creating Blindness, and the Phenomenology of Non-Normate Bodies.Joel Michael Reynolds - 2017 - Chiasmi International: Trilingual Studies Concerning Merleau-Ponty's Thought 19:419-434.
    An increasing number of scholars at the intersection of feminist philosophy and critical disability studies have turned to Merleau-Ponty to develop phenomenologies of disability or of what, following Rosemarie Garland-Thomson, I call "non-normate" embodiment. These studies buck the historical trend of philosophers employing disability as an example of deficiency or harm, a mere litmus test for normative theories, or an umbrella term for aphenotypical bodily variation. While a Merleau-Pontian-inspired phenomenology is a promising starting point for thinking about embodied experiences of (...)
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  18.  43
    A logical framework for view updating in indefinite databases.Luciano Caroprese, Irina Trubitsyna, Miroslaw Truszczyński & Ester Zumpano - 2019 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 27 (6):777-811.
    This paper introduces and studies a declarative framework for updating views over indefinite databases. An indefinite database is a database with null values that are represented, following the standard database approach, by a single null constant. Typically a database is represented by a single set of facts |$D$| that model what is known to be true. This paper proposes a model of an indefinite extensional database that is more expressive with respect to the closed-world assumption (CWA) adapted (...)
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    The fallacies of flatness: Thomas Friedman's the world is flat.Kathleen Knight Abowitz & Jay Roberts - 2007 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 41 (3):471–481.
    Thomas Friedman’s best-selling The World is Flat has exerted much influence in the west by providing both an accessible analysis of globalisation and its economic and social effects, and a powerful cultural metaphor for globalisation. In this review, we more closely examine Friedman’s notion of the social contract, the moral centre of his hopeful vision of a globalised world. While Friedman’s social contract holds a more generous view of social and state obligation than his neoliberal economic analysis might (...)
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  20.  21
    The suppression task and first‐order predicate calculus.Miguel López-Astorga - 2023 - Theoria 89 (6):800-810.
    The suppression task challenges classical logic. Classical logic is monotonic. However, in the suppression task, an inference with the form of modus ponendo ponens is inhibited by adding a new premise. Several explanations have been given to account for this fact. The present paper indicates three of them as examples: that of the theory of mental models, that based on logic programming and closed world assumption, and that referring to Carnap's concept of state‐descriptions. Besides, the paper offers (...)
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  21.  11
    King of the castle: choice and responsibility in the modern world.Gai Eaton - 1977 - London: Bodley Head [for] the Imperial Iranian Academy of Philosophy.
    King of the Castle examines closely many of the unquestioned assumptions by which we live our lives, comparing them with the beliefs that have shaped and guided human life in the past. It begins with a consideration of how secular societies attempt to possess their citizens, body and soul and how, as a consequence, the necessity of redefining human responsibility becomes an ever more urgent imperative. The book continues with a presentation of the traditional view of man as 'God's Viceroy (...)
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  22.  85
    When bad people do good things: will moral enhancement make the world a better place?David Wasserman - 2014 - Journal of Medical Ethics 40 (6):374-375.
    In his thoughtful defence of very modest moral enhancement, David DeGrazia1 makes the following assumption: ‘Behavioural improvement is highly desirable in the interest of making the world a better place and securing better lives for human beings and other sentient beings’. Later in the paper, he gives a list of some psychological characteristics that ‘all reasonable people can agree … represent moral defects’. I think I am a reasonable person, and I agree that most if not all items (...)
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  23.  66
    Experiencing Left and Right in a Non‐Orientable World.Jonathan A. Simon - 2021 - Analytic Philosophy 62 (3):201-222.
    Imagine that the person you see through the looking glass is a real person, with her own experiences, living in an environment that is the mirror-reverse of yours. You look at your right-hand glove as you put it on your right hand; she looks at her left-hand glove as she puts it on her left hand. You feel your heart beating on your left side; she feels her heart beating on her right side. You hear a bird chirping out the (...)
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    (1 other version)The Public Role of Teaching: To keep the door closed.Goele Cornelissen - 2010 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 42 (5-6):523-539.
    In this article, I turn my attention to the figure of the ignorant master, Joseph Jacotot, that is depicted in The Ignorant Schoolmaster. Five Lessons in Intellectual Emancipation (1991). I will show that the voice of Jacotot can actually be read as a reaction against the progressive figure of the teacher which, following Rancière's view, can be seen as effecting a stultification. In some respects, however, Rancière's analysis of the pedagogical order no longer seems to be valid in today's partly (...)
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  25.  72
    Towards Empirical Computer Science.Peter Wegner - 1999 - The Monist 82 (1):58-108.
    Part I presents a model of interactive computation and a metric for expressiveness, Part II relates interactive models of computation to physics, and Part III considers empirical models from a philosophical perspective. Interaction machines, which extend Turing Machines to interaction, are shown in Part I to be more expressive than Turing Machines by a direct proof, by adapting Gödel's incompleteness result, and by observability metrics. Observation equivalence provides a tool for measuring expressiveness according to which interactive systems are more expressive (...)
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  26.  10
    "A World Against Itself": The Dynamics of Good Nature and Virtue in Henry Fielding's Plays.Amel Ben Ahmed - 2019 - Labyrinth: An International Journal for Philosophy, Value Theory and Sociocultural Hermeneutics 21 (2):177-196.
    In the eighteenth-century England, the aesthetic vision of most contemporary writers of the time was closely related to the social, political and religious system of belief. Augustan writers, satirists particularly, sought to reclaim for literature the morally privileged status, they thought, it supposedly held in the context of the Latitudinarian system of thought; the very rationale behind the ethic of good nature that distinguishes major writings of the time, namely the dramatic, journalistic and fictional works of the major eighteenth century (...)
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  27.  71
    Can information and mobile technologies serve to close the economic, educational, digital, and social gaps and accelerate development?Yiannis Laouris & Romina Laouri - 2008 - World Futures 64 (4):254 – 275.
    The emergence of information, and more recently, mobile broadband telecommunication technologies, was accompanied by the hype that they could serve to close the economic, educational, digital, and social gaps of our planet among the rich and the poor regions. The hopes, which were based on a number of assumptions, were partly dismissed at the dawn of the new millennium for a number of reasons exemplified in this article. The authors propose a repertoire of pathways through which technology may still serve (...)
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  28.  17
    Before the and of the World(s): Peter Fitzpatrick and the (Inter)national Supplement.Roberto Vilchez Yamato - 2021 - Law and Critique 32 (3):347-362.
    In this article, I argue that Peter Fitzpatrick provides a unique contribution to international studies, most especially to contemporary interdisciplinary studies of International Law (IL) and International Relations (IR). Peter provides a significant theoretical contribution to the interdisciplinary study of IL and IR not only as a critical thinker of modern law, but also as a critical thinker of the modern international. On the one hand, his supplementary critical legal thinking contributes to a ‘decolonial deconstructionist’ rethinking of the politics of (...)
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  29.  65
    Rules for reasoning from knowledge and lack of knowledge.Douglas Walton - 2006 - Philosophia 34 (3):355-376.
    In this paper, the traditional view that argumentum ad ignorantiam is a logical fallacy is challenged, and lessons are drawn on how to model inferences drawn from knowledge in combination with ones drawn from lack of knowledge. Five defeasible rules for evaluating knowledge-based arguments that apply to inferences drawn under conditions of lack of knowledge are formulated. They are the veridicality rule, the consistency of knowledge rule, the closure of knowledge rule, the rule of refutation and the rule for argument (...)
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  30. Metaphysics uniting theology and science — back to the basics (as in back to the basic assumptions).Johan Gamper - 2021 - Metaphysics 2021. Proceedings of the Eight World Conference on Metaphysics 2021, 27-29 de Octubre de 2021, Fiser, Ffr, Utpl).
    I have had the fortune to find a way to unite theology and science. It is and has been a bit overwhelming. My aim was to integrate science and hermeneutics but I ended up with a theory that integrates pretty much everything. In this paper I focus the fundamental principle that seems so simple that it could taken for a tautology but it is not. The principle, or, rather, the basic assumption, is that an ontologically homogeneous domain does not (...)
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  31. Structuralism and the New Way of Worlds: A Sellarsian Argument for Necessitarianism about Laws.Zanja Yudell - 2011 - Philosophy of Science 78 (4):678-695.
    This article presents and argues for modal structuralism, which is loosely derived from a position described by Wilfrid Sellars. Modal structuralism holds that a fundamental property is identified by the role it plays in the structure of possibilities. It implies necessitarianism about laws, which holds that at least some laws of nature are metaphysically necessary. The argument for these positions derives from the following assumptions: the principle of the identity of indiscernible properties and a modest antiquidditism. These assumptions are weaker (...)
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  32. The Role of Philosophy in a Naturalized World.Jan Faye - 2012 - European Journal of Analytic Philosophy 8 (1):60-76.
    This paper discusses the late Michael Dummett’s characterization of the estrangement between physics and philosophy. It argues against those physicists who hold that modern physics, rather than philosophy, can answer traditional metaphysical questions such as why there is something rather than nothing. The claim is that physics cannot solve metaphysical problems since metaphysical issues are in principle empirically underdetermined. The paper closes with a critical discussion of the assumption of some cosmologists that the Universe was created out of nothing: (...)
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  33. Problems with persistence.Nicholas Asher - 1994 - Topoi 13 (1):37-49.
    A fundamental question in reasoning about change is, what information does a reasoning agent infer about later times from earlier times? I will argue that reasoning about change by an agent is to be modeled in terms of the persistence of the agent''s beliefs over time rather than the persistence of truth and that such persistence is explained by pragmatic factors about how agents acquire information from other agents rather than by general principles of persistence about states of the (...). AI accounts of persistence have focused on closed world examples of change, in which the agent believes that the truth of a proposition is unaltered so long as he or she has no evidence that it has been changed. AI principles of persistence seem plausible in a closed world where one assumes the agent knows everything that is happening. If one drops the assumption of omniscience, however, the analysis of persistence is implausible. To get a good account of persistence and reasoning about change, I argue we should examine open world examples of change, in which the agent is ignorant of some of the changes occurring in the world. In open world examples of change, persistence must be formulated, I argue, as a pragmatic principle about the persistence of beliefs. After elaborating my criticisms of current accounts of persistence, I examine how such pragmatic principles fare with the notorious examples of reasoning about action that have collectively characterized the so-called frame problem. (shrink)
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    Beyond Frege-Geach: neglected problems for Expressivism.Sebastian Köhler - unknown
    This thesis is about the viability of meta-normative expressivism. On what I take to be the dominant conception of the view, it subscribes to two theses. First, that the meaning of sentences is to be explained in terms of the mental states these sentences conventionally express. Second, that there is a fundamental difference in the roles of the states expressed by normative sentences and the states expressed by descriptive sentences: descriptive sentences, according to expressivists, express mental states which are representational (...)
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  35. Ontology Merging as Social Choice.Daniele Porello & Ulle Endriss - 2014 - Journal of Logic and Computation 24 (6):1229--1249.
    The problem of merging several ontologies has important applications in the Semantic Web, medical ontology engineering and other domains where information from several distinct sources needs to be integrated in a coherent manner.We propose to view ontology merging as a problem of social choice, i.e. as a problem of aggregating the input of a set of individuals into an adequate collective decision. That is, we propose to view ontology merging as ontology aggregation. As a first step in this direction, we (...)
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  36. The Decline of Thought in the Arab World According to Muhammad 'Abed al-Jabiri.Meryem Sebti - 2010 - Diogenes 57 (2):92-100.
    This paper discusses in critical terms Muhammad ‘Abd al-Jabiri’s influential philosophical work. It engages, in particular, in the analysis of the assumptions underlying the radical contrast that al-Jabiri sets up between Avicenna’s philosophy – which is supposed to represent irrationality and Gnosticism – and that of Averroes who, according to him, breaks decisively with that current of thought and thus makes exercising philosophical thought once again possible. After a close discussion of the positions of classical philosophers , the author concludes (...)
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  37. From the closed world to the infinite universe.A. Koyré - 1957 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 148:101-102.
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  38. The Propositional Content of Data.Dave S. Henley - manuscript
    Our online interaction with information-systems may well provide the largest arena of formal logical reasoning in the world today. Presented here is a critique of the foundations of Logic, in which the metaphysical assumptions of such 'closed world' reasoning are contrasted with those of traditional logic. Closed worlds mostly employ a syntactic alternative to formal language namely, recording data in files. Whilst this may be unfamiliar as logical syntax, it is argued here that propositions are expressed (...)
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  39.  18
    Closed-world databases and circumscription.Vladimir Lifschitz - 1985 - Artificial Intelligence 27 (2):229-235.
  40.  15
    Local closed world reasoning with description logics under the well-founded semantics.Matthias Knorr, José Júlio Alferes & Pascal Hitzler - 2011 - Artificial Intelligence 175 (9-10):1528-1554.
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    Political Theory in a Closed World: Reflections on William Ophuls, Liberalism and Abundance.Andrew Dobson - 2013 - Environmental Values 22 (2):241-259.
    This paper takes as a starting point William Ophul's claim that the last 450 years amount to an ‘era of exception’ in terms of resource availability. Ophuls suggests that it is no accident that this exceptional era of abundance coincides with the birth and development of liberalism – that liberalism, in other words, would not/could not have occurred without the conditions provided by this era of exception. Some of the ways in which this suggestion might be critically examined are discussed, (...)
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  42. Closed World Structures.Charles Taylor - 2003 - In Mark A. Wrathall (ed.), Religion After Metaphysics. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 69--87.
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    Austere Realism and the Worldly Assumptions of Inferential Statistics.J. D. Trout - 1994 - PSA: Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association 1994:190 - 199.
    Inferential statistical tests-such as analysis of variance, t-tests, chi-square and Wilcoxin signed ranks-now constitute a principal class of methods for the testing of scientific hypotheses. In this paper I will consider the role of one statistical concept (statistical power) and two statistical principles or assumptions (homogeneity of variance and the independence of random error), in the reliable application of selected statistical methods. I defend a tacit but widely-deployed naturalistic principle of explanation (E): Philosophers should not treat as inexplicable or basic (...)
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  44. From the closed world to the infinite universe.Alexandre Koyré - 1957 - New York,: Harper.
    Alexandre Koyré. of the fixed stars is infinite commit a contradiction in adjecto. In truth, an infinite body cannot be comprehended by thought. For the concepts of the mind concerning the infinite are either about the meaning oftheterm "infinite,"  ...
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    Self-transcendent positive emotions increase spirituality through basic world assumptions.Patty Van Cappellen, Vassilis Saroglou, Caroline Iweins, Maria Piovesana & Barbara L. Fredrickson - 2013 - Cognition and Emotion 27 (8):1378-1394.
    Spirituality has mostly been studied in psychology as implied in the process of overcoming adversity, being triggered by negative experiences, and providing positive outcomes. By reversing this pathway, we investigated whether spirituality may also be triggered by self-transcendent positive emotions, which are elicited by stimuli appraised as demonstrating higher good and beauty. In two studies, elevation and/or admiration were induced using different methods. These emotions were compared to two control groups, a neutral state and a positive emotion (mirth). Self-transcendent positive (...)
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    The closed world: Systems discourse, military strategy and post WWII American historical consciousness. [REVIEW]Paul N. Edwards - 1988 - AI and Society 2 (3):245-255.
    This essay proposes a cultural and historical explanation for the American Military's fascination with computing. Three key elements of post-WWII US political culture — apocalyptic struggle with the USSR, subsuming all other conflicts: a long history of antimilitarist sentiment in American politics; and the rise of science-based military power — contributed to a sense of the world as a closed system accessible to American technological control. A developing scientific systems discourse, centrally including computer science and AI, was adopted (...)
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    Rawls' the closed society assumption.Ljubica Strnčević & Vladimir Gligorov - 1995 - Theoria 38 (2):53-64.
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    The Closed World: Computers and the Politics of Discourse in Cold War America. Paul N. Edwards.Andy Pickering - 1996 - Isis 87 (4):756-756.
  49.  16
    Asylum: Inside the Closed World of State Mental Hospitals.Christopher Payne - 2009 - MIT Press.
    Powerful photographs of the grand exteriors and crumbling interiors of America's abandoned state mental hospitals. For more than half the nation's history, vast mental hospitals were a prominent feature of the American landscape. From the mid-nineteenth century to the early twentieth, over 250 institutions for the insane were built throughout the United States; by 1948, they housed more than a half million patients. The blueprint for these hospitals was set by Pennsylvania hospital superintendant Thomas Story Kirkbride: a central administration building (...)
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    The Empirical Author: Salman Rushdie's The Satanic Verses.Anthony Close - 1990 - Philosophy and Literature 14 (2):248-267.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Anthony Close THE EMPIRICAL AUTHOR: SALMAN RUSHDIE'S THE SATANIC VERSES HOBBES, comparing the author ofan action to the owner ofgoods, asserts, "And as the right of possession, is called dominion; so the right of doing any action, is called authority" (Leviathan, Book I, chap. 16). My purpose in this essay is to apply this Hobbesian maxim to the relation Author/Text, expanding somewhat Hobbes's notion of authority. I presuppose that (...)
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