Results for 'civil calendar'

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  1.  3
    The Conciliar and Civil Calendar in I. G., I 2, 324.James A. Notopoulos - 1945 - American Journal of Philology 66 (4):411.
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    Demetrius Poliorcetes, Kairos, and the Sacred and Civil Calendars of Athens.Thomas C. Rose - 2018 - História 67 (3):258.
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    The Myths and Realities of the Clash of Western and Chinese Civilizations in the 21st Century. The Globalization and Comparative Approach.Andrew Targowski - 2011 - Dialogue and Universalism 21 (4):21-43.
    The purpose of this investigation is to define the central issues of the current and future relations between the Western and Chinese civilizations through the evaluation of the myths and realities of these relations. The methodology is based on an interdisciplinary big-picture view of the world scene, driven by the global economy and civilization with an attempt to compare both civilizations according to key criteria. Among the findings are: Today China has become a “robot” of the West. Due to its (...)
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    The Myths and Realities of the Clash of Western and Chinese Civilizations in the 21st Century. The Globalization and Comparative Approach.Krzysztof Gawlikowski - 2011 - Dialogue and Universalism 21 (4):21-43.
    The purpose of this investigation is to define the central issues of the current and future relations between the Western and Chinese civilizations through the evaluation of the myths and realities of these relations. The methodology is based on an interdisciplinary big-picture view of the world scene, driven by the global economy and civilization with an attempt to compare both civilizations according to key criteria. Among the findings are: Today China has become a “robot” of the West. Due to its (...)
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    O calendário egípcio.Telo Ferreira Canhão - 2006 - Cultura:39-61.
    Os anos egípcios eram de 365 dias contados a partir da subida ao trono de cada rei. Esta contagem era independente das três estações em que se subdividia o ano solar, marcadas pelas necessidades agrícolas. As semanas iniciais de sete e oito dias, motivadas pelas fases lunares, cedo foram ultrapassadas por um sistema muito mais regular de meses de três décadas, cada uma marcada pelo aparecimento de um decano. Os decanos eram 36 estrelas visíveis por períodos de dez dias, completando-se (...)
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    Christian Liturgical Time and Torture (Cod. Theod. 9,35,4 and 5).Angelo Di Berardino - 2011 - Augustinianum 51 (1):191-220.
    On the 3rd of March 380, Theodosius, moved by the qualitas (pro reverentia religionis) of the pre-paschal period, a special time of preparation for Easter,mandates the suspension during Christian Lent of all penal trials which normally resulted in torture (Cod. Theod. 9,35,4 = Cod. Iust. 3,12,5). Lent is a specifically Christian time which developed to a large degree in the course of the fourth century, but which varied in duration and organization in the various churches. The law adapts the judicial (...)
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    Creative Time-Organization Versus Subsonic Noises.Albert Mayr - 1983 - Diogenes 31 (122):45-62.
    Much has been written and said about music's time, much less— at least in recent epochs—about time's music. Today this most subtle, yet most powerful form of music finds fewer and fewer listeners. It has become, in fact, harder and harder to listen to. The “congruent melodies,” i.e. “the rhythms of times which were given to us to alleviate our labors” (as the 13th-century music theorist had put it) have long since been silenced and drowned by subsonic noises.* In its (...)
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    Beginnings of Indian and Chinese Calendrical Astronomy.Asko Parpola - 2021 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 134 (1):107.
    Calendrical astronomy had a parallel but separate development in China and in India. Both were eventually lunisolar and utilized circumpolar stars, which made Ursa Major and the pole star ideologically important. Initially the Early Harappans could orient their towns according to cardinal directions and the sun probably symbolized the king. Their calendar was heliacal with Aldebaran as the new year star. Indus Civilization created the lunisolar calendar, the nakṣatras, started the new year with the Pleiades, used the gnomon, (...)
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    China and contemporary millenarianism--something new under the sun.Benjamin Isadore Schwartz - 2001 - Philosophy East and West 51 (2):193-196.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:China and Contemporary Millenarianism—Something New under the SunBenjamin I. SchwartzOne of the most obvious remarks one can make about contemporary China is that China has no reason to be excited about contemporary Western millenarianism. If by "millenarianism" one refers to an apocalyptic transformation of the entire human condition based on the Christian calendar, then there is no reason for Chinese, Jews, and Moslems, who have their own historic (...)
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    Science and Orthodox Christianity: An Overview.Efthymios Nicolaidis, Eudoxie Delli, Nikolaos Livanos, Kostas Tampakis & George Vlahakis - 2016 - Isis 107 (3):542-566.
    This essay offers an overview of the history of the relations between science and Eastern Christianity based on Greek-language sources. The civilizations concerned are the Byzantine Empire, the Christian Orthodox communities of the Ottoman Empire, and modern Greece, as a case study of a national state. Beginning with the Greek Church Fathers, the essay investigates the ideas of theologians and scholars on nature. Neoplatonism, the theological debates of Iconoclasm and Hesychasm, the proposed union of the Eastern and Western Churches, and (...)
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  11. Dr. Ambedkar and Untouchability: Fighting the Indian Caste System (review).Christopher S. Queen - 2008 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 28:168-172.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Dr. Ambedkar and Untouchability: Fighting the Indian Caste SystemChristopher S. QueenDr. Ambedkar and Untouchability: Fighting the Indian Caste System. By Christophe Jaffrelot. New York: Columbia University Press, 2005. xiii + 205 pp.Outside of India, Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar remains virtually unknown. Everyone knows that Mahatma Gandhi led the fight for Indian independence and that his nonviolent marches inspired Dr. King and the American civil rights movement. Most educated (...)
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    Medical Ethics in a Time of De-Communization.Robert Baker - 1992 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 2 (4):363-370.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Medical Ethics in a Time of De-CommunizationRobert Baker (bio)Ethics is often treated as a matter of ethereal principles abstracted from the particulars of time and place. A natural correlate of this approach is the attempt to measure actual codes of ethics in terms of basic principles. Such an exercise can be illuminating, but it can also obscure the circumstances that make a particular codification of morality a meaningful response (...)
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    Transformation of Nature by Human and Distinctive Positions of the Prophets in Culture.Ferruh Kahraman - 2020 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 24 (3):1241-1262.
    One of the areas of study of tafsīr is the stories in the Qur’ān. In the stories of the Qur’ān, generally creation, man, the nature of man and different societies that lived in history are mentioned. Although the main theme in the stories is belief and disbelief, social structures and cultural features are explicitly and indirectly mentioned as well. But the mufassirs approached the stories mainly from the point of view of belief and disbelief. They did not declare an opinion (...)
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    Zeit: eine Kulturgeschichte.Alexander Demandt - 2015 - Berlin: Propyläen.
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    The Funny Bone.Social Calendar - forthcoming - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology.
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    The Anzu-Bird and Scribal Whimsies.M. Civil - 1972 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 92 (2):271.
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    Consentement aux soins médicaux: état de la question.Marc-Félix Civil - 2017 - Paris: Connaissances et savoirs.
    La 4e de couverture indique : "Dans cet ouvrage de référence consacré à une analyse approfondie du thème du consentement aux soins dans la pratique médicale, M.-F. Civil porte son regard de médecin et de philosophe sur les comportements de bon nombre de praticiens à l'heure actuelle plus ou moins soumis à la « mathématisation » de la médecine. Loin de se contenter d'un état des lieux complet de la question, il nous conduit pas à pas sur les chemins (...)
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    Išme-Dagan and Enlil's ChariotIsme-Dagan and Enlil's Chariot.Miguel Civil - 1968 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 88 (1):3.
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    Beyond the Great Divide.Becoming Civilized - 2007 - In Boaventura de Sousa Santos (ed.), Cognitive Justice in a Global World: Prudent Knowledges for a Decent Life. Lanham: Lexington Books. pp. 135.
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    Students Wearing Police Uniforms Exhibit Biased Attention toward Individuals Wearing Hoodies.Ciro Civile & Sukhvinder S. Obhi - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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  21. Donagan, abortion.Civil Rebellion - 1997 - Public Affairs Quarterly 11 (3):303.
  22. Religious arguments and the.Duty Of Civility - 2001 - Public Affairs Quarterly 15 (2):133.
  23.  13
    Education, crisis, and the discipline of the conjuncture: scholarship and pedagogy in a time of emergent crisis.David Civil - 2022 - British Journal of Educational Studies 70 (6):790-793.
    Writing in 1978, on the eve of Thatcherism’s political triumph, the cultural theorist Stuart Hall (Hall et al., 2013, p. 193) claimed Britain was experiencing a ‘crisis of hegemony’; a political, e...
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  24. National security tools should not infringe on civil liberties.American Civil Liberties Union - 2014 - In David M. Haugen (ed.), War. Detroit: Greenhaven Press, A part of Gale, Cengage Learning.
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    Die Ninegalla-Hymne: Die Wohnungnahme Inannas in Nippur in altbabylonischer Zeit.Miguel Civil & Hermann Behrens - 2000 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 120 (4):674.
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  26. Categories of cross-cultural cognition and the African condition.Savage Versus Civilized - 2003 - In P. H. Coetzee & A. P. J. Roux (eds.), Philosophy from Africa: A text with readings 2nd Edition. London, UK: Oxford University Press.
  27. Race, culture, identity: Misunderstood connections.Speaking Of Civilizations - 2003 - In P. H. Coetzee & A. P. J. Roux (eds.), Philosophy from Africa: A text with readings 2nd Edition. London, UK: Oxford University Press.
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    Reciprocity, Altruism and the Civil Society: In Praise of Heterogeneity.Luigino Bruni - 2008 - Routledge.
    The main emphasis of this new book from Luigino Bruni is a praise of heterogeneity, arguing that society works when different people are able to cooperate in many different ways. The author engages in a novel approach to reciprocity looking at its different forms in society, from cautious or contractual interactions, to the reciprocity of friendship to unconditional behaviour. Bruni'ss historical-methodological analysis of reciprocity is a way of examining the interface between political economy and the issue of sociality, generally characterized (...)
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    (1 other version)The Second Treatise of Civil Government.John Locke - 1946 - Oxford,: Blackwell. Edited by J. W. Gough.
    As one of the early Enlightenment philosophers in England, John Locke sought to bring reason and critical intelligence to the discussion of the origins of civil society. Endeavoring to reconstruct the nature and purpose of government, a social contract theory is proposed. The Second Treatise sets forth a detailed discussion of how civil society came to be and the nature of its inception. Locke's discussion of tacit consent, separation of powers, and the right of citizens to revolt against (...)
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  30. Roberto Alejandro, The Limits of Rawlsian Justice. Baltimore, Md.: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1997, 208 pp.(indexed). ISBN 0-8018-5678-7, $39.95 (Hb). George Anastaplo, The Thinker as Artist: From Homer to Plato & Aristotle. Athens, Ohio: Ohio University Press, 1997, 404 pp.(indexed). ISBN. [REVIEW]Civil War Era - 1999 - Journal of Value Inquiry 33:287-290.
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    Civil Commitment and the Value of Liberty.Michael Nedelsky & Peter Schotten - 1979 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 46.
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  32. Războiul civil european.Vladimir Tismăneanu - 2003 - Dilema 519:20.
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  33. Civil Liberties and Cruelty to Animals.Ps Wenz - 1988 - Philosophical Forum 19 (4):309-316.
  34. Capital, civil society and the deformation of politics.Rd Winfield - 1983 - History of Political Thought 4 (1):111-155.
  35.  11
    Waves of Change Within Civil Society in Latin America: Mexico City and São Paulo.Natália S. Bueno & Adrian Gurza Lavalle - 2011 - Politics and Society 39 (3):415-450.
    For the past half a century, Latin American scholars have been pointing toward the emergence of new social actors as agents of social and political democratization. The first wave of actors was characterized by the emergence of novel agents—mainly, new popular movements—of social transformation. At first, the second wave, epitomized by nongovernmental organizations, was celebrated as the upsurge of a new civil society, but later on, it was the target of harsh criticism. The literature often portrays this development in (...)
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    Civil Passions: Moral Sentiment and Democratic Deliberation.Sharon R. Krause - 2008 - Princeton University Press.
    In this book Sharon Krause argues that moral and political deliberation must incorporate passions, even as she insists on the value of impartiality.
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    Animal Rescue as Civil Disobedience.Tony Milligan - 2017 - Res Publica 23 (3):281-298.
    Apparently illegal cases of animal rescue can be either open or covert: ‘open rescue’ is associated with organizations such as Animal Liberation Victoria and Animal Liberation New South Wales; ‘covert rescue’ is associated with the Animal Liberation Front. While the former seems to qualify non-controversially as civil disobedience I argue that at least some instances of the latter could also qualify as civil disobedience just so long as various norms of civility are satisfied. The case for such a (...)
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    Ian Hunter's Civil Philosophy.Anna Yeatman - 2014 - History of European Ideas 40 (1):110-115.
    SummaryIan Hunter's normative commitment is to civil philosophy. His sustained critique of metaphysical philosophy is to be understood in the context of his proposition that civil and moral philosophy are at war. Since civil philosophy is the only guarantor of social peace, the stakes are high.
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    Herman Dooyeweerd: Christian philosopher of state and civil society.Jonathan Chaplin - 2011 - Notre Dame, Ind.: University of Notre Dame Press.
    The twentieth-century Dutch philosopher Herman Dooyeweerd left behind an impressive canon of philosophical works and has continued to influence a scholarly community in Europe and North America, which has extended, critiqued, and applied his thought in many academic fields. Jonathan Chaplin introduces Dooyeweerd for the first time to many English readers by critically expounding Dooyeweerd's social and political thought and by exhibiting its pertinence to contemporary civil society debates. Chaplin begins by contextualizing Dooyeweerd's thought, first in relation to present-day (...)
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  40. Covert Animal Rescue: Civil Disobedience or Subrevolution?Daniel Weltman - 2022 - Environmental Ethics 44 (1):61-83.
    We should conceive of illegal covert animal rescue as acts of “subrevolution” rather than as civil disobedience. Subrevolutions are revolutions that aim to overthrow some part of the government rather than the entire government. This framework better captures the relevant values than the opposing suggestion that we treat illegal covert animal rescue as civil disobedience. If animals have rights like the right not to be unjustly imprisoned and mistreated, then it does not make sense that an instance of (...)
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    Environmental education in civil defense as a subject and its expression in higher education.Pedro Juan Núñez Pardo & Jardines García - 2014 - Humanidades Médicas 14 (3):710-727.
    Se realizó una investigación con el objetivo de elaborar actividades que relacionan los elementos teóricos con la práctica desde la asignatura Defensa Civil, para contribuir a la participación de estudiantes universitarios y habitantes de la comunidad "Los Coquitos" en la prevención, mitigación o solución de los problemas ambientales que la afectan. Se aplicó un pre-experimento que permitió comprobar la efectividad de las actividades desarrolladas. Esta propuesta favoreció la vinculación de la escuela con la comunidad desde la protección del medio (...)
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  42. How Democratic is Civil Disobedience?Daniel Weinstock - 2016 - Criminal Law and Philosophy 10 (4):707-720.
    In her book, Conscience and Conviction, Kimberley Brownlee argues that there is nothing undemocratic about the robust, primary right to civil disobedience that she devotes most of her argument to defending. To the contrary, she holds that there is nothing paternalistic about civil disobedients opposing the will of democratic majorities, because, inter alia, democratic majorities cannot claim particular epistemic superiority, and because there are flaws inherent to democratic procedures that civil disobedience addresses. I hold that Brownlee’s arguments (...)
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  43. Transparency, privacy commons and civil inattention.Emmanuel Alloa - 2021 - In Cultures of Transparency: Between Promise and Peril. London/New York: pp. 171-192.
  44. Rethinking Civil Disobedience as a Practice of Contestation—Beyond the Liberal Paradigm.Robin Celikates - 2016 - Constellations 23 (1):37-45.
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    Crimes, Public Wrongs, and Civil Order.R. A. Duff & S. E. Marshall - 2019 - Criminal Law and Philosophy 13 (1):27-48.
    The idea that crimes can usefully be understood as ‘public wrongs’, and that this can generate a plausible principle of criminalisation, has found some support in recent years; it has also been subjected to some sharp criticism. This paper aims to sketch the most plausible version of that idea, and to show how, once properly explained, it is not vulnerable to those criticisms. After a brief defence of the negative principle, that we may not criminalise conduct that does not constitute (...)
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  46. Populism in the Civil Sphere.[author unknown] - 2021
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  47. On Covert Civil Disobedience and Animal Rescue.Daniel Weltman - 2023 - Journal of Ethics and Social Philosophy 25 (2).
    Tony Milligan argues that some forms of covert non-human animal rescue, wherein activists anonymously and illegally free non-human animals from confinement, should be understood as acts of civil disobedience. However, most traditional understandings of civil disobedience require that the civil disobedient act publicly rather than covertly. Thus Milligan’s proposal is that we revise our understanding of civil disobedience to allow for covert in addition to public disobedience. I argue we should not. Milligan cannot justify using paradigm (...)
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    Bien común, bienes comunes ¿para quién(es)? Desafiando la visión atomista de la sociedad civil.Javier Gracia Calandín & Maximiliano Reyes Lobos - 2022 - Isegoría 66:18-18.
    The aim of the paper is to clarify what is properly common to the common good and to support its irreducibility as a guarantee of overcoming an atomistic conception of civil society. We begin by addressing the notion of individual freedom and the questioning of the selfish condition of the human being. Then, we delve into the normative possibilities offered by an ethical interpretation of the common good. The difference of the common good from other notions used in late-modern (...)
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    Introduction to civil war: (fragments).Liam Sionnach (ed.) - 2009 - [Chapel Hill, N.C.?]: Institute for Experimental Freedom.
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    Access to civil justice.Roderick A. Macdonald - 2010 - In Peter Cane & Herbert M. Kritzer (eds.), The Oxford handbook of empirical legal research. New York: Oxford University Press.
    This article discusses the process of empirical research on access to justice, explaining the procedure from data collection to analysis. Research into access to justice finds ways to render civil justice to citizens equitably. Reliable, non-anecdotal data is a prerequisite for useful empirical research into access to justice. Three international initiatives illustrate the reflection of access to justice in research projects. They are, the World Bank's Justice for the Poor Program, UNDP Commission on Legal Empowerment of the Poor, and (...)
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