Results for 'carbon price'

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  1. Carbon pricing ethics.Kian Mintz-Woo - 2022 - Philosophy Compass 17 (1):e12803.
    The three main types of policies for addressing climate change are command and control regulation, carbon taxes (or price instruments), and cap and trade (or quantity instruments). The first question in the ethics of carbon pricing is whether the latter two (price and quantity instruments) are preferable to command and control regulation. The second question is, if so, how should we evaluate the relative merits of price and quantity instruments. I canvass relevant arguments to explain (...)
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  2. Carbon Pricing and COVID-19.Kian Mintz-Woo, Francis Dennig, Hongxun Liu & Thomas Schinko - 2021 - Climate Policy 21 (10):1272-1280.
    A question arising from the COVID-19 crisis is whether the merits of cases for climate policies have been affected. This article focuses on carbon pricing, in the form of either carbon taxes or emissions trading. It discusses the extent to which relative costs and benefits of introducing carbon pricing may have changed in the context of COVID-19, during both the crisis and the recovery period to follow. In several ways, the case for introducing a carbon (...) is stronger during the COVID-19 crisis than under normal conditions. Oil costs are lower than normal, so we would expect less harm to consumers compared to normal conditions. Governments have immediate need for diversified new revenue streams in light of both decreased tax receipts and greater use of social safety nets. Finally, supply and demand shocks have led to already destabilized supply-side activities, and carbon pricing would allow this destabilization to equilibrate around greener production for the long-term. The strengthening of the case for introducing carbon pricing now is highly relevant to discussions about recovery measures, especially in the context of policy announcements from the European Union and United States House of Representatives. Key Policy Insights: • Persistently low oil prices mean that consumers will face lower pain from carbon pricing than under normal conditions. • Many consumers are more price-sensitive during the COVID-19 context, which suggests that a greater relative burden from carbon prices would fall upon producers as opposed to consumers than under normal conditions. • Carbon prices in the COVID-19 context can introduce new revenue streams, assisting with fiscal holes or with other green priorities. • Carbon pricing would contribute to a more sustainable COVID-19 recovery period, since many of the costs of revamping supply chains are already being felt while idled labor capacity can be incorporated into firms with lower carbon-intensity. (shrink)
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  3. Carbon Pricing is Not Unjust.Kian Mintz-Woo - 2024 - Global Challenges 8 (1):2300089.
    While there are a variety of moral issues that relate to carbon pricing policies, I will focus on one that has received a large amount of attention: is carbon pricing unjust? Campaigners and civil society groups, especially those involved in environmental and climate justice spaces, have rejected carbon pricing as unjust. This claim deserves some discussion and, in this perspective, I discuss a few potential dimensions of justice that could be relevant to this claim. My goal is (...)
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    Carbon Pricing and Intergenerational Fairness.Fausto Corvino - forthcoming - Moral Philosophy and Politics.
    John Broome and Duncan Foley have proposed an ingenious way to transfer benefits backwards in time, from people who are not here yet to people who will not be here in the future. Present people can crowd out conventional, and often brown, investments by issuing global climate bonds (GCBs). The debate about GCBs has focused on whether it is justified to use this financial instrument to allow future people to buy off present people for climate mitigation. In this article, I (...)
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    Ethics of Carbon Pricing - A Review of the Literature.Jeanne Magnetti, Goran Dominioni & Bert Gordijn - unknown
    This article contributes a systematically approached, up-to-date synthesis of the current literature on ethics and carbon pricing. This is the first study on this topic performed using PRISMA methodology. We identify 210 sources discussing the ethical arguments for and against a variety of carbon pricing instruments. By analysing the primary arguments within the debate, we offer insights for policymakers regarding the selection and design of emissions abatement policy instruments. The review indicates that carbon pricing remains divisive in (...)
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    Should I stay or should I go? Congestion pricing and equilibrium selection in a transportation network.Enrica Carbone, Vinayak V. Dixit & E. Elisabet Rutstrom - 2022 - Theory and Decision 93 (3):535-562.
    When imposing traffic congestion pricing around downtown commercial centers, there is a concern that commercial activities will have to consider relocating due to reduced demand, at a cost to merchants. Concerns like these were important in the debates before the introductions of congestion charges in both London and Stockholm and influenced the final policy design choices. This study introduces a sequential experimental game to study reactions to congestion pricing in the commercial sector. In the game, merchants first make location choices. (...)
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  7. Teaching & learning guide for: Carbon pricing ethics.Kian Mintz-Woo - 2022 - Philosophy Compass 17 (2):e12816.
    This teaching and learning guide accompanies the following article: Mintz-Woo, K., 2022. Carbon Pricing Ethics. Philosophy Compass 17(1):article e12803. doi:10.1111/phc3.12803. [Open access].
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  8. Why COVID-19 is the right time to increase carbon prices.Kian Mintz-Woo - 2020 - RTÉ Brainstorm.
    [Newspaper opinion] strengthening carbon pricing during COVID-19 is the best time to do so for both consumers and for governments.
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    The Unfair Burdens Argument Against Carbon Pricing.Lukas Tank - 2020 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 37 (4):612-627.
    Carbon pricing is one of the most politically important approaches for the mitigation of climate change in the world today. Most political actors who are not committed to climate change denial favor carbon pricing, either as emissions trading or carbon taxation. In this article, I argue that carbon pricing should be considered unfair in most of its forms. I present a line of criticism called the Unfair Burdens Argument. It states that the most politically relevant ways (...)
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    Optimal Global Climate Policy and Regional Carbon Prices.Mark Budolfson & Francis Dennig - 2020 - In Mark Budolfson & Francis Dennig, Handbook on the Economics of Climate Change. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing. pp. 224-238.
    It is often stated that optimal global climate policy requires global harmonization of marginal abatement costs – i.e., a single carbon price throughout the world. Chichilnisky and Heal (1994) have shown quite generally that this is only the case if distributional issues are ignored, or if lump-sum transfers are made between countries. Else, a policy in which different regions face different carbon prices may be superior to one with a single global carbon price from a (...)
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    Inequality, climate impacts on the future poor, and carbon prices.Mark Budolfson, Francis Dennig, Marc Fleurbaey, Asher Siebert & Robert H. Socolow - 2015 - Pnas 112 (52).
    Integrated assessment models of climate and the economy provide estimates of the social cost of carbon and inform climate policy. We create a variant of the Regional Integrated model of Climate and the Economy (RICE)—a regionally disaggregated version of the Dynamic Integrated model of Climate and the Economy (DICE)—in which we introduce a more fine-grained representation of economic inequalities within the model’s regions. This allows us to model the common observation that climate change impacts are not evenly distributed within (...)
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  12. Pricing Carbon for Climate Justice.Alexandre Gajevic Sayegh - 2019 - Ethics, Policy and Environment 22 (2):109-130.
    This paper focuses on one particular case that connects climate justice and climate economics. Its contribution is twofold. First, it aims at providing a sound normative foundation for carbon pricing mechanisms around the notions of a ‘right to energy’, the ‘duty not-to-harm’ and an argument for ‘restricted compensation’. Second, it identifies the normative elements from theories of climate justice that should guide the design of market-based instruments for climate change mitigation. This will cast light on the particular moral relevance (...)
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    Young's modulus of pyrolytic carbon in relation to preferred orientation.R. J. Price - 1965 - Philosophical Magazine 12 (117):561-571.
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    The mechanism of dimensional changes in the crystals of graphites and carbons under fast neutron irradiation.B. T. Kelly, W. H. Martin, A. M. Price & J. T. Bland - 1966 - Philosophical Magazine 14 (128):343-356.
  15. Put a price on carbon now!Peter Singer & Kian Mintz-Woo - 2020 - Project Syndicate.
    [Newspaper Opinion] Before the COVID-19 pandemic and the accompanying fall in oil prices, a carbon price would have been immediately painful for the countries that imposed it, but far better for everyone over the longer term. In this unprecedented moment, introducing a carbon price would be beneficial both now and for the future.
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    Equal per capita carbon dividends and the waste objection.Fausto Corvino - forthcoming - Environmental Politics.
    Recycling carbon revenues as Equal Per Capita Carbon Dividends (ECDs) is thought to neutralise the two main objections to carbon pricing, namely that it is regressive and that it hinders the poor from meeting basic needs. This article focuses on the waste objection to carbon pricing plus ECDs. If the rationale for ECDs is to protect the consumption of the worst off, why pay carbon dividends to the rich as well? I examine three different normative (...)
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    Pricing Carbon and the Beneficiary Pays Principle: Framing Market-Based Incentives around Compensation Obligations.J. Spencer Atkins - 2019 - Ethics, Policy and Environment 22 (2):148-150.
    Volume 22, Issue 2, June 2019, Page 148-150.
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  18. Carbon Tax Ethics.Kian Mintz-Woo - 2024 - WIREs Climate Change 15 (1):e858.
    Ideal carbon tax policy is internationally coordinated, fully internalizes externalities, redistributes revenues to those harmed, and is politically acceptable, generating predictable market signals. Since nonideal circumstances rarely allow all these conditions to be met, moral issues arise. This paper surveys some of the work in moral philosophy responding to several of these issues. First, it discusses the moral drivers for estimates of the social cost of carbon. Second, it explains how national self-interest can block climate action and suggests (...)
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    Open Peer Commentary for ”Pricing Carbon for Climate Justice” by Alexandre Gajevic Sayegh.Susan Caplow & Stefan Forrester - 2019 - Ethics, Policy and Environment 22 (2):142-144.
    Alexandre Gajevic Sayegh presents an intriguing interdisciplinary exploration of climate justice policy issues. He argues the important point that justice must be a key element of any climate regim...
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    A Methodological Point and A Substantial Worry on Sayegh’s ‘Pricing Carbon for Climate Justice’.Stefano Lo Re & Luca Lo Re - 2019 - Ethics, Policy and Environment 22 (2):135-137.
    In his ‘Pricing Carbon for Climate Justice’, Alexandre Sayegh develops the connections between climate justice and climate economics. More specifically, the paper focuses on how ‘market-based instr...
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    The Compound Injustice of the EU Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM).Fausto Corvino - 2025 - Ethics, Policy and Environment 28 (1):26-45.
    EU co-legislators recently approved the EU carbon border adjustment mechanism (CBAM), which establishes a uniform carbon price on both EU and imported products, in ETS covered sectors. This violates the CBDR-RC principle. Yet, CBAM advocates claim that the resulting unfair mitigation can be offset by scaling up climate finance, to the benefit of poorer countries. I argue that the CBAM’s unfairness is compounded by previous climate injustice, as avoidable emissions by developed countries pushed the climate crisis to (...)
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    The Economics Of Hydro And Wind Power In A Carbon Constrained World.Hui Zhu, Cornelis van Kooten & Amy Sopinka - 2010 - Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society 21:145-157.
    To reduce CO2 emissions requires greater reliance on renewable sources of energy for generating electricity, especially adoption of large-scale wind generation. This study investigates possible approaches and/or policies that increase efficient use of renewable energy and reduce greenhouse gas emissions in a cost effective manner. We develop a constrained optimization model of two electricity systems to identify the impact of increasing wind generating capacity and examine how carbon prices (taxes, allowances) impact the penetration of wind power into the electricity (...)
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    A fairer and more effective carbon tax.Peter Dietsch - 2024 - Nature Sustainability 7:1584–1591.
    Given available technologies, current consumption behaviour is incompatible with the goal of keeping global warming below 2 °C. Economists present carbon pricing as the most efficient tool to induce people to adjust their consumption behaviour. This Perspective critically analyses the ethics, economics and politics of one key form of carbon pricing: carbon taxes are levied to discourage fossil-fuel-intensive consumption. The core claim of this Perspective is that progressive individual carbon taxes (that is, taxes whose rate increases (...)
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  24. Carbon Trading: Unethical, Unjust and Ineffective?Simon Caney & Cameron Hepburn - 2011 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 69:201-234.
    Cap-and-trade systems for greenhouse gas emissions are an important part of the climate change policies of the EU, Japan, New Zealand, among others, as well as China and Australia. However, concerns have been raised on a variety of ethical grounds about the use of markets to reduce emissions. For example, some people worry that emissions trading allows the wealthy to evade their responsibilities. Others are concerned that it puts a price on the natural environment. Concerns have also been raised (...)
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    The social cost of carbon, humility, and overlapping consensus on climate policy.Mark Budolfson - 2023 - In Jonathan H. Adler, Climate Liberalism: Perspectives on Liberty, Property, and Pollution. Palgrave Macmillan.
    At first glance, it may seem that climate policy based on estimates of the social cost of carbon (SCC) presupposes a set of controversial assumptions, especially about what detailed knowledge regulators have about the impacts of climate change, and what the proper role of government and policy is in responding to those impacts. However, I explain why the SCC-based approach need not actually have these problematic presuppositions as well as why SCC estimates may provide the best guide to climate (...)
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  26. An egalitarian carbon tax: revenue-neutral and dual policy package.Fausto Corvino - 2021 - WEA (World Economics Association) Commentaries 11 (3):2-4.
    In this article I maintain that a progressive and leftist carbon tax should be revenue-neutral through a dual policy package: first, it should use some revenues to offset price increases for the poor and middle classes; second, it should use the remaining part of revenues to lower taxes on labour income (both employed and self-employed income) for those below a middle-income threshold. I will briefly examine three reasons why such a revenue-neutral and dual-package carbon tax (RN-DP-CT) could (...)
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    Does Fair Trade Compete with Carbon Footprint and Organic Attributes in the Eyes of Consumers? Results from a Pilot Study in Scotland, The Netherlands and France.Faical Akaichi, Steven de Grauw, Paul Darmon & Cesar Revoredo-Giha - 2016 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 29 (6):969-984.
    Several studies on ethical and social food attributes have shown that consumers, especially in developed countries, are willing to pay a price premium for fair trade foods products. However, there is a scant literature on how consumers’ preferences and willingness to pay for fair trade products are affected by the presence of other ethical food attributes. To fill this gap, a choice experiment was conducted in Scotland, the Netherlands and France to assess consumers’ preferences and WTP for ethical attributes, (...)
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    Pricing climate change.Partha Dasgupta - 2014 - Politics, Philosophy and Economics 13 (4):394-416.
    In developing the basis on which climate change should be priced, I do five things. First, I review the ethical foundations for valuing future consumption relative to present consumption (i.e. social discount rates). Second, I report that the criterion for both assessing and prescribing economic policies should not be an economy's GDP, but an inclusive measure of an economy's wealth adjusted for the distribution of wealth. Third, I apply the resulting analysis to the problem of pricing carbon concentration in (...)
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    Two-Stage Robust Optimization Model for Fresh Cold Chain considering Carbon Emissions and Uncertainty.Deqiang Qu & Zhong Wu - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-15.
    Sustainable development is an everlasting theme and lasting strategy in today’s era. Low-carbon economy is an inevitable approach to the implementation of sustainable development. Cold chain logistics has become one of the main sources of carbon emissions. However, in the research on location planning of cold chain logistics, the costs of carbon emissions have not been taken into consideration in previous studies. The two-stage stochastic optimization model was established based on the comprehensive consideration of transportation costs, time (...)
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    Unlocking Energy Innovation: How America Can Build a Low-Cost, Low-Carbon Energy System.Richard Keith Lester & David M. Hart - 2011 - MIT Press.
    Energy innovation offers us our best chance to solve the three urgent and interrelated problems of climate change, worldwide insecurity over energy supplies, and rapidly growing energy demand. But if we are to achieve a timely transition to reliable, low-cost, low-carbon energy, the U.S. energy innovation system must be radically overhauled. Unlocking Energy Innovation outlines an up-to-the-minute plan for remaking America's energy innovation system by tapping the country's entrepreneurial strengths and regional diversity in both the public and private spheres. (...)
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    Individual Responsibility to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions from a Kantian Deontological Perspective.Marc D. Davidson - 2023 - Environmental Values 32 (6):683-699.
    As a collective action problem, climate change is best tackled by coordination. Most moral philosophers therefore agree on our individual responsibility as political citizens to help establish such coordination. There is disagreement, however, on our individual responsibilities as consumers to reduce emissions before such coordination is established. In this article I argue that from a Kantian deontological perspective we have a perfect duty to refrain from activities that we would not perform if appropriate coordination were established. Moral autonomy means that (...)
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    The Impact of Different Government Subsidy Methods on Low-Carbon Emission Reduction Strategies in Dual-Channel Supply Chain.Cheng Che, Yi Chen, Xiaoguang Zhang & Zhihong Zhang - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-9.
    With the implementation of national carbon emission reduction policies and the development of online shopping, manufacturers are making low-carbon efforts and selling products through dual channels. This paper constructs a dual-channel supply chain decision-making model composed of low-carbon emission reduction manufacturers and retailers and studies the optimal decision-making problem of the supply chain under subsidies by the government based on emission reduction R&D and per unit product emission reduction. The research results show the following: when the government (...)
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    The forward-looking polluter pays principle for a just climate transition.Fausto Corvino - forthcoming - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy.
    Climate justice demands polluters to take responsibility for both present and future harm caused by past GHG emissions and for future harm caused by future GHG emissions. One problem with this is double climate taxation: people living in historical polluting countries must both shoulder the burden of an effective and inclusive climate transition and repay the climate debt incurred by their predecessors. Although double climate taxation might be defensible on normative grounds, it risks making climate justice politically infeasible. I therefore (...)
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  34. An eco-centric proposal for setting a price on greenhouse gas emissions.Karen Green - 2020 - In Brian G. Henning & Zack Walsh, Climate Change Ethics and the Non-Human World. Routledge. pp. 121–32.
    Argues for the justice of a land based allocation of rights to emit carbon dioxide on the basis of the fact that this would involve recognizing duties to land and would in fact be more fair and workable than proposals based on per-capita allocations.
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    Philosophical Foundations of Climate Change Policy.Joseph Heath - 2021 - Oxford University Press.
    "Although the task of formulating an appropriate policy response to the problem of anthropogenic climate change is one that raises a number of very difficult normative issues, environmental ethicists have not played an influential role in government deliberations. This is primarily due to their rejection of many of the assumptions that structure the debates over policy. This book offers a philosophical defense of these assumptions, in order to overcome the major conceptual barriers to the participation of philosophers in these debates. (...)
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    Environmentalism and Democracy in the Age of Nationalism and Corporate Capitalism.Clive L. Spash - 2017 - Environmental Values 26 (4):403-412.
    Environmental commodification, trading and offsetting are business as usual approaches to environmental policy. There is also consensus across political divides about the need for economic growth. Many environmental NGOs have become apologists for corporate self-regulation, market mechanisms, carbon pricing/trading and biodiversity offsetting/banking, while themselves commercialising species 'protection' as eco-tourism. In this issue of Environmental Values the state and direction of the environmental movement are at the fore. D'Amato et al. contrast pragmatism with the need for revolutionary change and consider (...)
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    The Disaggregation Of Climate Induced Harm.Fausto Corvino - 2022 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 41 (1):29-50.
    In this article I hold that utilitarians are wrong to want to disaggregate climate- induced harm, whether in terms of chaotic or linear causality. This is not because individual emissions do not count, in probabilistic terms, for risk projections of overall climate dam- age, rather because individual emissions only contribute to increasing atmospheric CO2 concentration if the anthropogenic flow of CO2 exceeds the amount of CO2 that can be naturally taken up by the biosphere, over a given time segment. I (...)
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  38. Book Review: Philosophical Foundations of Climate Change Policy, Joseph Heath. Oxford University Press, 2021. [REVIEW]Kian Mintz-Woo - 2024 - Economics and Philosophy 40 (3):732-737.
    [Book Review] Joseph Heath sometimes plays the role of a gadfly in climate and environmental ethics. He often defends conventional, economics-focused claims which rub many philosophers the wrong way—claims that are at the heart of issues raised in these pages, claims such as that discounting is justifiable, growth is good, or cost-benefit analysis is appropriate in liberal democracies. I think we can all agree that sophisticated defences of conventional positions play an important part in the ecosystem. For philosophers, a gadfly (...)
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  39. (1 other version)Book Review: Philosophical Foundations of Climate Change Policy, Joseph Heath. Oxford University Press, 2021, viii + 339 pages. [REVIEW]Kian Mintz-Woo - forthcoming - Economics and Philosophy.
    Joseph Heath sometimes plays the role of a gadfly in climate and environmental ethics. He often defends conventional, economics-focused claims which rub many philosophers the wrong way—claims that are at the heart of issues raised in these pages, claims such as that discounting is justifiable, growth is good, or cost-benefit analysis is appropriate in liberal democracies. I think we can all agree that sophisticated defences of conventional positions play an important part in the ecosystem. For philosophers, a gadfly can challenge (...)
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    The comparative importance for optimal climate policy of discounting, inequalities and catastrophes.Mark Budolfson, Francis Dennig, Marc Fleurbaey & Asher Siebert - 2017 - Climatic Change 145.
    Integrated assessment models (IAMs) of climate and the economy provide estimates of the social cost of carbon and inform climate policy. With the Nested Inequalities Climate Economy model (NICE) (Dennig et al. PNAS 112:15,827–15,832, 2015), which is based on Nordhaus’s Regional Integrated Model of Climate and the Economy (RICE), but also includes inequalities within regions, we investigate the comparative importance of several factors—namely, time preference, inequality aversion, intraregional inequalities in the distribution of both damage and mitigation cost and the (...)
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  41. Innovation, Deep Decarbonization and Ethics.Ewan Kingston - 2022 - Ethics, Policy and Environment 25 (3):375-384.
    Deep decarbonization – slashing global greenhouse gas emissions to net-zero – now dominates global climate policy. Two recent books assess feasible routes to achieve deep decarbonization. Bill Gates’ How to Avoid a Climate Disaster explains in depth why deep decarbonization requires significant innovations in tech, and Danny Cullenward and David Victor’s Making Climate Policy Work emphasizes the importance of policy innovation (beyond carbon pricing) for driving clean tech breakthroughs. In this critical review essay, I summarize and assess both books. (...)
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    The Importance of Health Co-benefits under different Climate Policy Cooperation Frameworks.Mark Budolfson - 2021 - Environmental Research Letters 16 (5).
    Reducing greenhouse gas emissions has the 'co-benefit' of also reducing air pollution and associated impacts on human health. Here, we incorporate health co-benefits into estimates of the optimal climate policy for three different climate policy regimes. The first fully internalizes the climate externality at the global level via a uniform carbon price (the 'cooperative equilibrium'), thus minimizing total mitigation costs. The second connects to the concept of 'common but differentiated responsibilities' where nations coordinate their actions while accounting for (...)
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    What could justify a prohibition on the luxury emissions of the very rich?Fausto Corvino - forthcoming - Politics, Philosophy and Economics.
    In this article, I discuss whether, in addition to pricing emissions, we should prohibit a specific category of luxury emissions, those arising from goods and services that only the richest can afford. In the first part, I ask whether a justification for such a prohibition can be derived from emissions sufficientarianism. I argue that emissions sufficientarianism does not explain why we should prohibit only high-wealth emissions and not also the recursive production of emissions that are neither high-wealth nor subsistence. Moreover, (...)
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    Eu ETS Market Fundamental Changes.Joanna Sikora-Alicka - 2023 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 68 (1):447-462.
    An organization emits carbon dioxide (CO2) and other greenhouse gases (GHGs) through its daily operations, such as the electricity used to power its offices, manufacture products, and then fossil fuels used in vehicles to distribute them. This is referred to as an organization’s carbon footprint, and there is increasing stakeholder and regulatory pressure on management teams globally to reduce them. On other words, it is increasingly critical that the quantity of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases that (...)
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    What, If Anything, Is Wrong with Offsetting Nature?Karin Edvardsson Björnberg - 2020 - Theoria 86 (6):749-768.
    Biodiversity offsetting is an increasingly popular policy instrument used to compensate for losses in biodiversity and ecosystem services caused by development projects. Although evidence suggests that offsetting can yield significant environmental benefits, application of the policy instrument is surrounded by controversy. Among other things, critics argue that offsetting builds on normatively contentious assumptions regarding the value of nature and the fungibility of biodiversity components, such as species, habitats, ecosystems, and landscapes. A large portion of the criticism targets the allegedly illegitimate (...)
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    Perceptions of high-tech controlled environment agriculture among local food consumers: using interviews to explore sense-making and connections to good food.Maya Ezzeddine, Wythe Marschall & Garrett M. Broad - 2021 - Agriculture and Human Values 39 (1):417-433.
    In recent years, new forms of high-tech controlled environment agriculture (CEA) have received increased attention and investment. These systems integrate a suite of technologies – including automation, LED lighting, vertical plant stacking, and hydroponic fertilization – to allow for greater control of temperature, humidity, carbon dioxide, oxygen, and light in an enclosed growing environment. Proponents insist that CEA can produce sustainable, nutritious, and tasty local food, particularly for the cities of the future. At the same time, a variety of (...)
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    Agricultural ethics of biofuels: big science and global climate ethics.Paul Banks Thompson - 2024 - Journal of Global Ethics 20 (2):132-146.
    In the first decade of the twenty-first century, biofuels were recognized as an important element in the overall strategy to reduce climate-forcing greenhouse gases, especially carbon dioxide. Yet scientific research to more fully realize the potential of agricultural crops for liquid transportation fuel requires the coordination of many separate projects housed in different disciplines. Studies predicting and documenting adverse social impacts of plant-based ethanol and biodiesel led to the inclusion of social science components within research teams seeking to develop (...)
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  48. No Justice in Climate Policy? Broome versus Posner, Weisbach, and Gardiner.Alyssa R. Bernstein - 2016 - Midwest Studies in Philosophy 40 (1):172-188.
    The urgent importance of dealing with the climate crisis has led some influential theorists to argue that at least some demands for justice must give way to pragmatic and strategic considerations. These theorists (Cass Sunstein, Eric Posner, and David Weisbach, all academic lawyers, and John Broome, an academic philosopher) contend that the failures of international negotiations and other efforts to change economic policies and practices have shown that moral exhortations are worse than ineffective. Although Broome's position is similar in these (...)
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  49. Money as Media: Gilson Schwartz on the Semiotics of Digital Currency.Renata Lemos-Morais - 2011 - Continent 1 (1):22-25.
    continent. 1.1 (2011): 22-25. The Author gratefully acknowledges the financial support of CAPES (Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento do Ensino Superior), Brazil. From the multifarious subdivisions of semiotics, be they naturalistic or culturalistic, the realm of semiotics of value is a ?eld that is getting more and more attention these days. Our entire political and economic systems are based upon structures of symbolic representation that many times seem not only to embody monetary value but also to determine it. The connection between monetary (...)
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    Climate Justice: Ethics, Energy, and Public Policy.Willis Jenkins - 2012 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 32 (2):198-200.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Climate Justice: Ethics, Energy, and Public PolicyWillis JenkinsClimate Justice: Ethics, Energy, and Public Policy James Martin-Schramm Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2010. 232 pp. $20.00Religious ethicists are sometimes tempted to interpret climate change as symptomatic of a civilizational corruption so deep that practical responsibility seems nearly impossible. In its considered treatment of energy options and policy responses, [End Page 198] Climate Justice works to make applied Christian ethics competent to (...)
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