Results for 'canonisation'

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  1.  21
    La canonisation des Écritures et la reconnaissance de leur inspiration.Bernard Sesboüé - 2004 - Recherches de Science Religieuse 1 (1):13-44.
    Les concepts d’inspiration et de canonisation/canonicité entretiennent entre eux une circularité qui n’est que la conséquence de la circularité fondamentale existant entre Eglise et Ecriture. L’Eglise chrétienne précède le N.T.. Mais d’un autre côté, l’Ecriture précède l’Eglise, parce que le N.T. a été écrit à la lumière de l’Ancien, et que ce N.T. est l’attestation de l’événement fondateur dont il reçoit son autorité. Le vis-à-vis entre Ecriture et Eglie est indépassable. L’inspiration précède et fonde le canon qui devient le (...)
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  2. Le premier jésuite français canonisé at-il soigné des pestiférés?J. Brossollei - 1997 - Revue D'Histoire Et de Philosophie Religieuses 77 (2):165-169.
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    A Prayer for Canonisation.Peter J. Floriani - 1988 - The Chesterton Review 14 (4):641-644.
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    Didier Lett, Un procès de canonisation au Moyen Âge. Essai d’histoire sociale. Nicolas de Tolentino, 1325.Alexis Grélois - 2011 - Clio 34:02-02.
    Alors qu’il avait utilisé de très nombreux dossiers hagiographiques dans le cadre de son doctorat (L’enfant des miracles. Enfance et société au Moyen Âge, 1997), pour son mémoire d’habilitation à diriger des recherches, Didier Lett a choisi de n’en étudier qu’un, le procès entamé en 1325 pour promouvoir la canonisation de Nicolas de Tolentino (1245-†1305), un obscur ermite de Saint-Augustin de la Marche d’Ancône dont la sainteté ne fut finalement reconnue par la papauté qu’en 1446. Les 371 té...
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    Candidate for Canonisation?J. J. Scarisbrick - 1986 - The Chesterton Review 12 (4):564-564.
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    Le Procès De Canonisation De Saint Louis : Essai De Reconstitution. [REVIEW]William Jordan - 1997 - Speculum 72 (1):124-125.
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    M. Grohe, Descriptive Complexity, Canonisation, and Definable Graph Structure Theory, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2017, x + 544 pp. [REVIEW]Luc Segoufin - 2017 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 23 (4):493-494.
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    A woman for our times: the gift and promise of Saint Edith Stein.[The canonisation of Sister Teresa Benedicta of the Cross (Edith Stein's name as a Carmelite nun)].Thomas David Carroll - 1998 - The Australasian Catholic Record 75 (4):451.
  9.  41
    The Possibility of Chesterton's Canonisation.William Oddie - 1995 - The Chesterton Review 21 (4):537-542.
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  10. Annonce de fêtes solennels à l'occasion de l'anniversaire de la canonisation de S. Thomas.S. S. Academie Romaine De S. Thomas - 1923 - Revue Thomiste 28 (23/24):237.
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  11. Le droit ecclésial et la «canonisation» du droit coutumier en Afrique subsaharienne. Pour un droit canonique africain.Constantin Yatala Nsomwe - 2010 - Revue des Sciences Religieuses 84 (2).
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    « Toute Écriture est inspirée » (2 TM 3,16) les problématiques de la canonisation et de l'inspiration, avec leurs enjeux respectifs. [REVIEW]Yves-Marie Blanchard - 2005 - Recherches de Science Religieuse 4 (4):497-515.
    " Toute Écriture est inspirée ". L'affirmation du rédacteur paulinien de la seconde lettre à Timothée surprend par son caractère exceptionnel dans l'ensemble du Nouveau Testament. Non seulement l'emploi du mot Écriture avec une extension large , est rare, mais l'adjectif " inspiré " est lui-même un hapax dans l'ensemble de la Bible grecque. Il paraît donc prudent de relativiser la portée d'une telle affirmation et, d'un point de vue historique, ne pas en généraliser la portée, au point d'imaginer que (...)
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  13. Robert Grosseteste. His memory among the greyfriars, his cult in Lincoln cathedral and the petition for his canonisation.Michael Robson - 2004 - Miscellanea Francescana 104 (1-2):306-323.
  14.  15
    Mary Stuart, Queen of Scots (1542-1587): a case study in Scottish canonisation.Katrien De Gelder - 2004 - In Guido Kums, Hugo Roeffaers, Elisabeth Bekers & D. J. Conlon (eds.), Sans Everything: Essays on English Literature, Philosophy, and Culture in Honour of Guido Kums and Hugo Roeffaers. Acco.
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    "A Contest Over Titles: The Canonisation of the Frankfurt School as ‘Permanent Exiles’”.Ryan Crawford - 2023 - Radical Philosophy 215:39-56.
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    Le droit ecclésial et la « canonisation » du droit coutumier en Afrique subsaharienne. Pour un droit canonique africain.Constantin Yatala Nsomwe Ntambwe - 2010 - Revue des Sciences Religieuses 84 (84/2):245-262.
    Le courant de pensée qui s’intitule Radical Orthodoxy propose une généalogie de ce qu’elle juge la dérive du subjectivisme moderne en faisant référence à son enracinement théologique, et notamment dans les modalités franciscaines et jésuites du volontarisme. Ce qui donne l’occasion de repenser ici non d’abord le symptôme d’une angoisse face à la croissance de la vérité pratique et spéculative dont certains cherchent à se préserver en vain, mais surtout la question du rapport à l’autorité dans le contexte d’une appréciation (...)
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  17.  7
    Émancipation (de Marx à Marcuse): historique et actualité d'un concept.Arno Münster - 2020 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
    "Contrairement au concept canonisé d'émancipation du XVIIIe siècle (celui de Condorcet, de Rousseau et de Kant), le concept d'émancipation devient au XXe siècle synonyme de toutes les formes de résistance, de résilience et de libération des contraintes, de l'oppression, des discriminations et de toutes les formes de pouvoir liberticide et totalitaire. C'est dans la pleine conscience de la mémoire historique de toutes les luttes pour l'émancipation que cet ouvrage reconstruit la trajectoire de ce concept, sans oublier qu'il s'agit là d'un (...)
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    The Peripatetics: Aristotle's Heirs 322 Bce - 200 Ce.Han Baltussen - 2014 - New York: Routledge.
    Aristotle's Heirs explores the development of Peripatetic thought from Theophrastus and Strato to the work of the commentator Alexander of Aphrodisias. The book examines whether the internal dynamics of this philosophical school allowed for a unity of Peripatetic thought, or whether there was a fundamental tension between philosophical creativity and the notions of core teachings and canonisation. The book discusses the major philosophical preoccupations of the Peripatetics, interactions with Hellenistic schools of thought, and the shift in focus among Greek (...)
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    Tactless—the Severed Hand of J.D.Tom Cohen - 2009 - Derrida Today 2 (1):1-22.
    This article attempts to lean against the suffocating trend towards mourning, theological exegesis and close-circuit canonisation that has characterised Derrida studies in the wake of his death. On Touching is particularly brutal towards Nancy's presumption of a ‘post-deconstructive’ haptics in a manner that extends to a general discipleship (glossing Derrida's remark, ‘I am not of the family’). Summarising the entire course of Derridean ‘deconstruction’ (departing from phenomenology, recycling early studies), On Touching may be his most political monograph. Yet in (...)
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  20.  40
    Autour d'Armand de Belvézer.Serge-Thomas Bonino - 2012 - Revue des Sciences Philosophiques Et Théologiques 96 (2):233.
    Résumé L’étude de la figure et de l’œuvre du dominicain méridional Armand de Belvézer permet de dégager quelques-unes des caractéristiques du thomisme tel qu’il se pratiquait en France dans la première moitié du xiv e siècle. Ce thomisme accorde une importance déterminante à l’autorité doctrinale de saint Thomas, qui lui semble être confirmée par la canonisation de 1323. Au plan doctrinal, le thomisme d’Armand peut être assez diffus comme dans le Tractatus de declaratione, qui transmet une doctrine commune plus (...)
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  21. Arbeit am Kanon: Zu Hugo Wolfs Musikkritiken.Andreas Dorschel - 2007 - Musicologica Austriaca 26:43-52.
    Cultivation of the musical canon and canonisation of truly original work can be identified as guiding principles of both Hugo Wolf’s artistic and his critical practice. The latter is shaped by classicist tropes; they may serve strategic functions as well, yet cannot be reduced to them. While he rejects the merely old-fashioned, Wolf also leads a striking attack on what he terms “modern music”. His endorsed aesthetics intertwine the old and the new.
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    What was sociology? Des Fitzgerald - 2019 - History of the Human Sciences 32 (1):121-137.
    This article is about the future of sociology, as transformations in the digital and biological sciences lay claim to the discipline’s jurisdictional hold over ‘the social’. Rather than analyse the specifics of these transformations, however, the focus of the article is on how a narrative of methodological crisis is sustained in sociology, and on how such a narrative conjures very particular disciplinary futures. Through a close reading of key texts, the article makes two claims: (1) that a surprisingly conventional urge (...)
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    Die uitbouing van die Bybelse kanon in antieke Judaïsme en die vroeë Christendom.Jörg Frey - 2015 - HTS Theological Studies 71 (1).
    The development of the biblical canon in ancient Judaism and early Christianity. A brief account of the process of the development of both the Jewish and the bipartite Christian canon is given. It is argued that due to insights gained from recent textual discoveries, especially the Dead Sea Scrolls, earlier theories about the history of canonisation had to be reviewed. With the New Testament canon the authors focus on the influence of Marcion as well as the various other factors (...)
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  24.  28
    Clio unbound: Theories of law between discourse and tradition.Maksymilian T. Madelr - unknown
    This paper argues against two extreme attitudes to the history of a discipline: on the one hand, ignorance and dismissiveness; and on the other hand, canonisation. The ever-present challenge is to find a balance between these two extremes. The paper attempts to walk the middle way by offering an alternative history of theories of law. It does so by revealing the basic characteristics of theories of law that tend towards either the explanatory paradigm of discourse or of tradition. Discourse (...)
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  25. Julian Tenison woods and virtue.Roderick O'Brien - 2013 - The Australasian Catholic Record 90 (4):433.
    O'Brien, Roderick When we held the Woods Centenary Seminar in 1989, the local Naracoorte Herald gave us excellent publicity. I recall sitting with the editor, Richard Peake, as he was briefed by the great Sr Margaret Press, assisted by Fr Kevin Horsell, the parish priest of Bordertown who brought his scientific background, and by me. The editor asked the question: 'If Mary MacKillop is to be canonised, why not Woods?'.
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    Produktionen der GegenwartProductions of the present.Nora Ramtke - 2022 - Deutsche Vierteljahrsschrift für Literaturwissenschaft Und Geistesgeschichte 96 (2):155-176.
    Zusammenfassung»Productionen der Gegenwart« nennt Goethe Kotzebues Schauspiele abwertend und spielt damit ein autonomieästhetisches Kunstverständnis gegen eine populäre Literatur aus, die maßgeblich von ihrem expliziten Verweischarakter auf die historische Gegenwart lebt. Für Kotzebues Schreiben lässt sich eine tiefe Durchdringung von dargestelltem Zeithorizont und auf die Gegenwart berechnetem Effekt beobachten, die sich sowohl aus seiner Tendenz erklärt, aktuelle politische und gesellschaftliche Themen und Motive aufzugreifen und literarisch zu verarbeiten, als auch aus seinem expliziten Anspruch, schreibend auf die Gegenwart einzuwirken. Am Beispiel von (...)
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  27.  18
    Ethics and Description.R. W. Newell - 1968 - Philosophy 43 (166):360 - 370.
    To some extent, perhaps under Moore's chastening influence, eccentric philosophical denials of the existence of physical objects, other people's minds, the past, and so on, have gone out of fashion. All the same there is at least one very common philosophical conclusion which, though not as extravagant as these, is no less paradoxical. This is the dogma that ethical statements could not describe anything at all, and the collateral claim that they could not be true or false. This is, I (...)
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    Juliana van Norwich (1342–ca.1416) as post-skolastiese teoloog.Johann Beukes - 2020 - HTS Theological Studies 76 (4):11.
    Julian of Norwich (1342–ca.1416) as a post-scholastic theologian. This article positions the ‘first female English writer from the Middle Ages’, Julian of Norwich (1342–ca.1416), within the context of ‘post-scholasticism’, the very last period in late Medieval Philosophy, of which one feature was the final separation of theology and philosophy in the late Medieval index. Julian should in terms of this placing be engaged as a theologian proper, distinguished from the six other prominent female thinkers from the Medieval Latin West (Héloïse, (...)
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  29.  17
    Existe-t-il un canon définitif de la vie philosophique?Jan Patočka - 1937 - Travaux du IXe Congrès International de Philosophie 10:186-189.
    L’inquiétude de la totalité de la vie, qui s’éveille chez certains esprits, les amène à créer des représentations canoniques, types de vie stylisée et unifiée. Les philosophes sont des créateurs de « canons » de vie philosophique ; mais on peut se demander s’il est possible de dresser un tableau idéal du philosophe qui pourrait lui servir en même temps de norme et de critère. Non, car la vie philosophique est un mouvement, un « acte imparfait » dont la fin (...)
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  30.  14
    An Observation on Robert Lauder’s Review of G. A. McCool, S.J.Romanus Cessario - 1992 - The Thomist 56 (4):701-710.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:AN OBSERVATION ON ROBERT LAUDER'S REVIEW OF G. A. McCOOL, S.J.1 RoMANus CEssARro, O.P. Dominican House of Studies Washington, District of Columbia BECAUSE OF HIS scholarly commentary on the development of Roman Catholic theology in the 19th and 20th centuries, students interested in the history of this period owe a debt of gratitude to Fr. Gerald McCool, S.J. In a recent issue of this journal, Robert Lauder presented a (...)
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    Epic Performed: The Poetic Nature of TV Series.Marco Segala - 2023 - Rivista di Estetica 83:39-56.
    In this paper I aim to test a general interpretation of television series as narrative epics, in the sense defined by Aristotle’s Poetics and canonised by Renaissance literary theorists.
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    Alexander Bogdanov and the Politics of Knowledge after the October Revolution.Maria Chehonadskih - 2023 - Springer Verlag.
    In this book, Maria Chehonadskih unsettles established narratives about the formation of a revolutionary canon after the October Revolution. Displacing the centre of gravity from dialectical materialism to the rapid dissemination, canonisation and decline of a striking convergence of empiricism and Marxism, she explores how this tendency, overshadowed by official historiography, establishes a new attitude to modernity and progress, nature and environment, agency and subjectivity, party and class, knowledge and power. The book traces the adventure of the synthesis of (...)
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  33.  55
    The 'ABCs' of B, Or: To Be and Not to Be B.Alan Cholodenko - 2010 - Film-Philosophy 14 (2):84-112.
    What my necessarily simple schematic of ‘ABCs’ means to propose isthat: 1. Animation is never not at stake in movies and cinema, both forms ofwhat I call live action film animation 2. The movie is never not at stake incinema, which is a form for me of the movie, and 3. The movie is never notat stake in the B movie, or to put it another and unorthodox way, the movieis never not B movie. And therefore, beginning as B movies, (...)
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    Analysing narrative genres.Paul Cobley - 2001 - Sign Systems Studies 29 (2):479-502.
    There can be little doubt that human consciousness is now suffused with narrative. In the West, narrative is the focus of a number of lucrative industries and narratives proliferate as never before. The importance of popular genres in current narrative is an index of the demise of authorship in the face of new media and has necessitated the renewal of the term "genre" in narrative analysis over the last hundred years or so. However. this article attempts to make clear that (...)
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  35.  45
    Lire théologiquement et spirituellement les Écritures.Pierre Gisel - 2005 - Recherches de Science Religieuse 4 (4):533-543.
    Infléchissant le propos de J.-L. Chrétien en passant du " dire " au " lire ", et en congédiant l' " autorité " ainsi que le qualificatif " Saintes " impliqués dans l'article du philosophe, P. Gisel pose la question de savoir en quoi ce livre - l'Ecriture ou les Ecritures - est " Parole de Dieu ", peut-être " en quoi " il est d'abord Parole, et ensuite, plus radicalement, " Parole de Dieu ". Or, les Ecritures sont et (...)
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    Selbstkritische Philosophiegeschichtsschreibung als Arbeit am Kanon.Gerald Hartung - 2023 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 71 (2):205-225.
    The history of the historiography of philosophy in the 19th and 20th centuries is presented. Special emphasis is placed on the research on the history of philosophy for the self-understanding of the discipline of philosophy as well as the ideological implications of this research direction. Against this background, the processes of canonisation of the history of philosophy are illuminated and the mixing of descriptive and normative content is analysed. Finally, the opportunities and risks of a critical historiography of philosophy (...)
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  37.  30
    Preserving the Neapolitan state: Antonio Genovesi and Ferdinando Galiani on commercial society and planning economic growth.Koen Stapelbroek - 2006 - History of European Ideas 32 (4):406-429.
    Both Antonio Genovesi and Ferdinando Galiani devised strategies for Neapolitan economic development, which they realised was essential for preserving its recently acquired independent statehood. In order to avoid any socially disruptive effects they considered how economic processes changed the human mind. Both thinkers grounded their political visions on foreign trade on highly sophisticated ideas of the nature of self-interest. In spite of the similar characters of their projects, the political thought of Genovesi and Galiani has never been subject to serious (...)
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  38.  94
    The Dynamics of Framing Environmental Values and Policy: Four Models of Societal Processes.Clark A. Miller - 2000 - Environmental Values 9 (2):211-233.
    While the subject of framing has achieved considerable recognition recently among social scientists and policy analysts, less attention has been given to how societies arrive at stable, collective frames of meaning for environmental values and policy. This paper proposes four models of societal processes by which framing occurs: narration, modelling, canonisation and normalisation. These four models are developed, compared, and explored in detail through a case study of the framing of the impacts of climate change on human societies in (...)
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  39.  17
    Thomas Aquinas and The Interlinking of Sanctity and Doctrine, From One Centenary to Another.Marc Millais - 2023 - New Blackfriars 104 (1114):715-725.
    From 1923 to the present day, various studies have increasingly analysed the beginnings of the cult of Thomas Aquinas, as well as the authenticity of his works. Over the last century, the reception of Thomas Aquinas between these two poles of sanctity and the authority accorded to his works has shown itself to be a significant pairing, of which this article unpacks some important stages.
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    Post-War Saints: 1945–1960.James Baaden - 2014 - History of European Ideas 40 (6):873-892.
    SummaryThis article addresses the appeal of saints and sainthood in the years 1945 to 1960. Part 1 cites the 1957 diary of Susan Sontag, who focused on the cultural power of the Roman Catholic Church and drew attention to three European women: Teresa of Avila, Edith Stein, and Frances Cabrini. Reasons that these three (all Catholic saints) would have been in Susan Sontag's mind in 1957 are explored. In Part 2, wider attention is applied to the year 1957. Writers who (...)
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  41.  12
    Aristotle's Heirs: An Introduction to the Peripatetic Tradition.Han Baltussen - 2014 - New York: Acumen Publishing.
    Aristotle's Heirs explores the development of Peripatetic thought from Theophrastus and Strato to the work of the commentator Alexander of Aphrodisias. The book examines whether the internal dynamics of this philosophical school allowed for a unity of Peripatetic thought, or whether there was a fundamental tension between philosophical creativity and the notions of core teachings and canonisation. The book discusses the major philosophical preoccupations of the Peripatetics, interactions with Hellenistic schools of thought, and the shift in focus among Greek (...)
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    Canon, sex and gender in Theodoret of Cyrus’s exposition of LXX Ruth.Chris L. de Wet - 2022 - HTS Theological Studies 78 (1):7.
    The purpose of this article is to examine Theodoret of Cyrus’s (ca. 393–ca. 457 CE) exposition of LXX Ruth, as found in his Questions on the Octateuch. At the centre of this analysis lies the question of what an early Christian author like Theodoret, who lives in a context where asceticism and sexual renunciation were quite popular (i.e. Christian Syria), does with a complicated text like Ruth, which contains so many explicit nuances about sex, procreation and marriage, as well as (...)
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    The Primary Canon: A Critical Review.Jackie Marsh - 2004 - British Journal of Educational Studies 52 (3):249-262.
    This paper argues that the existence of a canon of established and privileged texts in the primary literacy curriculum in England can be traced historically and has informed current national policy and practice. This canonisation of a particular set of literature has served to marginalise popular cultural and media texts, often the preferred texts of children in contemporary society. The paper examines the historical development of an established, hegemonic body of texts and critically analyses current national curricula frameworks for (...)
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    Arendt and Augustine: a pedagogy of desiring and thinking for politics.Mark Aloysius - 2024 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    This book addresses a lacuna in scholarship concerning Hannah Arendt's Augustinian heritage that has predominantly focused on her early work. It de-canonises the sources that political theology has appealed to by shifting the interpretive focus to her mature treatment in The Life of the Mind. Arendt's initial criticism of Augustinian desiring is that it generates worldlessness. In her later works, Arendt develops a more nuanced reading of the movements of thinking, desiring, and loving in her engagement with Augustine. This study (...)
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    Der Koran und seine Rezeption.Renate Renate Würsch - 2013 - Das Mittelalter 18 (1):27-45.
    The focus of this paper lies on the Islamic approach to the Qurʾān, the exegesis of the text, and the significance of Qurʾānic revelation for Muslim societies (“Sitz im Leben”) for centuries up to the present day, paying also some attention to the history of the European perception of the Qurʾān, from which ultimately modern Western Qurʾānic research emerged. As an introduction, the specific formal and thematic features of the Qurʾān, Islam’s Holy Scripture, are explained and the history of the (...)
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