Results for 'building'

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  1. Alzheimer Disease, MCI and Beyond.Building A. Mystery - 2006 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 13 (1):61-74.
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    The Athenian experiment: building an imagined political community in ancient Attica, 508-490 B.C.Greg Anderson - 2003 - Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.
    In barely the space of one generation, Athens was transformed from a conventional city-state into something completely new--a region-state on a scale previously unthinkable. This book sets out to answer a seemingly simple question: How and when did the Athenian state attain the anomalous size that gave it such influence in Greek politics and culture in the classical period? Many scholars argue that Athens's incorporation of Attica was a gradual development, largely completed some two hundred years before the classical era. (...)
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    Landscapes of Time: Building Long‐Term Perspectives in Animal Behavior.Erika Lorraine Milam - 2022 - Berichte Zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte 45 (1-2):164-188.
    Berichte zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte, Volume 45, Issue 1-2, Page 164-188, June 2022.
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  4. Levine RJ, Building a new consensus.Dubler N. N. Levine С - 1991 - IRB: Ethics & Human Research 13:1-17.
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    Sour Grapes, Self-Abnegation and Character Building.David Zimmerman - 2003 - The Monist 86 (2):220-241.
    We usually withhold attributions of moral responsibility when a person acts on preferences that are induced without her consent by other people by means of conditioning, post-hypnotic suggestion, neurological fiddling and similar techniques. However, this is not generally the case when a person induces preferences in herself by the process of character building. However, the distinction between non-responsibility and responsibility for preferences does not map neatly onto the distinction between psychological induction by other and by self. Sometimes responsibility-grounding freedom (...)
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  6. Building blocks for a cognitive science-led epistemology of arithmetic.Stefan Buijsman - 2021 - Philosophical Studies 179 (5):1-18.
    In recent years philosophers have used results from cognitive science to formulate epistemologies of arithmetic :5–18, 2001). Such epistemologies have, however, been criticised, e.g. by Azzouni, for interpreting the capacities found by cognitive science in an overly numerical way. I offer an alternative framework for the way these psychological processes can be combined, forming the basis for an epistemology for arithmetic. The resulting framework avoids assigning numerical content to the Approximate Number System and Object Tracking System, two systems that have (...)
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  7. Trust within capacity building for the development of supervision training : a case study of Sweden and Mozambique.Cecilia Almlöv, Rehana Capurchande, Francisco Januário & Lars Geschwind - 2021 - In Anne Lee & Rob Bongaardt (eds.), The future of doctoral research: challenges and opportunities. New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
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  8. How to Start Counseling: Building the Counseling Program in the Local Church.William E. Hulme - 1955
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    The Role of Multiword Building Blocks in Explaining L1–L2 Differences.Inbal Arnon & Morten H. Christiansen - 2017 - Topics in Cognitive Science 9 (3):621-636.
    Why are children better language learners than adults despite being worse at a range of other cognitive tasks? Here, we explore the role of multiword sequences in explaining L1–L2 differences in learning. In particular, we propose that children and adults differ in their reliance on such multiword units in learning, and that this difference affects learning strategies and outcomes, and leads to difficulty in learning certain grammatical relations. In the first part, we review recent findings that suggest that MWUs play (...)
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    What are the building blocks of the frog's wiping reflex?Ilan Golani - 1986 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 9 (4):607-608.
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    Building AI literacy for humanities students: teaching beyond generative AI.Bruno Galmar - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-2.
  12. Building Epistemically Healthier Platforms.Dallas Amico-Korby, Maralee Harrell & David Danks - forthcoming - Episteme.
    When thinking about designing social media platforms, we often focus on factors such as usability, functionality, aesthetics, ethics, and so forth. Epistemic considerations have rarely been given the same level of attention in design discussions. This paper aims to rectify this neglect. We begin by arguing that there are epistemic norms that govern environments, including social media environments. Next, we provide a framework for applying these norms to the question of platform design. We then apply this framework to the real-world (...)
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    “All you can eat” ontology-building: Feeding Wikipedia to Cyc.Samuel Sarjant, Catherine Legg, Olena Medelyan & Michael Robinson - 2009 - IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence (WI-09), 15 – 18 September 2009 Università Degli Studi di Milano Bicocca, Milano, Italy.
    In order to achieve genuine web intelligence, building some kind of large general machine-readable conceptual scheme (i.e. ontology) seems inescapable. Yet the past 20 years have shown that manual ontology-building is not practicable. The recent explosion of free user-supplied knowledge on the Web has led to great strides in automatic ontology building, but quality-control is still a major issue. Ideally one should automatically build onto an already intelligent base. We suggest that the long-running Cyc project is able (...)
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    Abstract Knowledge and Reified Financial Innovation: Building Wisdom and Ethics Into Financial Innovation Networks.David Rooney, Tom Mandeville & Tim Kastelle - 2013 - Journal of Business Ethics 118 (3):447-459.
    This article argues that abstract knowledge in the form of formally developed theory plays an increasingly important role in the economy and in financial innovation in particular.knowledge is easily reified, and this is an aspect of knowledge work that is insufficiently researched. In this article, we problematize reification of abstract knowledge in financial innovation from wisdom, ethics, and social network analysis perspectives. This article, therefore, considers the composition and structures of financial innovation networks that help avoid reification by building (...)
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  15. Précis of Building Better Beings: A Theory of Moral Responsibility.Manuel R. Vargas - 2015 - Philosophical Studies 172 (10):2621-2623.
    The idea of moral responsibility is central to a wide range of our moral, social, and legal practices, and it underpins our basic notion of culpability. Yet the idea of moral responsibility is increasingly viewed with skepticism by researchers and scholars in psychology, neuroscience, philosophy, and the law. Building Better Beings: A Theory of Moral Responsibility responds to these challenges, offering a new account of the justification of our practices and judgments of moral responsibility. Three distinctive ideas shape the (...)
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    Solidifying Grounds: The Intricate Art of Foundation Building.Germain Meulemans - 2022 - Theory, Culture and Society 39 (2):75-94.
    Modern thinking about the ground tends to take it as a purely material base for the unfolding of history and ideas emerging on its surface. In this article, I question above-ground visions of city building by drawing on both the history of ground engineering and ethnographic fieldwork carried out in Paris with geotechnicians. I address the difficulties that theorists have faced over past centuries in modelling soils, and the contemporary practice of building piles underneath buildings to anchor them. (...)
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  17. Philosophical and Methodological Problems in Building the Theory of Quantum Gravitation.Jan Dubnicka - 2009 - Filozofia 64 (7):658-668.
    The paper deals with selected philosophical and methodological problems concerning the building of the quantum theory of gravitation, which is expected to unify general relativity and the quantum field theory into a single consistent and comprehensive theory. It outlines the basic ontological characteristics of such a theory, its structure and the limitations set upon it by the general relativity and the quantum field theory. Models of such a theory are described as well.
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  18. Institutional capacity building: Tanzania. End of program evaluation report.C. C. Macpherson, S. Franceschet, L. Ayala, J. F. Bencomo, M. SantÃn, R. Torres, Fdez Yero Jl, C. Silva, S. O. Orach & J. Jutting - 2001 - Developing World Bioethics 1 (1):57-68.
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  19. Building better Sex Robots: Lessons from Feminist Pornography.John Danaher - 2019 - In Yuefang Zhou & Martin H. Fischer (eds.), Ai Love You : Developments in Human-Robot Intimate Relationships. Springer Verlag.
    How should we react to the development of sexbot technology? Taking their cue from anti-porn feminism, several academic critics lament the development of sexbot technology, arguing that it objectifies and subordinates women, is likely to promote misogynistic attitudes toward sex, and may need to be banned or restricted. In this chapter I argue for an alternative response. Taking my cue from the sex positive ‘feminist porn’ movement, I argue that the best response to the development of ‘bad’ sexbots is to (...)
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  20. ""Intellectual contribution of the" New school" to nation-building thought.M. Martinkovic - 2004 - Filozofia 59 (10):766-782.
    In the middle of the 19th century the nation building elites using Slovak language have undergone an important political differentiation. One part of previously united emancipatory movment, which has arisen mainly under the influence of Hegel’s philosophy of history and its Štúrian interpretation, formed into a new political-philosophical alternative. Its program was based on the ideas of political philosophy of Ch. Montesquieu, J. S. Mill, J. G. Herders and others. This initiative, called New School, has introduced into the Hungarian (...)
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  21.  68
    Building Trust for a Better Democracy.Ryan Muldoon - 2022 - Analysis 82 (3):552-560.
    In Trust in a Polarized Age, Kevin Vallier gives himself the unenviable and yet essential task of diagnosing and responding to the problem of democratic governa.
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    What’s wrong with permaculture design courses? Brazilian lessons for agroecological movement-building in Canada.Marie-Josée Massicotte & Christopher Kelly-Bisson - 2019 - Agriculture and Human Values 36 (3):581-594.
    This paper focuses on the centrality of permaculture design courses as the principal sociopolitical strategy of the permaculture community in Canada to transform local food production practices. Building on the work of Antonio Gramsci and political agroecology as a framework of analysis, we argue that permaculture instruction remains deeply embedded within market and colonial relations, which orients the pedagogy of permaculture trainings in such a way as to reproduce the basic elements of the colonial capitalist economy among its practitioners. (...)
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  23. Building bridges with words: an inferential account of ethical univocity.Mark Douglas Warren - 2018 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 48 (3-4):468-488.
    Explaining genuine moral disagreement is a challenge for metaethical theories. For expressivists, this challenge comes from the plausibility of agents making seemingly univocal claims while expressing incongruent conative attitudes. I argue that metaethical inferentialism – a deflationary cousin to expressivism, which locates meaning in the inferential import of our moral assertions rather than the attitudes they express – offers a unique solution to this problem. Because inferentialism doesn’t locate the source of moral disagreements in a clash between attitudes, but instead (...)
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    SATenstein: Automatically building local search SAT solvers from components.Ashiqur R. KhudaBukhsh, Lin Xu, Holger H. Hoos & Kevin Leyton-Brown - 2016 - Artificial Intelligence 232 (C):20-42.
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  25. Transnational Norm-Building Networks and the Legitimacy of Corporate Social Responsibility Standards.Ulrich Mueckenberger & Sarah Jastram - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 97 (2):223-239.
    In the following article, we propose an analytical framework for the analysis of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Standards based on the paradigmatic nexus of voice and entitlement. We follow the theory of decentration and present the concept of Transnational Norm-Building Networks (TNNs), which — as we argue — comprise a new nexus of voice and entitlement beyond the nation—state level. Furthermore, we apply the analytical framework to the ISO 26000 initiative and the Global Compact. We conclude the article with (...)
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    Intelligent Data Mining of Computer-Aided Extension Residential Building Design Based on Algorithm Library.Gao Zhihui & Zou Guangtian - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-9.
    In recent years, with the development of construction industry, more scientific, systematic, fast, and intelligent calculation methods are needed to coordinate urban development and fierce market competition, and mathematical algorithm library plays an important role in artificial intelligence. Therefore, the author uses computer mathematical algorithm and extension theory to study and analyze the residential building design and intelligent data mining. It is found that the research of the computer-aided expression method of extension building planning is mainly the expression (...)
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    Building a Way: Becoming Active in One’s Own Subjectivation through Deleuze and Xunzi.Michael J. Ardoline - 2022 - Philosophies 7 (5):98.
    While Continental thought has no shortage of criticism and diagnosis of social, political, and ethical issues, it tends to avoid offering guidance on what to do about such issues. In Reconsidering the Life of Power, Garrison argues for a radical new alternative for the Continental tradition: it ought to stage an encounter with the Confucian tradition. This is because, he argues, both traditions have at the center of their political thought a focus on the social formation of subjects, that is, (...)
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    The Fundamental Role of Large-Scale Trust Building in Natural Resource Management.Karni Marcus - 2016 - Environmental Values 25 (3):259-286.
    To better understand how to solve large-scale social dilemmas such as common-pool resource management, this paper provides a interdisciplinary critical analysis of scholarship to reveal the vicious cycle we are currently mired in. It proposes that current approaches to promote pro-environmental behaviour will be limited in their efficacy without a preliminary change in the level of trust among individuals and the systems that purport to support them. It then advances a new focus on large-scale trust building, suggesting paths for (...)
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  29. Embed and Unzip: Entailment Structures as a Knowledge Building Tool for Academic Conferences.T. Scholte - 2015 - Constructivist Foundations 11 (1):76-77.
    Open peer commentary on the article “Designing Academic Conferences in the Light of Second-Order Cybernetics” by Laurence D. Richards. Upshot: Building upon Richards’s notions of “design by constraint” and the usefulness of assigning collaborative tasks to conference participants, this commentary suggests a basic application of Pask’s conversation theory as a potential aide to fruitful knowledge construction in a conference setting.
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  30. Building relational competence by training empathy.Katinka G.°Tzsche - 2018 - In Jane Dalton, Kathryn Byrnes & Elizabeth Hope Dorman (eds.), The teaching self: contemplative practices, pedagogy, and research in education. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield.
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    Building bridges in Sarajevo: the plenary papers from CTEWC 2018.Kristin E. Heyer (ed.) - 2019 - Maryknoll, New York: Orbis Books.
    A collection of the plenary addresses from the 2018 Catholic Theological Ethics in the World Church conference in Sarajevo. The conference sought to identify global challenges, particularly climate and political crises, and to issue a call to theological ethicists to respond to those challenges in effective ways.
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    Building Programmatic Linkages in the Periphery: The Case of the TRT Party in Thailand.Viengrat Nethipo & Illan Nam - 2022 - Politics and Society 50 (3):413-454.
    Did the Thai Rak Thai Party of Thailand, the first party in the country’s history to gain parliamentary dominance in 2001, represent a departure from traditional clientelistic Thai parties or was it old wine in a new bottle? This article argues that the TRT represented a new hybrid party that successfully established programmatic linkages in rural parts of the country by systematizing its use of informal social networks in local communities. By routinizing recruitment, training, and evaluation of its parliamentary candidates (...)
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  33. Building a new brand.Ayo Seligman & Robin Goldberg - 2017 - In Stephen Michael Kosslyn, Ben Nelson & Robert Kerrey (eds.), Building the intentional university: Minerva and the future of higher education. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press.
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    Ask: building consent culture.Kitty Stryker - 2017 - Portland, OR: Thorntree Press.
    Have you ever heard the phrase "It's easier to ask forgiveness than permission?" Violating consent isn't limited to sexual relationships, and our discussions around consent shouldn't be, either. To resist rape culture, we need a consent culture--and one that is more than just reactionary. Left confined to intimate spaces, consent will atrophy as theory that is never put into practice. The multi-layered power disparities of today's world require a response sensitive to a wide range of lived experiences. In Ask, Kitty (...)
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    Building Intricate Partnerships with Neurotechnology: Deep Brain Stimulation and Relational Agency.Timothy Brown - 2020 - International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics 13 (1):134-154.
    Deep Brain Stimulation is an FDA-approved treatment for the symptoms of Parkinson's disease, essential tremor, dystonia, and epilepsy—with experimental use for mood disorders. DBS systems consist of a signal generator, typically implanted in the user's chest, that sends impulses to electrodes implanted in select areas of the user's brain. These signals change the activity of areas of the brain associated with unwanted symptoms. Several research groups have begun trials to use DBS as a treatment for psychiatric disorders. DBS, however, comes (...)
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    Exploring Research Trends and Building a Multidisciplinary Framework Related to Brownfield: A Visual Analysis Using CiteSpace.Xinjia Zhang, Yang Song, Shijun Wang & Sitong Qian - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-14.
    Brownfield has become one of the critical issues in modern cities. Over the past few decades, a considerable number of papers on brownfield research have been published. This study reviewed 773 documents themed with “brownfield” in the Web of Science core database between 1980 and 2020 and used the CiteSpace software to sort out the spatial and temporal distribution, knowledge groups, subject structures and hotspot fields, and evolutionary trends of global brownfield research. The analysis focuses on distribution of lead authors (...)
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    Chapter 4. Building Blocks for Interreligious Dialogue and Theology.Ephraim Meir - 2015 - In Interreligious Theology: Its Value and Mooring in Modern Jewish Philosophy. Jerusalem: De Gruyter. pp. 69-82.
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    CMED, Kingdom Building and the Local Church: The Case of Sinapi Aba Trust in Ghana.Ken Appenteng Mensah & Makonen Getu - 2003 - Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies 20 (3):178-184.
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  39. Bauweise der lebenden Natur = Building methods of living Nature.Eda Schaur - 2015 - In Rudolf Finsterwalder, Kristin Feireiss & Frei Otto (eds.), Form follows nature: eine Geschichte der Natur als Modell für Formfindung in Ingenieurbau, Architektur und Kunst = a history of nature as model for design in engineering, architecture and art. Basel: Birkhäuser.
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  40. Emergent mattering : building rhetorical ethics at the limits of the human.Kellie Sharp-Hoskins & Julie Jung - 2017 - In Chris Mays, Nathaniel A. Rivers & Kellie Sharp-Hoskins (eds.), Kenneth Burke + the posthuman. University Park, Pennsylvania: The Pennsylvania State University Press.
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    Building Duration: Architecture Out of Adventure-Time.Sean Keller - 2024 - Critical Inquiry 50 (3):472-493.
    This article examines the temporal dimension of contemporary architecture, particularly in light of the climate crisis. Mikhail Bakhtin’s category of “adventure-time” is redeployed to describe the general chronotope of postmodernism, one in which contingency and spatiotemporal disjunctions are dominant. In contrast, this essay argues for a new emphasis on duration as a means of attending to temporal continuity. Potential paths for expanding architecture’s critical engagement with duration are explored.
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    Abortion and Reproduction in Ireland: Shame, Nation-building and the Affective Politics of Place.Clara Fischer - 2019 - Feminist Review 122 (2):32-48.
    In 2018, Irish citizens voted overwhelmingly to repeal the Eighth Amendment to the Constitution to allow for the introduction of a more liberal abortion law. In this article, I develop a retrospective reading of the stubborn persistence of the denial of reproductive rights to women in Ireland over the decades. I argue that the ban’s severity and longevity is rooted in deep-seated, affective attachments that formed part of processes of postcolonial nation-building and relied on shame and the construction of (...)
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  43.  10
    ‘Third Way’ Transitions: Building ‘Benevolent Capitalism’ for the Information Society.Anna Malina - 1999 - Communications 24 (2):167-188.
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    Reflective Consensus Building on Wicked Problems with the Reflect! Platform.Michael H. G. Hoffmann - 2020 - Science and Engineering Ethics 26 (2):793-819.
    Wicked problems—that is, problems that can be framed in a number of different ways, depending on who is looking at them—pose ethical challenges for professionals that have scarcely been recognized as such. Even though wicked problems are all around us, they are rarely addressed in education. A reason for this failure might be that wicked problems pose almost insurmountable challenges in educational settings. This contribution shows how students can learn to cope with wicked problems in problem-based learning projects that are (...)
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    Search and Coherence-Building in Intuition and Insight Problem Solving.Michael Öllinger & Albrecht von Müller - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
  46. Building machines that learn and think about morality.Christopher Burr & Geoff Keeling - 2018 - In Christopher Burr & Geoff Keeling (eds.), Proceedings of the Convention of the Society for the Study of Artificial Intelligence and Simulation of Behaviour (AISB 2018). Society for the Study of Artificial Intelligence and Simulation of Behaviour.
    Lake et al. propose three criteria which, they argue, will bring artificial intelligence (AI) systems closer to human cognitive abilities. In this paper, we explore the application of these criteria to a particular domain of human cognition: our capacity for moral reasoning. In doing so, we explore a set of considerations relevant to the development of AI moral decision-making. Our main focus is on the relation between dual-process accounts of moral reasoning and model-free/model-based forms of machine learning. We also discuss (...)
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    Building Democracy.Ming‑Huei Lee & Tze-ki Hon - 2017 - In Tze-Ki Hon (ed.), Confucianism for the contemporary world: global order, political plurality, and social action. Albany, NY: State University of New York Press. pp. 81-90.
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    Building Momentum: platformised organising and the democratic deficit.Robin Piazzo & Silvia Keeling - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-13.
    The literature focussing on digital platforms as intraorganisational intermediaries underlines a key shortcoming of this model that has not been addressed by the literatures on digital social movements, advocacy, and activism. This limitation is related to the fact that platform-based organisations usually exploit widespread representations of digital technologies as tools for democratisation, but then offer low-quality internal democracy. This has implications for these organisations’ internal and external legitimacy, which are vital for mobilising and engaging supporters and the general public. This (...)
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    Building a Case for Social Justice Situated Case Studies in Nonideal Social Theory.Corwin Aragon - 2021 - In Heidi Elizabeth Grasswick & Nancy Arden McHugh (eds.), Making the Case: Feminist and Critical Race Philosophers Engage Case Studies. Albany: SUNY Press. pp. 23-45.
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    Strategic Trust Building.Cati Brown & Robbin Derry - 2005 - Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society 16:243-246.
    This paper examines the linguistic strategies used by tobacco industry executives in public speeches made pre and post two important events in tobacco industry history to assess the trust building efforts of Philip Morris.
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