Results for 'buckyball and buckytube'

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  1.  37
    Entanglement, Slits and Buckyballs.Duane Voskuil - 2007 - Process Studies 36 (1):23-44.
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    TREVOR H. LEVERE, Transforming Matter: A History of Chemistry from Alchemy to the Buckyball. Introductory Studies in the History of Science. Baltimore and London: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2001. Pp. x+215. ISBN 0-8018-6610-3. £12.50. [REVIEW]David Knight - 2002 - British Journal for the History of Science 35 (2):213-250.
  3. T. Levere, Transforming Matter. A History of Chemistry from Alchemy to the Buckyball.J. Simon - 2003 - Early Science and Medicine 8 (1):79-80.
  4.  42
    Nanomaterials and effects on biological systems: Development of effective regulatory norms. [REVIEW]Padmavati Manchikanti & Tapas K. Bandopadhyay - 2010 - NanoEthics 4 (1):77-83.
    Nanoscience has enabled the understanding of organisation of the atomic and molecular world. Due to the unique chemical, electronic and magnetic properties nanomaterials have wide applications in the chemical, manufacturing, medical sector etc., Single walled carbon nanotubes, buckyballs, ZnSe quantum dots, TiO 2 nanoparticle based products are nearing commercialisation. Research is on-going worldwide on suitable delivery systems for nanomaterial based drugs. Nanomaterials are highly reactive in biological systems due to the large surface area. While the benefits of nanomaterials are evident (...)
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    Computer Simulations: An Inferential Conception.Otávio Bueno - 2014 - The Monist 97 (3):378-398.
    In this paper, I offer an inferential conception of computer simulations, emphasizing the role that simulations play as inferential devices to represent empirical phenomena. Three steps are involved in a simulation: an immersion step, a derivation step, and an interpretation and correction step. After presenting the view, I mention some cases, such as simulations of the current flow between silicon atoms and buckyballs as well as of genetic regulatory systems. I argue that the inferential conception accommodates the integration of empirical (...)
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    The Basics of Nanotechnology.Fritz Allhoff, Patrick Lin & Daniel Moore - 2009 - In Fritz Allhoff, Patrick Lin & Daniel Moore (eds.), What is Nanotechnology and Why Does It Matter: From Science to Ethics. Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 1–19.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Definitions and Scales The Origins of Nanotechnology The Current State of Nanotechnology The Future of Nanotechnology Nanotechnology in Nature and Applications.
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    Nanomaterials.Fritz Allhoff, Patrick Lin & Daniel Moore - 2009 - In Fritz Allhoff, Patrick Lin & Daniel Moore (eds.), What is Nanotechnology and Why Does It Matter: From Science to Ethics. Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 36–55.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Formation of Materials Carbon Nanomaterials Inorganic Nanomaterials.
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  8. Artificial Intelligence and its Applications.A. G. Cohn and & R. J. Thomas (eds.) - 1986 - John Wiley and Sons.
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  9. On Presentism, Endurance, and Change.H. Scott Hestevold And William R. Carter - 2002 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 32 (4):491-510.
    We note in Section I that an acceptable formulation of Presentism must preserve its consistency with Transient Time and inconsistency with Static Time. After arguing in Section II that certain formulations of Presentism are unacceptable, we offer in Section III a formulation of Presentism that we defend against the charge of triviality.
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  10. Causality and Demonstration: An Early Scholastic Posterior Analytics Commentary.Rega Wood and Robert Andrews - 1996 - The Monist 79 (3):325-356.
    Broadly speaking, ancient concepts of causality in terms of explanatory priority have been contrasted with modern discussions of causality concerned with agents or events sufficient to produce effects. As Richard Taylor claimed in the 1967 Encyclopedia of Philosophy, of the four causes considered by Aristotle, all but the notion of efficient cause is now archaic. What we will consider here is a notion even less familiar than Aristotelian material, formal, and final causes—what we will call 'demonstrational causality'. Demonstrational causality refers (...)
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    Social class and gender:: An empirical evaluation of occupational stratification.Nancy Andes - 1992 - Gender and Society 6 (2):231-251.
    The purpose of this article is to investigate how sex segregation, social class, and gender are analytically related to occupational stratification. Recent discussions of women and men in the labor force revolve around whether a sex-segregated model in which sex of the worker affects placement, a pure social class model using classical criteria, or a gendered social class model in which social organizational processes of a gendered social class structure affect positioning in the stratification system. This article addresses the influence (...)
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  12. Art and delusion.Greg Currie and Jon Jureidini - 2003 - The Monist 86 (4):556-578.
    Despite popular representations to the contrary, creative people are rarely insane. But creativity and madness may be connected in other ways; we find suggestions of schizotypy in the biographies of many artists, and schizophrenia and related conditions seem to be disproportionately represented in talented and creative families. There are attractions, therefore, in the idea that creativity depends on the controlled deployment of capacities that are uncontrolled in psychosis: an idea explored by psychoanalytically inclined writers such as Ernst Kris and Hanna (...)
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    Duality in Logic and Language.Lorenz Demey, and & Hans Smessaert - 2016 - Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    Duality in Logic and Language [draft--do not cite this article] Duality phenomena occur in nearly all mathematically formalized disciplines, such as algebra, geometry, logic and natural language semantics. However, many of these disciplines use the term ‘duality’ in vastly different senses, and while some of these senses are intimately connected to each other, others seem to be entirely … Continue reading Duality in Logic and Language →.
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  14. Sidgwick's Dualism of Practical Reason, Evolutionary Debunking, and Moral Psychology.Peter Andes - 2019 - Utilitas 31 (4):361-377.
    Sidgwick's seminal textThe Methods of Ethicsleft off with an unresolved problem that Sidgwick referred to as the dualism of practical reason. The problem is that employing Sidgwick's methodology of rational intuitionism appears to show that there are reasons to favour both egoism and utilitarianism. Katarzyna de Lazari-Radek and Peter Singer offer a solution in the form of an evolutionary debunking argument: the appeal of egoism is explainable in terms of evolutionary theory. I argue that like rational prudence, rational benevolence is (...)
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    Making Complexity Simpler: Multivariability and Metastability in the Brain.Andrew And Alexander Fingelkurts - 2004 - International Journal of Neuroscience 114 (7):843 - 862.
    This article provides a retrospective, current and prospective overview on developments in brain research and neuroscience. Both theoretical and empirical studies are considered, with emphasis in the concept of multivariability and metastability in the brain. In this new view on the human brain, the potential multivariability of the neuronal networks appears to be far from continuous in time, but confined by the dynamics of short-term local and global metastable brain states. The article closes by suggesting some of the implications of (...)
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  16. Form and cognition: How to go out of your mind.Jonathan Jacobs and John Zeis - 1997 - The Monist 80 (4):539-557.
    It would be very desirable to have an account of the relation between mind and world that sustained the integrity of each. In this paper, we will argue that a theory of cognition which is broadly Thomistic can do just that. Many commentators recognize that cognitio is Aquinas’s basic epistemic concept, and that it designates knowledge in the broadest and most basic sense, as distinguished from scientia, or knowledge in the paradigmatic sense. There are several important consequences of this distinction (...)
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  17.  28
    Authorship Not Taught and Not Caught in Undergraduate Research Experiences at a Research University.Lauren E. Abbott, Amy Andes, Aneri C. Pattani & Patricia Ann Mabrouk - 2020 - Science and Engineering Ethics 26 (5):2555-2599.
    This grounded study investigated the negotiation of authorship by faculty members, graduate student mentors, and their undergraduate protégés in undergraduate research experiences at a private research university in the northeastern United States. Semi-structured interviews using complementary scripts were conducted separately with 42 participants over a 3 year period to probe their knowledge and understanding of responsible authorship and publication practices and learn how faculty and students entered into authorship decision-making intended to lead to the publication of peer-reviewed technical papers. Herein (...)
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  18. Conceptual Analysis, Dualism, and the Explanatory Gap.Ned Block and Robert Stalnaker - 1999 - Philosophical Review 108 (1):1-46.
    One point of view on consciousness is constituted by two claims.
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    Meaning and Context-Sensitivity.Carlo Penco, and & Massimiliano Vignolo - 2020 - Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    Meaning and Context-Sensitivity Truth-conditional semantics explains meaning in terms of truth-conditions. The meaning of a sentence is given by the conditions that must obtain in order for the sentence to be true. The meaning of a word is given by its contribution to the truth-conditions of the sentences in which it occurs. What a speaker … Continue reading Meaning and Context-Sensitivity →.
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    The re-orientation of aesthetics and its significance for aesthetic education. In The turn to aesthetics: an interdisciplinary exchange of ideas in applied and philosophical aesthetics.Alexandra Mouriki & D. Palmer, C. And Torevell - 2008 - Liverpool, UK: Liverpool Hope University Press.
    More and more these days it is asked whether aesthetics is still possible. A question that, given the context and phrasing, seems to direct us towards its answer. Conferences and meetings, books and journal specials examine the issue of aesthetics, talk about rediscovery or return of aesthetics. Well known philosophers and aestheticians underscore the need to reconsider the foundations of aesthetics and set new directions for aesthetics today (Berleant, 2004) or attempt to expand aesthetics beyond aesthetics–like Welsch, for example who (...)
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  21. Constitutive rule systems and cultural epidemiology.Asa Kasher And Ronen Sadka - 2001 - The Monist 84 (3):437-448.
    Cultural evolution, the propagation and transfer of ideas from generation to generation, as well as from one person to another and from one culture to another, is much faster than normal, genetic evolution. This could account for the speedy proliferation of humankind on this planet, at the expense of other life forms.
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  22. Global response-dependence and noumenal realism.Michael Smith and Daniel Stoljar - 1998 - The Monist 81 (1):85-111.
    A response-dependent concept is a concept defined via reference to the psychological responses of suitably situated subjects. For example, something is red, according to the response-dependent account of that concept, if and only if it would look red to suitable subjects under suitable conditions; something is uncomfortable, according to the response-dependent account of that concept, if and only if it causes the discomfort of suitable subjects in suitable conditions; and so we might go on.
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  23. Adam Smith on Friendship and Love.Jr: Douglas J. Den Uyl and Charles L. Griswold - 1996 - Review of Metaphysics 49 (3):609-638.
    THE CENTRALITY OF "SYMPATHY" to Adam Smith's Theory of Moral Sentiments points to the centrality of love in the book. While Smith delineates a somewhat unusual, technical sense of "sympathy", his actual use of the term frequently slips into its more ordinary sense of "compassion" or affectionate fellow feeling. This no doubt intentional equivocation on Smith's part helps suffuse the book with these themes, to the point that, without much exaggeration, one could say that the Theory of Moral Sentiments is (...)
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  24. Communitarian and Liberal Theories of the Good.Jeffrey Paul and Fred D. Miller Jr - 1990 - Review of Metaphysics 43 (4):803-830.
    A MAJOR THESIS OF CONTEMPORARY LIBERAL PHILOSOPHY is that its theory of justice, which incorporates strong rights to negative liberty, must be prior to and independent of a theory of the good. This priority is necessary, according to liberal theorists, in view of the requirement that any adequate theory accommodate a plurality of contending views of the good, no one of which is capable of eliciting public assent to it. Recent critics of liberalism have disputed this thesis, maintaining instead that (...)
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    Time and Knowability in Evolutionary Processes.Elliott Sober and Mike Steel - 2014 - Philosophy of Science 81 (4):558-579,.
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    Rousseau and Liberty.Robert Wokler & Rousseau and the Cause Of Liberty - 1995
    Rousseau is considered to be at once the most modern political thinker of the 18th century and the most ancient in his allegiance to classical republicanism. These essays address the place of liberty in his moral and political philosophy, and the origins, meaning, strength, weakness and significance of his argument.
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    Chinese Ideas About Nature and Society: Studies in Honour of Derk Bodde.Charles and Susan Blader Le Blanc (ed.) - 1987 - Columbia University Press.
    The main theme that pervades this Festschrift, written by fellow-scholars and students of Bodde for his seventy-fifth birthday, is that of the proper ordering of the universe as it obtains in the Chinese tradition.
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  28. On bayesian measures of evidential support: Theoretical and empirical issues.Vincenzo Crupi, Katya Tentori & and Michel Gonzalez - 2007 - Philosophy of Science 74 (2):229-252.
    Epistemologists and philosophers of science have often attempted to express formally the impact of a piece of evidence on the credibility of a hypothesis. In this paper we will focus on the Bayesian approach to evidential support. We will propose a new formal treatment of the notion of degree of confirmation and we will argue that it overcomes some limitations of the currently available approaches on two grounds: (i) a theoretical analysis of the confirmation relation seen as an extension of (...)
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    Whose Business Values?: Some Asian and Cross-Cultural Perspectives.Sally and Gabriel Donleavy Steward - 1995 - Columbia University Press.
    This book is about the ethical issues arising in the course of business, especially those affecting people working in Asia. Each chapter offers a different perspective and the positions taken vary greatly from one writer to another.
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    Brain space and time in mental disorders: Paradigm shift in biological psychiatry.Andrew And Alexander Fingelkurts - 2019 - International Journal of Psychiatry in Medicine 54 (1):53-63.
    Contemporary psychiatry faces serious challenges because it has failed to incorporate accumulated knowledge from basic neuroscience, neurophilosophy, and brain–mind relation studies. As a consequence, it has limited explanatory power, and effective treatment options are hard to come by. A new conceptual framework for understanding mental health based on underlying neurobiological spatial-temporal mechanisms of mental disorders (already gained by the experimental studies) is beginning to emerge.
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  31. Hip Hop and Philosophy.D. Darby and T. Shelby (ed.) - 2005 - Open Court.
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  32. Republican liberty and resilience.Geoffrey Brennan and Alan Hamlin - 2001 - The Monist 84 (1):45-59.
    We focus attention on the “resilience” property of republican liberty —a property that, at least in some formulations, is among those features that distinguish republican liberty from its more familiar “liberal” counterpart. Our analysis suggests, and builds on, an analogy between resilience and risk aversion. After a brief description of what we take republican liberty to be, we turn to the question of how to conceptualise resilience and how the notion might most plausibly be formulated. Examining alternative possible formulations serves (...)
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  33. Self-Conflict and Self-Healing.John King-Farlow and Sean O’Connell - 1988
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    Rawls and Religion: The Case for Political Liberalism.Daniel A. Dombrowski - 2001 - SUNY Press.
    Employs the political philosophy of John Rawls to address controversies involving politics and religion.
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    Rationality and the genetic challenge: making people better?Matti Häyry - 2010 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Should we make people healthier, smarter, and longer-lived if genetic and medical advances enable us to do so? Matti Häyry asks this question in the context of genetic testing and selection, cloning and stem cell research, gene therapies and enhancements. The ethical questions explored include parental responsibility, the use of people as means, the role of hope and fear in risk assessment, and the dignity and meaning of life. Taking as a starting point the arguments presented by Jonathan Glover, John (...)
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  36. Philosophy and Cognitive Science: Categories, Consciousness, and Reasoning.and J. Larrazabal A. Clark, J. Ezquerro (ed.) - 1996 - Kluwer Academic Publishers.
  37. From Humanism to the Humanities: Education and the Liberal Arts In Fifteenth and Sixteenth Century Europe.Anthony Grafton and Lisa Jardine - 1986
  38. Theorizing American literature : Hegel, the sign, and history.ed. by Bainard Cowan and Joseph G. Kronick (ed.) - 1991 - Louisiana State University Press.
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  39. Direct and indirect measures of statistical learning.Arnaud Destrebecqz [And Others] - 2015 - In Morten Overgaard (ed.), Behavioral Methods in Consciousness Research. Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.
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  40. Gratuitous (post)humanism in education : 'There is no thought not yet thought'.And Pasley, Alejandra Jaramillo-Aristizabal & Noah Romero - 2024 - In Jessie Bustillos Morales & Shiva Zarabadi (eds.), Towards posthumanism in education: theoretical entanglements and pedagogical mappings. New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
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  41. Victor Cousin: Commonsense and the Absolute.James W. Manns and Edward H. Madden - 1990 - Review of Metaphysics 43 (3):569-590.
    Not only did he found his own school of philosophy, known as eclecticism, but he reintroduced into French intellectual life the study and appreciation of the history of philosophy, and produced studies and translations--of Plato and Proclus, Descartes and Pascal--that stand to this day as paradigms of exegetical thoroughness. And it was he who first pointed out to his countrymen that there was some serious philosophical work being carried out on the other side of the Rhine.
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    Between Disciplinary Power and Care of the Self: A Dialogue on Foucault and the Psychological Sciences.Cressida Heyes And Chloë Taylor - 2010 - PhaenEx 5 (2):179-209.
    A Dialogue on Foucault and the Psychological Sciences.
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    Educational research and two traditions of epistemology.Helen Freeman & And Alison Jones - 1980 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 12 (2):1–20.
  44. Sarah marchand and Daniel Wikler.Health Inequalities and - 2002 - In Julia Lai Po-Wah Tao (ed.), Cross-cultural perspectives on the (im) possibility of global bioethics. Boston: Kluwer Academic.
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    Modelling Meritocracy Democratic Transferences and Confucian Assumptions in The China Model.Canteras and Gil Juan and Javier - 2017 - Philosophy and Public Issues - Filosofia E Questioni Pubbliche 7 (1).
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    Temporal Concept Drift and Alignment: An Empirical Approach to Comparing Knowledge Organization Systems Over Time.Jane Greenberg, Peter Melville Logan and & Sam Grabus - 2022 - Knowledge Organization 49 (2):69-78.
    This research explores temporal concept drift and temporal alignment in knowledge organization systems. A comparative analysis is pursued using the 1910 Library of Congress Subject Headings, 2020 FAST Topical, and automatic indexing. The use case involves a sample of 90 nineteenth-century Encyclopedia Britannica entries. The entries were indexed using two approaches: 1) full-text indexing; 2) Named Entity Recognition was performed upon the entries with Stanza, Stanford’s NLP toolkit, and entities were automatically indexed with the Helping Interdisciplinary Vocabulary application, using both (...)
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  47. Discretion, Community, and Correctional Ethics.J. Kleinig and M. L. Smith (ed.) - 2001
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  48. Applied Ethics and Ethical Theory.David M. Rosenthal and Fadlou Shehadi - 1988
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  49. Contingent Natures and Virtuous Knowers: Could Epistemology be ‘Gendered’?Rebecca Kukla And Laura Ruetsche - 2002 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 32 (3):389-418.
    Consider a recent expression of such traditionalism.
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    Spacetime and electromagnetism: an essay on the philosophy of the special theory of relativity.J. R. Lucas - 1990 - New York: Oxford University Press. Edited by P. E. Hodgson.
    That space and time should be integrated into a single entity, spacetime, is the great insight of Einstein's special theory of relativity, and leads us to regard spacetime as a fundamental context in which to make sense of the world around us. But it is not the only one. Causality is equally important and at least as far as the special theory goes, it cannot be subsumed under a fundamentally geometrical form of explanation. In fact, the agent of propagation of (...)
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