Results for 'biocentric orientations'

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  1.  99
    Shifting Forest Value Orientations in the United States, 1980-2001: A Computer Content Analysis.David N. Bengston, Trevor J. Webb & David P. Fan - 2004 - Environmental Values 13 (3):373-392.
    This paper examines three forest value orientations - clusters of interrelated values and basic beliefs about forests - that emerged from an analysis of the public discourse about forest planning, management, and policy in the United States. The value orientations include anthropocentric, biocentric, and moral/spiritual/aesthetic orientations toward forests. Computer coded content analysis was used to identify shifts in the relative importance of these value orientations over the period 1980 through 2001. The share of expressions of (...)
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    Theory of the Earth.Thomas Nail - 2021 - Stanford University Press.
    We need a new philosophy of the earth. Geological time used to refer to slow and gradual processes, but today we are watching land sink into the sea and forests transform into deserts. We can even see the creation of new geological strata made of plastic, chicken bones, and other waste that could remain in the fossil record for millennia or longer. Crafting a philosophy of geology that rewrites natural and human history from the broader perspective of movement, Thomas Nail (...)
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    An African Understanding of Environmental Ethics.Philomena A. Ojomo - 2010 - Thought and Practice: A Journal of the Philosophical Association of Kenya 2 (2):49-63.
    Global concerns about the current environmental crisis have culminated in some controversial environmental ethical theories, among which are normative environmental ethics, sentientist ethics, biocentric ethics, ecocentric ethics and eco-feminist ethics. One of the underlying features connecting these environmental ethical theories is their grounding in Western perspectives and cultural experiences. Given that environmental concerns are global, and that the goal of environmental ethics is to address those concerns, critical explorations of environmental ethics need to go beyond the Western horizon. Nevertheless, (...)
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    Teilhard’s View of Nature and Some Implications for Environmental Ethics.James F. O’Brien - 1988 - Environmental Ethics 10 (4):329-346.
    Teilhard’s cosmological speculation is a valuable basis for an environmental ethics that perceives individual natural objects as good in themselves and the world as good in itself. Teilhard perceives man as fundamentally part of a cosmic environmental whole that is greater than mankind taken individually or collectively. His holistic views on human biological and psychological and social evolution are, I argue,compatible with a biocentric environmental ethics. I discuss some similarities and differences with the views of the deep ecology movement. (...)
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    Biocentrism, Ecocentrism, and African Modal Relationalism: Etieyibo, Metz, and Galgut on Animals and African Ethics.Kai Horsthemke - 2017 - Journal of Animal Ethics 7 (2):183-189.
    In this brief reply to the essays by Edwin Etieyibo, Thad Metz, and Elisa Galgut, I argue that African morality is neither biocentric nor ecocentric in the sense of accepting that “there is no significant moral difference between animal and human slaughter and rituals,” and that African modal relationalism is problematic in both its empirical assumptions and its normative counsel. I concede that anthropocentrism, whether this involves the view that only human beings merit moral treatment or the view that (...)
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    Just Sustainability: Technology, Ecology, and Resource Extraction eds. by Christiana Z. Peppard and Andrea Vicini.Tallessyn Zawn Grenfell-Lee - 2018 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 38 (1):200-201.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Just Sustainability: Technology, Ecology, and Resource Extraction eds. by Christiana Z. Peppard and Andrea ViciniTallessyn Zawn Grenfell-LeeJust Sustainability: Technology, Ecology, and Resource Extraction Edited by Christiana Z. Peppard and Andrea Vicini maryknoll, ny: orbis, 2015. 304 pp. $42.00Just Sustainability offers a detailed journey through various Catholic contextual understandings of what ecological sustainability means today in light of the demands of justice. In the first section of the book, (...)
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    Exploring Environmental Ethics: From Exclusion of More-than-Human Beings Towards a New Materialist Paradigm.Gülşah Göçmen - 2023 - Avant: Trends in Interdisciplinary Studies 14.
    Environmental ethics deals with discussing the ethical framework of environmental values, their organization and regulation, and their ethical premises. One of the main cul-de-sacs that environmental ethics has is its anthropocentrism that can be observed through its diverse ethical approaches—even ecocentric ones, developed as non-anthropocentric egalitarian alternatives. This article aims to question the exclusiveness of Anthropos, the practices, values, and discourses that determine the scope and course of environmental ethics, and the exclusion of nonhuman animals or more-than human beings from (...)
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    An Ecocritical Reading of Melville's "Bartleby the Scrivener".Laleh Atashi - 2016 - International Letters of Social and Humanistic Sciences 73:7-16.
    Publication date: 29 September 2016 Source: Author: Laleh Atashi This research is an ecocritical reading of Melville's "Bartleby the Scrivener." Melville's treatment of the environment is described and analyzed with regard to Augé 's theory of non-Places. The examples of non-place in Melville's Wall Street story include the compartmentalized office, the urban labyrinth, artificial and natural greeneries and oriental landscapes. The motif of compartmentalization forms the binary of insider and outsider. A close attention to the binaries in this story reveal (...)
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    ‘Because they are a part of life:’ Children’s ideas about the welfare, rights, and protection of animals and ecosystems.Sandra Bosacki, Christine Tardif-Williams & Renata Roma - 2023 - Journal of Moral Education 52 (4):511-525.
    ABSTRACT This exploratory study assessed links among children’s moral concern and their ideas about the rights and protection of companion, farm, wild animals and ecosystems. Sixty-one children responded to three interview questions that were coded as either anthropocentric or biocentric in orientation. Results revealed unique links among children’s moral concern and their ideas about the rights and protection of different types of animals and ecosystems. Biocentric moral concern was associated with two protection strategies: 1) advocacy to protect companion (...)
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  10. Part six theoretical general orientations (continued).Theoretical General Orientations - 2000 - In Raymond Boudon & Mohamed Cherkaoui (eds.), Central currents in social theory. Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage Publications. pp. 1.
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    The Second Workshop on Object-Oriented Real-Time Dependable Systems.Object-Oriented Real-Time - forthcoming - Laguna.
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  12. Section A. membranes.Protein Synthesis as A. Membrane-Oriented & Richard W. Hendler - 1968 - In Peter Koestenbaum (ed.), Proceedings. [San Jose? Calif.,: [San Jose? Calif.. pp. 37.
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  13. Tr vldyasagar.Geniculate Orientation Biases as Cartesian - 1985 - In David Rose & Vernon G. Dobson (eds.), Models of the Visual Cortex. New York: Wiley.
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    Frangois Furet.T. O. Problem-Oriented - 2001 - In Geoffrey Roberts (ed.), The history and narrative reader. New York: Routledge. pp. 269.
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  15. Applying Modern Management.Behaviorally Oriented Inpatient Unit - 1930 - Philosophy 5 (1).
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  16. Far Near.Orienting Versus Resolving - 1998 - In Richard D. Wright (ed.), Visual Attention. Oxford University Press. pp. 417.
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  17. Cognitive-developmental approach versus socialization view, 2–4, 28 College major and moral judgment, 34 College teachers, see also SPECTRUM. [REVIEW]Care Orientation as Discussed by Gilligan - 1994 - In James R. Rest & Darcia Narváez (eds.), Moral development in the professions: psychology and applied ethics. Hillsdale, N.J.: L. Erlbaum Associates. pp. 231.
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    Apocalypse Now: Credibility and Implications.Jane M. Orient - 1985 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 28 (2):218-222.
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    Canadian medical system.J. M. Orient - 1988 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 31 (4):614.
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    El debate sobre la filosofía en la Rusia contemporánea.Grupo de Investigación Oriente-Occidente - 2003 - Endoxa 1 (17):103.
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  21. Frederique BULLAT Lionel MALLORDY Michel SCHNEIDER Laboratoire d'lnformatique Universite Blaise Pascal Clermont-Ferrand II.Object Oriented Databases - 1996 - Esda 1996: Expert Systems and Ai; Neural Networks 7:131.
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    Ethical orientations of managers in malaysia.J. L. Gupta & Mohamed Sulaiman - 1996 - Journal of Business Ethics 15 (7):735 - 748.
    In view of the heightened societal attention to the ethical aspects of business behaviour, there has been, in recent years, a great deal of discussion regarding individual and organisational factors influencing managerial decision making. The main focus of this paper is on understanding the attitudes of managers toward ethical dimension of their choices and judgments, as also the forces that pressurise, provide them with opportunities, or contribute to shaping their intentions, for ethical or unethical actions. Findings reported here are based (...)
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    Individual Ethical Orientations and the Perceived Acceptability of Questionable Finance Ethics Decisions.Mac Clouse, Robert A. Giacalone, Tricia D. Olsen & Lorenzo Patelli - 2017 - Journal of Business Ethics 144 (3):549-558.
    Finance is an area that, in practice, is plagued by accusations of unethical activity; the study of finance had adopted a largely nonbehavioral approach to business ethics research. We address this gap in by assessing whether individual ethical orientations predict the acceptability of questionable decisions about financial issues. Results show that individual ethical orientations are associated with different levels of acceptability of questionable decisions about financial issues, though the pattern of these differences varies across individual ethical orientations (...)
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    Decoupling Corporate Social Orientations: A Cross-National Analysis.Tanusree Jain - 2017 - Business and Society 56 (7):1033-1067.
    This study examines the variations in corporate social orientations across developed and developing countries in the context of a legitimacy threat. Conceptualizing CSO as signals, the author develops and validates a seven-code index of CSO that identifies executive orientations toward multiple stakeholders. Using this index on CEO shareholder letters from the United States, Germany, and India, the author finds that firms signal a multi-stakeholder image toward employees, communities, and environment during good times to enhance their social license to (...)
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    Orientations métaphysiques dans l'Allemagne d'aujourd'hui.Aloïs Guggenberger - 1953 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 51 (32):541-554.
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    The Kuwaiti Manager: Work Values and Orientations.Abbas J. Ali & Ali Al-Kazemi - 2005 - Journal of Business Ethics 60 (1):63-73.
    Work values and the loyalty (commitment to hard work, profession, and principles) of 762 managers in Kuwait were investigated. The results indicated that managers scored high on work values and loyalty. Furthermore, there was a high positive correlation between the two measures. Demographic and organizational variables had significant influence on managerial orientations. Specifically, expatriates and female managers showed a high commitment to work values and loyalty.
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  27.  31
    Intelligence beliefs, goal orientations and children’s academic achievement: does the children’s gender matter?Loredana R. Diaconu-Gherasim, Ana-Maria Tepordei, Cornelia Mairean & Andrei Rusu - 2018 - Educational Studies 45 (1):95-112.
    This study evaluated how gender is related to children’s intelligence beliefs, goal orientations and academic achievement and whether there are gender differences in how intelligence beliefs and goal orientations are related to academic achievement. The participants, 362 seventh grade students, completed measures regarding their intelligence beliefs and goal orientations at the beginning of the second semester and the grades were collected at the end of the semester. Girls reported higher scores on incremental belief, mastery goal and higher (...)
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    The Relationship Between Cultural Value Orientations and the Changes in Mobility During the Covid-19 Pandemic: A National-Level Analysis.Selin Atalay & Gaye Solmazer - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:578190.
    This study investigated the relationship between cultural value orientations and country-specific changes in mobility during the Covid-19 pandemic. The aim was to understand how cultural values relate to mobility behavior during the initial stages of the pandemic. The aggregated data include Schwartz's cultural orientations, Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per capita, number of Covid-19 cases per million, and mobility change during the Covid-19 pandemic (Google Mobility Reports; percentage decrease in retail and recreation mobility, transit station mobility, workplace mobility and (...)
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    Young people’s news orientations and uses of traditional and new media for news.Hans Beentjes, Leen D’Haenens & Anna Van Cauwenberge - 2013 - Communications 38 (4):367-388.
    This article reports on Flemish college students’ news orientations and their uses of traditional and new media for news within a public service media environment. We used five homogeneous focus groups that covered variation in news media use. The analysis of the focus groups revealed major differences in news behaviors and attitudes between participants who mainly depended on traditional media for news, and those who also went online for news. While a growing body of research reports on young people’s (...)
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  30.  30
    Définition d’orientations théoriques et construction de procédures en analyse du discours.Jean-Jacques Courtine - 1982 - Philosophiques 9 (2):239-264.
    Ce texte répond à trois objectifs : 1) dégager quelques éléments théoriques et méthodologiques essentiels au travail en Analyse du Discours, dans une perspective qui situe le discours comme objet dans un rapport déterminé entre langue et idéologie; 2) exposer la mise en oeuvre de ces éléments à travers la démarche suivie dans un travail d'Analyse du Discours ayant eu pour objet un corpus de discours du Parti communiste français adressés aux Chrétiens ; 3) indiquer le type de résultats auxquels (...)
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    Formation of Teenagers’ Value Orientations through Creolized Texts.Natalia Yevheniivna Dmitrenko, Oksana Voloshyna, Iuliia Budas, Maryna Davydiuk & Natalia Oliinyk - 2022 - Postmodern Openings 13 (1):47-65.
    The importance of the adolescence in the value orientations formation as a stable personality trait associated with the shaping of worldview has always been a matter of special research attention. This article seeks to investigate the formation of teenagers’ value orientations through creolized texts. The creolized text is a text in which verbal and nonverbal components form a visual, structural, semantic and functional wholeness, aimed at a complex impact on the recipient. The authors cleared out cognitive, emotional, and (...)
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  32. Òsoòda'såadhyåayåi-Saòtippaònåi.R. Ganesan, Ku Tåamåotaraön, India) Jaimini & Government Oriental Manuscripts Library Nadu - 1999 - Råajakåiyapråacyalikhitagranthåalayaòh.
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    Athletic Identity and Social Goal Orientations as Predictors of Moral Orientation.Miltiadis Proios - 2013 - Ethics and Behavior 23 (5):410-424.
    Moral development, achievement goal, and athletic identity are considered psychological constructs sharing specific cognitive, social, motivational, and behavioral traits. The purpose of the present article is to investigate the relation among moral orientations, athletic identity, and social goal orientations. In addition, the impact of age, gender, type of sport, sport division, and school performance on moral orientation has also been investigated. One hundred forty athletes of artistic gymnastics, rhythmic gymnastics, and acrobatic gymnastics (n?=?29 boys, n?=?111 girls), aged 8 (...)
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  34. Two Independent Value Orientations: Ideal and Counter-Ideal Leader Values and Their Impact on Followers' Respect for and Identification with Their Leaders. [REVIEW]Matthias M. Graf, Niels Van Quaquebeke & Rolf Van Dick - 2011 - Journal of Business Ethics 104 (2):185-195.
    Traditionally, conceptualizations of human values are based on the assumption that individuals possess a single integrated value system comprising those values that people are attracted by and strive for. Recently, however, van Quaquebeke et al. (in J Bus Ethics 93:293–305, 2010 ) proposed that a value system might consist of two largely independent value orientations—an orientation of ideal values and an orientation of counter-ideal values (values that individuals are repelled by), and that both orientations exhibit antithetic effects on (...)
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  35.  50
    Our Environmental Value Orientations Influence How We Respond to Climate Change.N. A. Marshall, L. Thiault, A. Beeden, R. Beeden, C. Benham, M. I. Curnock, A. Diedrich, G. G. Gurney, L. Jones, P. A. Marshall, N. Nakamura & P. Pert - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Foundations of Responsible Leadership: Asian Versus Western Executive Responsibility Orientations Toward Key Stakeholders.Michael A. Witt & Günter K. Stahl - 2016 - Journal of Business Ethics 136 (3):623-638.
    Exploring the construct of social-responsibility orientation across three Asian and two Western societies, we show evidence that top-level executives in these societies hold fundamentally different beliefs about their responsibilities toward different stakeholders, with concomitant implications for their understanding and enactment of responsible leadership. We further find that these variations are more closely aligned with institutional factors than with cultural variables, suggesting a need to clarify the connection between culture and institutions on the one hand and culture and social-responsibility orientations (...)
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  37.  22
    Laws for the Anthropocene: Orientations, Encounters, Imaginaries.Kathleen Birrell & Daniel Matthews - 2020 - Law and Critique 31 (3):233-238.
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    A Cross-Cultural Study of Argument Orientations of Turkish and American College Students: Is Silence Really Golden and Speech Silver for Turkish Students?Yeliz Demir & Dale Hample - 2019 - Argumentation 33 (4):521-540.
    In this paper, we report on the orientations of Turkish college students to interpersonal arguing and compare them with American students’ predispositions for arguing. In measuring the argument orientations, a group of instruments was utilized: argument motivations, argument frames, and taking conflict personally. Turkish data come from 300 college students who were asked to complete self-report surveys. Analyses contrast the mean scores of the Turkish and American respondents, offer gender-based comparisons in the Turkish data, and show whether religiosity (...)
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    The Diversity of Strategies Used in Working Memory for Colors, Orientations, and Positions: A Quantitative Approach to a First‐Person Inquiry.Anka Slana Ozimič, Aleš Oblak, Urban Kordeš, Nina Purg, Jurij Bon & Grega Repovš - 2023 - Cognitive Science 47 (8):e13333.
    The study of individual experience during the performance of a psychological task using a phenomenological approach is a relatively new area of research. The aim of this paper was to combine first‐ and third‐person approaches to investigate whether the strategies individuals use during a working memory task are associated with specific task conditions, whether the strategies combine to form stable patterns, and whether the use of specific strategies is related to task accuracy. Thirty‐one participants took part in an experiment in (...)
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    Identifying and Assessing Managerial Value Orientations: A Cross-Generational Replication Study of Key Organizational Decision-Makers’ Values.James Weber - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 132 (3):493-504.
    This research investigates managerial value orientations using the Rokeach Value Survey to assess the importance managers assign to various values. While prior work and select organizational theory posit that MVO will not change over time, the data are analyzed to determine if the MVO of mid- to upper-level managers, the key decision-makers in most organizations, has remained generally the same or has changed from one generation to another. The results show that the MVO of managers from 1990 is significantly (...)
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  41.  81
    The Normative Orientations of Climate Scientists.Dennis Bray & Hans Storch - 2017 - Science and Engineering Ethics 23 (5):1351-1367.
    In 1942 Robert K. Merton tried to demonstrate the structure of the normative system of science by specifying the norms that characterized it. The norms were assigned the abbreviation CUDOs: Communism, Universalism, Disinterestedness, and Organized skepticism. Using the results of an on-line survey of climate scientists concerning the norms of science, this paper explores the climate scientists’ subscription to these norms. The data suggests that while Merton’s CUDOs remain the overall guiding moral principles, they are not fully endorsed or present (...)
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    Critical realism: one of the main theoretical orientations of the social sciences in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries.Monika Bukowska - 2021 - Journal of Critical Realism 20 (4):441-447.
    This paper argues that critical realism is one of the main theoretical orientations of the social sciences in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. Critical realism aims to study the transcende...
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  43. Les nouvelles orientations du cinéma fantastique anglo-saxon: Retour sur une «crise de la représentation».Cécile Migeon - 2002 - Iris 24:181-191.
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    Grace, Mediation, and Liturgical Orientations.Louis Roy - 1993 - Lonergan Workshop 9:209-224.
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    Socially Assistive Robots in Aged Care: Ethical Orientations Beyond the Care-Romantic and Technology-Deterministic Gaze.Tijs Vandemeulebroucke, Bernadette Dierckx de Casterlé & Chris Gastmans - 2021 - Science and Engineering Ethics 27 (2):1-20.
    Socially Assistive Robots are increasingly conceived as applicable tools to be used in aged care. However, the use carries many negative and positive connotations. Negative connotations come forth out of romanticized views of care practices, disregarding their already established technological nature. Positive connotations are formulated out of techno-deterministic views on SAR use, presenting it as an inevitable and necessary next step in technological development to guarantee aged care. Ethical guidance of SAR use inspired by negative connotations tends to be over-restrictive (...)
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    Corporate Social Responsibility and Employee Outcomes: Interrelations of External and Internal Orientations with Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment.Erifili-Christina Chatzopoulou, Dimitris Manolopoulos & Vasia Agapitou - 2022 - Journal of Business Ethics 179 (3):795-817.
    We bring together social identity and social exchange perspectives to develop and test a moderated mediation model that sheds light on employees’ perceptions regarding the interrelations between an organization’s external and internal CSR initiatives and their job attitudes and work behaviours. This is important because employees’ sensemaking of CSR motives as being either self-focussed or others-focussed can produce meaningful variations in their job satisfaction and the dimensions of organizational commitment. Also, the consolidation of CSR’s underlying psychological mechanisms can advance our (...)
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  47. An analysis of scientific epistemological beliefs and learning orientations of Taiwanese eighth graders.Chin‐Chung Tsai - 1998 - Science Education 82 (4):473-489.
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    Adult Attachment Orientations and Social Networking Site Addiction: The Mediating Effects of Online Social Support and the Fear of Missing Out.Chang Liu & Jian-Ling Ma - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    A Study on the Orientations of Convergence Study through “Harmonious Yet Different”. 김희 - 2014 - 동서철학연구(Dong Seo Cheol Hak Yeon Gu; Studies in Philosophy East-West) 74 (74):85-106.
    본 논문은 경제적 가치의 창출이라는 목표 아래 오늘날 한국사회에서 강조되고 있는 융합연구를 유가의 “和而不同” 정신을 통해 고찰하는 것을 목적으로 한다. 이것은 자본 중심의 자유시장 경제체제를 근간으로 하는 지식의 통섭 과정에 노정되어 있는 물질주의와 기계론적 사고의 제한성을 고찰하는 것인 동시에 가치의 다양성을 중시하는 소통의 인문정신을 토대로 새로운 가치의 창출을 강조하는 융합연구의 지향성을 비판적으로 모색하는 과정이기도 하다. 이 점에서 타자에 대한 관계적 사고를 중심으로 군자(성인)라는 인격 주체의 형성을 강조하는 유가철학에 和의 정신은 “和而不同”이라는 말로 대변된다. 즉 和의 조화성은 관계하는 대상의 타자성(非자기)을 상호성에 기초하여 (...)
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    Discrimination of features and orientations of schematic faces by children.Frank S. Murray & Paula Kay McGuinn - 1977 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 10 (4):283-286.
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