Results for 'autism, social work, discourse analysis, biomedical discourse, psychoanalysis'

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  1.  12
    L’autisme dans la presse spécialisée destinée aux travailleurs sociaux : évolution des discours, enjeux de pratique, de recherche et de formation.Sébastien Ponnou & Blandine Fricard - 2015 - Revue Phronesis 4 (3):22-35.
    Autism has been widely covered by the medias, and studies analyzing this discourse have pointed out frequent and repetitive distortions of the biomedical knowledge. We conducted a systematic analysis of conceptions of autism in the french specialized social workers press between 1989 and 2014, and compared these results to a recent study on Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in the same field. Analysis of discourse about autism, and more generally on mental and psychosocial disorders in the (...)
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    From the conscious interior to an exterior unconscious: Lacan, discourse analysis, and social psychology.David Pavón Cuéllar - 2010 - London: Karnac Books. Edited by Danielle Carlo & Ian Parker.
    This striking Lacanian contribution to discourse analysis is also a critique of contemporary psychological abstraction, as well as a reassessment of the radical opposition between psychology and psychoanalysis. This original introduction to Lacan's work bridges the gap between discourseanalytical debates in social psychology and the social-theoretical extensions of discourse theory. David Pavón Cuéllar provides a precise definition and a detailed explanation of key Lacanian concepts, and illustrates how they may be put to work on a (...)
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    Enjeux de professionnalisation et de formation des conceptions des troubles mentaux et psychosociaux dans la littérature spécialisée destinée aux travailleurs sociaux : le cas de la maladie d’Alzheimer.Sébastien Ponnou & Élodie Roebroeck - 2017 - Revue Phronesis 6 (3):64-81.
    We conducted a systematic analysis of conceptions of Alzheimer’s disease in the French specialized social workers press between 1990 and 2014, and compared these results to recent studies on autism and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in the same field. Analysis of discourse about Alzheimer’s disease, and more generally on mental and psychosocial disorders in the specialized social workers press shows that social factors highly involved in these pathologies are never presented, as they are widely argued (...)
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    Work–Family Practices and Complexity of Their Usage: A Discourse Analysis Towards Socially Responsible Human Resource Management.Suvi Heikkinen, Anna-Maija Lämsä & Charlotta Niemistö - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 171 (4):815-831.
    The question of work–family practices commonly arises in both theory and daily practice as a matter of responsibility in today’s organisations. More information is needed about them for socially responsible human resource management. In this article our interest is in how work–family practices, serve as an important element of SR-HRM, constructed as helpful for employees’ work–family integration, are realised in organisational life. We investigate the discursive ways in which members of two different organisations working at different organisational levels construct the (...)
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    Where are all the Autistic Parents? A Thematic Analysis of Autistic Parenting Discourse within the Narrative of Parenting and Autism in Online Media.Jessy Erin Fletcher-Randle - 2022 - Studies in Social Justice 16 (2):389-406.
    Although content related to parenting Autistic children is common in online media, little attention is paid to the experiences of Autistic parents. There is a growing trend of parents receiving autism diagnoses after their children are diagnosed, yet a basic Google search on “parents” and “autism” reveals myriad data on the experiences of parents of Autistic children and little on experiences of Autistic parents. A systematic online search, augmented with a “crowd-sourcing” request to online parent support groups, identified only 15 (...)
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    (Re)constructing social hierarchies: a critical discourse analysis of an international charity’s visual appeals.S. Gellen & R. D. Lowe - 2021 - Critical Discourse Studies 18 (2):280-300.
    A British coffee chain’s fundraising practices constitute a background for this study to examine ideological discourses behind British charitable giving. The charity executes projects in coffee growing communities by providing education for children in disadvantaged neighbourhoods. The study takes a critical stance from a discursive paradigmatic perspective to analyse visual contents used by the charity. The applied visual critical discourse analysis was inspired by Barthes’ semiotic theory. Findings suggest that the adverts’ interpretative repertoires can serve ideologies that sustain the (...)
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    How narrative difficulties build peer rejection: A discourse analysis of a girl with autism and her female peers.Connie Kasari, Gail Fox Adams & Michelle Dean - 2013 - Discourse Studies 15 (2):147-166.
    In this discourse analysis of a social-skills intervention, the narratives of a girl with autism and her female peers were analyzed. Some 162 narratives were identified in 12 hours of video, which documented an eight-week program. Using conversation/talk-in-interaction analysis methods, we determined that over 60% of peers’ narratives were cooperatively completed by group members compared to less than 20% of Cindy’s. In contrast, a majority of Cindy’s narratives were cooperatively sanctioned. Analysis of these unsuccessful narratives revealed that: 1) (...)
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    Putting philosophy back to work in Critical Discourse Analysis.Nadira Talib & Richard Fitzgerald - 2018 - Critical Discourse Studies 15 (2):123-139.
    This paper explores how philosophical inquiry and Critical Discourse Analysis can mutually benefit from each other to produce new methodological and reflexive directions in neo-liberal policy research to examine the phenomenon of 'What is '. Through this we argue that augmenting linguistic analysis with philosophical perspectives develops and supports CDA scholarship more broadly by accommodating the shifting complexity of social problems of ideologically driven inequality that are inbuilt through, in our case, social policy texts. In discussing philosophical-methodological (...)
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    Recovery rhetoric: a critical discourse analysis of substance use recovery.Sandra R. McNeil - 2023 - Critical Discourse Studies 20 (4):396-414.
    Dominant discourses of recovery permeate substance use research, policy, and practice recommendations around the world, exercising the power to shape the identities of people with substance use issues. Drawing on Foucauldian and intersectionality theories, this study explores power operations embedded in recovery discourses constructing a certain type of recovery for a certain type of subject. A critical discourse analysis using van Leeuwen’s social semiotic approach examines two Canadian federal recovery documents to consider the discursive representation of people with (...)
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    The Social Work Psychoanalyst's Casebook: Clinical Voices in Honor of Jean Sanville.Joyce Edward & Elaine Rose (eds.) - 1999 - Routledge.
    _The Social Work Psychoanalyst's Casebook_ begins with an interview with Dr. Sanville, who reflects on her evolution as a social work analyst, theoretician, writer, teacher, and leader. These reminiscences are followed by accounts of nine analytic treatments, each of which offers an unusual window into what actually transpired between analyst and analysand during the treatment hours. These case studies concern particularly troubled, often traumatized patients-the very "hard to reach" or "difficult to treat" clients with whom social workers (...)
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  11. The Annual of Psychoanalysis, V. 24.Jerome A. Winer (ed.) - 1997 - Routledge.
    Volume 24 of _The Annual_ opens with a memorial tribute to the late Merton M. Gill, a major voice in American psychoanalysis for half a century. Remembrances of Gill by Robert Holt, Robert Wallerstein, Philip Holzman, and Irwin Hoffman are followed by thoughtful appreciations of Gill's final book, _Psychoanalysis in Transition: A Personal View_, by John Gedo, Jerome Oremland, Arnold Richards and Arthur Lynch, Joseph Schachter, and Bhaskar Sripada and Shara Kronmal. Section II offers four papers from a major (...)
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    Autistic sociality on Twitter: Enacted affordances and affiliation strategies.John Vines, Martine van Driel & Nelya Koteyko - 2022 - Discourse and Communication 16 (4):385-402.
    While there is an increasing focus on the use of online networks among autistic users, how autistic adults communicate in social networking sites remains underexplored. The article puts forward an argument for combining systematic observation of digital practices with analysis of evaluative language in order to provide a situated account of ‘autistic sociality’ in social media. Drawing on practice-based theories of social media affordances and discourse analysis research on online self-presentation and affiliation we show how autistic (...)
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    Sublimation and Superego: Psychoanalysis Between Two Deaths.Jared Russell - 2021 - Routledge.
    "This book integrates a thinking about dilemmas faced in the context of the clinical practice of psychoanalysis today, with contemporary social and political concerns specific to the age of the global consumer marketplace. Beginning with an analysis of the fate of the concept of sublimation in Freud’s work, and its relationship to the elaboration of the concept of the superego in 1923, the book examines how these concepts provide a lever for integrating psychoanalytic thinking with topics of urgent (...)
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  14.  41
    Perpetuating ‘New Public Management’ at the expense of nurses' patient education: a discourse analysis.Anne-Louise Bergh, Febe Friberg, Eva Persson & Elisabeth Dahlborg-Lyckhage - 2015 - Nursing Inquiry 22 (3):190-201.
    This study aimed to explore the conditions for nurses' daily patient education work by focusing on managers' way of speaking about the patient education provided by nurses in hospital care. An explorative, qualitative design with a social constructionist perspective was used. Data were collected from three focus group interviews and analysed by means of critical discourse analysis. Discursive practice can be explained by the ideology of hegemony. Due to a heavy workload and lack of time, managers could ‘see’ (...)
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  15.  24
    Review of From the conscious interior to the exterior unconscious: Lacan, discourse analysis and social psychology. [REVIEW]Eugenie Georgaca - 2013 - Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology 33 (2):130-132.
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  16. A corpus-based critical discourse analysis of language ideologies in parliamentary debates about the recognition of Irish sign language.Robyn Cunneen & Maria Rieder - forthcoming - Critical Discourse Studies.
    Irish Sign Language (ISL) became an officially recognised language in Ireland by means of the ISL Act 2017, which commenced in December 2020 after more than 30 years of campaigning by the Deaf community. While some work has investigated language ideologies behind the ISL recognition campaign, this study explores language ideologies in parliamentary discourse, specifically perspectives of languageness of ISL. This is crucial to the study of sign language recognition and policymaking, as previous research has identified a link between (...)
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    Freud and the Politics of Psychoanalysis.José Brunner - 2001 - Transaction Publishers.
    Freud and the Politics of Psychoanalysis is a sympathetic critique of Freud's work, tracing its political content and context from his early writings on hysteria to his late essays on civilization and religion. Brunner's central claim is that politics is a pervasive and essential component of all of Freud's discourse, since Freud viewed both the psyche and society primarily as constellations of power and domination. Brunner shows that when read politically, Freud's discourse can be seen to unite (...)
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  18.  23
    Re-directing socialist persuasion through affective reiteration: a discourse analysis of ‘Socialist Memes’ on the Chinese internet.Ruichen Zhang - 2020 - AI and Society:1-12.
    Previous research has noted the ambiguous persuasive potentials of reiteration: repeating a statement, slogan or image can work both positively and negatively, can both help and hinder the effectiveness of a political message. Considering that repeated propaganda in China is broadly ineffective in generating wholehearted public support, this article is interested in how and when repetition does achieve meaningful persuasion. Drawing on affect theory to address these multiple potentials, it critically reconsiders the nature of persuasion itself, arguing that affective engagement (...)
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  19.  24
    The Philosophical Basis of Critical Discourse Analysis.Erni Dewi Riyanti - 2023 - Kanz Philosophia : A Journal for Islamic Philosophy and Mysticism 9 (2):371-394.
    Critical discourse analysis has become an effective multidisciplinary approach to uncovering hidden ideologies and powers along with the changing times and the increasing prevalence of various discourses in society, both in the form of information written in text and distributed in the digital world. Discourse battles are commonplace in the context of life—as a form of dialectics and freedom to convey ideas. Researchers through this article discuss basic assumptions about the basic or main principles of critical discourse (...)
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  20.  12
    Trauma and the Ontology of the Modern Subject: Historical Studies in Philosophy, Psychology, and Psychoanalysis.John L. Roberts & Kareen R. Malone - 2017 - Routledge.
    Recent scholarship has inquired into the socio-historical, discursive genesis of trauma. Trauma and the Ontology of the Modern Subject, however, seeks what has not been actualized in trauma studies - that is, how the necessity and unassailable intensity of trauma is fastened to its historical emergence. We must ask not only what trauma means for the individual person's biography, but also what it means to be the historical subject of trauma. In other words, how does being human in this current (...)
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  21. ‘The line between intervention and abuse’ – autism and applied behaviour analysis.Patrick Kirkham - 2017 - History of the Human Sciences 30 (2):107-126.
    This article outlines the emergence of ABA (Applied Behaviour Analysis) in the mid-20th century, and the current popularity of ABA in the anglophone world. I draw on the work of earlier historians to highlight the role of Ole Ivar Lovaas, the most influential practitioner of ABA. I argue that reception of his initial work was mainly positive, despite concerns regarding its efficacy and use of physical aversives. Lovaas’ work, however, was only cautiously accepted by medical practitioners until he published results (...)
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  22.  40
    Who gets involved with what? A discourse analysis of gender and caregiving in everyday family life with depression.Jeppe Oute & Lotte Huniche - 2017 - Outlines. Critical Practice Studies 18 (1):05-27.
    The recent process of deinstitutionalization of the psychiatric treatment system, in both Denmark and other European countries, has relied heavily on the involvement in treatment and recovery of cohabitant relatives of diagnosed people. However, political objectives regarding depression and involvement rely on a limited body of knowledge about people’s ways of managing illness-related problems in everyday life. Drawing on a discursive notion of gender laid out by Raewyn Connell, the aim of the article is to elucidate how the involvement of (...)
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  23.  34
    Social Involvement: Deconstructing practices relating to the formation of students who work with autistic children in a university service-learning course.Ho-Chia Chueh & Ya-Tung Chen - 2014 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 46 (12):1366-1380.
    Participation in service-learning courses has always been considered a part of the informal education in tertiary education worldwide. Originating from the assumption that service-learning courses increase students’ civic engagement and bridge the gap between knowledge and practice, service-learning courses have gradually acquired the status of compulsory courses at universities. This being as it may be, it would seem that the nature of such courses would benefit from further analysis and discussion regarding their function in knowledge reproduction, and their role in (...)
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  24.  10
    Phil Graham and axiological discourse analysis: after neoliberalism.Allan Luke - forthcoming - Critical Discourse Studies.
    This is an essay introduction to a special edition of Critical Discourse Studies on the work of Phil Graham. It is a critical overview and reappraisal of his major interdisciplinary contribution to the field: an axiological approach that focuses on meaning and values in a materialist political economy of language. The contributors to this volume enlist Graham's approach to trace the aftermaths and discontents of neoliberalism: nothing less than resurgent nationalisms, monoculturalism and autocracy, fuelled by social media and (...)
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    Freedom or Arbitrariness: A Social and Philosophic Analysis.Zoia Stezhko, Nina Hryshchenko, Valentyna Kultenko, Inna Savytska, Alina Suprun & Nadiia Rusko - 2021 - Postmodern Openings 12 (2).
    The freedom theme has always been in the centre of life and philosophical and political discourse. Freedom is one of the magic words causing many positive emotions in everyday life. Certain social and philosophical studies highlight the ways of replacing traditional and, sometimes, spontaneous absolutization of human freedom at an empirical level of social consciousness. It lies in achieving desired results and being entitled to choose what to achieve. The difference between these “formulas” is obvious. In the (...)
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    Busy as a Bee or Unemployed?: Shifting Scientific Discourse on Work.Diane M. Rodgers - 2012 - Minerva 50 (1):45-64.
    Changing images of work in discourse both portray and co-constitute the shift from an industrial to a postindustrial economy. Specifically, work metaphors appear in extra-scientific and intra-scientific discourse on workers and work structures in the natural and social world. An analysis of the entomological discourse from the late nineteenth century to the present shows changes in these metaphors that overlap with the discourse of change in human work and organizational structures. For instance, the metaphor of (...)
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    Imagining New Social Legal Futures: A Sociolinguistic Analysis of Pre-Law Students’ Experiences with Discourse Communities of Legal Practice.Courtney Hanny - 2016 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 29 (1):87-120.
    This paper considers the ways that concepts such as social justice and law were used as semiotic objects-in-tension by a group of five US undergraduates considering law school to make sense of their ideas about entering the discourse communities and communities of practice associated with being a lawyer. This group was made up of undergraduate women who had completed a summer residency program sponsored by the Law School Admissions Council to increase enrollment of students from under-represented groups. Of (...)
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    The Gender Perspective in Nursing Research: A Theoretical Treasure Chest or a ‘Thorn’ in the Side?Pia Vuolanto & Anne Laiho - 2017 - Minerva 55 (3):371-390.
    This article contributes to the current discussion on interdisciplinarity in the health research field. It focuses on the relationship between nursing research and gender research. Nursing research is a ‘health sciences’ field which draws from the social sciences, the humanities, and biomedicine. Previous research shows the difficulties that social scientists face in their efforts to integrate with biomedical scientists. The aim of this article is to analyse nursing researchers’ views about one potential collaboration partner in the (...) sciences and humanities: gender research. The study draws its theoretical insights from research within the sociology of science. It uses ideas about the intertwining of power and knowledge, which is especially emphasised in the works of Pierre Bourdieu. The research material consists of 180 abstracts of nursing research articles that argue in some way about the relationship between nursing research and gender research. The Scopus database was selected because it covers nursing research in a broad sense. The scope of the study is long. The close reading of abstracts is inspired by rhetorical discourse analysis. We found three clearly different but also overlapping discourses that justified gender perspectives in nursing research: Gender research helps to highlight the socio-political context in nursing research; Gender research develops or reforms the nursing research tradition; and Gender research exists as a form of critique within nursing research. Most of the nursing research abstracts regard gender research positively for both external and internal reasons. The abstracts also demonstrate the tensions in the relationship and discuss the views and reasons that generate scepticism towards gender research in nursing research. (shrink)
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    Same Principles, Different Worlds: A Critical Discourse Analysis of Medical Ethics and Nursing Ethics in Finnish Professional Texts.Salla Saxén - 2018 - HEC Forum 30 (1):31-55.
    This qualitative social scientific study explores professional texts of healthcare ethics to understand the ways in which ethical professionalism in medicine and nursing are culturally constructed in Finland. Two books in ethics, published by Finnish national professional organizations—one for nurses and one for physicians—were analyzed with the method of critical discourse analysis. Codes of ethics for each profession were also scrutinized. Analysis of the texts sought to reveal what is taken for granted in the texts as well as (...)
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  30.  50
    When discourse analysts tell stories: what do we ‘do’ when we use narrative as a resource to critically analyse discourse?Felicitas Macgilchrist - 2021 - Critical Discourse Studies 18 (3):387-403.
    Critical discourse analysts are being pulled in two directions. On one side, in the age of validity, inter-rater reliability and evidence-based research, it can seem subversive when researchers ‘tell stories’ (rather than ‘write reports’, ‘produce findings’ or ‘demonstrate effectiveness’). On the other side, public relations departments encourage researchers to use ‘storytelling’ techniques to engage public audiences. In this paper, I draw on social and cultural theory to assume that critical discourse analyses are always already narrative. I propose (...)
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  31.  67
    The Potential Relevance of the Test of the News by Lippmann and Merz for Critical Discourse Analysis.Eulalia Smuga-Fries - 2013 - Dialogue and Universalism 23 (1):161-170.
    This paper attempts to signal the potential relevance of A Test of the News, written by Lippmann and Merz, for Critical Discourse Analysis. It seems that the study is overlooked by CDA’s experts as a pioneering work in press analysis. In order to demonstrate links between CDA and the research, in the first part, the work of Lippmann and Merz is situated within a wider picture of the theoretical and historical background as well as common views on politics and (...)
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    How discourses of social vulnerability can influence nurse–patient interactions: A Foucauldian analysis.Sanne M. Kröner & Kirsten Beedholm - 2019 - Nursing Inquiry 26 (4):e12309.
    This article uncovers the current discursive practices concerning socially vulnerable people in Danish society. A discourse analytical approach inspired by Michel Foucault, along with contributions from Erving Goffmann's work ‘Stigma’, is utilized throughout the analysis. First, the dominant discursive formations are described across the data material, consisting of sociopolitical and health policy documents. Second, we uncover how problematizations and mechanisms of power along with the emergence of the competition state push socially vulnerable people out into the periphery of society. (...)
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    Freeloading off the Social Sciences.Sharon O'Dair - 1991 - Philosophy and Literature 15 (2):260-267.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Sharon O'Dair FREELOADING OFF THE SOCIAL SCIENCES In Profession 89, published by the MLA, Martin Mueller complains that the fashion for interdisciplinary work in literary studies is mostly an intradepartmental affair. In English departments interdisciplinary work results not in cross-fertilization between disciplines but in the establishment ofsubdisciplines within English. To support his assertions, Mueller focuses on the efforts of new historicists, most of which, he claims, would not (...)
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    Work and social representations: Sociological and linguistic analysis of a legislative creation process.Irene Vasilachis de Gialdino - 2015 - Discourse and Communication 9 (3):331-353.
    As part of a wider program that studies the legislative creation process regarding work conditions in the Argentine Republic, the purpose of this research is to examine the different ways in which the written press represents, on one hand, the formulation and approval process of the Labor Risk Law reform, which concluded on 25 October 2012 with the passing of Law 26,773, and, on the other hand, the scope, content, and sense of said regulation. The perspective of the research is (...)
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    Guiding Engineering Student Teams’ Ethics Discussions with Peer Advising.Eun Ah Lee, Nicholas Gans, Magdalena Grohman, Marco Tacca & Matthew J. Brown - 2020 - Science and Engineering Ethics 26 (3):1743-1769.
    This study explores how peer advising affects student project teams’ discussions of engineering ethics. Peer ethics advisors from non-engineering disciplines are expected to provide diverse perspectives and to help engineering student teams engage and sustain ethics discussions. To investigate how peer advising helps engineering student teams’ ethics discussions, three student teams in different peer advising conditions were closely observed: without any advisor, with a single volunteer advisor, and with an advising team working on the ethics advising project. Micro-scale discourse (...)
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    Rousseau's Conception of Government in the work Discourse on Political Economy .Petar Jakopec - 2021 - Disputatio Philosophica 22 (1):49-61.
    In this article the author problematizes Rousseau’s Discourse on Political Economy and his conception of government in the political community. Rousseau’s Discourse on Political Economy was chronologically written seven years before his major work The Social Contract or Principles of Political Right. Regardless of the fact that the Discourse on Political Economy was published earlier, it left a remarkable trace in Rousseau‘s philosophical opus. In this work, which was published as part of the fifth volume of (...)
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    The Discourse on Inequality and the Social Contract.J. I. MacAdam - 1972 - Philosophy 47 (182):308 - 321.
    My Purpose is twofold: first, to interpret Rousseau's The Social Contract in terms of a serious interpretation of the Discourse on the Origin and Foundations of Inequality and second, to use as the principal interpretative concept for both, the concept of independence. One gets the impression in reading commentators that the Discourse on Inequality is not taken seriously in its own right but rather is treated as what it is, an essay which was suitable for submission as (...)
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    Social Discourse and Moral Judgement.Daniel N. Robinson - 2013 - Academic Press.
    This edited work presents a unique and authoritative look at morality - its development within the individual, its evolution within society, and its place within the law. The contributors represent some of the foremost authorities in these fields, and the book represents a collection of essays presented at a symposium on social constructivism and morality.
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    The Philosophical Underpinnings of Social Constructionist Discourse Analysis.Marek Gralewski - 2011 - Lodz Papers in Pragmatics 7 (1):155-171.
    The Philosophical Underpinnings of Social Constructionist Discourse Analysis Although discourse analysis emerges as a multi-faceted research method reflecting various schools of thought, disciplines and approaches, it is possible to pinpoint some meta-theoretical issues or fundamental assumptions common for most of them. This article aims to investigate different philosophical aspects and theoretical foundations that inform discourse analysis, such as the interplay between epistemological and ontological dimensions or the definition of language itself. Because space does not allow an (...)
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    In Conversation with a Case Story: Perspectives on Professionalism, Identity and Ethics in Social Work.Ana M. Sobočan, Sarah Banks, Teresa Bertotti, Kim Strom, Ed de Jonge & Merlinda Weinberg - 2020 - Ethics and Social Welfare 14 (3):331-346.
    In this co-authored article, one contributor presents a case story from an interview with a social worker in Slovenia, while five others offer commentaries on ethical aspects of the case. The story comes from a practitioner working with a pregnant young woman, arranging for adoption following birth. The social worker respected the woman’s request to keep her identity secret, hence not registering her in the institutional records. However, whilst the social worker was on holiday, the baby was (...)
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    Hacking Humans? Social Engineering and the Construction of the “Deficient User” in Cybersecurity Discourses.Alexander Wentland & Nina Klimburg-Witjes - 2021 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 46 (6):1316-1339.
    Today, social engineering techniques are the most common way of committing cybercrimes through the intrusion and infection of computer systems. Cybersecurity experts use the term “social engineering” to highlight the “human factor” in digitized systems, as social engineering attacks aim at manipulating people to reveal sensitive information. In this paper, we explore how discursive framings of individual versus collective security by cybersecurity experts redefine roles and responsibilities at the digitalized workplace. We will first show how the rhetorical (...)
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    Sacral Revolutions: Reflecting on the Work of Andrew Samuels – Cutting Edges in Psychoanalysis and Jungian Analysis.Gottfried Heuer (ed.) - 2010 - Routledge.
    _Sacral Revolutions_ is a unique project reflecting the contribution that Andrew Samuels has made to the general field of psychoanalysis and Jungian analysis in both clinical and academic contexts. Gottfried Heuer has brought together an international array of authors – friends and colleagues of Samuels – to honour his 60 th Birthday. As a result, the collection provides a creative and cutting-edge overview of a fragmented field. The chapters demonstrate the profound sense of social responsibility of these analysts (...)
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    Where history and sociology meet: Forms of discourse and sociohistorical inquiry.John R. Hall - 1992 - Sociological Theory 10 (2):164-193.
    Conventionally, proposals to improve working relations between sociology and history have been interdisciplinary. The present essay advances an alternative approach-consolidation of sociohistorical inquiry as a transdisciplinary enterprise. All socio-historical inquiry depends on four elemental forms of discourse: discourse on values, narrative discourse, social theoretical discourse, and the discourse of explanation. Though inquiry is transdisciplinary in the problematics of these discourses, concrete methodology typically is oriented either toward theorization in relation to cases (historical sociology) or (...)
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    Queer Theory and Biomedical Practice: The Biomedicalization of Sexuality/The Cultural Politics of Biomedicine.William J. Spurlin - 2019 - Journal of Medical Humanities 40 (1):7-20.
    This article works across multiple disciplinary boundaries, especially queer theory, to examine critically the controversial, and often socially controlling, role of biomedical knowledge and interventions in the realm of human sexuality. It will attempt to situate scientific/medical discourses on sexuality historically, socially, and culturally in order to expose the ways in which “proper” sexual health in medical research and clinical practice has been conflated with prevailing social norms at particular historical junctures in the 20th and 21st centuries. How (...)
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    The meaning of work in ‘crisis-ridden’ Greece. A bottom-up critical discourse analytical perspective.Aikaterini Nikolopoulou - 2021 - Critical Discourse Studies 18 (4):445-460.
    ABSTRACT This article explores the discursive configuration of paid work by Greek employees, shedding light to the symbolic pores they mobilize in order to craft its meaning as well as to the micro- and macrosocial implications of their argumentation strategies. Building upon a social constructionist epistemology, 22 in-depth, semi-structured interviews were conducted and analyzed using tools and techniques provided by critical approaches to discourse analysis. The ‘school’, the ‘journey’, and the ‘slavery’ repertoires, as I named them, were the (...)
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    Gendered AI: German news media discourse on the future of work.Tanja Carstensen & Kathrin Ganz - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-13.
    In recent years, there has been a growing public discourse regarding the influence AI will have on the future of work. Simultaneously, considerable critical attention has been given to the implications of AI on gender equality. Far from making precise predictions about the future, this discourse demonstrates that new technologies are instances for renegotiating the relation of gender and work. This paper examines how gender is addressed in news media discourse on AI and the future of work, (...)
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    Discourse, cognition and social practices: the rich surface of language and social interaction.Derek Edwards - 2006 - Discourse Studies 8 (1):41-49.
    Discursive psychology approaches discourse not as the product or expression of thoughts or mental states lying behind or beneath it, but as a domain of public accountability in which psychological states are made relevant. DP draws heavily on conversation analysis in examining in close empirical detail how ostensibly psychological themes are handled and managed as part of talk’s everyday interactional business. A brief worked example is offered, in which the intentionality of a person’s actions is handled in the course (...)
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    Food insecurity and participation: A critical discourse analysis.Irena Knezevic, Heather Hunter, Cynthia Watt, Patricia Williams & Barbara Anderson - 2014 - Critical Discourse Studies 11 (2):230-245.
    The Nova Scotia Participatory Food Costing Project uses participatory action research to collect data on the cost and affordability of food and involves those who are directly affected by food insecurity. More than a decade of this work has also yielded qualitative evaluation data that illustrates the project participants' experience with the project and with food security more generally. The data are characterized by ample evidence of participants' perceived powerlessness related to government and social structures. At the same time, (...)
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    Social science and linguistic text analysis of nurses’ records: a systematic review and critique.Niels Buus & Bridget Elizabeth Hamilton - 2016 - Nursing Inquiry 23 (1):64-77.
    The two aims of the paper were to systematically review and critique social science and linguistic text analyses of nursing records in order to inform future research in this emerging area of research. Systematic searches in reference databases and in citation indexes identified 12 articles that included analyses of the social and linguistic features of records and recording. Two reviewers extracted data using established criteria for the evaluation of qualitative research papers. A common characteristic of nursing records was (...)
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    Social and digital media monitoring for nonviolence: a distributed cognition perspective of the precariousness of peace work.Richard Noel Canevez, Jenifer Sunrise Winter & Joseph G. Bock - 2023 - Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 21 (4):485-501.
    Purpose This paper aims to explore the technologization of peace work through “remote support monitors” that use social and digital media technologies like social media to alert local violence prevention actors to potentially violent situations during demonstrations. Design/methodology/approach Using a distributed cognition lens, the authors explore the information processing of monitors within peace organizations. The authors adopt a qualitative thematic analysis methodology composed of interviews with monitors and documents from their shared communication and discussion channels. The authors’ analysis (...)
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