Results for 'archaism'

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  1.  14
    Archaism and Actuality: Japan and the Global Fascist Imaginary.Harry Harootunian - 2023 - Duke University Press.
    In _Archaism and Actuality_ eminent Marxist historian Harry Harootunian explores the formation of capitalism and fascism in Japan as a prime example of the uneven development of capitalism. He applies his theorization of subsumption to examine how capitalism integrates and redirects preexisting social, cultural, and economic practices to guide the present. This subsumption leads to a global condition in which states and societies all exist within different stages and manifestations of capitalism. Drawing on Japanese philosophers Miki Kiyoshi and Tosaka Jun, (...)
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    Archaisms in the Troizen Decree.James J. Kennelly - 1990 - Classical Quarterly 40 (02):539-.
    The decree of Themistocles, discovered by M. H. Jameson and first published by him in 1960 has given rise to an intense debate centring on the question of the decree's authenticity. This debate has focused to an important extent on supposed archaisms or anachronisms in the text. If a word appears to be used in an ‘archaic’ manner, i.e., in this instance, one peculiar to the early fifth century, it may be an indication of the inscription's authenticity. Conversely, a word (...)
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    L'archaïsme à la recherche de points de repère chronologiques.Jean Ducat - 1962 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 86 (1):165-184.
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    Archaism in Terence.J. D. Craig - 1927 - Classical Quarterly 21 (2):90-94.
    It is sometimes assumed too rigorously that what distinguishes the language of Terence from that of Plautus is its modernity; that antiquated forms and expressions, common enough in the older dramatist , were all but completely absent in the younger . On this assumption a faulty Terence line is due simply to mistranscription, and the method of emendation is the same as would be employed on any MS. incorrectly copied in Carolingian times from an archetype now lost.
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    Archaismes et modernismes dans l'architecture provencale du quatorzieme au vingtieme siecle.François Fray & Elisabeth Sauze - 1982 - History of European Ideas 3 (3):281-287.
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    Linguistic Archaisms of the RāmāyaṇaLinguistic Archaisms of the Ramayana.Truman Michelson - 1904 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 25:89.
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    Archaism and Colloquialism in the Use of a Latin Negative Pattern.Paul R. Murphy - 1958 - American Journal of Philology 79 (1):44.
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    Archaism and Futurism.W. R. Inge - 1953 - Philosophy 28 (105):124 - 131.
    We are all waiting eagerly for the last three volumes of Toynbee's great Study of History , which has brought a new honour to British scholarship. For no English and perhaps no German writer has amassed such a wealth of information on human affairs in every age and every continent. We hope, rather anxiously, that his final diagnosis will not be to expect a “knock-out blow” from the strongest Power, which must be Russia. He is no disciple of Spengler, but (...)
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    Archaism, Imitation, Provincialism? Notes on the Murals of Kosztolány / Kostoľany pod Tribečom.Béla Zsolt Szakács - 2016 - Convivium 3 (1):154-171.
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    Archaism in Latin.M. Winterbottom - 1972 - The Classical Review 22 (03):353-.
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    Un archaïsme de l'accentuation védiqueUn archaisme de l'accentuation vedique.Samuel D. Atkins & Zygmunt Rysiewicz - 1953 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 73 (2):109.
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    Relative archaism: A new fallacy and mr. Toynbee.John W. Dowling - 1946 - Journal of Philosophy 43 (16):421-435.
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    Ricoeur on the Problem of Archaism in the Augustinian Concept of Time.Benjamin Hutchens - 2024 - Journal for Continental Philosophy of Religion 6 (2):224-240.
    This article will explore the role of what Ricoeur calls ‘archaism’ in his work on the third aporia of time in Time and Narrative. Presented in some detail in the conclusion of the third volume, the concept remains undeveloped. In this article we will identify the three characteristics, two forms and three dispositional states (praise, lamentation and hope) that help us to understand it, specifically in the Augustinian context. We have two main goals. We need to see whether there (...)
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    Chapiteaux doriques du haut archaïsme.Pierre de La Coste-Messelière - 1963 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 87 (2):639-652.
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  15. La notion d'archaïsme en philosophie.ClÉmence Ramnoux - 1963 - Société Française de Philosophie, Bulletin 57 (1):1.
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    The retrieval of deification: How a once‐despised archaism became an ecumenical desideratum.Paul L. Gavrilyuk - 2009 - Modern Theology 25 (4):647-659.
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    LSJ and the Problem of Poetic Archaism: From Meanings to Iconyms.M. S. Silk - 1983 - Classical Quarterly 33 (2):303-330.
    ‘It is supposed’, declared the poet Wordsworth in 1802, ‘that by the act of writing in verse an author makes a formal engagement that he will gratify certain known habits of association; that he not only thus apprizes the reader that certain classes of ideas and expressions will be found in his book, but that others will be carefully excluded. This exponent or symbol held forth by metrical language must in different eras of literature have excited very different expectations.’ For (...)
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    Construire la cité: Essai de sociologie historique sur les communautés de l’archaïsme grec., written by Alain Duplouy.Eric Driscoll - 2021 - Polis 38 (2):327-331.
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    Les remontrances parlementaires au XVIII siècle : tourner le dos à la « table rase », entre archaïsme, adaptation et invention.Frédéric Bidouze - 2007 - Lumen: Selected Proceedings From the Canadian Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies 26:109.
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    Greek economic life L. migeotte: L'économie Des cités grecques de l'archaïsme au haut-empire Romain . Pp. 160. Paris: Ellipses, 2002. Paper. Isbn: 2-7298-0849-. [REVIEW]Peter Fibiger Bang - 2003 - The Classical Review 53 (01):150-.
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    Nicole Weill: La Plastique archaïque de Thasos. Figurines et statues de terre cuite de l' Artemision, I: Le haut archaïsme (Études Thasiennes, 11.) 2 vols. Pp. xviii + 226; 88 figs., 48 pls. Paris: École française d'Athènes, 1985. Paper. [REVIEW]John Boardman - 1987 - The Classical Review 37 (02):323-.
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    The occasion of Paul the Silentiary's Ekphrasis of S. Sophia.Mary Whitby - 1985 - Classical Quarterly 35 (01):215-.
    The ‘turgid archaisms’ of Paul the Silentiary's style have ensured that his two hexameter Ekphrases, describing the Emperor Justinian's sixth-century church of S. Sophia in Constantinople and its ambo, have lately attracted little interest, except among art historians who seek to extract nuggets of architectural information. On the other hand, the eighty or so pagan epigrams by Paul which are preserved in the Palatine and Planudean Anthologies have received attention in recent years both because of their literary interest and for (...)
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    Piercing the Present with the Past.Harry Harootunian - 2015 - Historical Materialism 23 (4):60-74.
    This response to Tomba’sMarx’s Temporalitieshomes in on its critical interrogation of linear conceptions of development which have distorted Marxism’s capacity to seize the present. The article foregrounds the resources on which Tomba draws, from Walter Benjamin’s theses on history to Marx’s account of the struggles over the working day, and enlists them in an encounter with the questions of unevenness, archaism and pre-capitalism in Postcolonial theory, as well as in the attempts to ‘overcome modernity’ that marked the thought and (...)
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  24. Aspects of the Language of Latin Poetry.J. N. Adams & R. G. Mayer - unknown - Proceedings of the British Academy 93.
    International array of contributors, bringing together both traditional and more recent approaches to provide valuable insights into the poets’ use of language.Covers authors from Lucilius to Juvenal.Of the peoples of ancient Italy, only the Romans committed newly composed poems to writing, and for 250 years Latin-speakers developed an impressive verse literature.The language had traditional resources of high style, e.g., alliteration, lexical and morphological archaism or grecism, and of course metaphor and word order; and there were also less obvious resources (...)
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  25.  10
    A society adrift: interviews and debates, 1974-1997.Cornelius Castoriadis - 2010 - New York: Fordham University Press. Edited by Enrique Escobar, Myrto Gondicas & Pascal Vernay.
    The project of autonomy is not a utopia (1992) -- Why I am no longer a Marxist (1974) -- Imaginary significations (1982) -- Response to Richard Rorty (1995) -- On wars in Europe (1992) -- On the possibility of creating g new form of society (1977) -- What political parties cannot do (1979) -- Present issues for democracy (1986) -- These are bad times (1986) -- Do vanguards exist? (1987) -- What revolution is (1987) -- Neither a historical necessity nor (...)
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    Marx à la campagne : histoire, écologie et politiques paysannes.Paul Guillibert, Matthieu Renault, Juliette Farjat & Frédéric Monferrand - 2024 - Actuel Marx 75 (1):13-28.
    On considère généralement que Marx n’a jamais envisagé le monde rural que comme un archaïsme condamné par le progrès de l’histoire. L’objectif de cet article est de problématiser cette idée, en examinant les différentes tensions qui travaillent la réflexion de Marx sur la terre et les paysans. Nous montrons que deux découvertes complémentaires le conduisent à relativiser sa croyance au caractère progressiste du développement capitaliste : la découverte des tendances écocidaires du capitalisme et celle de la vivacité des communes agraires. (...)
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  27. Technical Methods in the Prehistoric Age.Jean Cazeneuve & Wells F. Chamberlin - 1959 - Diogenes 7 (27):102-124.
    There has often been criticism of the use which was made by certain sociologists toward the beginning of the century (Lévy-Bruhl in particular) of the adjective “primitive” to characterize the level of culture of peoples whom we formerly called “savage.” The term “archaic” perhaps creates fewer difficulties, but its etymology nevertheless involves the inconvenience of intimating that the societies in question might be closer to the origins than ours. Certain anthropologists, attempting to find an objective criterion which would permit us (...)
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    Two Notes on Ovid, Heroides IV.F. H. Colson - 1926 - Classical Quarterly 20 (3-4):207-.
    The various attempts to make sense of ‘sequitur,’ e.g. Palmer ‘naturally follows,’ taking pudor as subject and amorem as object, seem to me most unsatisfactory. Sedlmayer reads ‘quitur’ which Palmer calls ‘mira coniectura.’ But it is obvious that as far as sense and transcriptional probability go the correction is excellent, and also that since a passive infinitive is understood, it is grammatically right or at least would be if we found it in Lucretius. The only, and it may be thought (...)
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  29. Definition of Man: What is Left of the Nuremberg Code?Jean-Claude Guillebaud - 2002 - Diogenes 49 (195):7-12.
    All of us share the same feeling of being torn between two equally impossible attitudes, namely the absurdity of resistance and the abjectness of renunciation, that is to say a feeling of surrender to the course of events and I think that it is true that we are all more or less filled with this feeling or to revert to other terminology which I will borrow from Jacques Ellul, we all have the feeling of being swept away in a haphazard (...)
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    Friedrich Nietzsche — A Theoretician of Modern Democracy.Endre Kiss - 2001 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 57 (2):269 - 284.
    Nietzsche's vision of modern democracy includes an aspect which many tend to neglect given the historical experience with totalitarian systems of the twentieth century. Precisely on account of its triumphant progress, 'irresistible' democracy, according to Nietzsche, tends to instrumentalize the activities of its enemies. This is a claim made by a philosopher whose work Alfred Baeumler and Georg Lukács considered an extreme political archaism. For a long time no serious objection was raised against this absurd verdict. The present article (...)
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    Arbitria Vrbanitatis: Language, Style, and Characterization in Catullus cc. 39 and 37.Brian A. Krostenko - 2001 - Classical Antiquity 20 (2):239-272.
    This article describes how cc. 39 and 37 create distinct tones of voice and use them to preclude the social pretensions of Egnatius in different spheres. The style of c. 39, markedly oratorical—and non-Catullan—in the syntax of its opening lines, develops into the voice of a respectable senex by way of archaisms of vocabulary and syntax and is capped by a figure of humor otherwise absent from the polymetrics, the apologus. The style thus creates a voice perfectly suited to chastise (...)
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    Reforming the Spanish Future Subjunctive: Linguistics and Legal Language Policy.Mary C. Lavissière & Malte Rosemeyer - 2021 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 35 (2):649-673.
    The Spanish future subjunctive demonstrates how linguistics can inform modern language policy. The FS is described as an archaism to be eliminated from contemporary legal texts. We analyze a corpus of over 3000 tokens of the FS in Spanish legal texts dated between the 13th and 16th century. The FS has two functions in legal discourse. The casuistic function allows for indicating paradigmatic subordination; the forwarding function introduces new information. Our quantitative results suggest an increase in the usage frequency (...)
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  33.  13
    The spell of Parmenides and the paradox of the Commonwealth.Graham Maddox - 2011 - History of Political Thought 32 (2):253-279.
    Given the dominance of the United States' constitutional tradition, the modern world has inherited a widespread conservatism that holds constitutional 'reform' to be risky and change to mean decline. This attitude has ancient roots. Atavism in politics may be traced to movements that draw (however remotely) upon the legacy of the presocratic philosopher, Parmenides, who promoted a monist view of the world and graphically represented a radical rejection of all change as mere illusion. As one of the forerunners of the (...)
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    On the function of saṁhitā in the Saṁhitā Upaniṣad.Stephanie A. Majcher - 2022 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 50 (3):447-468.
    The Saṁhitā Upaniṣad [SU] is a little-known Vedic text that presents ‘typical’ Upaniṣadic teachings on the truth of identity alongside seemingly out-of-place descriptions of rites used to protect oneself against enemies and even against death. The difference between these contents is striking, but what it has to tell us about the SU’s main concerns is vulnerable to historical and text critical methods that rely on structure, style, and linguistic archaism to divide texts into discrete strata. What if the modern (...)
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    Antimanuel de politique.Arnaud Montebourg - 2012 - [Paris]: Bréal.
    Le " troisième homme " de la primaire socialiste compte bien peser dans le sprint final à l'élection présidentielle. Il n'a pas fini de faire parler de lui... Mais à quoi peut bien encore servir la politique? Jamais la démocratie n'a été aussi solidement installée et, en même temps, jamais elle n'a été autant menacée par le vide, l'impuissance ou l'abus de pouvoir. Le politique a-t-il encore la main? Le rouleau-compresseur des marchés a-t-il eu raison de sa superbe? L'archaïsme des (...)
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    Le masculin dans la psyché féminine.Agnès Vincent (ed.) - 2014 - Ganges: Réel éditions.
    Réunies en collectif de recherche et d'écriture, cinq femmes psychanalystes se penchent sur la question très actuelle de l'affirmation de la femme, portée par la figure inconsciente de l'Animus. Elles revendiquent une remise en cause des théories de CG Jung sur l'Animus, et des points de vue passéistes qui irriguent la littérature traitant de ce sujet à la suite du "maître". Elles témoignent ici en toute liberté de leurs expériences psychiques et de leur relation avec cette âme masculine inconsciente. Plusieurs (...)
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    The Birth of Theory.Andrew Cole - 2014 - London: University of Chicago Press.
    Modern theory needs a history lesson. Neither Marx nor Nietzsche first gave us theory—Hegel did. To support this contention, Andrew Cole’s _The Birth of Theory_ presents a refreshingly clear and lively account of the origins and legacy of Hegel’s dialectic as theory. Cole explains how Hegel boldly broke from modern philosophy when he adopted medieval dialectical habits of thought to fashion his own dialectic. While his contemporaries rejected premodern dialectic as outdated dogma, Hegel embraced both its emphasis on language as (...)
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    O Arcaísmo da Substancialidade No Escrito da Diferença de Hegel.Luiz Filipe da Silva Oliveira - 2023 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 64 (156):729-747.
    ABSTRACT The aim of this paper is to demonstrate that one of the reasons for Hegel’s failure in consummating the project of “construct the absolute for consciousness” presented in 1801 in his Writing on Difference consisted in the patent mismatch between the negativity to which the determinations of finitude would be submitted and the conception of the absolute still substantially thought. Precisely, what we call here the archaism of substantiality would set the tone of this mismatch that still entailed (...)
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    The fragments of Furius Antias.W. W. Batstone - 1996 - Classical Quarterly 46 (02):387-.
    Between Ennius and Vergil the Latin epic hexameter underwent dramatic changes in both prosody and diction.1 The precise history of these changes remains obscure, although it is clear from Catullan spondiazontes and Lucretian archaisms, from variation in the use of enjambment and the history of Hermann's bridge, that the versatile and expressive instrument the hexameter was to become in Vergil's hands was not the result of linear development. In fact, despite the pivotal role often assigned to Cicero, 2 in many (...)
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    Oracles et mentalités grecques.Pierre Bonnechere - 2013 - Kernos 26:73-94.
    Manipulés par les puissances hégémoniques, les sanctuaires oraculaires auraient rendu des oracles intéressés, et du même coup ambigus pour laisser aux consultants toute la responsabilité de leurs erreurs d’interprétation. Un coup d’œil aux réponses conser­vées dans les sources contemporaines des faits suffit pour se convaincre du contraire. De plus, il existe une tradition méconnue qui contredit le topos de l’ambiguïté volontaire : la seconde consultation du même sanctuaire pour préciser un oracle rendu. On trouve d’abondants exemples, privés et publics, fictifs (...)
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    La création de la chaire d’Histoire des religions au Collège de France (1880) : les rapports de Jules Soury et d’un savant anonyme [Ernest Renan].Patrick Henriet - 2021 - Revue de Synthèse 141 (3-4):189-238.
    Résumé En 1880 fut créée au Collège de France une chaire d’Histoire des religions. Il s’agissait là d’un des moments forts de l’institutionnalisation de cette discipline en France. Il n’y eut pas alors d’élection, mais une nomination par le ministère. La presse rendit largement compte de l’affrontement entre les deux candidats. Jules Soury était alors le représentant d’un anticléricalisme virulent qui allait bien au-delà du catholicisme et qui affirmait que les religions étaient un archaïsme dont les sociétés évoluées finiraient par (...)
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    (1 other version)Colloquial Expressions in Euripides.P. T. Stevens - 1937 - Journal of Hellenic Studies 31 (3-4):182-.
    The language of Greek Tragedy can be considered as a whole by virtue of the characteristics which distinguish it from that of other branches of Greek literature, and the resemblance between the three tragedians in this respect is more noticeable than the differences. Still, if we compare Aeschylus and Euripides it is impossible not to feel a marked change of tone, in λ⋯ξις as in δι⋯νοια and ἤθη. As in E. the familiar legends are frequently set in a more everyday (...)
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    Language of shock and present experience: Benjamin as a reader of Baudelaire.Gustavo Chataignier & Lorena Souyris - 2024 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 71:54-74.
    This article discusses Benjamin's interpretation of Baudelaire's poetry as a key to reading modernity. Understanding the ambiguities between novelty and archaism, typical of the time, is only possible thanks to the poet’s gesture of privileging radical contingency. On the one hand, the violence of unwanted encounters amid the crowd does not allow for reflection; on the other, its productive dimension makes contingency speakable. The poet’s verses will make possible the encounter of the now of experience with the available past (...)
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    The Language of the Later Books of Tacitus' Annals.J. N. Adams - 1972 - Classical Quarterly 22 (2):350-373.
    The demonstration by E. Wölfflin that between theHistoriesandAnnalsTacitus progressed towards a more archaic and artificial style is well known. From the outset Tacitus adhered to the traditional Roman view that history should be composed in an archaic language remote from everyday usage ; but he was apparently at first not fully aware of the possibilities of the archaizing style. New archaisms and artificial usages suggested themselves as he advanced ; and others, which he had used sporadically even early in theHistories, (...)
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    Judaïsme et modernité: confrontation et interlocution.David Banon - 2019 - Paris: Hermann.
    La 4ème de couv. indique : "Peut-on établir des rapports entre judaïsme et modernité? Au premier abord, il semble que l'arrimage soit impossible. Si le judaïsme s'adosse à une révélation, la modernité prône l'autonomie de la raison qui a pour tâche d'innover dans tous les domaines. Mais l'innovation provient-elle, comme le voudraient les tenants de la modernité, d'une césure? Ne s'inscrit-elle pas aussi, comme le préconise le judaïsme, dans une continuité? La tradition juive qui a subi, bien avant le XVIIIe (...)
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    Freud between Oedipus and the Sphinx.Miriam Leonard - 2021 - Arion 28 (3):131-155.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Freud between Oedipus and the Sphinx MIRIAM LEONARD Areproduction of Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres’s neo-classical painting Oedipus and the Sphinx famously hung over Freud’s couch in his consulting room at Berggasse 19 [figure 1]. Nobody doubts the significance of the figure of Oedipus to the development of Freud’s thought, arion 28.3 winter 2021 Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres, (1780–1867). Oedipus and the Sphinx, 1808. Oil on canvas. Photo Credit : Scala/ Art Resource, NY. (...)
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    La dionisización del dios Pan.Silvia Porres Caballero - 2012 - Synthesis (la Plata) 19:63-82.
    Pan es un dios peculiar en muchos aspectos. Al contrario que los restantes dioses del panteón griego, él no es antropomorfo, sino que tiene patas, cola y cuernos de carnero. Un dios con características tan arcaicas sólo puede sobrevivir confinado a la Arcadia, una región que conserva numerosos arcaísmos religiosos. Sin embargo, a partir del 490 a.C. en que se instaura su culto en Atenas, el dios comienza a cambiar. En su evolución, Pan se asimila cada vez más a Dioniso. (...)
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    Byzantine Philosophers of the 15th Century on Identity and Otherness.Georgios Steiris - 2016 - In Georgios Steiris, Sotiris Mitralexis & George Arabatzis (eds.), The Problem of Modern Greek Identity: from the Εcumene to the Nation-State. Cambridge Scholars Press. pp. 173-199.
    Those who work with topics related to Modern Greek identity usually start discussing these issues by quoting the famous Georgios Gemistos Pletho (c.1360-1454): we, over whom you rule and hold sway, are Hellenes by genos (γένος), as is witnessed by our language and ancestral education. Although Woodhouse thought of Pletho as the last of the Hellenes, others prefer to denounce him the last of the Byzantines and the first and foremost Modern Greek. During the 14th and 15th centuries, a number (...)
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  49. Consistency worries for Shashi Tharoor concerning “It reads like a translation”.Terence Rajivan Edward - manuscript
    I raise a worry that Shashi Tharoor’s criticism that “much of Narayan’s prose reads like a translation” is inconsistent with his criticism “the ABC of bad writing – archaisms, banalities and cliches – abounded” because these things tend to be worded in a way that exploits local linguistic features, such as alliteration, making translation difficult. I also flag another inconsistency worry, but earlier in this paper.
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    Purpose (metatask) of the present work is to attempt to give a glance at the problem of existential and anthropo- logical risk caused by the contemporary man-made civilization from the perspective of comparison and confronta- tion of aesthetics, the substrate of which is emotional and metaphorical interpretation of individual subjective values and politics feeding by objectively rational interests of social groups. In both cases there is some semantic gap pre- sent between the represented social reality and its representation in perception (...)
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