Results for 'anti-oppressive pedagogy'

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  1.  28
    Transformative Anti-Ableist Pedagogy for Social Justice.Dušana Podlucká - 2020 - Outlines. Critical Practice Studies 21 (1):69-97.
    Higher education institutions are legally bound to provide equal educational opportunities for diverse learners, traditionally materialized as individualized accommodations. This paper contends that despite the growing interest and scholarship in implementing more inclusive pedagogy enabling access to education for all students, those efforts still fall short of systematically addressing intersecting, oppressive, and anti-ableist practices in the classrooms. I argue, that in order to develop a truly inclusive, equitable, socially just and transformative pedagogy and teaching practices, we (...)
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    Art, Heart, and Pedagogy for Social Change.Elizabeth Brule, Katya Kredl, Juliette Vaillancourt & Elise Zhao - 2024 - Studies in Social Justice 18 (4):681-701.
    This article is a collective discussion with undergraduate students about their work in a second-year gender studies course. The discussion shares how active engagement in collective art production for social change can provide the seeds for decolonial, anti-racist and anti-ableist pedagogical practice. The course encourages students to actively engage in the classroom, raise questions and concerns about social justice, and implement ways to challenge social relations of power. Students work collectively on projects using a range of alternative ways (...)
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    Pedagogy of Ignorance.Sardar M. Anwaruddin - 2015 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 47 (7):734-746.
    In this article I discuss how Jacques Rancière’s thought invites us to re-conceptualize the education–emancipation nexus. The primary goal of traditional approaches to emancipatory and anti-oppressive education has been to empower the oppressed so that the latter can (re)gain their voice and transform their situations. Building on Rancière’s ideas, I argue that the processes of empowering the oppressed imply that one has the power to empower the other, and thus start with an assumption of inequality. I conclude the (...)
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    White dominance in nursing education: A target for anti‐racist efforts.Blythe Bell - 2021 - Nursing Inquiry 28 (1):e12379.
    Literature on racism, anti‐racism, whiteness, nursing education and nurse educators was reviewed and analysed for the development of race consciousness and application of anti‐racist pedagogy. The literature describes an oppressive educational climate for non‐white identifying people, a curriculum that does not attend to the social construction of difference, and a nursing culture that is not consciously situated in a broader sociopolitical context. A particular focus on studies of nurse educators demonstrates a stark need for personal and (...)
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    Marxism, Pedagogy, and the General Intellect : Beyond the Knowledge Economy.Derek R. Ford - 2021 - Springer Verlag.
    This book is the first to articulate and challenge the consensus on the right and left that knowledge is the key to any problem, demonstrating how the left’s embrace of knowledge productivity keeps it trapped within capital’s circuits. As the knowledge economy has forced questions of education to the forefront, the book engages pedagogy as an underlying yet neglected motor of capitalism and its forms of oppression. Most importantly, it assembles new pedagogical resources for responding to the range of (...)
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    Being ‘Lazy’ and Slowing Down: Toward decolonizing time, our body, and pedagogy.Riyad A. Shahjahan - 2015 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 47 (5):488-501.
    In recent years, scholars have critiqued norms of neoliberal higher education by calling for embodied and anti-oppressive teaching and learning. Implicit in these accounts, but lacking elaboration, is a concern with reformulating the notion of ‘time’ and temporalities of academic life. Employing a coloniality perspective, this article argues that in order to reconnect our minds to our bodies and center embodied pedagogy in the classroom, we should disrupt Eurocentric notions of time that colonize our academic lives. I (...)
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    Juliet Hess, Music Education for Social Change–Constructing an Activist Music Education (New York, Routledge, 2019).Martin Berger - 2022 - Philosophy of Music Education Review 30 (2):207-212.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Music Education for Social Change–Constructing an Activist Music Education by Juliet HessMartin BergerJuliet Hess, Music Education for Social Change–Constructing an Activist Music Education (New York, Routledge, 2019)Juliet Hess’s book is written with great passion and composed for a very good reason. It is published in troubling times when music educators are looking for new perspectives on old problems and in search of a revived relevance for the subject. (...)
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    ‘The Problem of the Color Line’: Faculty approaches to teaching Social Justice in Baccalaureate Nursing Programs.Claire Paulino Valderama-Wallace & Ester Carolina Apesoa-Varano - 2020 - Nursing Inquiry 27 (3):e12349.
    Social justice is put forth as a core professional nursing value, although conceptualizations within foundational documents and among nurse educators remain inconsistent and contradictory. The purpose of this study was to explore how faculty teach social justice in theory courses in Baccalaureate programs. This qualitative study utilized constructivist grounded theory methods to examine processes informing participants' teaching. Participants utilize four overarching approaches: fostering engaging classroom climates, utilizing various naming strategies, framing diversity and culture as social justice, and role modeling a (...)
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    Improbable frequency? Advocating queer–feminist pedagogic alliances within Irish and European higher education contexts.Aideen Quilty - 2017 - European Journal of Women's Studies 24 (1):55-69.
    Heterosexist ideology underpins education policy and practice almost universally. It has the effect of rendering invisible and disrespecting practitioners and students of other sexual and non-gender conforming identities. Much explicitly queer work has challenged this normalising and frequently oppressive higher education terrain. To maximise this queer potential this article proposes re-positioning queer within and through a practice and pedagogy of feminism. The broad-based identity politics of feminism and the anti-identitarian politic of queer may appear a slightly improbable (...)
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    Power to the people: Education for social change in the philosophies of Paulo Freire and Mozi.Yann-Ru Ho & Wei-Chieh Tseng - 2022 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 54 (13):2180-2191.
    As Paulo Freire’s education theory for social change and emancipation is being continually studied and disseminated in East Asia, it has faced skepticism as some educators are unfamiliar with its critical pedagogy or education for freedom concepts. In light of this, scholars have attempted to compare Freirean philosophies with concepts in Chinese philosophy of education as a way of bridging East and West. Diverging from previous studies that use popular Chinese philosophies (such as Confucianism) to connect with Freirean theory, (...)
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    Culturally Responsive School Leadership.H. Richard Milner (ed.) - 2018 - Harvard Education Press.
    __Culturally Responsive School Leadership_ focuses on how school leaders can effectively serve minoritized students—those who have been historically marginalized in school and society._ The book demonstrates how leaders can engage students, parents, teachers, and communities in ways that positively impact learning by honoring indigenous heritages and local cultural practices. Muhammad Khalifa explores three basic premises. First, that a full-fledged and nuanced understanding of “cultural responsiveness” is essential to successful school leadership. Second, that cultural responsiveness will not flourish and succeed in (...)
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    Remixing the Classroom: Toward an Open Philosophy of Music Education by Randall Everett Allsup (review).Juliet Hess - 2017 - Philosophy of Music Education Review 25 (1):100.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Remixing the Classroom: Toward an Open Philosophy of Music Education by Randall Everett AllsupJuliet HessRandall Everett Allsup, Remixing the Classroom: Toward an Open Philosophy of Music Education (Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press, 2016).As a leading voice in music education, Randall Allsup works continually to reconceptualize music education toward democratic and socially just praxis.1 He routinely challenges the field to become self-conscious of practices that limit forward movement, providing (...)
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    Anti-Oppressive Social Work Research: Prioritising Refugee Voices in Kakuma Refugee Camp.Neil Bilotta - 2020 - Ethics and Social Welfare 14 (4):397-414.
    Scholars from the Global North have consistently facilitated research in the Global South, particularly with war-affected young people (Bragin et al. 2014) living in refugee camps (Cooper 2005). Th...
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    Anti-Oppressive Perspectives on Social Work’s Responsibilities Towards Irregular Migrants in South Africa.Sheron Mpofu - 2021 - Ethics and Social Welfare 15 (1):20-35.
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    Testimonies and Healing: Antioppressive Research with Black Women and the Implications for Compassionate Ethical Care.Alana Gunn - 2022 - Hastings Center Report 52 (S1):42-45.
    Hastings Center Report, Volume 52, Issue S1, Page S42-S45, March‐April 2022.
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    On the Ethical Priority of Problem Solving in Case‐Based Teacher Ethics: Grounding an AntiOppressive Approach.Nicolas Tanchuk & Alyssa Emery - 2024 - Educational Theory 74 (3):358-370.
    A central problem for phronetic case-based approaches to the ethics of teaching lies in the proper determination of normative ethical problems. Judgments about the character of normative ethical problems depend in part on background beliefs about what is (or is not) of ethical value. Thus, to distinguish genuinely normative ethical problems, teachers seem to first require knowledge of what is of ethical value, which practical problems themselves cannot generate. To resolve this practical and theoretical problem, Nicolas Tanchuk and Alyssa Emery (...)
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    Content Specialists’ Anti-Plagiarism Pedagogical Interventions: A Thematic Review.Yongyan Li, Hui Chen, Xiaoling Liu & Simon Wang - forthcoming - Journal of Academic Ethics:1-21.
    This paper presents a thematic review of the anti-plagiarism instruction of content specialists as reported in a range of articles published in the decade of 2014–2023. A total of 28 articles were identified through systematic searching and a ChatGPT-assisted selection process based on a set of inclusion criteria. Specifically, we aimed to include those articles that contain sufficient details of the instructional procedure as well as an evidence-based report of the effectiveness of the pedagogical intervention. A coding scheme of (...)
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    Growing food justice by planting an anti-oppression foundation: opportunities and obstacles for a budding social movement. [REVIEW]Joshua Sbicca - 2012 - Agriculture and Human Values 29 (4):455-466.
    The food justice movement is a budding social movement premised on ideologies that critique the structural oppression responsible for many injustices throughout the agrifood system. Tensions often arise however when a radical ideology in various versions from multiple previous movements is woven into mobilization efforts by organizations seeking to build the activist base needed to transform the agrifood system. I provide a detailed case study of the People’s Grocery, a food justice organization in West Oakland, California, to show how (...)-oppression ideology provides the foundation upon which food justice activists mobilize. People’s Grocery builds off of previous social justice movements within West Oakland, reflected in activist meaning making around ideas of social justice and autonomy. However, the ongoing mobilization process also faces complications stemming from diverse individual interpretations of food justice—that may not be reflected in the stated goals of food justice organizations—as well as structural constraints. Consequently, building a social movement premised on food justice opens up social spaces for new activism, but may not be a panacea for solving food-related racial and economic inequality. The findings have implications for newly forming food justice organizations, future research on the food justice movement, as well as for theories on social movement mobilization. (shrink)
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  19. A (R)evaluation of Nietzsche’s Anti-democratic Pedagogy: The Overman, Perspectivism, and Self-overcoming.Mark E. Jonas - 2008 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 28 (2):153-169.
    In this paper, I argue that Friedrich Nietzsche’s concept of self-overcoming has been largely misinterpreted in the philosophy of education journals. The misinterpretation partially stems from a misconstruction of Nietzsche’s perspectivism, and leads to a conception of self-overcoming that is inconsistent with Nietzsche’s educational ideals. To show this, I examine some of the prominent features of the so-called “debate” of the 1980s surrounding Nietzsche’s conception of self-overcoming. I then offer an alternative conception that is more consistent with Nietzsche’s thought, and (...)
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    Towards a (Self-)Compassionate Music Education: Affirmative Politics, Self-Compassion, and Anti-Oppression.Juliet Hess - 2020 - Philosophy of Music Education Review 28 (1):47.
    Abstract:In Red Skin, White Masks: Rejecting the Colonial Politics of Recognition, Glen Coulthard argues that since 1969, colonial power relations in Canada have shifted from an unconcealed structure of domination to a mode of colonial governance that operates through state recognition and accommodation. He instead looks to identify a type of recognition based on self-affirmation and self-recognition rather than state acceptance. Following Coulthard, I examine movements created to affirm oppressed groups in the context of anti-Semitism and anti-Blackness in (...)
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    Neo-fascism as the Apparatus of Neoliberalism’s Assault on Philippine Higher Education: Towards an Anti-Fascist Pedagogy.Gerardo Lanuza - 2022 - Kritike 16 (1):145-170.
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    What Is Disorientation in Thinking?Ami Harbin - 2016 - In Disorientation and Moral Life. New York: Oxford University Press USA.
    This chapter argues that some disorientations prompt individuals to gain new awareness in politically and morally important ways, even when they do not prompt capacities for decisive moral judgment or confidence. It investigates disorientations of experiencing racism, white privilege, consciousness-raising, and critical education, drawing on first-person, philosophical, and empirical accounts of double consciousness, white anti-racism, moral shock, double ontological shock, gaslighting, outlaw emotions, and feminist pedagogy. It demonstrates how, in some cases, these disorientations generate awareness of contingent (...) norms and of political complexity, and it then argues for the moral and political significance of such awareness. Even as it does not help individuals resolve how to act, such awareness can generate epistemic humility, allow individuals to relate differently to their histories and communities of origin, and clarify the necessity of collaborative rather than individual action. (shrink)
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    Bearing Witness to the Ethics and Politics of Suffering: J. M. Coetzee’s Disgrace, Inconsolable Mourning, and the Task of Educators.Michalinos Zembylas - 2009 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 28 (3):223-237.
    How can educators and their students interrogate the ethics and politics of suffering in ways that do not create fixed and totalized narratives from the past? In responding to this question, this essay draws on J. M. Coeetze’s Disgrace, and discusses how this novel constitutes a crucial site for bearing witness to the suffering engendered by apartheid through inventing new forms of mourning and community. The anti-historicist stance of the novel is grounded on the notion that bearing witness to (...)
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    Racism-Conscious Praxis: A Framework to Materialize Anti-Oppression in Medicine, Public Health, and Health Policy.Rohan Khazanchi, Derek R. Soled & Ruqaiijah Yearby - 2023 - American Journal of Bioethics 23 (4):31-34.
    Liao and Carbonell explore how oppressive medical technologies constitute materiality insofar as they reflect past oppression, embody oppression in the present day, and carry oppression into the fu...
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    ‘Invisibilise’ This: Ocular Bias and Ableist Metaphors in Anti-Oppressive Discourse.Michael Wilson Becerril - 2018 - Feminist Review 120 (1):130-134.
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    Racial Equity, Diversity and Inclusion in Bioethics: Recommendations from the Association of Bioethics Program Directors Presidential Task Force.Sandra Soo-Jin Lee, Alexis Walker, Shawneequa L. Callier, Faith E. Fletcher, Charlene Galarneau, Nanibaa’ Garrison, Jennifer E. James, Renee McLeod-Sordjan, Ubaka Ogbogu, Nneka Sederstrom, Patrick T. Smith, Clarence H. Braddock & Christine Mitchell - 2024 - American Journal of Bioethics 24 (10):3-14.
    Recent calls to address racism in bioethics reflect a sense of urgency to mitigate the lethal effects of a lack of action. While the field was catalyzed largely in response to pivotal events deeply rooted in racism and other structures of oppression embedded in research and health care, it has failed to center racial justice in its scholarship, pedagogy, advocacy, and practice, and neglected to integrate anti-racism as a central consideration. Academic bioethics programs play a key role in (...)
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    Equalising opportunities, minimising oppression: a critical review of anti-discriminatory policies in health and social welfare.Dylan Ronald Tomlinson & Winston Trew (eds.) - 2002 - New York: Routledge.
    This book clarifies the distinctions between three key concepts - Anti-Racist Practice (ARP), Anti-Discriminatory Practice(ADP) and Anti-Oppressive Practice (AOP). Critically and constructively analysing these three approaches to practice it reappraises their potential in the light of emerging equality issues in the health service. With contributions from leading teachers and practitioners in the field, Equalising Opportunities provides students and practitioners in health and social care with a clear overview of an area where there is much confusion and (...)
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  28. Pedagogy of the oppressed.Paulo Freire - 2004 - In David J. Flinders & Stephen J. Thornton, The Curriculum Studies Reader. Routledge.
  29. (1 other version)Pedagogy of hope: reliving Pedagogy of the oppressed.Paulo Freire - 1994 - New York: Continuum. Edited by Ana Maria Araújo Freire & Paulo Freire.
    In this book, we come to understand the author's pedagogical thinking even better, through the critical seriousness, humanistic objectivity, and engaged ...
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    Transformative Disruptions and Collective Knowledge Building: Social Work Professors Building Anti-oppressive Ethical Frameworks for Research, Teaching, Practice and Activism.Roxane Caron, Edward Ou Jin Lee & Annie Pullen Sansfaçon - 2020 - Ethics and Social Welfare 14 (3):298-314.
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    Oppression and professional ethics.Derek Clifford - 2016 - Ethics and Social Welfare 10 (1):4-18.
    This paper will suggest some key elements needed to adequately ground a concept of oppression relevant to the ethics of the social professionsFootnote11. The ‘social professions’ is a useful phrase employed by Sarah Banks (2004) and includes social work, community and youth work, and other professions where human services are offered., and demonstrate how a coherent account of such a concept can be offered, drawing on recent work in social, moral and political philosophy: an account that both supports and challenges (...)
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    Pedagogy of power, oppression and empowerment: a Chinese cultural articulation.Kam-Shing Yip - 2012 - New York: Nova/Nova Science Publishers.
    Pedagogy of power, oppression and empowerment: a Western theoretical underpinnings -- A Chinese confucian articulation of power, oppression and empowerment -- A Chinese legalistic articulation of power, oppression and empowerment -- A Chinese taoistic articulation of power, oppression and empowerment -- A Chinese maohistic articulation of power, oppression and empowerment -- Conclusion: a dynamic and holistic Chinese cultural articulation of power, oppression and empowerment.
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  33. Anti-Black Oppression and the Ethical Significance of African American Identity.Anna Stubblefield - 2000 - Dissertation, Rutgers the State University of New Jersey - New Brunswick
    There are three serious problems in the ongoing debate over whether or not to grant ethical significance to race. First, although disagreement over whether or not "race" is a "real" or "objective" concept is only part of the debate, exchanges have increasingly concentrated on this issue. The result is that currently, the question of whether or not to grant ethical significance to race is most often presented as primarily a metaphysical rather than a normative one. This is misleading because the (...)
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    bell hooks’ feminist, and ancient Egypt’s philosophy of education for an enabling Afrocentric education.Simphiwe Sesanti - 2023 - South African Journal of Philosophy 42 (3):217-229.
    In 2021, bell hooks, an African-American anti-colonial education and feminist educator, passed on. hooks’ passing coincided with the 40th publication anniversary of her book, Ain’t I a woman: Black Women and Feminism. Her passing, and her book’s 40th anniversary, present opportunities for reflecting on her ideas about education as an instrument of freedom in a world where racists and sexists historically used education as an instrument of oppression. It is important to examine hooks’ work in South Africa considering that (...)
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    Pedagogy, Oppression and Transformation in a 'Post-Critical Climate': the Return of Freirean Thinking. Edited by Andrew O'Shea and Maeve O'Brien: Pp 192. London and New York: Continuum.(2011).£ 75 (hbk). ISBN 978-1-441-14234-4.Ralph Leighton - 2012 - British Journal of Educational Studies 60 (4):441-442.
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    Guest Editor’s Introduction.Siphiwe Ndlovu - 2023 - Critical Philosophy of Race 11 (2):259-263.
    This Special Issue comes at a time when African countries and the Global South in general are facing unprecedented crises in securing energy to power their economies. The crises are necessitated largely by the developed Western countries exerting enormous power and pressure upon the developing world to move away from fossil fuels, while at the same time the West is increasing its uptake on fossils. However, with critical self-reflection we are able to understand that a crisis of this nature is (...)
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    4.Anti-Black Oppression And White Supremacy.Anna Stubblefield - 2018 - In Ethics Along the Color Line. Cornell University Press. pp. 112-143.
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    Anthropological Anti-Utopia of the Third Reich and its philosophical-pedagogical implications. Article two. Man in the spaces of anthropological Anti-Utopia.Maria Kultaieva - 2019 - Filosofska Dumka (Philosophical Thought) 6:64-80.
    This publication is an article 2, expanding on the topic, outlined in article 1, published earlier in “Philosophical thoughts” (1019, No. 1). The author considers the constitutional prerequisites of the anthropological anti-Utopia of the Third Reich, the main principles of which were deduced from the folk-political and folk-cultural versions of the German philosophical anthropology completed with ideological statements of the industrialism. The functional potential of the human ideals is regarded. These ideals are canonized in the ideology of the national-socialism (...)
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    Liberation or Oppression?—Western TESOL Pedagogies in China.Shaofei Lu & Nancy Ares - 2015 - Educational Studies: A Jrnl of the American Educ. Studies Assoc 51 (2):112-128.
    In this article, we examine power relations in College English teaching in China, focusing on the symbolic capital of English as a global language. Framing our discussion with Bourdieu's concept of symbolic capital and a review of literature, we problematize the importation of pedagogies from Western countries to China and argue that seemingly liberating pedagogies, such as the communicative language teaching approach, can be turned into a form of oppression of both the instructors and the students. Drawing on Freire's critical (...)
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  40. The making of pedagogy of the oppressed: Paulo Freire's approach to literacy, training and adult education.Marcela Gajardo (ed.) - 2025 - Boston: Brill.
    An unanswered question on the making of Pedagogy of the Oppressed is when, where and how this book was written, edited, and published. The Preface of the original Portuguese handwritten manuscript is dated in Chile by 1967. Some scholars imply that the manuscript was finished sometime in March or April 1969. By then, Freire had left Chile and three of his books had been published by the Institute of Research and Training in Agrarian Reform, ICIRA. Freire himself had already (...)
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  41. Anti-fascism : late-stage capitalism and the pedagogical resurgence of anti-fascism.Colin Jenkins - 2019 - In Derek Ford, Keywords in Radical Philosophy and Education: Common Concepts for Contemporary Movements. Boston: Brill.
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    Teachers' Reflections on the Perceptions of Oppression and Liberation in Neo-Marxist Critical Pedagogies.Tova Yaakoby - 2013 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 45 (10):992-1004.
    Critical pedagogy speaks of teachers as liberating and transformative intellectuals.Yet their voice is absent from its discourse.The emancipatory action research, described in this article, created a dialogue between teachers and the ideas concerning oppression and liberation found in Neo-Marxist pedagogies. It strongly suggests that teachers can contribute to the further development of these ideas. It indicates that Critical Theory’s perceptions of the totality of oppression were largely accepted by these teachers after their own inner-reflective processes.Yet, the teachers rejected the (...)
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    Reinventing Pedagogy of the Oppressed: Contemporary Critical Perspectives.Darren Webb - 2021 - British Journal of Educational Studies 69 (2):259-260.
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    Race and Freire’s Pedagogy of the Oppressed.Stephen Nathan Haymes - 2002 - Radical Philosophy Review 5 (1-2):165-175.
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    Dangerous Memory and the Pedagogy of the Oppressed.Fred Lawrence - 1987 - Lonergan Workshop 6 (9999):17-35.
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    A Feminist Analysis of Anti-Obesity Campaigns: Manipulation, Oppression, and Autonomy.Kathryn MacKay - 2017 - International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics 10 (2):61-78.
    A few years ago, the New York City Department of Health introduced a public health campaign entitled “Cut Your Portions, Cut Your Risk”, a series of posters in which images of food in increasingly large portion sizes appear. In one example, three packets of french fries are featured; in another, cheeseburgers are shown. In a red box in each, the text, in large, all-capital letters in English and Spanish, reads “Portions have grown,” and, below this, in all capitals, “so has (...)
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    Freire 2.0: Pedagogy of the digitally oppressed.Antony Farag, Luke Greeley & Andrew Swindell - 2022 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 54 (13):2214-2227.
    This paper reinvents Freire’s concepts of ‘banking education’ and ‘literacy’ within the context of the exponential growth of digital instruction in the 21st century. We argue that digital learning (i.e. online or technology enhanced) undoubtedly increases access to education globally, but also can intensify some of the worst problems described in Freire’s banking model. Accordingly, we draw from postdigital theory to scrutinize the specific structures and functions of common digital Learning Management Systems (LMSs) used by schools (i.e. Blackboard and Google (...)
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    The student guide to Freire's Pedagogy of the Oppressed.Antonia Darder - 2018 - London: Bloomsbury Academic. Edited by Donaldo P. Macedo, Ana Maria Araújo Freire & Paulo Freire.
    Antonia Darder closely examines Freire's ideas as they are articulated in Pedagogy of the Oppressed, beginning with a historical discussion of his life and a systematic discussion of the central philosophical traditions that informed his revolutionary ideas. Darder explores Freire's fundamental themes and ideas, including issues of humanization, teacher/student relationship, reflection, dialogue, praxis, and his larger emancipatory vision. The book also includes a chapter-by-chapter close reading of the text with sample questions to prompt discussion and engagement with Freire's ideas, (...)
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    The Oppression of Nonhuman Life.Lisa Kretz - 2018 - Environmental Ethics 40 (3):195-214.
    Karen Warren’s work has helped to transform the landscape of environmental philosophy, contributing theoretical grounding for Western ecofeminism and opening the range of theoretical perspectives one can adopt when doing Western environmental ethics. Although her work is laudable, there are substantive worries about how potential subjects of oppression are characterized in her later work. Warren’s work and relevant secondary literature can be used as a foil to illuminate inadequate justification for the failure to include all living entities as potential subjects (...)
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    Die Calvinistiese onderwysleen Pedagogies normatief of anti-normatief?S. Schoeman - 1994 - HTS Theological Studies 50 (4).
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