Results for 'ambiente'

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  1.  93
    Ambient Intelligence, Criminal Liability and Democracy.Mireille Hildebrandt - 2008 - Criminal Law and Philosophy 2 (2):163-180.
    In this contribution we will explore some of the implications of the vision of Ambient Intelligence (AmI) for law and legal philosophy. AmI creates an environment that monitors and anticipates human behaviour with the aim of customised adaptation of the environment to a person’s inferred preferences. Such an environment depends on distributed human and non-human intelligence that raises a host of unsettling questions around causality, subjectivity, agency and (criminal) liability. After discussing the vision of AmI we will present relevant research (...)
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    Mobile-centric ambient intelligence in health- and homecare—anticipating ethical and legal challenges.Eleni Kosta, Olli Pitkänen, Marketta Niemelä & Eija Kaasinen - 2010 - Science and Engineering Ethics 16 (2):303-323.
    Ambient Intelligence provides the potential for vast and varied applications, bringing with it both promise and peril. The development of Ambient Intelligence applications poses a number of ethical and legal concerns. Mobile devices are increasingly evolving into tools to orientate in and interact with the environment, thus introducing a user-centric approach to Ambient Intelligence. The MINAmI (Micro-Nano integrated platform for transverse Ambient Intelligence applications) FP6 research project aims at creating core technologies for mobile device based Ambient Intelligence services. In this (...)
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  3. Ambient intelligence and persuasive technology: The blurring boundaries between human and technology. [REVIEW]Peter-Paul Verbeek - 2009 - NanoEthics 3 (3):231-242.
    The currently developing fields of Ambient Intelligence and Persuasive Technology bring about a convergence of information technology and cognitive science. Smart environments that are able to respond intelligently to what we do and that even aim to influence our behaviour challenge the basic frameworks we commonly use for understanding the relations and role divisions between human beings and technological artifacts. After discussing the promises and threats of these technologies, this article develops alternative conceptions of agency, freedom, and responsibility that make (...)
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    La prevención en materia ambiental.Gloria Amparo Rodríguez & Iván Vargas-Chaves (eds.) - 2016 - Bogotá: Editorial Universidad del Rosario.
    La prevención en materia ambiental, como concepto y principio, es una opción eficaz para aplicar el principio ético de responsabilidad esbozado por Hans Jonas, que propugna por un tratamiento responsable del ambiente de cara a su preservación para las generaciones venideras. En este sentido, la prevención es también un mecanismo de gestión que le da a cada riesgo ambiental el tratamiento particular que se merece, dadas sus características, premura e incluso potencial impacto en lo social, económico y ambiental. Esta (...)
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    Ambient smart environments: affordances, allostasis, and wellbeing.Ben White & Mark Miller - 2024 - Synthese 204 (2):1-24.
    In this paper we assess the functionality and therapeutic potential of ambient smart environments. We argue that the language of affordances alone fails to do justice to the peculiar functionality of this ambient technology, and draw from theoretical approaches based on the free energy principle and active inference. We argue that ambient smart environments should be understood as playing an'upstream' role, shaping an agent's field of affordances in real time, in an adaptive way that supports an optimal grip on a (...)
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    Política ambiental chilena y política indígena en la coyuntura de los tratados internacionales (1990-2010).Sara Zelada Muñoz & James Park Key - 2013 - Polis: Revista Latinoamericana 35.
    Se analizan las políticas medio ambientales e indígenas durante el período 1990- 2010 de gobiernos de la Concertación, los tratados internacionales sobre el medio ambiente que inciden en el uso de recursos naturales en territorios huilliche. Se concluye que la política pública medioambiental, por su naturaleza reactiva, en el contexto de los mercados globales, se ha visto sobrepasada por la hegemonía del poder de las transnacionales que invierten en los commodities forestal, minero, agropecuario, amparadas por una legislación ambiental débil (...)
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    Educación ambiental y sustentabilidad política: democracia y participación.Eloísa Tréllez Solís - 2006 - Polis 14.
    La búsqueda de una educación ambiental basada en los principios de la sustentabilidad, está en el centro de la reflexión de la autora. El arte de educar implica, por parte de educadores y educandos, consiste en asumirse como seres sociales y complejos; inmersos en una realidad que exige un compromiso constante con el medioambiente. La libertad que podemos alcanzar en el mundo exterior -el cual habitamos en tanto cuerpos interrelacionados entre sí y respecto de su medio- tiene como requisito previo (...)
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    Ambient Intelligence and Problems with Inferring Desires from Behaviour.Johnny Harz Soraker & Philip Brey - 2007 - International Review of Information Ethics 8:7-12.
    In this paper the authors argue that many of the ethical problems raised by Ambient Intelligence stems from presupposing a behaviourist conception of the relation between human desires and behaviour. Insofar as Ambient Intelligence systems take overt, natural behaviour as input, they are likely to suffer from many of the same problems that have fuelled the widespread criticism of behaviourist explanations of human behaviour. If these limitations of the technology are not sufficiently recognized, the technology is likely to be insufficiently (...)
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    Ambient Assistive Technologies : socio-technology as a powerful tool for facing the inevitable sociodemographic challenges?Astrid M. Schülke, Herbert Plischke & Niko B. Kohls - 2010 - Philosophy, Ethics, and Humanities in Medicine 5:8.
    Due to the socio-demographic change in most developed western countries, elderly populations have been continuously increasing. Therefore, preventive and assistive systems that allow elderly people to independently live in their own homes as long as possible will become an economical if not ethical necessity. These respective technologies are being developed under the term "Ambient Assistive Technologies". The EU-funded AAT-project Ambient Lighting Assistance for an Ageing Population has established the long-term goal to create an adaptive system capable of improving the residential (...)
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    Ambient Lights Influence Perception and Decision-Making.Sichao Song & Seiji Yamada - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
    Today's computers are becoming ever more versatile. They are used in various applications, such as for education, entertainment, and information services. In other words, computers are often required to not only inform users of information but also communicate with them socially. Previous studies explored the design of ambient light displays and suggested that such systems can convey information to people in the periphery of their attention without distracting them from their primary work. However, they mainly focused on using ambient lights (...)
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  11. Filosofía Ambiental en Brasil.Amós Nascimento & James Jackson Griffith - 2012 - Environmental Ethics 34 (4):45-64.
    Brasil tiene una larga historia de problemas ambientales, pero la filosofía parece ir atrás de otras disciplinas que activamente consideran esta historia. Sin embargo, existe una tradición intelectual suficientemente rica para permitir el surgimiento de una filosofía ambiental genuina. Basados sobre una detallada panorámica de las discusiones pertenecientes a la reflexión ambiental y al activismo en Brasil, este trabajo revela tres campos de tensión en su historiaambiental reciente –desarrollismo militar versus activismo ambiental militante, realismo antropocéntrico versus utopía ecocéntrica, desarrollo sostenible (...)
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    Racionalidad ambiental y diálogo de saberes. Significancia y sentido en la construcción de un futuro sustentable.Enrique Leff - 2004 - Polis 3 (7):61-109.
    El autor postula que la formación de una racionalidad ambiental es un proceso de renovación del mundo, de descontrucción de los fundamentos de la civilización occidental y las falacias de la globalización económica; y que el diálogo de saberes apunta hacia un renacimiento que surgirá del encuentro de los seres ahí que habitan el mundo desde sus culturas y sus condiciones existenciales; desde donde nace lo nuevo en el encuentro con la otredad, la diversidad y la diferencia; sin jerarquías, desde (...)
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  13. Freedom and privacy in ambient intelligence.Philip Brey - 2005 - Ethics and Information Technology 7 (3):157-166.
    This paper analyzes ethical aspects of the new paradigm of Ambient Intelligence, which is a combination of Ubiquitous Computing and Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI’s). After an introduction to the approach, two key ethical dimensions will be analyzed: freedom and privacy. It is argued that Ambient Intelligence, though often designed to enhance freedom and control, has the potential to limit freedom and autonomy as well. Ambient Intelligence also harbors great privacy risks, and these are explored as well.
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    Do ambient urban odors evoke basic emotions?Sandra T. Glass, Elisabeth Lingg & Eva Heuberger - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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  15. Educação Ambiental no Programa Institucional de Bolsas de Iniciação a docência: trabalho colaborativo entre universidade e escola pública no interior da Bahia.Silvana do Nascimento Silva & Graça Carvalho - 2015 - Saberes Em Perspectiva 5 (12):7-26.
    The programme PIBID-EA intends to closer licensees of undergraduate teaching courses with the reality of public schools. By promoting the teacher-researcher training on the basis of implementing collaborative actions between universities and partner schools it aims at encouraging critical questioning of environmental issues, providing appropriate conditions for PIBID-EA-grant fellows initiate school teaching. University lecturers, elementary school supervisors and the school community collaborate in partnership to improve knowledge and develop values and skills for students acting in favour of sustainable society, where (...)
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    Solidariedade ambiental: entre mudanças climáticas e desigualdade.Guilherme Massaú & Márcia Rodrigues Bertoldi - 2022 - Araucaria 24 (51).
    O texto analisa a Constituição Federal de 1988 traduzida em norma e em fato no que concerne à solidariedade ambiental frente às mudanças climáticas que provocam a desigualdade. Desta forma, defende-se sua função dentro do âmbito jurídico e social da solidariedade em face da desigualdade social provocada por este fenômeno ambiental. Pressupõe-se que a solidariedade ambiental é um instrumento relevante a ser observado e aplicado na contenção das desigualdades provocadas pelas mudanças climáticas, que promovem a pobreza, a degradação ambiental e (...)
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    Activismo ambiental y democracia deliberativa: una aproximación desde el enfoque del «Children´s Capabilitarianism» y el «Childism».Pedro Hernando Maldonado Castañeda - 2024 - Las Torres de Lucca: Revista Internacional de Filosofía Política 13 (2):107-118.
    Este artículo presenta un análisis entre el activismo ambiental encabezado por niños, niñas y adolescentes y la democracia deliberativa. Sostengo que ya no basta solo con reconocer la importancia de las voces de los menores de edad, sino que es necesario un reconocimiento político. De este modo, se pone en primer plano la naturaleza transformadora de la democracia deliberativa entre adultos y los niños, niñas y adolescentes. Para comprender el impacto del activismo ambiental en la democracia deliberativa, es necesaria una (...)
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    Ética ambiental y desarrollo: participación democrática para una sociedad sostenible.Ricardo Guzmán Díaz - 2013 - Polis: Revista Latinoamericana 34.
    La sociedad global se enfrenta a una doble crisis: una concerniente a nuestra relación con el medio ambiente natural y otra referida a la propia condición humana. Con esta idea como punto de partida, planteamos la necesidad de volver nuestra mirada y pensar en los temas del desarrollo, no solo en el sentido económico, sino en el sentido humano más pleno. En esta tarea, consideramos que deben estar involucrados los diferentes actores sociales e instituciones para construir juntos un mejor (...)
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    Ambient Temporalities: Rethinking Object-Oriented Time through Kant, Husserl, and Heidegger.Jamie Stephenson - 2024 - Open Philosophy 7 (1):1-31.
    Immanuel Kant is often conveyed as a Platonic or Newtonian thinker of the temporal, expressing time as an absolute and continuous repository wherein all objects occur. However, employing themes from his aesthetic writings, what happens when Kantian “sublime” time is reoriented towards a more discontinuous temporal register? This essay employs just such a reading, while also utilising Graham Harman’s Object-Oriented Ontology (OOO), as a methodological device for rethinking both Kantian and object time as neither solely continuous nor discontinuous, but somewhere (...)
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  20. Educación ambiental y transformación del sujeto pedagógico en transición civilizatoria. Una perspectiva desde Argentina. Ensayo para una eco-pedagogía decolonial.Pablo Sessano - 2024 - Voces de la Educación 9 (18):75-99.
    El debate abierto en el campo educativo en la ultima ´epoca por la irrupción del neoliberalismo reactualizó viejas deudas sociales y empuj ó enfoques cada vez mas cientificistas, privatistas, individualistas y excluyentes además de negacionismos de todo orden, alejando la educación institucionalizada de todo propósito emancipador. ¿Cuál sería en este contexto el papel de la hasta ahora llamada educación ambiental que debería reformularse como educación ecosocial?
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    Educação ambiental pós-metafísica.Vilmar Alves Pereira - 2023 - Cuestiones de Filosofía 9 (32):55-77.
    Este estudio tiene como objetivo discutir la crisis de la metafísica asociada a la crisis de la Educación Ambiental. Es un acercamiento por el horizonte de la Hermenéutica Filosófica donde, en un primer momento, parte de la identificación y problematización del concepto de racionalidad que orienta la metafísica tradicional, en un segundo, discute la crisis de la metafísica desde Habermas, y, posteriormente, la desde las condiciones del Pensamiento Post-Metafísico y leyendo la concepción de Racionalidad Ambiental de Leff, se sugiere una (...)
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  22. Ética ambiental para la ciudad.Martin Francisco Fricke - 2021 - Signos Filosóficos 23 (46):120-149.
    What does environmental ethics have to say about the urban context? Is the city an environment that has only negative value or is it possible, and in fact necessary, to develop ethical recommendations about how to design it? In this paper, I argue for the second of these disjuncts and sketch some ideas for an environmental city ethics. I try to show that the most important principle of such an ethics is procedural: anyone affected by a decision about the urban (...)
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    Desigualdad, injusticia ambiental y racismo: una lucha que transciende el color de la piel.Tania Pacheco - 2007 - Polis 16.
    Este artículo propone una mirada más incluyente en relación al concepto de Racismo Ambiental, combatido tanto por marxistas ortodoxos -que ven en él la negación de la lucha de clases- como por gran parte de los movimientos negros -que identifican en él una tentativa de minimizar el combate al racismo en sí. Partiendo de ejemplos ligados a la realidad brasileña, muestra que racismo y prejuicio transcienden el color de nuestras pieles y están incuestionablemente ligados a un modelo de desarrollo que (...)
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  24. Property, privacy and personhood in a world of ambient intelligence.Niels van Dijk - 2010 - Ethics and Information Technology 12 (1):57-69.
    Profiling technologies are the facilitating force behind the vision of Ambient Intelligence in which everyday devices are connected and embedded with all kinds of smart characteristics enabling them to take decisions in order to serve our preferences without us being aware of it. These technological practices have considerable impact on the process by which our personhood takes shape and pose threats like discrimination and normalisation. The legal response to these developments should move away from a focus on entitlements to personal (...)
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    Hacia una Ética Ambiental con perspectiva de género: una propuesta para las crisis de nuestro siglo.Angélica Velasco Sesma - 2017 - Isegoría 57:691.
    Una de las formas en que la Filosofía se convierte en pensamiento crítico comprometido con su tiempo es cuando atiende a las cuestiones relacionadas con los movimientos sociales. Las diversas crisis en que nos encontramos actualmente requieren un quehacer filosófico que, sin abandonar el ámbito de la erudición académica, se acerque a los problemas sociales, aportando soluciones éticas y políticas. Las distintas formas de la Ética Ambiental se sitúan a este nivel. No obstante, sus propuestas serán sesgadas si no atienden (...)
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    Ambient affiliation, misinformation and moral panic: Negotiating social bonds in a YouTube internet hoax.Michele Zappavigna & Olivia Inwood - 2021 - Discourse and Communication 15 (3):281-307.
    Deceptive communication and misinformation are crucial issues that are currently having a significant impact on social life. Parallel to the important work of identifying misinformation on digital platforms is understanding why such material proliferates. One approach to answering this question is to attempt to understand the values that are being targeted by misinformation as a means of interpreting the underlying social bonds that are at stake. This study examines the kinds of social bonds that are communed around and contested in (...)
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    A questão ambiental como eco-hermenêutica.Gustavo Silvano Batista - 2023 - Filosofia Unisinos 24 (2):1-12.
    Este artigo pretende discutir a conexão entre a hermenêutica filosófica de Gadamer e a questão ambiental, enquanto uma espécie de eco-hermenêutica. Nesse sentido, busca-se discutir a contribuição do pensamento ontológico-prático de Gadamer em termos ecológicos, como um ramo da filosofia no qual as questões em torno do meio ambiente constituem um problema comum no âmbito da práxis humana. Apontando a crise ecológica como questão básica, Gadamer indica uma forma de pensar a própria constituição do modo de estar no mundo (...)
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  28. Medio ambiente, riesgo y virtud ciudadana.Josepa Bru I. Bisuter - 2005 - Contrastes: Revista Cultural 40:61-64.
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    De la ética ambiental a la ecología humana. Un cambio necesario.Alfredo Marcos & Luca Valera - 2022 - Pensamiento 78 (298 S. Esp):785-800.
    La ética ambiental nació como justa contestación a los excesos del antropocentrismo. Sin embargo, un énfasis obsesivo en lo ético y en lo ambiental, con el consiguiente olvido de lo antropológico, puede estar dañando la vida humana, la libertad de las personas y la vida en general. Abogamos aquí por la construcción de una ecología humana que vaya más allá y más al fondo que las éticas ambientales al uso. Defendemos que el humanismo es perfectamente compatible con el reconocimiento del (...)
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    Educação Ambiental Crítica e a Pedagogia Histórico-Crítica: Reflexões a Partir Do Grupo de Pesquisa Em Educação Ambiental – Gpea/Unesp.Daniele Cristina de Souza - 2020 - Simbio-Logias Revista Eletrônica de Educação Filosofia e Nutrição 12 (17):52-66.
    In view of the concern with the insertion of critical environmental education in school, we seek theoretical-methodological contributions in critical historical pedagogy. In this sense, this article will address theoretical reflections that are born within the “Grupo de Pesquisa em Educação Ambiental” - Unesp-Bauru and that were issued during the 1st Symposium on Dialectical Historical Materialism and Research on Science Education and Environmental Education. Thus, we approach the question of the content of critical environmental education from the curriculum design of (...)
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    Ambient struggling: food, chronic disease, and spatial isolation among the urban poor.Adam Pine - 2022 - Agriculture and Human Values 40 (3):1105-1116.
    This paper uses the survival strategies of food shelf clients to explore how food access, chronic disease, and spatial isolation shape the lives of low- and no- income urban citizens. The abundant availability of unhealthy food intersects with the presence of long-term health conditions to create a marginalized urban space where low quality commodity food is available, but exacerbates existing health conditions, is difficult to access, and does little to create food security. To survive, clients have normalized a sustenance strategy (...)
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  32. Ambientes virtuais de aprendizagem e formação continuada de professores na modalidade a distância // Virtual learning environments and continuous teachers training in distance modality.Miguel Alfredo Orth, Fabiane Sarmento Oliveira Fuet, Janete Otte & Marcus Freitas Neves - 2013 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 18 (1):42-58.
    Com este artigo, problematizou-se o potencial da formação continuada de professores por meio da educação a distância mediada pelo Moodle. Nessa perspectiva, pesquisou-se, principalmente, a integração hipermidiática das tecnologias nesse ambiente virtual de aprendizagem, no curso a distância de pós-graduação lato sensu em Mídias na Educação. Para isso, selecionou-se uma aula de uma disciplina desse curso oferecida no primeiro semestre de 2011 por uma universidade na qual um dos autores deste artigo trabalhou como professor-tutor. Assim, foi realizada uma investigação (...)
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    Dall'ambiente alla sostenibilità Riflessioni sulle sfide di una nuova prospettiva etica.Antonella Bachiorri - 2020 - Società Degli Individui 68:35-46.
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  34. L'ambiente e l'etica filosofica: modelli rivali nell'etica ambientale.S. Bartolommei - 1987 - Rivista di Filosofia 78 (2):285-300.
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  35. L'ambiente, la cultura, le amicizie.Ida Bozzini, Valerio Onida, Carlo Russo & Giovanni B. Varnier - 2003 - Studium 99 (1):29-52.
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  36. Pensamiento Ambiental Latinoamericano.Enrique Leff - 2012 - Environmental Ethics 34 (Supplement):97-112.
    Desde el comienzo de la crisis ambiental, una constelación de ecosofías, teorías, ideologías, discursos y narrativas han irrumpido en el emergente y complejo terreno de la filosofía ambiental y la ecología política. En este campo no unificable de fuerzas, el análisis sociológico ha intentado trazar mapas y proponer tipologías para ordenar las diferentes perspectivas de la ciencia, del pensamiento ecológico y de la ética ambiental que orienten la investigación académica o laacción política. A partir de esta voluntad de establecer y (...)
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  37. Filosofía Ambiental Sudamericana.Ricardo Rozzi - 2012 - Environmental Ethics 34 (9999):9-32.
    A comienzos del siglo XXI, América del Sur alberga la mayor biodiversidad del mundo para la mayoría de los grupos de plantas y animales, como también una variedad de movimientos en defensa del medio ambiente, que incluyen comunidades urbanas y rurales. La filosofía académica sudamericana, sin embargo, ha prestado escasa atención a este rico contexto biocultural. Para nutrir una filosofía ambiental regional emergente, identifico tres fuentes principales. Primero, una variedad de cosmovisiones y prácticas ecológicas, ancestrales y contemporáneas ofrecen un (...)
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    Ambient effect on optical absorption of Au nanoparticles dispersed within pores of mesoporous SiO2.W. Sun, G. Fu & W. Cai - 2007 - Philosophical Magazine 87 (2):337-353.
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  39. (1 other version)Ética ambiental E responsabilidade antropocósmica.Lourenço Zancanaro - 2007 - Philosophica 29:125-143.
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    A Review of Contemporary Work on the Ethics of Ambient Assisted Living Technologies for People with Dementia.Peter Novitzky, Alan F. Smeaton, Cynthia Chen, Kate Irving, Tim Jacquemard, Fiachra O’Brolcháin, Dónal O’Mathúna & Bert Gordijn - 2015 - Science and Engineering Ethics 21 (3):707-765.
    Ambient assisted living technologies can provide assistance and support to persons with dementia. They might allow them the possibility of living at home for longer whilst maintaining their comfort and security as well as offering a way towards reducing the huge economic and personal costs forecast as the incidence of dementia increases worldwide over coming decades. However, the development, introduction and use of AAL technologies also trigger serious ethical issues. This paper is a systematic literature review of the on-going scholarly (...)
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    Towards an anthropology of ambient sound.Christine Guillebaud (ed.) - 2017 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    This volume approaches the issue of ambient sound through the ethnographic exploration of different cultural contexts including Italy, India, Egypt, France, Ethiopia, Scotland, Spain, Portugal, and Japan. It examines social, religious, and aesthetic conceptions of sound environments, what types of action or agency are attributed to them, and what bodies of knowledge exist concerning them. Contributors shed new light on these sensory environments by focusing not only on their form and internal dynamics, but also on their wider social and cultural (...)
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    Arquitetura de ambientes virtuais de aprendizagem sob a ótica dos estudos bakhtinianos.Adolfo Tanzi Neto & Angela Brambilla Cavenaghi Themudo Lessa - 2014 - Bakhtiniana 9 (2):164-183.
    Embasados nas concepções de forma arquitetônica de Bakhtin, procuramos demonstrar como as dimensões dos enunciados praticados nos ambientes virtuais de aprendizagem (AVA) estão diretamente ligadas ao design (concepção, idealização e forma), ou seja, à forma arquitetônica de realização, defendido como o design de um AVA, que pode propiciar (novos) multiletramentos, flexibilizar ou não, em sua forma de realização, gêneros multissemióticos advindos do mundo contemporâneo. Para tanto, observamos o design de duas ferramentas em dois AVA distintos e concluímos que, no primeiro, (...)
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  43. Meio ambiente E envelhecimento: Desafio E alternativas para a sociedade brasileira. Uma abordagem ecológica.Alvair Silveira Torres Junior - forthcoming - Lumen: Selected Proceedings From the Canadian Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies.
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    Ambient Odor Exposure Affects Food Intake and Sensory Specific Appetite in Obese Women.Cristina Proserpio, Cecilia Invitti, Sanne Boesveldt, Lucia Pasqualinotto, Monica Laureati, Camilla Cattaneo & Ella Pagliarini - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  45. Identity, profiling algorithms and a world of ambient intelligence.Katja de Vries - 2010 - Ethics and Information Technology 12 (1):71-85.
    The tendency towards an increasing integration of the informational web into our daily physical world (in particular in so-called Ambient Intelligent technologies which combine ideas derived from the field of Ubiquitous Computing, Intelligent User Interfaces and Ubiquitous Communication) is likely to make the development of successful profiling and personalization algorithms, like the ones currently used by internet companies such as Amazon , even more important than it is today. I argue that the way in which we experience ourselves necessarily goes (...)
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  46. A identificação do direito ambiental marítimo.Ingrid Zanella Andrade Campos - 2013 - Revista Fides 4 (2):60-69.
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    Racismo ambiental: uma proposta de sequência de atividades a partir de uma perspectiva CTS.Christiana Andréa Vianna Prudêncio & Mariana Dos Santos - 2024 - Odeere 9 (1):22-33.
    O termo racismo ambiental foi cunhado por Benjamin Franklin Chavis Jr. em 1981 nos Estados Unidos e de lá pra cá, este conceito foi sendo cada vez mais atrelado a uma materialização do racismo estrutural. A literatura tem mostrado que a discussão das relações étnico-raciais encontra pouco, ou nenhum lugar, nos cursos de formação de professores e, no caso do Ensino de Ciências, essa situação é ainda mais grave, uma vez que diversos professores acreditam que não cabe a eles abordar (...)
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    Data barns, ambient intelligence and cloud computing: the tacit epistemology and linguistic representation of Big Data.Lisa Portmess & Sara Tower - 2015 - Ethics and Information Technology 17 (1):1-9.
    The explosion of data grows at a rate of roughly five trillion bits a second, giving rise to greater urgency in conceptualizing the infosphere and understanding its implications for knowledge and public policy. Philosophers of technology and information technologists alike who wrestle with ontological and epistemological questions of digital information tend to emphasize, as Floridi does, information as our new ecosystem and human beings as interconnected informational organisms, inforgs at home in ambient intelligence. But the linguistic and conceptual representations of (...)
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  49. Attuning the world: Ambient smart environments for autistic persons.Janko Nešić - forthcoming - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences.
    Autism spectrum disorder is usually understood through deficits in social interaction and communication, repetitive patterns of behavior, and hyper- or hyporeactivity to sensory input. Affordance-based Skilled Intentionality that combines ecological-enactive views of cognition with Free Energy and Predictive Processing was proposed as the framework from which to view autism integrally. Skilled Intentionality distinguishes between a landscape of affordances and a field of affordances. Under the integrative Skilled Intentionality Framework, it can be shown that autistic differences in the field of affordances (...)
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    Questão ambiental e coletivo de pensamento.Munir Jorge Felicio - 2019 - Trans/Form/Ação 42 (2):213-234.
    Resumo: Para ampliar a compreensão das problemáticas ambientais atuais, este texto reúne as análises interpretativas de dois documentos, os quais, por possuírem perspectivas distintas, contribuem significativamente com o estudo da teoria fleckiana. São dois coletivos de pensamento desenvolvendo práticas científicas com intencionalidades advindas das opções teóricas e políticas, configurando um processo dinâmico de produção de conhecimento. A essência de cada um desses coletivos de pensamento consiste na ampliação e na disseminação da ideia transpessoal, por ela não pertencer, de forma exclusiva, (...)
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