Results for 'Cynthia Chen'

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  1.  41
    Caring About Meatballs, Autonomy, and Human Dignity: Neuroethics and the Boundaries of Decision Making Among Persons With Dementia.Peter Novitzky, Cynthia Chen & Calvin W. L. Ho - 2018 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 9 (2):96-98.
    The long-running discourse on respect for human dignity and autonomy in the physician-patient relationship pertaining to persons with dementia (PwDs) is explored deeply in this paper through the use of a real-life case, to highlight the complex interplay between autonomy and best interest when it comes to a PwD's experiential and critical interests. Many scenarios and perspectives are described and applies to the case. However, there are a few perspectives, which are touched upon that could do with further scrutiny. Firstly, (...)
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    Tips: The Child Voice.Mary Goetze, Terrence Bacon, Kristen Bugos, Shelley Cooper, Diana Dansereau, Elisabeth Etopio, Heather Gravelle, Lily Chen-Haftek, Deborah Hickel, Christina Hornbach, Yi-Ting Huang, James Jordan, Jooyoung Lee, Yu-Chen Lin, Sheryl May, Jennifer McDonel, Diane Persellin, Cynthia Lahr Timm, Lawrence Timm, Susan Waters, Wendy Valerio & Paula Van Houten (eds.) - 2010 - R&L Education.
    Packed with ideas designed to help children learn to sing, this booklet offers criteria for selecting songs, strategies to bring out the best in children's voices, and suggestions for games, ideas, and resources.
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    A Review of Contemporary Work on the Ethics of Ambient Assisted Living Technologies for People with Dementia.Peter Novitzky, Alan F. Smeaton, Cynthia Chen, Kate Irving, Tim Jacquemard, Fiachra O’Brolcháin, Dónal O’Mathúna & Bert Gordijn - 2015 - Science and Engineering Ethics 21 (3):707-765.
    Ambient assisted living technologies can provide assistance and support to persons with dementia. They might allow them the possibility of living at home for longer whilst maintaining their comfort and security as well as offering a way towards reducing the huge economic and personal costs forecast as the incidence of dementia increases worldwide over coming decades. However, the development, introduction and use of AAL technologies also trigger serious ethical issues. This paper is a systematic literature review of the on-going scholarly (...)
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    Futility in Chronic Anorexia Nervosa: A Concept Whose Time Has Not Yet Come.Cynthia M. A. Geppert - 2015 - American Journal of Bioethics 15 (7):34-43.
    Comparatively little scholarly attention has been given to the question of futility in chronic psychiatric disorders, with the exception of a small body of work on so-called end-stage anorexia nervosa. A review of this literature provides the background for a critical examination of whether the concept of futility has any clinically meaningful, ethically justifiable, and legally defensible application to AN. In this article, the arguments for and against futility judgments in AN are analyzed with special emphasis on determinations of capacity (...)
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    Les cornes rayonnantes de Yhwh en Habacuc 3 : origines et fonctions.Chen Dandelot & Hélène Grosjean - 2023 - Revue de Théologie Et de Philosophie 154 (4):443-468.
    Cet article reprend la question de la traduction de la racine qrn dans le texte d’Habacuc 3. Le terme hébreu qui désigne à la base les « cornes » semble également pouvoir décrire un phénomène lumineux dans deux textes de la Bible hébraïque : Habacuc 3 et Exode 34. Le présent article propose, premièrement, d’analyser l’usage polysémique de qrn en Ha 3 en étudiant le rôle de cette racine comme attribut divin dans la Bible hébraïque ainsi que dans le Proche-Orient (...)
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  6. The role of abstract syntactic knowledge in language acquisition: a reply to Tomasello.Cynthia Fisher - 2002 - Cognition 82 (3):259-278.
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    The Developmental Origins of Syntactic Bootstrapping.Cynthia Fisher, Kyong-sun Jin & Rose M. Scott - 2020 - Topics in Cognitive Science 12 (1):48-77.
    Fisher, Jin, and Scott push a central assumption of syntactic bootstrapping: that learners have a universal bias to map each noun in a sentence onto a participant role (i.e., argument of the verb). They propose two enrichments: First, that children use both semantic and syntactic information in representing nouns that accompany a verb; second, that children expect continuity across a discourse. They provide evidence for both learning mechanisms among young children, further spelling out the precise mechanisms underlying syntactic bootstrapping.
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  8. Connectionism: Debates on Psychological Explanation.Cynthia MacDonald & Graham MacDonald (eds.) - 1991 - Blackwell.
    This volume provides an introduction to and review of key contemporary debates concerning connectionism, and the nature of explanation and methodology in cognitive psychology. The first debate centers on the question of whether human cognition is best modeled by classical or by connectionist architectures. The second centres on the question of the compatibility between folk, or commonsense, psychological explanation and explanations based on connectionist models of cognition. Each of the two sections includes a classic reading along with important responses, and (...)
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  9.  28
    Tertiary Healthcare Ethics Consultation: Enhancing Access to Expertise.Cynthia M. A. Geppert, Kenneth A. Berkowitz & Anita J. Tarzian - 2022 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 33 (4):314-322.
    Tertiary healthcare ethics (HCE) consultation occurs when an HCE consultant at a healthcare facility requests guidance from one or more senior HCE consultants who are not members of that facility’s HCE consultation service. Tertiary HCE consultants provide advanced HCE guidance and/or mentoring to facility (secondary) HCE consultants, mirroring healthcare consultation in clinical practice. In this article, we describe advantages and challenges of providing tertiary HCE consultation through a hub-and-spoke model administered by a national integrated HCE service.
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    Knowledge, Experiences and Views of German University Students Toward Neuroenhancement: An Empirical-Ethical Analysis.Cynthia Forlini, Jan Schildmann, Patrik Roser, Radim Beranek & Jochen Vollmann - 2014 - Neuroethics 8 (2):83-92.
    Across normative and empirical disciplines, considerable attention has been devoted to the prevalence and ethics of the non-medical use of prescription and illegal stimulants for neuroenhancement among students. A predominant assumption is that neuroenhancement is prevalent, in demand, and calls for appropriate policy action. In this paper, we present data on the prevalence, views and knowledge from a large sample of German students in three different universities and analyze the findings from a moral pragmatics perspective. The results of our study (...)
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  11. Art and Moral Knowledge.Cynthia A. Freeland - 1997 - Philosophical Topics 25 (1):11-36.
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  12. Language acquisition.Cynthia Fisher & Lila R. Gleitman - 2002 - In J. Wixted & H. Pashler, Stevens' Handbook of Experimental Psychology. Wiley.
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  13. But is it art?: an introduction to art theory.Cynthia A. Freeland - 2001 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    From Andy Warhol's Brillo boxes to provocative dung-splattered madonnas, in today's art world many strange, even shocking, things are put on display. This often leads exasperated viewers to exclaim--is this really art? In this invaluable primer on aesthetics, Freeland explains why innovation and controversy are so highly valued in art, weaving together philosophy and art theory with many engrossing examples. Writing clearly and perceptively, she explores the cultural meanings of art in different contexts, and highlights the continuities of tradition that (...)
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  14.  62
    Motivations of Patients With Diabetes to Participate in Research.Cynthia Geppert, Philip Candilis, Stephen Baker, Charles Lidz, Paul Appelbaum & Kenneth Fletcher - 2014 - AJOB Empirical Bioethics 5 (4):14-21.
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  15. Selling bits and pieces of humans to make babies: The gift of the magi revisited.Cynthia B. Cohen - 1999 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 24 (3):288 – 306.
    Reproductive medicine, a sector of a health care system increasingly captured by the demands of the marketplace, is enmeshed in a drive to sell certain human bits and pieces, such as gametes, cells, fetal eggs, and fetal ovaries, for reproductive purposes. The ethical objection raised by Kant and Radin to the sale of human organs -that this is incompatible with human dignity and worth - also applies to these sales. Moreover, such sales nullify the reproductive paradigm, irretrievably replacing it with (...)
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  16.  47
    The is and ought of the Ethics of Neuroenhancement: Mind the Gap.Cynthia Forlini & Wayne Hall - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
  17.  82
    Portraits and persons: a philosophical inquiry.Cynthia Freeland - 2010 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Featuring more than fifty halftones, this is an exhilarating philosophical exploration of portraiture that highlights its important contribution to the complex ...
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  18.  10
    The Development of Object Function and Manipulation Knowledge: Evidence from a Semantic Priming Study.Cynthia Collette, Isabelle Bonnotte, Charlotte Jacquemont, Solène Kalénine & Angela Bartolo - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    Talking Can Be Harmful Depending on What You Say.Cynthia M. A. Geppert & Toby Schonfeld - 2020 - American Journal of Bioethics 20 (12):42-44.
    McCarthy, Homan, and Rozier’s presentation of theological anthropology and its contribution to secular bioethics suffers from three primary limitations. (McCarthy et al. 2020) First, the article re...
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  20. Public policy and the sale of human organs.Cynthia B. Cohen - 2002 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 12 (1):47-64.
    : Gill and Sade, in the preceding article in this issue of the Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal, argue that living individuals should be free from legal constraints against selling their organs. The present commentary responds to several of their claims. It explains why an analogy between kidneys and blood fails; why, as a matter of public policy, we prohibit the sale of human solid organs, yet allow the sale of blood; and why their attack on Kant's putative argument against (...)
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    Disaggregating deliberation's effects: an experiment within a deliberative poll.Cynthia Farrar, James S. Fishkin, Donald P. Green, Christian List, Robert C. Luskin & Elizabeth Levy Paluck - 2010 - British Journal of Political Science 40 (2):333-347.
    Using data from a randomized field experiment within a Deliberative Poll, this paper examines deliberation’s effects on both policy attitudes and the extent to which ordinal rankings of policy options approach single-peakedness (a help in avoiding cyclical majorities). The setting was New Haven, Connecticut, and its surrounding towns; the issues were airport expansion and revenue sharing – the former highly salient, the latter not at all. Half the participants deliberated revenue sharing, then the airport; the other half the reverse. This (...)
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  22. Scientific Explanation and Empirical Data in Aristotle's "Meteorology".Cynthia A. Freeland - 1990 - Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy 8:67.
  23. Aristotelian actions.Cynthia A. Freeland - 1985 - Noûs 19 (3):397-414.
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  24. “Give Me Children or I Shall Die!”: New Reproductive Technologies and Harm to Children.Cynthia B. Cohen - 1996 - Hastings Center Report 26 (2):19-27.
    Some evidence suggests that IVF and other reproductive technologies create serious illness and disorders in a small but significant proportion of children who are born of them. If these technologies were found to do so, it would be wrong to forge ahead with their use.
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    Inhibition.Cynthia M. Connine & Paul C. LoCasto - 2000 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 23 (3):328-328.
    We consider the motivation for the principle of bottom-up priority and its consequence for information flow in Merge. The relationship between the bottom-up priority rule and inhibitory effects is also discussed, along with data that demonstrate inhibitory influences in phoneme monitoring.
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    Evaluating Art.Cynthia A. Freeland - 1992 - Philosophical Review 101 (2):486.
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  27. Beyond program explanation.Cynthia Macdonald & Graham Macdonald - 2007 - In Geoffrey Brennan, Common minds: themes from the philosophy of Philip Pettit. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 1--27.
  28.  30
    Female Representation on Corporate Boards in Europe: The Interplay of Organizational Social Consciousness and Institutions.Cynthia E. Clark, Punit Arora & Patricia Gabaldon - 2021 - Journal of Business Ethics 180 (1):165-186.
    We examine the role of alignment between organizational social consciousness and the informal and formal institutions of a country in increasing female representation on boards. Using fixed-effects and Hausman Taylor regression methodology for endogenous covariate with panel data for the years 2006–2020, we find that the greater the alignment between organizational social consciousness and certain formal and informal institutions, the more progress there is toward gender representation on corporate boards in Europe. We also find that more socially conscious firms make (...)
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    Multinational Corporations and Governance Effectiveness: Toward a More Integrative Board.Cynthia Clark & Jill A. Brown - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 132 (3):565-577.
    Multinational corporations dominate the global business arena, but new expectations for MNC boards call to question how they might effectively manage global stakeholder relationships in this new era of accountability. Uniting political behavior theory, which describes a board’s international political orientation, and global operating governance systems outlining a set of board behaviors, we develop a typology of four types of boards. We then provide recommendations for the development of an integrative governance structure, taking into account the mechanisms, structure, endorsements, and (...)
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  30. Proceedings of the 4th World Conference on Research Integrity: Brazil, Rio de Janeiro. 31 May - 3 June 2015.Lex Bouter, Melissa S. Anderson, Ana Marusic, Sabine Kleinert, Susan Zimmerman, Paulo S. L. Beirão, Laura Beranzoli, Giuseppe Di Capua, Silvia Peppoloni, Maria Betânia de Freitas Marques, Adriana Sousa, Claudia Rech, Torunn Ellefsen, Adele Flakke Johannessen, Jacob Holen, Raymond Tait, Jillon Van der Wall, John Chibnall, James M. DuBois, Farida Lada, Jigisha Patel, Stephanie Harriman, Leila Posenato Garcia, Adriana Nascimento Sousa, Cláudia Maria Correia Borges Rech, Oliveira Patrocínio, Raphaela Dias Fernandes, Laressa Lima Amâncio, Anja Gillis, David Gallacher, David Malwitz, Tom Lavrijssen, Mariusz Lubomirski, Malini Dasgupta, Katie Speanburg, Elizabeth C. Moylan, Maria K. Kowalczuk, Nikolas Offenhauser, Markus Feufel, Niklas Keller, Volker Bähr, Diego Oliveira Guedes, Douglas Leonardo Gomes Filho, Vincent Larivière, Rodrigo Costas, Daniele Fanelli, Mark William Neff, Aline Carolina de Oliveira Machado Prata, Limbanazo Matandika, Sonia Maria Ramos de Vasconcelos & Karina de A. Rocha - 2016 - Research Integrity and Peer Review 1 (Suppl 1).
    Table of contentsI1 Proceedings of the 4th World Conference on Research IntegrityConcurrent Sessions:1. Countries' systems and policies to foster research integrityCS01.1 Second time around: Implementing and embedding a review of responsible conduct of research policy and practice in an Australian research-intensive universitySusan Patricia O'BrienCS01.2 Measures to promote research integrity in a university: the case of an Asian universityDanny Chan, Frederick Leung2. Examples of research integrity education programmes in different countriesCS02.1 Development of a state-run “cyber education program of research ethics” in (...)
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    How Research on Stakeholder Perspectives Can Inform Policy on Cognitive Enhancement.Cynthia Forlini, Eric Racine, Jochen Vollmann & Jan Schildmann - 2013 - American Journal of Bioethics 13 (7):41-43.
  32. Feminist Frameworks for Horror Films.Cynthia A. Freeland - 1996 - In David Bordwell Noel Carroll, Post-Theory: Reconstructing Film Studies. University of Wisconsin Press. pp. 195--218.
    The horizon for feminists studying horror films appears bleak. Since _Psycho_'s infamous shower scene, the big screen has treated us to Freddie's long razor-nails emerging between Nancy's legs in the bathtub (_A Nightmare on Elm Street I_), De Palma's exhibitionist heroine being power-drilled into the floor (_Body Double_), and Leather-face hanging women from meat hooks (_The Texas Chain Saw Massacre_). Even in a film with a strong heroine like _Alien_, any feminist point is qualified by the monstrousness of the alien (...)
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    There is no "I" in nature: The influence of self-awareness on connectedness to nature.Cynthia Frantz, F. Stephan Mayer, Chelsey Norton & Mindi Rock - 2005 - Journal of Environmental Psychology 25 (4):427-436.
  34.  29
    The CASES Approach to Ethics Consultation: The Centrality of the Ethics Question.Cynthia Geppert & Barbara L. Chanko - 2016 - American Journal of Bioethics 16 (2):80-82.
  35.  50
    Compound Conflicts of Interest in the US Proxy System.Cynthia E. Clark & Harry J. Van Buren - 2013 - Journal of Business Ethics 116 (2):355-371.
    The current proxy voting system in the United States has become the subject of considerable controversy. Because institutional investment managers have the authority to vote their clients’ proxies, they have a fiduciary obligation to those clients. Frequently, in an attempt to fulfill that obligation, these institutional investors employ proxy advisory services to manage the thousands of votes they must cast. However, many proxy advisory services have conflicts of interest that inhibit their utility to those seeking to discharge their fiduciary duties. (...)
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  36. Applied Existentialism: On Kristiana Arp's The Bonds of Freedom: Simone de Beauvoir's Existentialist Ethics.Cynthia Gayman - 2003 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 17 (4):287-292.
  37. Feminist Interpretations of Aristotle.Cynthia A. Freeland - 2000 - Philosophical Quarterly 50 (198):112-114.
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    Is Case Consultation in Retreat?Cynthia B. Cohen - 1988 - Hastings Center Report 18 (4):23-23.
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    Disproportionate Impacts of Radiation Exposure on Women, Children, and Pregnancy: Taking Back our Narrative.Cynthia Folkers - 2021 - Journal of the History of Biology 54 (1):31-66.
    Narratives surrounding ionizing radiation have often minimized radioactivity’s impact on the health of human and non-human animals and the natural environment. Many Cold War research policies, practices, and interpretations drove nuclear technology forward by institutionally obscuring empirical evidence of radiation’s disproportionate and low-dose harm—a legacy we still confront. Women, children, and pregnancy development are particularly sensitive to exposure from radioactivity, suffering more damage per dose than adult males, even down to small doses, making low doses a cornerstone of concern. Evidence (...)
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    (1 other version)Aristotle on the Sense of Touch.Cynthia Freeland - 1992 - In Martha C. Nussbaum & Amélie Oksenberg Rorty, Essays on Aristotle's de Anima. Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press UK.
    This essay explores the central place of Aristotle’s views of the sense of touch within his empiricist epistemology and general physical theory. It argues that Aristotle was not committed to a ‘literalist’ view of the nature of sensory representation, according to which an organ literally becomes ‘like’ the said object. It suggests an interpretation of Aristotle’s defence of the objectivity of tactile representation, which shows a deep and complex link between his theory of sense-knowledge and his project of scientific explanation.
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    Comments on Mohan Matthen's ‘The Pleasure of Art’.Cynthia A. Freeland - 2017 - Australasian Philosophical Review 1 (1):29-39.
    ABSTRACTThis paper examines Mohan Matthen's account of aesthetic pleasure. The first part explores implications of Matthen's notion of ‘fit’ between features of art objects and our pleasurable contemplation of them. Through historical comparisons with Plato and Dewey, I challenge his claim not to be offering a theory of aesthetic norms. The second part of my paper sketches how Matthen might address two important problems of contemporary aesthetics: the first concerning interpretation, and the second concerning genres of art that evoke negative (...)
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  42. Portraits in painting and photography.Cynthia Freeland - 2007 - Philosophical Studies 135 (1):95 - 109.
    This article addresses the portrait as a philosophical form of art. Portraits seek to render the subjective objectively visible. In portraiture two fundamental aims come into conflict: the revelatory aim of faithfulness to the subject, and the creative aim of artistic expression. In the first part of my paper, studying works by Rembrandt, I develop a typology of four different things that can be meant when speaking of an image’s power to show a person: accuracy, testimony of presence, emotional characterization, (...)
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    Philosophy and Film.Cynthia A. Freeland & Thomas E. Wartenberg (eds.) - 1995 - Routledge.
    _Philosophy and Film_ moves from broad theoretical reflections on film as a medium to concrete examinations of individual films.
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    What is God Like?: a book about God.Cynthia Geisen - 2012 - St. Meinrad, IN: Abbey Press Publications. Edited by Annie Fitzgerald.
    This book introduces children to a way of getting to know God that helps them understand all the ways God can be found in the world around us - the God who is so eagerly waiting to be discovered.
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  45. The book of ethics: expert guidance for professionals who treat addiction.Cynthia M. A. Geppert & Laura Weiss Roberts (eds.) - 2008 - Center City, Minn.: Hazelden.
    The definitive book on ethics for chemical dependency treatment professionals.
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    Avoidng "Cloudcuckooland" in Ethics Committee Case Review: Matching Models to Issues and Concerns.Cynthia B. Cohen - 1992 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 20 (4):294-299.
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    Prayer as Therapy: A Challenge to Both Religious Belief and Professional Ethics.Cynthia B. Cohen, Sondra E. Wheeler, David A. Scott, Barbara Springer Edwards & Patricia Lusk - 2000 - Hastings Center Report 30 (3):40-47.
    Scientists seeking hard evidence of prayer's curative powers misunderstand the nature of prayer in the Western theistic traditions. Yet theistically consonant ways in which religious belief may influence health do not figure as they should in current professional practice.
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    Some perils of “waiting to be born”: Fertility preservation in girls facing certain treatments for cancer.Cynthia B. Cohen - 2008 - American Journal of Bioethics 8 (6):30 – 32.
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  49. Film theory and philosophy.Cynthia A. Freeland - 2000 - Philosophical Review 109 (1):144-147.
    This substantial book presents essays by nineteen authors exploring intersections between film theory and philosophy on topics of representation, authorship, ideology, aesthetics, and emotion. The editors explain that film studies has reached a crisis of method after a growth period founded on structural linguistics, psychoanalysis, and Continental philosophy. They wish to alter this foundation and “give momentum to work in an analytic vein”, which requires them to correct the misconception of analytic philosophy in film studies as narrow and conservative, a (...)
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  50. Future Directions for Oversight of Stem Cell Research in the United States.Cynthia B. Cohen & Mary A. Majumder - 2009 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 19 (1):79-103.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Future Directions for Oversight of Stem Cell Research in the United StatesCynthia B. Cohen (bio) and Mary A. Majumder (bio)Human pluripotent stem cell research, meaning research into cells that can multiply indefinitely and differentiate into almost all the cells of the body, has become a minefield in which science, ethics, and politics have collided over the last decade in the United States. President Barack Obama entered this highly charged (...)
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