Results for 'algebraically closed field of positive characteristic'

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  1. Classification of All Parabolic Subgroup-Schemes of a Semi-Simple Linear Algebraic Group over an Algebraically Closed Field.Christian Wenzel - 1990 - Dissertation, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Usa
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  2. Definability in reducts of algebraically closed fields.Gary A. Martin - 1988 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 53 (1):188-199.
    LetKbe an algebraically closed field and letLbe itscanonical language; that is,Lconsists of all relations onKwhich are definable from addition, multiplication, and parameters fromK. Two sublanguagesL1andL2ofLaredefinably equivalentif each relation inL1can be defined by anL2-formula with parameters inK, and vice versa. The equivalence classes of sublanguages ofLform a quotient lattice of the power set ofLabout which very little is known. We will not distinguish between a sublanguage and its equivalence class.LetLmdenote the language of multiplication alone, and letLadenote the language (...)
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    Projective geometries of algebraically closed fields of characteristic zero.Kitty L. Holland - 1993 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 60 (3):237-260.
    Fix an algebraically closed field of characteristic zero and let G be its geometry of transcendence degree one extensions. Let X be a set of points of G. We show that X extends to a projective subgeometry of G exactly if the partial derivatives of the polynomials inducing dependence on its elements satisfy certain separability conditions. This analysis produces a concrete representation of the coordinatizing fields of maximal projective subgeometries of G.
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    Witt Vectors and Separably Closed Fields with Higher Derivations.Daniel Max Hoffmann - 2023 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 64 (2):173-184.
    The main scope of this short article is to provide a modification of the axioms given by Messmer and Wood for the theory of separably closed fields of positive characteristic and finite imperfectness degree. As their original axioms failed to meet natural expectations, a new axiomatization was given (i.e., Ziegler’s one), but the new axioms do not follow Messmer and Wood’s initial idea. Therefore, we aim to give a correct axiomatization that is more similar to the original (...)
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  5. Pseudo-exponentiation on algebraically closed fields of characteristic zero.Boris Zilber - 2005 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 132 (1):67-95.
    We construct and study structures imitating the field of complex numbers with exponentiation. We give a natural, albeit non first-order, axiomatisation for the corresponding class of structures and prove that the class has a unique model in every uncountable cardinality. This gives grounds to conjecture that the unique model of cardinality continuum is isomorphic to the field of complex numbers with exponentiation.
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    Diophantine relations between rings of s-integers of fields of algebraic functions in one variable over constant fields of positive characteristic.Alexandra Shlapentokh - 1993 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 58 (1):158-192.
    One of the main theorems of the paper states the following. Let R-K-M be finite extensions of a rational one variable function field R over a finite field of constants. Let S be a finite set of valuations of K. Then the ring of elements of K having no poles outside S has a Diophantine definition over its integral closure in M.
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    Algebraically closed structures in positive logic.Mohammed Belkasmi - 2020 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 171 (9):102822.
    In this paper we extend of the notion of algebraically closed given in the case of groups and skew fields to an arbitrary h-inductive theory. The main subject of this paper is the study of the notion of positive algebraic closedness and its relationship with the notion of positive closedness and the amalgamation property.
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    Raising to powers in algebraically closed fields.B. Zilber - 2003 - Journal of Mathematical Logic 3 (02):217-238.
    We study structures on the fields of characteristic zero obtained by introducing operations of raising to power. Using Hrushovski–Fraisse construction we single out among the structures exponentially-algebraically closed once and prove, under certain Diophantine conjecture, that the first order theory of such structures is model complete and every its completion is superstable.
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    Expansions and Neostability in Model Theory.Christian D’Elbée - 2021 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 27 (2):216-217.
    This thesis is concerned with the expansions of algebraic structures and their fit in Shelah’s classification landscape.The first part deals with the expansion of a theory by a random predicate for a substructure model of a reduct of the theory. Let T be a theory in a language $\mathcal {L}$. Let $T_0$ be a reduct of T. Let $\mathcal {L}_S = \mathcal {L}\cup \{S\}$, for S a new unary predicate symbol, and $T_S$ be the $\mathcal {L}_S$ -theory that axiomatises the (...)
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    Rings of finite Morley rank without the canonical base property.Michael Loesch & Daniel Palacín - forthcoming - Journal of Mathematical Logic.
    Journal of Mathematical Logic, Ahead of Print. We present numerous natural algebraic examples without the so-called Canonical Base Property (CBP). We prove that every commutative unitary ring of finite Morley rank without finite-index proper ideals satisfies the CBP if and only if it is a field, a ring of positive characteristic or a finite direct product of these. In addition, we construct a CM-trivial commutative local ring with a finite residue field without the CBP. Furthermore, we (...)
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    Forking, imaginaries, and other features of.Christian D’elbée - 2021 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 86 (2):669-700.
    We study the generic theory of algebraically closed fields of fixed positive characteristic with a predicate for an additive subgroup, called $\mathrm {ACFG}$. This theory was introduced in [16] as a new example of $\mathrm {NSOP}_{1}$ nonsimple theory. In this paper we describe more features of $\mathrm {ACFG}$, such as imaginaries. We also study various independence relations in $\mathrm {ACFG}$, such as Kim-independence or forking independence, and describe interactions between them.
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    Note on generalizing theorems in algebraically closed fields.Matthias Baaz & Richard Zach - 1998 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 37 (5-6):297-307.
    The generalization properties of algebraically closed fields $ACF_p$ of characteristic $p > 0$ and $ACF_0$ of characteristic 0 are investigated in the sequent calculus with blocks of quantifiers. It is shown that $ACF_p$ admits finite term bases, and $ACF_0$ admits term bases with primality constraints. From these results the analogs of Kreisel's Conjecture for these theories follow: If for some $k$ , $A(1 + \cdots + 1)$ ( $n$ 1's) is provable in $k$ steps, then $(\forall (...)
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  13. Classification of All Parabolic Subgroup Schemes of a Reductive Linear Algebraic Group over an Algebraically Closed Field.Christian Wenzel - 1993 - Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 337 (1):211-218.
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    Special transformations in algebraically closed valued fields.Yimu Yin - 2010 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 161 (12):1541-1564.
    We present two of the three major steps in the construction of motivic integration, that is, a homomorphism between Grothendieck semigroups that are associated with a first-order theory of algebraically closed valued fields, in the fundamental work of Hrushovski and Kazhdan [8]. We limit our attention to a simple major subclass of V-minimal theories of the form ACV FS, that is, the theory of algebraically closed valued fields of pure characteristic 0 expanded by a -generated (...)
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    Rings of finite Morley rank without the canonical base property.Michael Loesch & Daniel Palacín - forthcoming - Journal of Mathematical Logic.
    We present numerous natural algebraic examples without the so-called Canonical Base Property (CBP). We prove that every commutative unitary ring of finite Morley rank without finite-index proper ideals satisfies the CBP if and only if it is a field, a ring of positive characteristic or a finite direct product of these. In addition, we construct a CM-trivial commutative local ring with a finite residue field without the CBP. Furthermore, we also show that finite-dimensional non-associative algebras over (...)
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    Fields with few types.Cédric Milliet - 2013 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 78 (1):72-84.
    According to Belegradek, a first order structure is weakly small if there are countably many $1$-types over any of its finite subset. We show the following results. A field extension of finite degree of an infinite weakly small field has no Artin-Schreier extension. A weakly small field of characteristic $2$ is finite or algebraically closed. A weakly small division ring of positive characteristic is locally finite dimensional over its centre. A weakly small (...)
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    Integration in algebraically closed valued fields.Yimu Yin - 2011 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 162 (5):384-408.
    The first two steps of the construction of motivic integration in the fundamental work of Hrushovski and Kazhdan [8] have been presented in Yin [12]. In this paper we present the final third step. As in Yin [12], we limit our attention to the theory of algebraically closed valued fields of pure characteristic 0 expanded by a -generated substructure S in the language . A canonical description of the kernel of the homomorphism is obtained.
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  18. On subgroups of the additive group in differentially closed fields.Sonat Süer - 2012 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 77 (2):369-391.
    In this paper we deal with the model theory of differentially closed fields of characteristic zero with finitely many commuting derivations. First we observe that the only known lower bound for the Lascar rank of types in differentially closed fields, announced in a paper of McGrail, is false. This gives us a new class of regular types which are orthogonal to fields. Then we classify the subgroups of the additive group of Lascar rank omega with differential-type 1 (...)
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    Constructing ω-stable Structures: Rank k-fields.John T. Baldwin & Kitty Holland - 2003 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 44 (3):139-147.
    Theorem: For every k, there is an expansion of the theory of algebraically closed fields (of any fixed characteristic) which is almost strongly minimal with Morley rank k.
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    Expansions of algebraically closed fields II: Functions of several variables.Ya'acov Peterzil & Sergei Starchenko - 2003 - Journal of Mathematical Logic 3 (01):1-35.
    Let ℛ be an o-minimal expansion of a real closed field R. We continue here the investigation we began in [11] of differentiability with respect to the algebraically closed field [Formula: see text]. We develop the basic theory of such K-differentiability for definable functions of several variables, proving theorems on removable singularities as well as analogues of the Weierstrass preparation and division theorems for definable functions. We consider also definably meromorphic functions and prove that every (...)
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    Intersections of algebraically closed fields.C. J. Ash & John W. Rosenthal - 1986 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 30 (2):103-119.
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    Amalgamation of types in pseudo-algebraically closed fields and applications.Zoé Chatzidakis - 2019 - Journal of Mathematical Logic 19 (2):1950006.
    This paper studies unbounded pseudo-algebraically closed fields and shows an amalgamation result for types over algebraically closed sets. It discusses various applications, for instance that omega-free PAC fields have the property NSOP3. It also contains a description of imaginaries in PAC fields.
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    On Groups with Definable F-Generics Definable in P-Adically Closed Fields.Anand Pillay & Y. A. O. Ningyuan - 2023 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 88 (4):1334-1353.
    The aim of this paper is to develop the theory of groups definable in the p-adic field ${{\mathbb {Q}}_p}$, with “definable f-generics” in the sense of an ambient saturated elementary extension of ${{\mathbb {Q}}_p}$. We call such groups definable f-generic groups.So, by a “definable f-generic” or $dfg$ group we mean a definable group in a saturated model with a global f-generic type which is definable over a small model. In the present context the group is definable over ${{\mathbb {Q}}_p}$, (...)
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    Pac Structures as Invariants of Finite Group Actions.Daniel Max Hoffmann & Piotr Kowalski - forthcoming - Journal of Symbolic Logic:1-36.
    We study model theory of actions of finite groups on substructures of a stable structure. We give an abstract description of existentially closed actions as above in terms of invariants and PAC structures. We show that if the corresponding PAC property is first order, then the theory of such actions has a model companion. Then, we analyze some particular theories of interest (mostly various theories of fields of positive characteristic) and show that in all the cases considered (...)
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    Positive primitive formulae of modules over rings of semi-algebraic functions on a curve.Laura R. Phillips - 2015 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 54 (5-6):587-614.
    Let R be a real closed field, and X⊆Rm\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}XRm{X\subseteq R^m}\end{document} semi-algebraic and 1-dimensional. We consider complete first-order theories of modules over the ring of continuous semi-algebraic functions X→R\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}XR{X\to R}\end{document} definable with parameters in R. As a tool we introduce -piecewise vector bundles on X and show that the category of piecewise vector bundles on X is equivalent to the category of (...)
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    Generic expansion of an abelian variety by a subgroup.Christian D'Elbée - 2021 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 67 (4):402-408.
    Let A be an abelian variety in an algebraically closed field of characteristic 0. We prove that the expansion of A by a generic divisible subgroup of A with the same torsion exists provided A has few algebraic endomorphisms, namely. The resulting theory is NSOP1 and not simple. Note that there exist abelian varieties A with of any genus.
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  27. The ℵ1-categoricity of strictly upper triangular matrix rings over algebraically closed fields.Bruce I. Rose - 1978 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 43 (2):250 - 259.
    Let n ≥ 3. The following theorems are proved. Theorem. The theory of the class of strictly upper triangular n × n matrix rings over fields is finitely axiomatizable. Theorem. If R is a strictly upper triangular n × n matrix ring over a field K, then there is a recursive map σ from sentences in the language of rings with constants for K into sentences in the language of rings with constants for R such that $K \vDash \varphi$ (...)
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  28. Decidable regularly closed fields of algebraic numbers.Louden Dries & Rick L. Smith - 1985 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 50 (2):468 - 475.
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    Two Examples Concerning Existential Undecidability in Fields.Philip Dittmann - forthcoming - Journal of Symbolic Logic:1-12.
    We construct an existentially undecidable complete discretely valued field of mixed characteristic with existentially decidable residue field and decidable algebraic part, answering a question by Anscombe–Fehm in a strong way. Along the way, we construct an existentially decidable field of positive characteristic with an existentially undecidable finite extension, modifying a construction due to Kesavan Thanagopal.
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    Model-theory of vector-spaces over unspecified fields.David Pierce - 2009 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 48 (5):421-436.
    Vector spaces over unspecified fields can be axiomatized as one-sorted structures, namely, abelian groups with the relation of parallelism. Parallelism is binary linear dependence. When equipped with the n-ary relation of linear dependence for some positive integer n, a vector-space is existentially closed if and only if it is n-dimensional over an algebraically closed field. In the signature with an n-ary predicate for linear dependence for each positive integer n, the theory of infinite-dimensional vector (...)
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    Iterative differential galois theory in positive characteristic: A model theoretic approach.Javier Moreno - 2011 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 76 (1):125 - 142.
    This paper introduces a natural extension of Kolchin's differential Galois theory to positive characteristic iterative differential fields, generalizing to the non-linear case the iterative Picard—Vessiot theory recently developed by Matzat and van der Put. We use the methods and framework provided by the model theory of iterative differential fields. We offer a definition of strongly normal extension of iterative differential fields, and then prove that these extensions have good Galois theory and that a G-primitive element theorem holds. In (...)
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    Apologii︠a︡ Sofistov: Reli︠a︡tivizm Kak Ontologicheskai︠a︡ Sistema.Igorʹ Nikolaevich Rassokha - 2009 - Kharʹkov: Kharkivsʹka Nat͡sionalʹna Akademii͡a Misʹkoho Hospodarstva.
    Sophists’ apologia. -/- Sophists were the first paid teachers ever. These ancient Greek enlighteners taught wisdom. Protagoras, Antiphon, Prodicus, Hippias, Lykophron are most famous ones. Sophists views and concerns made a unified encyclopedic system aimed at teaching common wisdom, virtue, management and public speaking. Of the contemporary “enlighters”, Deil Carnegy’s educational work seems to be the most similar to sophism. Sophists were the first intellectuals – their trade was to sell knowledge. They introduced a new type of teacher-student relationship – (...)
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    An abstract elementary class nonaxiomatizable in.Simon Henry - 2019 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 84 (3):1240-1251.
    We show that for any uncountable cardinal λ, the category of sets of cardinality at least λ and monomorphisms between them cannot appear as the category of points of a topos, in particular is not the category of models of a ${L_{\infty,\omega }}$-theory. More generally we show that for any regular cardinal $\kappa < \lambda$ it is neither the category of κ-points of a κ-topos, in particular, nor the category of models of a ${L_{\infty,\kappa }}$-theory.The proof relies on the construction (...)
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    Imaginaries in pairs of algebraically closed fields.Anand Pillay - 2007 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 146 (1):13-20.
    We consider the theory P of pairs Falgebraically closed fields of a given characteristic p. We exhibit a collection of additional sorts in which this theory has geometric elimination of imaginaries. The sorts are essentially of the form aBVa/Ga, where G,V,B are varieties over the prime field, G is a group scheme over B and V is a scheme over B , G acts algebraically on V over B, and for generic bB the (...)
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    Definability of Geometric Properties in Algebraically Closed Fields.Olivier Chapuis & Pascal Koiran - 1999 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 45 (4):533-550.
    We prove that there exists no sentence F of the language of rings with an extra binary predicat I2 satisfying the following property: for every definable set X ⊆ ℂ2, X is connected if and only if ⊧ F, where I2 is interpreted by X. We conjecture that the same result holds for closed subset of ℂ2. We prove some results motivated by this conjecture.
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    The undecidability of intuitionistic theories of algebraically closed fields and real closed fields.Dov M. Gabbay - 1973 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 38 (1):86-92.
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    Definable equivalence relations on algebraically closed fields.Lou van den Dries, David Marker & Gary Martin - 1989 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 54 (3):928-935.
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    Strongly Minimal Reducts of Valued Fields.Piotr Kowalski & Serge Randriambololona - 2016 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 81 (2):510-523.
    We prove that if a strongly minimal nonlocally modular reduct of an algebraically closed valued field of characteristic 0 contains +, then this reduct is bi-interpretable with the underlying field.
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    Noetherian theories.Amador Martin-Pizarro & Martin Ziegler - forthcoming - Journal of Mathematical Logic.
    A first-order theory is Noetherian with respect to the collection of formulae [Formula: see text] if every definable set is a Boolean combination of instances of formulae in [Formula: see text] and the topology whose subbasis of closed sets is the collection of instances of arbitrary formulae in [Formula: see text] is Noetherian. We show the Noetherianity of the theory of proper pairs of algebraically closed fields in any characteristic with respect to the family of tame (...)
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    Computable Embeddings and Strongly Minimal Theories.J. Chisholm, J. F. Knight & S. Miller - 2007 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 72 (3):1031 - 1040.
    Here we prove that if T and T′ are strongly minimal theories, where T′ satisfies a certain property related to triviality and T does not, and T′ is model complete, then there is no computable embedding of Mod(T) into Mod(T′). Using this, we answer a question from [4], showing that there is no computable embedding of VS into ZS, where VS is the class of infinite vector spaces over Q, and ZS is the class of models of Th(Z, S). Similarly, (...)
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    Some theories associated with algebraically closed fields.Chris Ash & John Rosenthal - 1980 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 45 (2):359-362.
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    (1 other version)Model-complete theories of pseudo-algebraically closed fields.William H. Wheeler - 1979 - Annals of Mathematical Logic 17 (3):205-226.
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    Decidable Regularly Closed Fields of Algebraic Numbers.Lou van den Dries & Rick L. Smith - 1985 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 50 (2):468 - 475.
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    Definable Henselian Valuations in Positive Residue Characteristic.Margarete Ketelsen, Simone Ramello & Piotr Szewczyk - forthcoming - Journal of Symbolic Logic:1-26.
    We study the question of $\mathcal {L}_{\mathrm {ring}}$ -definability of non-trivial henselian valuation rings. Building on previous work of Jahnke and Koenigsmann, we provide a characterization of henselian fields that admit a non-trivial definable henselian valuation. In particular, we treat the cases where the canonical henselian valuation has positive residue characteristic, using techniques from the model theory and algebra of tame fields.
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    Une correspondance entre anneaux partiels et groupes.Patrick Simonetta - 1997 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 62 (1):60-78.
    This work is inspired by the correspondence of Malcev between rings and groups. Let A be a domain with unit, and S a multiplicative group of invertible elements. We define A S as the structure obtained from A by restraining the multiplication to A × S, and σ(A S ) as the group of functions from A to A of the form $x \longrightarrow xa + b$ , where (a, b) belongs to S × A. We show that A S (...)
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  46. (1 other version)On predicates in algebraically closed fields.Abraham Robinson - 1954 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 19 (2):103-114.
  47. On the representation of herbrand functions in algebraically closed fields.A. H. Lightstone & A. Robinson - 1957 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 22 (2):187-204.
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    Algebraic properties of rings of generalized power series.Daniel Pitteloud - 2002 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 116 (1-3):39-66.
    The fields K) of generalized power series with coefficients in a field K and exponents in an additive abelian ordered group G play an important role in the study of real closed fields. The subrings K) consisting of series with non-positive exponents find applications in the study of models of weak axioms for arithmetic. Berarducci showed that the ideal JK) generated by the monomials with negative exponents is prime when is the additive group of the reals, and (...)
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    Hilbert's Tenth Problem for Rings of Rational Functions.Karim Zahidi - 2002 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 43 (3):181-192.
    We show that if R is a nonconstant regular (semi-)local subring of a rational function field over an algebraically closed field of characteristic zero, Hilbert's Tenth Problem for this ring R has a negative answer; that is, there is no algorithm to decide whether an arbitrary Diophantine equation over R has solutions over R or not. This result can be seen as evidence for the fact that the corresponding problem for the full rational field (...)
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    On solvable centerless groups of Morley rank 3.Mark Kelly Davis & Ali Nesin - 1993 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 58 (2):546-556.
    We know quite a lot about the general structure of ω-stable solvable centerless groups of finite Morley rank. Abelian groups of finite Morley rank are also well-understood. By comparison, nonabelian nilpotent groups are a mystery except for the following general results:• An ω1-categorical torsion-free nonabelian nilpotent group is an algebraic group over an algebraically closed field of characteristic 0 [Z3].• A nilpotent group of finite Morley rank is the central product of a definable subgroup of finite (...)
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