Results for 'administrative law judge'

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  1.  6
    Appeal to the people's court: rethinking law, judging, and punishment.Vincent Luizzi - 2018 - Boston: Brill-Rodopi.
    People's courts and legal philosophy -- Spotlight on people's courts -- Law -- Judging -- Punishment.
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    May, Should, or Do, Administrative Judges Participate in the Management of the Public Sphere in the Rule of Law?Adam Szot - 2020 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 33 (1):65-75.
    The article concerns the actual impact of courts controlling the activity of public administration on the direction of its activities and the content of issued decisions. In particular, it concerns sovereign individual decisions that affect the sphere of civil rights and freedoms. The aim of the article is to seek an answer to the question of whether independent judges actually participate in the process of management in the public sphere, which is characterised by elements of politics and whether such participation (...)
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    Resource allocation, welfare rights - mapping the boundaries of judicial control in public administrative law.E. Palmer - 2000 - Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 20 (1):63-88.
    In a recent line of cases, senior judges in the UK have been called upon to adjudicate in complaints over the failure of health and local authorities to meet the welfare needs of citizens. Local authorities claimed that the disputes had been precipitated by a lack of resources allocated by central government to meet local demand. This article examines the role of the courts in resolving a fundamental tension between central government policy of financial cost-cutting on the one hand and (...)
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    Interpretation of Law and Judges Communities.Marek Zirk-Sadowski - 2012 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 25 (4):473-487.
    The principle of omnia sunt interpretanda refers to the derivational conception and derivational theory of interpretation. The principle appears in disputes concerning the role of a judge in the process of interpretation, and this has produced an effect that Polish theory of law is currently getting closer to the conceptions presented in the American debate on activism and textualism. In the practice of jurisdiction, the principle of omnia sunt interpretanda is mostly invoked outside theoretical context. It becomes a manifestation (...)
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    Administrative Judicial Decisions as a Hybrid Argumentative Activity Type.H. José Plug - 2016 - Informal Logic 36 (3):333-348.
    This article focuses on strategic manoeuvring that takes place in Dutch administrative judi- cial decisions. These decisions may be seen as a distinct argumentative activity type. Starting from the char- acteristics that traditionally are per- tinent to this activity type, I will explore how implications of current discussions on the changing task of the administrative judge may be- come manifest in the judge’s strate- gic manoeuvring by means of the presentation of argumentation and the introduction of (...)
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    De lege ferenda Attitudes of Professor Mykolas Romeris Concerning Administrative Court, and their Reflection in Modern Law of Lithuania (text only in Lithuanian).Arvydas Andruškevičius - 2010 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 121 (3):25-37.
    In this article the influence of scientific attitudes of Prof. Mykolas Romeris upon modern administrative justice of Lithuania is investigated by historic and comparative aspects. In the first part of article the Professor’s ideas, stated in the fundamental monograph “Administrative Court”, published in Kaunas, in 1928, about the foundation of the Administrative court are reviewed. Here are also pointed out Prof. M. Romeris’ principal,alternative and critical notes concerning the draft of the Law of Administrative Court, made (...)
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    The Argument of Rightness as an Element of the Discretionary Power of the Administrative Judge.Bartosz Wojciechowski & Marek Zirk-Sadowski - 2020 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 33 (1):215-229.
    The article concerns the situation of the judicial application of the law where the entity applying the law refers in a decision-making process to moral principles. The decision should be based on the directives of interpretation, which indicate the need for such a determination of the meaning of the applicable norms so that it remains in harmony with commonly accepted moral rules of the society. The equity has one more purpose; namely, it allows for the process of decision-making—and not just (...)
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  8.  21
    High court.Administrative Law-Natural Justice-Whether Refugee - 2006 - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology.
    "Case notes." Ethos: Official Publication of the Law Society of the Australian Capital Territory, (199), pp. 34–35.
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    The judge: 26 Machiavellian lessons.Ronald K. L. Collins - 2017 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press. Edited by David M. Skover.
    The confirmation process and the virtues of duplicity -- How to be aggressive and passive ... and great -- Recusal and the vices of impartiality -- The use and misuse of the politics of personality -- Fortuna : the role of chance in choosing cases -- When and why to avoid a case -- Carpe diem : when to embrace a case -- Tactical tools : using procedure to one's advantage -- Oral arguments : what to say and how -- (...)
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    Judge and Punish: The Penal State on Trial.Geoffroy de Lagasnerie - 2018 - Stanford, California: Stanford University Press. Edited by Lara Vergnaud.
    What remains anti-democratic in our criminal justice systems, and where does it come from? Geoffroy de Lagasnerie spent years sitting in on trials, watching as individuals were judged and sentenced for armed robbery, assault, rape, and murder. His experience led to this original reflection on the penal state, power, and violence that identifies a paradox in the way justice is exercised in liberal democracies. In order to pronounce a judgment, a trial must construct an individualizing story of actors and their (...)
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  11.  24
    Interim Measures in Administrative Proceedings: Specifics of Environmental Cases.Werner Heermann, Rasa Ragulskytė-Markovienė & Indrė Žvaigždinienė - 2013 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 20 (1):207-233.
    Interim measures are procedural means that allow persons or States to have their rights preserved when a case is pending. Application of these measures especially in environmental cases is very important. In many of these cases (e.g. cases dealing with territorial planning, IPPC permits, environmental impact assessment, etc.) the claims deal with the protection of environment or its components (water, air, soil, etc.) as well as with the protection of public interest. Legal regulation of application of interim measures provided by (...)
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    Courts and Comparative Law.Mads Tønnesson Andenæs & Duncan Fairgrieve (eds.) - 2015 - Oxford University Press UK.
    While the role of comparative law in the courts was previously only an exception, foreign sources are now increasingly becoming a source of law in regular use in supreme and constitutional courts. There is considerable variation between the practices of courts and the role of comparative law, and methods remain controversial. In the US, the issue has been one of intense public debate and it is still one of the major dividing issues in the discussion about the role of the (...)
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    Fiqhical Foundations of Disability Employment Policy According to Islamic Law.Şevket Pekdemir - 2024 - van İlahiyat Dergisi 12 (20):43-59.
    One of the most significant economic challenges faced by people with disabilities in Turkey and globally is employment. Unfortunately, even in developed countries, the desired level of employment of the disabled individuals has not yet been measured up. The fundamental rights and freedoms of employment and labor have gained a basis of legitimacy through certain principles within the legal system throughout human history. As a matter of fact, in the main references of Islamic law, the principles of justice, rights, equality (...)
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    The Jurisprudence and Administration of Legal Interpreting in Hong Kong.Ester S. M. Leung - 2019 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 32 (1):95-116.
    Legal interpreting and translation are some of the oldest and most frequently practised bilingual activities in Hong Kong. The principles and operation of the bilingual legal system actually impinge on the legal interpreting services and the practices of legal interpreting services also in ways impact on the system itself. This study adopts a historical approach to analyse the jurisprudence and administration of legal interpreting in Hong Kong courts from 1966 to 2016, across the 1997 dividing line between British colonial rule (...)
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    Diversity Through Bureaucracy: System Judges and Intersectional Diversification of the Israeli Judiciary.Alon Jasper - 2021 - The Law and Ethics of Human Rights 15 (2):313-341.
    This article examines the role bureaucracy has in enhancing the social diversity of judiciaries. It does so by analyzing the Israeli judiciary and its reforms over the last three decades, and the interaction of these reforms with the appearance of intersectional judges—Arab women, Jewish women of Orthodox background, and Jewish women from geographic and economic peripheries—into the Israeli judiciary. Based on an original empirical study, the article shows that the career paths of intersectional judges include administrative roles in the (...)
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    Jurisdiction Regarding Administrative Proceedings in Jordanian and French Legislation: Views on the Administrative Judiciary in 2021.Tareq Al-Billeh - 2023 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 37 (1):189-215.
    This article analyses jurisdiction regarding administrative proceedings (lawsuits) in Jordan and France. Moreover, it also discusses the fact that jurisdiction regulates two matters of the utmost importance: the distribution of jurisdiction between ordinary and administrative jurisdictions and the distribution of jurisdiction between administrative jurisdictions themselves in States whose jurisdiction in administrative proceedings is distributed to more than one administrative organ. Moving on, this research was conducted using several research approaches such as, the comparative and analytical (...)
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  17.  35
    Guide to the Ethics of Ex Parte Communications.Patricia Sue Wall - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 81 (3):555-559.
    Ex parte communications can become an administrative quagmire for anyone trying to deal with tribunals that regulate business matters. These communications involve contact between a decision maker and one party outside the presence of another, interested party. At a time when codes of ethics are enacted to make corporate financial officers and boards of directors more accountable to their stockholders, and thus, to restore the confidence of the investing public, it appears most important that administrative judges and hearing (...)
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  18. Mistake of Law and Obstruction of Justice: A 'Bad Excuse' ... Even for a Lawyer!Lucinda Vandervort - 2001 - University of New Brunswick Law Journal 50: 171-186.
    In Regina v. Murray, (2000, Ont S.Ct.J.) the learned trial judge, Justice Gravely, errs in his interpretation and application of the law of mens rea in the offense of willfully attempting to obstruct justice under section 139(2) of the Criminal Code of Canada. In view of his findings of fact and law, including the determination that the accused knowingly and intentionally committed the actus reus of the offense and the absence of any suggestion that he lacked awareness of any (...)
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  19. Law and Legal Theory in England and America.Richard A. Posner - 1996 - Clarendon Press.
    In this book, which consists of a revised version of the first Clarendon Law Lectures delivered in October 1995, Judge Posner attempts a comparative analysis of the English and American legal systems. The perspective is different from that of other works which have attempted the same kind of comparative study for two reasons: first because the author is a judge; and second because he is perhaps the best-known and most influential proponent of the idea that the social sciences, (...)
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  20. Sergeant Thorpe Judge of the Assize for the Northern Circuit, His Charge as It Was Delivered to the Grand-Jury at Yorke Assizes the Twentieth of March, 1648. Clearly Epitomizing the Statutes Belonging to This Nation, Which Concerns the Severall Estates and Conditions of Men. And Do Really Promote the Peace and Plenty of This Common-Wealth.Francis Thorpe, Matthew Walbancke, Richard Best & W. T. - 1649 - Printed by T:W: For Mathew Walbancke, and Richard Best, at Grayes-Inne Gate.
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    Islamic Law in Africa.J. N. D. Anderson - 1955 - Routledge.
    This volume represents a unique survey of the extent to which Islamic law is in fact applied in those parts of East and West Africa which were at one time under British administration. It examines the relevant legislation and case law, much of which has never appeared in any Law Reports; the judges and courts which apply it and the problems to which its application give rise.
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  22. Access to Justice and the Public Interest in the Administration of Justice.Lucinda Vandervort - 2012 - University of New Brunswick Law Journal 63:124-144.
    The public interest in the administration of justice requires access to justice for all. But access to justice must be “meaningful” access. Meaningful access requires procedures, processes, and institutional structures that facilitate communication among participants and decision-makers and ensure that judges and other decision-makers have the resources they need to render fully informed and sound decisions. Working from that premise, which is based on a reconceptualization of the objectives and methods of the justice process, the author proposes numerous specific changes (...)
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  23. Reasons of Law: Dworkin on the Legal Decision.Anthony R. Reeves - 2016 - Jurisprudence 7 (2):210-230.
    Ronald Dworkin once identified the basic question of jurisprudence as: ‘What, in general, is a good reason for a decision by a court of law?’ I argue that, over the course of his career, Dworkin gave an essentially sound answer to this question. In fact, he gave a correct answer to a broader question: ‘What is a good reason for a legal decision, generally?’ For judges, officials of executive and administrative agencies, lawyers, non-governmental organizations, and ordinary subjects acting in (...)
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  24.  40
    Islamic Law and Freedom of Religion: The Case of Apostasy and Its Legal Implications in Egypt.Moataz Ahmed El Fegiery - 2013 - Muslim World Journal of Human Rights 10 (1).
    The article analyses Egyptian jurisprudence on the issue of apostasy, with a focus on conversion from Islam to Christianity. It argues that the Egyptian judiciary has failed to develop a harmonious relationship between Islamic law and the principle of freedom of religion. It looks at how the majority of cases examined before the Egyptian judiciary reveal a continued tension between freedom of religion as defined in international human rights law and its judges’ interpretation of Islamic law as a constitutive element (...)
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    The Boundaries of “Good Behavior” and Judicial Competence: Exploring Responsibilities and Authority Limitations of Cognitive Specialists in the Regulation of Incapacitated Judges.Brandon Hamm & Bryn S. Esplin - 2018 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 46 (2):514-520.
    Both law and medicine rely on self-regulation and codes of professionalism to ensure duties are performed in a competent, ethical manner. Unlike physicians, however, judges are lawyers themselves, so judicial oversight is also self-regulation. As previous literature has highlighted, the hesitation to report a cognitively-compromised judge has resulted in an “opensecret” amongst lawyers who face numerous conflicts of interest.Through a case study involving a senior judge with severe cognitive impairment, this article considers the unique ethical dilemmas that cognitive (...)
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  26.  6
    Beyond the Courts: Artificial Intelligence as a Catalyst for Change in Justice Administration.William Orlando Alvarez Araque, Angela Liliana Pinzón Pinzón & Aracely Forero Romero - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:394-406.
    In the context of technological advances, the concept of digital justice is emerging, an extra-judicial sphere that uses technologies such as artificial intelligence to address controversial situations through physical assistants or even robots, if the litigant so wishes. Thus, while AI is effective in resolving simple disputes without human intervention, even UNESCO warns against its exclusivity in more complicated cases. From this perspective, through a qualitative approach and literature review, this research focused on examining the benefits and limitations of AI (...)
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    Workload Quotas for District Court Judges as a Precondition for Implementation of Justice.Genovaitė Dambrauskienė - 2012 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 19 (3):1149-1169.
    The paper analyses the problem of workload quotas for district court judges in relation to the standard statutory work time duration. The problem is set against the general tendency of increase in the number of cases brought before courts each year. District courts as the courts of first instance are faced with an ever growing flow of cases. With regard to civil cases, the numbers are increasing especially in the field of the law of obligations (disputes in relation to sale, (...)
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  28.  74
    The philosophy of law: an encyclopedia.Christopher Berry Gray (ed.) - 1999 - New York: Garland.
    For the first time, full coverage of the intersections of philosophy and law From articles centering on the detailed and doctrinal exposition of the law to those which reside almost wholly within the realm of philosophical ethics, this volume affords comprehensive treatment to both sides of the philosophicolegal equation. Systematic and sustained coverage of the many dimensions of legal thought gives ample expression to the true breadth and depth of the philosophy of law, with coverage of: *The modes of knowing (...)
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  29.  11
    Statutory and Common Law Interpretation.Kent Greenawalt - 2012 - Oxford University Press USA.
    As Kent Greenwalt's second volume on aspects of legal interpretation, this book analyzes statutory and common law interpretation and compares the two. In respect to statutory interpretation, it first asks whether judges are "faithful agents" of the legislature or "independent cooperative partners." It concludes that the obvious answer is that neither simple categorization really fits-that the function of judges involves a combination of roles. The next issue addressed is whether the intent of those in authority matters for interpreting the kinds (...)
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    Technology and the Law.Richard Susskind - 2012 - In Jan Kyrre Berg Olsen Friis, Stig Andur Pedersen & Vincent F. Hendricks (eds.), A Companion to the Philosophy of Technology. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 449–451.
  31.  48
    The first virtue of the law courts and the first virtue of the law.Hanoch Sheinman - 2007 - Legal Theory 13 (2):101-128.
    Justice, you might think, is the first virtue of the law. After all, we call our judges justices, the administration of law the administration of justice, and the government's legal department the Justice Department. We should reject this Priority of Justice for the Law in favor of the more moderate Priority of Justice for the Courts, the view that justice is the first virtue of the law courts. Under its comparative conception, justice is distinguishable by its concern with the relative (...)
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  32. Autonomous Weapons and the Nature of Law and Morality: How Rule-of-Law-Values Require Automation of the Rule of Law.Duncan MacIntosh - 2016 - Temple International and Comparative Law Journal 30 (1):99-117.
    While Autonomous Weapons Systems have obvious military advantages, there are prima facie moral objections to using them. By way of general reply to these objections, I point out similarities between the structure of law and morality on the one hand and of automata on the other. I argue that these, plus the fact that automata can be designed to lack the biases and other failings of humans, require us to automate the formulation, administration, and enforcement of law as much as (...)
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  33.  18
    Shopping For Law in a Coasean Market.G. Marcus Cole - 2005 - 1 N.Y.U. J.L. And Liberty 111.
    In the twentieth century, two Nobel-Prize winning economists wrote two seemingly unrelated characterizations of the processes constraining human behavior. One, Ronald Coase, wrote a short article entitled The Nature of the Firm,1 in which he reduced all managerial decision-making to a fundamental choice between making the factors of production, or buying them. This article and the idea of the "make or buy" decision for which it has come to be known, have proven to be among the most seminal in the (...)
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  34.  19
    Courts, litigants and the digital age: law, ethics and practice.Karen Eltis - 2012 - Toronto: Irwin Law.
    Courts, Litigants, and the Digital Age examines the ramifications of technology for courts, judges, and the administration of justice. It sets out the issues raised by technology, and, particularly, the Internet, so that conventional paradigms can be updated in the judicial context. In particular, the book dwells on issues such as proper judicial use of Internet sources, judicial ethics and social networking, electronic court records and anonymization techniques, control of the courtroom and jurors' use of new technologies, as well as (...)
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    Credibility, Trauma, and the Law: Domestic Violence-Based Asylum Claims in the United States.Christina Gerken - 2022 - Feminist Legal Studies 30 (3):255-280.
    In 2018, Attorney General Jeff Sessions, in Matter of A-B-, attempted to bar victims of non-state actors—such as intimate partners and local gangs—from obtaining asylum in the United States. This article focuses on domestic violence-based asylum claims that made it to the US Circuit Court of Appeals during the Trump administration and the first five months of the Biden administration. My interdisciplinary approach goes beyond analysing the effect that Matter of A-B- has had on the outcomes of cases and asks (...)
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    Two examples of decision support in the law.István Borgulya - 1999 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 7 (2-3):303-321.
    There are several systems which provide computer support to legal decisions. Perhaps the most significant ones, besides various computerised systems for administration, are information retrieval systems that locate statutes and documents. Other research projects, however, deal with legislation and adjudication, making it possible to use information techniques in making legal decisions. I wish to describe two decision-support programs and to link them to some theoretical findings of my former researches. What connects those programs is that they give some new information (...)
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  37.  59
    Personal freedom versus corporate liberties.Frank van Dun - unknown
    Are limited liability business corporations compatible with the free market, as libertarians understand it? Many libertarians think they are. Others are at least doubtful. And still others—I include myself1 among them—deny that limited liability business corporations belong in a free market.2 My purpose here is to spell out some of the reasons for that denial as well as to qualify it: I have no argument against large enterprises that issue limited liability shares or protect their managers with extensive vicarious liability (...)
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  38.  7
    Justice: continuity and change.Lord Dyson - 2018 - Portland, Oregon: Hart Publishing.
    Criticising judges : fair game or off-limits? -- Academics and judges -- Are the judges too powerful? -- Magna Carta and compensation culture -- Does judicial review undermine democracy? -- Liability of public authorities in negligence -- The shifting sands of statutory interpretation -- Time to call it a day : some reflections on finality and the law -- The globalisation of law -- Recent developments in commercial law conference -- The contribution of construction cases to the development of the (...)
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  39.  25
    Intellectual Property Law as an Internal Limit on Intellectual Property Rights and Autonomous Source of Liability for Intellectual Property Owners.Elizabeth F. Judge - 2007 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 27 (4):301-313.
    This article considers the interplay between intellectual property rights and classic property rights raised by Hoffman v. Monsanto (2005) and advances the idea that intellectual property law can serve as an autonomous source of liability for intellectual property owners. The article develops the conceptual advantages of demarcating physical and intellectual properties and allocating rights and responsibilities based on the respective property sphere. It introduces a theoretical Hohfeldian framework, in which the grant of a positive limited-term monopoly right entails a corresponding (...)
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  40. Administrative Law and Democratic Institutions.Milton R. Konvitz - 1937 - Journal of Social Philosophy and Jurisprudence 3:139.
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  41.  41
    Administrative Law and the Public's Health.Eleanor D. Kinney - 2002 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 30 (2):212-223.
    Today, public health regulation at all levels faces unprecedented challenges both at home and abroad. The September 11, 2001 attacks on New York and Washington, D.C., by the Al Qaeda terrorist network and the anthrax bioterrorism that followed shortly thereafter have put public health regulation at the forefront of homeland security. The anthrax scare, in particular, has greatly tested the American public health system, calling into question whether the United States and its component states and localities are prepared to handle (...)
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  42.  51
    The Concept of European Administrative Law and the Background of the Development of the Law on Administrative Procedure of the European Union.Ieva Deviatnikovaitė - 2013 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 20 (3):1005-1022.
    There are several reasons, according to which it is worth analyzing European administrative law. First, this is a rather new branch of law. Second, the European administrative law is treated in different countries from different legal traditions positions, consequently, any effort to unify the approach to it can provide a basis for a unified European administrative law model. Third, there are no works dedicated to the analysis of the phenomenon of the European administrative law in Lithuania. (...)
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    Discretionary power as a political weapon against foreigners.Alexis Spire - 2020 - Etikk I Praksis - Nordic Journal of Applied Ethics 2:89-106.
    The administrative practices of officials who process the admission of immigrants show severe variations in the ways in which migration policy is enforced on the ground. For the author, inequality of treatment lies in the very hierarchy of tasks and services of what he dubs, following Pierre Bourdieu, the immigration "field". According to the author, the governments’ securitizing priorities favour the sort of suspicion towards foreigners that the media then reproduces, thus authorizing so-called street-level bureaucrats to act with great (...)
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    The charter and administrative law: Cross-fertilization in public law.Evan Fox-Decent - manuscript
    The relationship between Canadian administrative law and the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms is complex and still unfolding. If a decision touches a Charter right, frontline decision-makers and reviewing courts alike determine the requirements of legality using the Charter, administrative law principles, or some combination of the two. There is an emerging consensus that the Charter does not replace the common law, but rather embodies and supplements fundamental legal principles contained within it.This chapter sets out various ways (...)
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  45. (1 other version)'Sociale vrede' als Kelseniaanse voorstelling van rechterlijke rechtvaardigheid.Mathijs Notermans - 2008 - Rechtsfilosofie and Rechtstheorie 37 (1):49-70.
    Research into Kelsen’s conception of judicial justice seems at first sight contradictory to his own Pure Theory of Law. Upon closer consideration this prima facie contradiction turns out to be only an appearance due to the paradoxical effect that is produced by Kelsen’s pure theory of law itself. By revealing three paradoxical effects of Kelsen’s work in this article, I try to show that research into a Kelsenian representation of judicial justice is not only possible but also meaningful. The first (...)
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  46. The Ideals of Law: Judging and the Constitution.Jana Mohr Lone - 1996 - Dissertation, University of Washington
    The United States Constitution embodies both the real and the ideal. It is a concrete written text that uses particular words, has a history, and possesses certain limits; it is also a statement of the aspirations and dreams of a society. This dual identity requires that the Constitution be understood both as written positive law, and as an expression of a national vision and set of ideals. ;I argue for a conceptual theory of law that is positivistic in the sense (...)
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    The Funny Bone.A. C. T. Administrative Appeals Tribunal Decisions - 2006 - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology.
    "ACT Administrative Appeals Tribunal Decisions." Ethos: Official Publication of the Law Society of the Australian Capital Territory, (200), pp. 42.
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    The crown in contract and administrative law.McLean Janet - 2004 - Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 24 (1):129-154.
    An essential and neglected distinction between contract and administrative law is in how each conceives of the Crown as a juristic person. This article explores the extent of this distinction, and its implications for the rule of law and the separation of powers. It offers explanations—historical, jurisprudential and pragmatic—for why contract law conceives of the Crown as a corporation aggregate with the powers and liberties of a natural person, and why administrative law disaggregates the State into named officials.
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    Transcendent Justice? Legal and Philosophical Perspectives.Ion Copoeru & Andrea-Annamaria Chiş - 2017 - Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai Philosophia:69-79.
    In this paper, we shall use the perspectival view on justice in an attempt to accommodate the transcendent view on justice with the adversarial practice of justice. Its main idea is that, before seeing justice as administration, it has to be seen in itself. The first section of the paper discusses the meaning of justice from a phenomenological point of view, which enables us to envision justice as transcendent. The second section of the paper describes the pluri-perspectivism of law and (...)
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    Justice at Nuremberg: Leo Alexander and the Nazi doctors' trial.Ulf Schmidt - 2004 - New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    Justice at Nuremberg traces the history of the Nuremberg Doctors' Trial held in 1946-47, as seen through the eyes of the Austrian bliogemigrbliogé psychiatrist Leo Alexander. His investigations helped the United States to prosecute twenty German doctors and three administrators for war crimes and crimes against humanity. The legacy of Nuremberg was profound. In the Nuremberg code--a landmark in the history of modern medical ethics--the judges laid down, for the first time, international guidelines for permissible experiments on humans. One of (...)
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