Results for 'academic rigour'

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  1.  32
    The Fragility of Scientific Rigour and Integrity in “Sped up Science”: Research Misconduct, Bias, and Hype and in the COVID-19 Pandemic.W. Lipworth, I. Kerridge, C. Stewart, D. Silva & R. Upshur - 2023 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 20 (4):607-616.
    During the early years of the COVID-19 pandemic, preclinical and clinical research were sped up and scaled up in both the public and private sectors and in partnerships between them. This resulted in some extraordinary advances, but it also raised a range of issues regarding the ethics, rigour, and integrity of scientific research, academic publication, and public communication. Many of the failures of scientific rigour and integrity that occurred during the pandemic were exacerbated by the rush to (...)
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    Achieving a Maximum Level of Vaccination for Medical Students: a Rigourous Ethical and Legal Framework Procedure.Sophie Laflamme & Guillaume Laurin-Taillefer - 2014 - Journal of Academic Ethics 12 (3):179-189.
    The Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences of the University of Sherbrooke has observed year after year, that certain students have not started and or completed their immunizations for common infectious diseases, which in effect makes them inadmissible for their clinical internships in healthcare establishments. The program administrators have posed a series of questions on the best way to proceed with these students as, a certain number remain reluctant to vaccination. They are often confronted with ethical dilemmas, are not necessarily (...)
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    Neoliberalism and neoliberals: What are we talking about?Martin Lipscomb - 2020 - Nursing Inquiry 27 (1):e12318.
    The terms neoliberalism and neoliberal play a variety of roles ranging from major to trivial in the papers they appear in. Both phrases carry pejorative connotations in nurse writing. Yet irrespective of the role assumed in argument, readers are rarely provided with enough information to determine what the descriptors mean in a substantive or concrete sense. It is proposed that scholars who use these terms in their work should consider expressing themselves more carefully than often occurs at present. Virtue signalling (...)
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  4. No Remedy for Homeopathy "Research".David Shaw - 2012 - Focus on Alternative and Complementary Therapies 17 (4):209-10.
    The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine is a major complementary and alternative medicine journal, with an an 18-year history and an impact factor of almost 1.5. This paper examines an article and accompanying editorial from the August 2011 issue of the journal and finds a severe lack of scientific and academic rigour.
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    Student-generated video creation for assessment: can it transform assessment within Higher Education?Cate Allen & Ruth Hawley - 2018 - International Journal for Transformative Research 5 (1):1-11.
    Student-generated video creation assessments are an innovative and emerging form of assessment in higher education. Academic staff may be understandably reluctant to transform assessment practices without robust evidence of the benefits and rationale for doing so and some guidance regarding how to do so successfully. A systematic approach to searching the literature was conducted to identify relevant resources, which generated key documents, authors and internet sources which were thematically analysed. This comprehensive critical synthesis of literature is presented here under (...)
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    Classics and Moderns in Economics Volume Ii: Essays on Nineteenth and Twentieth Century Economic Thought.Peter Groenewegen (ed.) - 2002 - Routledge.
    This second volume of essays on nineteenth and twentieth century economic thought, complements the first and continues the high standards of scholarship and academic rigour.
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  7. Is the Wisdom Revolution Underway?Nicholas Maxwell - manuscript
    The world faces grave global problems. These have been made possible by modern science and technology. We have put knowledge-inquiry into academic practice – a seriously irrational kind of inquiry that seeks knowledge and technological know-how dissociated from a more fundamental concern to seek and promote wisdom. We urgently need to bring about a revolution in academic inquiry, so that knowledge-inquiry becomes wisdom-inquiry – a kind of inquiry rationally designed and devoted to helping humanity make progress towards a (...)
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    Essays on the Nature and State of Modern Economics.Tony Lawson - 2015 - Routledge.
    What do modern academic economists do? What currently is mainstream economics? What is neoclassical economics? And how about heterodox economics? How do the central concerns of modern economists, whatever their associations or allegiances, relate to those traditionally taken up in the discipline? And how did economics arrive at its current state? These and various cognate questions and concerns are systematically pursued in this new book by Tony Lawson. The result is a collection of previously published and new papers distinguished (...)
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    The Public Philosopher in the Academies: Reflections on Merleau-Ponty's Eloge de la philosophie.T. Brian Mooney - unknown
    Recently we have come to witness an assault on the traditional conception of the university as a centre of detached concern for pure research. The economic rationalist vision which has occasioned this assault has deeply permeated almost every facet of contemporary life and even the specific kind of discourse emanating from this interpretation has managed to ensconce itself within the academies. Philosophers are at particular risk in the uncertain climate that has been created. However philosophers have not addressed the issues (...)
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  10. Methodological and Ethical Approaches to Studying Contract Cheating: A Systematic Literature Review.Nilupulee Liyanagamage, Elvira Asylguzhina, Prakash Vel, Zeenath Reza Khan, Mario Fernando & Thomas Lancaster - forthcoming - Journal of Academic Ethics:1-27.
    Contract cheating remains an academic integrity concern in higher education institutions, and scholarly studies in this area have continued to increase. While highly informative systematic literature reviews on contract cheating exist, they have mainly focused on the concept of contract cheating, causal factors, and prevention strategies through detection and punitive measures. To broaden the understanding and study of contract cheating, exploring the research philosophy and theoretical approach underpinning the methodological aspects is essential. This paper aims to identify, synthesize, and (...)
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    Carole Pateman: democracy, feminism, welfare.Samuel Allen Chambers & Terrell Carver (eds.) - 2011 - New York: Routledge.
    Carole Patemanâe(tm)s writings have been innovatory precisely for their qualities of engagement, pursued at the height of intellectual rigour. This book draws from her vast output of articles, chapters, books and speeches to provide a thematic yet integrated account of her innovations in political theory and contributions to the politics of policy-making. The editors have focused on work in three key areas: Democracy Patemanâe(tm)s perspective is rooted in a practical perspective, enquiring into and speculating about forms of participation over (...)
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    Donald Davidson: truth, meaning, and knowledge.N. Urszula M. Zegle (ed.) - 1999 - New York: Routledge.
    Donald Davidson has made enormous contributions to the philosophy of action, epistemology, semantics and philosophy of mind and today is recognized as one of the most important analytical philosophers of the late twentieth century. Davidson's philosophy is characterised not only by its rigour and intellectual integrity but also by its continued interest in dialogue and re-evaluation of its paradigms. In the spirit of this openness, this volume brings together essays on the major themes of Davidson's thought by leading academics, (...)
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  13.  42
    Bioethics and activism: A natural fit?Wendy Rogers - 2019 - Bioethics 33 (8):881-889.
    Bioethics is a practically oriented discipline that developed to address pressing ethical issues arising from developments in the life sciences. Given this inherent practical bent, some form of advocacy or activism seems inherent to the nature of bioethics. However, there are potential tensions between being a bioethics activist, and academic ideals. In academic bioethics, scholarship involves reflection, rigour and the embrace of complexity and uncertainty. These values of scholarship seem to be in tension with being an activist, (...)
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  14.  33
    Question.Greg Restall - 2006 - In Vincent F. Hendricks & John Symons (eds.), Masses of Formal Philosophy. Automatic Press/VIP.
    I suppose the natural way to interpret this question is something like “why do formal methods rather than anything else in philosophy” but in my case I’d rather answer the related question “why, given that you’re interested in formal methods, apply them in philosophy rather than elsewhere?” I started off my academic life as an undergraduate student in mathematics, because I was good at mathematics and studying it more seemed like a good idea at the time. I enjoyed mathematics (...)
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  15. In Praise of Natural Philosophy: A Revolution for Thought and Life.Nicholas Maxwell - 2012 - Montreal, Canada: McGill-Queen's University Press.
    The central thesis of this book is that we need to reform philosophy and join it to science to recreate a modern version of natural philosophy; we need to do this in the interests of rigour, intellectual honesty, and so that science may serve the best interests of humanity. Modern science began as natural philosophy. In the time of Newton, what we call science and philosophy today – the disparate endeavours – formed one mutually interacting, integrated endeavour of natural (...)
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    Mark Blaug's unrealistic crusade for realistic economics.Uskali Mäki - 2013 - Erasmus Journal for Philosophy and Economics 6 (3):87-103.
    Mark Blaug’s normative methodology of economics is an attempt to articulate certain intuitions about how economic science could be improved by making it more “realistic”. I discuss two such articulations, one in terms of falsificationist principles, the other in terms of an alleged trade-off between relevance and mathematical rigour. My conclusion is that Blaug’s methodology is itself unrealistic, both descriptively and normatively. His (well intended) methodological prescriptions for the improvement of economics are not based on a systematic, consistent, descriptively (...)
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  17. In praise of natural philosophy: a revolution for thought and life.Nicholas Maxwell - 2012 - Philosophia 40 (4):705-715.
    Modern science began as natural philosophy. In the time of Newton, what we call science and philosophy today – the disparate endeavours – formed one mutually interacting, integrated endeavour of natural philosophy: to improve our knowledge and understanding of the universe, and to improve our understanding of ourselves as a part of it. Profound, indeed unprecedented discoveries were made. But then natural philosophy died. It split into science on the one hand, and philosophy on the other. This happened during the (...)
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  18.  19
    Tibetan Buddhist Ethnography: Deficiencies, Developments, and Future Directions.Mark Owen - 2011 - Buddhist Studies Review 27 (2):221-238.
    In recent years scholars working in the area of Religious Studies have increasingly been obliged to acknowledge that the level of methodological rigour displayed in many studies on religious phenomena is unsatisfactory, perhaps particularly when compared to that of some academics operating in related subject areas. Arguably one of the principal areas in which an apparent reticence to engage with contemporary developments in method is evident is that of ‘religious ethnography’. The purpose of this short study is to assess (...)
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    Honouring a life and narrative work: John’s story.Sara Ryan - 2018 - Arts and Humanities in Higher Education 17 (1):58-68.
    The importance of witnessing broken narratives and somehow writing or representing these is matched by the challenges associated with trying to do this within a context of normativity and expected academic practice. We have to be convincing in our work, both in terms of rigour and dependability but also in terms of the way we make sense of the stories we are told. In this essay, I examine the narrative of John, a 63-year-old British man diagnosed with autism. (...)
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  20. An Analysis on the Research Ethics Cases Managed by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) Between 1997 and 2010.Jong Yong Abdiel Foo & Stephen James Wilson - 2012 - Science and Engineering Ethics 18 (4):621-631.
    The growing emphasis on the importance of publishing scientific findings in the academic world has led to increasing prevalence of potentially significant publications in which scientific and ethical rigour may be questioned. This has not only hindered research progress, but also eroded public trust in all scientific advances. In view of the increasing concern and the complexity of research misconduct, the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) was established in 1997 to manage cases with ethical implications. In order to (...)
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  21.  37
    Great Philosophy: Discovery, Invention, and the Uses of Error.Christopher Norris - 2014 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 22 (3):349-379.
    In this essay I consider what is meant by the description ‘great’ philosophy and then offer some broadly applicable criteria by which to assess candidate thinkers or works. On the one hand are philosophers in whose case the epithet, even if contested, is not grossly misconceived or merely the product of doctrinal adherence on the part of those who apply it. On the other are those – however gifted, acute, or technically adroit – to whom its application is inappropriate because (...)
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  22.  8
    Theological Talk in a Salsa Bar on Wigan Pier.Chris Greenough - 2020 - Feminist Theology 28 (2):147-160.
    Is bringing together Sarah Coakley and Marcella Althaus-Reid like mixing oil and water? An encounter between a systematic theologian and a contextual, queer theologian might seem artificial, but this article offers critical insights into the work of both scholars, revealing similarities within the tropes of their theological thinking. Aside from navigating sites of possible parallels and conflict between their work, this article springboards their settings by offering a new location – a salsa bar on Wigan Pier – to be able (...)
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  23.  20
    African biblical studies and the question of methodology: A focus on New Testament scholarship in Nigeria.Kingsley I. Uwaegbute - 2023 - HTS Theological Studies 79 (4):7.
    African biblical studies (ABS) focus on biblical interpretation in Africa. Although new, it has gained massive recognition among African biblical scholars as the biblical interpretation focus that best suits the peculiar challenges that face African Christians. Its emergence, of course, was reactionary to the Western approach to the interpretation of the Bible in Africa and the practice of Christianity as well, which failed to take into cognisance the peculiar needs of African Christians. In New Testament scholarship in Nigeria, ABS has (...)
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  24.  15
    Exploring views of South African research ethics committees on pandemic preparedness and response during COVID-19.Theresa Burgess, Stuart Rennie & Keymanthri Moodley - 2024 - Research Ethics 20 (4):701-730.
    South African research ethics committees (RECs) faced significant challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic. Research ethics committees needed to find a balance between careful consideration of scientific validity and ethical merit of protocols, and review with the urgency normally associated with public health emergency research. We aimed to explore the views of South African RECs on their pandemic preparedness and response during COVID-19. We conducted in-depth interviews with 21 participants from RECs that were actively involved in the review of COVID-19 related (...)
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  25. A Case for 'Killer Robots': Why in the Long Run Martial AI May Be Good for Peace.Ognjen Arandjelović - 2023 - Journal of Ethics, Entrepreneurship and Technology 3 (1).
    Purpose: The remarkable increase of sophistication of artificial intelligence in recent years has already led to its widespread use in martial applications, the potential of so-called 'killer robots' ceasing to be a subject of fiction. -/- Approach: Virtually without exception, this potential has generated fear, as evidenced by a mounting number of academic articles calling for the ban on the development and deployment of lethal autonomous robots (LARs). In the present paper I start with an analysis of the existing (...)
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  26. Is Science Neurotic?Nicholas Maxwell - 2004 - London: World Scientific.
    In this book I show that science suffers from a damaging but rarely noticed methodological disease, which I call rationalistic neurosis. It is not just the natural sciences which suffer from this condition. The contagion has spread to the social sciences, to philosophy, to the humanities more generally, and to education. The whole academic enterprise, indeed, suffers from versions of the disease. It has extraordinarily damaging long-term consequences. For it has the effect of preventing us from developing traditions and (...)
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  27. Review of Object-Oriented Ontology: A New Theory of Everything. [REVIEW]Subhasis Chattopadhyay - 2019 - Prabuddha Bharata or Awakened India (August):622-23.
    This is a review of this new field touted by Harman as THE best thing to happen to academic philosophy in recent times. The review tests Object-Oriented Ontology against various yardsticks and finds it wanting in rigour.
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  28. The Case for Rage: Why Anger is Essential to Anti-Racist Struggle, by Myisha Cherry, Oxford University Press. [REVIEW]Laura Silva - 2023 - Mind 1 (532):1136-1145.
    Cherry builds the case for rage that boomed in Audre Lorde’s verse and prose. The Case for Rage delivers a systematic vindication of anger’s essential role in anti-racist struggle, where moral and productive anti-racist anger is named ‘Lordean rage’ after the poet, activist and teacher. The book is incredibly timely, offering the thorough investigation of political anger called for following the extensive uptake of the Black Lives Matter movement during the pandemic. The pandemic has, I think, made this book particularly (...)
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  29.  44
    Qualitative health research and the irb: Answering the “so what?” With qualitative inquiry. [REVIEW]Mary Ellen Macdonald & Franco A. Carnevale - 2008 - Journal of Academic Ethics 6 (1):1-5.
    Qualitative inquiry is increasingly used to foster change in health policy and practice. Research ethics committees often misunderstand qualitative inquiry, assuming its design can be judged by criteria of quantitative science. Traditional health research uses scientific realist standards as a means-to-an-end, answering the question “So what?” to support the advancement of practice and policy. In contrast, qualitative inquiry often draws on constructivist paradigms, generating knowledge either as an end-in-itself or as a means to foster change. When reviewers inappropriately judge qualitative (...)
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  30.  37
    Parents’ Perceptions of Student Academic Motivation During the COVID-19 Lockdown: A Cross-Country Comparison.Sonia Zaccoletti, Ana Camacho, Nadine Correia, Cecília Aguiar, Lucia Mason, Rui A. Alves & João R. Daniel - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    The COVID-19 outbreak has ravaged all societal domains, including education. Home confinement, school closures, and distance learning impacted students, teachers, and parents’ lives worldwide. In this study, we aimed to examine the impact of COVID-19-related restrictions on Italian and Portuguese students’ academic motivation as well as investigate the possible buffering role of extracurricular activities. Following a retrospective pretest–posttest design, 567 parents reported on their children’s academic motivation and participation in extracurricular activities. We used a multi-group latent change score (...)
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  31.  28
    Academic freedom and permanent tenure in academic appointments.Geoffrey Caston, S. E., Keith & S. G. Fleet - 1985 - Minerva 23 (1):96-150.
  32. Redefining Academic Safe Space for Responsible Management Education.Joé T. Martineau & Audrey-Anne Cyr - 2025 - Journal of Business Ethics 196 (3):581-601.
    In a time of increasing polarization, how can we address sensitive topics and ensure that university classrooms remain places of healthy discussions and ethical deliberations? This paper addresses this important question by drawing on unique qualitative data from our students’ accounts of their experience in an organizational ethics course. We developed the course using a novel pedagogical strategy centered around the creation of an artistic portfolio. We find that student engagement in an alternative individual space, such as the artistic portfolio, (...)
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  33.  21
    Academic contributors and funders.Hans Schulte-Nölke, Eric Clive & Christian von Bar - 2009 - In Hans Schulte-Nölke, Eric Clive & Christian von Bar (eds.), Principles, Definitions and Model Rules of European Private Law: Draft Common Frame of Reference . Outline Edition. Sellier de Gruyter.
  34.  19
    The Academic Draft of the CFR and the EC Contract Law.Reiner Schulze - 2008 - In Common Frame of Reference and Existing Ec Contract Law. Sellier de Gruyter.
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    Black American Students in an Affluent Suburb: A Study of Academic Disengagement.John U. Ogbu - 2003 - Routledge.
    John Ogbu has studied minority education from a comparative perspective for over 30 years. The study reported in this book--jointly sponsored by the community and the school district in Shaker Heights, Ohio--focuses on the academic performance of Black American students. Not only do these students perform less well than White students at every social class level, but also less well than immigrant minority students, including Black immigrant students. Furthermore, both middle-class Black students in suburban school districts, as well as (...)
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    Method as Identity: Manufacturing Distance in the Academic Study of Religion.Christopher M. Driscoll & Monica R. Miller - 2018 - Lexington Books.
    Method as Identity considers how social identity shapes methodological standpoints. With a refreshing hip hop sensibility, Miller and Driscoll reorient the contemporary academic study of religion toward recognition of the costs and benefits of manufacturing “critical” distance from our objects of study.
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  37.  26
    Better governance in academic health sciences centres: moving beyond the Olivieri/Apotex Affair in Toronto.L. E. Ferris, P. A. Singer & C. D. Naylor - 2004 - Journal of Medical Ethics 30 (1):25-29.
    The Toronto experience suggests that there may be several general lessons for academic health sciences complexes to learn from the Olivieri/Apotex affair regarding the ethics, independence, and integrity of clinical research sponsored by for profit enterprises. From a local perspective, the OAA occurred when there already was a focus on the complex and changing relationships among the University of Toronto, its medical school, the fully affiliated teaching hospitals, and off campus faculty because of intertwined interests and responsibilities. The OAA (...)
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    A Preliminary Investigation Comparing Academic Locus of Control and Perceived Quality of Academic Life across College Students with and without Disabilities.Amy L. Skinner, Lee Ann R. Rawlins & Cynthia Hughes - 2010 - Inquiry: Critical Thinking Across the Disciplines 25 (1):9-16.
    In the current study we compared academic locus of control (ALoC) and perceived quality of academic life (PQAL) across three groups of university students: those without disabilities, those with attention deficit disorder or learning disabilities (ADD-LD), and those with other disabilities. Results showed no significant differences in ALoC scores, with each group reporting an internal ALoC. However, students with other disabilities (e.g., sensory, motor, chronic health, and/or mental health) reported significantly lower satisfaction with their overall quality of (...) life than students without disabilities. Applied implications are discussed along with recommendations for further research. (shrink)
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  39. AGGA: A Dataset of Academic Guidelines for Generative AIs.Junfeng Jiao, Saleh Afroogh, Kevin Chen, David Atkinson & Amit Dhurandhar - 2024 - Harvard Dataverse 4.
    AGGA (Academic Guidelines for Generative AIs) is a dataset of 80 academic guidelines for the usage of generative AIs and large language models in academia, selected systematically and collected from official university websites across six continents. Comprising 181,225 words, the dataset supports natural language processing tasks such as language modeling, sentiment and semantic analysis, model synthesis, classification, and topic labeling. It can also serve as a benchmark for ambiguity detection and requirements categorization. This resource aims to facilitate research (...)
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    Determining the Propensity for Academic Dishonesty Using Decision Tree Analysis.Barry A. Wray, Adam T. Jones, Peter W. Schuhmann & Robert T. Burrus - 2016 - Ethics and Behavior 26 (6):470-487.
    This article investigates the propensity for academic dishonesty by university students using the partitioning method of decision tree analysis. A set of prediction rules are presented, and conclusions are drawn. To provide context for the decision tree approach, the partition process is compared with results of more traditional probit regression models. Results of the decision tree analysis complement the probit models in terms of predictive accuracy and confirm results previously found in the literature. In particular, students’ moral character—whether they (...)
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    Implementing an Organizational Ethics Program in an Academic Environment: The Challenges and Opportunities for the Duquesne University Schools of Business.James Weber - 2006 - Journal of Business Ethics 65 (1):23-42.
    This paper acknowledges the paucity of attention regarding the development of ethics programs within an academic environment and describes in a case study how the Duquesne University schools of business attempted to introduce, integrate and promote its own ethics program. The paper traces the business school’s attention to mission statements, curriculum development, ethics policy, program oversight and outcome assessment. Lessons learned are offered as suggestions for others seeking to develop and implement an ethics program in their school.
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    The Erosion of Academic Virtue.Susan Haack - 2022 - Journal of Philosophical Investigations 16 (41):1-18.
    Haack articulates something of what she takes the moral demands of academic life to be, calling for such virtues as industry, honesty, realism, patience, and consideration. She then explains why she believes the current academic environment is sapping the strength of character these virtues require, and why graduate students are caught in the middle. She writes primarily about philosophy, but much of what she has to say applies to other humanities disciplines and much of that to other disciplines (...)
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    Student Perceptions of Academic Dishonesty at a Cyber-University in South Korea.Jamie Costley - 2019 - Journal of Academic Ethics 17 (2):205-217.
    With the increase in students taking online classes to complete their degrees, there is a corresponding increase of research into how students might participate in these online classes. One way in which students may participate, but subvert the parameters of the online class they are taking, is by engaging in academic dishonesty. Academic dishonesty can reduce the quality of the learning experience for students, and reduce the validity and trust in online class’s assessment. For this reason, understanding how (...)
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    Peer-Based Interventions on Academic Integrity: Assessing Immediate and Long Term Learning.Preet K. Chauhan, Eileen Wood, Tarique Plummer & Gail Forsyth - 2018 - Journal of Academic Ethics 16 (2):133-149.
    The current study extends previous literature regarding the effectiveness of learning about academic integrity through peer instruction by assessing the impact of a peer instructional approach for actual and perceived learning gains over time. One trained residence don provided one interactive 30-min presentation covering four major aspects of academic integrity and misconduct to groups of undergraduate students. In total, 192 participants attended the workshop and were surveyed for their knowledge of academic integrity immediately before the presentation, immediately (...)
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  45. Embed and Unzip: Entailment Structures as a Knowledge Building Tool for Academic Conferences.T. Scholte - 2015 - Constructivist Foundations 11 (1):76-77.
    Open peer commentary on the article “Designing Academic Conferences in the Light of Second-Order Cybernetics” by Laurence D. Richards. Upshot: Building upon Richards’s notions of “design by constraint” and the usefulness of assigning collaborative tasks to conference participants, this commentary suggests a basic application of Pask’s conversation theory as a potential aide to fruitful knowledge construction in a conference setting.
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    Differentiating risks to academic freedom in the globalised university in China.Sophia Woodman & Tim Pringle - 2022 - Sage Publications Ltd: Philosophy and Social Criticism 48 (4):642-651.
    Philosophy & Social Criticism, Volume 48, Issue 4, Page 642-651, May 2022. Academic freedom in China is unquestionably under threat from various quarters. Yet the assumption that only the logics of authoritarian Communist Party power shape the terrain in which scholars operate provides us with a limited perspective on these threats. The Chinese academy has become deeply entangled with transnational forces, and is increasingly driven by similar business logics to those in play in universities around the world. We argue (...)
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    EFL Students’ Academic Buoyancy: Does Academic Motivation and Interest Matter?Xin Xu & Bin Wang - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The way students are treated by their teachers have been proven to play a paramount role in students’ performance. Either teachers’ academic buoyancy or academic motivation may change students’ mindset about learning a language, leading to facilitating this process or making it even more demanding than it seems. Considering that, it can be taken into account how important teachers’ academic buoyancy would be and its mediators such as academic motivation should draw precise attention to themselves. However, (...)
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    Examining the relationship between academic stress and motivation toward physical education within a semester: A two-wave study with Chinese secondary school students.Menglu Yang, Carme Viladrich & Jaume Cruz - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The present study aimed to investigate the relationship between academic stress and motivation toward physical education through a longitudinal design with cross-lagged panel analyses. A sample of 556 Chinese secondary school students participated in the research and completed Perceived Locus of Causality Scale and Educational Stress Scale for Adolescents at the beginning of the semester and 3 months later. The results demonstrated that academic stress factors were positively related to less self-determined motivations except that worry about grades was (...)
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    Kindergarten Obesity and Academic Achievement: The Mediating Role of Weight Bias.Baeksan Yu - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    This study draws the attention towards the importance of reducing weight discrimination against children for their educational success, as an issue of social justice. We investigate the consequences of early-onset obesity identifying the mediating mechanisms in the relationship between childhood obesity and academic achievement. To do so, we employ the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study-Kindergarten Cohort in the US and apply a parallel process latent growth model with a combination of quasi-experiments and econometrics. The results of this study suggest that (...)
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    Questionable Research Practices and Credit in Academic Careers.Remco Heesen - manuscript
    This paper investigates how the credit incentive to engage in questionable research practices interacts with cumulative advantage, the process whereby high-status academics more easily increase their status than low-status academics. I use a mathematical model to highlight two dynamics that have not yet received much attention. First, due to cumulative advantage, questionable research practices may pay off over the course of an academic career even if they do not appear attractive at the level of individual publications. Second, because of (...)
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