Results for 'Žarko Dadić'

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  1.  12
    Povijest egzaktnih znanosti u Hrvata [History of Exact Sciences in Croatia] by Zarko Dadic. [REVIEW]Alexander Vucinich - 1985 - Isis 76:228-229.
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    (1 other version)On the definability of the quantifier “there exist uncountably many”.Žarko Mijajlović - 1985 - Studia Logica 44 (3):257 - 264.
    In paper [5] it was shown that a great part of model theory of logic with the generalized quantifier Q x = there exist uncountably many x is reducible to the model theory of first order logic with an extra binary relation symbol. In this paper we consider when the quantifier Q x can be syntactically defined in a first order theory T. That problem was raised by Kosta Doen when he asked if the quantifier Q x can be eliminated (...)
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    Regular relations and the quantifier “there exist uncountably many”.Zarko Mijajlović & Valentina Harizanov - 1983 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 29 (3):151-161.
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    Vertical Structures of the Christian Regime of Truth.Žarko Ament - 2020 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 40 (1):129-149.
    This paper analyses the formation of power of the Christian regime of truth in the context of Foucault’s concept of strategic formations. The main emphasis is on the sexual formation of power in three focal points of its agency. The first focal point is formed around the conflict between the Old Testament truth regime and the Canaan cult of fertility. The second focal point is formed around the influence of ancient philosophical thought, primarily through the philosophy of stoicism, which sees (...)
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    Submodels and definable points in models of Peano arithmetic.Žarko Mijajlović - 1983 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 24 (4):417-425.
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    Blasting the Past: A Rereading of Walter Benjamin’s Theses on the Philosophy of History.Zarko Cvejic - 2019 - Filozofija I Društvo 30 (3):384-398.
    The text offers a reappraisal of Walter Benjamin’s Theses on the Philosophy of History from the perspective of global politics today and its similarities with the socio-economic and political situation in Europe and the Americas during the 1920s and 30s; more specifically, the impact of crises on the erosion of trust in liberal representative democracy and the concomitant rise of mostly rightwing populist movements and their strongmen leaders, aided to a significant degree by the media, ‘old’ and ‘new’ alike. The (...)
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    Ukroćeni virtuoz: filozofija subjekta i recepcija virtuoziteta u evropskoj instrumentalnoj muzici 1815-1850.Žarko Cvejić - 2016 - Beograd: Fakultet za medije i komunikacjie.
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  8. Franjo Petriš i njegova prirodnofilozofska i prirodoznanstvena misao.Žarko Dadić - 2000 - Zagreb: Školska knj..
  9.  4
    Frano Petrić: 1597.-1997 = Francesco Patritio.Žarko Dadić & Andrija Mutnjaković (eds.) - 1999 - Zagreb: Nakl. Družba "Brača Hrvatskoga Zmaja".
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    Metafizičko-antropološki principi čovjekova stvaralaštva.Borislav Dadić - 2006 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 26 (4):907-921.
    Autor u tekstu kritički analizira Berdjajevljevu filozofiju stvaralaštva, iz cjelovitosti njegove filozofske misli, s posebnim naglaskom na odnosu sa slobodom. Započinje svoje ispitivanjem uvođenjem u egzistencijalnost autorova promišljanja teme i iznošenjem temeljnih pojmova. Potom slijedi istraživanje metafizičko-antropoloških temelja čovjekove sposobnosti za istinsko stvaranje. Kako ne bi bilo zabune oko naravi ljudskog stvaralaštva iz ‘meonske’ slobode, razjašnjena je bitna distinkcija između ljudskog i Božjeg stvaranja. Analizira se teurgija, kao specifičan oblik ljudskog stvaralaštva i način nadilaženja tragedije stvaralaštva. Kritički se ispituje struktura (...)
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    Gotski križ.Žarko Paić - 1997 - Zagreb: Ceres.
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  12. Interieur problema.Zarko Puhovski - forthcoming - Scientia.
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  13. Ogledi o duhovnom iskustvu.C. Zarko Vidovi - 1989 - Beograd: Sfairos.
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    Aristotelov nauk o aktu.Borislav Dadić - 2007 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 27 (4):765-776.
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    Metaphysics in the Encyclic Fides et ratio.Borislav Dadić - 1999 - Disputatio Philosophica 1 (1):115-124.
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    Ogledi o duhovnom iskustvu.Žarko Vidović - 1989 - Beograd: Sfairos.
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  17.  34
    Event and Difference. Performative-Conceptual Turn in Contemporary Art.Žarko Paić - 2013 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 33 (1):5-20.
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    Synaesthetic Without Sensitivity? The Body as a Technological Construction.Žarko Paić - 2019 - Philosophy Study 9 (6).
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    An-Arché as the Voice of the People: Jacques Rancière and the Politics of Disagreement.Žarko Paić - 2019 - International Journal of Philosophy 7 (1):1.
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  20.  13
    Peace activities in Serbia between initiatives and movement.Žarko Paunović - 1995 - Filozofija I Društvo 1995 (7):107-125.
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  21.  17
    Aesthetics and the Iconoclasm of Contemporary Art: Pictures Without a World.Žarko Paić - 2021 - Springer Verlag.
    The main themes and aims of this book are understanding aesthetics, contemporary art and the end of the avant-garde not from the traditional viewpoint of the metaphysics of the beautiful and the sublime but rather thru close connection to the techno-genesis of virtual worlds. This book tackles problems in contemporary art theory such as the body in space and time of digital technologies, along with other issues in visual studies and image science. Further intentions exhibit the fundamental reasons for the (...)
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  22.  18
    Nihilism and History.Žarko Paić - 2021 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 41 (3):489-511.
    The paper establishes a correlation between nihilism and history from the premise of the end of metaphysics in the age of the technosphere. In presenting the genealogy of the postmodern turn in contemporary philosophical thinking, the author critically deals with Vattimo’s thesis that Heidegger’s notion of overcoming metaphysics is the key to understanding postmodernity. Despite its close proximity to Nietzsche and Heidegger, it is undeniable that the main notion must be derived from late Wittgenstein’s thinking, as Lyotard did in his (...)
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  23.  6
    Sfere egzistencije: tri studije o Kierkegaardu.Žarko Paić - 2017 - Zagreb: Matica hrvatska.
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    The Cinema as Thinking.Žarko Paić - 2020 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 40 (3):499-514.
    In Deleuzeʼs studies on film, it is striking that the dismantled “essence” of metaphysics as an ontology is synthetically linked with a new approach not only to the movement of the concept, speaking in Hegelʼs language but also to the thinking as an event. That is even more true for the understanding of that which lasts in time and thus has the character of the thought-image. As the author points out in this article, Deleuze establishes this by turning the brain (...)
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  25.  48
    What does it mean to be an alien? Bernhard Waldenfels and politics of responsive interculturalism.Zarko Paic - 2018 - Filozofija I Društvo 29 (3):355-376.
    The author analyzes the politics of responsive interculturalism in Bernhard Waldenfels? thought, starting from the assumption that after Husserl?s phenomenology only two fundamental concepts - body and the Other - should be considered. In contemporary German?post-phenomenology? the first concept was systematically articulated by Hermann Schmitz, while the latter theme has been advanced in Waldenfels? works as the phenomenology of the alien, up until the end of Western metaphysics. In the two parts of the discussion, the author draws on his fundamental (...)
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  26.  12
    The Bellum Dardanicum and the Third Mithridatic War.Žarko Petković - 2014 - História 63 (2):187-193.
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    (1 other version)Separation Properties of Ideals Over ω.Winfried Just & Žarko Mijajlović - 1987 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 33 (3):267-276.
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    Energy or Information?Igor Čatić, Maja Rujnić-Sokele & Borislav Dadić - 2010 - Synthesis Philosophica 25 (1):173-180.
    The descriptions of the development of events in nature from the moment of the Big Bang are using concepts of ‘energy’ and ‘matter’. Systemically, these descriptions lack the third component of every system – information. This brings up the question of where in these descriptions information is and does it possibly precede energy. The analysis used the general systems theory, one of the powerful methods in modern science. For the description of the general technology , from the Big Bang to (...)
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    Completeness theorem for topological class models.Radosav Djordjevic, Nebojša Ikodinović & Žarko Mijajlović - 2007 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 46 (1):1-8.
    A topological class logic is an infinitary logic formed by combining a first-order logic with the quantifier symbols O and C. The meaning of a formula closed by quantifier O is that the set defined by the formula is open. Similarly, a formula closed by quantifier C means that the set is closed. The corresponding models are a topological class spaces introduced by Ćirić and Mijajlović (Math Bakanica 1990). The completeness theorem is proved.
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    Žarko Paić (ur.), Izgledi povijesnog mišljenja.Petar Šegedin - 2007 - Prolegomena 6 (1):104-114.
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    žarko Mijajlović, Zoran Marković, and Kosta Dos̄en. Hilbertovi problemi i logika . Matematic̆ka biblioteka, no. 48. Zavod za Udžbenike i Nastavna Sredstva, Belgrade1986, 168 pp. [REVIEW]Boban Velickovic - 1987 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 52 (4):1049-1050.
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    Rud̃er BoškovićŽarko Dadić.Alexander Vucinich - 1989 - Isis 80 (4):703-704.
  33. Arhitektura moderne in das Unheimliche: Heidegger, Freud in Le Corbusier.Mateja Kurir - 2018 - Ljubljana: Inštitut Nove revije.
    Das Unheimliche je tisto nedomače, grozljivo in strašljivo, ki pri Freudu in Heideggerju izhaja iz najbolj domačega in varnega, obenem pa je tudi eden od običajno spregledanih skupnih točk njunega dela. To je tudi ravnina, na kateri moderna in modernistična arhitektura, kot jo je oblikoval tudi Le Corbusier, zasije v drugačni perspektivi. Jedro arhitekture in metropole moderne bi morebiti lahko prebrali ravno skozi okular te grozljivosti das Unheimliche. -/- Knjiga v slovenski kulturni prostor prinaša prvo poglobljeno analizo prepleta moderne in (...)
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    Transition entre les cultures néolithiques de Sesklo et de Dimini : les catégories céramiques.Jean-Paul Demoule, Kostas Gallis & Laurence Manolakakis - 1988 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 112 (1):1-58.
    Les données des fouilles récentes de l'Éphorie de Larissa (Plateia Magoula Zarkoit, Makrychori 2) ainsi qu'un réexamen statistique des fouilles de V. Milojcic (Arapi, Otzaki, entre autres) ont permis de préciser la transition entre la culture néolithique thessalienne de Sesklo et celle de Dimini. Il s'agit, à l'échelle de l'ensemble de la péninsule balkanique, d'un moment de transformation historique majeure. Les analyses montrent en fait que seule l'apparition d'une céramique noire polie est un élément réellement nouveau. Pour les autres catégories (...)
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