Results for 'Zuni Barokah'

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  1.  45
    The association of Islamic bank ethical identity and financial performance: evidence from Asia.Ahmad Zaki, Mahfud Sholihin & Zuni Barokah - 2014 - Asian Journal of Business Ethics 3 (2):97-110.
    This study aims to explore whether a discrepancy exists between the ideal and communicated (disclosed) ethical identity of Islamic banks in Asia and, further, whether there is any association of communicated ethical identity with financial performance. To achieve the objectives, the study analyses data derived from annual reports of Islamic banks in Asia for the period 2006–2010. The results suggest that out of the seven banks studied, three of them are above average and the rest suffer from disparity between the (...)
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  2. United States Government Policy: The Politics of Cultural and Biological Diversity.Zuni Farming - 1995 - Agriculture and Human Values 12:2-18.
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    Zuni farming and united states government policy: The politics of biological and cultural diversity in agriculture. [REVIEW]David A. Cleveland, Fred Bowannie, Donald F. Eriacho, Andrew Laahty & Eric Perramond - 1995 - Agriculture and Human Values 12 (3):2-18.
    Indigenous Zuni farming, including cultural values, ecological and biological diversity, and land distribution and tenure, appears to have been quite productive and sustainable for at least 2000 before United States influence began in the later half of the 18th century. United States Government Indian agriculture policy has been based on assimilation of Indians and taking of their resources, and continues in more subtle ways today. At Zuni this policy has resulted in the degradation and loss of natural resources (...)
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    (1 other version)Teshlatiwa at zuñi.Elsie Clews Parsons - 1919 - Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods 16 (10):272-273.
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  5. Cazeneuve , Les Dieux Dansent À Cibola. Le Shalako Des Indiens Zuñi. [REVIEW]R. Lenoir - 1964 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 154:519.
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  6. Christoph Asmuth, Das Begreifen Cies Unbegreiflichen. Philosophie Und Religion Bei Johann Gottlieb Fichte 1800-1806, Spekulation Und Erfahrung. Texte Und Untersuchungen Zuni Deutschen Idealismus, Frommann -holzboog, Stuttgart - Bad Cannstatt, 1999, 411 Pp. [REVIEW]Diogo Ferrer - 2002 - Revista Filosófica de Coimbra 11 (22):478-481.
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  7. (1 other version)Cooperation and competition among primitive peoples.Margaret Mead (ed.) - 1937 - London: McGraw-Hill Book Company.
    Preface, by Margaret Mead -- Introduction, by Margaret Mead -- The Arapesh of New Guinea, by Margaret Mead -- The Eskimo of Greenland, by Jeannette Mirsky -- The Ojibwa of Canada, by Ruth Landes -- The Bachiga of East Africa, by May M. Edel -- The Ifugao of the Philippine Islands, by I. Goldman -- The Kwakiutl of Vancouver Island, by I. Goldman -- The Manus of the Admiralty Islands, by Margaret Mead -- The Iroquois, by B. Quain -- The (...)
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    (2 other versions)Primitive Classification.Emile Durkheim & Marcel Mauss - 1963 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 19 (3):449-449.
    In this influential work, first published in English in 1963, Durkheim and Mauss claim that the individual mind is capable of classification and they seek the origin of the ‘classificatory function’ in society. On the basis of an intensive examination of forms and principles of symbolic classification reported from the Australian aborigines, the Zuñi and traditional China, they try to establish a formal correspondence between social and symbolic classification. From this they argue that the mode of classification is determined by (...)
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  9.  20
    Primitive Classification.Emile Durkheim & Marcel Mauss - 1963 - Routledge.
    In this influential work, first published in English in 1963, Durkheim and Mauss claim that the individual mind is capable of classification and they seek the origin of the ‘classificatory function’ in society. On the basis of an intensive examination of forms and principles of symbolic classification reported from the Australian aborigines, the Zuñi and traditional China, they try to establish a formal correspondence between social and symbolic classification. From this they argue that the mode of classification is determined by (...)
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    Deep histories of the new world: Oral tradition and the fluid human mind.Deborah Kelley-Galin - 2014 - Technoetic Arts 12 (1):107-119.
    Focusing, in part, on the influence of Jurassic-era seas on the philosophical beliefs of the Hopi and Zuni cultures of the American Southwest, the article investigates the fluid cognitive processes of the human mind and methodically investigates the presence of historical content in works from oracy-based peoples. Formal analyses of the embedded data encoded in historical oral narratives are provided and are based on Barber and Barber’s mytho-linguistic framework. The application of Roger C. Echo-Hawk’s methodology for the assessment of (...)
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  11. Snobbism: One Aspect of the Will To Power.Corrado Fatta & James Labadie - 1960 - Diogenes 8 (30):24-40.
    The sense of power has a double face : on the one hand, it is the will to power as a force impelling to action; on the other hand, it is a basic state of mind which essentially conditions our intellectual approach to reality. It is in this second perspective that we see why the interpretation of a series of relationships between man and reality in terms of power, inconceivable among the Zunis or the Arapesh, is natural to the Western (...)
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  12.  26
    Pueblo Gods and Myths. [REVIEW]B. D. A. - 1965 - Review of Metaphysics 19 (1):159-159.
    Not an anthropologist by training, Tyler succeeds where the trained anthropologist has often failed: he manages to understand a style of life not his own. He relates and interprets the stories of the gods of the Zunis, Keres, and Hopi Indians, comparing them to some of the Greek myths. The Pueblos are "realists"; they believe in a world of rough harmony, of "normalcy," and their animistic religion is devoted to preserving the natural order of things. Their sophisticated outlook cannot be (...)
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