Results for 'Zuleica Pretto'

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  1.  16
    O Processo Psicoterápico À Luz Do Pensamento de Jean-Paul Sartre.Marivania Cristina Bocca, Queli Cristina Peccini Grelak & Zuleica Pretto - 2022 - Revista Dialectus 27 (27):35-50.
    Objetivamos, com o artigo proposto, apresentar os principais elementos que fundamentam a proposição metodológica do processo psicoterápico inspirado nos pressupostos filosóficos e psicológicos do filósofo francês Jean-Paul Sartre. A análise, que é descritiva e compreensiva, terá como pano de fundo a biografia de um personagem criado pelas autoras cujo projeto de ser está inviabilizado pelo seu saber de ser/cogito - o fracassado. A descrição do movimento existencial do personagem/analisando promove reflexões acerca de suas escolhas singulares e familiares e de seu (...)
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  2. Absolute knowledge and know abandoned. The discussion of bildung in the fourth paragraph from the absolute knowledge.Davide De Pretto - 2008 - Verifiche: Rivista Trimestrale di Scienze Umane 37 (1-3):121-139.
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  3.  41
    Idealismo come patologia. La diagnosi hegeliana della Nachseite dell'idealismo.Davide De Pretto - 2007 - Verifiche: Rivista Trimestrale di Scienze Umane 36 (1):203-222.
    This paper illustrates Hegel’s criticism of the reduction of reality to thought in the idealism which he believed to be peculiar to the Indian spirit. The paper starts by analyzing the metaphors of dream and mesmerism. Hegel deducted these metaphors from anthropology and he largely used them to describe the ways in which Indian idealism is structured. We outline Hegel’s interpretation of some central concepts of Indian philosophy and religion, especially those of Brahman and Yoga. Then we reach the rebound (...)
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  4.  50
    Sapere assoluto e sapere abbandonato. La trattazione della" bildung" nel quarto capoverso de" Il sapere assoluto".Davide De Pretto - 2008 - Verifiche: Rivista Trimestrale di Scienze Umane 37 (1):121-140.
    The article analyzes section VI B («The Spirit in Self-Estrangement») within absolute knowing. The main focus is Hegel’s speculative analysis of the formal structure of absolute knowing, starting from infinite judgement («the thing is ego»), to its conclusion with the definition of utility as preisgegebnes Sein für anderes (a being at the mercy of an «other», in Baillie’s translation). The article does not examine the phenomenological process of culture development, but focuses on the formal structure of pure insight (the most (...)
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  5.  15
    Is 59,15b-21: a vinda de um redentor.Zuleica Aparecida Silvano - 2020 - Horizonte 18 (56):625-625.
    In the studies about the origin of G'L which can be translated as “to redeem” or “to stain”, “to contaminate”, it is usually deepened in the Deutero-Isaiah as well as in the Trito-Isaiah. This article intends to do an exegetical analysis of the text, through the Historical-Critical-Literary Method, by describing God as the “redeemer of His people” and as a warrior whose powerful hand will bring justice, and notwithstanding the promise of sending a redeemer to save the people and to (...)
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  6. Time course of brain activity during change blindness and change awareness: Performance is predicted by neural events before change onset.Gilles Pourtois, Michael De Pretto, Claude-Alain Hauert & Patrik Vuilleumier - 2006 - Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 18 (12):2108-2129.
  7.  48
    De Xangô a Candomblé: transformações no mundo afro-pernambucano (From Xangô to Candomblé: transformations in the afro-pernambucan world) - DOI: 10.5752/P.2175-5841.2013v11n29p13. [REVIEW]Zuleica Dantas Pereira Campos - 2013 - Horizonte 11 (29):13-28.
    A diversidade dos cultos e práticas religiosas afro-brasileiras e a consequente multiplicidade das suas experiências já foram ressaltadas pelos estudiosos do fenômeno principalmente na virada do milênio. Propomos-nos nesse texto a discutir de que forma essas religiões conseguiram preservar traços marcantes das culturas e crenças passadas de geração em geração e ao mesmo tempo, modernizar suas práticas e modos de vivenciar a experiência religiosa uma vez que precisam adaptar-se aos novos tempos e, portanto, a novas expectativas e anseios dos praticantes. (...)
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  8.  13
    Influence of the Size of the Field of View on Visual Perception While Running in a Treadmill-Mediated Virtual Environment.Martina Caramenti, Paolo Pretto, Claudio L. Lafortuna, Jean-Pierre Bresciani & Amandine Dubois - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  9.  37
    Atuação de psicólogos no Programa de Saúde da Família: o cotidiano de trabalho oportunizando repensar a formação e as práticas profissionais.Juliana M. Fermino, Zuleica M. Patrício, Edite Krawulski & Maristela C. Sisson - 2009 - Revista Aletheia 30:113-128.
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  10.  8
    The Magnetic Urtext: Restoration as Music Interpretation.Sergio Canazza, Emery Schubert, Anthony Chmiel, Niccolò Pretto & Antonio Rodà - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    This paper discusses historical-critical thought to address the problems of restoration and preservation of tape music, proposing viable solutions to the matter of digitizing the historically valuable data that exists on and is represented by magnetic tapes. A detailed program of research and restoration and some software for helping in creation of critical editions of the musical works are proposed. We also present some of the issues and controversies that must be considered and approaches we have applied in the preservation (...)
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