Results for 'Zongshang Du'

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  1. Mei gan, jiao yu.Xutong Wang, Zongshang Du & Zongxing Lin (eds.) - 1988 - Taibei Shi: Taibei shi li mei shu guan.
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  2. Mei yu, ren sheng: Life and art.Jinyan Wang, Zongshang Du & Zongxing Lin (eds.) - 1988 - Taibei Shi: Taibei shi li mei shu guan.
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    The souls of Black folk.W. E. B. Du Bois - 1987 - Oxford University Press.
    'The problem of the twentieth-century is the problem of the color-line.' Originally published in 1903, The Souls of Black Folk is a classic study of race, culture, and education at the turn of the twentieth century. With its singular combination of essays, memoir, and fiction, this book vaulted W. E. B. Du Bois to the forefront of American political commentary and civil rights activism. The Souls of Black Folk is an impassioned, at times searing account of the situation of African (...)
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    Darkwater: voices from within the veil.William Edward Burghardt Du Bois - 1991 - Oxford University Press.
    The distinguished American civil rights leader, W. E. B. Du Bois first published these fiery essays, sketches, and poems individually nearly 80 years ago in the Atlantic, the Journal of Race Development, and other periodicals. This volume has long inspired readers with its militant cry for social, political, and economic reforms for black Americans.
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  5. The Conservation of Races.W. E. B. Du Bois - 1897 - .
    This chapter presents an essay by W. E. B. Du Bois that deals with the issue of race. He raises questions such as: What is the real meaning of race. What has, in the past, been the law of race development? What lessons has the past history of race development to teach the rising Negro people? He describes the American Negro Academy, which aims at once to be the epitome and expression of the intellect of the black-blooded people of America, (...)
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    A Philosophical Investigation of Rape: The Making and Unmaking of the Feminine Self.Louise du Toit - 2009 - Routledge.
    This book offers a critical feminist perspective on the widely debated topic of transitional justice and forgiveness. Louise Du Toit examines the phenomenon of rape with a feminist philosophical discourse concerning women’s or ‘feminine’ subjectivity and selfhood. She demonstrates how the hierarchical dichotomy of male active versus female passive sexuality – which obscures the true nature of rape – is embedded in the dominant western symbolic frame. Through a Hegelian and phenomenological reading of first-person accounts by rape victims, she excavates (...)
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  7. Du Guoxiang Zhongguo si xiang shi lun ji.Guoxiang Du & Jinquan Li - 1997 - Shantou Shi: Xin hua shu dian jing xiao. Edited by Jinquan Li & Hongsheng Li.
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  8. Du plaisir d'une servante.Isaac du Ryer - 2011 - Philosophical Forum 42 (4):420-420.
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    Human destiny.Pierre Lecomte du Noüy - 1947 - London [etc.]: Longmans, Green and co..
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    Quest of the silver fleece.William Edward Burghardt Du Bois - 2014 - Oxford University Press.
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    The propositional logic of Boethius.Karl Dürr - 1951 - Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press.
    The text of the treatise “The Propositional Logic of Boethius” was finished in 1939. Prof. Jan Lukasiewicz wished at that time to issue it in the second volume of “Collectanea Logica”; as a result of political events, he was not able to carry out his plan. In 1938, I published an article in “Erkenntnis” entitled “AUS- sagenlogik im Mittelalter”; this article included the contents of a paper which I read to the International Congress for the Unity of Science in Cambridge, (...)
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    Hôbôgirin, dictionnaire encyclopédique du Bouddhisme d'après les sources chinoises et japonaisesHobogirin, dictionnaire encyclopedique du Bouddhisme d'apres les sources chinoises et japonaises.Leon Hurvitz, L'Académie des Inscriptions du Japon & L'Academie des Inscriptions du Japon - 1983 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 103 (3):643.
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    Aristotle and Plato in the mid-fourth century.Ingemar Düring - 1960 - Göteborg,: Göteborg. Edited by G. E. L. Owen.
  14.  29
    W.E.B. Du Bois.W. E. B. Du Bois - 2010 - Routledge.
    Housed in one volume for the first time are several of the seminal essays on Du Bois's contributions to sociology and critical social theory: from DuBois as inventor of the sociology of race to Du Bois as the first sociologist of American religion; from Du Bois as a pioneer of urban and rural sociology to Du Bois as innovator of the sociology of gender and culture; and finally from Du Bois as groundbreaking sociologist of education and cultural criminologist to Du (...)
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  15. Akyĭkat du̇ĭnȯ taanym zhana koom: (uluttuk filosofii︠a︡).du̇ĬSheke Uulu ȮMu̇Rkul - 2013 - Bishkek: Biĭiktik.
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    Logic and ontology.A. B. du Toit - 1974 - Philosophical Papers 3 (1):17-45.
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    Ontological relativity and the inscrutability of reference.Basil du Toit - 1979 - Philosophical Papers 8 (2):57-65.
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    Herodicus, the Cratetean.Ingemar Düring - 1941 - New York: Garland.
    Originally published in 1941. Herodicus was a Greek physician of the fifth century BC, and a native of Selymbria. The first use of therapeutic exercise for the treatment of disease and maintenance of health is credited to him, and he is believed to have been one of the tutors of Hippocates.
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    Dialogue and bigotry: inaugural lecture delivered in the University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg, on 21 May 1975.Samuel Ignatius Marinus Du Plessis - 1975 - Pietermaritzburg: University of Natal Press.
  20.  2
    The human caravan, the direction and meaning of history.J. Du Plessis de Grenédan - 1939 - New York,: Sheed & Ward. Edited by Francis Jackson.
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    Dobrodeteli: iz slovoto na uchiteli︠a︡ Petŭr Dŭnov.Petŭr Dŭnov - 1995 - Sofii︠a︡: Biblioteka "Svetlina v pŭti︠a︡.
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    Y a-t-il une traduction chinoise du mot « être »?Xiaozhen Du - 2011 - Rue Descartes 72 (2):17.
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    Œuvres du cardinal de Richelieu.Armand Jean du Plessis Richelieu - 1929 - Paris,: J. Tallandier. Edited by Roger Gaucheron & Jacques Bainville.
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  24. Patrice de La Tour du Pin.J. -M. du Bois - 1976 - Nova et Vetera 51 (2):142-151.
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    La perception du monde extérieur.L. Du Roussaux - 1914 - Revue Néo-Scolastique de Philosophie 21 (81):78-86.
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    Le point de vue du Syndicat national de l'édition.Groupe des Éditeurs Universitaires du Sne - 2010 - Hermès: La Revue Cognition, communication, politique 57 (2):173-175.
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  27. Les modalités du retour sur soi d'après un moraliste juif du xiip siècle, rabenu yona gerondi.Siècle du Xiip - 1970 - Revue de Théologie Et de Philosophie 20:165.
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    Les liaisons dangereuses du journalisme et de la politique.Albert du Roy - 2003 - Hermes 35:131.
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    Burūz-i tirāzhīk dar pārādūksʹhā-yi tārīkhī.Farīdūn Shāyān - 2005 - Kista: Alfabet MaximaArash.
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  30. Religion, the Nature of Ultimate Owner, and Corporate Philanthropic Giving: Evidence from China.Xingqiang Du, Wei Jian, Yingjie Du, Wentao Feng & Quan Zeng - 2014 - Journal of Business Ethics 123 (2):235-256.
    Using a sample of Chinese listed firms for the period of 2004–2010, this study examines the impact of religion on corporate philanthropic giving. Based on hand-collected data of religion and corporate philanthropic giving, we provide strong and robust evidence that religion is significantly positively associated with Chinese listed firms’ philanthropic giving. This finding is consistent with the view that religiosity has remarkable effects on individual thinking and behavior, and can serve as social norms to influence corporate philanthropy. Moreover, religion and (...)
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  31. Corporate Environmental Responsibility in Polluting Industries: Does Religion Matter?Xingqiang Du, Wei Jian, Quan Zeng & Yingjie Du - 2014 - Journal of Business Ethics 124 (3):485-507.
    Using a sample of Chinese listed firms in polluting industries for the period of 2008–2010, we empirically investigate whether and how Buddhism, China’s most influential religion, affects corporate environmental responsibility (CER). In this study, we measure Buddhist variables as the number of Buddhist monasteries within a certain radius around Chinese listed firms’ registered addresses. In addition, we hand-collect corporate environmental disclosure scores based on the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) sustainability reporting guidelines. Using hand-collected Buddhism data and corporate environmental disclosure scores, (...)
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    John brown: (the oxford w. e. b. du bois).W. E. B. Du Bois & David R. Roediger - 2014 - Oxford University Press.
    A moving cultural biography of abolitionist martyr John Brown, by one of the most important African-American intellectuals of the twentieth century. In the history of slavery and its legacy, John Brown looms large as a hero whose deeds partly precipitated the Civil War. As Frederick Douglass wrote: "When John Brown stretched forth his arm... the clash of arms was at hand." DuBois's biography brings Brown stirringly to life and is a neglected classic.
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    The Roles of Leadership Styles in Corporate Social Responsibility.Shuili Du, Valérie Swaen, Adam Lindgreen & Sankar Sen - 2013 - Journal of Business Ethics 114 (1):155-169.
    This research investigates the interplay between leadership styles and institutional corporate social responsibility (CSR) practices. A large-scale field survey of managers reveals that firms with greater transformational leadership are more likely to engage in institutional CSR practices, whereas transactional leadership is not associated with such practices. Furthermore, stakeholder-oriented marketing reinforces the positive link between transformational leadership and institutional CSR practices. Finally, transactional leadership enhances, whereas transformational leadership diminishes, the positive relationship between institutional CSR practices and organizational outcomes. This research highlights (...)
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    Metaphysik als Wissenschaft: Festschrift für Klaus Düsing zum 65. Geburtstag.Klaus Düsing & Dirk Fonfara (eds.) - 2006 - Freiburg: K. Alber.
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  35. (2 other versions)Introduction à la théorie générale et à la philosophie du droit.Claude Du Pasquier - 1937 - Paris: Recueil Sirey; [etc., etc.].
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    Introduction à la théorie générale et à la philosophie du droit.Claude Du Pasquier - 1988 - Paris,: Delachaux & Niestlé s. a..
  37.  14
    Was unsere Welt im Innersten zusammenhält: Hans-Peter Dürr im Gespräch mit bedeutenden Vordenkern, Philosophen und Wissenschaftlern.H. -P. Dürr, Roland R. Ropers & Thomas Arzt (eds.) - 2012 - Berlin: Scorpio.
  38.  39
    Reimagining the Future of Technology: “The Social Dilemma” Review.Shuili Du - 2021 - Journal of Business Ethics 177 (1):213-215.
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    Application of Massive Open Online Course to Grammar Teaching for English Majors Based on Deep Learning.Minghui Du & Yiqun Qian - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The study aims to explore the roles of Massive Open Online Courses based on deep learning in college students’ English grammar teaching. The data are collected using a survey. After the experimental data are analyzed, it is found that students have a low sense of happiness and satisfaction and are unwilling to practice oral English and learn language points in English learning. They think that college English learning only meets the needs of CET-4 and CET-6 and does not take it (...)
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  40. niques avait déjà été constatée au début du siècle. Le champ d'-obser-vartion était aloms limité aux sanaitoifiurms, plus spécialement a Rêadahptation du Processus - 1981 - Paideia 9:267.
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    Zur Philosophie der Individualität: Festschrift für Prof. Dr. phil. Edith Düsing zu ihrem 45. Geburtstag.Edith Düsing, Thorsten Dietz & Yurie A. Ignatieff (eds.) - 1996 - Aachen: Shaker.
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  42. P. de La Tour du Pin.du Bois Jeanne-Marie - forthcoming - Nova et Vetera.
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  43. Description du module.Positionnement du Module Dans le Cursus - forthcoming - Comprendre.
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    Is Corporate Philanthropy Used as Environmental Misconduct Dressing? Evidence from Chinese Family-Owned Firms.Xingqiang Du - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 129 (2):341-361.
    In this study, I examine the hidden connection between corporate philanthropic giving and corporate environmental misconduct. Using survey data from Chinese family-owned firms, I provide strong and consistent evidence to show that corporate environmental misconduct is significantly positively associated with corporate philanthropic giving, suggesting that some Chinese family-owned firms act philanthropically to divert public attention from their environmentally unfriendly behavior. Moreover, the positive association between corporate environmental misconduct and corporate philanthropic giving is less pronounced for politically connected family-owned firms than (...)
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  45. al-Shaykh al-Raʼīs Abū ʻAlī Ibn Sīnā (370-428 H/980-1037 M): ḥayātuhu, wa-muṣannafātuhu, wa-mā kutiba ʻanh.Amīn Sulaymān Sīdū - 1999 - al-Riyāḍ: Muʼassasat al-Yamāmah al-Ṣuḥufīyah.
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    The african animal other: Decolonizing nature.Louise du Toit - 2019 - Angelaki 24 (2):130-142.
    The main claim in this article is that the traditionally Western and currently dominant understandings of the figures of “Nature” and “Animal” underlie and structure different forms of oppression and should be critically confronted. The racial-sexual subjugation of the colonized African draws symbolically on the older Western symbolic subjugations of Animal and Woman. In the Great Chain of Being of Western metaphysics it is Woman’s sexual body that links humans to the domain of the animal, and Man’s intellect that distinguishes (...)
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  47. How the Market Values Greenwashing? Evidence from China.Xingqiang Du - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 128 (3):547-574.
    In China, many firms advertise that they follow environmentally friendly practices to cover their true activities, a practice called greenwashing, which can cause the public to doubt the sincerity of greenization messages. In this study, I investigate how the market values greenwashing and further examine whether corporate environmental performance can explain different and asymmetric market reactions to environmentally friendly and unfriendly firms. Using a sample from the Chinese stock market, I provide strong evidence to show that greenwashing is significantly negatively (...)
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    Towards a dialogic syntax.John W. Du Bois - 2014 - Cognitive Linguistics 25 (3):359-410.
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    Does Religion Mitigate Earnings Management? Evidence from China.Xingqiang Du, Wei Jian, Shaojuan Lai, Yingjie Du & Hongmei Pei - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 131 (3):699-749.
    Using a sample of 11,357 firm-year observations from the Chinese stock market for the period of 2001–2011, we investigate whether and how religion can mitigate earnings management. Specifically, based on geographic-proximity-based religion variables, we provide strong and robust evidence to show that religion is significantly negatively associated with the extent of earnings management, suggesting that religion can serve as a set of social norms to mitigate corporate unethical behavior such as earnings management. Our findings also reveal that the negative association (...)
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  50. En guise de conclusion: Catégories et sous-catégories du verbe espagnol.Et Sous-Catégories du Verbe Espagnol - 2008 - In Frank Alvarez-Pereyre, Catégories et catégorisation: une perspective interdisciplinaire. Dudley, MA: Peeters. pp. 141.
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