Results for 'Ziad Nahas'

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  1. Somatic treatments in psychiatry.Ziad Nahas, Jeffrey P. Lorberbaum, Frank A. Kozel & Mark S. George - 2004 - In Jaak Panksepp, Textbook of Biological Psychiatry. Wiley-Liss.
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    Rewriting the Script: the Need for Effective Education to Address Racial Disparities in Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Uptake in BIPOC Communities.Saydra Wilson, Anita Randolph, Laura Y. Cabrera, Alik S. Widge, Ziad Nahas, Logan Caola, Jonathan Lehman, Alex Henry & Christi R. P. Sullivan - 2024 - Neuroethics 17 (1):1-12.
    Depression is a widespread concern in the United States. Neuromodulation treatments are becoming more common but there is emerging concern for racial disparities in neuromodulation treatment utilization. This study focuses on Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS), a treatment for depression, and the structural and attitudinal barriers that racialized individuals face in accessing it. In January 2023 participants from the Twin Cities, Minnesota engaged in focus groups, coupled with an educational video intervention. Individuals self identified as non-white who had no previous TMS (...)
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    Culture and Consumer Ethics.Ziad Swaidan - 2012 - Journal of Business Ethics 108 (2):201-213.
    Disparity in consumer ethics reflects cultural variations; these are differences in the collective programming of the mind that distinguishes one culture from another. This study explores the differences in consumer ethics across cultural dimensions using Hofstede's (in Culture's consequences: international differences in work-related values, Sage, Beverly Hills, 1980) model (collectivism, masculinity, power distance, and uncertainty avoidance) and Muncy and Vitell (in J Bus Res 24(4): 297-311, 1992) consumer ethics model (i.e., illegal, active, passive, and no harm). This is the first (...)
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    Consumer Ethics: Determinants of Ethical Beliefs of African Americans.Ziad Swaidan, Scott J. Vitell & Mohammed Y. A. Rawwas - 2003 - Journal of Business Ethics 46 (2):175-186.
    This study explores the ethical ideol-ogies and ethical beliefs of African American consumers using the Forsyth ethical position questionnaire (EPQ) and the Muncy-Vitell consumer ethics questionnaire (MVQ). The two dimensions of the EPQ (i.e., idealism and relativism) were the independent constructs and the four dimensions of the MVQ (i.e., illegal, active, passive and no harm) were the dependent variables. In addition, this paper explores the consumer ethics of African Americans across four demographic factors (i.e., age, education, gender, and marital status). (...)
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    Exploring the Association between Social Anomie and Behaviors of Academic Dishonesty among University Students: A Case Study from a Public University in Jordan.Ziad M. Alkhazaleh & Amjed Abojedi - forthcoming - Journal of Academic Ethics:1-25.
    When students experience unfairness and normlessness in their academic environment, it exemplifies the concept of social anomie. where students may justify dishonest actions such as exam cheating, plagiarism, and others. Academic honesty, a crucial moral characteristic, fundamentally relies on values, rules, and social norms. Against this backdrop, we conducted a mixed-methods study to capture students’ perspectives on academic dishonesty and social anomie. The current study questions investigate the levels of social anomie and academic dishonesty and the correlation between them based (...)
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    Consumer Ethics: The Role of Acculturation in U.S. Immigrant Populations.Ziad Swaidan, Scott J. Vitell, Gregory M. Rose & Faye W. Gilbert - 2006 - Journal of Business Ethics 64 (1):1-16.
    This study examines the role of acculturation in shaping consumers’ views of ethics. Specifically, it examines the relationships between the desire to keep one’s original culture, the desire to adopt the host culture, and the four dimensions of the Muncy and Vitell (Journal of Business Research Ethics 24(4), 297, 1992) consumer ethics scale. Using two separate immigrant populations – one of former Middle-Eastern residents now living in the U.S. and the other of Asian immigrants in the U.S. – results indicate (...)
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  7. Huwa kitāb Khazinat al-jawāhir fī zīnat al-manābir.ʻAlī Akbar Nahāvandī - 1953
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    Teleology and the organism: Kant's controversial legacy for contemporary biology.Andrea Gambarotto & Auguste Nahas - 2022 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 93 (C):47-56.
  9.  24
    Nouveaux Fragments de Kitāb Al-Futyā d'Al-Ǧāḥiẓ Dans Les Maqālāt d'Abū Al-Qāsim Al-Balḫī.Ziad Bou Akl - 2024 - Arabic Sciences and Philosophy 34 (1):1-35.
    The maqālāt of Abū Qāsim al-Balḫī contain several passages devoted to legal theory. The most important source found there is some extracts of K. al-futyā, a legal treatise by al-Ǧāḥiẓ of which until now only fragments remained, containing the criticisms addressed by al-Naẓẓām to the companions of the Prophet. This article provides a translation of these new extracts preceded by a study of the text and its place in the history of legal theory during this formative period of Islamic thought.
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  10. Averroes on juridical reasoning.Ziad Bou Akl - 2018 - In Peter Adamson & Matteo Di Giovanni, Interpreting Averroes: Critical Essays. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
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    Rawshanī-i fikr: guft va gūhāyī dar rawshanāyī: murūrī tārīkhī, falsafī va ʻilmī dīnī bā tākīd bar Islām.Shahrām Nahāniyān - 2020 - Kista, Sweden: Kitāb-i Arzān.
  12. What’s at stake in the debate over naturalizing teleology? An overlooked metatheoretical debate.Carl Sachs & Auguste Nahas - 2023 - Synthese 201 (4):1-22.
    Recent accounts of teleological naturalism hold that organisms are intrinsically goaldirected entities. We argue that supporters and critics of this view have ignored the ways in which it is used to address quite different problems. One problem is about biology and concerns whether an organism-centered account of teleological ascriptions would improve our descriptions and explanations of biological phenomena. This is different from the philosophical problem of how naturalized teleology would affect our conception of nature, and of ourselves as natural beings. (...)
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    Rethinking Schelling’s Philosophy of Nature Through a Process Account of Emergence.Andrea Gambarotto & Auguste Nahas - 2023 - In Luca Corti & Johannes-Georg Schuelein, Life, Organisms, and Human Nature: New Perspectives on Classical German Philosophy. Springer Verlag. pp. 39-58.
    The paper proposes a novel reading of Schelling’s speculative physics in light of debates concerning the notion of emergence in philosophy of science. We begin by highlighting Schelling’s disruptive potential with regard to the contemporary philosophical landscape, currently polarized over a false dichotomy between reductionist Humeanism and liberal Kantianism. We then argue that a broadly Schellingian approach to nature is unwittingly being revived by a group of scholars promoting a non-mainstream process account of emergence based on the notion of constraint (...)
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    Nature and Agency: Towards a Post-Kantian Naturalism.Andrea Gambarotto & Auguste Nahas - 2023 - Topoi 42 (3):767-780.
    We outline an alternative to both scientific and liberal naturalism which attempts to reconcile Sellars’ apparently conflicting commitments to the scientific accountability of human nature and the autonomy of the space of reasons. Scientific naturalism holds that agency and associated concepts are a mechanical product of the realm of laws, while liberal naturalism contends that the autonomy of the space of reason requires that we leave nature behind. The third way we present follows in the footsteps of German Idealism, which (...)
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    Chapitre premier. Authenticité et véracité du texte révélé.Ziad Bou Akl - 2015 - In Averroès: Le Philosophe Et la Loi: Édition, Traduction Et Commentaire de "L'abrégé du Mustasfa". De Gruyter. pp. 10-49.
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    De la première partie du livre : [du statut].Ziad Bou Akl - 2015 - In Averroès: Le Philosophe Et la Loi: Édition, Traduction Et Commentaire de "L'abrégé du Mustasfa". De Gruyter. pp. 124-163.
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    Le philosophe et la Loi.Ziad Bou Akl - 2015 - In Averroès: Le Philosophe Et la Loi: Édition, Traduction Et Commentaire de "L'abrégé du Mustasfa". De Gruyter. pp. 1-2.
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    Cognitive control and semantic thought variability across sleep and wakefulness.Remington Mallett, Yasmeen Nahas, Kalina Christoff, Ken A. Paller & Caitlin Mills - 2025 - Philosophy and the Mind Sciences 6.
    The flow of thought is persistent, and at times merciless. Mental content is generated throughout the day and into the night, moving forward predictably at times but surprisingly at others. Understanding what influences the trajectory of thought—how thoughts continuously unfold over time—has important implications for the diagnosis and treatment of thought disorders like schizophrenia and recurrent nightmares. Here, we examine whether cognitive control restricts moment-to-moment content shifts across sleep and wakefulness, thus acting as a fundamental constraint on thought variability. Thought (...)
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  19. Philosophies of classical France =.Jean Mesnard & Ziad Elmarsafy (eds.) - 2001 - Berlin: Weidler.
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    (1 other version)Introduction.Ziad Bou Akl - 2015 - In Averroès: Le Philosophe Et la Loi: Édition, Traduction Et Commentaire de "L'abrégé du Mustasfa". De Gruyter. pp. 3-9.
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    (1 other version)Introduction textuelle.Ziad Bou Akl - 2015 - In Averroès: Le Philosophe Et la Loi: Édition, Traduction Et Commentaire de "L'abrégé du Mustasfa". De Gruyter. pp. 107-116.
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    De la deuxième partie du livre : [des sources de la Loi].Ziad Bou Akl - 2015 - In Averroès: Le Philosophe Et la Loi: Édition, Traduction Et Commentaire de "L'abrégé du Mustasfa". De Gruyter. pp. 164-235.
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    De la quatrième partie : [des conditions de celui qui fait un effort d’interprétation].Ziad Bou Akl - 2015 - In Averroès: Le Philosophe Et la Loi: Édition, Traduction Et Commentaire de "L'abrégé du Mustasfa". De Gruyter. pp. 306-328.
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    De la troisième partie de l’Abrégé : [des méthodes d’interprétation].Ziad Bou Akl - 2015 - In Averroès: Le Philosophe Et la Loi: Édition, Traduction Et Commentaire de "L'abrégé du Mustasfa". De Gruyter. pp. 236-305.
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    Indices.Ziad Bou Akl - 2015 - In Averroès: Le Philosophe Et la Loi: Édition, Traduction Et Commentaire de "L'abrégé du Mustasfa". De Gruyter. pp. 487-501.
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    I. Index coranique.Ziad Bou Akl - 2015 - In Averroès: Le Philosophe Et la Loi: Édition, Traduction Et Commentaire de "L'abrégé du Mustasfa". De Gruyter. pp. 489-489.
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    II. Index des informations traditionnelles.Ziad Bou Akl - 2015 - In Averroès: Le Philosophe Et la Loi: Édition, Traduction Et Commentaire de "L'abrégé du Mustasfa". De Gruyter. pp. 490-490.
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    La philosophie comme pratique : erreur et droit à l’erreur dans la pensée d’Averroès.Ziad Bou Akl - 2016 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 162 (2):269.
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  29. Does Religion Matter? A Comparison Study of the Ethical Beliefs of Marketing Students of Religious and Secular Universities in Japan.Mohammed Y. A. Rawwas, Ziad Swaidan & Jamal Al-Khatib - 2006 - Journal of Business Ethics 65 (1):69-86.
    This study was designed to examine the determinants of and differences between the ethical beliefs of two groups of Japanese students in religious and secular universities. Multiple regression analysis revealed that students of the Japanese religious university perceived that young, male, relativistic, and opportunistic students tended to behave less ethically than did older, female, and idealistic students. Students of the Japanese secular university perceived that male, achievement-oriented, and opportunistic students tended to behave less ethically than did female and experience-oriented students. (...)
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    Deuxième chapitre. Ẓann et interprétation.Ziad Bou Akl - 2015 - In Averroès: Le Philosophe Et la Loi: Édition, Traduction Et Commentaire de "L'abrégé du Mustasfa". De Gruyter. pp. 50-87.
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    III. Index des noms propres, des groupes, des oeuvres et des noms de lieux.Ziad Bou Akl - 2015 - In Averroès: Le Philosophe Et la Loi: Édition, Traduction Et Commentaire de "L'abrégé du Mustasfa". De Gruyter. pp. 491-492.
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    L’Abrégé du Mustaṣfā.Ziad Bou Akl - 2015 - In Averroès: Le Philosophe Et la Loi: Édition, Traduction Et Commentaire de "L'abrégé du Mustasfa". De Gruyter. pp. 117-328.
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    (1 other version)Remerciements.Ziad Bou Akl - 2015 - In Averroès: Le Philosophe Et la Loi: Édition, Traduction Et Commentaire de "L'abrégé du Mustasfa". De Gruyter.
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    Task relevance modulates processing of distracting emotional stimuli.Limor Lichtenstein-Vidne, Avishai Henik & Ziad Safadi - 2012 - Cognition and Emotion 26 (1):42-52.
  35.  21
    Averroès: Le Philosophe Et la Loi: Édition, Traduction Et Commentaire de "L'abrégé du Mustasfa".Ziad Bou Akl (ed.) - 2015 - De Gruyter.
    One of Averroes' earliest works is dedicated to law. The work comprises a summary of al-Ghazali's work on legal theory called al-Mustasfa min 'ilm al-usul. This volume presents a new edition of the Arabic text accompanied by a French translation and commentary. The edition is preceded by a study that draws attention to the main points of difference between the two philosophers.
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    (1 other version)Commentaire.Ziad Bou Akl - 2015 - In Averroès: Le Philosophe Et la Loi: Édition, Traduction Et Commentaire de "L'abrégé du Mustasfa". De Gruyter. pp. 329-474.
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    IV. Index des notions principales.Ziad Bou Akl - 2015 - In Averroès: Le Philosophe Et la Loi: Édition, Traduction Et Commentaire de "L'abrégé du Mustasfa". De Gruyter. pp. 493-501.
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    Troisième chapitre. La question de l’iǧtihād.Ziad Bou Akl - 2015 - In Averroès: Le Philosophe Et la Loi: Édition, Traduction Et Commentaire de "L'abrégé du Mustasfa". De Gruyter. pp. 88-106.
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    Table des matières.Ziad Bou Akl - 2015 - In Averroès: Le Philosophe Et la Loi: Édition, Traduction Et Commentaire de "L'abrégé du Mustasfa". De Gruyter.
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  40. Consumer Ethics: A Cross-Cultural Study of the Ethical Beliefs of Turkish and American Consumers.Mohammed Y. A. Rawwas, Ziad Swaidan & Mine Oyman - 2005 - Journal of Business Ethics 57 (2):183-195.
    The ethical climate in Turkey is beset by ethical problems. Bribery, environmental pollution, tax frauds, deceptive advertising, production of unsafe products, and the ethical violations that involved politicians and business professionals are just a few examples. The purpose of this study is to compare and contrast the ethical beliefs of American and Turkish consumers using the Ethical Position Questionnaire (EPQ) of Forsyth (1980), the Machiavellianism scale, and the Consumer Ethical Practices of Muncy and Vitell questionnaire (MVQ). A sample of 376 (...)
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    P-Hacking: A Wake-Up Call for the Scientific Community.A. Thirumal Raj, Shankargouda Patil, Sachin Sarode & Ziad Salameh - 2018 - Science and Engineering Ethics 24 (6):1813-1814.
    P-hacking or data dredging involves manipulation of the research data in order to obtain a statistically significant result. The reasons behind P-hacking and the consequences of the same are discussed in the present manuscript.
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    Role of the velocity frame of reference in thermodiffusion in liquid mixtures.Morteza Eslamian, Charles G. Jiang & M. Ziad Saghir - 2012 - Philosophical Magazine 92 (6):705-726.
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    Interpersonal stranger violence and American Muslims: an exploratory study of lived experiences and coping strategies.Priyanka Agrawal, Yousra Yusuf, Omrana Pasha, Shahmir H. Ali, Homayra Ziad & Adnan A. Hyder - 2019 - Global Bioethics 30 (1):28-42.
    ABSTRACTHate crimes in the United States have drastically increased since 2015, particularly for the American Muslim population. There was a 17% hike in hate crimes against American Muslims in 2017...
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    Ethics training as a crucial scope in the various specialties of the medical residency.Ali Kanso, Imadeddine Farfour, Perla Mansour, Grace Ziade, Lubna Tarabay, Yasmin Choucair & Fadi Abou-Mrad - 2024 - International Journal of Ethics Education 9 (2):187-208.
    To achieve accreditation standards and train residents for clinical practice, ACGME placed a lot of emphasis on ethical competence and professionalism. A crucial requirement for enhancing the standard of future medical practice is ethics education. This study sought to identify the requirement for ethics knowledge in clinical training from the perspective of the residents and determine the most effective methods for education. A cross-sectional descriptive study was conducted between March and May 2023. Participants included Lebanese postgraduate medical students, 210 completed (...)
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    Correction: Ethics training as a crucial scope in the various specialties of the medical residency.Ali Kanso, Imadeddine Farfour, Perla Mansour, Grace Ziade, Lubna Tarabay, Yasmin Choucair & Fadi Abou-Mrad - 2024 - International Journal of Ethics Education 9 (2):329-329.
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    Ethics training as a crucial scope in the various specialties of the medical residency.Ali Kanso, Imadeddine Farfour, Perla Mansour, Grace Ziade, Lubna Tarabay, Yasmin Choucair & Fadi Abou-Mrad - 2024 - International Journal of Ethics Education 9 (2):187-208.
    To achieve accreditation standards and train residents for clinical practice, ACGME placed a lot of emphasis on ethical competence and professionalism. A crucial requirement for enhancing the standard of future medical practice is ethics education. This study sought to identify the requirement for ethics knowledge in clinical training from the perspective of the residents and determine the most effective methods for education. A cross-sectional descriptive study was conducted between March and May 2023. Participants included Lebanese postgraduate medical students, 210 completed (...)
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  47. Ziad swaidan, Scott J. Vitell, Gregory M. rose and Faye W. Gilbert.Paul M. Gurney & M. Humphreys - 2006 - Journal of Business Ethics 64:421-422.
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    Pierre Ziade: Généalogie de la mondialisation. Analyse de la crise identitaire actuelle.Rolf Kühn - 2015 - Philosophischer Literaturanzeiger 68 (3):262-267.
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    The Miraculous Patterns of the Event in the Heritage Text of Selected Folk Tales by the Novelist Ahmed Ziad Muhabik.Aqsam Nasir Hassan & Dr Dhyaa Ghani Al-Uboody - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:523-538.
    We are trying to show the importance of the event patterns and their presence in the wondrous Shuaibi story as a traditional structural form that has its place and manifestations in the literary narrative. It is also considered a suggestive and indicative product of the writer’s imagination, which uses the everyday variable and formulates it in a way different from what it is to show us an interesting miraculous story. Folk tales in general, and the book "Folk Tales" specifically, play (...)
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    Akhlāq dar ḥawzah-i ʻumūmī: taʼammulātī dar bāb-i arzishʹhā va nahādʹhā-yi dimūkrātīk.ʻAlī Mīr Sipāsī - 2009 - [Tihrān]: Nashr-i S̲ālis̲.
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