Zhou Zhang [4]Zhouzhi Zhang [1]Zhoutian Zhang [1]
  1.  20
    Evidence of an Inverted U–Shaped Relationship between Stakeholder Management Performance Variation and Firm Performance.André O. Laplume, Jeffrey S. Harrison, Zhou Zhang, Xin Yu & Kent Walker - 2022 - Business Ethics Quarterly 32 (2):272-298.
    Empirical research is largely supportive of the assertion of instrumental stakeholder theory that a positive relationship exists between “managing for stakeholders” and firm performance. However, despite considerable debate on the subject, the amount of variation across firm investments in stakeholders (stakeholder management performance) has not been adequately investigated. We address this gap using a sample of more than eighteen thousand firm-level observations over ten years. We find evidence to support an inverted U–shaped relationship between variation in stakeholder management performance and (...)
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    Incumbent Stakeholder Management Performance and New Entry.André Laplume, Kent Walker, Zhou Zhang & Xin Yu - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 174 (3):629-644.
    Instrumental stakeholder theory seeks to explain how managing stakeholders effectively can yield competitive advantage for incumbent firms. We extend instrumental stakeholder theory to explain and predict future competition operationalized as new entrepreneurial entries. Our study is among the first to empirically examine the relationships between aggregate stakeholder management performance and the entrepreneurial entries of individuals. Using a combined U.S. dataset from 2003 to 2013 from the Kinder, Lydenberg and Domini Index, Compustat, and Kauffman’s Entrepreneurship Survey, we find support for three (...)
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    The Use of Praxis in the Classroom to Facilitate Student Transformation.Kent Walker, Bruno Dyck, Zhou Zhang & Frederick Starke - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 157 (1):199-216.
    Critical management education typically assumes that management courses that emphasize critical reflection—that is, courses that critique problematic systems and structures, and ask students to dialogue about and actively reflect upon these critiques—will foster student transformation. In contrast, critical theory typically suggests that transformation requires praxis, that is, critical reflection plus practical action where students enact their new knowledge in their everyday lives. We empirically test these assumptions by measuring student transformation in management classes that emphasize critical reflection and in other (...)
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    The Impact of Occupational Community on the Quality of Internal Control.Shelagh Campbell, Yingqi Li, Junli Yu & Zhou Zhang - 2016 - Journal of Business Ethics 139 (2):271-285.
    Senior executives in major corporations have drawn attention in recent years for a range of unethical activities. Despite a rise in measures to protect against such lapses, executives still make decisions whether or not to comply with reporting standards, best practices, industry norms and legislation. The prior literature in this area addresses individual characteristics of decision makers and social networks between executives and boards of directors, but to this point has largely overlooked group dynamics of the executive team. Our study (...)
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    Wei wu zhu yi li shi guan =.Zhouzhi Zhang & Shuzhi Zhou (eds.) - 2013 - Beijing Shi: She hui ke xue wen xian chu ban she.
    《唯物主義歷史觀:馬克思恩格斯 研究文集》是陜西省哲學界自2009年以來開展的“回歸馬克思,發展馬克思”系列研究活動的又一重大成果。作者立足現實歷史之上,既反對“全盤蘇化”,又反對“全盤西化”,堅定地走馬克思主義哲學中國化道路,把馬 克思新世界觀和歷史觀的實踐唯物主義總原則與我國傳統文化中優秀的天地人合一和以人為本的務實、實千、包容、求實的中華民族精神及當前國人改革創新、和平發展的實踐相結合,對馬克思恩格斯《德意志意識形態》創造的 唯物主義歷史觀新哲學做出了全新解讀,為現行馬克思主義哲學教科書改革和創新發展開辟出一條新路徑,值得哲學愛好者和研究者一讀。.
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  6. Yu zhou ren sheng yu Zhongguo wen hua.Zhoutian Zhang - 1987 - Taibei Shi: Ju liu tu shu gong si.
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