Results for 'Zbigniew Stachowski'

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  1.  13
    Filozofia i religia w kulturze narodów słowiańskich.Tadeusz Chrobak & Zbigniew Stachowski (eds.) - 1995 - Rzeszów: Wydawn. Wyższej Szkoły Pedagogicznej.
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  2. Sekstus Empiryk, Zarysy Pyrrońskie, przełożył, wstępem i przypisami opatrzył Zbigniew Nerczuk.Zbigniew Nerczuk - 2019 - Toruń, Polska: Wydawnictwo Naukowe UMK.
    Jest to tłumaczenie Zarysów Pyrrońskich Sekstusa Empiryka. W pliku znajduje się początek wstępu oraz I sposób powściągnięcia sądu. This is a complete Polish translation of Sextus Empiricus' Outlines of Pyrrhonism. In the file you may find the beginning of the Preface and the translation of the I mode of suspension of judgment.
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  3. Sekstus Empiryk, Zarysy Pyrrońskie, ks I (1-30), z języka greckiego przetłumaczył i opracował Zbigniew Nerczuk.Zbigniew Nerczuk - 2018 - Studia Philosophica Wratislaviensia (4):105-116.
    Jest to początek Zarysów Pyrrońskich Sekstusa Empiryka, ks. I (1-30) w nowym przekładzie. Całość tekstu ukaże się w Wydawnictwie UMK w połowie roku 2019. -/- This is the opening part of Sextus' Outlines of Pyrrhonism (I 1-30). The translation of the treatise will be published by Wydawnictwo UMK in the 2019.
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  4. Komel Gibinski and Zbigniew S. Herman.Zbigniew S. Herman - 2005 - In Mariusz M. Żydowo (ed.), Ethical problems in the rapid advancement of science. Warsaw: Polish Academy of Sciences. pp. 90.
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    The Mathematical Soul: An Antique Prototype of the Modern Mathematisation of Psychology.Ryszard Stachowski (ed.) - 1992 - Rodopi.
    An Antique Prototype of the Modern Mathematisation of Psychology Ryszard Stachowski. (1) matter or that which is not in itself a particular thing, (2) form or essence, which is that precisely in accordance with which a thing is called a this, and ...
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  6. The discussion of human nature in the 5th and 4th centuries BCE in the so-called sophistic movement.Zbigniew Nerczuk - 2021 - Schole 2 (15):511-520.
    The paper discusses the debate on the human nature in the sophistic thought. Focusing on the "nature-culture" controversy it presents the evolution of the views of the sophists: from Protagoras' optimistic contention of the progress of mankind and his appraisal of culture to its criticism and the radical turn to nature in Antiphon, Hippias, Trasymachos, and Callicles. The paper aims at presenting the analysis of the ongoing discussion, with the stress laid on reconstruction of the arguments and concepts as well (...)
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  7. Koncepcja „zwolenników zmienności” w Platońskim Teajtecie i jej recepcja w myśli greckiej (The Doctrine of the „Adherents of Flux” in Plato’s Theaetetus and its Reception in Greek Thought).Zbigniew Nerczuk - 2016 - Archiwum Historii Filozofii I Myśli Społecznej 61:29-40.
    The paper discusses the problem of the source of the analogies between philosophical outlook of the Sophists and the skeptical tradition of Pyrrho and his successors. Its main objective is to point out that the similarities in standpoints, arguments and methods between these philosophical phenomena result from the transmission of Plato’s Theaetetus. It is argued that main ideas (phenomenalism, subjectivism, relativity and indeterminacy of things, rejection of being and acceptance of becoming and constant flux, antilogical position consisting in opposing two (...)
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    Gombrowicz wobec "wielkości".Zbigniew Fiszbak - 2001 - Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Polonica 4:111-120.
    The article deals with Witold Gombrowicz’s autocreational efforts to bring the readers and critics to believe in his own uniqueness, greatness and genius. In Gombrowicz’s opinion literature, having its roots in pure artistic contemplation, is also a fight of writer to establish his position among others. Author of Diary takes it as a rule to “ self-mitologize” in his receivers minds and according to this rule he ostentatiously makes a great writer of himself. When his writing at last achievers true (...)
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    Portal społecznościowy jako narzędzie do promowania informacji regionalnych –na przykładzie profili Facebook TVP Łódź, Radia Łódź i „Expressu Ilustrowanego”.Zbigniew Gruszka - 2021 - Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Polonica 62 (3):21-39.
    The author aims at evaluating the activities on the Facebook profiles of three regional media editorials – namely the ‘TVP 3 Łódź’ TV channel, the ‘Radio Łódź’ radio channel, and the Express Ilustrowany daily – particularly in terms of including local and regional information in their posts. Another objective was to attempt to quantify and compare these activities. The used research method is the analysis of profile content on Facebook, and the study was conducted within the period of one month.
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    Algebraiczne ujęcie logiki tradycyjnej.Zbigniew Lis - 1968 - Studia Logica 22 (1):99 - 122.
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  11. The evolution of dialectical materialism: a philosophical and sociological analysis.Zbigniew Antoni Jordan - 1967 - New York,: St. Martin's Press.
  12. Introduction to model theory for Leśniewski's ontology.Zbigniew Stachniak - 1981 - Wrocław: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Wrocłaskiego.
  13.  15
    O źródłach i formach idei etyczności, a także moralności uczonych oraz nauki w XVII i XVIII wieku.Zbigniew Pietrzak - 2024 - Ruch Filozoficzny 79 (2):117-140.
    Rozważania o moralności i etyczności uczonych oraz wiedzy będącej efektem ich prac, sugerują, że twórcy i ich dzieła powinni być obdarzeni jakimiś wyjątkowymi predyspozycjami moralnymi, poznawczymi oraz intelektualnymi, a zatem muszą funkcjonować jakieś pożądane i akceptowane wzorce „cnót”, którymi powinien szczycić się uczony, a także sama nauka. Pojawia się pytanie, jakie miałyby one być? Powyższa kwestia jest interesująca w kontekście dyskursu kształtującego oblicze nauki nowożytnej, dyskursu, w którym formułowano oczekiwania, co do etyczności, moralności nauki i uczonych. Można byłoby powiedzieć, że (...)
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  14. Widzialność niewidzialnego. Las Meninas Diega Velázqueza.Zbigniew Ambrożewicz - 2013 - Przeglad Filozoficzny - Nowa Seria 85 (1):77-102.
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  15. Filozoficzne konsekwencje twierdzeń Gödla.Zbigniew Brynikowski - 1980 - In Jan Such (ed.), O swoistości uzasadniania wiedzy w różnych naukach: praca zbiorowa. Poznań: Wydawn. Nauk. Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu.
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    The new dimensions of human rights.Zbigniew Brzezinski - 1996 - Ethics and International Affairs 10:165–174.
    Brzezinski predicts that the interface between ethics and science will be the new frontier of politics, and it will place on the shoulders of democratic leaders and those concerned with human rights, the obligation to be at least part-time scientists and philosophers.
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    Voltaire's Radicalism.Zbigniew Drozdowicz - 2014 - Diametros 40:5-21.
    This article reminds the reader of the views of Voltaire, one of the most prominent and influential philosophers of the Age of Enlightenment. Voltaire’s radicalism manifested itself mainly in anticlericalism which was consistent, uncompromising and voiced without mincing words. A general aim of this article is to demonstrate to his contemporary imitators, who can be found in different countries including Poland, that they are in fact more or less accurate copies of him and they are not always aware of whom (...)
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  18.  12
    How to Read Descartes's Meditations.Zbigniew Janowski - 2004 - St. Augustine's Press.
    How to Read Descartes's Meditations consists of seven independent studies of Descartes's Meditations. The discussion in each chapter is organized around one problem which either has never or very seldom been explored in Cartesian scholarship. For example, in the study of the Letter to the Sorbonne, Janowski centers his discussion around the decree of the Lateran Council, showing the unorthodox character of Descartes's conception of the soul. Further, in his chapter devoted to the notoriously difficult proof for the existence of (...)
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  19. Studia z filozofii i socjologii kultury fizycznej.Zbigniew Krawczyk - 1978 - Warszawa: Sport i Turystyka.
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    Artyści i historia: koncepcje historiozoficzne polskiego modernizmu.Zbigniew Kuderowicz - 1980 - Wrocław: Zakład Narodowy im. Ossolińskich.
    Artists and history : ideas of philosophy of history in the Polish modernism.
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  21. Przegląd metod historii filozofii.Zbigniew Kuderowicz - 1978 - Kraków: Zakład Narodowy im. Ossolińskich.
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    Fully Flexible Parallel Merge Sort for Multicore Architectures.Zbigniew Marszałek, Marcin Woźniak & Dawid Połap - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-19.
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    Reasons for Moral Conduct.Zbigniew Jan Marczuk - 2010 - Philosophy in the Contemporary World 17 (1):66-77.
    Scanlon grounds all moral principles in claims about "what individuals have reasons to agree to." Analyzing Scanlon's groundwork, I discuss his central reason for being concerned with morality and why personal and impersonal reasons for moral conduct cannot co-exist in his contractualism. I demonstrate that personal values and reasons are incommensurable with impersonal values and reasons. Thus, Scanlon needs to exclude impersonal reasons from the moral theory he advocates. But I argue that there may be a means of inclusion of (...)
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  24.  44
    Bianca Looks from above the Book: Readings on the Margin of Bruno Schulz’s Ex-Libris for Stanisław Weingarten.Zbigniew Maszewski - 2012 - Text Matters - a Journal of Literature, Theory and Culture 2 (2):130-143.
    The bookplate which Bruno Schulz designed in 1919 for his friend, Stanisław Weingarten, anticipates the motifs of his later literary work: a book, the Book, a collection of books reflecting the collector’s preferences but dependent on the laws undermining the notions of authorship and ownership. Standing on the margin of the artistic and literary scene, Pierrot/schulz acknowledges the relatedness of his and Weingarten’s “private“ vision with the recurrent, universal themes of world art and literature. The scene designed for the emblem (...)
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  25. Czy Bóg Feuerbacha umarł.Zbigniew Mikołejko - 2003 - Przeglad Filozoficzny - Nowa Seria 46 (2):71-80.
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  26. Trzy tezy o Pasji.Zbigniew Mikołejko - 2004 - Przeglad Filozoficzny - Nowa Seria 50 (2):91-100.
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  27. Kłamstwo (Sissela Bok, Lying. Moral Choice in Public and Private Life).Zbigniew Miłuński - 1983 - Etyka 20.
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    Lech Szczucki – an Unconventional Historian of Philosophy.Zbigniew Ogonowski - 2019 - Archiwum Historii Filozofii I Myśli Społecznej 64:13-44.
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    Filozofia nauki w twórczości Izydory Dąmbskiej.Zbigniew Orbik - forthcoming - Przeglad Filozoficzny - Nowa Seria:167-190.
    In the paper, I present the achievements of the outstanding female representative of the Lvov‑Warsaw School Izydora Dąmbska in the field of philosophy of science. The following issues are analysed: the concept of the philosophy of science, the question of irrationalism in scientific cognition, the problem of scientific laws, and the meaning and role of analogy in science. Following the development of the issues classified as the philosophy of science in Dąmbska’s works, it is easy to notice that she takes (...)
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    Teilhardowska koncepcja postępu.Zbigniew Łotys - 1998 - Olsztyn: Wyższa Szkoła Pedagogiczna.
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    Legitymizacja państwa w prawoznawstwie.Zbigniew Pulka - 1996 - Wrocław: Wydawn. Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego.
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    Human Nature, Social Engineering, and The Reemergence of Civil Society.Zbigniew Rau - 1990 - Social Philosophy and Policy 8 (1):159.
    There is not much disagreement that the recent spectacular establishment of parliamentary democracies and market economies in Eastern Europe and the even more breathtaking events in most Soviet republics – which should culminate in the reemergence of the Baltic nations as independent states – may be convincingly conceived of as the triumph of civil society over the Marxist-Leninist system. Both the collapse of the Marxist-Leninist system and the reemergence of civil society may be discussed in terms of theories which deal (...)
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    Etyka w szkole: jak nauczać: praca zbiorowa.Zbigniew Sareło (ed.) - 1997 - Warszawa: Wydawn. Akademii Teologii Katolickiej.
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    What Will XXth Century Philosophy Carry Over Into the XXIst.Zbigniew Wendland - 2007 - The Proceedings of the Twenty-First World Congress of Philosophy 11:137-142.
    The paper centers on philosophy's major trends and trials at the turn of the XXt h and XXIs t century, its leading idea is based on several basic assumptions which can be summarized as follows: 1) the title is a query after XXt h-century philosophy's main achievements and their usefulness in the XXIs t ; 2) speaking about philosophy's achievements, the author particularly means its critical role in condemning and de-mystifying evil, dispelling illusion and myth, and disclosing untruth; 3) the (...)
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  35.  4
    Neotomizm a szkoła lwowsko-warszawska.Zbigniew Wolak - 1993 - Kraków: Ośrodek Badań Interdyscyplinarnych.
  36. (1 other version)Philosophy and ideology.Zbigniew A. Jordan - 1963 - Dordrecht, Holland,: D. Reidel.
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    Basic Intuitions Concerning the Concept of Infinity in Mathematics from a Historical and Theological Point of View.Zbigniew Król - 2018 - In Mirosław Szatkowski (ed.), God, Time, Infinity. Berlin, Germany: De Gruyter. pp. 87-104.
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    Who Invented 'Avicenna's Gilded Pills'?Zbigniew Bela - 2006 - Early Science and Medicine 11 (1):1-10.
    This article questions the belief expressed in various histories of pharmacy that the tenth-century Arab physician Avicenna introduced the tradition of coating pills with gold and silver. Although an examination of his Canon documents Avicenna's interest in the medicinal application of gold and silver, no mention is made of coating pills. Nor do other Islamic physicians seem to have been familiar with this practice, any more than such medieval European authors as Arnaldus of Villanova, Raymund Lull or Johannes de Rupescissa. (...)
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  39. Halina Skibniewska.Zbigniew Filipow - forthcoming - Dialogue and Universalism.
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    Do Various Indices of Galaxy Clustering Describe the Same Physical Property?Zbigniew Garncarek & Konrad Rudnicki - 1990 - Apeiron 8:15-17.
  41. Return to Eden.Zbigniew Gertych - 1998 - Dialogue and Universalism 8 (7-12):55.
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  42. The One and the Dyad: the Foundations of Ancient Mathematics. What Exists Instead of Infinite Space in Euclid’s Elements.Zbigniew Król - 2014 - Archiwum Historii Filozofii I Myśli Społecznej 59.
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    Filozoficzne i naukowo - przyrodnicze elementy obrazu świata [konferencje i sympozja].Zbigniew Liana - 1997 - Zagadnienia Filozoficzne W Nauce 20.
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    Inspiracje chrześcijańskie w rozwoju myśli naukowej we wczesnym średniowieczu (V-XII w.).Zbigniew Liana - 1993 - Zagadnienia Filozoficzne W Nauce 15.
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    W poszukiwaniu utraconej jedności.Zbigniew Liana - 1989 - Zagadnienia Filozoficzne W Nauce 11.
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  46.  56
    An algebraic approach to traditional logic.Zbigniew Lis - 1968 - Studia Logica 22 (1):117-119.
  47.  11
    Etyczne problemy sprawowania władzy w zarządzaniu przedsiębiorstwem.Zbigniew Pawlak & Andrzej Smoleń - 2008 - Annales. Ethics in Economic Life 11 (2):171-179.
    When power is exercised in the enterprise some ethical issues might occur with business ownership, personnel policy, working conditions etc. These issues and ways of addressing them were depicted and interpreted from the perspective of the Church’s social teachings included in papal encyclicals, viz.: Rerum novarum, Laborem exercens, Centesimus Annus. In the Church’s social teachings a number of principles were noticed that are favourable for the ethical corporate management including the principle of the primacy of work over capital, right to (...)
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  48. Funkcja eksploracji otoczenia w kształtowaniu zdolności do abstrahowania. Ujęcie ewolucjonisty.Zbigniew Pietrzak - 2013 - Przeglad Filozoficzny - Nowa Seria 86 (2):357-371.
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    Znaczenie idei „niszczenia się świata” w kształtowaniu filozofii przyrody Jana Jonstona w dziele O stałości natury.Zbigniew Pietrzak - 2022 - Ruch Filozoficzny 78 (2):75-97.
    W niniejszym artykule (bardzo wybiórczo) chciałbym przedstawić poglądy Jana Jonstona (Johannes Jonstonus) 1603-1675 na dzieje przyrody i człowieka oraz pokrótce przedstawić jego sylwetkę. Rekonstruując owe filozoficzne i metodologiczne kwestie, warto także przytoczyć kilka zagadnień związanych z życiorysem tego uczonego oraz z recepcją jego dzieł. Jonston był przyrodnikiem, lekarzem i filozofem. Obecnie jest mało znany i zapomniany, a w konsekwencji jego filozofia przyrody i filozofia człowieka, jego wizja świata, a więc w pewnym sensie i Kosmologia, uległy zapomnieniu i marginalizacji. Uległa także (...)
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  50.  9
    Classical political philosophy in popular discourse: the case of Poland.Zbigniew Rau - 2021 - Lanham: Lexington Books. Edited by Katarzyna M. Staszyńska, Maciej Chmieliński & Krzysztof Zagórski.
    Classical Political Philosophy in Popular Discourse combines two scientific paradigms-classical political philosophy and contemporary, empirical sociology. The chief aim of this unique scientific project is to explore, operationalize, and reconstruct a political doctrine appearing in social discourse, exemplified by Polish society.
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