Results for 'Zarina Maharaj'

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  1.  15
    A Social Theory of Gender: Connell's Gender and Power.Zarina Maharaj - 1995 - Feminist Review 49 (1):50-65.
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    Love-lore: sayings of His Holiness Sree Sree Mentu Maharaj.Mentu Maharaj - 1973 - Amersham: Universal Peace Mission.
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    The Sār bachan: an abstract of the teachings of Swamiji Maharaj, the founder of the Radha Swami system of philosophy and spiritual science, the yoga of the sound current.Soamiji Maharaj - 1974 - Dera Baba Jaimal Singh, Beas: Radha Soami Satsang Beas.
  4. Yogic Mindfulness: Hariharānanda Āraṇya’s Quasi-Buddhistic Interpretation of Smṛti in Patañjali’s Yogasūtra I.20.Ayon Maharaj - 2013 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 41 (1):57-78.
    This paper examines Swami Hariharānanda Āraṇya’s unique interpretation of smṛti as “mindfulness” (samanaskatā) in Patañjali’s Yogasūtra I.20. Focusing on his extended commentary on Yogasūtra I.20 in his Bengali magnum opus, the Pātañjaljogdarśan (1911), I argue that his interpretation of smṛti is quasi-Buddhistic. On the one hand, Hariharānanda’s conception of smṛti as mindfulness resonates strongly with some of the views on smṛti advanced in classic Buddhist texts such as the Satipaṭṭhānasutta and Buddaghośa’s Papañcasūdanī. On the other hand, he also builds into (...)
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  5. "God Is Infinite, and the Paths to God Are Infinite": A Reconstruction and Defense of Sri Ramakrishna's Vijñana-Based Model of Religious Pluralism.Ayon Maharaj - 2017 - Journal of Religion 97 (2):181-213.
    This article argues that contemporary philosophers have unduly ignored Sri Ramakrishna’s pioneering views on religious pluralism. The Bengali mystic Sri Ramakrishna (1836-1886) taught the harmony of all religions on the basis of his own spiritual experiences and his diverse religious practices, both Hindu and non-Hindu. Part I reconstructs the main tenets of Sri Ramakrishna’s model of religious pluralism. Part II explores how Sri Ramakrishna addresses the problem of conflicting religious truth-claims. Part III addresses some of the major criticisms leveled against (...)
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  6. Introduction: The Past, Present, and Future of Scholarship on Vedānta.Ayon Maharaj - 2020 - In The Bloomsbury research handbook of Vedānta. New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
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  7. Infinite Paths to Infinite Reality: Sri Ramakrishna and Cross-Cultural Philosophy of Religion.Ayon Maharaj - 2018 - New York, NY, USA: Oxford University Press.
    This book examines the philosophy of the nineteenth-century Indian mystic Sri Ramakrishna and brings him into dialogue with Western philosophers of religion, primarily in the recent analytic tradition. Sri Ramakrishna’s expansive conception of God as the impersonal-personal Infinite Reality, Maharaj argues, opens up an entirely new paradigm for addressing central topics in the philosophy of religion, including divine infinitude, religious diversity, the nature and epistemology of mystical experience, and the problem of evil.
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    Examining the Importance of the Teachers' Emotional Support for Students' Social Inclusion Using the One-with-Many Design.Zarina Hogekamp, Johanna K. Blomster, Aslı Bursalıoğlu, Mihaela C. Călin, Melis Çetinçelik, Lauge Haastrup & Yvonne H. M. van den Berg - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    The use of okay, right and yeah in academic lectures by native speaker lecturers: Their ‘anticipated’ and ‘real’ meanings.Zarina Othman - 2010 - Discourse Studies 12 (5):665-681.
    This article demonstrates the ‘patterning’ of the ways discourse markers such as okay, right and yeah are used in academic lectures by native speaker lecturers. It presents an analysis of a) what the lecturers thought they would say and b) what they actually say in comparison to what the lecturers actually do say. In other words, it focuses on the differences between expectations of what would be said and speech, that is, what is actually said.The data comprise verbatim lecture transcriptions (...)
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    The theories of implication in Indian and Western philosophy: a critical study.Maharaj Narain Rastogi - 1983 - Delhi: Bharatiya Vidya Prakashan.
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    Coping Strategy, Social Support, and Psychological Distress Among University Students in Jakarta, Indonesia During the COVID-19 Pandemic.Zarina Akbar & Maratini Shaliha Aisyawati - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The COVID-19 pandemic has challenged the world for a year, where a study in China showed that the disease increased psychological distress among adolescents and college students, such as anxiety about the academic setback, economic effects, and impact on their daily life. However, a further study examining the impact of the disease on the mental health of students is required. Social support is the most vital psychosocial protective resource, where effective coping can reduce stress levels and prevent individuals from experiencing (...)
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  12. Śrī Harṣa contra Hegel: Monism, Skeptical Method, and the Limits of Reason.Ayon Maharaj - 2014 - Philosophy East and West 64 (1):82-108.
    This essay identifies salient points of affinity and divergence in the monistic metaphysics and skeptical methodologies of the German idealist Hegel and the Indian Advaitin Śrī Harṣa. Remarkably, both Śrī Harṣa’s Khaṇḍanakhaṇḍakhādya (c. 1170) and Hegel’s Phänomenologie des Geistes (1807) attempt to defend a monistic standpoint exclusively by means of a sustained critique of non-monistic philosophical positions. I will argue, however, that Śrī Harṣa and Hegel diverge sharply in their specific views on the powers and limits of philosophy and on (...)
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    Sarvamukti: Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan's Aporetic Metaphysics of Collective Salvation.Ayon Maharaj - 2020 - Philosophy East and West 70 (1):136-154.
    Classical and modern figures in numerous religious traditions—including Judaism, Christianity, Sufism, Hinduism, Mahāyāna Buddhism, and the Baha’i faith—have championed the doctrine of universal salvation, the view that everyone without exception will be saved.1 However, recent scholarly work on the topic has made clear that universal salvation is not a monolithic concept. Rather, the doctrine of universal salvation takes a wide variety of forms, depending on the broader theological or metaphysical framework within which it is embedded.Within Hinduism, for instance, figures as (...)
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    Dating Violence among College Students: Considerations for Promoting Ethical Practice.Nandini Maharaj - 2019 - Ethics and Social Welfare 13 (2):163-182.
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  15. The art foodie's lament: Vegan soundings of the contemporary art circuit.Sarat Maharaj - 2021 - In Helen Westgeest, Kitty Zijlmans & Thomas J. Berghuis, Mix & stir: new outlooks on contemporary art from global perspectives. Amsterdam: Valiz.
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    Path to God Realisation.Maharaj Nishkinchana - 1963 - Madras, Sree Gaudiya Math.
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    Coerced first sexual intercourse and selected reproductive health outcomes among young women in kwazulu-natal, south Africa.Pranitha Maharaj & Chantal Munthree - 2007 - Journal of Biosocial Science 39 (2):231-244.
  18. Formation of principles of a customer-oriented approach by transport enterprises in conditions of sustainable development.Serhii Smerichevskyi, Zarina Poberezhna, Igor Kryvovyazyuk, Larysa Ivanenko & Dmytro Malnov - 2024 - E3S Web Conf 534:01022.
    The article examines the content and process of forming the principles of a customer-oriented approach to the management of transport enterprises in the context of sustainable development. The author's definition of the concept of “principles of a customer-oriented approach to the management of transport enterprises” is given on the basis of its understanding as strategic and tactical areas of activity aimed at maximizing the satisfaction of customers' needs and expectations through the use of digital technologies and innovative approaches. The key (...)
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    The dialectics of aesthetic agency: revaluating German aesthetics from Kant to Adorno.Ayon Maharaj - 2013 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
    This study examines how key figures in the German aesthetic tradition—Kant, Schelling, Friedrich Schlegel, Hegel, and Adorno—attempted to think through the powers and limits of art in post-Enlightenment modernity. The aesthetic speculations of these thinkers, Maharaj argues, provide the conceptual resources for a timely dialectical defense of “aesthetic agency”— art’s capacity to make available uniquely valuable modes of experience that escape the purview of Enlightenment scientific rationality. The book has two interrelated aims. First, it provides new interpretations of the (...)
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  20. Toward a new Hermeneutics of the Bhagavad Gītā: Sri Ramakrishna, Sri Aurobindo, and the Secret of Vijñāna.Ayon Maharaj - 2015 - Philosophy East and West 65 (4):1209-1233.
    The Bhagavad Gītā has inspired more interpretive controversy than any other religious scripture in India’s history. The Gītā, a philosophical and spiritual poem of approximately seven hundred verses, is part of the ancient Sanskrit epic, the Mahābhārata. In the Gītā, the Lord Kṛṣṇa, who appears in the form of a charioteer, imparts spiritual teachings to the warrior Arjuna and convinces him to fight in a just war that entails the slaughter of many of Arjuna’s own relatives and loved ones. Śaṅkara, (...)
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  21. Part IV. Hermeneutic Investigations: 11. Seeing Oneness Everywhere: Sri Aurobindo's Mystico-Immanent Interpretation of the Īśā Upaniṣad.Ayon Maharaj - 2020 - In The Bloomsbury research handbook of Vedānta. New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
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  22. The Bloomsbury research handbook of Vedānta.Ayon Maharaj (ed.) - 2020 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
    This handbook brings together a distinguished team of scholars from philosophy, theology, and religious studies to provide the first in-depth discussion of Vedanta and the many different systems of thought that make up this tradition of Indian philosophy. Emphasizing the historical development of Vedantic thought, it includes chapters on numerous classical Vedantic philosophies as well as the modern Vedantic views of Sri Ramakrishna, Sri Aurobindo, and Romain Rolland. The volume offers careful hermeneutic analyses of how Vedantic texts have been interpreted, (...)
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  23. Kant on the Epistemology of Indirect Mystical Experience.Ayon Maharaj - 2017 - Sophia 56 (2):311-336.
    While numerous commentators have discussed Kant’s views on mysticism in general, very few of them have examined Kant’s specific views on different types of mystical experience. I suggest that Kant’s views on direct mystical experience differ substantially from his views on indirect mystical experience (IME). In this paper, I focus on Kant’s complex views on IME in both his pre-critical and critical writings and lectures. In the first section, I examine Kant’s early work, Dreams of a Spirit-Seer, where he defends (...)
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    Śivajñāne jīver sevā: Reexamining Swami Vivekananda’s Practical Vedānta in the Light of Sri Ramakrishna.Ayon Maharaj - 2020 - Journal of Dharma Studies 2 (2):175-187.
    According to the influential German Indologist Paul Hacker, Swami Vivekananda was a “Neo-Hindu” who mistakenly clothed what were essentially Western values in superficially Indian garb in order to promote Indian nationalism. I argue that Vivekananda’s philosophy of “practical Vedānta”—which upholds the ethical ideal of serving all human beings as manifestations of God—has its roots not in Western values but in the teachings of his beloved guru Sri Ramakrishna. Sri Ramakrishna often spoke of his own spiritual experience of “vijñāna,” which revealed (...)
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  25. Swami Vivekananda's Vedāntic Critique of Schopenhauer's Doctrine of the Will.Ayon Maharaj - 2017 - Philosophy East and West 67 (4):1191-1221.
    Recently, there has been a burgeoning of interest in the relationship between Schopenhauer's philosophy and Indian thought.1 One major reason for this trend is the growing conviction among scholars that a careful understanding of Schopenhauer's complex—and evolving—engagement with Indian thought can help illuminate crucial aspects of Schopenhauer's own philosophy.2 The late nineteenth-century German scholars Paul Deussen and Max Hecker are widely acknowledged to be the pioneers in the field of Schopenhauer's relation to Indian thought. Deussen, thoroughly trained in both indology (...)
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  26. The challenge of the oceanic feeling: Romain Rolland’s mystical critique of psychoanalysis and his call for a ‘new science of the mind’.Ayon Maharaj - 2017 - History of European Ideas 43 (5):1-20.
    In a letter written in 1927, the French writer Romain Rolland asked Sigmund Freud to analyse the “oceanic feeling,” a religious feeling of oneness with the entire universe. I will argue that Rolland’s intentions in introducing the oceanic feeling to Freud were much more complex, multifaceted, and critical than most scholars have acknowledged. To this end, I will examine Rolland’s views on mysticism and psychoanalysis in his book-length biographies of the Indian saints Sri Ramakrishna and Swami Vivekananda, which he wrote (...)
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  27. Hard Theological Determinism and the Illusion of Free Will: Sri Ramakrishna Meets Lord Kames, Saul Smilansky, and Derk Pereboom.Ayon Maharaj - 2018 - Journal of World Philosophies 3 (2):24-48.
    This essay reconstructs the sophisticated views on free will and determinism of the nineteenth-century Hindu mystic Sri Ramakrishna and brings them into dialogue with the views of three western philosophers—namely, the Scottish Enlightenment philosopher Lord Kames and the contemporary analytic philosophers Saul Smilansky and Derk Pereboom. Sri Ramakrishna affirms hard theological determinism, the incompatibilist view that God determines everything we do and think. At the same time, however, he claims that God, in His infinite wisdom, has endowed ordinary unenlightened people (...)
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    Jñānāñjali. Pūjya Muni Śrī Puṇyavijayajī Abhivādana GranthaJnananjali. Pujya Muni Sri Punyavijayaji Abhivadana Grantha.Ernest Bender, Pannyāsa Srī Ramaṇīkavijayajī Mahārāj, Bhogīlāl J. Sāndesarā, Umākānt Premānand Shāh, Kāntilāl Ḍāhyābhāī Korā, Ratilāl Dīpacand Desāī, Pannyasa Sri Ramanikavijayaji Maharaj, Bhogilal J. Sandesara, Umakant Premanand Shah, Kantilal Dahyabhai Kora & Ratilal Dipacand Desai - 1969 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 89 (3):665.
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  29. Phasavy ā gurūcī uttama caryā.Maharaj Gulābarāva - 1976 - Edited by K. M. [From Old Catalog] GhaṭāṬe.
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    The prevalence of condom use among university students in Zimbabwe: implications for planning and policy.Njabulo Nkomazana & Pranitha Maharaj - 2012 - Journal of Biosocial Science 30 (5):1-17.
  31. Individual Autonomy: Self, Culture, and Bioethics.Ashwani Peetush & Arjuna Maharaj - 2017 - Bioethics UPdate 4 (1):24-34.
    This paper problematizes the concept of individual autonomy in the on-going project of attempting to understand and construct global principles of bioethics. We argue that autonomy as it is commonly defined and interpreted, and the emphasis that is placed on it, presupposes an individualistic concept of the self, family, and community that arises out of a Euro-Western liberal tradition and that is often in tension with various non-Western perspectives. We conclude that a more globally dialogical approach to bioethics is required.
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  32. Swami Vivekananda's Interpretation of Brahmasūtra 1.1.19 as a Hermeneutic Basis for Samanvayī Vedānta.Ayon Maharaj - 2021 - In Rita DasGupta Sherma, Swami Vivekananda: his life, legacy, and liberative ethics. Lanham: Lexington Books.
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  33. Debating Freud on the Oceanic Feeling: Romain Rolland's Vedāntic Critique of Psychoanalysis and His Call for a "New Science of the Mind".Ayon Maharaj - 2020 - In The Bloomsbury research handbook of Vedānta. New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
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    Revolutionary creativity, East and West: A critique from indigenous psychology.Louise Sundararajan & Maharaj K. Raina - 2015 - Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology 35 (1):3-19.
  35. Gheranda-saṃhitā.Svamiji Maharaj (ed.) - 1963
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    Ontological and morphological concepts of Lord Sri Chaitanya and his mission.Bhakti Prajnan Yati Maharaj - 1994 - Madras: Sree Gaudiya Math. Edited by Chaitanya & Bhakti Vilās Tīrtha Goswāmi Maharāj.
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    Preventing paediatric admissions for respiratory disease: a qualitative analysis of the views of health care professionals.Veena Maharaj, Ronald Hsu & Anna Beadman - 2006 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 12 (5):515-522.
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    Electroencephalographic markers of subjective cognitive performance: implications towards electrophysiological prediction of early cognitive decline.Lees Ty, Maharaj Shamona & Lal Sara - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  39. Schopenhauer's Compass: An Introduction to Schopenhauer's Philosophy and Its Origins by Urs App. [REVIEW]Ayon Maharaj - 2017 - Philosophy East and West 67 (3):942-948.
    In the past several decades of scholarship on Arthur Schopenhauer, a cottage industry has emerged that investigates the relationship between Schopenhauer and Indian thought. Studies on Schopenhauer and Indian thought usually fall into one of three categories: comparative studies of Schopenhauer’s views and Indian philosophies such as Advaita Vedānta and Buddhism,1 studies on Schopenhauer’s reception of Indian thought,2 and studies examining the extent to which Indian sources might have influenced the development of Schopenhauer’s philosophical views.3 As early as 1816, Schopenhauer (...)
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    The study of Islamic teachings in education: With an emphasis on behavioural gentleness.Harikumar Pallathadka, Sulieman Ibraheem Shelash Al-Hawary, Iskandar Muda, Susilo H. Surahman, Ammar Abdel Amir Al-Salami & Zarina Nasimova - 2023 - HTS Theological Studies 79 (1):7.
    The human being is the most wonderful creation of God and the highest sign of his infinite power. Humanity is capable of achieving all divine perfections. God created them to reach the position of God’s closeness and God’s successor on Earth, and this path will not be realised except by the correct education. A human is a divine being who has settled in this earthly world, and correct education is the only way to achieve that sacred truth. Divine prophets have (...)
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    Nisargadatta Maharaj before the Human Sciences: Praise of Man without Quality. A Flawed Anthropology?Claude Fintz - 2024 - Iris 44.
    In an (indirectly or involuntarily) iconoclastic subject, Claude Fintz proposes to put in perspective the conceptual universe of the humanities by confronting it with the thought of a master of contemporary Indian advaita, Nisargadatta Maharaj—as reflected by his disciple Ramesh S. Balsekar. In this “between” of the scientific and spiritual quest, the great notions of the philosophy of the subject will resonate. The author hypothesizes that this paradoxical encounter is likely to bring out the mystery of a first-person search (...)
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    Infinte Paths to Infinite Reality: Sri Ramakrishna and Cross-Cultural Philosophy of Religion by Ayon Maharaj.Jeffery D. Long - 2020 - Philosophy East and West 70 (4):1-6.
    Infinite Paths to Infinite Reality, by Ayon Maharaj, is a book whose significance is highly likely to reverberate throughout the fields of both the philosophy of religion and the study of Indian philosophy for years to come. It will certainly revolutionize, or at the very least raise important questions for, any future studies of the teachings of the nineteenth century Bengali sage and mystic, Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, whose religious thought is this book's primary focus.Maharaj--who, on February 26, 2020, (...)
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  43. Review of Ayon Maharaj, The Dialectics of Aesthetic Agency. [REVIEW]Jason Miller - 2014 - Notre Dame Philosophical Review.
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    Truth eternal ; the original writings of Samarth Guru Shri Ram Chandraji Maharaj of Fatehgarh, U.P.Ram Chandra - 1973 - Shahjahanpur, U.P.: Shri Ram Chandra Mission.
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    How Should We Read Rāmakṛṣṇa? Guarded Praise for Maharaj’s Analytic Turn.Francis X. Clooney S. J. - 2021 - International Journal of Hindu Studies 25 (1-2):93-99.
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    Maharṣi Patañjali's Yogadarśana: the yoga philosophy: with simple English explanation & commentary by Swami Ramdevji Maharaj. Patañjali & Swami Ramdev - 2008 - Hardwar: Divya Prakashan, Divya Yog Mandir (Trust). Edited by Ramdev.
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    John Krige, Angelina Long Callahan and Ashok Maharaj, NASA in the World: Fifty Years of International Collaboration in Space.David Baneke - 2015 - Minerva 53 (3):303-305.
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    John Krige, Angelina Long Callahan and Ashok Maharaj, NASA in the World: Fifty Years of International Collaboration in Space. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2013. Pp. xvii+353. ISBN 978-1-137-34092-4. £22.00. [REVIEW]Jon Agar - 2014 - British Journal for the History of Science 47 (4):757-759.
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    The universe of Acharya Sushil Muni: the philosophy of World religion. Sādhanā - 2005 - New Delhi: Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers.
    Acharya Sushil Muniji Maharaj gave spiritual guidance to the humanity at large and inspired them to realize peace through non-violence. He propagated religion for peace, fully conscious of the fact that peace and harmony were essential for the survival of mankind and its abode - the planet earth. The assiduous Saint Sushil Muni founded World Fellowship of Religions in order to project the humanitarian aspect of religion to meet multifarious challenges faced by the suffering humanity. He emphasized the need (...)
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    Leçons sur la conscience.Serge Carfantan - 2018 - Paris: Almora Librairie & éditions.
    Qu'est-ce que la conscience? Un chemin pour se connaître. La question de la conscience est sans doute la plus importante de la philosophie, mais aussi la plus essentielle dans nos vies : sans la conscience, il n'y a pas de philosophie et nous n'existons plus! Dans cet ouvrage magistral, Serge Carfantan pose la question de la conscience en s'appuyant sur les philosophes orientaux et occidentaux. Des auteurs classiques sont convoqués : Pascal, Hegel, Descartes, Kant, Husserl, Bergson, Sartre, Maine de Biran, (...)
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