Results for 'Zac Zimmer'

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  1.  23
    The Anomie of the Earth: Philosophy, Politics, and Autonomy in Europe and the Americas.Federico Luisetti, John Pickles & Wilson Kaiser (eds.) - 2015 - Duke University Press.
    The contributors to _The Anomie of the Earth_ explore the convergences and resonances between Autonomist Marxism and decolonial thinking. In discussing and rejecting Carl Schmitt's formulation of the nomos—a conceptualization of world order based on the Western tenets of law and property—the authors question the assumption of universal political subjects and look towards politics of the commons divorced from European notions of sovereignty. They contrast European Autonomism with North and South American decolonial and indigenous conceptions of autonomy, discuss the legacies (...)
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    Zimmer, Hang, Dr. Führer durch die deutsche Herbart - Literatur.Hans Zimmer - 1911 - Kant Studien 16 (1-3).
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    Zimmer,Hans,Dr. Männer, Bücher, Probleme.Hans Zimmer - 1911 - Kant Studien 16 (1-3).
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  4. Trust and the trickster problem.Zac Cogley - 2012 - Analytic Philosophy 53 (1):30-47.
    In this paper, I articulate and defend a conception of trust that solves what I call “the trickster problem.” The problem results from the fact that many accounts of trust treat it similar to, or identical with, relying on someone’s good will. But a trickster could rely on your good will to get you to go along with his scheme, without trusting you to do so. Recent philosophical accounts of trust aim to characterize what it is for one person to (...)
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  5. Michael McKenna, Conversation and Responsibility. Reviewed by Zac Cogley.Zac Cogley - 2013 - Philosophy in Review 33 (6):480-482.
    In this review I present the main claims of McKenna's book Conversation and Responsibility. There McKenna develops a theory of moral responsibility inspired by an analogy with the relationship people bear to each other as part of a conversational exchange. The first half of the book develops the conversational account and considers objections to it. In the second half of the book, McKenna turns to an examination of the kind of normative claim being made when we say that being morally (...)
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  6. Locked-in Happiness.Zac Alstin - 2011 - Bioethics Research Notes 23 (1):11.
    Alstin, Zac Results of a Belgian study have revealed that a large number of people suffering from Locked-In Syndrome are happy. Disability is foremost a challenge to one's values, not to our happiness.
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    The Inherent Instability of Euthanasia.Zac Alstin - 2010 - Bioethics Research Notes 22 (2):15.
    Alstin, Zac Euthanasia, which is defined as the intentional killing of another human being, is compared with the established categories of killing in self-defence or as a foreseeable consequence of medical treatment.
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  8. Reasons to Punish Autonomous Robots.Zac Cogley - 2023 - The Gradient 14.
    I here consider the reasonableness of punishing future autonomous military robots. I argue that it is an engineering desideratum that these devices be responsive to moral considerations as well as human criticism and blame. Additionally, I argue that someday it will be possible to build such machines. I use these claims to respond to the no subject of punishment objection to deploying autonomous military robots, the worry being that an “accountability gap” could result if the robot committed a war crime. (...)
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  9. Contempt's Evaluative Presentation and Connection to Accountability.Zac Cogley - 2018 - In Michelle Mason, The Moral Psychology of Contempt. Rowman & Littlefield International. pp. 131-150.
    In this chapter, I defend a novel account of contempt’s evaluative presentation by synthesizing relevant psychological work (Rozin et al. 1999; Fischer and Roseman 2007; Fischer 2011; Hutcherson and Gross 2011) with philosophical insights (Mason 2003; Bell 2005; Abramson 2009; Bell 2013). I then show how a concern about contempt’s status as an emotion involved in holding people accountable can be helpfully addressed. Finally, I gesture at an account of why, when we feel contemptuous toward people, our accountability responses involve (...)
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    Abortion rates: Is a rough estimate better than no estimate at all?Zac Alstin - 2012 - Bioethics Research Notes 24 (2):32.
    Alstin, Zac Conventional wisdom teaches that prohibition is counter-productive. We are all familiar with the idea that making something illegal - whether it be drug abuse, alcohol consumption, or abortion - merely 'drives it underground'. Abortion is indeed one of the most potent examples, with the spectre of 'backyard abortion' haunting any talk of restricting abortion access. On a global scale the term 'unsafe abortion' serves the same purpose - reinforcing the idea that unless abortion is made safe, legal, and (...)
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  11. The natural law of moral decline.Zac Alstin - 2011 - Bioethics Research Notes 23 (3):42.
    Alstin, Zac The varied iterations of Natural Law theory draw - either explicitly or implicitly - upon a meta-physical account of human nature. They are firmly grounded in an objective description of human nature, and the goods which characterise and sustain it. Natural Law theory is primarily a work of discovery: we distinguish between good and evil in the first instance by observing and discovering the things that contribute to human flourishing.
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  12. The Great Australian Abortion Canard: Is Law Reform the End of the Issue?Zac Alstin - 2011 - Bioethics Research Notes 23 (2):26.
    Alstin, Zac At a March lecture in Canberra, Australian ethicist and pro-abortion activist Dr Leslie Cannold, spoke about the 'unfinished business' of abortion law reform in Australia. A frustrated friend sent me the transcript of this lecture and asked me to write something in response. But given the context of Cannold's lecture: a pro-abortion speech to a pro-abortion audience about pro-abortion law reform, a direct response seems impertinent. Plus, as a rule of thumb, when you play 'Pin the Tail' on (...)
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  13. What Did Sheen Know?Zac Alstin - 2010 - Bioethics Research Notes 22 (4):59.
    Alstin, Zac While researching the possibility of a link between the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki and the rejection of traditional Western values, a quotation from Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen emerged in which he seemed to identify just such a connection. The argument in its bare essentials is that the affirmation of a gravely immoral act is implicit rejection of any moral theory which condemns such an act. Traditional Western ethics condemns the bombing of Hiroshima as gravely immoral. Therefore, affirmation (...)
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  14. Apres Moi Le Deluge.Zac Alstin - 2010 - Bioethics Research Notes 22 (3):42.
    Alstin, Zac The increasing support that euthanasia is gathering in South Australia with a new euthanasia bill about to be passed is discussed. Some of the implicit and explicit challenges and pressures that the introduction of such a bill will pose are highlighted.
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  15. The ideal of the thing-in-itself in the philosophy of Maimon, Salomon.Sylvain Zac - 1988 - Archives de Philosophie 51 (2):213-229.
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    Pietro Pomponazzis Erkenntnistheorie. Naturalisierung des Geistes im Spätaristotelismus.Zimmer Thomas - 2016 - Latest Issue of Bochumer Philosophisches Jahrbuch Fur Antike Und Mittelalter 19 (1):296-297.
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  17. Yoga y Budismo España.Hebrich Zimmer - forthcoming - Kairos.
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  18. A Study of Virtuous and Vicious Anger.Zac Cogley - 2013 - In Timpe Kevin & Boyd Craig, Virtues and Their Vices. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 199.
    This chapter presents an account of an angrily virtuous, or patient, person informed by research on emotion in empirical and philosophical psychology. It is argued that virtue for anger is determined by excellence and deficiency with respect to all three of anger’s psychological functions: appraisal, motivation, and communication. Many competing accounts of virtue for anger assess it by attention to just one function; it is argued that singular evaluations of a person’s anger will ignore important dimensions of anger that bear (...)
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  19. Fortifying the Self-Defense Justification of Punishment.Cogley Zac - 2017 - Public Affairs Quarterly 31 (4).
    David Boonin has recently advanced several challenges to the self-defense justification of punishment. Boonin argues that the self-defense justification of punishment justifies punishing the innocent, justifies disproportionate punishment, cannot account for mitigating excuses, and does not justify intentionally harming offenders as we do when we punish them. In this paper, I argue that the self-defense justification, suitably understood, can avoid all of these problems. To help demonstrate the self-defense theory’s attraction, I also develop some contrasts between the self-defense justification, Warren (...)
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  20. Rolling Back the Luck Problem for Libertarianism.Zac Cogley - 2015 - Journal of Cognition and Neuroethics 3 (1):121-137.
    I here sketch a reply to Peter van Inwagen’s Rollback Argument, which suggests that libertarian accounts of free agency are beset by problems involving luck. Van Inwagen imagines an indeterministic agent whose universe is repeatedly ‘rolled back’ by God to the time of her choice. Since the agent’s choice is indeterministic, her choices are sometimes di erent in the imaginary rollback scenarios. I show that although this is true, this need not impair her control over what she does. I develop (...)
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  21. Where have all the moralists gone?Zac Alstin - 2012 - Bioethics Research Notes 24 (1):12.
    Alstin, Zac Do you know the term realpolitik? It' German for realistic or practical politics, and implies a view of political life in which ideals and ethics are subordinate to practical goals. Readers may be surprised to learn that there was ever a time when politics was not self-evidently the pursuit of practical goals without regard to ideals or ethics. 'olitics'alone is now sufficient to invoke bastardry, deceit, and terrifying acts of pragmatism, in the minds of many.
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    Ethical decision-making climate, moral distress, and intention to leave among ICU professionals in a tertiary academic hospital center.Michele Zimmer, Julie Landon, Samantha Dove, Kerri Bouchard, Eunsung Cho, Melissa Davis-Gilbert, Rachel Hausladen, Karen McQuillan, Ali Tabatabai, Trishna Mukherjee, Raya Kheirbek, Samuel Tisherman, Tracey Wilson & Henry Silverman - 2022 - BMC Medical Ethics 23 (1):1-15.
    BackgroundCommentators believe that the ethical decision-making climate is instrumental in enhancing interprofessional collaboration in intensive care units. Our aim was twofold: to determine the perception of the ethical climate, levels of moral distress, and intention to leave one's job among nurses and physicians, and between the different ICU types and determine the association between the ethical climate, moral distress, and intention to leave.MethodsWe performed a cross-sectional questionnaire study between May 2021 and August 2021 involving 206 nurses and physicians in a (...)
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  23. The Three-Fold Significance of the Blaming Emotions.Zac Cogley - 2013 - In David Shoemaker, Oxford Studies in Agency and Responsibility, Volume 1. Oxford: Oxford University Press UK. pp. 205-224.
    In this paper, I explore the idea that someone can deserve resentment or other reactive emotions for what she does by attention to three psychological functions of such emotions—appraisal, communication, and sanction—that I argue ground claims of their desert. I argue that attention to these functions helps to elucidate the moral aims of reactive emotions and to distinguish the distinct claims of desert, as opposed to other moral considerations.
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    Manuel Vargas, Building Better Beings: A Theory of Moral Responsibility.Zac Cogley - 2016 - Social Theory and Practice 42 (1):205-211.
    I develop and explore the main themes of Vargas's recent book. The first section of my review lays out Vargas's case for revisionism about moral responsibility: the idea that our thinking about moral responsibility is internally inconsistent, so we need to purge core problematic elements. In the section section, I develop Vargas's own revisionist position. Vargas argues that the practice of blaming people aims at agency cultivation: trying to train people to be more sensitive to moral considerations. I explore similarities (...)
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    Gentrification and the racialization of space.Tyler J. Zimmer - 2022 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 48 (2):268-288.
    It is not uncommon for activists to use the language of colonization or occupation to describe the social dynamics at work in cities undergoing gentrification. Should these claims be regarded as outrageously exaggerated if not outright false? Or are they apt descriptions of the conditions on the ground in countless cities undergoing profound economic, political and demographic changes? In what follows, I argue that these claims are both legible and persuasive when viewed against the backdrop of racialized urban space.
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  26. La Philosophie Religieuse De Hermann Cohen.Avant-propos de Paul Ricoeur Sylvain Zac - 1984
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  27. Maïmonide ; Bergson ; Gabriel Marcel ; Sartre ; 4 vol. coll. « Philosophes de tous les temps ».Sylvain Zac, André Robinet, Jeanne Parain-Vial & Colette Audry - 1966 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 21 (2):293-294.
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    Noumène et différentielle dans la philosophie de Salomon Maïmon.Sylvain Zac - 1986 - Revue d'Histoire des Sciences 39 (3):255-272.
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    The Relation Between Life, Conatus, and Virtue in Spinoza’s Philosophy.Sylvain Zac - 1996 - Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 19 (1):151-173.
    In order to further clarify the meaning of Spinoza’s teachings, I will demonstrate in the following article that, according to the author of the Ethics, God is life, that the conatus, the internal dynamism of all singular things, are the manifestations of the life of God in different degrees, in the infinity of his modes relating to the infinity of his attributes, that virtue, the most perfect form of the conatus in man, is the “true life,” participation in the life (...)
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  30. Discourse on Artificiality.R. M. Zimmer - 1994 - Idealistic Studies 24 (3):201-226.
    This paper presents a unifying framework for the study of artificial life, intelIigence and reality. By providing this framework we can give a clear and concise introduction to the fundamental arguments of all three artificial sciences and facilitate the translation of arguments from any one domain to the other two. The framework is based on a variant of functionalism that does not exclude the role of the observer.
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    parmenides, Sein und Welt. Die Fragmente neu übersetzt und kommentiert von Helmuth Vetter.Thomas Zimmer - 2017 - Bochumer Philosophisches Jahrbuch Fur Antike Und Mittelalter 20 (1):196-199.
  32.  23
    Si Vis Pacem Para Bellum! On the Indispensable Pitfalls in the Piecemeal Engineering of Peace.Walther Ch Zimmerli - 2018 - Studies in Christian Ethics 31 (2):229-238.
    The relation between peace-oriented politics and theology will be discussed from a philosophical point of view by approaching the problem in five steps. In a first step, I will focus on logic as one of the most powerful and simultaneously misleading forces in our thinking. Utilising the results of this step will, secondly, enable a clarification of the misunderstanding implied in an idea such as eternal peace. Thirdly, the article will unveil the paradoxical character of violence inherent in the notion (...)
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  33. Basic Desert of Reactive Emotions.Zac Cogley - 2013 - Philosophical Explorations 16 (2):165-177.
    In this paper, I explore the idea that someone can deserve resentment or other reactive emotions for what she does by attention to three psychological functions of such emotions – appraisal, communication, and sanction – that I argue ground claims of their desert. I argue that attention to these functions helps to elucidate the moral aims of reactive emotions and to distinguish the distinct claims of desert, as opposed to other moral considerations.
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    Excavating awareness and power in data science: A manifesto for trustworthy pervasive data research.Michael Zimmer, Jessica Vitak, Jacob Metcalf, Casey Fiesler, Matthew J. Bietz, Sarah A. Gilbert, Emanuel Moss & Katie Shilton - 2021 - Big Data and Society 8 (2).
    Frequent public uproar over forms of data science that rely on information about people demonstrates the challenges of defining and demonstrating trustworthy digital data research practices. This paper reviews problems of trustworthiness in what we term pervasive data research: scholarship that relies on the rich information generated about people through digital interaction. We highlight the entwined problems of participant unawareness of such research and the relationship of pervasive data research to corporate datafication and surveillance. We suggest a way forward by (...)
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    (1 other version)Indische Sphären.Heinrich Robert Zimmer - 1935 - Zürich,: Verlag der Corona.
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  36. Eidetische Abbreviaturen. Zur Benjamin-Rezeption von Hans Heinz Holz.Jörg Zimmer - 2016 - In Studien zur frühen Rezeption Walter Benjamins. Köln: Dinter.
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    Studien zur frühen Rezeption Walter Benjamins.Jörg Zimmer (ed.) - 2016 - Köln: Dinter.
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    (1 other version)Gender-sensitive considerations of prehospital teamwork in critical situations.Matthias Zimmer, Daria Magdalena Czarniecki & Stephan Sahm - 2024 - Philosophy, Ethics and Humanities in Medicine 19 (1):1-9.
    Background Teamwork in emergency medical services is a very important factor in efforts to improve patient safety. The potential differences of staff gender on communication, patient safety, and teamwork were omitted. The aim of this study is to evaluate these inadequately examined areas. Methods A descriptive and anonymous study was conducted with an online questionnaire targeting emergency physicians and paramedics. The participants were asked about teamwork, communication, patient safety and handling of errors. Results Seven hundred fourteen prehospital professionals from all (...)
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    L'idée de vie dans la philosophie de Spinoza.Sylvain Zac - 1963 - Paris,: Presses universitaires de France.
  40. Forgiveness and the Multiple Functions of Anger.Antony G. Aumann & Zac Cogley - 2019 - Journal of Philosophy of Emotion 1 (1):44-71.
    This paper defends an account of forgiveness that is sensitive to recent work on anger. Like others, we claim anger involves an appraisal, namely that someone has done something wrong. But, we add, anger has two further functions. First, anger communicates to the wrongdoer that her act has been appraised as wrong and demands she feel guilty. This function enables us to explain why apologies make it reasonable to forgo anger and forgive. Second, anger sanctions the wrongdoer for what she (...)
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  41. The Logic of the Mask: Nietzsche's Depth as Surface.Amie Leigh Zimmer - 2018 - Agonist: A Nietzsche Circle Journal 12 (1).
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    Differenzierungen im Begriff, Gegenwart‘ bei Husserl und Merleau-Ponty.Jörg Zimmer - 2017 - Phänomenologische Forschungen 2017 (1):39-53.
    In classical philosophy of time, present time mainly has been considered in its fleetingness: it is transition, in the Platonic meaning of the sudden or in the Aristotelian sense of discreet moment and isolated intensity that escapes possible perception. Through the idea of subjective constitution of time, Husserl’s phenomenology tries to spread the moment. He transcends the idea of linear and empty time in modern philosophy. Phenomenological description of time experience analyses the filled character of the moment that can be (...)
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    Husserl, Beauvoir, and the Problem of the Sexes.Amie Leigh Zimmer - 2022 - Simone de Beauvoir Studies 32 (1):105-125.
    The article links Simone de Beauvoir’s phenomenology and Catherine A. MacKinnon’s feminist, Marxist, standpoint epistemology in virtue of their shared recognition that objectivity is sexed and gendered. This connection is supported by Beauvoir’s close alignment with Edmund Husserl, for whom the question of embodied difference was vital for generating an account of intersubjectivity and locating sex in the historical subject. The article concludes that a consideration of both the transcendental and immanence are central to Beauvoir’s feminist phenomenology and feminist politics (...)
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    La philosophie religieuse de Hermann Cohen.Sylvain Zac - 1984 - Paris: J. Vrin.
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  45. Begrüssungsrede des Rektors der Universität Regensburg.Alf Zimmer - 2006 - In Pope Benedict Xvi, Gesine Schwan, Adel Théodore Khoury & Karl Lehmann, Glaube und Vernunft: die Regensburger Vorlesung. Freiburg: Herder.
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  46. Die Motivation zur Anerkennung moralischen Normen.Robert Zimmer - 1984 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 91 (2):308-324.
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  47. Levels of binding: types, mechanisms, and functions of binding in remembering.H. D. Zimmer, A. Mecklinger & U. Lindenberger - 2006 - In Hubert D. Zimmer, Axel Mecklinger & Ulman Lindenberger, Handbook of Binding and Memory: Perspectives From Cognitive Neuroscience. Oxford University Press. pp. 3--24.
  48. Moraliści europejscy.Przewodnik.Robert Zimmer - 2008 - Kronos - metafizyka, kultura, religia 2 (2):418-418.
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    (1 other version)Umsturz im Weltbild der Physik.Ernst Zimmer - 1954 - München,: Hanser. Edited by Alwin Hinzpeter.
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  50.  18
    Weltklugheit: die Tradition der europäischen Moralistik.Robert Zimmer - 2020 - Basel: Schwabe Verlag.
    Die Meisterwerke der Moralistik haben Millionen von Menschen als philosophische Lebensbegleiter gedient. Doch worum geht es in der Moralistik eigentlich? 0Die Moralistik befasst sich mit der Natur des Menschen und mit Möglichkeiten kluger, individueller Selbstbehauptung. Sie führt die antiken Ansätze einer philosophischen Klugheitslehre fort und besetzt damit einen in der neuzeitlichen Ethik vernachlässigten Teil der praktischen Philosophie. Ihre Meisterwerke vermitteln uns Menschenkenntnis und soziale Orientierung und stehen uns auf dem Weg eines gelingenden Lebens beratend zur Seite. In ihnen liegt der (...)
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