Results for 'Z. Skalsky'

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  1.  15
    Pewne uwagi о opeгасjoniźmie.Andrzej Papiewski & Tadeusz Skalski - 1985 - Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Philosophica. Ethica-Aesthetica-Practica 3:117-125.
    Przedmiotem pracy jest krytyka operacjonalistycznego sposobu definiowania pojęć w naukach empirycznych i zarazem próba wykazania, że pewne trudności, na które natrafia metodologia przyrodoznawstwa dają się zadowalająco wyjaśnić bez uciekania się do rozwiązań proponowanych przez operacjonizm. Autorzy posługując się przykładem trzech pomiarów tego samego obiektu pokazują, że dwa spośród nich są w pewien sposób równoważne i na końcu artykułu formułują ogólniejsze kryterium równoważności metod pomiarowych - ze względu na teorię błędów, logikę klasyczną i odpowiednie dla danej sytuacji działy matematyki. Metody w (...)
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    A. V. Arkhangel′skiĭ. O moshchnosti bikompaktov c pervoĭ aksiomoĭ schetnosti. Dok-lady Akademii Nauk SSSR, vol. 187 , pp. 967–970. - A. V. Arhangel′skiĭ. On the cardinality of bicompacta satisfying the first axiom of countability. English translation by Z. Skalsky of the preceding. Soviet mathematics, vol. 10 , pp. 951–955. - R. Pol. Short proofs of two theorems on cardinality of topological spaces. English with Russian summary. Bulletin de l'Académie Polonaise des Sciences Série des sciences mathématiques, astronomique et physiques, vol. 22 , pp. 1245–1249. - Alan Dow. An introduction to applications of elementary submodels to topology. Topology proceedings , vol. 13 , pp. 17–72. [REVIEW]Zoltan T. Balogh - 2001 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 7 (4):537-537.
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    Fear of COVID-19, death depression and death anxiety: Religious coping as a mediator.Muhammed Kızılgeçit & Murat Yıldırım - 2023 - Archive for the Psychology of Religion 45 (1):23-36.
    The COVID-19 pandemic has affected the well-being and mental health of populations worldwide. This study sought to examine whether religious coping mediated the relationship between COVID-19-related fear and death distress. We administered an online survey to 390 adult participants (66.15% females; Mage = 30.85 ± 10.19 years) across Turkey. Participants completed a series of questionnaires measuring the fear they had experienced during the COVID-19 pandemic, their levels of religious coping and their levels of death anxiety and depression. Our findings revealed (...)
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    Maintaining faith from within: How Chinese Muslim organisations in Indonesia improve converts’ understanding of Islam.Yusuf Z. Abidin - 2022 - HTS Theological Studies 78 (4):9.
    This study discusses the numerous challenges that Chinese Muslims experience as a minority in Indonesia, as well as the role of Chinese Muslim groups in providing them with religious direction. This study employs a phenomenological approach that relies on in-depth interviews with 14 informants who were chosen purposively. According to the study, the obstacles faced are domestic constraints, where they are alienated by their extended family, and social constraints, particularly for those from disadvantaged groups. As a result of this situation, (...)
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    Privacy and Manipulation in the Digital Age.Tal Z. Zarsky - 2019 - Theoretical Inquiries in Law 20 (1):157-188.
    The digital age brings with it novel forms of data flow. As a result, individuals are constantly being monitored while consuming products, services and content. These abilities have given rise to a variety of concerns, which are most often framed using “privacy” and “data protection”-related paradigms. An important, oft-noted yet undertheorized concern is that these dynamics might facilitate the manipulation of subjects; a process in which firms strive to motivate and influence individuals to take specific steps and make particular decisions (...)
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    Emotional labor among Turkish nurses: A cross‐sectional study.Ayşegül Tuğba Yıldız & Leyla Dinc - 2023 - Nursing Inquiry 30 (3):e12544.
    Nurses are the closest healthcare providers to patients and emotional labor is the most invisible part of nursing work. However, the management of emotions to promote organizational goals and to ensure patient satisfaction may have both positive and negative impacts on nurses' working life. The purpose of this cross‐sectional, descriptive study was to examine the emotional labor behaviors of nurses and their opinions on emotional labor. Two hundred nineteen nurses working at public hospitals in Ankara between September and December 2018 (...)
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  7. Interpretation and Identity: Can the Work Survive the World?Nelson Goodman & Catherine Z. Elgin - 1986 - Critical Inquiry 12 (3):564-575.
    Predictions concerning the end of the world have proven less reliable than your broker’s recommendations or your fondest hopes. Whether you await the end fearfully or eagerly, you may rest assured that it will never come—not because the world is everlasting but because it has already ended, if indeed it ever began. But we need not mourn, for the world is indeed well lost, and with it the stultifying stereotypes of absolutism: the absurd notions of science as the effort to (...)
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  8. Impact of HEXACO Personality Factors on Consumer Video Game Engagement: A Study on eSports.Amir Z. Abbasi, Saima Nisar, Umair Rehman & Ding H. Ting - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Arap Dilinde İz'fetin Dönüşebildiği Farklı İfade Biçimleri ve Anlam Boyutu.Yakup Kızılkaya & Yaşar Fatih Akbaş - 2024 - Sakarya Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi 26 (50):677-704.
    Arapçada izâfet bütünleşik bir yapı arz eden ve ögeleri arasındaki kuvvetli bağ sebebiyle iki isimli bu yapının müfred isim mesabesinde kabul edildiği bir dizilimdir. Bu yapıyı oluşturan kelimelerin diziliminde herhangi bir yer değişimi olmamakla birlikte şiir zarureti gibi oldukça istisna sayılabilecek durumlar dışında bu iki ismin arasına başka bir sözün girmesi de karşılaşılan bir durum değildir. Sözü bu derece kuvvetli bir yapıyla ifade etmenin birtakım anlamsal gerekçeleri bulunmaktadır. Ancak yine anlamın etkili olduğu başka gerekçeler, izâfetle ifadesi mümkün olan bir sözün (...)
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  10.  28
    (1 other version)Deux « Quaestiones de universali » de Jean Buridan.Z. Kuksewicz - 1962 - Bulletin de Philosophie Medievale 4:126-129.
  11. Martin Buber veha-mashavah ha-ḥinukhit ha-modernit.Z. E. Kurzweil - 1978 - Yerushalyim: Shokin.
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  12.  24
    Sempozyum Tanıtımı: Orta Asya Âlimlerinin İslam Medeniyetine Katkısı Uluslararası Sempozyumu.Şahin Kızılabdullah - 2018 - Dini Araştırmalar 21 (54).
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  13. Yeni Dini Hareketlere Katılımının Psikolojik Nedenleri: Bireyin Arayışı mı? Hareketin Başarısı mı?Muhammed Kızılgeçit & Aytaç Ören - 2019 - Ilahiyat Tetkikleri Dergisi 51:445-456.
    In the last half century, psychological studies on the New Religious Movements have shown a significant increase not only in the discipline of psychology but also in sociology, history of religions and other religious studies. Today, it is a judgement that people seek a measure to protect themselves from the alienating and degenerating effects of modern life. In this context, firstly the inclusion of a New Religious Movement (NRM) reflects a desire to take back time in behalf of experiencing the (...)
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  14. Thun moṅ bsdus paʼi sdom tshig blo gsal dgaʼ bskyed.ŹWa-Dmar Drug Pa Chos-Kyi-Dbaṅ-Phyug - 2012 - In Chos-Kyi-Dbaṅ-Phyug & Blo-Gros-Rgya-Mtsho, Rigs lam nor buʼi baṅ mdzod kyi sgo brgya ʼbyed paʼi ʼphrul gyi lde mig. Kalimpong, Distt. Darjeeling, West Bengal: Rigpe Dorje Institute.
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    The dynamics of knowledge: a contemporary view.David Z. Rich - 1988 - New York: Greenwood Press.
    As scientific discoveries and technological advances continue to modify our perceptions of reality at an unprecedented rate, the traditional frameworks for understanding and organizing our experience of truth and Knowledge have become less and less adequate. David Rich comes to grips with this problem in his innovative study, which shows how both knowledge and truth are conditioned by experience and explores the dynamics of creativity that generate knowledge.
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  16. Nravstvennye osnovy sot︠s︡ialisticheskogo obraza zhizni.V. Z. Rogovin - 1976
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    From environments to representations—a mathematical theory of artificial perceptions.Z. Arzi-Gonczarowski & D. Lehmann - 1998 - Artificial Intelligence 102 (2):187-247.
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    (1 other version)Crushing Pressures and Radical Ideas.John Z. Sadler - 2024 - Philosophy Psychiatry and Psychology 31 (4):447-449.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Crushing Pressures and Radical IdeasJohn Z. Sadler, MD (bio)Back in 2011, I wrote a paper for the Journal of Bioethical Inquiry, an Australian journal, for a special issue dedicated to ethical issues associated with psychiatric genetics research. The editor was particularly excited by the recent findings of the 5-HTT allele in psychiatric illness. I had different ideas about what I wanted to write about, and the editor, Michael Robertson, (...)
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  19. "Batı'nın Kavramlarıyla Müslümanca Din Felsefesi Yapmanın İmkânı" Başlıklı Makaleye İtiraz.İbrahim Yıldız - 2024 - Turkish Studies-Comparative Religious Studies 19 (1):183-192.
    In Turkey, where the philosophy of religion is still a relatively new academic field, there are different approaches regarding the fundamental principles that should guide its development. It has been claimed that to conduct a Muslim philosophy of religion, it is necessary to stay away from the concepts that are the product of the intellectual pursuit of Western thought. This claim, which is put forward by Hasan Er, is justified by the thought that some of the basic concepts that emerged (...)
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  20.  38
    Secondary-ion-mass spectrometry study on near-stoichiometric LiNbO3strip waveguide fabricated by vapour transport equilibration and Ti co-diffusion.D. -L. Zhang, Z. Yang, W. H. Wong & E. Y. B. Pun - 2007 - Philosophical Magazine 87 (1):63-75.
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    (1 other version)Proliferação nuclear no pós-Guerra Fria.Alexander A. Z. Zhebit - 2008 - Diálogos (Maringa) 12 (2-3).
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    Fetal Risks and Religious Obligations.Ari Z. Zivotofsky & Alan B. Jotkowitz - 2016 - American Journal of Bioethics 16 (2):28-30.
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    The Later Works of John Dewey, Volume 16, 1925 - 1953: 1949 - 1952, Essays, Typescripts, and Knowing and the Known.John Dewey & T. Z. Lavine - 1991 - Southern Illinois University Press.
    Typescripts, essays, and an authoritative edition of Knowing and the known, Dewey's collaborative work with Arthur F. Bentley. In an illuminating Introduction T. Z. Lavine defines the collaboration's three goals-the construction of a new language for behavioral inquiry, a critique of formal logicians, in defense of Dewey's Logic, and a critique of logical positivism. In Dewey's words: Largely due to Bentley, I've finally got the nerve inside of me to do what I should have done years ago. What is it (...)
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    1. O si tacuisses!T. O. Achelis & Z. Kriegsfreiwilliger - 1917 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 74 (1-4):470-472.
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    Arşiv belgeleri ışığında: Bediüzzaman Said Nursi ve ilmî şahsiyeti.Ahmet Akgündüz - 2013 - Fatih, İstanbul: Osmanlı Araştırmaları Vakfı.
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  26. Ėsteticheskoe: dialogi o tainstvennom: quasi una sinfonia [in rom.].K. Z. Akopi︠a︡n - 1996 - Nizhniĭ Novgorod: Nizhegorodskiĭ gos. lingvisticheskiĭ universitet im. N.A. Dobroli︠u︡bova.
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    Bohr's Response to Einstein, Podolsky, and Rosen.David Z. Albert - 1992 - In Edna Ullmann-Margalit, The Scientific Enterprise. Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 269--272.
  28.  18
    Comparative analysis of blockchain technology to support digital transformation in ports and shipping.Hawazin Z. Albalawi, Fatimah S. Alshahrani, Mona M. Alrajhi, Fatmah Abdulrahman Baothman & Dimah H. Alahmadi - 2021 - Journal of Intelligent Systems 31 (1):55-69.
    Blockchain is one of the technologies that can support digital transformation in industries in many aspects. This sophisticated technology can provide a decentralized, transparent, and secure environment for organizations and businesses. This review article discusses the adoption of blockchain in the ports and shipping industry to support digital transformation. It also explores the integration of this technology into the current ports and shipping ecosystem. Besides, the study highlighted the situation of the supply chains management in ports and shipping domain as (...)
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  29.  18
    La circulation monétaire dans la région de l’ancienne Voura (Aigialeia).Géorgia Z. Alexopoulos & Hérophile-Iris Kolia - 2016 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 139:565-586.
    À l’occasion du creusement du tunnel RW2 sur le trajet Trapeza-Diakopto de la nouvelle ligne ferroviaire Corinthe-Patras, dans la région de Trapeza Aigialeias, ont été mis au jour des vestiges de bâtiments datant de l’époque archaïque à l’époque hellénistique, qui font partie d’un habitat dépendant de Voura, importante cité située à l’Est d’Aigialeia. Au nombre des trouvailles archéologiques, on compte beaucoup de monnaies de bronze provenant des cités voisines de Sicyone, Corinthe et Athènes, qui constituent l’horizon politique et économique naturel (...)
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  30. Jadīd siyāsī afkār kā tajziyah Qurān-i Ḥakīm kī raushnī men̲ =.Mustafīz̤ Aḥmad ʻAlvī - 2010 - Islāmābād: Pūrab Akādamī.
    On democracy in Islam with critical analysis of modern political theories in the light Quran.
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    Analysis of temperature and concentration dependence of flow stress in KCl–KBr single crystals with special reference to solute distribution.A. Asif & M. Z. Butt - 2007 - Philosophical Magazine 87 (12):1811-1820.
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  32. Siyāsī naẓariye.Z̤iaʼulḥasan Fārūqī - 1963
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  33.  56
    Hazard and Effects of Pollution by Lead on Vegetable Crops.M. N. Feleafel & Z. M. Mirdad - 2013 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 26 (3):547-567.
    Lead (Pb) contamination of the environment is an important human health problem. Children are vulnerable to Pb toxicity; it causes damage to the central nervous system and, in some extreme cases, can cause death. Lead is widespread, especially in the urban environment, and is present in the atmosphere, soil, water and food. Pb tends to accumulate in surface soil because of its low solubility, mobility, and relative freedom from microbial degradation of this element in the soil. Lead is present in (...)
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  34. Kastamonu li̇sesi̇'ı) en yeti̇şen.Değerli̇ Felseeeci̇mi̇z & Mustafa Eski - 2006 - In Mustafa Günay & Arslan Kaynardağ, Arslan Kaynardağ'a armağan: Türkiye'de felsefenin kurumsallaşması. İzmir [Turkey]: İlya. pp. 157.
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  35. Hiding in Plain Sight, Yet Again: An Unseen Attribute, An Unseen Plan, and A New Analysis of the Portland Vase Frieze.Randall Skalsky - Spr/Summer 2010 - Arion 18 (1):1-26.
    All interpretations of the Portland Vase frieze to date have failed to see, much less explain, a crucial figural attribute in the frieze, one that proves to be both explicit and explicatory, and whose location and appearance secures the identification of not one but, indeed, three figures. Furthermore, the attribute lies at the heart of a distinct schema of figural grouping and arrangement which has also gone unheeded in previous treatments of the Portland Vase frieze. By dint of this previously (...)
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    Nature, History, and Existentialism. [REVIEW]Robert Z. Apostol - 1967 - International Philosophical Quarterly 7 (2):357-358.
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  37. Visual Trope and the Portland Vase Frieze: A New Reading and Exegesis.Randall L. Skalsky - Winter 1992 - Arion 2 (1).
    Among the extant masterworks of Roman art, there is probably none that has generated more scholarly debate than the Portland Vase over the interpretation of its elegant frieze. No fewer than forty-four different theories attempting to interpret the scenes on the vase have appeared in the last 400 years. In the main, the theories fall into two categories, those relating the frieze to Greek myth, and those linking the figures to Roman personages. Moreover, there is no consensus whether the frieze (...)
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  38. Integral differentially-continuous reality and the dynamics of universes.V. Skalsky - 1996 - Filozofia 51 (9):569-578.
  39. Materiały źródłowe z filozofii.Aleksandra Żukrowska (ed.) - 1986 - Wrocław: Politechnika Wrocławska.
    cz. 1. Marksizm, myśl katolicka, filozofia egzystencjalna.
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  40. A Man for all Seasons: Selections from Nepos' Life of Atticus.Randall L. Skalsky - 1992 - Amherst: CANE Instructional Materials.
    This reader is part of a series titled "Short Greek and Latins Texts for Students," edited by Gilbert Lawall of the University of Massachusetts at Amherst. It is included in CANE Instruction Materials, Resources for Latin Teachers and Classics Professors by The Classical Association of New England (CANE). The 54 page reader with Introduction and Select Vocabulary introduces students to Cornelius Nepos and his acclaimed biography of his friend and fellow scholar, Atticus. It is noteworthy that Nepos was the first (...)
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  41. Działanie neuronami.Tadeusz Skalski - 2004 - Filozofia Nauki 3.
    Nowadays a completely paralysed human being can do many different things using his or hers neurones. This is a new situation. The author of the article tries to find a proper language to describe the situation. He also tries to show the consequences of the phenomenon for some philosophical theories of mind.
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  42. <> I ... pomost ku ludzkiej mowie.Tadeusz Skalski - 2000 - Filozofia Nauki 1.
    The text is a rejoinder to critical remarks which Zdzislawa Piatek aimed at the paper of the author of „Cats, demon, spells and ... naturalisation”. It appears that the differences between the standpoints of both polemicists are not as great as it might seem. In the author's opinion, one of the sources of the impression that those differences are substantial has been an overfree style of the essay, and in particular a little irresponsible use of the term „magic strategy”. The (...)
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  43. The Waterfowl of Etruria: A Study of Duck, Goose, and Swan Iconography in Etruscan Art.Randall L. Skalsky - 1997 - Dissertation, Florida State University
    Waterfowl--ducks, geese, and swans--are a pervasive, ubiquitous element in Etruscan art, just as they are in well-watered Etruria itself. From the formative Villanovan Period though the terminus of Etruscan culture, waterfowl are regularly depicted in a variety of plastic and glyphic media: pottery, painting, metalwork, and stone. Waterfowl are particularly frequent in funerary contexts. Minimal attention, however, has been accorded this unique branch of avians; waterfowl are generally assumed to have little more than decorative value in the present literature, Nonetheless, (...)
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    Manifest Žižek: portret post-postmoderne.Željko Simić - 2012 - Beograd: Prosveta.
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  45. Sprava Z 10. medzinarodnej konferencie O prave a jazyku.Z. Vedeckeho - 2006 - Filozofia 61 (6-10):770.
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    al-Tarbiyah al-jinsīyah fī ẓilāl al-sunnah al-Nabawīyah.Muḥammad Saʻd Qazzāz - 2002 - al-Mīnyā [Egypt]: Farḥah lil-Nashr wa-al-Tawzīʻ.
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    Bar farāz-i ʻaql va ʻishq: Imām Muḥammad Ghazzālī va Shaykh Aḥmad Ghazzālī.Ḥashmat Allāh Riyāz̤ī - 2014 - Tihrān: Nashr-i ʻIlm. Edited by Ghazzālī & Aḥmad ibn Muḥammad Ghazzālī.
    Ghazzālī, 1058-1111; Kīmiyā-yi saʻādat -Criticism and interpretation ; Ghazzālī, Aḥmad ibn Muḥammad, -1126; Savāniḥ -Criticism and interpretation ; Ghazzālī, Aḥmad ibn Muḥammad, -1126; Baḥr al-muḥabbat fī asrār al-muvaddat fītafsīr Sūrah-i Yūsuf -Criticism.
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    Z kręgu wspomnień. J.Ż - 1984 - Zagadnienia Filozoficzne W Nauce 6.
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  49. (1 other version)Od Husserla do Levinasa: wybór tekstów z ontologii fenomenologicznej.Władysław Stróżewski & Uniwersytet Jagielloński (eds.) - 1887 - Kraków: Nakł. Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego.
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    The sublime object of ideology.Slavoj Žižek - 1989 - New York: Verso.
    In this provocative and original work, Slavoj Zizek takes a look at the question of human agency in a postmodern world. From the sinking of the Titanic to Hitchcock's Rear Window, from the operas of Wagner to science fiction, from Alien to the Jewish Joke, the author's acute analyses explore the ideological fantasies of wholeness and exclusion which make up human society. Linking key psychoanalytical and philosophical concepts to social phenomena such as totalitarianism and racism, the book explores the political (...)
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