Results for 'Yvonne Maria Werner'

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  1.  11
    Döden som katharsis: nordiska perspektiv på dödens kultur- och mentalitetshistoria: 25:e Nordiska historikermötet, Stockholm den 4-8 augusti 2004.Yvonne Maria Werner (ed.) - 2004 - Stockholm: Distributor, Almqvist & Wiksell International.
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    Teoriopoznawcze i metodologiczne podstawy filozofii sztuki Hipolita Taine\'a.Maria Werner - 2006 - Filo-Sofija 6 (1(6)):223-237.
    Author: Werner Maria TITLE: EPISTEMOLOGICAL AND METHODOLOGICAL GROUNDS OF HIPPOLYTE TAINE’S THEORY OF ART (Teoriopoznawcze i metodologiczne podstawy filozofii sztuki Hipolita Taine’a) Source: Filo-Sofija year: 2006, vol:.6, number: 2006/1, pages: 223-237 Keywords: TAINE, THEORY OF ART, METHODOLOGY, POSITIVIST PHILOSOPHERS Discipline: PHILOSOPHY Language: POLISH Document type: ARTICLE Publication order reference (Primary author’s office address): E-mail:Taine postulates that the status of the humanities should be equal with that of the sciences. The claim is based on a conviction, shared by other (...)
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    Pensare l'uno: studi sulla filosofia neoplatonica e sulla storia dei suoi influssi.Werner Beierwaltes & Maria Luisa Gatti Perer - 1991 - Milan: Vita e pensiero.
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    Victora Bascha interpretacja Kantowskiej teorii wzniosłości.Maria Werner - 2005 - Filo-Sofija 5 (1(5)):189-201.
    Author: Werner Maria Title: VICTOR BASCH’S INTERPRETATION OF KANTIAN THEORY OF THE SUBLIME (Victora Bascha interpretacja Kantowskiej teorii wzniosłości) Source: Filo-Sofija year: 2005, vol:.5, number: 2005/1, pages: 189-201 Keywords: BASCH, KANT, THEORY OF THE SUBLIME Discipline: PHILOSOPHY Language: POLISH Document type: ARTICLE Publication order reference (Primary author’s office address): E-mail: www:The article shows the critical analysis of the analytics of the sublime from Kant’s Critique of Judgment, presented by V. Basch. In his work Essai critique sur l’esthetique de (...)
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    Der „Aktuelle Bericht“ im Fernsehen des Saarländischen Rundfunks 1994-2006.Schieinhege Yvonne Alisa-Maria - 2010 - In Michael Kuderna, Rainer Hudemann & Clemens Zimmermann (eds.), Medienlandschaft Saar: Von 1945 Bis in Die Gegenwart. Oldenbourg Wissenschaftsverlag. pp. 157-178.
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  6. An evolutionary approach to realism-based adverse event representations.Werner Ceusters, Maria Capolupo, G. De Moor, J. Devlies & Barry Smith - 2011 - Methods of Information in Medicine 50 (1):62-73.
    One way to detect, monitor and prevent adverse events with the help of Information Technology is by using ontologies capable of representing three levels of reality: what is the case, what is believed about reality, and what is represented. We report on how Basic Formal Ontology and Referent Tracking exhibit this capability and how they are used to develop an adverse event ontology and related data annotation scheme for the European ReMINE project.
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  7. An evolutionary approach to the representation of adverse events.Werner Ceusters, Maria Capolupo, Barry Smith & Georges De Moor - 2009 - Studies in Health Technology and Informatics 150:537-541.
    One way to detect, monitor and prevent adverse events with the help of Information Technology is by using ontologies capable of representing three levels of reality: what is the case, what is believed about reality, and what is represented. We report on how Basic Formal Ontology and Referent Tracking exhibit this capability and how they are used to develop an adverse event ontology and related data annotation scheme for the European ReMINE project.
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    Ethical dilemmas faced by healthcare teachers during the COVID-19 pandemic.Monika Koskinen, Yvonne Hilli, Tuulikki Keskitalo, Merle Talvik, Ann-Helen Sandvik, Kari Marie Thorkildsen, Maria Skyvell-Nilsson, Meeri Koivula & Jekaterina Šteinmiller - 2024 - Nursing Ethics 31 (5):907-918.
    Background Previous studies have shown that the rapid transition to emergency remote teaching due to the COVID-19 pandemic was challenging for healthcare teachers in many ways. This sudden change made them face ethical dilemmas that challenged their values and ethical competence. Research aim This study aimed to explore and gain a deeper understanding of the ethical dilemmas healthcare teachers faced during the COVID-19 pandemic. Research design This was an inductive qualitative study using a hermeneutic approach. Semi-structured interviews were conducted and (...)
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    Characterizing chunks in visual short-term memory: Not more than one feature per dimension?Werner X. Schneider, Heiner Deubel & Maria-Barbara Wesenick - 2001 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 24 (1):144-145.
    Cowan defines a chunk as “a collection of concepts that have strong associations to one another and much weaker associations to other chunks currently in use.” This definition does not impose any constraints on the nature and number of elements that can be bound into a chunk. We present an experiment to demonstrate that such limitations exist for visual short-term memory, and that their analysis may lead to important insights into properties of visual memory.
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    A new critical social science research agenda on pesticides.Becky Mansfield, Marion Werner, Christian Berndt, Annie Shattuck, Ryan Galt, Bryan Williams, Lucía Argüelles, Fernando Rafael Barri, Marcia Ishii, Johana Kunin, Pablo Lapegna, Adam Romero, Andres Caicedo, Abhigya, María Soledad Castro-Vargas, Emily Marquez, Diana Ojeda, Fernando Ramirez & Anne Tittor - 2024 - Agriculture and Human Values 41 (2):395-412.
    The global pesticide complex has transformed over the past two decades, but social science research has not kept pace. The rise of an enormous generics sector, shifts in geographies of pesticide production, and dynamics of agrarian change have led to more pesticide use, expanding to farm systems that hitherto used few such inputs. Declining effectiveness due to pesticide resistance and anemic institutional support for non-chemical alternatives also have driven intensification in conventional systems. As an inter-disciplinary network of pesticide scholars, we (...)
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    Neurofeedback of Slow Cortical Potentials in Children with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: A Multicenter Randomized Trial Controlling for Unspecific Effects.Ute Strehl, Pascal Aggensteiner, Daniel Wachtlin, Daniel Brandeis, Björn Albrecht, Maria Arana, Christiane Bach, Tobias Banaschewski, Thorsten Bogen, Andrea Flaig-Röhr, Christine M. Freitag, Yvonne Fuchsenberger, Stephanie Gest, Holger Gevensleben, Laura Herde, Sarah Hohmann, Tanja Legenbauer, Anna-Maria Marx, Sabina Millenet, Benjamin Pniewski, Aribert Rothenberger, Christian Ruckes, Sonja Wörz & Martin Holtmann - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
  12.  45
    (1 other version)Argos.Anna Philippa-Touchais, Gilles Touchais, Marcel Piérart, Patrick Marchetti, Maria Marchetti-Lakaki & Yvonne Rizakis - 2000 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 124 (2):489-498.
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  13.  26
    Antecedents and Moderation Effects of Maladaptive Coping Behaviors Among German University Students.Lina Marie Mülder, Nicole Deci, Antonia Maria Werner, Jennifer L. Reichel, Ana Nanette Tibubos, Sebastian Heller, Markus Schäfer, Daniel Pfirrmann, Dennis Edelmann, Pavel Dietz, Manfred E. Beutel, Stephan Letzel & Thomas Rigotti - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Prolonging working hours and presenteeism have been conceptualized as self-endangering coping behaviors in employees, which are related to health impairment. Drawing upon the self-regulation of behavior model, the goal achievement process, and Warr's vitamin model, we examined the antecedents and moderation effects regarding quantitative demands, autonomy, emotion regulation, and self-motivation competence of university students' self-endangering coping behaviors. Results from a cross-sectional survey of 3,546 German university students indicate that quantitative demands are positively related and autonomy has a u-shape connection with (...)
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  14. Distinct Patterns of University Students Study Crafting and the Relationships to Exhaustion, Well-Being, and Engagement.Lina Marie Mülder, Sonja Schimek, Antonia Maria Werner, Jennifer L. Reichel, Sebastian Heller, Ana Nanette Tibubos, Markus Schäfer, Pavel Dietz, Stephan Letzel, Manfred E. Beutel, Birgit Stark, Perikles Simon & Thomas Rigotti - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Job crafting has been established as a bottom-up work design instrument for promoting health and well-being in the workplace. In recent years, the concepts of job crafting have been applied to the university student context, proving to be positively related to student well-being. Building on person-centered analyses from the employment context, we assessed approach study crafting strategy combinations and the relationships to students’ exhaustion, study engagement, and general well-being. Data from 2,882 German university students were examined, collected online during the (...)
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  15. Digitale Transformationen der Gesellschaft. Sozialethische Perspektiven auf den technologischen Wandel.Sebastian Kistler, Anna Puzio, Anna-Maria Riedl & Werner Veith (eds.) - 2023
    Kistler, Sebastian/Puzio, Anna/Riedl, Anna-Maria/Veith (Hrsg.) Digitale Transformationen der Gesellschaft Sozialethische Perspektiven auf den technologischen Wandel -/- Die Digitalisierung bewirkt Transformationsprozesse, die die Formen unseres Zusammenlebens grundlegend verändern. Dies betrifft nicht nur die Art, wie wir leben, Partner suchen, arbeiten, wohnen, konsumieren oder uns selbst präsentieren – auch die gesellschaftlichen Lebensbereiche wie Politik, Bildung, Wirtschaft und Gesundheit befinden sich in einem digitalen Wandel. Mit diesen Veränderungsprozessen sind nicht nur Hoffnungen, sondern auch Ängste verbunden, die die Ambivalenzen der Digitalisierung zum Ausdruck (...)
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  16.  21
    processo de orientação de Nietzsche em seu apontamento de Lenzerheide, de 7 de junho de 1887.Werner Stegmaier - 2022 - Revista de Filosofia Aurora 34 (62).
    O apontamento-Lenzerheide, de 7 de junho de 1887 é considerado um texto central sobre o entendimento de Nietzsche a respeito do niilismo. Ele o redigiu num trem, na estação entre Chur e Sils Maria, depois de ter concluído o quinto livro de A Gaia Ciência, seu mais corajoso, profundo e sereno livro de aforismos, e, portanto, antes de ter redigido em Sils Maria, em poucas semanas, as três dissertações de Para a Genealogia da Moral. Entre ambas as coisas, (...)
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  17.  13
    Wahrheit und Wahrheiten. Nietzsche – Heidegger – Luhmann – Nietzsche.Werner Stegmaier - 2019 - Nietzsche Studien 48 (1):68-83.
    The question of truth is one of the oldest philosophical topics, but perhaps it concerns the world today more than ever. Der Beitrag geht auf einen Vortrag zurück, der 2018 in verschiedenen Fassungen beim Nietzsche-Forum München e.V., beim Nietzsche-Forum der Tongji-Universität Shanghai und beim Nietzsche-Kolloquium der Stiftung Nietzsche-Haus in Sils-Maria und 2019 in Machatschkala, Dagestan, gehalten wurde. Nietzsche was a realist about truth and he sought to criticize and reject the idealizations and moralizations that continue to dominate philosophical thinking: (...)
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  18.  14
    Legal pluralism in Muslim contexts.Norbert Oberauer, Yvonne Prief & Ulrike Qubaja (eds.) - 2019 - Boston: Brill.
    Approaches to legal pluralism vary widely across the spectrum of different disciplines. They comprise normative and descriptive perspectives, focus both on legal pluralist realities as well as public debates, and address legal pluralism in a range of different societies with varying political, institutional and historical conditions. Emphasising an empirical research to contemporary legal pluralist settings in Muslim contexts, the present collected volume contributes to a deepened understanding of legal pluralist issues and realities through comparative examination. This approach reveals some common (...)
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    In memoriam Werner Beierwaltes (1931-2019).María-Jesús Soto-Bruna - 2019 - Anuario Filosófico 52 (2):409-417.
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    Neuropsychology and Philosophy of Mind in Process: Essays in Honor of Jason W. Brown.Maria Pachalska & Michel Weber (eds.) - 2008 - De Gruyter.
    This volume celebrates the life achievements of Jason W. Brown, who, along with Jean Piaget, Heinz Werner, Alexander Luria and the Wurzburg school, has significantly contributed to the development of a process-based theory of brain/mind capable of challenging the currently fashionable modularist or cybernetic approaches to understanding human thought and feeling. As a paradigm, Brown's microgenetic theory is thus applicable in both brain science (where Brown was inspired by the pioneering work of Schilder and Pick) and the philosophy of (...)
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    Nietzsche on Instinct and Language.João Constâncio & Maria João Mayer Branco (eds.) - 2011 - De Gruyter.
    The volume offers various considerations of Nietzsche s attempt to connect language to the instinctive activity of the human body. In focusing on how Nietzsche tries to dissolve the traditional opposition between instinct and language, as well as between instinct and consciousness and instinct and reason, the different papers address a great variety of topics, e.g. morality, value, the concept of philosophy, dogmatism, naturalization, metaphor, affectivity and emotion, health and sickness, tragedy, and laughter. Among the authors: Scarlett Marton, Werner (...)
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  22.  16
    Nadia Maria Filippini, Generare, partorire, nascere. Una stor.Giovanna Fiume - 2019 - Clio 50.
    Depuis les années 1970, les sujets de la naissance et de la maternité ont été longuement et fréquemment abordés par l’historiographie italienne (Giulia Calvi, Marina D’Amelia, Isabelle Chabot, Claudia Pancino, Luisa Accati, Gianna Pomata, Vanessa Maher, Emmanuel Betta, Giulia Sissa, Maurizio Bettini, Giorgia Alessi, etc.) et française (Yvonne Knibiehler, Paul Cesbron, Jacques Gélis, Mireille Laget, etc.). Tous ces travaux en ont révélé les multiples aspects qui renvoient à la condition social...
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  23. Die sogenannten Hymnenfragmente im Amosbuch.Werner Berg - 1974
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  24. Mark's Story of Jesus.Werner H. Kelber - 1979
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  25. Enactment and Construction of the Cognitive Niche: Toward an Ontology of the Mind- World Connection.Konrad Werner - 2020 - Synthese 197 (3):1313-1341.
    The paper discusses the concept of the cognitive niche and distinguishes the latter from the metabolic niche. By using these posits I unpack certain ideas that are crucial for the enactivist movement, especially for its original formulation proposed by Varela, Thompson and Rosh. Drawing on the ontology of location, boundaries, and parthood, I argue that enacting the world can be seen as the process of cognitive niche construction. Moreover, it turns out that enactivism—as seen through the lens of the conceptual (...)
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    Which Framework to Use? A Systematic Review of Ethical Frameworks for the Screening or Evaluation of Health Technology Innovations.Tijs Vandemeulebroucke, Yvonne Denier, Evelyne Mertens & Chris Gastmans - 2022 - Science and Engineering Ethics 28 (3):1-35.
    Innovations permeate healthcare settings on an ever-increasing scale. Health technology innovations impact our perceptions and experiences of health, care, disease, etc. Because of the fast pace these HTIs are being introduced in different healthcare settings, there is a growing societal consensus that these HTIs need to be governed by ethical reflection. This paper reports a systematic review of argument-based literature which focused on articles reporting on ethical frameworks to screen or evaluate HTIs. To do this a four step methodology was (...)
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    Substanz, Grundbegriff der Metaphysik.Werner Stegmaier - 1977 - Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt: Frommann-Holzboog.
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    Toward a general theory of perception.Heinz Werner & Seymour Wapner - 1952 - Psychological Review 59 (4):324-338.
  29.  9
    Nietzsches Religionsprojekt: Seine Kritik, Analyse und Funktionalisierung der Religion.Werner Stegmaier - 2020 - Nietzscheforschung 27 (1):55-74.
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    Evolutionary Epistemology: A Multiparadigm Program.Werner Callebaut & R. Pinxten (eds.) - 1987 - Reidel.
    This volume has its already distant or1g1n in an inter national conference on Evolutionary Epistemology the editors organized at the University of Ghent in November 1984. This conference aimed to follow up the endeavor started at the ERISS (Epistemologically Relevant Internalist Sociology of Science) conference organized by Don Campbell and Alex Rosen berg at Cazenovia Lake, New York, in June 1981, whilst in jecting the gist of certain current continental intellectual developments into a debate whose focus, we thought, was in (...)
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    Conclusions from color vision of insects.Werner Backhaus & Randolf Menzel - 1992 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 15 (1):28-30.
  32. Lorenz's philosophical naturalism in the mirror of contemporary science studies.Werner Callebaut - 2003 - Ludus Vitalis 9 (20):26-55.
  33. Oesterreichische Philosophie zwischen Aufklärung und Restauration. Beiträge zur Geschichte des Frühkantianismus in der Donaumonarchie.Werner Sauer - 1987 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 177 (3):353-354.
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    Pragmatic and diachronic aspects of structuralism.Werner Diederich - 1996 - In Wolfgang Balzer & Carles Ulises Moulines (eds.), Structuralist theory of science: focal issues, new results. New York: Walter de Gruyter. pp. 75--82.
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    Sprachanalytische Ästhetik.Werner Strube - 1981 - München: Fink.
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  36.  12
    `We expect to report on significant progress in our product pipeline in the coming year': hedging forward-looking statements in corporate press releases.Yvonne McLaren-Hankin - 2008 - Discourse Studies 10 (5):635-654.
    This article reports on the findings of a study of so-called `forward-looking statements' in a corpus of corporate press releases, focusing in particular on the mechanisms of hedging involved. Forward-looking statements are an important characteristic of corporate press releases in which companies make predictions about the future in an attempt to demonstrate to stakeholders that the company is making progress and that its prospects are good. Such statements are explicitly mentioned in a disclaimer which often accompanies corporate press releases and (...)
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  37.  59
    Topic, focus, and configurationality: papers from the 6th Groningen Grammar Talks, Groningen, 1984.Werner Abraham & Sjaak de Meij (eds.) - 1986 - Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
    INTRODUCTION WERNER ABRAHAM, LACI MARÁCZ, SJAAK DE MEY & WIM SCHERPENISSE University of Groningen The Groningen Conference on Topic, ...
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  38. Die "dezisionistische Wahrnehmung" und die Demokratie.Werner Becker - 1992 - Ethik Und Sozialwissenschaften 3 (1):39.
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  39. Proceedings of the Workshop WWW2007 Workshop i3: Identity, Identifiers, Identification (Workshop on Entity-Centric Approaches to Information and Knowledge Management on the Web), Banff, Canada.Werner Ceusters & Barry Smith (eds.) - 2007 - CEUR.
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    (1 other version)The normative issue in naturalistic philosophy of science.Werner Callebaut - 1995 - Theoria 10 (1):101-116.
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    Die franziskanische Theologie des Johannes Duns Scotus.Werner Dettloff - forthcoming - Wissenschaft Und Weisheit.
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    Die Rückkehr zum Evangelium in der Theologie.Werner Dettloff - forthcoming - Wissenschaft Und Weisheit.
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    Wege zur Wahrheit.Werner Dettloff - forthcoming - Wissenschaft Und Weisheit.
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    Logische Konstanten als Repräsentanten von Entscheidungsverhältnissen und Ontologie.Werner Loh - 1993 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 47 (4):588 - 605.
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    Careful Practices: Ethics and the Anethical in Canadian Addiction Trajectories.Meg Stalcup & Yvonne Wallace - 2021 - Medical Anthropology: Cross-Cultural Studies in Health and Illness 40 (5):417-431.
    A drug overdose epidemic in North America has sped the expansion of harm reduction services. Drawing on fieldwork in Ottawa, Ontario, we examine forms of care among people offering and accessing these resources. Notably, our interlocutors do not always characterize harm reduction as caring for oneself. Thus, we differentiate between the ethics of care through which one enters desired subject positions, and anethical careful practices. Harm reduction is sometimes anethical, enacted through minor gestures that do not constitute ethical work but (...)
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    Historyczność kultury: w poszukiwaniu myślowego fundamentu współczesnej historiografii.Wiktor Werner - 2000 - Poznań: Wydawn. Nauk. UAM.
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  47. Przedmiot badań qua-teorii.Konrad Werner - 2012 - Diametros 31:113-132.
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    Pure Yoga: in its historical context and today.Karel Werner - 2021 - New Delhi, India: Motilal Banarsidass Publications.
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  49. (1 other version)Denken des Einen - Studien zur neuplatonischen Philosophie und ihrer Wirkungsgeschichte.Werner Beierwaltes - 1986 - Mitteilungen Und Forschungsbeiträge der Cusanus-Gesellschaft 17:269-272.
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    Auf der Suche nach Repräsentanz – Analytisches Arbeiten an der Schnittstelle von Ungedachtem und symbolisch Repräsentiertem.Werner Bohleber - 2014 - Psyche 68 (9):777-786.
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