Results for 'Yunshu Tang'

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  1.  16
    Charity or a diversion tactic in disguise of charity Exploring Chinese enterprises motivation for giving in the wake of COVID-19.Yajie Wang, Dong Andrew Li, Mengli Zhang & Yunshu Tang - 2023 - International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics 1 (1).
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  2. Tang Junyi juan.Junyi Tang - 1996 - Shijiazhuang Shi: Hebei jiao yu chu ban she. Edited by Kejian Huang.
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    Tang Yongtong xue ji.Yijie Tang & Jianyong Zhao (eds.) - 2011 - Beijing Shi: Sheng huo, du shu, xin zhi san lian shu dian.
    汤用彤先生 , 字锡予, 湖北黄梅人. 中国近现代哲学家、教育家. 从1935年起, 到全国解放, 汤用彤先生一直主持北大哲学系, 因而哲学系的教学和研究方向, 与他的学术领导关系至深, 得以建立起本系自己的学术重点, 形成学术传统, 并且一直影响到今天. 作为一名导师, 在后学者心目中, 汤先生淳直、朴素、不为物累; 待人宽厚、处事公正, 蔼然仁者. 所选录的文章侧重对先生学行有深切认识的回忆与研究文字, 作者大多是其师友、门生及再传弟子.
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  4. The State of the Field Report X: Contemporary Chinese Studies of Tianxia (All-Under-Heaven).Yun Tang - 2023 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 22 (3):473-490.
    This article offers a critical overview of a set of normative theories, namely Tianxia 天下 (all-under-heaven), whose purpose is to provide a renewed conceptual framework for the improvement of the world system. First, the article introduces the origins, main features, and differences within Tianxia, before discussing two major criticisms leveled against it. The article then argues that the most powerful parts of these criticisms come from the challenges posed against Tianxia’s legitimacy. The article elaborates on this and introduces two additional (...)
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  5. Wen hua yi shi yu zhou di tan suo: Tang Junyi xin yu xue lun zhu ji yao.Junyi Tang - 1992 - Beijing: Xin hua shu dian jing xiao. Edited by Xianghao Zhang.
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    (1 other version)Tang Yongtong xuan ji =.Yongtong Tang - 1995 - Changchun Shi: Jilin ren min chu ban she. Edited by Shangyang Sun.
    《汤用彤全集》收集了我们可以找到的已刊和未刊用彤先生的论著和读书札记、教学讲义及提纲、演讲提纲、信札以及学生的听课笔记,编为七卷。第一卷《汉魏两晋南北朝佛教史》;第二卷《隋唐佛教史稿》;第三卷《印度哲 学史略》;第四卷《魏晋玄学》;第五卷《往日阿稿·西方哲学》;第六卷《校点高僧传》;第七卷《饾饤札记》。在每卷之最后都附有一“编者后记”,对该卷的编辑情况做了一些说明,可供参考。第七卷末载《汤用彤年谱简 编》。.
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  7. Tang Junyi xin ru xue lun ji.Junyi Tang - 2008 - Nanjing Shi: Nanjing da xue chu ban she. Edited by Ming Yang & Wei Zhang.
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  8. Tang Junyi ji.Junyi Tang - 1993 - Beijing: Qun yan chu ban she. Edited by Kejian Huang & Xiaolin Zhong.
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  9. Tang Yongtong juan.Yongtong Tang & Shangyang Sun - 1996 - Shijiazhuang Shi: Hebei jiao yu chu ban she. Edited by Shangyang Sun.
    Han Wei liang Jin Nan Bei chao fo jiao shi -- Wei Jin xuan xue lun gao -- Ping jin ren zhi wen hua yan jiu -- Wen hua si xiang zhi chong tu yu tiao he.
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  10. Tang Yijie xue shu wen hua sui bi.Yijie Tang - 1996 - Beijing: Xin hua shu dian jing xiao.
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  11. Self and Community in the Xunzi.Tang Siufu - 2012 - Frontiers of Philosophy in China 7 (3):455-470.
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    Detecting Honest People’s Lies in Handwriting: The Power of the Ten Commandments and Internalized Ethical Values.Thomas Li-Ping Tang - 2012 - Journal of Business Ethics 106 (4):389-400.
    Can managers detect honest people’s lies in a handwritten message? In this article, I will briefly discuss graphology and a basic model of interpersonal communication. I will then develop a fundamental theoretical framework of eight principles for detecting lies based on the basic communication model, handwriting analyses, and the following assumptions: For most people, it is easier to tell the truth than to tell lies. This applies to handwritings also. When most honest people lie, they try to hide their stressful (...)
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  13.  68
    Finding the Lost Sheep: A Panel Study of Business Students' Intrinsic Religiosity, Machiavellianism, and Unethical Behavior Intentions.Thomas Li-Ping Tang - 2010 - Ethics and Behavior 20 (5):352-379.
    This research investigates 266 business students' panel data across 4 time periods and tests a theoretical model involving intrinsic religiosity, the love of money, Machiavellianism, and propensity to engage in unethical behaviors. There was a short ethics intervention between Times 3 and 4. We identified good apples and bad apples using the PUB measure collected at Time 4. From Time 3 to Time 4, good apples became more ethical, whereas bad apples became less ethical after the ethics intervention. Moreover, for (...)
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  14.  27
    Nuances of COVID-19 and Psychosocial Work Environment on Nurses’ Wellbeing: The Mediating Role of Stress and Eustress in Lieu to JD-R Theory.Tang Meirun, Sobia Bano, Muhammad Umair Javaid, Muhammad Zulqarnain Arshad, Muhammad Umair Shah, Umair Rehman, Zar Ayesha Parvez & Muhammad Ilyas - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  15. Christian Faith and the Chinese Way.Tang Ti - 1998 - In Melville Y. Stewart & Chih-kʻang Chang (eds.), The Symposium of Chinese-American Philosophy and Religious Studies. San Francisco: International Scholars Publications. pp. 1--235.
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  16. The Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Corporate Social Responsibility and Job Embeddedness in China.Tang Meirun, Steven Lockey, John Blenkinsopp, He Yueyong & Ling Ling - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    This article aims to investigate the impact of employee perceptions of corporate social responsibility on job embeddedness under the drastic circumstances of coronavirus disease 2019. This study also investigated the role of organizational identification as a psychological mechanism linking employee perceptions of corporate social responsibility to job embeddedness. Survey data were collected from 325 employees in banking industry of China and analyzed using partial least squares structural equation modeling. Results revealed that CSR to employees and organizational identification were positively and (...)
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  17. Daoist Freedom, Psychological Hygiene, and Social Criticism.Yun Tang - 2023 - Comparative Philosophy 14 (2):134-150.
    The article explores the inner logic and defining features of Daoist freedom. It argues that Daoist freedom can be meaningfully understood as psychological hygiene, and it suggests that Daoist xuan-jie (懸解) can be rendered possible only if one can rid oneself of intensional suffering—an idea ultimately inspired by Friedrich Nietzsche. This comparative approach enables the article to contribute to the received way of understanding Daoist freedom by stressing its dialectics: by being at ease with one’s social and political environment, Daoist (...)
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  18. v. 4.Sui Tang Wudai juan.Tang Lingyun zhu - 2014 - In Lang Ye & Liangzhi Zhu (eds.), Zhongguo mei xue tong shi =. Nanjing Shi: Jiangsu ren min chu ban she.
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    (1 other version)Recent Developments in Studies of the Book of Changes.Tang Mingbang - 1987 - Contemporary Chinese Thought 19 (1):46-63.
    In the current "Eastern culture fad" now engulfing the East Asian mainland, the Book of Changes, that repository of "shining mysteries" that symbolizes the special quality of East Asian culture, has attracted considerable attention. Over the past several thousand years, the Book of Changes has played an extremely important role in molding the foundation of China's great intellectual tradition. It is for this reason that this work has always been so highly regarded as "the first of the Six Classics," as (...)
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    Research on the expansion–contraction difference for the inner planets in ancient China.Tang Quan, Wang Zhenhua & Peng Huiying - 2025 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 79 (1):1-42.
    In ancient China, astronomers attempted to correct mean geocentric longitude of the inner planets using planetary “Expansion–Contraction Difference” (yingsuo cha 盈縮差) to obtain the true geocentric longitude. They used the “Limit Degree” (xiandu 限度) as the independent variable for the “Expansion–Contraction Difference”. Although this idea was relatively ideal and operationally simple, the algorithm of the “Expansion–Contraction Difference” designed by ancient Chinese astronomers had significant flaws in terms of its actual computational effectiveness for calculating the position of the inner planets. The (...)
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    Stakeholder Transformation Process: The Journey of an Indigenous Community.Zhi Tang, Norma Juma, Eileen Kwesiga & Joy Olabisi - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 159 (1):1-21.
    The vast majority of indigenous communities are among the world’s poorest and are unlikely to be engaged in a thriving, mutually beneficial partnership with an MNC. While there are increasing studies on CSR initiatives in base of the pyramid communities, few—if any—feature the self-initiated stakeholder transition of an impoverished community. This paper examines the factors that motivated the stakeholder transformation process of an indigenous community, from its position as a non-stakeholder, one lacking in power and legitimacy, to the status of (...)
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  22.  26
    Deficient epistemic virtues and prevalence of epistemic vices as precursors to transgressions in research misconduct.Bor Luen Tang - 2024 - Research Ethics 20 (2):272-287.
    Scientific research is supposed to acquire or generate knowledge, but such a purpose would be severely undermined by instances of research misconduct (RM) and questionable research practices (QRP). RM and QRP are often framed in terms of moral transgressions by individuals (bad apples) whose aberrant acts could be made conducive by shortcomings in regulatory measures of organizations or institutions (bad barrels). This notion presupposes, to an extent, that the erring parties know exactly what they are doing is wrong and morally (...)
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  23.  17
    An examination of the family and the hometown of Heavenly Master Zhang Ling [J].Tang Jian - 2005 - Journal of Religious Studies (Misc) 3:002.
  24. Lun li xue gang yao.Tang Kailin (ed.) - 1985 - Changsha Shi: Hunan sheng xin hua shu dian fa xing.
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  25. Modern Chinese Buddhism.Tang Qtian - 1998 - In Melville Y. Stewart & Chih-kʻang Chang (eds.), The Symposium of Chinese-American Philosophy and Religious Studies. San Francisco: International Scholars Publications. pp. 1--221.
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  26.  26
    Schema theory: A broadening viewpoint.Tang Yi Qun - 1987 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 10 (3):446-447.
  27.  45
    On the Special Logic Thesis in Chinese Philosophy.Paul C. L. Tang - 1997 - Metaphilosophy 28 (4):371-384.
    I address the problem of whether philosophy can be international by its claim to represent rationality, hence universality. I argue in favor of this claim by focusing on the special logic thesis in Chinese philosophy. This thesis holds that a different type of logic must be used when studying the Chinese texts. I argue at length against the special logic thesis by examining the problem of human nature in the Confucian philosophers Mencius, Hsün Tzu and Kao Tzu. I show how (...)
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    The Limits of Language: Wittgenstein’s Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus and Lao Tzu’s Tao Te Ching.Paul C. L. Tang & Robert David Schwartz - 1988 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 15 (1):9-33.
  29. Yan yuan lun xue ji: Tang Yongtong xian sheng jiu shi dan chen ji nian.Yongtong Tang (ed.) - 1984 - Beijing: Xin hua shu dian Beijing fa xing suo fa xing.
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    Tang Junyi quan ji.Junyi Tang - 2016 - Beijing Shi: Jiu zhou chu ban she.
    本书初由唐君毅夫人谢廷光于1985年编订,收录唐君毅逝世后亲友,同道,学生等发表和撰写的纪念文章,现增入当时未及收录的纪念和讨论文章,以及唐君毅亲属撰写的回忆文章.由这些文章,不仅表示了大家的回忆与纪 念,更是由此对唐君毅先生生平进行总结和缅怀.
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    Monetary Intelligence: Money Attitudes—Unethical Intentions, Intrinsic and Extrinsic Job Satisfaction, and Coping Strategies Across Public and Private Sectors in Macedonia.Elisaveta Gjorgji Sardžoska & Thomas Li-Ping Tang - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 130 (1):93-115.
    Research suggests that attitudes guide individuals’ thinking and actions. In this study, we explore the monetary intelligence construct and investigate the relationships between a formative model of money attitudes involving affective, behavioral, and cognitive components and several sets of outcome variables—unethical intentions, intrinsic and extrinsic job satisfaction, and coping strategies. Based on 515 managers in the Republic of Macedonia, we test our model for the whole sample and also cross sector and gender. Managers’ negative stewardship behavior and positive cognitive meaning (...)
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  32.  31
    Retraction: The “Other Face” of Research Collaboration?Li Tang, Guangyuan Hu, Yang Sui, Yuhan Yang & Cong Cao - 2020 - Science and Engineering Ethics 26 (3):1681-1708.
    The last two decades have witnessed the rising prevalence of both co-publishing and retraction. Focusing on research collaboration, this paper utilizes a unique dataset to investigate factors contributing to retraction probability and elapsed time between publication and retraction. Data analysis reveals that the majority of retracted papers are multi-authored and that repeat offenders are collaboration prone. Yet, all things being equal, collaboration, in and of itself, does not increase the likelihood of producing flawed or fraudulent research, at least in the (...)
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  33. Hsin wu yü jên shêng.Junyi Tang - 1953
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  34. (1 other version)Zhong xi zhe xue si xiang zhi bi jiao yan jiu ji.Junyi Tang - 1947
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  35. Christianity and Chinese Traditions: A Comparison of Basic Concepts and Social Mechanisms.Tang Tenggang - 1998 - In Melville Y. Stewart & Chih-kʻang Chang (eds.), The Symposium of Chinese-American Philosophy and Religious Studies. San Francisco: International Scholars Publications. pp. 1--243.
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  36. To Help or Not to Help? The Good Samaritan Effect and the Love of Money on Helping Behavior.Thomas Li-Ping Tang, Toto Sutarso, Grace Mei-Tzu Wu Davis, Dariusz Dolinski, Abdul Hamid Safwat Ibrahim & Sharon Lynn Wagner - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 82 (4):865-887.
    This research tests a model of employee helping behavior (a component of Organizational Citizenship Behavior, OCB) that involves a direct path (Intrinsic Motives → Helping Behavior, the Good Samaritan Effect) and an indirect path (the Love of Money → Extrinsic Motives → Helping Behavior). Results for the full sample supported the Good Samaritan Effect. Further, the love of money was positively related to extrinsic motives that were negatively related with helping behavior. We tested the model across four cultures (the USA., (...)
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    Taking political normativity seriously: legitimacy and political realism.Yun Tang - forthcoming - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy.
    The article challenges the notion that political realism necessarily requires a distinctively political normativity. Drawing on the works of Weber and Nietzsche, it offers an alternative reading of political realism. The article uncovers in Williams’ scholarship a dual-layered legitimacy framework, displaying three inherent demands (namely, discursive, intelligibility, and reflective vindication demand) in his idea of legitimacy. In so doing, the article demonstrates how political realism employs its own prescriptive resources to critically scrutinize politics, while highlighting the crucial distinction between political (...)
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  38.  16
    From Three-in-One Doctrine to the Religion of Three-in-One: Lin Chaoen’s syncretic religion.Zhejia Tang - 2023 - HTS Theological Studies 79 (5):6.
    In the middle and late Ming Dynasty, Lin Chaoen, who was also called the ‘Two heresies of Minzhong’ with Li Zhi, was famous for advocating the thought of ‘Three-in-One Doctrine’ and establishing the Religion of Three-in-One. In the past, the study of Lin Chaoen and the Religion of Three-in-One was basically based on religious study, and his identity as a scholar was ignored. Therefore, this article mainly analyses Lin Chaoen’s thought of ‘Three-in-One Doctrine’ from the field of philosophy and reveals (...)
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    Tang Liquan quan ji.Liquan Tang - 2016 - Beijing: Zhongguo she hui ke xue chu ban she.
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    Tang Wenzhi xing li xue lun zhu ji.Wenzhi Tang - 2020 - Shanghai: Shanghai gu ji chu ban she. Edited by Guoguang Deng.
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  41. Tang Yijie juan.Yijie Tang - 1999 - Hefei Shi: Jing xiao xin hua shu dian.
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  42. Tang Yongtong xue shu lun wen ji.Yongtong Tang - 1983 - Beijing: Xin hua shu dian Beijing fa xing suo fa xing.
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    Tang Yijie yu "Ru zang" =.Yijie Tang (ed.) - 2017 - Beijing: Beijing da xue chu ban she.
    本书由上编:汤一介谈《儒藏》和下编汤一介与《儒藏》构成,具体收录了《我们为什么要编纂》《回忆汤先生与》《怀念汤一介先生坚持编好》《日本编纂委员会及其工作》《纪念汤一介先生》《汤一介先生与》《怀念汤先生 》等文章。.
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    Do Victims of Supervisor Bullying Suffer from Poor Creativity? Social Cognitive and Social Comparison Perspectives.Thomas Li-Ping Tang, Qinxuan Gu & Wan Jiang - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 157 (3):865-884.
    This study explores the dark side of leadership, treats creative self-efficacy as a mediator, and frames supervisor bullying and employee creativity in the context of social cognition and social comparison. We theorize that with a high social comparison orientation, the combination of high supervisory abuse toward themselves (own abusive supervision) and low supervisory abuse toward other team members (peer abusive supervision) leads to a double whammy effect: When employees are “singled out” for abuse, these victims suffer from not only low (...)
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    Laboratory Safety Regulations and Training must Emphasize the Underpinning Research Ethics Perspectives.Bor Luen Tang - forthcoming - Journal of Academic Ethics:1-7.
    Laboratory safety regulations have been traditionally viewed by its learners and practitioners as a matter of law and policy, which simply requires compliance. A compliance mindset tends be passive and dissociates individuals (or even institutions) from the important reasons and principles underlying the safety rules and regulations, leading to disinterestedness and disdain. I posit that laboratory safety regulations would need to be crafted, presented and taught in a manner that is coupled to, or at least with an emphasis on, research (...)
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  46. Ramsey's Reliabilism.Weng Hong Tang - forthcoming - Ergo: An Open Access Journal of Philosophy.
    In a short note written in 1929, Frank Ramsey put forward a reliabilist account of knowledge anticipating those given by Armstrong (1973) and Goldman (1967), among others, a few decades later. Some think that the note comprises the bulk of what Ramsey has to say about epistemology. But Ramsey’s ideas about epistemology extend beyond the note. Relatively little attention has been paid to his reliabilist account of reasonable belief. Even less attention has been paid to his reliabilist account of reasonable (...)
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    承認理論的創造論重構——質疑和反思.Tang Siufu - 2022 - International Journal of Chinese and Comparative Philosophy of Medicine 20 (2):143-147.
    LANGUAGE NOTE | Document text in Chinese; abstract also in English. 唐文明教授以〈承認理論的創造論回歸〉為題,批判了近現代以黑格爾(Hegel)和霍耐特(Axe lHonneth)為首的承認理論,指出其核心缺失在於僅僅將人視為關注必死性的欲望主體,從而無法實現人與人,人與世界的根本承認。唐教授代之以創造論的承認理論:通過解讀奧古斯丁(Saint Augustine)的思想,提出了應該將人視為重視降生性的感應主體。唐教授並指出,重視天地創生的儒家思想,其人倫體系恰恰是建基於這樣一種重視降生性的感應主體。通過感應主體對創造源頭(上帝,或者上天)的 感恩和體認,人與人,人與世界之間才可能有根本且不可缺失的承認。(撮要取自內文首段) In his paper, Tang Wenming notes that a fundamental flaw of modern recognition theories is seeing human beings as being a desire subject. Tang suggests that a recognition theory based on protology, which recognizes God's genesis of human beings and the world, has a much better prospect of realizing fundamental recognition. In this response, discuss two concerns with Tang's proposal: the essentially contested nature (...)
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  48. Shared Service in the Archives: The Johns Hopkins University First-generation Students Oral History Project.Jennifer Kinniff & Annie Tang - 2020 - In Veronica Arellano Douglas & Joanna Gadsby (eds.), Deconstructing service in libraries: intersections of identities and expectations. Sacramento, CA: Litwin Books.
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  49. Knowledge and probability.Weng Hong Tang - 2018 - In Markos Valaris & Stephen Hetherington (eds.), Knowledge in Contemporary Philosophy. London, UK: Bloomsbury Publishing.
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    Investor-Paid Ratings and Conflicts of Interest.Leo Tang, Marietta Peytcheva & Pei Li - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 163 (2):365-378.
    The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) sanctioned investor-paid rating agency Egan-Jones for falsely stating that it did not know its clients’ investment positions. The SEC’s action against Egan-Jones raises the broad question whether knowledge of clients’ investment positions creates a conflict of interest for investor-paid ratings. In an experimental setting, we find that investor-paid rating agencies are likely to assign credit ratings that are biased in favor of their clients’ positions, and that this effect is attenuated when the rated company (...)
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