Results for 'Young Germany'

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  1. The Counter-Monument: Memory against Itself in Germany Today.James E. Young - 1992 - Critical Inquiry 18 (2):267-296.
    One of the contemporary results of Germany’s memorial conundrum is the rise of its “counter-monuments”: brazen, painfully self-conscious memorial spaces conceived to challenge the very premises of their being. On the former site of Hamburg’s greatest synagogue, at Bornplatz, Margrit Kahl has assembled an intricate mosaic tracing the complex lines of the synagogue’s roof construction: a palimpsest for a building and community that no longer exist. Norbert Radermacher bathes a guilty landscape in Berlin’s Neukölln neighborhood with the inscribed light (...)
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    Faith, Medical Alchemy, and Natural Philosophy: Johann Moriaen, Reformed Intelligencer and the Hartlib Circle.John T. Young - 1998 - Routledge.
    This is a fundamental re-assessment of the world-view of the alchemists, natural philosophers and intelligencers of the mid 17th century. Based almost entirely upon the extensive and hitherto little-researched manuscript archive of Samuel Hartlib, it charts and contextualises the personal and intellectual history of Johann Moriaen (c.1592-1668), a Dutch-German alchemist and natural philosopher. Moriaen was closely acquainted with many of the leading thinkers and experimenters of his time, including René Descartes, J.A. Comenius, J.R. Glauber and J.S. KÃ1⁄4ffler. His detailed reports (...)
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    Hannah Arendt: For Love of the World.Elisabeth Young-Bruehl - 2004 - Yale University Press.
    This highly acclaimed, prize-winning biography of one of the foremost political philosophers of the twentieth century is here reissued in a trade paperback edition for a new generation of readers. In a new preface the author offers an account of writings by and about Arendt that have appeared since the book's 1982 publication, providing a reassessment of her subject's life and achievement. Praise for the earlier edition: “Both a personal and an intellectual biography... It represents biography at its best.”—Peter Berger, (...)
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    Cold Neutrality? A Comparison of the Standards of the House of Lords with those of the German Federal Constitutional Court.Raymond Youngs - 2000 - Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 20 (3):391-406.
    Allegations of bias against senior judges have not been common in English courts, so the House of Lords had little material to draw on when the Pinochet case was decided. It is therefore worthwhile to compare their Lordships» approach with that of the Federal Constitutional Court in Germany. This court has been selected because: (a) it has a comparable number of judges to the House of Lords and its decisions are unappealable, and (b) its cases have a constitutional and (...)
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    Diversity Management Efforts as an Ethical Responsibility: How Employees’ Perceptions of an Organizational Integration and Learning Approach to Diversity Affect Employee Behavior.Tanja Rabl, María del Carmen Triana, Seo-Young Byun & Laura Bosch - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 161 (3):531-550.
    This paper integrates the inclusion and organizational ethics literatures to examine the relationship between employees’ perceptions of an organizational integration and learning approach to diversity and two employee outcomes: organizational citizenship behavior toward the organization and interpersonal workplace deviance. Findings across two field studies from the USA and Germany show that employees’ perceptions of an organizational integration and learning approach to diversity are positively related to perceived organizational ethical virtue. Perceived organizational ethical virtue further transmits the effect of employees’ (...)
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    The Relationship between Value Types and Environmental Behaviour in Four Countries: Universalism, Benevolence, Conformity and Biospheric Values Revisited.Tally Katz-Gerro, Itay Greenspan, Femida Handy & Hoon-Young Lee - 2017 - Environmental Values 26 (2):223-249.
    Using the social-psychological literature on the antecedents of environmental behaviour and comparative data from Germany, India, Israel and South Korea, we test four value types that correspond with environmental behaviour. Our cross-national context represents varying social, economic, cultural and environmental configurations, giving credence to the effects of values. The authors collected survey data among students on a variety of environmental behaviours and on questions that comprise Schwartz's value scale. The results show similarities between the countries in the effect of (...)
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  7.  21
    Types of Integration, Acculturation Strategies and Media Use of Young Turks in Germany.Joachim Trebbe - 2007 - Communications 32 (2):171-191.
    Although most Turks in Germany belong to the second or third generation of immigrants, they have retained the social, cultural, and religious identity of their country of origin. This article deals with this double identity of young Turks in Germany and their language-bound exposure to television, radio, press, and the Internet. Telephone survey data are presented regarding the integration and media use of Turks in Germany. The survey was carried out in 2006 on behalf of the (...)
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    Nature Relatedness and Environmental Concern of Young People in Ecuador and Germany.Maximilian Dornhoff, Jan-Niklas Sothmann, Florian Fiebelkorn & Susanne Menzel - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10:422312.
    Today's societies are confronted by a daily biodiversity loss, which will increase in the face of climate change and environmental pollution. Biodiversity loss is a particularly severe problem in so-called biodiversity hotspots. Ecuador is an example of a country that hosts two different biodiversity hotspots. Human behavior - in developing as well as in industrial countries such as Germany - must be considered as one of the most important direct and indirect drivers of this global trend and thus plays (...)
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    Who has the youth, has the future. The campaign to save young workers in imperial Germany.Jutta Birmele - 1995 - History of European Ideas 21 (4):597-599.
  10.  43
    Religiosity, Religious Fundamentalism, and Ambivalent Sexism Toward Girls and Women Among Adolescents and Young Adults Living in Germany.Bettina Hannover, John Gubernath, Martin Schultze & Lysann Zander - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Life Narratives Are More Other-Centered, More Negative, and Less Coherent in Turkey Than in Germany: Comparing Provincial-Turkish, Metropolitan-Turkish, Turkish-German, and Native German Educated Young Adults.Neşe Hatiboğlu Altunnar & Tilmann Habermas - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
    An individualized and coherent life story has been described as the form of identity that is required by highly mobile individualistic Western societies, whereas more family-oriented, traditional societies require more role-based, synchronic identities. Therefore entire life narratives can be expected to be more coherent and to contain more autobiographical arguments that contribute to life narrative coherence in individualistic cultures. This cultural group difference is expected to be mediated by individuals’ conformity to their respective cultural normative concept of biography. We tested (...)
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  12.  16
    TV Learning: Incidental or a Systematic Process. TV Watching and Political Awareness amongst Children and Young People in East and West Germany.Helmut Lukesch - 1992 - Communications 17 (2):205-214.
  13.  30
    Regarding Young Musicians as Ethical and Aesthetic Practitioners: A New Reading of Phronēsis.Daniela Bartels - 2019 - Philosophy of Music Education Review 27 (1):37.
    Abstract:It is well-known that phronēsis is realized when people reflect on their actions (praxis) and act accordingly, but the question of how this concept of practical reasoning can serve both people who make music and at the same time the music they make has not yet been answered. This paper aims to reveal in what way phronēsis can lead to fulfillment in and through music and also to musical quality, especially when people make music with others. First, phronēsis will be (...)
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    Enlightenment underground: radical Germany, 1680-1720.Martin Mulsow - 2015 - Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press.
    Online supplement, "Mulsow: Additions to Notes drawn from the 2002 edition of Moderne aus dem Untergrund" full versions of nearly 300 notes that were truncated in the print edition. Hosted on H. C. Erik Midelfort's website. Martin Mulsow's seismic reinterpretation of the origins of the Enlightenment in Germany won awards and renown in its original German edition, and now H. C. Erik Midelfort's translation makes this sensational book available to English-speaking readers. In Enlightenment Underground, Mulsow shows that even in (...)
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    Marx, the Young Hegelians, and the Origins of Radical Social Theory: Dethroning the Self.Warren Breckman - 1998 - Cambridge University Press.
    This is the first major study of Marx and the Young Hegelians in twenty years. The book offers a new interpretation of Marx's early development, the political dimension of Young Hegelianism, and that movement's relationship to political and intellectual currents in early nineteenth-century Germany. Warren Breckman challenges the orthodox distinction drawn between the exclusively religious concerns of Hegelians in the 1830s and the sociopolitical preoccupations of the 1840s. He shows that there are inextricable connections between the theological, (...)
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    Philosophy of Sport in Germany: An Overview of its History and Academic Research.Claudia Pawlenka - 2010 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 37 (2):271-291.
    In Germany, philosophy of sport is still a young discipline which developed in the 20th century as a result of the growing significance of sport in society. Whereas the academic discussion in Germany which took place in the founding phase of the discipline in the early 1970s had much in common with that conducted in the Anglo-American academic community thanks to such integrative figures as Hans Lenk and Gunter Gebauer, who hosted the international conferences held in (...) by the Philosophic Society for the Study of Sport (PSSS)1 in the early 1980s and the 1990s, the transnational dialogue abated almost completely in the following years.2 As a consequence, philosophy of sport in Germany underwent a development of its own and acquired its own profile. The specific characteristics of German philosophy of sport are not rooted so much in any cultural particularities of sport practice, as is the case for bicycling in the Netherlands or hunting and cricket in England, for example, but rather in regional philosophical traditions established by such philosophers as Wittgenstein, Plessner, Nietzsche, Kant and Hegel.3 In order to give the reader an overview of the historical development and current status of research in philosophy of sport in Germany, relevant exemplary publications will be presented in the following and treated firstly in terms of their genesis, secondly in the context of current trends and tendencies, thirdly from the perspective of differences and commonalities between the German and the Anglo-American academic discussion, and fourthly concerning status and degree of institutionalization. Lastly an outlook on future developments will be given. (shrink)
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    Soul–life–knowledge: The young Mannheim’s way to sociology.András Karácsony - 2008 - Studies in East European Thought 60 (1-2):97-111.
    This essay discusses a less known period of Karl Mannheim's life, namely the period he spent in Hungary. I attempt to point out that the career of the young Mannheim, starting from a philosophical interest and continuing with a sociological one, is continuous. His first published works and letters prove that in the period preceding his emigration to Germany in 1919 he was concerned with questions that received their mature form in his sociology of knowledge. They include primarily (...)
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  18.  14
    Benedict XVI, A Life: Volume 1, Youth in Nazi Germany to the Second Vatican Council 1927–1965 by Peter Seewald.Emil Anton - 2022 - Nova et Vetera 20 (3):963-966.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Benedict XVI, A Life: Volume 1, Youth in Nazi Germany to the Second Vatican Council 1927–1965 by Peter SeewaldEmil AntonBenedict XVI, A Life: Volume 1, Youth in Nazi Germany to the Second Vatican Council 1927–1965 by Peter Seewald, translated by Dinah Livingstone (London: Bloomsbury Continuum, 2020), xi + 500 pp.What better way to spend Pope Benedict XVI's ninety-fourth birthday than by reviewing a Ratzinger biography while (...)
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  19.  13
    A Renaissance of Jewish Studies in Contemporary Germany.Christina von Braun - 2020 - Nordisk judaistik/Scandinavian Jewish Studies 31 (1):41-51.
    This paper provides an overview of the development of Jewish studies in Germany since reunification. After a brief historical review of the subject in the nineteenth century with the development of modern Reform Judaism and the science of Judaism created by Jewish religious and secular scholars, it focuses on the development of the past thirty years, in which not only the Jewish community but also Jewish studies have increased in importance. The growth of the Jewish community was largely due (...)
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  20.  11
    Enlightenment phantasies: cultural identity in France and Germany, 1750-1914.Harold Mah - 2003 - Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press.
    Introduction: identity as phantasy in Enlightenment in France and Germany -- The man with too many qualities : the young herder between France and Germany -- The language of cultural identity : Diderot to Nietzsche -- Strange classicism : aesthetic vision in Winckelmann, Nietzsche, and Thomas Mann -- Classicism and gender transformation : David, Goethe, and Stal -- The French Revolution and the problem of time : Hegel to Marx.
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    Ethical Value Positioning of Management Students of India and Germany.Sonali Bhattacharya, Netra Neelam & Venkatesh Murthy - 2018 - Journal of Academic Ethics 16 (3):257-274.
    This study attempts to compare ‘the ethical value positioning’ of students of Business and Management studies from India and Germany. A complete enumerative survey was conducted for management students using the Ethical Positioning Questionnaire of Forsyth. There were 134 respondents from India and 57 from Germany. The objective was to confer the differences in ethical positioning of students of two economically and culturally diverse nations. By the end of the research, it was constituted that both German and Indian (...)
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  22.  84
    Emigration, isolation and the slow start of molecular biology in Germany.Ute Deichmann - 2002 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 33 (3):449-471.
    Until the 1930s Germany had been the international leader in biochemistry, chemistry, and areas of biology. After WWII, however, molecular biology as a new interdisciplinary scientific enterprise was scarcely represented in Germany for almost 20 years. Three major reasons for the low performance of molecular biology are discussed: first, the forced emigration of Jewish scientists after 1933, which not only led to the expulsion of future distinguished molecular biologists, but also to a strong decline of ''dynamic biochemistry'', a (...)
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  23.  31
    Discussion Paper for the Foundation for the Rights of Future Generations - The housing crisis as a problem of intergenerational justice: The case of Germany.Elena Lutz - 2020 - Intergenerational Justice Review 6 (1).
    Executive summary In this discussion paper, it is shown that the current housing affordability crisis in Germany is a problem of intergenerational injustice since it affects young Germans disproportionately negatively. To address these injustices, the following policy measures are suggested. 1. Policies to assure affordable rents a. Rent controls : Well-designed rent controls help keep rentprice increases in re-lettings in check, while still allowing landlords to pass renovation costs on to their renters and to increase their rents by (...)
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  24.  9
    Environmental awareness of Protestant youth in Germany: Perspectives from an empirical exploration.Thomas Kroeck - 2021 - HTS Theological Studies 77 (2).
    Climate change and environmental degradation are pressing issues in the 21st century, which have also been addressed by Christian churches. Christian congregations are expected to provide an important impetus towards a more sustainable way of life. However, in Germany, empirical data on how Christian congregations and their members relate to this issue are scarce. This article presents the first results of a quantitative study on this topic, in particular, with regard to the differences between age groups. The focus is (...)
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    Dmytro Ivanovich Chyzhevśkyi – Ukrainian-Russian Scholar, Professor In Germany.Brigitte Flickinger - 2021 - Multiversum. Philosophical Almanac 2 (2):101-126.
    This is an intellectual-biographical research essay on D. I. Chyzhevśkyi (1894-1977), the internationally renowned Ukraine scholar, expert on the history of philosophy, on Russian and Ukrainian philology and Slavic-German intercultural relations. He studied at Saint Petersburg University 1911-1913 and at Kyiv University 1916-1919 where he graduated with distinction. His would have been a promising academic career, however, in 1921, for political reasons Chyzhevśkyi felt compelled to leave Ukraine. He went to Germany, studied with E. Husserl in Freiburg/Breisgau, met M. (...)
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    Life in the Digital Slow Lane: How Deprived Young People Are Set Up to Fail.Sandra Leaton Gray, Jutta Mägdefrau & Martina Riel - 2022 - British Journal of Educational Studies 70 (2):145-164.
    The phenomenon of digital differentiation, or stark variations in ability to access Internet hardware and/or infrastructure, has been a feature of provision since its early days. This article explores the impact of digital differentiation on two groups of young people, in England and Germany. It is based on fieldwork that took place during the academic year 2018-2019, just before the global pandemic threw the issue of equality of Internet access into sharp relief. The article begins by describing the (...)
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    A cultural analysis of eco-Islam: How young German Muslims live religion through environmental activism.Claudia Willms - 2021 - HTS Theological Studies 77 (2):11.
    Eco-Islam is often discussed from a theological perspective, but there are hardly any studies on the activist’s practices, their experiences and reasoning. In order to fill this gap and to emphasise the importance of studying lived religion, this article presents three interviews with young Eco-Islam activists in Germany. By using the method of cultural analysis, the author compares, summarises and abstracts their statements and activities, so that a comprehensive configuration is revealed. Cultural analysis focuses on cultural constellations and (...)
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  28.  43
    Hegelianism in Restoration Prussia, 1841–1848: Freedom, Humanism and 'Anti-Humanism'in Young Hegelian Thought.Douglas Moggach & Widukind De Ridder - 2013 - In Lisa Herzog, Hegel's Thought in Europe: Currents, Crosscurrents and Undercurrents. Palgrave.
    This chapter discusses the developments of Young Hegelianism in Restoration Prussia, with a special focus on Max Stirner’s radical critique of Hegelian thinking. It presents an overview of the history of Hegelianism in the 1830s and 1840s, and addresses the theoretical issues raised by Stirner’s attack in 1844. It examines important aspects of Young Hegelianism, including ideas of a modernized civic humanism and emancipation, and traces the Young Hegelians’ reconfiguration of Hegel’s thought in order to eliminate what (...)
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    Teaching a balanced view of Germany to K-6 teacher candidates: Dispelling negative stereotypes and internationalizing the curriculum.Janie D. Hubbard & Karen Larsen Maloley - 2013 - Journal of Social Studies Research 37 (4):209-219.
    National character stereotyping often hinders teachers’ responses to an important 21st century educational theme, global awareness. While recognizing that educators have a responsibility to teach history, in remembrance of the people and events of the past and to help prevent societies from making the mistakes of their predecessors, it is also essential that teachers prepare our new generation of young students for global citizenship in a 21st century world. This research studied 114 teacher candidates in K-6 social studies methods (...)
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    Trends in philosophical anthropology and cultural anthropology in postwar germany.Hermann Wein - 1957 - Philosophy of Science 24 (1):46-56.
    The semantic confusion in Europe about the term “anthropology” has of late been considerable. On the one hand there is meant by it, and quite justifiably, human biology and medical anthropology. On the other hand, the work of some contemporary thinkers, under the name of “philosophical anthropology,” has recently gone beyond the narrower compass. This has been noticeable at both the German and the international European philosophical conventions since the last war. In addition to this, there appeared the term “Kulturanthropologie,”—for (...)
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    Recruitment problems and the shortage of junior corporate farm managers in Germany: the role of gender-specific assessments and life aspirations.Mira Lehberger & Norbert Hirschauer - 2016 - Agriculture and Human Values 33 (3):611-624.
    Replacements for corporate farm managers are increasingly hard to find. At the same time, there is a large pool of potential managers that has been hardly tapped into: young female professionals. Focusing on the supply side of the labor market for farm managers, we investigate how gender-specific life aspirations impact occupational intention. To explain gender-specific occupational intention, we operationalize two conceptual frameworks: a behavioral economic conceptualization that focuses on the material and non-material cost and benefits associated with occupational choice, (...)
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    Good Scientific Practice: Developing a Curriculum for Medical Students in Germany.Katharina Fuerholzer, Maximilian Schochow & Florian Steger - 2020 - Science and Engineering Ethics 26 (1):127-139.
    German medical schools have not yet sufficiently introduced students to the field of good scientific practice. In order to prevent scientific misconduct and to foster scientific integrity, courses on GSP must be an integral part of the curriculum of medical students. Based on a review of the literature, teaching units and materials for two courses on GSP were developed and tested in a pilot course. The pilot course was accompanied by a pre-post evaluation that assessed students’ knowledge and attitudes towards (...)
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  33. Transgenerational obligations: Twenty-first century germany and the holocaust.Doris Schroeder & Bob Brecher - 2003 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 20 (1):45–57.
    Has history assigned special obligations to Germans that can transcend generation borders? Do the grandchildren of Holocaust perpetrators or the grandchildren of inactive bystanders carry any obligations that are only related to their ancestry? These questions will be at the centre of this investigation. It will be argued that five different models of justification are available for or against transgenerational obligations, namely liberalism, the unique evil argument, the psychological view, a form of consequentialist pragmatism and the community-based approach. Only two (...)
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  34. Ethical opinions and personal attitudes of young adults conceived by in vitro fertilisation.S. Siegel, R. Dittrich & J. Vollmann - 2008 - Journal of Medical Ethics 34 (4):236-240.
    Background: Today in vitro fertilisation is a widespread and important technique of reproductive medicine. When the technique was first used, it was considered ethically controversial. This is the first study conducted of adult IVF-offspring in order to learn about their ethical opinions and personal attitudes towards this medical technology.Methods: We recruited the participants from the first cases of in vitro fertilisation in Germany at the Gynaecological Clinic of the University Hospital Erlangen. Our qualitative interview study consisted of in-depth, face-to-face (...)
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    Hermann Patsch: Der unpfäffische Schleiermacher. Karl Gutzkow und das Schleiermacher-Bild des Jungen Deutschlands – Zur Konstruktion eines Gegenmythos.Hermann Patsch - 2017 - Journal for the History of Modern Theology/Zeitschrift für Neuere Theologiegeschichte 24 (2):240-299.
    The non-clerical („unpfäffisch“) Schleiermacher. Karl Glutzkow and the Schleiermacher image of Young Germany. Towards a construction of a countermyth. After Friedrich Schleiermacher’s death on February 12, 1834, his disciples and his family endeavoured to idealize him as an exemplary figure of the church by publishing a complete edition of his published and unpublished works as well as a selection from his letters. (1) Schleiermacher’s Christian death („christliche Euthanasie“). This endeveaour began with the sermons delivered at the funeral and (...)
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    De jeugd in de filosofie-The Impact of Youth in Philosophy.Herbert De Vriese - 2006 - Bijdragen 67 (1):42-71.
    Young Hegelianism has often been identified as a crucial element in the reorientation of Western philosophy during the mid-nineteenth century. Due to its substantial contribution to the ‘revolutionary rupture’ between Hegel and Nietzsche, it is even said to have had a direct and lasting influence on the identity of philosophy today. This article attempts to shed a new light on the Young Hegelians’ radical critique of traditional philosophy by focusing on their existential condition as youngphilosophers. More particularly, it (...)
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    Prolegomena zur Historiosophie. [REVIEW]S. S. L. - 1982 - Review of Metaphysics 35 (4):860-861.
    The second French revolution of 1830 reconfirmed--at least in the hearts of Europe's liberal intellectuals--the final advent of the long-awaited political and cultural millennium. The first revolution, which Napoleon had perverted, would now be restored by the mass of people now first and fully conscious of their rights. Along with "Young Germany," the "Young Hegelians" expectantly searched out the first signals of this irresistible new tide of freedom, and among them, August von Cieszkowski was the first to (...)
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  38.  20
    Про підвищення якості сучасної вищої освіти і духовно-морального виховання молоді: Німецький та інший європейський досвід.S. V. Blaginina, S. P. Pylypenko & O. M. Osnatch - 2019 - Гуманітарний Вісник Запорізької Державної Інженерної Академії 75:90-104.
    The relevance of the study has two sides — individual and general. In its essential aspect, it is the development of achievements of predecessors by consistently taking into account the latest data on trends and changes in the interconnected spheres of education, economics and culture. In the individual aspect, it is about improving the professional means of improving the efficiency of teaching foreign languages in order to form students with a high level of linguistic-professional competence. Public relevance is the goal (...)
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    Natural ways are better: Adolescents and the 'anti-obesity' Gene.Mairi Levitt - 1997 - Science and Engineering Ethics 3 (3):305-315.
    Empirical research with young people in Finland, Germany, Spain and Britain was carried out as part of the BIOCULT project funded by the European Union. The project focused on their attitudes to biotechnology and, in particular, the formation of arguments about risk and safety. This paper looks at the responses of 14–18 year olds to a story about the so called anti-obesity gene, in the form of advice to a friend who is taking it. The majority advised against (...)
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    Carl Schmitt: A Biography.Reinhard Mehring - 2014 - Malden, MA: Polity.
    Carl Schmitt is one of the most widely read and influential German thinkers of the twentieth century. His fundamental works on friend and enemy, legality and legitimacy, dictatorship, political theology and the concept of the political are read today with great interest by everyone from conservative Catholic theologians to radical political thinkers on the left. In his private life, however, Schmitt was haunted by the demons of his wild anti-Semitism, his self-destructive and compulsive sexuality and his deep-seated resentment against the (...)
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    Editorial: „Special Focus on Holm Tetens’s ‚Thinking God‘ “.Godehard Brüntrup - 2017 - Neue Zeitschrift für Systematicsche Theologie Und Religionsphilosophie 59 (4):465-467.
    SummaryIn Germany, Holm Tetens is an influential analytic philosopher of science, mind, and logic. For many years he had been arguing within the widely accepted framework of naturalism and atheism. It came, to put it mildly, as a surprise to the entire philosophical community in Germany when he published a book defending theism in 2015. In this book “Thinking God” he claims that physicalism is an incomplete account of reality, because the mental and ideal realm cannot be reduced (...)
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    Balancing Feminism.Bettina Schmitz - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 25:95-108.
    Coming from Germany in Europe I am starting with Feminism from a Western point of view but with a perspective of dialogue with Feminisms in other parts of the World. My inquiry deals with problems of the present time, especially how to make Feminism interesting not only to a philosophical or academic public, but to people from all professional fields and disciplines. The political perspective of feminist philosophy can be underlined with the central definition the Austrian philosopher Herta Nagl (...)
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    Froebel and the Rise of Educational Theory in the United States.Meika Sophia Baader - 2004 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 23 (5):427-444.
    This contribution compares entries on Friedrich Froebel and the kindergarten in German and United States’ histories of education from 1857 to 1933. In the American histories, Froebel appears as the great “hero” of education of the 19th century, whereas in the German histories, Pestalozzi is the “hero.” This difference in the perspectives goes back to fundamental differences in the political culture and political traditions of the two countries, which differed greatly as to the shaping of the public and private spheres. (...)
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    Pathische Gründung. Arnold Metzger und die deutsche Umkehr aus dem Geiste des Schmerzes.Albert Dikovich - 2022 - Revue d'Allemagne Et des Pays de Langue Allemande 54 (1):25-36.
    For the young philosopher and short-time revolutionary functionary Arnold Metzger, the First World War was of key importance for his idea of a moral conversion which he regarded as the most urgent task of the German Revolution of 1918. According to him, the youth returning from the trenches was united by the collective experience of pain: pain caused by the traumatizing violence of the war and the collapse of old beliefs. Yet for Metzger, this pain also implied a positive (...)
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  45.  42
    The Racism of Eric Voegelin.Wulf D. Hund - 2019 - Journal of World Philosophies 4 (1):1-22.
    As a young scholar, Eric Voegelin wanted to prove whether the ‘race idea’ could function as a means of political integration. He published two books on race that, after his flight to the USA, were eventually passed off as an early critique of racism. This is a complete misinterpretation and inversion of his endeavor. In his tracts, Voegelin only criticized a certain direction of race thinking that he identified as a materialistic biological approach to the problem. At the same (...)
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    The Language of Postwar Intellectual Schmittianism.Timo Pankakoski - 2018 - The European Legacy 23 (6):607-627.
    The article analyzes the work of Hanno Kesting, Reinhart Koselleck, Roman Schnur, and Nicolaus Sombart—four young followers of Carl Schmitt in postwar Germany. Their “intellectual Schmittianism” was less than a full commitment to Schmitt’s political positions, yet had more than an arbitrary similarity with them: it pertained to assumptions, categories, and modes of thought. Drawing on Pocock’s terminology, I identify a particular “language” of intellectual Schmittianism, introduce its key components, and analyze their interaction. I focus on six categories (...)
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    Histories of sexology today: Reimagining the boundaries of scientia sexualis.Kirsten Leng & Katie Sutton - 2021 - History of the Human Sciences 34 (1):3-9.
    The historiography of sexology is young. It is also expanding at a remarkable pace, both in terms of the volume of publications and, more notably, in terms of its geographical, disciplinary, and intersectional reach. This special issue takes stock of these new directions, while offering new research contributions that expand our understanding of the interdisciplinary and transnational formation of this field from the late 19th through to the mid 20th century. The five articles that make up this special issue (...)
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    A Debate on Jewish Emancipation and Christian Theology in Old Berlin.Richard Crouter (ed.) - 2004 - Hackett Publishing Company.
    When wealthy Jewish industrialist David Friedländer proposed in 1799 that Berlin's Jews undergo a sham conversion to Christianity in return for full German citizenship, he touched off a political and theological debate that would continue to define the relation between Jewish and German identity for more than a century. In the series of provocative letters collected here, Friedländer, Protestant leader Wilhelm Abraham Teller, and young Christian theologian Friedrich Schleiermacher debate Friedländer's radical proposal. In so doing, they grapple with many (...)
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    Deconstruction.Thomas Khurana - 2017 - In Hauke Brunkhorst, Cristina Lafont & Regina Kreide, Habermas Handbook. New York: Columbia University Press. pp. 170–177.
    Habermas’s exchange with Jacques Derrida is situated within the debate about modernity and postmodernity. When he was awarded the Adorno Prize in 1980, Habermas defended the “unfinished project of modernity” in his acceptance speech; the opponents of modernity he identified included — in addition to old conservatives and neoconservatives of the recognizable variety — a group of “Young Conservatives,” among whom he numbered Michel Foucault and Jacques Derrida (“Modernity,” 53). The Philosophical Discourse of Modernity (1985) devotes two chapters to (...)
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    The Harmony of Illusions: Inventing Post-traumatic Stress Disorder.Allan Young - 1995 - Princeton: Princeton University Press.
    As far back as we know, there have been individuals incapacitated by memories that have filled them with sadness and remorse, fright and horror, or a sense of irreparable loss. Only recently, however, have people tormented with such recollections been diagnosed as suffering from "post-traumatic stress disorder." Here Allan Young traces this malady, particularly as it is suffered by Vietnam veterans, to its beginnings in the emergence of ideas about the unconscious mind and to earlier manifestations of traumatic memory (...)
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