Results for 'Yongling Pan'

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  1.  20
    Cognitive Control Deficits in Children With Subthreshold Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder.Caiqi Chen, Zhuangyang Li, Xiqin Liu, Yongling Pan & Tingting Wu - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    Subthreshold Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder is defined as a neurobiological condition with some core inattentive or hyperactive/impulsive symptoms of ADHD which do not meet the full diagnosis clinically. Although it has been well documented that deficits in cognitive control, a high-level cognitive construct closely related to attention, are frequently found among children with ADHD, whether subthreshold ADHD is also associated with similar deficits remains unclear. In this study, we examined the attention functions and the cognitive control capacity in children with ADHD, those (...)
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    Das Wichtigste im Leben: Wang Yangming und seine Nachfolger über die “Verwirklichung des ursprünglichen Wissens” . By Iso Kern.Yongling Bao - 2015 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 42 (1-2):259-262.
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  3. Lun heng ci dian.Yongle Shi - 2005 - Beijing: Ren min chu ban she. Edited by Jingming Wang.
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    CSR as Gendered Neocoloniality in the Global South.Banu Ozkazanc-Pan - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 160 (4):851-864.
    Corporate social responsibility has generally been recognized as corporate pro-social behavior aimed at remediating social issues external to organizations, while political CSR has acknowledged the political nature of such activity beyond social aims. Despite the growth of this literature, there is still little attention given to gender as the starting point for a conversation on CSR, ethics, and the Global South. Deploying critical insights from feminist work in postcolonial traditions, I outline how MNCs replicate gendered neocolonialist discourses and perpetuate exploitative (...)
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    Pan Wenguo yu yan lun ji.Wenguo Pan - 2019 - Shanghai Shi: Hua dong shi fan da xue chu ban she.
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    Pan Fu'en zi xuan ji =.Fu'en Pan - 1999 - Chongqing: Chongqing chu ban she.
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    Pan Shu quan ji =.Shu Pan - 2007 - Beijing: Ren min jiao yu chu ban she.
  8.  16
    Pan Yuting xian sheng tan hua lu.Yuting Pan - 2012 - Shanghai Shi: Fu dan da xue chu ban she. Edited by Wenjiang Zhang.
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  9. Bhagavadbādarāyaṇaproktottaramīmāṃsākhyabrahmasūtrasya śaktibhāṣyam.Pañcānana Tarkaratna - 1984 - Dillī: Parimala Pablikeśansa. Edited by Bādarāyana.
    Commentary on the Brahmasūtra of Bādarāyaṇa, aphoristic basic text of Vedānta philosophy, from Shakta point of view.
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  10. Nravstveni osnovi na partiĭnata deĭnost.Panʹo Danev - 1983 - Sofii︠a︡: Partizdat.
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  11. Moral i upravlenie.Panʹo Danev - 1976
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  12. Nravstvenoto vŭzpitanie na sotsialisticheskata lichnost.Panʹo Danev - 1975
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  13.  9
    Herakleitos z Efezu.Július Špaňár - 2007 - Bratislava: Kalligram.
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    The Art of Lamentation in the Works of Pan Yue: "Mourning the Eternally Departed".C. M. Lai & Pan Yue - 1994 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 114 (3):409-425.
  15. What is so special about episodic memory: lessons from the system-experience distinction.Shen Pan - 2022 - Synthese 200 (1):1-26.
    Compared to other forms of memory, episodic memory is commonly viewed as special for being distinctively metarepresentational and, relatedly, uniquely human. There is an inherent ambiguity in these conceptions, however, because “episodic memory” has two closely connected yet subtly distinct uses, one designating the recollective experience and the other designating the underlying neurocognitive system. Since experience and system sit at different levels of theorizing, their disentanglement is not only necessary but also fruitful for generating novel theoretical hypotheses. To show this, (...)
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  16.  16
    Entrepreneurial Ecosystems: A Gender Perspective.Banu Ozkazanc-Pan & Susan Clark Muntean - 2021 - Cambridge University Press.
    Based on extensive fieldwork, this book demonstrates how gender is an organizing principle of entrepreneurial ecosystems and makes a difference in how ecosystem resources are assembled and how they can be accessed. By bringing visibility to how ecosystem actors are heterogeneous across identities, interactions and experiences, the book highlights the role and complexity of individual, organizational, and institutional factors working in concert to create and maintain gendered inequities. Entrepreneurial Ecosystems provides research-driven insights around effective organizational practices and policies aimed at (...)
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    (1 other version)A Study on Chinese Confucian Classics and Neo‐Confucianism in the Song‐Ming Dynasties, Volumes 1 and 2. By Cai Fanglu.Pan Song & Chung-Ying Cheng - 2014 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 41 (S1):757-761.
  18.  47
    Cultural differences in on-line sensitivity to emotional voices: comparing East and West.Pan Liu, Simon Rigoulot & Marc D. Pell - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  19.  11
    Vedanta, dharma, and science: a critical exposition.Paṇḍharīnātha Prabhū - 1990 - Ahmedabad: Maharshi Academy of Vedic Sciences.
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  20.  24
    Examining the Intergovernmental and Interorganizational Network of Responding to Major Accidents for Improving the Emergency Management System in China.Pan Tang, Haojia Chen & Shiqi Shao - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-16.
    Since the SARS crisis in 2003, institutionalized emergency management systems have been established in each government level for improving inter-organizational collaboration in China. Major accidents require participation of public organizations affiliated with multiple government levels, and the lack of collaboration and coordination among the involved organizations within the critical time constraints during the response process is an existing problem. In this research, a case study of examining the intergovernmental and cross-sectoral collaboration for responding to a well-known oil pipeline explosion accident (...)
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  21.  30
    Massive Open Online Course Versus Flipped Instruction: Impacts on Foreign Language Speaking Anxiety, Foreign Language Learning Motivation, and Learning Attitude.Hui Pan, Fang Xia, Tribhuwan Kumar, Xiang Li & Atefeh Shamsy - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    This study inspected the effect of Massive Open Online Course and flipped instruction on EFL learners’ foreign language speaking anxiety, foreign language learning motivation, and attitude toward English learning. To fulfill this objective, the Oxford Quick Placement Test was given to 160 Iranian EFL learners, of whom 120 upper-intermediate participants were chosen and divided into two experimental groups—MOOC and flipped —and one control group. After that, all selected participants were administered a speaking anxiety questionnaire and a motivation questionnaire as the (...)
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  22.  57
    Review of Charles E. Lindblom and David K. Cohen: Usable Knowledge: Social Science and Social Problem Solving[REVIEW]William H. Panning - 1981 - Ethics 92 (1):162-163.
  23.  34
    The Newspaper as an Epideictic Meeting Point : On the Epidictic Nature of the Newspaper Argumentation.Fernando López Pan - 2015 - Argumentation 29 (3):285-303.
    This article shows how epideictic rhetoric and argumentation may be interrelated in a general-interest newspaper framed as a single discourse produced by a collective author. In more specific terms, the view advanced here is that newspaper as whole has an epideictic dimension which, in terms of argumentation, is the fundamental or predominant one. The usefulness of this approach is twofold. In terms of rhetoric, to explore the applicability of epideictic rhetoric to journalistic discourse; and in the field of journalism studies, (...)
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  24. Do Customers Pay Attention to Motivations and Switching Costs When They Terminate Their Relationships?Pan Huifeng & Hong-Youl Ha - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    One size doesn’t fit all: How institutional complexity within the state shapes firms’ environmental innovation.Xin Pan, Xuanjin Chen, Haojing Guo & Yucheng Zhang - 2020 - Business Ethics: A European Review 29 (3):438-450.
    Business Ethics: A European Review, EarlyView.
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  26. RBF Neural Network Backstepping Sliding Mode Adaptive Control for Dynamic Pressure Cylinder Electrohydraulic Servo Pressure System.Pan Deng, Liangcai Zeng & Yang Liu - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-16.
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  27.  11
    Risk Factors for Facial Appearance Dissatisfaction Among Orthognathic Patients: Comparing Patients to a Non-Surgical Sample.Pan Shi, Yufei Huang, Hui Kou, Tao Wang & Hong Chen - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
    This study conducted a cross-sectional investigation of facial appearance dissatisfaction between patients before undergoing orthognathic surgery and a non-surgical sample to evaluate the potential influencing factors of facial appearance dissatisfaction. A sample of 354 participants completed a set of questionnaires concerning facial appearance dissatisfaction, interpersonal pressure, media pressure, and fear of negative appearance evaluation (112 patients, 242 controls). The patients reported higher facial appearance dissatisfaction, more media pressure, more interpersonal pressure, and a greater fear of negative appearance evaluation among others (...)
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  28. volume 6]. Ming dai juan.Pan Liyong zhu - 2017 - In Fanren Zeng, Haiwen Qi & Yanshun Liu, Zhongguo mei yu si xiang tong shi. Jinan Shi: Shandong ren min chu ban she.
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    Carl Schmitt on Culture and Violence in the Political Decision.David Pan - 2008 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 2008 (142):49-72.
    Though he has become known to his detractors as a theorist who has replaced rational discourse with pure power in his theory of the decision, Carl Schmitt's notion of politics is, on a fundamental level, culturally and ethically based. This cultural and ethical conception of politics permeates his work, not only in texts about explicitly cultural issues, such as his 1916 study of Theodor Däubler's Expressionist Nordlicht or his meditation on the connection between politics and art in Shakespeare in Hamlet (...)
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  30.  22
    My Student Life in the United States During World War II.Pan Weidong - 2003 - Chinese Studies in History 37 (1):82-91.
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  31.  44
    Buddhist-Christian Complementarity in the Perspective of Quantum Physics.Lai Pan-Chiu - 2002 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 22 (1):149-162.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Buddhist-Christian Studies 22 (2002) 149-162 [Access article in PDF] Buddhist-Christian Complementarity in the Perspective of Quantum Physics Lai Pan-chiu Chinese University of Hong Kong Introduction The idea of Buddhist-Christian complementarity is by no means new. 1 But what is meant by "complementarity"? In quantum physics, the concept of "complementarity" has been extensively discussed due to the principle of complementarity introduced by Niels Bohr (1885-1962). This principle is also one (...)
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  32.  53
    A Mahayana Reading of Chalcedon Christology: A Chinese Response to John Keenan.Pan-Chiu Lai - 2004 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 24 (1):209-228.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:A Mahāyāna Reading of Chalcedon Christology:A Chinese Response to John KeenanPan-chiu LaiIntroductionThe Christological formula of Chalcedon, especially its use of the substantialist concepts such as ousia, hypostatsis, and so on, has long been a target of criticism in the history of Western Christian theology.1 Recently, Kwok Pui-lan, an Asian feminist theologian, has queried not only the language or way of thinking of traditional Western Christology, but also its anthropocentric (...)
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  33.  27
    Nature Observed and Imagined: Five Hundred Years of Chinese Painting.An-yi Pan & Ellen Avril - 2013 - Philosophy East and West 63 (2).
  34.  43
    On Chung-Ying Cheng’s Onto-Hermeneutics.Pan Derong & Katherine R. Xin - 1995 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 22 (2):215-231.
  35.  22
    An Examination of Factors Contributing to the Acceptance of Online Health Misinformation.Wenjing Pan, Diyi Liu & Jie Fang - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:630268.
    This study examined factors including health-related anxiety, preexisting misinformation beliefs, and repeated exposure contributing to individuals’ acceptance of health misinformation. Through a large-scale online survey, this study found that health-related anxiety was positively associated with health misinformation acceptance. Preexisting misinformation beliefs, as well as repeated exposure to health misinformation, were both positively associated with health misinformation acceptance. The results also showed that demographic variables were significantly associated with health misinformation acceptance. In general, females accepted more health misinformation compared to males. (...)
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  36. Brahmāṇḍa-darśana.Paṅkaja Śāṃ Joshī - 2008 - Vaḍodarā: Yajña Prakāśana.
    Writings on Hindu cosmology and science.
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  37.  21
    Semantic preview benefit and cost: Evidence from parafoveal fast-priming paradigm.Jinger Pan, Ming Yan & Jochen Laubrock - 2020 - Cognition 205 (C):104452.
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  38.  10
    Studies in Sanskrit Śāstras.Ravīndra Kumāra Paṇḍā - 2000 - Delhi: Paramamitra Prakashan.
    Collection of research papers on various aspects of Hindu philosophy, Puranas and Sanskrit literature.
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    Adaptive Gradient-Based Iterative Algorithm for Multivariable Controlled Autoregressive Moving Average Systems Using the Data Filtering Technique.Jian Pan, Hao Ma, Xiao Jiang, Wenfang Ding & Feng Ding - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-11.
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  40.  99
    Mahāyāna Interpretation of Christianity: A Case Study of Zhang Chunyi (1871–1955).Pan-Chiu Lai & Yuen-tai So - 2007 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 27 (1):67-87.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Mahāyāna Interpretation of Christianity:A Case Study of Zhang Chunyi (1871–1955)Lai Pan-chiu and So Yuen-taiMahāyāna Buddhism is one of the most popular religions in East Asia. It reflects the characteristics of the culture of East Asia and has had a tremendous impact on the culture(s) of the region. When Christianity was introduced into East Asia, it did not enter a religious vacuum. Because the people of East Asia have their (...)
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  41. Doing Well While Doing Bad? CSR in Controversial Industry Sectors.Ye Cai, Hoje Jo & Carrie Pan - 2012 - Journal of Business Ethics 108 (4):467 - 480.
    In this article, we examine the empirical association between firm value and CSR engagement for firms in sinful industries, such as tobacco, gambling, and alcohol, as well as industries involved with emerging environmental, social, or ethical issues, i.e., weapon, oil, cement, and biotech. We develop and test three hypotheses, the window-dressing hypothesis, the value-enhancement hypothesis, and the value-irrelevance hypothesis. Using an extesive US sample from 1995 to 2009, we find that CSR engagement of firms in controversial industries positively affects firm (...)
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  42. Buddhism as Philosophy: An.Pan-Chiu Lai - 2008 - Ars Disputandi 8:1566-5399.
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    (1 other version)On Zhu Xi’s Theory of Interpretation.Pan Derong & Peng Qifu - 2006 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 33 (5):135-143.
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    Using a Two-Tier Test to Examine Taiwanese Graduate Students’ Misunderstanding of Responsible Conduct of Research.Sophia Jui-An Pan & Chien Chou - 2015 - Ethics and Behavior 25 (6):500-527.
    The present study investigates Taiwanese graduate students’ general understanding and misunderstanding of Responsible Conduct of Research. A total of 580 graduate students responded to the self-developed Responsible Conduct of Research Reasoning Test. The results reveal that, first, students did not have sufficient knowledge to reason why a particular instance of research conduct was doable or not. Second, the statistical results show that female students, students majoring in the humanities or the social sciences, doctoral-level students, and students with RCR-related training outperformed (...)
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  45.  46
    Examining the relationship between negative media coverage and corporate social responsibility.Xin Pan, Xuanjin Chen & Xue Yang - 2022 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 31 (3):620-633.
    Business Ethics, the Environment &Responsibility, Volume 31, Issue 3, Page 620-633, July 2022.
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    Re-examination of Fundamental Concepts of Heat, Work, Energy, Entropy, and Information Based on NGST.Pan Lingli & Cui Weicheng - 2022 - Philosophy Study 12 (1):1-17.
    In order to use the framework of general system theory (GST) to unify the three mechanics subjects of classical mechanics, quantum mechanics, and relativistic mechanics, a new general system theory (NGST) is developed based on a new ontology of ether and minds as the fundamental existences in the world. Based on this new ontology, many fundamental concepts have been detected to be ambiguously defined nowadays and particularly lack of ontological support. In our previous work, some of the fundamental concepts such (...)
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  47. The Primitivist Critique of Modernity: Carl Einstein and Walter Benjamin.David Pan - 2001 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 2001 (119):41-57.
  48.  45
    Process Christology and Christian-Confucian Dialogue in China: With Special Reference to Cobb’s Christology.Pan-Chiu Lai - 2004 - Process Studies 33 (1):149-165.
  49.  11
    7. Shaping Humanity with Word and Spirit: Perspectives East, West and Neither-East-Nor-West.Pan-Chiu Lai - 2014 - In Anselm Kyongsuk Min & Christoph Schwöbel, Word and Spirit: Renewing Christology and Pneumatology in a Globalizing World. De Gruyter. pp. 131-150.
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    Zong jiao dou shi shu tu tong gui?: zong jiao yan jiu yu Han yu shen xue de shi jiao = Divergent religious paths to convergent end?: perspectives of religious studies and Sino-Christian theology.Pan-Chiu Lai - 2020 - Xianggang: Dao feng shu she.
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