Results for 'Yolanda Martínez-Beneyto'

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  1.  27
    Professional attitudes toward oral lichen planus: need for national and international guidelines.Pía López-Jornet, Yolanda Martínez-Beneyto, Antonio Velandrino Nicolás & Vicente Jornet García - 2009 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 15 (3):541-542.
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    Behaviour and attitudes among Spanish general dentists towards the anticoagulated patient: a pilot study.Pia López‐Jornet, Fabio Camacho‐Alonso, Myriam Gonzalez Escribano & Yolanda Martinez‐Beneyto - 2010 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 16 (3):539-541.
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    Producción, reproducción y esfera pública: las que limpian.Yolanda Martínez Suárez - 2023 - Eikasia Revista de Filosofía 114:35-56.
    Este artículo tiene por objeto reflexionar sobre la articulación de la producción y la reproducción desde un plano normativo, a partir del movimiento de las que limpian. Para ello se analizará la lucha de las Kellys siguiendo la conceptualización de «luchas de frontera» de Nancy Fraser. Se examinarán las estrategias de invisibilización del trabajo de infraestructura del cuidado y su articulación entre lo público y lo privado, dando cuenta de sus contradicciones. Para concluir, poniendo el foco en el proceso de (...)
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    The Positive Spiral Between Problem-Solving Management and Trust: A Study in Organizations for Individuals With Intellectual Disability.Yolanda Estreder, Vicente Martínez-Tur, Inés Tomás, Alice Maniezki, José Ramos & Luminiţa Pătraş - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    To achieve their goals, organizations for individuals with intellectual disability have to stimulate high-quality relationships between professionals and family members. Therefore, achieving professionals’ trust in family members has become a challenge. One relevant factor in explaining professional’s trust in families is the degree to which family members use the “problem-solving” conflict management strategy in their disputes–disagreements with professionals. It is reasonable to argue that when family members use problem-solving conflict management, professionals’ trust increases. Professionals’ trust, in turn, stimulates the use (...)
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    HIRSCHMANN, Ursula: Nosotros, sin patria, introducción, revisión y notas de María Xosé Agra Romero, Edicions Bellaterra, Barcelona, 2019, 151p. [REVIEW]Yolanda Martínez Suárez - 2020 - Agora 39 (2):247-249.
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    How Well Have Social Economy Financial Institutions Performed During the Crisis Period? Exploring Financial and Social Efficiency in Spanish Credit Unions.María Pilar Sierra-Fernández, Yolanda Fernández-Santos & Almudena Martínez-Campillo - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 151 (2):319-336.
    As Social Economy financial institutions, credit unions have traditionally been considered less efficient than traditional banking entities. However, like banks and savings banks, they have to be as efficient and competitive as possible to survive in today’s business environment, especially at times of crisis. To date, there have been very few studies on their efficiency and practically none for the crisis period. Moreover, almost all the existing studies assess only financial efficiency, without considering their social function. This study examines the (...)
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    How Well Have Social Economy Financial Institutions Performed During the Crisis Period? Exploring Financial and Social Efficiency in Spanish Credit Unions.Almudena Martínez-Campillo, Yolanda Fernández-Santos & María del Pilar Sierra-Fernández - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 151 (2):319-336.
    As Social Economy financial institutions, credit unions have traditionally been considered less efficient than traditional banking entities. However, like banks and savings banks, they have to be as efficient and competitive as possible to survive in today’s business environment, especially at times of crisis. To date, there have been very few studies on their efficiency and practically none for the crisis period. Moreover, almost all the existing studies assess only financial efficiency, without considering their social function. This study examines the (...)
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  8. Transexuales, transgéneros y travestis : presencias de identidad genérica en el cine mexicano.Yolanda Mercader Martinez - 2021 - In Raquel Gutiérrez Estupiñán, Jaime Villarreal & Miguel Sáenz (eds.), Encuadres del discurso cinematográfico. Monterrey, Nuevo León, México: Editorial Universitaria de la Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León.
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    Caribbean Confederations as Relationalities.Yolanda Martínez-San Miguel - 2024 - Journal of French and Francophone Philosophy 32 (1):27-48.
    In this essay, I connect my work on Archipelago studies with Édouard Glissant’s notions of relationality and Caribbean confederations to formulate what I denominate as the erotics of archipelagic thinking. My main goal is to share my process of thinking with and through Glissant’s work to focus on a series of theoretical gestures that have allowed me to propose modes of reading literary depictions of Caribbean con/federations that go beyond the binary opposition between colonialism and nationalism. I am performing an (...)
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    SOS del sector cuero, calzado y marroquinería de la ciudad de Bogotá.María Yolanda Laverde Guzmán & Oswaldo Ospina Martínez - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (4):1-12.
    La presente investigación tiene como objetivo identificar necesidades del sector del cuero calzado y marroquinería de la ciudad de Bogotá, a nivel de digitalización. Investigación mixta de carácter exploratorio, de corte transversal, cuyos resultados evidencian la apremiante necesidad de programas y estrategias que permitan a pequeños y microempresarios generar sinergias diseñadas de manera explícita, que respondan a solucionar problemas neurálgicos para estas industria, en dinámicas de transferencia de conocimiento principalmente a nivel de competencias tecnológicas, acompañamiento en procesos de digitalización que (...)
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  11.  22
    Traffic Noise Annoyance in the Population of North Mexico: Case Study on the Daytime Period in the City of Matamoros.Benito Zamorano-González, Fabiola Pena-Cardenas, Yolanda Velázquez-Narváez, Víctor Parra-Sierra, José Ignacio Vargas-Martínez, Oscar Monreal-Aranda & Lucía Ruíz-Ramos - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Aim: The presence of noise in urban environments is rarely considered a factor that causes damage to the environment. The primary generating source is transportation means, with vehicles being the ones that affect cities the most. Traffic noise has a particular influence on the quality of life of those who are exposed to it and can cause health alterations ranging from annoyance to cardiovascular diseases. This study aims to describe the relationship between the traffic noise level and the perceived annoyance (...)
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  12.  63
    Socrates’ Aversion to Being a Victim of Injustice.Joel A. Martinez & Nicholas D. Smith - 2018 - The Journal of Ethics 22 (1):59-76.
    In the Gorgias, Plato has Polus ask Socrates if he would rather suffer injustice than perform it. Socrates’ response is justly famous, affirming a view that Polus himself finds incredible, and one that even contemporary readers find difficult to credit: “for my part, I would prefer neither, but if it had to be one or the other, I would choose to suffer rather than do what is unjust”. In this paper, we take up the part of Socrates’ response that Polus (...)
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  13. Truth in Perspective: Recent Issues in Logic, Representation and Ontology.C. Martínez, U. Rivas & L. Villegas-Forero - 2001 - Studia Logica 68 (3):404-407.
  14. Filosofía de la ciencia y ciencia no lineal.Víctor Manuel Longa Martínez - 2005 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 24 (1):19-34.
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  15. Appreciating Taylor’s Versions: An Aesthetic Love Story.Irene Martínez Marín - 2025 - In Brandon Polite (ed.), Taylor Swift and the Philosophy of Re-recording: The Art of Taylor's Versions. Bloomsbury.
    Internal coherence is of great importance for how we think about appreciating objects of aesthetic worth. A disagreement between what we judge to be worthy and what we affectively favor can prevent us from properly grasping its value. However, it is also assumed in the aesthetic domain that our taste changes over time, jeopardising such coherence constraint. These changes can lead to a mismatch between new aesthetic judgments and old aesthetic preferences. This chapter explores a number of issues that emerge (...)
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  16. Varieties of Aesthetic Autonomy.Irene Martínez Marín - 2024 - Philosophy Compass 19 (12):e70012.
    The concept of autonomy is central to many debates in aesthetics. However, exactly what it means to be autonomous in our aesthetic engagements is somewhat unclear in the philosophical literature. The normative significance of autonomy is also unclear and hotly debated. In this essay, I propose a method for clarifying this elusive concept by distinguishing three distinct senses or varieties of aesthetic autonomy: experiential autonomy, competence-based autonomy, and personal autonomy. On this taxonomy autonomy is a context-sensitive concept and autonomy applies (...)
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    La evidencia y su prueba. Diseño de un test de evidencia y su aplicación en el derecho.Juan Carlos Riofrío Martínez Villalba - 2020 - Revista Filosofía Uis 20 (1):17-48.
    El objetivo principal de este artículo es diseñar un método para detectar qué cosas pueden considerarse “evidentes”. Comienza analizando cómo se ha entendido la evidencia en la tradición aristotélica y tomista hasta nuestros días. Después del estudio histórico, en el Capítulo III se procede a realizar un análisis sistemático de la noción de evidencia y sus clases. En este trabajo se descubren diez características que aparecen en las cosas evidentes (en las ideas, en los primeros principios, nociones más básicas, pruebas, (...)
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  18. Una sociedad en movilidad: nuevas fronteras. Percepciones de los actores productivos del sector de las comunicaciones móviles. Construyendo la cuarta pantalla.Juan Miguel Aguado Terrón & Inmaculada J. Martínez Martínez - 2010 - Telos: Revista de Pensamiento Sobre Tecnología y Sociedad 83:62-71.
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    The People of the Dead Sea Scrolls: Their Writings, Beliefs, and Practices.Joseph M. Baumgarten, Florentino García Martinez, Julio Trebolle Barrera, Wilfred G. E. Watson & Florentino Garcia Martinez - 1998 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 118 (1):143.
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    Mineur et secret médical – Le secret sur son état de santé demandé par le mineur à l’égard de ses parents : de la reconnaissance d’un droit à sa mise en œuvre concrète.François Vialla, Magali Faure, Éric Martinez, Rodolphe Bourret & Jean-Philippe Vauthier - 2015 - Médecine et Droit 2015 (133):79-89.
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  21.  77
    La relatividad lingüística en Los tiempos Del mentalés.Agustín Vicente & Femando Martínez Manrique - 2003 - Theoria 18 (1):87-106.
    En este artículo reevaluamos la tesis de la relatividad lingüística tomando corno referencia la vision de la mente que Fodor ha venido ofreciendo. Partiendo de su argumento clásico a favor del lenguaje del pensamiento, veremos como el desarrollo de su tesis de la modularidad y de su mas reciente teoria psicosemántica (el atomismo informacional), permiten compatibilizar su posición con, al menos, una variedad de relatividad, la relatividad léxica. Así mismo, examinaremos su ultimo argumento en favor de la prioridad explicativa del (...)
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  22. The Issue of Bodily Rights Alienation.Noelia Martínez-Doallo - 2024 - In José-Antonio Seone & Oscar Vergara (eds.), The Discourse of Biorights: European Perspectives. Springer Nature. pp. 71-86.
    A widespread Western conception about the sanctity of the human body and its parts prevents from any morally acceptable disposition of these objects. However, this entails nothing but a dualistic conception of the human being as a composite of detachable parts — namely, body and mind. Understood as the antechamber of legal rights, moral rights perform an important — yet frequently overlooked — justifying function that permeates the political discourse. Although the connection among moral, political and legal discourses should be (...)
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  23.  8
    Series bíblica, literaria y de redes sociales: la minificción en Museo de nimiedades de José Juan Aboytia.Marlon Martínez Vela - 2024 - Valenciana 34:175-199.
    La literatura occidental, de acuerdo con Harold Bloom, tiene un par de pilares: las obras homéricas y la tradición judeocristiana: la Biblia. Esta herencia sigue viva en este siglo. Actualmente estamos inmersos en un mundo en el que las redes sociales son parte de nuestra cotidianidad, por esa razón, en este artículo me interesa mostrar tres series de minificciones que se encuentran en Museo de nimiedades (2022) de José Juan Aboytia, así como el tratamiento que este autor les da. Dichas (...)
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    The Priestley duality for wajsberg algebras.N. G. Martínez - 1990 - Studia Logica 49 (1):31 - 46.
    The Priestley duality for Wajsberg algebras is developed. The Wajsberg space is a De Morgan space endowed with a family of functions that are obtained in rather natural way.As a first application of this duality, a theorem about unicity of the structure is given.
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    African Conceptions of the Meaning of Life.Aribiah David Attoe & Yolanda Mlungwana - 2023 - In Björn Freter, Elvis Imafidon & Mpho Tshivhase (eds.), Handbook of African Philosophy. Dordrecht, New York: Springer Verlag. pp. 491-507.
    The question of life’s meaning is a universal question that not only cuts across various cultures but also resides at the back of the mind of almost every individual that has ever existed. The very desire to continue striving in this world suggests that there is something about life that makes it worth living. Even in the throes of despair and suicide, there is something that drives the existential angst that awakens such despair. Both striving and despair in life stand (...)
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  26.  36
    Does legally mandated consent to psychotherapy ensure ethical appropriateness?: The colorado experience.Mitchell M. Handelsman, Amos Martinez, Sarah Geisendorfer, Leslie Jordan, Laura Wagner, Pamela Daniel & Shanna Davis - 1995 - Ethics and Behavior 5 (2):119 – 129.
    We analyzed a sample of 356 forms containing information that Colorado law legally requires both licensed and unlicensed therapists to disclose to clients. The majority of forms contained the legally mandated information; fewer forms contained ethically desirable information. The average readability grade level was 15.74, corresponding to upper-level college, and 63.9% of the forms reached the highest (most difficult) readability grade of 17 +. Therapists are obeying the law, but do not appear to be taking advantage of the opportunity to (...)
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  27.  20
    The moral relevance of biological ties in the parental relationship.Fernando Arancibia-Collao & Camila Martínez-Villavicencio - 2022 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 51:83-108.
    Resumen En este artículo se argumenta a favor de la relevancia moral de los lazos biológicos en la parentalidad. En primer lugar, se realiza un estado del arte en base a dos cuestiones: 1) la importancia de hecho que poseen los lazos biológicos en la caracterización de la relación parental; 2) la relevancia moral de estos lazos. Se argumenta que los lazos biológicos son importantes para establecer el paradigma de la parentalidad, que este es condición de posibilidad de la moralidad (...)
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  28. Ein Reader.Kristina Lepold & Marina Martinez Mateo - 2021
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  29. La teoría pura del derecho y el derecho positivo.Higareda Loyden & Yolanda[From Old Catalog] - 1954 - [México]:
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  30. Introducción.Concepción Martínez Vidal - 2004 - Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 19 (2):129-136.
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  31. Improving performance and server resource usage with page fragment caching in distributed web servers.Leon Welicki & Oscar Sanjuan Martinez - 2007 - Emergence: Complexity and Organization 6:7.
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    Surveillance and Digital Health.Nicole Martinez-Martin & Danton Char - 2018 - American Journal of Bioethics 18 (9):67-68.
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    Epistemología y meta-epistemología histórica.María Laura Martínez Rodríguez - 2023 - Revista Colombiana de Filosofía de la Ciencia 23 (46).
    Lorraine Daston ha señalado la influencia que The emergence of probability de Ian Hacking ha tenido en su trayectoria intelectual y en su elección de la etiqueta epistemología histórica para describir su trabajo. Hacking, por su parte, ha respondido a estos señalamientos que, en primer lugar, Daston y sus colegas no hacen epistemología, sino que más bien estudian conceptos epistemológicos como objetos que evolucionan y mutan; en segundo lugar, que su trabajo sobre la probabilidad no es epistemología histórica sino, en (...)
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    Reexamining Rationales of “Fairness”: An Athlete and Insider's Perspective on the New Policies on Hyperandrogenism in Elite Female Athletes.Hida Patricia Viloria & Maria Jose Martínez-Patino - 2012 - American Journal of Bioethics 12 (7):17-19.
    The American Journal of Bioethics, Volume 12, Issue 7, Page 17-19, July 2012.
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  35. El arte de gobernar. Nota sobre Michel Foucault a 20 años de su muerte.Jorge Martinez Barrera - 2005 - Sapientia 60 (217):227-236.
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  36. Acción e identidad. Sobre la noción de identidad narrativa en P. Ricoeur.Alfredo Martínez Sánchez - 1999 - Thémata: Revista de Filosofía 22:195-200.
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  37.  24
    High‐throughput localization of organelle proteins by mass spectrometry: a quantum leap for cell biology.Denise J. L. Tan & Alfonso Martinez Arias - 2006 - Bioessays 28 (8):780-784.
    Cells are the fundamental building blocks of organisms and their organization holds the key to our understanding of the processes that control Development and Physiology as well as the mechanisms that underlie disease. Traditional methods of analysis of subcellular structure have relied on the purification of organelles and the painstaking biochemical description of their components. The arrival of high‐throughput genomic and, more significantly, proteomic technologies has opened hereto unforeseen possibilities for this task. Recently two reports(1,2) show how much can be (...)
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    Me against we: In-group transgression, collective shame, and in-group-directed hostility.Paul K. Piff, Andres G. Martinez & Dacher Keltner - 2012 - Cognition and Emotion 26 (4):634-649.
    People can experience great distress when a group to which they belong (in-group) is perceived to have committed an immoral act. We hypothesised that people would direct hostility toward a transgressing in-group whose actions threaten their self-image and evoke collective shame. Consistent with this theorising, three studies found that reminders of in-group transgression provoked several expressions of in-group-directed hostility, including in-group-directed hostile emotion (Studies 1 and 2), in-group-directed derogation (Study 2), and in-group-directed punishment (Study 3). Across studies, collective shame—but not (...)
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    25th Workshop on Logic, Language, Information and Computation.Lawrence Moss, Maricarmen Martinez, Xavier Caicedo & Ruy de Queiroz - 2019 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 27 (5):766-776.
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    De complemento a motor: la transformación de la función del ocio y turismo en las estrategias de desarrollo local. El caso de la recuperación y valorización del patrimonio cultural.Joan Noguera Tur, Adrián Ferrándis Martínez & Mar Riera Spiegelhalder - 2012 - Arbor 188 (754):379-393.
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    ¿Qué es una pregunta? Fundamentos pragmalingüísticos para la democratización de los géneros administrativo y judicial || What is a question? Pragmatics basis for the democratization of the administrative and legal genres.Javier Martínez Villarroya - 2016 - Cuadernos Electrónicos de Filosofía Del Derecho 33:89-112.
    Resumen: Los documentos jurídicos y administrativos son difíciles de entender. ¿Hay forma de corregirlos? Una de las técnicas principales en aras de la claridad es la de hacer preguntas. La fundamentación de nuestra tesis la encontramos en las teorías más relevantes de la pragmalingüística, en algunos textos clásicos y en bibliografía reciente sobre lenguaje claro y literacidad en español. Es posible y necesario fundamentar las propuestas del lenguaje claro en función de los efectos cognitivos que producen en el receptor del (...)
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    Belief base contraction by belief accrual.Cristhian A. D. Deagustini, M. Vanina Martinez, Marcelo A. Falappa & Guillermo R. Simari - 2019 - Artificial Intelligence 275 (C):78-103.
    The problem of knowledge evolution has received considerable attention over the years. Mainly, the study of the dynamics of knowledge has been addressed in the area of Belief Revision, a field emerging as the convergence of the efforts in Philosophy, Logic, and more recently Computer Science, where research efforts usually involve “flat” knowledge bases where there is no additional information about the formulas stored in it. Even when this may be a good fit for particular applications, in many real-world scenarios (...)
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    Heidegger and Learning how to Inhabit and be Inhabited by the Truth.Luis Manuel Martínez-Domínguez - 2022 - Revista de Filosofía 39:73 - 82.
    This article raises the thought of Heidegger as an alternative to the modern conceptualizations of learning that consider it as mere acquisition or construction of truth by knowledge or integration in truth through the Development of a higher level of consciousness. With Heidegger is going to be able to talk about learning how to inhabit the truth and to be inhabited by it, which implies the acquisition, the construction, the integration, but also "being-in-the-world" (Dasein) like a self before the other. (...)
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    The Essentials in Human Learning to Respond to Continuous Change.Luis Manuel Martínez-Domínguez - 2019 - Foro de Educación 17:253-270.
    When we find ourselves in this era of rapid and continuous changes in teachinglearning processes, it is pertinent to review what is essential in learning; That which however much change things can’t change so that the phenomenon of learning, can continue to call learning. This is the objective of this article, and from a phenomenological perspective, a description is proposed that captures the essence of human learning. This description has been arranged in a way that is valid for any time (...)
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    Belonging and Social Integration as Factors of Well-Being in Latin America and Latin Europe Organizations.Silvia da Costa, Edurne Martínez-Moreno, Virginia Díaz, Daniel Hermosilla, Alberto Amutio, Sonia Padoan, Doris Méndez, Gabriela Etchebehere, Alejandro Torres, Saioa Telletxea & Silvia García-Mazzieri - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    BackgroundStudies and meta-analyses found individual, meso and micro-social factors that are associated with individual well-being, as well as a positive socio-emotional climate or collective well-being.AimThis article simultaneously studies and examines these factors of well-being.MethodWell-Being is measured as a dependent variable at the individual and collective level, as well as the predictors, in three cross-sectional and one longitudinal studies. Education and social intervention workers from Chile, Spain and Uruguay participate; a subsample of educators from the south central Chile and from Chile, (...)
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  46. Reduccionismo fisicalista en la filosofía de la mente contemporánea.Jorge Martínez Barrera - 2011 - Sapientia 67 (229):235-258.
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    Vida y organismo: autopoiesis, teleología y posicionalidad plessneriana.Cristián Martínez Bravo - 2024 - Síntesis Revista de Filosofía 7 (1):82-102.
    En este trabajo sostenemos que el giro jonasiano experimentado por la teoría autopoiética de Varela, que tuvo como finalidad incluir un complemento teleológico para la autopoiesis, puede reemplazarse por la fenomenología de la biología del filósofo alemán Helmuth Plessner. Esta última, a diferencia de la propuesta jonasiana, no incluye presupuestos existenciales antropocentristas en la consideración de los seres vivos. Nuestro argumento se despliega en cuatro pasos: a) en primer lugar, desarrollaremos los elementos fundamentales de la versión clásica de la teoría (...)
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    Reseña bibliográfica del libro de Varela.César Martinez Cerutti - 2018 - Páginas de Filosofía (Universidad Nacional del Comahue) 18 (21):216-222.
    Se trata de una reseña bibliográfica del libro de Luis Enrique Varela, Filosofía Práctica y Prudencia. Lo universal y lo particular en la Ética de Aristóteles.
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    Nature and domestic life in the Valle del Cuñapirú : Reflections on Mbyá-Guaraní ethnoecology.Marta Crivos, María Rosa Martínez, María Lelia Pochettino, Carolina Remorini, Cynthia Saenz & Anahí Sy - 2004 - Agriculture and Human Values 21 (2/3):111-125.
    Through the ethnographic record of the subsistence activities partially or completely performed in the domestic sphere in two Mbyá-Guaraní settlements in Misiones, we outline factors important in describing the local natural environment. Data was collected through systematic observation and also through semi-structured interviews. Analysis indicates that the natural environment of the area is characterized by the indigenous community in several different ways. Thus, local people view the environment as made up of different “micro-environments,” and they consequently think of the elements (...)
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    The metabolic burden associated with plasmid acquisition: An assessment of the unrecognized benefits to host cells.Heather D. Curtsinger, Sofía Martínez-Absalón, Yuchang Liu & Allison J. Lopatkin - forthcoming - Bioessays:2400164.
    Bacterial conjugation, wherein DNA is transferred between cells through direct contact, is highly prevalent in complex microbial communities and is responsible for spreading myriad genes related to human and environmental health. Despite their importance, much remains unknown regarding the mechanisms driving the spread and persistence of these plasmids in situ. Studies have demonstrated that transferring, acquiring, and maintaining a plasmid imposes a significant metabolic burden on the host. Simultaneously, emerging evidence suggests that the presence of a conjugative plasmid can also (...)
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